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WWF 1989: Where Sports Entertainment Comes Alive

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My first prediction ever, felt it deserved one:


The Powers of Pain vs. Demolition - Always liked the Demo team, PoP not so much so.


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim Powers - Can only be Ted


Non Title: The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Again, can only be Warrior unless you're looking to book him towards him asking for his release. :)


Virgil vs. Tito Santana - DQ, perhaps after an attack by Dibiase.


'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka - An early "legend" killer style storyline would be interesting around here.


Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart - Rude over the plucky Bret Hart


For future arena reports either Joint Promotions or All Star if you have either included. I was always a bit surprised we didn't see more UK stars in the WWF around this time, plenty used when they came over on tour. A proper run for Finlay or even Rocco being brought in as a brutal masked opponent for Bret Hart would have been great (possibly short lived for Rocco of course due to his heart condition and retirement). Marty Jones was still pretty good also, sadly we didn't have many tall guys so the Towers of London wouldn't have worked, but The House of Lords could have as a wee stable.

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I don't do RW but for Angel doing 89 WWF I'll make an exception...


The Powers of Pain vs. Demolition

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim Powers

Non Title: The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Virgil vs. Tito Santana

'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka

Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart


Certain of my picks are based more on blind hope than ANY realistic chance of coming true, but I'm a huge Lombardi mark so hey, crossing my fingers here...

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Friday Week 1 September 1989

Location: Augusta Civic Center (New England)

Attendance: 9,905

Overall Rating: B+


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/barbarian3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/warlord3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/mrfuji2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/ax.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/smash.jpg

The Powers of Pain vs. Demolition


[Vince McMahon and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura welcome everyone to WWF Prime Time Wrestling as the Powers of Pain make their way to the ring to boos from the crowd. The crowd cheers wildly as Demolition come down to the ring. All four face-painted wrestlers meet in the center of the ring throwing punches and forearm smashes. Demolition gained the advantage and Ax was left inside the ring with The Barbarian. Demolition made quick tags in and out working over The Barbarian. Mr. Fuji looked angry at ringside. The Warlord was barely inside the ring for this match. The Barbarian took a Demolition Decapitation and Ax made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Demolition (Via Pinfall @ 8:45)

Match Rating: B




[As Demolition celebrated their victory, they were attacked from behind by the WWF World Tag Team Champions! Arn Anderson hit Ax in the back with a chair! Tully Blanchard hit Smash with a low blow! The crowd booed heavily! Arn sent Ax to the ropes -- Spinebuster! The crowd boos as The Brainbusters and Bobby Heenan stand over top of Demolition.]






[it is announced that next week right here on WWF Prime Time Wrestling we will see the return of Piper's Pit! The return of Piper's Pit will also coincide with the return of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/teddibease3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/virigil.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/jimpowers2.jpg

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim Powers


[Ted DiBiase came down to the ring with Virgil in his corner while Jim Powers was already in the ring. This match was mostly dominated by DiBiase. DiBiase took down Powers with body slams and a rough and tough vertical suplex. DiBiase played to the crowd and then locked on a Million Dollar Dream! Powers struggled to fight out of it but eventually had to give up.]


Winner: 'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase (Via Submission @ 5:07)

Match Rating: B


[DiBiase threw Powers down as Virgil entered the ring. Virgil handed DiBiase a hundred dollar bill and DiBiase stuffed it down the throat of Jim Powers! DiBiase motioned for a microphone and Virgil went out and got him one.]


Ted DiBiase

"Each and every week I come out here and tell all you idiot fans that everybody's got a price for the Million Dollar Man. Today I have come out here to prove that fact. Last night I made a very lucrative offer to the man called Zeus. You see Zeus has a title shot or, should I say, HAD a title shot against Hulk Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event." [Ted tosses his head back in evil laughter] "I say the word HAD because I, Ted DiBiase, The Million Dollar Man, have purchased that title shot. So Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night's Main Event you will NOT be facing Zeus. You will be facing the Million Dollar Man. Next Saturday night you are going to learn that everybody has a price."


