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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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Time for me to really jump on the bandwagon here, NoNeck!


Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-


Wow! Go left side! lol.

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey CC dictates the winners of these two


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals While overness would seem to say who wins this one


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine And the storyline works better with this result


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion Draw. Two #1 contenders wouldn't exactly help Baine, but I can't see anything other than a schmozz finish here. And Baine wouldn't care how many are sent against him...

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Now, THAT's a talent trade. I know you're booking Spade and Glenn strong early, but I just can't imagine them going over two DeColts.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


I guess this is to give Excess legitimacy, putting them back up on par with Glenn/Spade after that 3-way tag match. Vessey may not be much in the ring, but talk about a perfect pairing with Tyler character-wise.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Law is easily the biggest name in this whole thing. (In America, at least.) I don't get how the Ring Generals made it into the main draw over Davidz/Jones or Svage Fury, let alone both.

Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


I don't see any of these guys earning a push. Davidz and Jones are a better story, though, and a better opponent for Law/Thatcher to crush next round.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-


JJ has the hotter storyline at the moment. Maybe it's just his youth, or the fact that he's called "Nicky", but ironically, I don't see Champion as championship material just yet. Justice is big, powerful and a little unpredictable... all things that might at least give Baine pause.

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Read through this whole thing over the past few days and I must say, I am loving it! When I started reading I was kind of afraid that it had died, but I am psyched to see it's still going strong. Keep up the great work.


As for predictions:


Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt

These guys have been on a bit of a roll lately.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey

I love Excess, I really want to see them pick up the win not only here, but in the tournament as a whole.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals

Either cheating or straight-up brutality, Law and Thatcher are winning this one.


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

This new team is just starting to gather some momentum, I can't see them being stopped here.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match

Before the last show I would have said Justice would take this one, but I can see him losing by count-out perhaps when he gives up on the match and dances his way to the back again.

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


This ain't Canada and Spade/Glenn are being pushed as a big deal and I don't see their momentum being derailed for a pair of guests, even if they are huge names in their own country/promotion.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


I see Vibert as the type who wants to build new stars and not 'live in the past', so the pair of old curmudgeons will be doing the job here.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Not quite a squash, as I see The Generals putting up a brave fight, but Vibert's boys are getting a strong push and for now I see the Generals being nothing more than a jobber team.


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


Davidz/Jones seem in line for a strong push, plus the way I see the other tag tournament matches going down, that sets up two heel and two face teams each in the semi finals.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-


Champion was a surprise winner in the three way and whilst Justice could get his win back here, I see Champion's momentum continuing.

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt

Spade/Glenn win over the people in on a talent trade.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey

They party hard & will still win. Why? Because they have Tiger Blood...and that means there winning.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals



Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

Davidz/Jones seems in line for a push


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

Could go either way with Justice's madness. A DRAW seems likely though.

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


This ain't Canada and Spade/Glenn are being pushed as a big deal and I don't see their momentum being derailed for a pair of guests, even if they are huge names in their own country/promotion.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


I see Vibert as the type who wants to build new stars and not 'live in the past', so the pair of old curmudgeons will be doing the job here.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Not quite a squash, as I see The Generals putting up a brave fight, but Vibert's boys are getting a strong push and for now I see the Generals being nothing more than a jobber team.


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


Davidz/Jones seem in line for a strong push, plus the way I see the other tag tournament matches going down, that sets up two heel and two face teams each in the semi finals.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-


Champion was a surprise winner in the three way and whilst Justice could get his win back here, I see Champion's momentum continuing.


I agree with these

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt

As much as I'd like the DeColts to win, it is not going to happen.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey

Old people winning? Not today.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals

Law's team loses and then allows Law to continue feud with Nicky and James? That would actually be great.


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

Just meh.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-

Draw. Ends up as a massive cluster**** with Rick Law interfering and whatnot. Match gets thrown out.

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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt

This ain't Canada.


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey

This ain't 1990.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals

My pick to win it all.


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

Undecided on this one, went with the faces to make it two face teams and two heel teams winning.


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion-#1 Contender Match-

Champion makes sense as the next challenger. Justice will probably dance his way to the back again.

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Live on Sports America

Week 2 December

St. Petersburg, FL








The show goes live and straight to the backstage parking area where Peter Valentine and his posse, Casey Valentine and Jumbo Jackson, have just arrived and are being badgered by PWC backstage reporter Tommy Townsend.



