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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money draw

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Should be a great match I'm predicting an A*


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs.

Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Greg Black vs. Remo


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money -This will likely end in a draw.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Greg Black vs. Remo


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money Draw

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Gilmore's bound for the top, whereas Roberts is midcard for life.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Gimmicky as they may be, there's a lot of talent on the face side.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


I think Valiant and Giedroyc take it, but only just, setting up a rematch down the line.


Greg Black vs. Remo


Black's good, but at this point there's just no way he's beating Remo


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


I just can't see a single man walking out the winner, a draw seems more likely, but i could be wrong.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Assuming the start from base roster this will be a heel versus heel match unless some one is turned in a segment before the match. If so I suspect Gilmore turns, if not I suspect a much lower rating for a heel vs heel match then you'd get out of this match in face vs heel.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


I never have anything for anyone on the heel side to do when I play SWF. Lobster Warrior will be a break out star, I'm a huge Retro fan and Jungle Lord and Captain Atomic have got what it takes to go far.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Face vs Face match up. Won't take as bad as your heel vs heel match with Gilmore and Roberts but we could see a turn here too as your try and even out the roster. I say if there is a turn its the Bumfholes... who will likely get a new name with the turn.



Greg Black vs. Remo


Black just can't stand toe to toe with Remo so the monster gets this one.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Sports Entertainment finish (or some other no win finish). Eisen doesn't want a number one contender for his title. I suspect you won't turn anyone here but three same disposition matches (this being another face vs face) is a little suspect on one card.

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Assuming the start from base roster this will be a heel versus heel match unless some one is turned in a segment before the match.


Oh good god, I didn't even realize that Angry Gilmore was heel in the default data. That makes me look pretty bad. wow. Work has been kicking my butt as of late and I guess I completely spaced on this one. I promise that it won't happen again. Honestly, I'm pretty embarrassed. ha.


To be 100% honest, if I had the chance to, I would probably have gone with a completely different card then the one that I just put up. ha. With not realizing that Gilmore was a 'heel' and also second-guessing my own decisions already; It just seems disheartening to dive into writing for the show if it seems like it's going to seem like a mess.

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This is what I've decided (and no i'm not quitting; ha.):


It sounds funny but i'm actually pretty disheartened by what came about in my first ever SWF show (ie: not realizing Gilmore was a 'heel' and generally recieving bad grades all together). So, what I plan on doing is this...


I'm going to restart my game and make one edit to the original game-world and that is turning Angry Gilmore babyface. This way, The card still works perfectly and I can do a better job of really paying attention to the details (Honestly, with all that's been going on this week, I feel like I've been half-assing the approach thus far; something I'm not really happy with). What this means to you, nothing really changes on your end. The only thing that will probably change (outside of Gilmore's original disposition) is that the results may not be up for awhile longer. That said, I've recently realized that I've been a little too 'obsessive' about this project and really need to take my time anyways (That way small mistakes like the Gilmore mistake doesn't continue to happen). This week was, by far, the worst week for me to really push this as fast as I did as training has been absolutely brutal. My mind is fried to be honest. ha.


So, with that said, I'm going to take this weekend to re-tool, re-focus, and come back with a new version of my in-game setup. If you want to predict, You still have the chance to do so! More or less, I could have gone forward without telling you all of this but I just want you to understand where I'm coming from.


SWF Note of the Day: How the hell can you book the SWF without a brand-split? Ha. It seems impossible.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


BSS mark here, even if I do not like the rest of his team I shall go with them for the victory.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Greg Black vs. Remo


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Random ‘Supreme Superstar’ Review…







“The Supremacist” Eric Eisen

SWF World Heavyweight Champion




2010 Win/Loss Record:

US Popularity:

Current Momentum:

‘Arrogant Heel’

Gimmick Momentum:

Finisher/Signature Move(s):
“The Supremacy” [Forced Falling Knee-Strike/
aka “The Code Breaker” in the WWE

Currently Feuding with:
Jack Bruce and Rich Money

Eric Eisen is the perfect example of a sneaky, rule-bending, scenario-manipulating, heel with little-to-no redeeming qualities. Labeled as a ‘con-artist’ by most, Eisen is often seen spinning every scenario to ultimately play into his original plans; a fact that has brought on MUCH hatred for the “Supremacist”. Just when it looks like ‘silver spoon superstar’ is on the verge of reaping the negative karma he’s mischievously sown, somehow, someway, He’s able to find a way out of any, and all, predicaments. More or less, He’s slimy like a snake; and yet, as smooth as your run-of-the-mill con artist. While it’s easy to count him out, quickly labeling him as another example of nepotism at it’s most ugliest, the truth of the matter is this: Whether he knows it or not, Eric Eisen is able to mask his general lack of great in-ring skills with the constant creation of dubious game plans.


