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The Minor Questions Thread

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Someone answered this question before but I can't find it.


What stats make someone be ready to fight again after their last bout? Making a mod-centric template and trying to make sure the character is able to fight again asap, so what impacts that?

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I just looked up the boxing weight divisions and I couldn't believe my eyes. They have divisions as little as 3 pounds long. Most of them are, in fact. The only big weights are Cruiserweight and Heavyweight.


I have to say, it's absolutely ridiculous and I can't imagine boxing sticking around too long now that MMA has taken the front seat. 3 pounds does not a difference make in a fight, boxing or otherwise. To suggest otherwise is just silly. The boxing classifications are laughable.


Spoken like someone who has never been in a fight, boxing or otherwise :-p


Seriously though, boxing works slightly differently to MMA when it comes to weights/weight classes. When contracts are being worked out and terms negotiated (especially as you move higher up the hierarchy) fighters will agree to meet at a certain (exact) weight. That weight will obviously fall into one of

the regulatory body's divisions, and that's where the fight takes place. In MMA, it's a case of fighting in whatever division you can cut to, and coming in dead on the upper limit. In boxing, it's a case of finding a weight that is agreeable to both fighters.


Take Saturday's WBC title fight between Matty Hatton and Saul Alvarez. It was for the Light-Middleweight (Super Welterweight) strap, which is contested between 147-154lbs. But the fight was contracted for 150lbs.


Boxers often agree to give up a few pounds, in exchange for a larger share of the purse. For example, Hatton could have let Alvarez weigh in at 154 (and thus still fight for the title), in exchange for an extra 10% of the total purse.

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Trying to test a blank game and my game keeps crashing on preparing to process fighters or something. Why is this? Do I need to have a minimum number of fighters in the database or something?


edit: nvm, just put manol in and everything's going in smoothly.

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how do I recieve significant attendance to my events? My popularity is around low level national, and I do shows in Nevada, California etc. and still only recieve around 1-3k attendance. Not to mention that I have the ticket prices at very cheap. I was looking forward at figures around 10k in attendance :(
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Ok this is more of a question to mod makers out there or somebody that can answer this. If you set a camp to open with a Mandatory Founder will that fighter leave his current camp and start that camp when the camp opens?

[if so, I got a lot of work to do.]


I had another question but I guess I forgot it.

EDIT: Oh yes, the regions question.. since the mod I'm currently working on starts in 1980, I set 95% of the regions authority feeling to below 50% to off set most if not all regions from becoming regulated by '92, will the authority feeling rise with time or am I stuck with that?

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What weights define the Super Heavyweight division? I mean I know it's 266+ but what's the max limit, 'cause at this point when I go to weight classes, super heavyweight rankings are ineligible.




I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how do I recieve significant attendance to my events? My popularity is around low level national, and I do shows in Nevada, California etc. and still only recieve around 1-3k attendance. Not to mention that I have the ticket prices at very cheap. I was looking forward at figures around 10k in attendance :(


Attendance isn't just on your popularity, it also takes into account the draw of the fighters being used, the economy, the region's stats, momentum, plus any other bonuses and penalties.

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Quick question I was looking through the fighters and noticed Georges Nouri's ethnicity is classed as white and I was wanting to change this but really what should it be because I don't know if I would class him as black but he is far from white.
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Attendance isn't just on your popularity, it also takes into account the draw of the fighters being used, the economy, the region's stats, momentum, plus any other bonuses and penalties.


Thanks alot for the response Adam.


Also, does anyone know what the "upgrade quality" on the TV show settings do?

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Thanks alot for the response Adam.


Also, does anyone know what the "upgrade quality" on the TV show settings do?


When a show is major compared to minor the quality of fights on the card are different for example have UFC fight night and UFC on ESPN which is major. Certain fights are considered undercard fights on ESPN and when put on fight night considered main events and co main events.

So basically major is much more important while minor showcases the lesser known talent..... well thats my take on it hope i helped

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Where in the game do you make ppv deal?. I found it once, but can't remember how I got there


It's in the Media Hub section - click on the PPV carriers button, find the one you want to approach and click the Negotiate button. In a few days you will either get an action to discuss the terms of the PPV deal with the carrier, or an e.mail telling you they aren't interested.


2. How do I change the weightclass that one of my fighter fights at?


Go to your company actions page (where you do your booking etc) and click on the Roster button. Select the fighter you want to amned and click on the Wight Classes button.

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Having issue with exporting data into Excel spreadsheet. I get an error message that reads "Sorry, an unexpected error has occured while trying to access Excel, the spreadsheet view is unavailable" whenever I try to use the spreadsheet feature.


I have Microsoft Excel 2010 on a trial for about another two months. So its not an issue of having the wrong kind of spreadsheet.


I have the March 25 patch applied so my game is up to date


So I really have no idea what the problem is. Can anyone help?

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Question: What exactly causes company popularity to rise at different rates? Main/co-main event excitement ratings alone? Does reputation/name value of fighters have an impact, even if they're already billed as main event material?


As in, if I match two fighters at 100% international fame with 100% reputation in my main event, can I expect a greater increase in company popularity than if I'd put two more unknown guys in who nevertheless still had a "worthy main event" fan reaction as the main event?


Does region prestige also have an effect? I've played two games, one in New Jersey, one in Eastern Europe. NJ was a whole lot easier gaining popularity in and has a far higher prestige ranking.

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