TT: “I just want to get a comment from you, Peter, if I could.”



Peter, Casey, and Jumbo all just keep moving forward, giving dirty looks to a throng of fans and well wishers that they pass.



TT: “We’ll be having an update on the medical condition of Aaron Andrews on the show tonight, Mr. Valentine; the man you hit with your limousine. Do you have anything to say to him or the thousands of members of the PWC Nation that want to know why you did it?”



Valentine abruptly stops. He does not turn around.



PV: “That. Was. an…..ACCIDENT!”



With that they resume, heading toward the building at a bit of a faster rate, being sure to leave Tommy behind.



A huge red pick-up truck roars into the parking area and draws the attention of the cameras. Tommy, done with Valentine, follows suit and heads toward it.






Nicky Champion jumps out of the driver’s seat of the big beast and waits, grabbing his bag from the back while Sam Strong climbs down from the passenger seat.



The two men head toward the building and Tommy sends the camera crew to follow them rather than going in himself. It is a good journalistic play; it picks up their conversation already in progress.



SS: “If he’s here tonight, I know who I’m going to visit first, brother. I know who we want on our side if we’re going to be putting something together again.”



He pats Nicky on the back.



SS: “He’s our type of guy, dude. He’s been there for us before.”



Nicky stops to sign an autograph for a VIP pass having fan.



SS: “You haven’t heard from Alicia today have you?”



Nicky moves past the fans before answering.



NC: “No, not yet anyway. You?”



Sam shakes his head.



SS: “Haven’t heard from her since before you and her had that fight, dude. No offense. That’s like two weeks, man.”



Nicky stops and takes a long breath. Strong, realizing how tough it is also on Nicky, does the same and slaps him on the back….. and then changes the subject entirely.



SS: “Big business to do tonight, brother. A shot at the belt if you beat Justice, right? Get your game face on.”






















A quick vignette rolls as a lead in to our first tag tournament match of the evening. It shows a replay of the events last week that led to Aaron Andrews getting hit by Peter Valentine’s limo causing him to be unable to make their scheduled rematch.



An unnamed doctor stands outside Andrews’ hospital room, his glasses all the way down on the tip of his nose.



Doc: “Well you do know that we can’t really disclose anything about Mr. Andrews’ condition, legally speaking. But I will tell you that he’s not going to be leaving this hospital anytime his week. Not under my watch, at least.”



The camera tries to sneak a peek in the hospital room behind the doctor, but the doc quickly waves them off, asking them to leave.











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Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine

-First Round PWC Tag Team Title Tournament Match-


Result: In a bout that proves to be an evenly matched contest, it is the athleticism of Davidz and Jones that puts them in position to win. Jackson and Casey try to cut every corner they can and that strategy seems to work during the match’s early going. But, even isolated, Dez Davidz is almost as powerful as two regular sized men and slowly but surely battles his way out of Jumbo’s grasp, which allows both men to make the tags that take us to the finish.



Within seconds of the tag, all four men have dumped back into the ring and are brawling all over the place. Referee Baby Jamie tries to restore order but can barely get anyone’s attention and just tries to keep the action in and around the ring rather than disqualifying anyone in a tournament setting.



Suddenly, AJ lands three stiff left hands and mule kicks Jumbo Jackson in the belly before shoving him through the cables to the floor and turning his attention to Casey Valentine, who Dez is already working over.



They hook him up and drop him with a wicked double suplex before Dez lifts him up and sits him, backward, on the top turnbuckle. Andre Jones gets a running start and leaps clean onto the top cable, right beside Casey.



SD: “WOW! What agility from Jones!”



He sneaks his head underneath Casey’s arm without losing his balance, stepping over in behind him for better position before depositing him backward with a monster backdrop suplex.



The three count is a formality.



SD: “And, believe it or not, Andre Jones and Dez Davidz have moved onto the semi finals of the tag tournament.”



MS: “Gotta love the underdogs, Doakes.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Here come Jones and Davidz with another win. Their chemistry as partners make it easier to nudge them along so quickly and I’m excited to add another team that I didn’t really plan on to my burgeoning division. It’s going to save the company some money, too, where we can spend the cash we would have doled out to a mid level face team somewhere else.



Jones/Davidz win via pinfall @ 4:20













Phil Vibert walks down the backstage hallway trailed by the equally imposing duo of his personal bodyguard, Charlie Thatcher, and his enforcer, Rick Law. He snatches a cup of coffee an intern had obviously just poured for himself and scowls at the youngster until he scurries away, sans java.