Never trust him; He'll con you out of everything. Why? He's only focused on ensuring his own legacy; not caring who he crushes in which to get to the very top of this industry.





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Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Just as you'll see from day-to-day in your TEW game, I've decided to incorporate a random profile scenario within this 'novel'. In this case, however, each person that pops up will be a 'Supreme Superstar' versus any other competitor in various other companies that are not the SWF. This will be every once in a while, sometimes more consistent than other times; however, with the overall goal of furthering the readers understanding of each SWF wrestler.


To kick it off, I thought focusing on Eric Eisen, the SWF Champion, would be best.

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I really enjoyed the Eric Eisen review. He seems like a great weasel kind of heel character. Good work so far!



Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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I really enjoyed the Eric Eisen review. He seems like a great weasel kind of heel character. Good work so far!


Thank you, Oracle.


I'm thinking these random 'Supreme Superstar' segments could work really well for giving a brief snap-shot of those within the SWF; over time. Plus, it helps me to re-fine my thoughts as I'm forced to focus on one person at a time; through out the novel itself.

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I as well thoroughly enjoyed your Supreme Superstar profile. Keep them coming, E-V!


Never have predicted for one of your diaries all the way through...but this one's gonna be different!

Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

I like Angry Gilmore, and I believe you'll give him the win after all the trouble he's made you go through in the game.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

It's against my nature to pick against Lobby. I think it would be great for a face team to win this really cool match idea.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Don't see them losing the titles on your first ever card.


Greg Black vs. Remo

I'm a huge Greg Black fan, but I think the heels get a win here with Remo.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money DRAW

With Eisen controlling this match, no one's gonna be the #1 Contender. He'll rip everyone off and make this an irritating draw.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

He's mellowed out since he's become a face, right? lol.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Can anyone beat Big Smack Scott??


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

A hard match to select since Jerry Eisen might be looking to make his mark on this show by having new champions in this title bout.


Greg Black vs. Remo

The Menacing Heel gets my vote!


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Rich pays off Eric for the win, though I can also see this match ending in a draw.

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I as well thoroughly enjoyed your Supreme Superstar profile. Keep them coming, E-V!


Never have predicted for one of your diaries all the way through...but this one's gonna be different!


Thank you, Levitical! It's great to know that you plan on predicting in this project as it's always great to see that others are so invested that they are willing to leave behind some feedback. Honestly, I'm blown away thus far with the response this project has garnered. Truly appreciative.


Angry Gilmore

He's mellowed out since he's become a face, right? lol.


You would think so but probably not. ha. Angry Gilmore will probably be just as ornery as always. ;) Just now he'll be overtly 'angry' with Heels instead of faces.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Is a face Angry Gilmore, Happy Gilmore? No. Can't be...


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Faces win the gimmick match.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Many things can happen either way honestly. I'll go with the champs though.


Greg Black vs. Remo

Remo thank you.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Draw. Eisen does the annoying heel thing and we dont get a winner.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Roberts is meant to put on great matches but rarely win, something he should do easily against Gilmore.

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Lobster Warrior swings this one for me. It's the battle of the gimmicks!

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Makes sense for the champs to win here, although no doubt the Bumfholes will come out of the match strongly.

Greg Black vs. Remo

Remo's definitely the star in waiting, Black needs his character fleshing out a little before becoming a main eventer.

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Going for a draw, probably due to an Eric Eisen-created mayhem.

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Random ‘Supreme Superstar’ Review…







”The Iron Man“ Christian Faith




2010 Win/Loss Record:

US Popularity:

Current Momentum:

‘Old School Face’

Gimmick Momentum:

Finisher/Signature Move(s):
“Leap of Faith” [Leaping back elbow] and “Test of Faith” [sleeper Hold]

Currently Feuding with:
Marat Khoklov

Very few individuals make it as far as Christian Faith has; A true ‘Living Legend’ by SWF terms. For 23 years, Faith has, arguably, been the face of the Eisen-led Empire; generating immense success for both he and the company as a whole during his tenure. He helped to usher in industry-wide dominance in the early 90’s, aided in fending off the rise of the HGC in the late 90‘s, and now has transitioned into his second decade worth of service by guiding the “Land of Supreme” ever so closer to their ultimate goal of ‘global expansion’. Needless to say, Christian Faith has been a monumental asset for the SWF for quite some time.