[DiBiase tosses his head back in that evil laughter and then hands the microphone back to Virgil. What an announcement! The Million Dollar Man has BOUGHT a title shot?]






[We are taken to some words from Mr. Perfect, who is standing within the interview area.]


Mr. Perfect

"I want everyone to take a good look at what's in front of them right now. What you're looking at on your television screen is absolute perfection. I am undefeated, unbeaten within the World Wrestling Federation. That means that I am what I say I am and that's perfect. Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior you both better watch your backs because Mr. Perfect is coming for those belts and I don't care what it takes to get them. I don't care if I have to beat up Miss Elizabeth. I'll do it. Why? Because I am Mr. Perfect and you better get ready for a Perfectplex."


[Perfect flicks a toothpick at the camera and we cut away to another interview.]






[This one is with the Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior paces back and forth within the small box, breathing heavy and pumping his arms up and down. He turns and looks toward the camera]


The Ultimate Warrior

"Listen to me, Warriors! I am the physical embodiment of each and every warrior from the past, present and the future. I have climbed to that mountaintop called Everest. I have seen the top of the mountain and I have seen what the gods have put before me. They will never give me anything that I cannot handle. Ravishing Rick Rude, you tried to take from me that which is mine which you cannot even think to understand. You tried to take this precious belt from me and from all my Warriors. But you failed. You failed then like you will fail each and every time you face me. For there is none like the Warrior. There is no east, there is no west, there is no north, there is no south. There is only the power and the way of the Warrior! You shall learn that those who step up to face the Warrior have only one place to go and that is DOWN!"


[A snarl and growl and a pounding of his chest and it's time to head back to the ring.]




Match #3


Non Title

The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Ultimate Warrior


[The Brooklyn Brawler was already in the ring as we came back and the crowd went wild for the power of the Ultimate Warrior! UW rushed down to the ring and took out Brawler with some clotheslines early on. Brawler was barely able to gain his composure as the Ultimate Warrior dominated throughout this encounter with very few shots coming in from the Brooklyn Brawler. Brawler felt the brunt of the flying shoulder tackle and then the military press where Warrior just dropped him! Warrior bounced off the ropes -- Big Splash! He turned it into a cover, headbanging with each count: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Ultimate Warrior (Via Pinfall @ 5:17)

Match Rating: C




[As The Ultimate Warrior got to his feet, he turned to have the referee raise his arm but he got tattooed in the forehead with a belt shot by Rick Rude! The crowd booed as the Ultimate Warrior fell to the mat. Rick Rude raised the Intercontinental title belt into the air as his manager Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan stood close by. Rude turned and exited with the belt, stealing the intercontinental title. Vince McMahon called foul but Jesse Ventura said that possession is 9/10s of the law.]






[We head backstage to get these comments from 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan only minutes after hearing about the title match switch that the Million Dollar Man pulled]


Hulk Hogan

"Well, you know something, Hulkamaniacs, it doesn't really matter whether it's the big dude Zeus or the Million Dollar punk Ted DiBiase who faces me at Saturday Night's Main Event because the ending is going to be the same, brother. The Million Dollar Man just might be able to buy a shot at this WWF World Heavyweight title but he cannot buy the title itself, dudes. This title means a lot to me. It's representative of each and every one of you Hulkamaniacs watching in the arenas and watching at home. Million Dollar Man, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan and these 24 inch pythons run wild over you?!?!"


[Hulk flexes and poses and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4


Virgil vs. Tito Santana


[The announcers spent a lot of this match talking about the feud between Hulk Hogan and Ted DiBiase and then moved on to the feud between Tito Santana and Rick Martel. The former Strike Force partners will meet up once again at Saturday Night's Main Event. Inside the ring, Tito was mostly dominant in this bout. Virgil got in a few hits though. The Million Dollar Man's bodyguard got a two count after a body slam. Tito or Chico Santana as Jesse Ventura calls him came back and bounced off the ropes -- Flying Forearm! Tito made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3 for a clean win!]


