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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 October

Philadelphia, PA













USPW debuts in Philadelphia with a remarkably loud ovation from the two thousand or so fist-pumping wrestle-holics that fill The Ministry. And things get really, truly ridiculous when the unmistakable theme music of DaVE’s Danger Zone TV pours out of the speakers and Phil Vibert walks out onto the stage, shadowed by Charlie Thatcher and Des Davids.



He is a king here and closes his eyes; basking for a few perfect seconds before making his way to the ring. After taking it all in once more, Vibert produces a microphone from the jacket pocket of his perfectly cut navy-blue suit, takes a quick bow in the direction of the black t-shirted balcony maniacs, and turns to face the camera.



PV: “I appreciate that; I really do.”



They pour it on even thicker. He smiles.



PV: “I’m here……I’m here to talk about Eddie Peak……”



He is cut off again. The fans absolutely freak out and stand; Peak is Philly royalty as well.



PV: “You’ll be disappointed to know that Eddie Peak is not here tonight.”



A fan at ringside mouths “what?”.



PV: “Nor will he EVER be here.”



Like flipping a switch, the entire hardcore congregation turns on Vibert; turning your back on one of theirs, especially an icon of Peak’s level, is sacrilege.



PV: “The new USPW is not going to be a playground for the tortured souls of this business like DaVE was. This is going to be a professional wrestling company, regardless of what it may look like now.”



He squints into the camera.



PV: “That means……..there is no place for you here Eddie.”



PV: “We’ve got no place for bloodthirsty psychopaths who are in and out of supervised care to come and fight people without repercussion while they wait for their meds to work properly.”



Vibert snaps his finger and the jumbotron flashes shot of the various stations of police patrolling throughout the building and outside of it.



PV: “Or, let me put it another way. You’re-not-wanted-here, Eddie.”



The boos pile up like bad checks at the old DaVE home office but Vibert obviously doesn’t care and continues on.



PV: “If you show your face here again, I’ll have you arrested……again. Just like Sunday.”



He pulls the microphone down for a second, looking like he’s ready to walk before coming back into the center of the ring.



PV: “Also, since I’m out here and this is my show, and I can carry on my business wherever I want……..”



A nearly empty cup of beer sails into the ring.



PV: “……..Darryl Devine, call me. I hope you received the package that I had delivered to your hotel room this morning. I imagine you’re out spending some of it as we speak, which is great, I hope you and Seduction are having fun.”



They boo Devine.



PV: “The only thing I ask in return is that you accept my offer to join my team and put an end to Sam Strong’s ownership of this company.”



He signals Thatcher and Davids.



PV: “Let me know. But don’t take forever.”




















Aaron Andrews vs. Jumbo Jackson


Result: The fans are excited for Aaron Andrews’s debut, and why not? He does everything possible to make it worth their expectation, going up one side of the somewhat still injured Jumbo Jackson and down the other, dismantling him in mat clinic. The finish comes at just past the five minute mark when Andrews drops Jumbo on his head with a piledriver.



Phil’s Story Notes: I wanted to have Andrews debut be big and something that people could point to in six months as the undoubted launch point for him in USPW. I think a clean win over Jumbo Jackson on TV fits the bill.



Aaron Andrews wins via pinfall @ 5:43














A cameraman outside catches a glimpse of Eddie Peak standing on the outskirts of the arena’s parking lot. When he jumps up and attempts to focus in on the hooded sweatshirt wearing hardcore maniac……Peak is gone, seemingly having vanished into thin air.



SD: “I saw him, Mickey, I know I did.”



MS: “I did too, Doakes. After what he did to Chris Caulfield and Phil Vibert putting the hammer down tonight, I think a few cops should be headed to that spot right now.”














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Joanne Rodriguez vs. Emma Bitch vs. Alexis Lee


Result: A great three way that features our Women’s division, this match has some serious fire courtesy of one Ms. Rodriguez, who owns the action. J-Ro really excels when she strings multiple moves together, and coincidentally, that’s how the finish comes about. After dumping Alexis Lee over the ropes, Emma Bitch walks into a J-Ro hurancanrana, a backflip legdrop, and finally a “J-Rocker” (Twisting Face Crusher) that nets the three count.



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m smitten with J-Ro’s skills. Finding something to do with her character is high on my “to-do” list; I’d like her to be more than Alicia Strong’s friend. And even though Emma debuts with a clean loss, I don’t project her as simply a jobber. She’ll have a character.



J-Ro wins via pinfall @ 5:23



















Tyson Baine stands under a single swinging light bulb in a space no bigger than a closet, staring up at the pendulum as it streaks through the darkness.