Known as the “Iron Man”, Faith is often perceived as unstoppable by most; praising his ‘tough-as-nails’ persona as the overriding reason he’s found much success in the industry. As others moved on, became injured, or flirted with ‘outside ventures’, Christian Faith stuck to his guns, rode out the storm, and ultimately became synonymous with the SWF, if not the industry as a whole, due to his impenetrable work ethic. Easily put, while not necessarily flashy in the slightest, Christian Faith has won the hearts, minds, and souls of those who consider themselves wrestling fans; all of them in awe of his gritty coolness.


A motorcycle driving, bandana wearing, throwback to an 80’s action star, Christian Faith is easily one of the top babyfaces the company has EVER seen. With that said, He currently looks to test the very foundation of his ‘unbreakable’ allure; flirting with the notion that HE may be the one to stand up to Marat Khoklov’s recently destructive reign atop the company he’s helped to build from the ground up. Suicidal or Brave; it really doesn‘t matter. What does; however, is that Christian Faith will certainly give everything he has to the cause. A fact that‘s proven to be true time-and-time again.





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Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Thank you to everyone who has predicted thus far. I've booked Supreme TV and now am in the process of writing the show. There are 11 segments to write and I've finished 3 thus far. So, as you can expect, it will be a bit before it's all said and done. Depending upon how busy my week is, with work and all, the results could be up at anytime this week (Sunday being the latest probably). Cheers.
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It goes without saying Eisen, that I think what you did with your John Greed diary was exceptional. Your presentation is outstanding. Your storyline delivery epic. I am glad you've jumped over to SWF, because being a bit of a Cornellverse noob it allows me very easily and succinctly to get into your characters and your feuds from the get-go. Not only that, but writers like yourself and BigPapa42 are enormous inspirations for people like me trying to piece together the CV.


This has the potential to be CV Diary of the Year.


Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts - Angry is in my top 3 favourite SWF wrestlers. He's just epic. He can deliver in ring and on the microphone. He's ultimately a massive go-to guy.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro - Everest... big blob, can't get into him. Big Smack Scott, too many ego issues. The other two I admire. On the opposite side of the equation, I enjoy all four characters. And I can certainly see a 'freakish' or 'outside the norm' type characterization that can blend them together.

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes - My personal view with Geidroyc and Valiant is to add them as a genuine team in TEW and begin to build their tag team rating. Ultimately, in the long run I see the tag-team scene as the big-plus side of SWF. Sure, some of them aren't great wrestlers individually, but there's times when you need a go-to match on your go-home show that needs a big rating, and I've found a very simple formula using a 3-4 tag match scenario involving highly over, high tag team experience based teams to deliver the big pay-off. I have a lot of time for Jack and Valiant more as a tag team than as anything in a singles premise. They can leverage off Randy and Zimmy here to bolster their championship status.


Greg Black vs. Remo - No disrespect to Greg Black, but Remo is the ultimate killing machine in ring. Potential plus.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money - I have a lot of time for Jack Bruce, but much like Angry Gilmore, Rich Money to me is one of the unsung heroes in SWF who deserves to have his career fulfilled at the top end of the card. Bruce's entertainment skills can easily rebound him from a loss here.

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It goes without saying Eisen, that I think what you did with your John Greed diary was exceptional. Your presentation is outstanding. Your storyline delivery epic. I am glad you've jumped over to SWF, because being a bit of a Cornellverse noob it allows me very easily and succinctly to get into your characters and your feuds from the get-go. Not only that, but writers like yourself and BigPapa42 are enormous inspirations for people like me trying to piece together the CV.


wow, Tristam. Honestly. All I can say is wow. It's great to know that, so far, this project has been an inspiring one. To be honest, It feels 100% different than the Greed saga; but, I think that was needed at this point as I feel rejuvenated for once.


What you said was really awesome to read though. I've said this before, but to be placed in the same sentence as BigPapa42 really stands as something special to me as he was, and still is, my greatest influence as a TEW writer as well. I only hope to bring something unique, and continually interesting, to the readers of this project/novel. I'll be the first to say that I won't always know the best way to go about things from a game perspective, or, will certainly have some 'growing pains' as I try to learn to book the SWF.... But, with that said, I will always give everything I have to make sure it's entertaining for Pro Wrestling readers of all levels.


This has the potential to be CV Diary of the Year.


Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!




Again, wow. If it can keep going, and ends up being interesting enough to garner such a prize, then I'll be very happy & fortunate as a writer.

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