Winner: Tito Santana (Via Pinfall @ 6:51)

Match Rating: B-






[Following the ending of that match, we head backstage once again for another interview. This one has Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and The Brainbusters.]


Bobby Heenan

"Demolition, Ax, Smash, put down the jackhammers and the saws and all those other demolition equipments and listen to the Brain. Do you really think that the two of you with your limited intelligence can step inside the ring with my Brainbusters? You two have already seen what happens when people cross this man Arn and this man Tully. You two have already felt what happens when you cross these two great men. Do you really want to feel it again? If you cannot put those two little peabrains together to make an intelligent thought then come and see us at WWF's Saturday Night's Main Event. But don't say I didn't warn you."


[bobby pats the belts and we head back to the ring.]




Match #5


'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka


[This was definitely the most competitive match of the night so far. The Macho Man came down with Sensational Sherri to boos from the crowd while the Superfly garnered a good crowd reaction. Both men have been in a bit of a rut here lately so both could use the win. The Superfly wowed the fans with his high flying moves. He caught Savage with a flying cross body off the top turnbuckle for a two count early on. Sherri gave Savage the advantage when she tripped Snuka as he bounced off the ropes. Snuka exited the ring and went after Sherri but he was caught from behind by Savage with a clothesline! The Macho Man picked up Snuka and body slammed him outside the ring! Savage went to the top turnbuckle and leaped off -- Double Axehandle!]


[The match went back to the ring where Savage rammed Snuka into the corner, hitting his head ten times against the corner buckle. Savage whipped Snuka across the ring but Snuka caught Savage with a back elbow as the Macho Man came in. Snuka caught Savage with a headbutt and then picked him up with a delayed vertical suplex. He went to the top turnbuckle and called for the Superfly Splash. He leaped -- Savage rolled out of the way! The Superfly Splash missed! Snuka rolled on the mat in pain and Savage moved quickly to the top turnbuckle -- Macho Man Elbow! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: 'Macho Man' Randy Savage (Via Pinfall @ 9:46)

Match Rating: B




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/rickrude2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BobbyHeenan11.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/BretHart19.jpg

Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart


[Our main event here on Prime Time Wrestling! When the Ravishing One came out, Bobby Heenan handed him a microphone. Rude raised the WWF Intercontinental title that he stole from The Ultimate Warrior earlier on and then gave it to the Brain.]


Rick Rude

"First of all, I would like for all of you fat, out of shape, ugly Augusta sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show you what a real man is supposed to look like. Hit my music."


[Rude disrobed to boos from the crowd. Bret Hart came out and slid his shades on a lucky young fan at ringside. Jesse 'The Body' Ventura spent the early few minutes of the match talking about how Rick Rude was screwed out of the Intercontinental title by Rowdy Roddy Piper and that freak The Ultimate Warrior. Rude held the advantage early on. He picked up Bret and slammed him to the mat and then wiggled his hips to boos from the crowd. He dropped an elbow and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Rude picked up Hart and tossed him outside the ring. Rude distracted the official and Bobby Heenan got in a few kicks to the ribs of Hart. Heenan backed off and Bret slid inside the ring.]


[Rude picked up Bret and whipped him into the turnbuckles -- corner clothesline! Rude locked in a bear hug. Hart shook his head. He doesn't want to give up! Rude cinches in the bear hug tighter. Hart shakes his head and the crowd begins clapping and stomping their feet. Hart gains energy from the crowd and begins punching away at Rick Rude! He breaks the hold and slips around behind Rude -- Russian Legsweep! Hart rolls over and makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Heenan looked worried at ringside. Hart gets to his feet and heads to the second turnbuckle -- flying elbowdrop! Hart moves around to the legs of Rick Rude and picks them up! He's going for the Sharpshooter! He steps in and Bobby Heenan climbs on the apron! Bret sees him and walks over toward the manager. Bobby's eyes go wide as Bret grabs him but this gives Rick Rude time to get to his feet. Rude staggers over to Bret Hart -- Full Nelson! Rude has the hold cinched in tight! Bret Hart struggles, trying to fight it. The crowd tries to get behind the Hitman once again. They try to get him to struggle out of the hold -- he gives up! Bret Hart gives up to the Full Nelson!]


