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DOTM: May Nomination Thread

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I will second that. I would also like to nominate The Final Countdowns "Ring Of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002)". I have struggled to keep up with as many diaries as I would like the past couple of months, but FC's is always consistently good, and the shows I have read this month have been pretty enjoyable.



I second this, a really good diary.


Thanks, guys. :)


For rw, I'd like to nominate jw_forever's WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings. It's interesting: it was during this period in real-life WWE that I lost all interest in "mainstream" wrestling, and only followed ROH for a year or two. But if WWE had done things the way jw has in his diary, I never would have tuned out. His build-up to the imminent creation of ECW as a third brand has been fantastic, and it really seems like ECW will feel authentic, rather than just being the "C" brand with the ECW name slapped on it. I've also enjoyed his build of Chavo Guerrero Jr. as a face in the wake of his uncle Eddie's death. He's done a good job of having Chavo honor Eddie's memory without exploiting it in a tasteless fashion, as I thought WWE did with Mysterio. All in all, it's been a great read, and I think jw would be a deserving DOTM winner.


Not going to use my other "main" nomination at the moment, but I will use my Rookie on ColtCabana's TNA: Totally Nonsensical Action. It seems like an almost impossible challenge to create a logical present-day TNA diary without unrealistically chucking half the junk they've been doing, but Cabana seems to have managed it. Hopefully the 2 weeks or so that Cabana has been away from the forums don't mean that the diary is dead, because I've enjoyed his start.

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Just noticed something...


Real World DOTM nominee:

The birth of Nitro - Hive



I didn't read a lot this month and the one that caugh my attention is this one. It is an easy read, it stays close to reality and I can easily keep updated on it with quick and to the point matches. I'll continue to read it. It also gives me some ideas for a game I play seldomly using the 1997 mod by Genadi.

You list this in the real world category, but it isn't eligible for that. The diary was started in May, so it's in the Rookie category (and, if I understand the rules correctly, would be in the Rookie category for June as well, unless it were to win this month's poll.)

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For my Rookie nod, I would like to nominate...

Ritchardo's AWA 1989: From The Ashes.

He seems to have a very good start to this diary. Enjoying his Outlaws storyline in particular.


For my Cornellverse nod...

That one's easy. Gotta be jhd1's USPW: The Battle for Prime Time.

This will be a second on this diary. jhd1 has a wonderful vision for USPW. I might even say it's better than my own. Though he has been sick here lately, he definitely deserves this consideration.


I think I will leave my third vote open for now and try to slide in under the deadline.

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Two cornellverse nominations:


Marcel Fromage's: CZCW Get Into the Zone- which see's his already unparalled presentation skills taken to a new level with the website idea. Now most website based diaries (not that were many) went down like a lead balloon but monsieur fromage has been wise enough to keep the thread regularly updated without taking anything away from his vision and the CZCW website really is a thing of outstanding beauty.


Dragonmack's: NYCW: The David Mack Chronicles- NYCW The Homecoming- Yes there are some fine new writers out there and those who haven't had recognition before and are putting good work out there deserve to get some of the spotlight but this for me is still constently one of the best diaries out there. At the very least D-Mack's efforts this month are once again worthy of being up for nomination.

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Marcel Fromage's: CZCW Get Into the Zone- which see's his already unparalled presentation skills taken to a new level with the website idea. Now most website based diaries (not that were many) went down like a lead balloon but monsieur fromage has been wise enough to keep the thread regularly updated without taking anything away from his vision and the CZCW website really is a thing of outstanding beauty.


Seconding this for pretty much identical reasons.


And my thanks to nominator and second this month!

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