“I’ve heard that you spent a day in the hospital after you danced with my chain, Enygma, but that you didn’t perish.”



“I’ve also heard you came here tonight with Baine in your sights again.”



Staring at it.






“I’ll walk down the aisle and wait for you in the ring at the end of the show; if you want me, you know where to find me.”



He bares his teeth. It’s not a smile or a frown. It’s terrifying.



“And this time, when I’m done with you, there won’t be anything left of you to put in an ambulance.”



He blinks; a lone bead of sweat runs down his nose.



















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Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher vs. Jeremy Jazz/Ben Williams


Result: Charlie Thatcher looks imposing on the apron, but he doesn’t even have to step foot in the ring as Des Davids annihilates both Jazz and Williams with host of stiff looking offense, finally spearing both men and pinning Jazz around the two minute mark.



SD:” Wow, Des Davids is an animal, Mickey. He made those two look like rag dolls. Practice dummies, even.”



MS: “Phil Vibert knows how to pick a winner, Doakes. And that guy is a winner; w-i-n-n-e-r. Winner.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Dominant win gets Davids and Thatcher over a little bit more, and they really look good in this capacity. Davids overness is jumping via this association with Thatcher and Vibert, which will be important coming up.



Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher win via pinfall @ 2:11














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Belle Bryden leans against a wall backstage with her arms crossed, talking under breath to Raven Robinson as other staff and talent walk by, going about their business. When Alicia Strong walks by with the fresh from the ring Rodriguez, Belle snorts and raises the level of her voice so as to be heard.



BB: “See what I said, Ravey? The level of competition around here hasn’t changed in the time you were gone.”



Raven nods, and turns, checking her make-up in a nearby hanging mirror.



BB: “I’m serious, look around at this collection of no talent butterfaces. We’ll be running the whole show in no time. They’ll build the entire women’s division around us; they’ll have to. Especially since we actually have the looks and the skills that all of the others can only dream about.”



Alicia and J-Ro keep walking, but it’s obvious from the way they look at each other that they heard every word.
















Enygma walks gingerly up to Sara Silver and slowly lowers himself into a chair next to her. It is obvious that he is still hurt from his match against Tyson Baine at “United States of Pain”. Given the fact that Enygma’s interviews are about as rare as rare gets, Silver sets a nearby camera into a tripod and grabs a microphone.



E: “I don’t care what the doctors say, Sarah; I want another piece of Tyson Baine.”



She nods.



E: “I’ll be out there tonight, come hell or high water.”



He grimaces a little bit as he stands. You can still see the red marks on his neck.



E: “And tonight, if he pulls that chain out, I’m going to wrap it around HIS neck a couple of times. We’ll see how he likes it.”















T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun


Result: The building gets loud when T-Rex is introduced and barely has time to quiet down before the massively muscled fan favorite locks Datsun in the “Jurassic Crush” (full nelson) just over a minute in.



Phil’s Story Notes: Is Freddie Datsun going to stop his streak? Get real. That would just be spiteful booking; to give the streak breaking win to someone just to smite the smarks who already think they know the payoffs. I’m not completely against that kind of booking philosophy, but I’d say I’m ninety eight percent against it.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 1:12
















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Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez happen upon Alicia's father Sam and Nicky Champion sitting on folding chairs in a private-ish corner. It becomes apparent even though we cannot really hear, they are talking strategy about Team USPW.








Peter Valentine however, sits ten feet away on a stool, sending a text message and not even remotely paying attention to Sam’s plans. When Jumbo Jackson walks through, head hanging after his loss earlier, Valentine hops off of his stool and follows Jackson, calling out to him and pulling him into an empty conference room.



PV: “Come in here with me for a second.”



Jackson motions toward Sam and his posse.



JJ: “Won’t they miss you over there?”



Valentine looks at them for a second before turning back to Jumbo and letting the door swing shut behind him.



PV: “It’s funny you brought that up.”
















Ford Memphis goes to leave the building after finding out he has the night off, but is followed to the door by the sheepish Hillbillies. Regardless of what happened at “United States of Pain”, they still look at him like they are star-struck. Memphis however is still harsh to them, pulling his sunglasses down over his eyes and turning away from them as he talks.



FM: “Listen, you boys got my autograph. I posed for a picture after the pay-per-view and even gave you two free copies of my new album. What more do you want?”



They nod, but don’t quite understand.



FM: “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I don’t need two pathetic inbred tubs of lard following me around all over the place…..”



Al and Pete look at each other. They’re not mad. They look like they’re going to cry.