Winner: Rick Rude (Via Submission @ 11:57)

Match Rating: B




[Rude releases the hold as Bobby Heenan enters the ring. Heenan hands Rude the WWF Intercontinental title belt. Rude raises it up as familiar music plays! The crowd is pumped as The Ultimate Warrior comes running from the back toward the ring. Rude and Heenan exit stage right but Rude dropped the belt! The Ultimate Warrior picks it up and holds it up to cheers from the crowd. What a way to end the show!]

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We had several perfect scores on this first show. Congratulations to Ritchardo, nick21985, jhd1, Huntman, Beejus and TsuMirren!




1. Ritchardo=6 Wins

nick21985=6 Wins

jhd1=6 Wins

Huntman=6 Wins

Beejus=6 Wins

TsuMirren=6 Wins

7. 20LEgend=5 Wins

ChrisKid=5 Wins

tizzyt=5 Wins

juggaloninjalee=5 Wins

11. LordJaguar=4 Wins

12. Jaded=1 Win


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Gotta keep the champs looking strong...


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

He is the 8th wonder of the world for a reason


The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

I sense an early Rockers split...


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Jim isn't big enough a name to knock ted down.


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

As much as I love Dusty, Rude for the win and the push!

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Really cool show, lighter reading than the amazing USPW diary you do and I find that better as (obviously through no fault of your own) I have much less interest in 1989 real world (or any real world) than I do in CornellVerse Wrestling, so I like it shorter just because I'm lazy (even though now I think of it the detail of the USPW is great and I don't get lazy with that, but on interest to length ratio I like it quite short, so it's a good job I have loads of interest in your USPW diary. What am I going on about? I'll just get onto prediction :p)


Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

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Before predictions, a quick thought. I really didn't like how it went in that Ax got hit with a chair in the post-match attack. I mean, weapons? That's the sign of a pretty serious feud in 80s WWF, and not something Ax would have gotten back up to get hit again from, no matter how tough he is.


Aside from that, loved the little touches like Warrior headbanging to the three count and Chico Santana reference.


Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Jobber squash 4TW. Lawl at the thought of Arn vs Roma though.


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

Terrible match, but an easy victory for the Giant.


The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

Okay, I'll admit it, as much as I loved the Rockers, I was always a bit of a Bossman mark. Not specifically AS Bossman, just Ray Traylor in general. The Rockers really were glorified jobbers at this time, the go-to guys for a good match who would typically come up short. I see this happening for just a bit longer, but not for much longer, because Shawn and Marty against Arn and Tully will be money.


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

After buying his way to a title match, DiBiase will keep it rolling here. I expect Virgil interference though.


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

Rude getting a solid run in the WWF is not a bad thing, especially in 89, as he really was coming into his own. His prime wasn't until a few years later, but he was really on a tear.

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Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Gotta keep the champs looking strong...


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

He is the 8th wonder of the world for a reason


The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

I sense an early Rockers split...


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Jim isn't big enough a name to knock ted down.


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

As much as I love Dusty, Rude for the win and the push!


Thanks for the predictions! They are always appreciated.


Really cool show, lighter reading than the amazing USPW diary you do and I find that better as (obviously through no fault of your own) I have much less interest in 1989 real world (or any real world) than I do in CornellVerse Wrestling, so I like it shorter just because I'm lazy (even though now I think of it the detail of the USPW is great and I don't get lazy with that, but on interest to length ratio I like it quite short, so it's a good job I have loads of interest in your USPW diary. What am I going on about? I'll just get onto prediction :p)


I am definitely looking to go a little lighter reading on this diary in particular. Well, lighter in the matches especially. Because, honestly, the wrestling sort of takes a back seat to the angles in the WWF, right? In this manner, matches will mostly start coming in in highlight form except maybe on the pay-per-views.