Alex and Ricky DeColt, the Maple Leaf Express, walk past in their matching red and white windbreakers talking loudly, obviously psyching each other up on the way to the ring. Phil Vibert doesn’t see them and turns, bumping flush into Alex and spilling the cup of hot bean serum all over himself.



The DeColts are both apologetic, but Vibert, watching the coffee roll down his expensive suit, is who he always is and lays into them.



PV: “Watch where you’re going, idiot? Don’t you know who I am?”



Ricky is passive, but Alex glowers at Vibert’s disrespect and steps right into his face, looking down at him for a second before both Thatcher and Law step in.



Alex slowly backs off before he and Ricky turn to head to the ring, with their match up next, as Phil brushes at his still wet suit jacket before holding Thatcher and Law back.



PV: “Don’t do anything now, boys. Let’s just keep an eye on them. Who knows if they’ll even be here after tonight; they’ll probably lose.”



The three start to snicker to themselves.



RL: “So? What about Champion and Justice tonight?”



Vibert becomes very serious again.



PV: “I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”



He leans over and whispers something to Law who almost manages a smirk. Almost.



RL: “Didn’t even know he was here tonight. That’ll be fun to watch.”












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KC Glenn & Spencer Spade vs. Maple Leaf Express

-First Round PWC Tag Team Title Tournament Match-


Result: These two great young teams apparently only know one speed and it’s overdrive. Accordingly, that’s how things go for the whole five intense minutes this one lasts. There is no let up, as each of the four men doing battle here are raging bulls; the highlight of the early going comes when KC Glenn snap suplexes both DeColts three times each before tagging in Spade who begins going to work on Ricky’s leg as he lays flat-backed on he mat.



The finish comes only a minute or so later, with Glenn and Spade still holding the advantage, double teaming the just hot tagged Alex DeColt by rushing him into a neutral corner and burying him with kicks and stomps.



SD: “And if Alex DeColt doesn’t watch out, he’s going to be eating one of those german suplex/springboard dropkick combos that these two have been doling out lately.”



MS: “If you haven’t seen it yet folks, let me tell you, it’s nasty.”



But if you haven’t seen it yet…..tonight’s not your night.



A quick two handed throat thrust for both Spade and Glenn from Alex stops their momentum cold and the smooth teamwork of he and his brother, closes the door.



He quickly crosses Glenn’s arms in front of his chest and spins him around, drilling him into the canvas with a “DeColt Driver” (straightjacket facebuster) and nabbing the decisive three while Ricky dives back in to tangle with Spade, keeping him away from his downed partner.



MS: “And let me be the first to say, I’m stunned. I thought Glenn & Spade had that one all the way.”



ER: “Who are these guys again? Are they from Canada?”



Phil’s Story Notes: Surprise! This now begs the question of whether or not I have a signed the DeColts to contracts or whether they’re here on a talent trade, right? Speculate away, wrestle-friends.



MLE win via @ 5:02














As soon as the match concludes, cameras shoot backstage where Jay Fair is kneeling over a bloody and unconscious Chris Caulfield. He does not look good. The blood pools under his head. Fair is quick to order a couple of his security team to wrangle the paramedics before grabbing the shirtsleeve of one of the road agents.



JF: “This has Eddie Peak written all over it. Find him. Check it out.”



As they walk away, he thinks for a second before hollering out, pulling one of them back in; close.



JF: “But be careful; don’t let Mr. Vibert let you know you’re looking into one of his boys, ok. Tread lightly with your snooping.”



He pats him on the shoulder.



JF: “But do a good job.”













Darryl Devine is backstage with Tommy Townsend on the interview set, patting the PWC TV Title that is draped over his shoulder.



DD: “Relax, Tommy, I know what you’re thinking.”



Tommy just looks at him.



DD: “And the answer is yes, you can stop worrying, you can stop texting me and asking; yes, I’ll be back in the ring next week.”



Tommy is impressed. Almost.



DD: “But tonight, the man…..the pompadoured idiot who used to be the TV champion is going to get his ass whipped by a psycho this week just like he got his ass whipped by T-Rex last week……..and I can’t wait to watch again.”



DD: “And then he can have his rematch against me whenever he recovers.”



He addresses the camera directly.



DD: “Take as long as you like, Elvis, because….”



He laughs.