FM: “Look, I know you all are my fans, but……”



Al’s lips quivers. Ford turns back and lets his sunglasses slip to the end of his nose, trying not to look at them. Finally he breaks the silence and sighs.



FM: “Alright, if you’re coming, we’re going to need to change some things about you, understand? Come on, follow me to the Cadillac.”



Al and Pete break into ear to ear grins as Ford steps aside and points the way. Pete can’t help himself.



Pete: “The Cadillac? Is it…..pink?”



Memphis’s head hangs, his greasy hair shining.



FM: “What do you think, man? C’mon.”












A video plays that shows long stretches of highlights from the gruesome chain match at “United States of Pain” between Tyson Baine and Enygma, hyping tonight’s rematch between the two.












Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Rematch



Result: Even if they’re only a few days removed from their last war, Baine and Enygma go at it like wild dogs, topping their pay-per-view outing without a single doubt. Enygma even looks like he has Baine on the ropes for a second or two as the bout works toward its finish, which is the first time in a couple of months where he has looked even somewhat vulnerable.


But as Enygma leans him into the turnbuckles, looking to drive his shoulder into the monster, Baine reaches out and takes a swipe at Enygma’s mask, catching one of the eye holes with his thumb. It stops Enygma totally; he just stands there wondering if Baine went for his mask on purpose. He shoves Baine hard. Baine shoves him right back. Baby Jamie puts his hand on Enygma’s shoulder trying to move the two back to action, but Enygma just flicks his arm back - catching Jamie in the forehead and sending him crashing down. The lapse in attention is all Baine needs, blasting Enygma with a huge overhand right and knocking him down right beside the referee with the equally huge left that follows. There isn’t even a second to recover for Enygma as the USPW World Champion lifts him up and buries him with a “Hades Bomb”. Baby Jamie, beginning to recover reaches through the ropes and calls for the bell, disqualifying Enygma for hitting him, but the clanging of the bell doesn’t distract Baine from grabbing his chain and wrapping it around Enygma’s neck. As soon as he tightens it, Enygma’s hands go to his throat, which is when Baine begins grabbing and pulling on Enygma’s mask again. Enygma reaches up to protect his mask, but feels the chain tighten even more.



SD: “Enygma’s drive to protect his mask is amazing, but this is tragic. Someone needs to stop this.”



MS: “We don’t agree on much, Doakes, but you’re absolutely right. Can anyone hear me in the back? I’m not playing a character here. He’s in real trouble. Someone needs to come out here and save his life.”



At the last second, Enygma grabs hold of the chain and alleviates a tiny bit of the pressure. But it leaves Baine free to grab a huge handful of mask and…….










Baine lets go of the chain and steps through the cables, walking up the aisle with the USPW World Title over his shoulder and Enygma’s mask in his hand; another victim laying in the center of the ring staring up at the lights. The camera focuses on the previously unseen face of Enygma, whose chest rises and falls as he fades in and out of consciousness.



MS: “When he puts it all together later, this could very well be the worst night of Enygma’s career. I feel bad for him.”




Phil’s Story Notes: A second straight decisive victory over Enygma. Baine is unstoppable and this gives the TV viewers who only read about (or saw the highlights) the Chain Match a look at how violent and unstoppable he is. I’m excited for where Enygma is going from here though. It’s time to re-imagine his character; the old Enygma is no more.



Tyson Baine wins via DQ @ 13:32














As the show goes off the air, Phil Vibert comes out onto the stage only a few feet from Tyson Baine. For a second, as Baine turns around and locks on to Vibert, it is quite tense. But when Phil takes another step and puts his arm around Baine and then turns to walk backstage with him, everything takes on a completely different connotation.



SD: “What does this mean? Vibert and Baine?”



MS: “You know exactly what it means. He’s going to have Baine join his team; think about adding that monster to the two he’s already got in Thatcher and Davids. They’d be unstoppable even if you were the fourth man, Doakes. Who does USPW have? Nicky Champion and Peter Valentine?"



SD: "We’re doomed, aren't we?”