Before predictions, a quick thought. I really didn't like how it went in that Ax got hit with a chair in the post-match attack. I mean, weapons? That's the sign of a pretty serious feud in 80s WWF, and not something Ax would have gotten back up to get hit again from, no matter how tough he is.


Aside from that, loved the little touches like Warrior headbanging to the three count and Chico Santana reference.


I can see where you're coming from with the chair shot. I just couldn't resist getting in the old Double A Spinebuster moment.


And I'm glad you're enjoying the old references that were brought forth from the time period. I am contemplating adding some commentary to the shows, especially to the Superstars show where the commentary duo is set to be Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan.

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Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes


The Busters don't win clean, because that's how they are. Rude vs. Rhodes is a bit of a tossup, but Rude could use the momentum, and I could see a dusty finish there as well. The rest of these are squashes, for the most part. Rockers will put up a fight and bounce around off the Towers, but thats all they'll do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Should be a good competitive match if given the right amount of time. Always liked the Stallions.


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster



The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

Tough one here, but I personally dont think The Rockers are just quite ready yet.


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Who pays for a title match, then loses to Jim Neidhart LOL


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

I sense some under-handed tactics here, and a possible draw or dq finish.



Lookin' good so far. . . I really hope this one hangs for a while.

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Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions

Both teams to embrace in the ring and form the new Four Horsemen.... okay maybe not... The Busters are all sorts of awesome - Arn to pin Roma.


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster

Squash. Literally.


The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

I'm calling Rockers - Both teams have a strong and weak partner but Bossman is more ready for a singles push than the future HBK so Rockers to edge it and the first step towards a face turn for the former corrections facility officer from Cobb County, GA!


'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Without Bret, The Anvil is treading water.


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes

Rude is a super hot prospect at this stage and Dusty... well I reckon that Vince might be wanting to grind an axe here


Sign of the week: "Property of T. DiBiase"


Interesting that you've decided to run two A-shows (in my save I've altered Superstars to B-show status) could mean that things get very congested very quickly (i.e. next week's Primtime/Superstars/SNME/UK Rampage quartet on the bounce!)




Good luck though!

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<p>You sold me with that amazing Warrior promo.</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title: <strong>The Brainbusters</strong> vs. Young Stallions</p><p>

<strong>Andre the Giant</strong> vs. The Red Rooster</p><p>

<strong>The Twin Towers</strong> vs. The Rockers</p><p>

<strong>'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart</p><p>

<strong>Rick Rude</strong> vs. Dusty Rhodes</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Ravishing one is the only man that can stop Hulkamania!</em></p>

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<p>Non Title: <strong>The Brainbusters</strong> vs. Young Stallions</p><p>

<strong>Andre the Giant</strong> vs. The Red Rooster</p><p>

<strong>The Twin Towers</strong> vs. The Rockers</p><p>

<strong>'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart</p><p>

<strong>Rick Rude</strong> vs. Dusty Rhodes</p>

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<p>Non Title: <strong>The Brainbusters</strong> vs. Young Stallions</p><p>

<strong>Andre the Giant</strong> vs. The Red Rooster</p><p>

<strong>The Twin Towers</strong> vs. The Rockers</p><p>

<strong>'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart</p><p>

<strong>Rick Rude</strong> vs. Dusty Rhodes</p>

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Friday Week 1 September 1989

Location: Arena At Harbor Yard (New England)

Attendance: 9,878

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.61


Gorilla Monsoon: "Hello everyone and welcome to WWF Superstars! I'm Gorilla Monsoon alongside Bobby The Brain Heenan. Bobby, we've got some great matches on the card tonight."


Bobby Heenan: "Of course there is greatness on the show tonight, Gorilla. We have members of the Heenan Family in action tonight, including The WWF World Tag Team Champions The Brainbusters, The Eighth Wonder of the World Andre the Giant and Ravishing Rick Rude."


Gorilla Monsoon: "What a horrible night. Let's head up to the ring."


