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I thought of getting this, but I'm still in the middle: http://store.steampowered.com/app/364940/


Can you actually ride the ponies or is it just inter-pony socialization? Cuz that'd be pretty gay.


It's an off-brand My Little Pony game, what do you think? Have you ever seen any MLP thing where people ride them? And not in that way you pervs.


Also, sweaty, oiled-up and scantily clad men rolling around on the ground with each other = totally hetero, colorful cartoon horses = gay?

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You're missing my point entirely: the game is 5 years old.





Mario party 6 came out in Dec of 2004. The NEW copies sell for upwards of 80 bucks. The game debuted for $40.


doesn't matter the age of a game, if people buy it because they want it.


This game may be 50 years old on here but they are new to steam and will open a new fan base.

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colorful cartoon horses = gay?


They are pink ffs. And I said it's only gay if I can't ride them, mount them, caress them. Too bad a real horse kicks you in the balls when you spank their ass. :mad:


But I take it back. I will not 'out' myself as a furry. Well...not yet (the forum is not ready).


In all seriousness, though: it seems WWE is getting released tomorrow already. If anything, the presentation seems good and at least it will give me a couple of matches to enjoy.

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Nah man, get Danny Dyer to voice every character. Instant best-seller. :p


Danny Dyer is a must for such a game! (I wont do a text-driven Danny Dyer impression because it would be rather rude :p)


I'm thrilled for a WWE PC game. Its been far too long. The mods that will be made for this game will be insane.


^ This, the PC crowd will mod it to death. There are loads of mods for the (awful) RAW game that was from the original Xbox port.


I had it since Alpha 6 (over 2 years ago) and burnt myself out. It's got much better now that it's added things like Legendary prisoners, death row, parole etc


Didn't realise it had been so long (and why so long?!), I was waiting to get it once it was fully released because i'd played a similar game previously whose name currently eludes me. Being £20 and having probably 300+ other games which i've yet to complete or even play, I can't justify it currently and especially because it's still in early access.


I tried playing Witcher 1 and got a little bored.. Witcher 2 is supposed to be better though but I've never played it (although owning it forever)


Witcher 3 comes out right around my birthday though :D


Having recently bought a GTX 980 I should get it for free! :cool: (although admittedly I still haven't played the previous two despite owning them for ages)


Who cares what it plays like? No achievements, no trading cards = no purchase!


Not sure if you're serious or not, but a question for you and everyone: Do any of you actually care about achievements or trading cards?


I'm of the generation where beating the game is achievement enough, as soon as I receive any trading cards (I honestly have no idea how or why I get them) I put them up for sale. :confused:




Mario party 6 came out in Dec of 2004. The NEW copies sell for upwards of 80 bucks. The game debuted for $40.


doesn't matter the age of a game, if people buy it because they want it.


This game may be 50 years old on here but they are new to steam and will open a new fan base.


^ This. With myself having numerous old consoles i've often looked to buy certain older games and some of them are more expensive than modern games. Yes I understand that they can now be "rare", but still... if it's someone who's supposedly just clearing out their attic/garage then they should be willing to accept a reasonable price!


In all seriousness, though: it seems WWE is getting released tomorrow already. If anything, the presentation seems good and at least it will give me a couple of matches to enjoy.


Not sure if you know the answer to this or not, but I heard on the grapevine that the XB1 and PS4 versions were stripped down from those that were released on the 360 and PS3. If that's true, which version is PC getting?

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Not sure if you know the answer to this or not, but I heard on the grapevine that the XB1 and PS4 versions were stripped down from those that were released on the 360 and PS3. If that's true, which version is PC getting?


As far as I know the 360 and PS3 version were missing the highly touted career mode that the XBOX One and PS4 included. From the article I read last week, it looks like the PC version will be in line with the PS4 and XBOX One... so everything that was in those versions will be in the PC version (along with all DLC right off the bat).


And it does look like the release is tomorrow (4/28/15 according to the Steam page). http://store.steampowered.com/app/240460/


No idea if I'll be able to swing the $45 tomorrow (I do own it on the PS3 already) but I hope I'm able to. This will be a very fun game to play (especially with all the mods that are sure to be made).

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As far as I know the 360 and PS3 version were missing the highly touted career mode that the XBOX One and PS4 included. From the article I read last week, it looks like the PC version will be in line with the PS4 and XBOX One... so everything that was in those versions will be in the PC version (along with all DLC right off the bat).


And it does look like the release is tomorrow (4/28/15 according to the Steam page). http://store.steampowered.com/app/240460/


No idea if I'll be able to swing the $45 tomorrow (I do own it on the PS3 already) but I hope I'm able to. This will be a very fun game to play (especially with all the mods that are sure to be made).