DD: “Because when you feel that strange tingling on the back of your neck, Ford Memphis, you’d better turn around. Because it’s Darryl Devine……”



He steps off the riser and out of the shot leaving Tommy standing there for about five seconds before coming back, snatching the microphone.



DD: “And it’s already too late.”







Eddie Peak vs. Ford Memphis


Result: Eddie Peak, after being led to the ring by two nurses and an armed guard, is in top form coming off of his victory against Chris Caulfield at Genesis and rolls Ford Memphis into a tiny little ball before disposing of him with a “Peak of the Devil” (Backdrop Driver). Roxy Kitten can’t even look into the ring as referee Baby Jamie counts the three.



SD: “And Ford Memphis is still on Phil Vibert’s list, you guys. The Great White Shark obviously had orders to terminate.”



MS: “I wonder when it going to end. That’s two weeks in a row he’s been left unconscious.”



ER: “My guess is that it’ll end when Memphis packs up his blue suede shoes and hits the bricks. PWC is no place for his kind.”



SD: “And you know what else guys? Eddie was led straight from his highly secured armored car to the ring in shackles; he couldn’t have attacked Chris Caulfield earlier on.”



MS: “I wonder who did, then?”



Phil’s Story Notes: Two completely different styles coming together here. I’m curious how Peak can combine to work with some of the other guys on the roster that don’t necessarily have a ‘hardcore’ background when he finally moves on from his feud with Chris Caulfield. Memphis will pick up some overness even in the loss, I think.



Eddie Peak wins via pinfall @ 4:56













Sara Silver walks backstage, we assume toward the ring to join her boys, when Eric Tyler walks up, blocking her path. She tries to sidestep him, but he cuts her off both times she moves.



ET: “Oh, so I guess it isn’t going to be like it was out on the circuit, huh? Now that you’ve got a full time gig of your own?”



She sighs and tries to get by, but he steps in front of her yet again, breathing right down onto her.



ET: “Climbing up to a different set of beds now, are we? Mine’s not good enough for you anymore?”



He laughs and steps out of her way.



ET: “I’ve heard ‘you can’t make a ho a housewife’, but I don’t know you could make a rat a manager.”



She disappears from his view, out the tunnel where EXCESS is being introduced.



ET: “See you out there, rat. “















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EXCESS vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey

-First Round PWC Tag Team Title Tournament Match-


Result: The fans are mixed in their support even after the vignette, and early on, the match is all about the experience of Tyler and Vessey. But when Hocking reverses out of a double suplex attempt by the two veterans toward the end of the match and flips onto his feet into a hot tag to Skye, things tip in the favor of EXCESS.



And for the first time, they really show their fire, flying all around the ring with their double teams. Skye lands a pair of flying forearms that drop both veterans before Tyler wobbles in and levels Remmy with a shot to the groin.



But as Tyler begins to backpedal, trying to get to his own corner as the grimacing Skye tags in his partner, Sara Silver reaches under the bottom rope, being careful not to be seen by Baby Jamie, and trips Tyler short of his destination, leaving him easy pickings for the hot Hocking who drops him on his head with a brainbuster and covers him for three.



SD: “What a match; EXCESS moves on in the World Tag Team Title Tournament.”



ER: “But Sara Silver turned the tide in their favor, you have to admit. And what did Tyler call her? A rat?”



SD: “What’s that mean? What’s a rat?”



ER: “I’ll tell you after the show. And I’m sure you’ll be able to pick out a few at each city we go to from here on out, too.”



MS: “Oh sweet christ, forgive us.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I only have Larry Vessey for a pair of dates, but I have Eric Tyler for six months. I’ve offered contracts to a couple of other veteran tag specialists and if one of them signs, I’ll probably team then with Tyler and use them to train up some of the youngsters on the roster. EXCESS gets the win by being a regular team that’s only working with us at the moment. Remmy only has about ten more days before his contract with CZCW lapses and he’s exclusive to us.



EXCESS wins via pinfall @ 6:32






When Enygma gets to the arena, Sam Strong is outside, waiting for him. Even after being missing in action for the last two weeks, Enygma still looks like he aches as he walks from the beating he took at the hands of World Champion Tyson Baine at Genesis.



Strong doesn’t waste any time, getting beside Enygma and putting his arm around him.



SS: “Listen brother, this thing with Vibert running the whole show and having a group of his own guys…..”



Enygma puts up his hands stopping Strong mid-sentence.