Match #1


Non Title

The Brainbusters vs. Young Stallions


[The Young Stallions came out to the ring to little fanfare. The crowd gave them a modicum of cheers as they entered and began to stretch in the corner. Then the WWF World Tag Team Champions The Brainbusters came out and they were booed heavily! They were not accompanied by Bobby Heenan as per usual because of Heenan being in the announce booth. But Heenan was singing their praises as they came into the ring. Even without Heenan at ringside, The Brainbusters were a well-oiled tag team unit. They used frequent tags to keep the speedy Young Stallions down in their corner of the ring. Paul Roma was caught in that corner and lifted up -- Spiked Piledriver! The crowd boos as Arn makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Brainbusters (Via Pinfall @ 4:07)

Match Rating: C




Bobby Heenan: "YES! A great win by the best tag team in the World Wrestling Federation."


Gorilla Monsoon: "Yeah but we'll see what they can do next week against the former tag team Champions Demolition."


Bobby Heenan: "Demolition? They're just a couple of ham 'n eggers! They're a couple of bums compared to the Brainbusters. But I'll tell you who is not a bum. That is this man: Brother Love."




[The attention turns to a set that is set up for the Brother Love show. Brother Love is shown in his usual white suit looking around to the people sitting at ringside.]


Brother Love

"I LOOOOVE YOOOOUUUU!! Welcome, brothers and sisters, to the Brother Love show. Today my special guest here is none other than the man who STOLE the WWF Intercontinental title from Ravishing Rick Rude. Please welcome brother Ultimate Warrior!"




[The crowd cheered when The Ultimate Warrior came running out from the back. Some fans reached out and touched him as he went by. He stopped at the Brother Love set and snarled at Brother Love.]


Brother Love

"Brother Ultimate, thank you for coming here today to the Brother Love show. I do have a question for you, Brother Ultimate. That question is how can you live with yourself after what happened at Summerslam?"


The Ultimate Warrior

"Brother Love, at Summerslam, the gods smiled down upon the Ultimate Warrior. I came from outside the desert and entered the ring against Rick Rude. The sand was removed from my eyes and I stood victorious inside the ring."


[brother Love shakes his head.]


Brother Love

"Brother Ultimate, you did not emerge victorious in that match alone. Brother Piper helped you out. But I have another special guest here on the Brother Love show."




[Haku came from out of nowhere and attacked The Ultimate Warrior while Bobby Heenan laughed from the announcer's booth. The two men exchanged hard-hitting blows without pity to each other. Security and road agents came running out to break things up before they got any worse.]




Gorilla Monsoon: "Go explain that one, Bobby Heenan. Your man Haku attacked The Ultimate Warrior from behind."


Bobby Heenan: "I think you just explained it for me, Gorilla. Why should I have to do your job? Lord knows you couldn't do my job as a broadcast journalist."


Gorilla Monsoon: "Yes, because you're so unbiased, aren't you, Brain?"


Bobby Heenan: "Absolutely. Now let's watch my favorite big man step into the ring."


Match #2


Andre the Giant vs. The Red Rooster


[A complete and total destruction of the Red Rooster in this match. Andre took him down with a headbutt and a big body slam. The Red Rooster did not even get in an offensive move during the match. Andre lifted Red Rooster with his arms around him in a bear hug and The Red Rooster had no choice but to submit.]


Winner: Andre the Giant (Via Submission @ 2:12)

Match Rating: C




Bobby Heenan: "HAHAHAHA! That Rooster won't be crowing tomorrow!"


Gorilla Monsoon: "The Red Rooster put up a good fight against Andre, Brain."


Bobby Heenan: "Nobody puts up a good fight against my Andre."


Gorilla Monsoon: "But now let's head backstage where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Hulk Hogan."


Bobby Heenan: "Hulk Hogan? BAAAHHHH!"




[We head backstage to the interview area where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the WWF World Heavyweight Champion!]


Mean Gene Okerlund

"Thank you everyone and welcome backstage here with Hulk Hogan. Hulk, there is not a lot of time left until you go one on one with the Million Dollar Man. Your thoughts heading into this epic battle?"