Copyright 2010

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 October

Philadelphia, PA






Vibert Open/Eddie Peak Not Welcome in USPW (B+)

Aaron Andrews over Jumbo Jackson (D+)

Eddie Peak Outside? (B)

J-Ro over Emma Bitch and Alexis Lee (D-)

Baine Vignette/Challenge (B)

Thatcher/Davids over Jazz/Williams (D-)

Alicia/J-Ro Hear Bryden/Raven Putting Them Down (C+)

Enygma Accepts Challenge (B+)

T Rex over Freddie Datsun (D+)

Team USPW Talks Strategy/Valentine Talks to Jumbo (C+)

Memphis Adopts The Hillbillies (B-)

Hype Video for Main Event (B+)

Baine over Enygma (C+)

Vibert Comes Out for Baine (B+)




Show Grade: C+



TV Rating: 1.24





September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (B+/7.51) TCW (B+/5.17)


Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF/DaVE Dangerzone TV (C+/0.66)









“A good show and the TV numbers are up a little bit, too; what do you make of the way things are going?”



“I’m happy overall with the direction of the company, but I promise you that things are just beginning when it comes to the type of programming we’re going to be producing.”


“The unmasking shocked me. I didn’t expect it at all.”



“Good. That was the plan. Traditionally, when someone loses the hood, it’s a long drawn out storyline that hits the same four or five notes it always does. The teased attempt, the actual attempt, the attack, the near miss and save, and finally either redemption or an unmasking; did I miss anything?”



“No, that sounded about right.”



“Now I’m not saying that I intentionally set out all the time to eschew wrestling’s traditional storytelling forms. In fact, in a lot of cases, they are very useful templates that only need minimal tweaking to satisfy the masses.”






“But sometimes, in order to create some interest, you have to shake things up.”



“You’re right.”



“I mean, I’ve always heard the ‘don’t give it away on TV when you can get people to pay for it’ argument and I honestly understand the business strategy behind it. But when your goal is to get people to watch your TV so that, in turn they become interested enough to buy your PPV’s, you have to give people a reason to tune in.”






“So every once in a while, I’m going to throw them a bone; I’m going to give them something.”



“How often? What’s the thinking behind the strategy?”



“I think it’s all relative to your position compared to the competition. If you’re behind, you need to do it to get noticed. If you’re ahead, you can afford to save up somewhat.”



“And……you and USPW are quite a bit behind your competition aren’t you?”



“We are. So expect the unexpected.”















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Okay, im now fully prepared for Ford Memphis to beat T-Rex on the next show. :cool:


And what about this scenario were you not already expecting? The only thing that would shock me is if it took The King longer than three minutes to get a win, especially with the Tennessee Alliance* on his side. :D


*(if I write it enough it will become true...)


Right, now I better actually read the rest of the show...

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Glad to see the response to the unmasking being so positive. I also love having Phil Vibert's segments to explain things somewhat, even if it's through the eyes of the man himself.



And to set the record straight, Ford Memphis will not be stopping T-Rex's streak on the next episode of USPW American Wrestling, no matter how much jhd1 might like for it to happen.



The next show after that though, I make no promises about.;)



Before I get to the next show's preview and post a quick look at the DVD prize package standings after the first show of the month, I wanted to announce a new idea for the diary that I am going to be implementing beginning on the next show.



From time to time, I'm going to invite a noteworthy writer from our community to add something to a show, an event, or a storyline, to put their own stamp on the diary. I feel like it gives me a chance to give a tip of the cap to some of my favorites. At the same time, for me, it's also a bit like collecting autographs. Kudos to Dragonmack, who has been using a similar concept with great success; I'm only willing to steal from the best. :)

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 2 October

Panama City Beach, FL



Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson


Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. Savage Fury


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews


Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb


T-Rex vs. Keith Vegas









….The unmasked Enygma to appear.



….Ford Memphis takes The Hillbillies clothes shopping.



…Sam Strong announces who the third member of Team USPW will be.







The first Guest Writer in our series makes his debut.







20Legend 4/4

D-Mack 4/4

Tigerkinney 4/4

funkyzafara 4/4

arogue 4/4

thekenwyne 4/4

James Casey 4/4

1234 4/4

jhd1 4/4

Oregano Jensen 3/4

Bigpapa42 3/4

smurphy1014 3/4

LLK 3/4

Maskedpropaganda 3/4



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Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson

because Jackson seems to be someone Vibert could do something with.


Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. Savage Fury

Savage Fury is doing great in NYCW, but I see Vibert backing the Thatcher/Davids pair


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews

Both are future stars of the fed, and surprised they are feuding already. That said, Andrews should be a step ahead due to the TCW seasoning.


Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb

Alexis is the weakest link. goodbye


T-Rex vs. Keith Vegas

surprising vegas comeback!... who are we kidding. Vegas rolled craps in this match.

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….Ford Memphis takes The Hillbillies clothes shopping.


The scene opens to Ash Campbell sitting on his couch in-front of his television. Laying on the coffee table is an open Guest Booker DVD case. Ash is holding his cell phone to his head while clutching a remote in the other.