E: “Save it, Sam.”



Sam is not happy and begins shaking his head.



E: “Look, I appreciate what you’re doing…..trying to put a group together.”



He looks down toward the building’s entrance, back and forth, both directions, before looking back at Strong.



E: “But leave me out of it.”



Strong shrugs, quickly done with the conversation, but Enygma keeps talking.



E: “Someone like Nicky; a kid? He needs to be led.”



It is awkward.



E: “And you? You just want to be around the show and the other wrestlers so you can act like ‘Sam Strong’; because it makes you feel like you’re still a big star, too.”



Sam nods and takes a step back. He is clearly disappointed.



E: “Not me.”



Strong pats him on the shoulder and walks away.



E: “I’m going at this alone. Just like always.”













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Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals

-First Round PWC Tag Team Title Tournament Match-


Result: Marc Waldorf and Dean Statler are two big tag team specialists that wrestle on the east coast indy circuit, making their name as a pair of badasses. And they stand head to head with Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher…..for about a minute and a half, before Law’s huge running boot plants Statler on his back and their demise begins.



Thatcher is already on his Waldorf, even without being tagged in, pulling him off of the ring apron and over then top rope into the fray. For a few moments, Law and Thatcher storm around the ring landing tandem shoulderblocks and a pair of splashes in the corner before referee Baby Jamie can even begin to restore order.



By that time, the damage is done. Law roughly whips the raggedy Statler into the ropes and destroys him with a “Long Arm of the Law” (Strong-style clothesline) arrogantly hooking his leg while he gets the winning cover.



As the bell rings though, some chaos; the fans stand……





SD: “IT’S T-REX!!!”



Rex pulls Thatcher from under the bottom rope the second he reaches the ring, locking him in the “Jurassic Crush” on the ramp, swinging the big man around like a man half his size.



Rick Law gets down there at about the same time as PWC security does. They don’t even have to do anything; T-Rex shoves Thatcher into the sea of them and begins walking backward up the ramp, his massive arms raised and well away from the angry Rick Law or the still shocked Thatcher.



Phil’s Story Notes: Law and Thatcher get the win and look very, very strong in doing so, thank you very much. But T-Rex looks just as strong, if not stronger, after the match. Re-spect it.



Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher win via pinfall @ 5:53















Belle Bryden walks right in to Phil Vibert’s office, passing his secretary without saying a word, shoving the door open and startling the owner out of his seat. Upon seeing that it’s Belle though, Phil settles back into his leather chair, just as comfortable as can be.



She carries the USPW Women’s title belt in her hand and drops it onto his desk, keeping him from the paperwork he had gone back to, trying to ignore her completely.



BB: “This is for you, Phil. I’m here to formally turn it in and get the new one.”



That’s all she says. She just stands there waiting. Vibert almost acts like he is going to pretend she’s not there. But she just stands there. Waiting.



PV: “Look, Belle…..”



Why not drop the bomb on her now?



PV: “I don’t think the Women’s Division is going to be a big seller for the PWC and, to be honest, I’m thinking about shutting down the division entirely.”



She is still stunned. Silent.



PV: “That’s why there is no new belt, Belle. I don’t think we’ll be needing one.”



She is still stunned.



PV: “You can tell all the other girls, too. That’d be a big help.”



He takes the opportunity to quickly usher her out the door, effectively giving her the boot from his office before settling back into his large leather chair, pointing it toward his HD monitor and getting ready to watch the show’s main event.







James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

#1 Contenders Match


Result: This will become a PWC instant classic, without question. The heat for the match is off the charts, too, with Justice’s motivations still very cloudy and the former USPW fans honest to goodness love affair with Nicky Champion on full display, not to mention that he is accompanied to the ring by Sam Strong.



And for whatever reason, both Justice and Champion bring their best game and lay waste to every other main event we’ve had in recent memory.



Some highlights:



……their initial stand off ends with the men trading right hands back and forth with the fans in full throat, screaming “YAY!” after each and every shot lands….



…….Nicky Champion niftily blocks a Justice hip-toss to bounce into the ropes himself, coming off with a huge running forearm that sends the black headband wearing mystery man tumbling through the ropes…..



…..as the capacity crowd urges them on, the two combatants really start letting it all hang out on the floor, brawling all over the place. The ringside fans chant “PWC! PWC! PWC! PWC!” in Justice’s ear as he sits Nicky in the timekeeper’s folding chair, puts his back against the barricade, and then sprints back toward him, demolishing the young fan favorite with a running boot to the face. It gives the black clad Justice time enough to begin doing the wobbly kneed boogie that he did during last week’s main event.