From what I heard/read, the "next-gen" versions were missing a lot of match types that were in the 360 and PS3 versions. Never know what to believe anymore! :p

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Meh, bit the bullet and purchased it tonight. The way I see it I didn't get any of the DLC on the PS3 so that'll be cool to check out. I play a lot on the PC, so it makes it a bit more worth my while and I'll probably play it way more than I did on the console. I have it preloading right now so it'll be good to go tomorrow (which works out nicely since I have the next two days off).
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Not sure if you're serious or not, but a question for you and everyone: Do any of you actually care about achievements or trading cards?


I never got how people got obsessed with it. The fact that it's publicly visible makes me believe it's the nAch (need2achieve) coming up. For me (old-school), I see achievement tied to unlocks (think Goldeneye64 cheats or F-Zero GX unlocks).


Some people are just weird. I heard someone asking whether the 'WWE booster' can be turned off so he can unlock things himself. Why? Can't he motivate himself to play the game for the enjoyment? I must say I somehow got 'addicted' to the Raid mode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 and played till I got the awesome L100 weapons (it has RPG aspects).


I did however play x360 with some attention to achievements, but when I stopped enjoying the pursuit, I stopped the pursuit altogether. I know people who raged for hours trying to get one. Why? Because of the 'prestige'?


As for WWE: we took quite a risk as there's no info whatsoever apart from "the DLC will be included". No screens, nothing...

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I never got how people got obsessed with it. The fact that it's publicly visible makes me believe it's the nAch (need2achieve) coming up. For me (old-school), I see achievement tied to unlocks (think Goldeneye64 cheats or F-Zero GX unlocks).


Some people are just weird. I heard someone asking whether the 'WWE booster' can be turned off so he can unlock things himself. Why? Can't he motivate himself to play the game for the enjoyment? I must say I somehow got 'addicted' to the Raid mode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 and played till I got the awesome L100 weapons (it has RPG aspects).


I did however play x360 with some attention to achievements, but when I stopped enjoying the pursuit, I stopped the pursuit altogether. I know people who raged for hours trying to get one. Why? Because of the 'prestige'?


I am an achievement hunter on the 360, but only if I am interested in the game. I've known people buy/rent games they have no interest in, purely because it is an easy 1000GS (Hannah Montana: The Movie anyone?), but I never saw the appeal of that. I typically aim for around 50% of the gamerscore in a game, as a well balanced achievement list should allow me to hit that point by completing the game, without grinding the hell out of it.


On Steam though, I haven't really bothered with the achievements.

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I've heard about that, but never seen that game. It sounds ridiculous though!


You just mash a button for a minute long, and it's done. It wasn't deliberately done by the dev (as in: we don't care), but it's just funny to see the cheevos pop up, just like that. People tie the 'bling'-sound to achievement. It does give me the feeling that I did something right.

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Pride, Hive. The greatest reward of all.


It also adds an inch to your e-cock. It is known.


I'm currently also replaying Witcher 2. It's fine. But I don't care about the potions so I'm playing on easy. But the bloom... so much bloom. Luckily, Sweetfx can disable it.

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It also adds an inch to your e-cock. It is known.



Ah-hem as a female I don't fall in this group I suppose. :D


I like achievements because well I like to complete things so when a game gives me them I try to reach them.


I spent a while just crushing Graves on Diablo 3 because one of the goals was like 50 I think


It's just something some of us do...for no known reason.

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I like achievements that aren't there just for the sake of it.


"Do X without taking damage" or "Perform X kills with a knife" make you feel like you've achieved something. "Collect all the crappy little collectibles that make no sense and break immersion" just makes me feel like I've wasted my life. :p

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I like achievements that aren't there just for the sake of it.


"Do X without taking damage" or "Perform X kills with a knife" make you feel like you've achieved something. "Collect all the crappy little collectibles that make no sense and break immersion" just makes me feel like I've wasted my life. :p


Yes, D. This is it! I've always had a love/hate relationship with achievements but I've never been able to put it properly into words how I feel. But you nailed it. I like the ones that required me to do something difficult. I like the idea of being rewarded for something difficult.


But am I going to even waste one second doing something unfun in a game to add some dumb points to a meaningless gamerscore? No.

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I like achievements that aren't there just for the sake of it.


"Do X without taking damage" or "Perform X kills with a knife" make you feel like you've achieved something. "Collect all the crappy little collectibles that make no sense and break immersion" just makes me feel like I've wasted my life. :p


In Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon the main character complains as you collect VHS tapes and TVs and references collecting an obscene amount of feathers in Assassin's Creed. I laugh so hard every time.

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Meh, bit the bullet and purchased it tonight. The way I see it I didn't get any of the DLC on the PS3 so that'll be cool to check out. I play a lot on the PC, so it makes it a bit more worth my while and I'll probably play it way more than I did on the console. I have it preloading right now so it'll be good to go tomorrow (which works out nicely since I have the next two days off).


Please post some thoughts for us.

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