Hulk Hogan

"Well, you know something, Mean Gene, dude, The Million Dollar Man goes around saying that everyone has a price for him. But there is no price that you can put on the Hulkamaniacs, dude! There is no price that can be placed on this WWF World Heavyweight title. There is no price for Hulk Hogan, brother. That means that your biggest weapon, Million Dollar Dude, is obsolete. So Million Dollar Man you are going to have to ask yourself a question, dude. You need to ask yourself: whatcha gonna do? That's right, whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulk Hogan and all my Hulkamaniacs runs wild over you?!?!"


Gene Okerlund

"Back to you Gorilla and Bobby."


[Time to head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/akeem.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/bigbossman3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/slick.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/shawnmichaels6.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/martyjannetty7.jpg

The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers


[This is your typical match of size and power versus speed and agility. Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty kept Akeem off balance inside the ring with quick tags and quick moves. They tried their best to stay away from being grabbed by either Akeem or The Big Bossman. Akeem caught Marty Jannetty coming off the top turnbuckle with a backbreaker! Akeem tagged out to Big Bossman. Big Bossman came in and had the advantage from the outset. He sent Jannetty to the ropes and Slick tripped Jannetty up! Jannetty turned and glared at Slick before turning around -- Bossman Slam! Big Bossman made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Twin Towers (Via Pinfall @ 3:45)

Match Rating: B-




Gorilla Monsoon: "Slick with an assist there for the Twin Towers to win this match."


Bobby Heenan: "I didn't see anything. You must be looking at the wrong monitor. Maybe all that long hair from the Rockers got in your eyes."


Gorilla Monsoon: "I know what I saw, Brain. Now, Sean Mooney is standing by with the #1 contenders to the WWF World Tag Team titles..."


Bobby Heenan: "Dummylition!"




[We head backstage once again to find Sean Mooney standing by with the former WWF World Tag Team Champions Demolition.]


Sean Mooney

"Thanks, Gorilla, Bobby. I'm Sean Mooney and I'm back here with Ax and Smash Demolition. Gentlemen, you are going to get the opportunity at Saturday Night's Main Event to take back the WWF World Tag Team titles from The Brainbusters. It's just about a week away."



"There is a reason why they call us Demolition. We enjoy breaking bones, Sean Mooney. We enjoy dishing out pain and that's exactly what we're gonna do to the Brainbusters. Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard you got lucky when you beat us before but that luck is about to run out. Right, Smash?"



"That's right, Ax. We are the two best wrestlers in the business today. We're the two toughest guys to wrestle. Brainbusters, you're going to learn it when we demolish you!"


[Ax and Smash stick out their tongues and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/teddibease3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/virigil.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWF/jimneidhart2.jpg

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart


[The Million Dollar Man came out with his bodyguard Virgil at his side. The Anvil came out on his own. Neidhart definitely has the power advantage in this match but it is definitely an interesting warmup matchup for DiBiase as he will face a stronger man in Hulk Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event. The matchup was back and forth with both men showing some parts of their offense. Neidhart got a two count following a vicious vertical suplex. A little interference by Virgil brought the advantage back to DiBiase, who locked Neidhart in the Million Dollar Dream! Neidhart struggled, fighting to break free with the crowd getting behind him. But eventually he succumed to the Dream and the referee called for the bell.]


Winner: Million Dollar Man (Via Submission @ 4:33)

Match Rating: B+


[As DiBiase released The Anvil, tossing him down to the mat, Virgil entered the ring. Virgil handed DiBiase a one hundred dollar bill and DiBiase put the bill in the mouth of Neidhart. Everyone has a price, right?]




Bobby Heenan: "The Million Dollar Man winning in style against that big idiot the Anvil."


Gorilla Monsoon: "I wonder what you would say if he came over here, Brain."


Bobby Heenan: "I'd say whatever I want. I'm a broadcast journalist! Just like I say that Ravishing Rick Rude is going to beat up that polka dotted disgrace Dusty Rhodes."