SD: “We haven’t spent much time talking about it on the air, but that display from Justice last week has had everybody confused.”



MS: “And here we have it again. I just don’t get it. Who is he?”



Justice continues the display for the better part of a minute as Champion pulls himself back together, holding his jaw the whole time and really showing the effects of the wicked boot he took.



And as he climbs back into the ring, Justice’s mile-wide honeysweet grin is gone; the blank, emotionless look returns. Champion crawls underneath the bottom rope but is still smarting from the barricade boot and quickly gets sucked under by Justice’s attack, falling onto his hands and knees after taking a discus punch/running kneelift combo from the veteran.



Justice flips the switch again and goes back to grinning and going through his old Liberty routine complete with peace signs and a tussle of the hair of a young ringside moppet.



ER: “This is preposterous!”



SD: “I just don’t get it. Has he lost his mind?”



Nicky, maybe being urged on a bit by the crowd, gets to his feet a bit quicker and, this time, Justice doesn’t see him coming. Champion spins the shocked, still grinning ring veteran around and begins shellacking him with punches. But as he steps back and looks like he is just a second or two away from striking with a superkick…..



Justice reaches out and miraculously pushes him backward into the ropes where Nicky becomes entangled, his arms trapped by the cables that have wrapped around them.



MS: “This is not good.”



This time, there is no pose or dance. Just a blank stare at Nicky, his mind going in all directions. Justice yells something to someone on the floor and the timekeepers and ringside staff folks begin scrambling up from their seats. The fans swell, but for another reason.



SD: “Behind you!”





It’s Tyson Baine, and his shadow nearly engulfs James Justice as he closes in, still without Justice having seen him yet. When he finally turns around, Baine locks both hands around Justice’s throat and lifts high him off of his feet, spiking him into the mat with a vicious “Hades Bomb”.



Referee Jay Fair is livid, calling for the bell and getting right in front of Baine as he takes a step toward Champion. Sam Strong climbs up onto the apron and points at Baine, letting him know he’s there.



But Baine disregards them both and is on Nicky in a flash. And just as he locks his hands around Nicky’s throat……



SD: “No, dammit, don’t do it!”



…..Sam Strong, now back on the floor, grabs hold of both of Champion’s ankles and roughly pulls him out of the ring to safety.



We end the show with a bunch of different shots. One of Tyson Baine in the ring, looking monstrous and seething. One of Jay Fair kneeling over James Justice, checking him out as security fills in the ring behind him, engulfing Baine. And one of Sam Strong walking backward up the ramp with Nicky Champion draped half conscious under his arm, barely standing.



SD: “What a situation, fans. What a show!”



And as the logo rolls onto the screen and the show is just about to fade, we get a one or two second glimpse of……





…..Enygma as he squats high atop the PWC TV-tron set, his steely eyes watching the scene unfold below.



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m not happy with the schmozz finish, but I feel like it served the purpose. Nicky is nearly as important as Justice is going forward, regardless of the fact that Justice has years of main event service and Champion is still growing into the role.



I really love how the main events that we have week to week are not super predictable as we have a growing pool of guys with enough overness to handle it.



James Justice wins via DQ @ 12:55















Copyright PWC 2010






(OOC: I wanted to send a special thank you to Bigpapa42 for penning all of the Glenn & Spade segments and matches up until Genesis. I kept meaning to post a thank you over the last couple of weeks and feel like I should've really gotten around to it sooner. Apologies. Much respect to a great (HOF) writer for sharing his creativity with this diary writer. :))

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Roxy Kitten not looking at things? Meh.


Sara Silver confirmed to be a nymphomaniac? EXCELLENT.


Belle Bryden YES not in a robe .___.






Ease back on the schtick, seriously. Confine it to a diary. Do it only once or twice a day. It's a funny enough bit in small quantities, if your sense of humour runs that way, but you've already had people in various diaries begging you to reign it in.


I love that you're enthusiastic about the diaries you follow. I wish more people were.


Thing is, you see the interview Charlie Sheen did to clear up that original radio phone in?


There's a point where he says something truly ludicrous - I think two or three replies in - and I've seen that bit quoted a bunch of times, but no one mentions the two words that follow IMMEDIATELY - "Too much?"


