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DOTM: January 2011 Nomination thread!

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  1. You have 3 votes to either nominate or 2nd, 1 for each category

    (The TigerKinney Rule)

    You may substitute your Real World and Cornellverse nomination or 2nd between the two. The Rookie Vote must go to a Rookie Diary Category or be left unused

  2. you may not nominate or 2nd yourself

  3. All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round

  4. All nominations must include a reason

  5. Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least
    shows, with at least 2 of those shows this month.

  6. Rookie DOTM:any diary started since the first of the prior month, the only post requirement for rookie is one show in the current month, and not started by a Hall of Famer. (none diary threads are no longer eligible)

  7. You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category to the full awards regardless of start date (Yoshida's ZEN - Insert witty eye catching title here)

  8. You can NOT nominate Wildfire1324's NWA: Beyond The Glory

  9. You can NOT nominate DragonMack's The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming

  10. a vote for yourself is an automatic disqualification.




2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month


Real World DOTM nominee's:

  • Nobby_McDonald's TNA's New Beginnings II
  • michgcs's WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History!
  • Dse81's The New NWA



Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* TakerNGN74's Canadian Golden Combat: Reforming its legacy
  • 2nd* angeldelayette's USPW - What? This Again?
  • 2nd* Dragonmack's The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW: The Homecoming
  • 2nd* Tigerkinney's BHOTWG: Stepping into the Inferno
  • 2nd* BHK1978's RIPW: Ballad of Henry Lee
  • 2nd* Codey's The Johhny Heizenger Story



Rookie DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* 1PWfan's KCCW: The Legend of Bonnie Rockworth
  • 2nd* Eidenhoek's BSC. BSS. Best. Dynasty. Ever.
  • 2nd* Yuu Onuki's Memoir's of a Booker: 5SSW Return of an Oracle
  • 2nd* TheLeviticalLawKids23's: Kanzen Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining....
  • 2nd* Sebsplex' DaVE? Where Have I Heard That Name Before?
  • 2nd* Rathen's Australian Pro Wrestling




Nominations will be open until February 4rth (12 pm Eastern)

Happy Holidays All.


Don't forget to nominate Diary of the Year! (thanks go to 20Legend for keeping the big dance alive!)

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I would like to nominate TakerNGN74's CGC Dynasty


Objectively, it's not a dynasty of the year otherwise I would nominate it there but he's been consistent for over a year now doing this dynasty so I just thought I'd recognize his commitment and how much thought he actually puts into it. (I know this because we are best friends in real life. However, don't take this the wrong way like I'm nominating him just because he's my friend.)

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I would like to nominate TakerNGN74's CGC Dynasty


Objectively, it's not a dynasty of the year otherwise I would nominate it there but he's been consistent for over a year now doing this dynasty so I just thought I'd recognize his commitment and how much thought he actually puts into it. (I know this because we are best friends in real life. However, don't take this the wrong way like I'm nominating him just because he's my friend.)


I shall second this nomination.


Taker's diary is one of the longest running, if not the longest running original TEW10 diary on the board (meaning not carried over from the 08 thread) and I think it is time he gets nominated again.

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I shall second this nomination.


Taker's diary is one of the longest running, if not the longest running original TEW10 diary on the board (meaning not carried over from the 08 thread) and I think it is time he gets nominated again.


Actually, mine started 3 days before his. ;):D


But I am all in favor of him getting some much deserved recognition.

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I'd like to second The Johnny Heizenger story- it's a really fun MAW dynasty, and one of the most consistently entertaining looks at the company since 8 simple rules.


I think Rathen's APW Dynasty will count as a rookie, so I'd like to nominate that. Rathen's arguably got an unparalleled understanding of the Aussie scene, and has also managed the near impossible task of finding something for Big Daddy Horne to do.

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USPW - What? This Again? by angeldelayette (first time I've spelt that without checking)


I'll put in a second for this consistently execellent diary, and I really don't know how he keeps up the schedule he does with the amount of detail he puts into this diary and have a real-world one on the go at the same time.


I was going to give a nom to BigPapa42's SWF diary, but as consistently good as that has been that would feel wrong to vote it, when he just put it on hiatus and their plenty of other consistently good diaries out there.....


So my other nomination will go to Dragonmack's consistently excellent The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW: The Homecoming.

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USPW - What? This Again? by angeldelayette (first time I've spelt that without checking)


I'll put in a second for this consistently execellent diary, and I really don't know how he keeps up the schedule he does with the amount of detail he puts into this diary and have a real-world one on the go at the same time.


Thanks for the nominations, guys! It is always an honour to be nominated.

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I have a nomination left....


My third one is for the Rookie category, for TheLeviticalLawKids23's: Kanzen Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining....


This one has had me gripped from the start.

Seconded. And a rookie nomination...


Sebsplex' DaVE? Where Have I Heard That Name Before?

Wow. Many, many thanks, guys. It's good to know I've got support from two outstanding writers here.


And I would like to second Sebsplex's DaVE dynasty for rookie.

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I'd like to second The Johnny Heizenger story- it's a really fun MAW dynasty, and one of the most consistently entertaining looks at the company since 8 simple rules.


I think Rathen's APW Dynasty will count as a rookie, so I'd like to nominate that. Rathen's arguably got an unparalleled understanding of the Aussie scene, and has also managed the near impossible task of finding something for Big Daddy Horne to do.


need diary names here. sorry

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