Ash Campbell: No dad, it's not a mistake, I'm watching it too.


An audible rumble can be heard from the phone


AC: YES Vibert is booking it!


More audible rumbling can be heard from the phone


AC: No it's not a rib, he's legit selling this on the guest booker website.


Louder, angrier rumbling can now be heard from the phone


Ash suddenly rolls his eyes skyward


AC: Dad (sigh) ....how would I know if he's high?

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Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson

because Jackson seems to be someone Vibert could do something with.


Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. Savage Fury

Savage Fury is doing great in NYCW, but I see Vibert backing the Thatcher/Davids pair


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews

Both are future stars of the fed, and surprised they are feuding already. That said, Andrews should be a step ahead due to the TCW seasoning.


Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb

Alexis is the weakest link. goodbye


T-Rex vs. Keith Vegas

surprising vegas comeback!... who are we kidding. Vegas rolled craps in this match.


Going down the lazy route :p I agree with these picks.

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The scene opens to Ash Campbell sitting on his couch in-front of his television. Laying on the coffee table is an open Guest Booker DVD case. Ash is holding his cell phone to his head while clutching a remote in the other.


Ash Campbell: No dad, it's not a mistake, I'm watching it too.


An audible rumble can be heard from the phone


AC: YES Vibert is booking it!


More audible rumbling can be heard from the phone


AC: No it's not a rib, he's legit selling this on the guest booker website.


Louder, angrier rumbling can now be heard from the phone


Ash suddenly rolls his eyes skyward


AC: Dad (sigh) ....how would I know if he's high?


lol,nemisis questioning viberts sanity..it just works

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<p>Andre Jones vs. <strong>Jumbo Jackson</strong></p><p>

<em>I think you referred to Jumbo Jackson as someone to watch in this company. Or something like that. It might have been Andre Jones, if I recall. Ah, who cares. Both are good. I'm going with the big guy.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

<em>No chance, that's what they've got.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs. <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p>

<em>Devine is good, but not as bright as AA.</em></p><p><em>

</em> </p><p>

<strong>Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee</strong> vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb</p><p>

<em>Toss up.</em></p><p>


T-Rex</strong> vs. Keith Vegas</p><p>

<em>You ready? 35 second match. </em></p>

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<p>Andre Jones vs. <strong>Jumbo Jackson</strong> <em>Never got the love for Andre, but in any case this USPW, and Vibert won't change the love for big guys overnight</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids</strong> vs. Savage Fury <em>You still have SF? Thought they got canned. Guess they have their uses.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews <em>Draw of some description - no contest, perhaps</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee</strong> vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb <em>Alicia + J-Ro = Awesome. I envy your women's division a lot</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>T-Rex</strong> vs. Keith Vegas <em>Could be a character for Vegas as the squash guy who just wants to run away when Rex/Baine/Jumbo/whoever's music hits</em></p>

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<p>Andre Jones vs. <strong>Jumbo Jackson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs. <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. <strong>Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>T-Rex</strong> vs. Keith Vegas</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Andre Jones</span></strong> vs. Jumbo Jackson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids</span></strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

Thatcher/Davids arent losing, sorry Savages.</p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs. <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Aaron Andrews</span></strong></p><p>

Dont want to bet against DD, but I cant see him beating AA, so maybe some type of dq finish.</p><p> </p><p>

Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb</span></strong></p><p>

One of these things is not like the others. Can you guess which one? Its Alexis Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">T-Rex</span></strong> vs. Keith Vegas</p><p>

Vegas has no chance...if it was Ford Memphis who knows <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Andre Jones vs. <strong>Jumbo Jackson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs. <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. <strong>Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>T-Rex</strong> vs. Keith Vegas</p>

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<p>Last call for predictions folks; don't want anyone left out of the running for the next DVD pack that doesn't want to be.</p><p> </p><p>

And thanks for the love in the Rookie DOTM voting. It doesn't look like I'm going to win, but it's nice to be mentioned among with some of the board's finest.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Thanks for the warning! And the fact I know the outcome of the Hillbilly shopping trip doesn't lessen the excitement one bit :D


Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson

Tough one, but Jackson is one Vibert mentioned as someone he wanted to push.

Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. Savage Fury

Not sure the Fury are the one's to bring down Vibert's boys.

Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews

Great start for Andrews, might look a tad silly to lose to Devine.

Alicia Strong/J-Ro/Alexis Lee vs. Belle Bryden/Raven Robinson/Cherry Bomb

Alexis to take the fall.

T-Rex vs. Keith Vegas

This is going to be painful...

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