People don't write out their dog glomping them and leave it in a post unless they're doing it deliberately. People don't do the keymash thing as they freak out - except deliberately.


These are your 'too much?' They reveal that, sure, some of this is probably personality coming out. But they also reveal that you're doing schtick. And if you're doing schtick, you can moderate; make for more or less schtick.


Plenty of people on these forums have schtick. Beeker has his comedic approach to predictions - which often hides the very sound, if idiosyncratic, logic behind his picks. Comradebot has his thing for the Scott Steiner/Nathan Jones WWC battles of this world, but both of them take breaks from it and CB will admit from time to time to having a deep and abiding admiration for the skill of someone like Ricky Steamboat.


There are many others. But schtick is not all there is to them, and that's how they avoid it getting old.


And yes, I just compared you to Charlie Sheen to make this point. If it helps any, I paid money for both Wall Street and the two Hot Shots films.

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No one's predictions were perfect, so we here at Guest Booker want to do right by everyone.




So, as you saunter back to your seat with a few DVD's from the concession area, some nachos, and a pint, a ringgirl fires something in your direction from a huge silver cannon.




It lands in your lap and, as fate would have it, it neither lands in your nachos nor spills your beer. It is a good night; it's just your size, too.



While it might be just a t-shirt, it's nice to know your favorite promotion treats its fans right.





Show ratings/grade to follow.



As far as PS's commentary on Eidenhoek's posts, to be truthful, as you pointed out already, I'm glad someone is interested in what I'm doing on that level, that they are that motivated to be a part of it somehow.



That said, if it whittled away at your patience on your own thread, seeing it on other's threads might push you over the edge. I can see both sides of it very easily.



Everyone's welcome here, folks. I'm glad you're all reading.




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Live on Sports America

Week 2 December

St. Petersburg, FL





Show Open:Valentine’s Arrival/Strong’s Arrival (A)

Aaron Andrews Vignette/Medical Update (B+)

Jones/Davidz over Casey Valentine/Jumbo Jackson (D)

Vibert/Law/Thatcher Backstage (A)

Maple Leaf Express over Glenn & Spade (D+)

Caulfield Found Bloodied (B+)

Devine Promo (A)

Eddie Peak over Ford Memphis (B)

Tyler Backstage w/ Sara Silver (C-)

EXCESS over Tyler/Vessey (D)

Strong Rebuffed by Enygma (A)

Law/Thatcher over Ring Generals (D+)

Vibert Tells Bryden Women’s Division Done (B)

Justice over Champion by DQ (B)



Show Grade: B-


Show Rating: 3.11




September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)

October’s TV Grades: (C+, C+, C+, C+)

November TV Grades: (C+, B, B-, C+)

December TV Grades: (B)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)

October’s TV Ratings: (1.24, 1.23, 1.26, 1.29)

November TV Ratings: (2.30, 2.44, 2.39, 2.39)

December’s TV Ratings: (3.12)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (B/8.40) TCW (B/5.56)


Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: NOTBPW (A/2.29 on CBN)


This Past Week’s Other Pay-Per-Views: SWF Christmas Chaos (B+/3.96 Buyrate)


It featured an “A” Rated Main event of Khoklov/Vengeance/Eric Eisen/Remo over Faith/Lobby/Frehley/Jack Bruce


Other Notes:


*James Justice has taken Brett Starr under his wing as his protégé.










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Aaron Andrews Vignette/Medical Update (B+)


What the hell was that based on to get a B+ ?



I ran it as a video, rated on both his overness and Peter Valentine's, who hit him with the limo. I figured whatever the segment entailed, there would be no way to leave Valentine out of it.


And PV certainly does suck in the ring but his overness is huge thanks to all of the stuff he did with Sam Strong. Andrews is between C- and C+, depending on the region.


So Valentine's high "A" and Andrews' "C+", I guess is the answer to where the "B+" came from. Maybe it got a boost from the hot segment before it, too? I don't know.




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Valentine...is at A pop? Valentine...IS AT A POP!?!?!?!


Good grief. Then what's Hogan-erm, what's Strong down to then?


Can't seem to get Strong to "drop" below B+. But that fact is what keeps him popping up on the shows. It's just too valuable a commodity at this point.


And as a once wise man once said: Watcha gonna do brother, when my overness runs wild on you and your wrestling sim???


Well, maybe I took a little liberty paraphrasing him, but you get my point. It's hard not to use it.



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