Gorilla Monsoon: "Dusty definitely makes a fashion statement."


Match #5


Rick Rude vs. Dusty Rhodes


[Rick Rude came down to the ring alone since Bobby Heenan was on commentary. This was a definite contrast of looks as you have one Ravishing one versus the polka dotted American Dream. Dusty started off hot against Rude to cheers from the crowd. The American Dream took down Rude with a Bionic Elbow but Rude rolled out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Rude slipped back inside the ring and Rhodes clotheslines him to the mat. Rhodes picked up Rude and brought him down to the mat with a gutwrench suplex. He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Rude ducked a clothesline by The Dream and raked him in the face! Rude sent Rhodes to the ropes and caught him with a scoop powerslam showing the power that the Ravishing One has. Rude stood up and swiveled his hips while standing over the American Dream, drawing the ire from the crowd. Rude climbed the turnbuckles -- flying kneedrop! Rude pulled Rhodes up and set him up -- Rude Awakening Neckbreaker! Rude made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Rick Rude (Via Pinfall @ 4:59)

Match Rating: B+


[Rick Rude kicked Dusty Rhodes out of the ring and then asked for a microphone.]


Rick Rude

"Rowdy Roddy Piper, this one is going out to you. You cost me my WWF Intercontinental title. Haku is going to take care of that one for me so I can focus right in on you. Next week, Saturday Night's Main Event, you are in for a Rude Awakening, Piper."


[Rude swiveled his hips and threw off some sweat from his chest. He smiled as Bobby Heenan praised him and we're out of time!]

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We had several perfect scores on this show. Congratulations to LordJaguar, Beejus, Huntman, nick21985, borman_48, jstarr187, Nobby McDonald and jhd1!




1. nick21985=11 Wins

jhd1=11 Wins

Huntman=11 Wins

Beejus=11 Wins

5. Ritchardo=10 Wins

6. 20LEgend=9 Wins

ChrisKid=9 Wins

LordJaguar=9 Wins

9. TsuMirren=6 Wins

10. tizzyt=5 Wins

juggaloninjalee=5 Wins

borman_48=5 Wins

jstarr187=5 Wins

Nobby McDonald=5 Wins

15. JudgeJuryExecutioner=4 Wins

16. Jaded=1 Win


More to come, including the prediction list for WWF Prime Time Wrestling and the week in Professional Wrestling: Week 1!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Taped: Friday Week 2 September 1989


Mr. Perfect vs. Koko B. Ware

Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. The Bushwackers

Bad News Brown vs. Barry Horowitz

Boris Zhukov and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Rockers

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Young Stallions

Haku vs. Ronnie Garvin

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


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Prime Time Wrestling (September 1989 - Week 2)


Mr. Perfect vs. Koko B. Ware

Careful nurturing of the Perfect One with plenty of lower card guy victories has to be a priority if Hennig is set to achieve what he should have in reality.

Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. The Bushwackers

Another confident victory for the reigning champs to bring them a little closer to the Demos' popularity

Bad News Brown vs. Barry Horowitz

I dont see Bad News losing out to life longer jobber Horrowitz any time soon!

Boris Zhukov and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Rockers

Rockers to bounce back from last week's loss to the Towers

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Young Stallions

Hmmm... The Rougeaus are under a PPA deal while the Stallions have youth on their side... but I can't see Roma & Powers beating an experienced team like Jacques & Raymond

Haku vs. Ronnie Garvin

IC contender has to be built for his Ultimate showdown

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

If Ted can't win when there's two of them against Hogan he hasn't a hope at SNME... booking logic dictates that Brutus takes the fall/SIZE]


Sign of the Week: "You can't buy immortality"

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Mr. Perfect vs. Koko B. Ware

Non Title: The Brainbusters vs. The Bushwackers

Bad News Brown vs. Barry Horowitz

Boris Zhukov and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Rockers

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Young Stallions

Haku vs. Ronnie Garvin

'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

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