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Jaguar's Den Studios {$3'519'600}

Title- Bag Boys

Tagline: Maximum fun at Minimum Wage!

Lead Actors- Aaron Johnson (30,000)/Jonah Hill (40,000**)

Lead Actress- Kat Denning (30,000***)

Supporting Actors- Christopher Mintz (30,000), Michael Cera (50,000), James Storm (10,000*), Ed Asner (40,000), Matthew Fox (30,000)

Supporting Actresses- Hilary Duff (15,000), Mandy Moore (30,000)

Cameo: Christina Hendricks (35,000)

Director – Judd Apatow (200,000)

Genre- Comedy



Josh Woods (Aaron Johnson) can’t afford to go to the University of Illinois like he dreamed, instead he is forced to attend Moraine Valley Community College or as it is called by the locals, Moron Valley. Josh is also forced to take a part time job with his cousin Jacob (Jonah Hill) at the local grocery store Al’s Bargain Barn. Jacob, whose only ambition is to become store manager one day, shows Josh the ropes of being a “true” bagboy! Hilarity ensues as Jacob and Josh try to keep Al Sweeny (Matthew Fox) from firing them as they do as little as possible!


::: Jacob introduces Josh to the other “bag boys” and Al’s employees:::

~Gramps (Ed Asner) a retired war vet who has several war flashbacks during the movie, including one scene were he attacks and chases an Asian customer through the plant section.


~Eddie O. (Christopher Mintz) a socially inept bagger who constantly over bags peoples groceries causing them to rip through the bottom and spill on the floor. Jacob comments that “I hate that F’ing guy!” {A nod to Super Bad!}


~Russel Stover “The Candy Man” (Michael Cera) an wannabe artist whose name would lead you to believe his nickname was one of jest, until we see Jacob buying and using drugs from him during working hours! Jacob telling Josh “I used to be best friends with that guy {Another nod to Super Bad!}


~Mark the Billy Beer Man (James Storm) a rep from Billy Beer that would rather drink the product then stock the shelves with it. This leads to a scene where several customers all try to return cases of beer that are half filled with empty bottles!


~Mary Lynn (Kat Denning) the flower arranger for Al’s, whom Josh falls for and spends most of his day chatting up, much to the chagrin of his boss.


~Jenni and Jackie (Hillary Duff & Mandy Moore) the deli counter workers who make crude comments about handling meat all day, which gets all the “bag boys” hot and bothered. Eventually we learn the two are lesbian lovers much to the disappointment and delight of the rest of the employees!


~Al Sweeny, the owner and manager of Al’s. Al is a total prick who no firing policy is tested as Jacob and Josh pull several pranks on him. His policy is based on the fact that if he fires you then you can get unemployment but if you quit you can’t. He constantly tries to get both Josh and Jacob to quit by assigning them terrible jobs, such as retrieving carts in 100 degree weather, helping a Really Fat lady who smells like pork and ass shop for groceries, and repave the parking lot.


:::The conflict of the movie arrives when Al, after being sent dozens of Gay themed Adult magazines to his house by the boys, threatens to break his policy and fire the boys if they are caught slacking. This leads to cameras being installed, Mark drinking in a freezer and getting frost bite, Jenni and Jackie being caught by the boys, who had snuck into Al’s office, on camera getting it on, Russel hiding $350 worth of drugs drugs in a flower pot which Mary sells for a $1, and Josh taking the blame for Jacob bagging liquor and giving it to a teen by mistake, due to a drugged out state.


:::After Josh is fired, due to the liquor incident, he is determined to regain his job and Jacob helps him set Al up with a hooker that Jacob met after bagging her groceries and getting a “special tip” from earlier in the movie (cameo by Christina Hendricks). Al blows off the hooker, but the boys due catch him and his “boyfriend” kissing on the tape and use that to get Josh back his job if they promised not to tell anyone about it.




Location- Chicago/Local Dominick’s that was used as Al’s

Budget- (Actors & Director =540,000 / production = 500,000 / marketing = 1,000,000 )

Duration – 110M

*Guessed on price, based on Robert Roode’s price…

**Another Guess…

***Yet another guess


~Studio Notes~

The movie was advertised on Impact Wrestling, due to Storm being in it, therefore 2 people saw that ad on Spike.

The Studio took over the Dominick’s used in the movie for several days and the actors actually worked there.

During the take over of Dominick’s the studio had several special sales at the store to tie in the movie, including 3 packs of beer, and Jumbo Meat!

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Jaguar's Den Studios {$3'519'600}

Title- Bag Boys

Tagline: Maximum fun at Minimum Wage!

Lead Actors- Aaron Johnson (30,000)/Jonah Hill (40,000**)

Lead Actress- Kat Denning (30,000***)

Supporting Actors- Christopher Mintz (30,000), Michael Cera (50,000), James Storm (10,000*), Ed Asner (40,000), Matthew Fox (30,000)

Supporting Actresses- Hilary Duff (15,000), Mandy Moore (30,000)

Cameo: Christina Hendricks (35,000)

Director – Judd Apatow (200,000)

Genre- Comedy



Josh Woods (Aaron Johnson) can’t afford to go to the University of Illinois like he dreamed, instead he is forced to attend Moraine Valley Community College or as it is called by the locals, Moron Valley. Josh is also forced to take a part time job with his cousin Jacob (Jonah Hill) at the local grocery store Al’s Bargain Barn. Jacob, whose only ambition is to become store manager one day, shows Josh the ropes of being a “true” bagboy! Hilarity ensues as Jacob and Josh try to keep Al Sweeny (Matthew Fox) from firing them as they do as little as possible!


::: Jacob introduces Josh to the other “bag boys” and Al’s employees:::

~Gramps (Ed Asner) a retired war vet who has several war flashbacks during the movie, including one scene were he attacks and chases an Asian customer through the plant section.


~Eddie O. (Christopher Mintz) a socially inept bagger who constantly over bags peoples groceries causing them to rip through the bottom and spill on the floor. Jacob comments that “I hate that F’ing guy!” {A nod to Super Bad!}


~Russel Stover “The Candy Man” (Michael Cera) an wannabe artist whose name would lead you to believe his nickname was one of jest, until we see Jacob buying and using drugs from him during working hours! Jacob telling Josh “I used to be best friends with that guy {Another nod to Super Bad!}


~Mark the Billy Beer Man (James Storm) a rep from Billy Beer that would rather drink the product then stock the shelves with it. This leads to a scene where several customers all try to return cases of beer that are half filled with empty bottles!


~Mary Lynn (Kat Denning) the flower arranger for Al’s, whom Josh falls for and spends most of his day chatting up, much to the chagrin of his boss.


~Jenni and Jackie (Hillary Duff & Mandy Moore) the deli counter workers who make crude comments about handling meat all day, which gets all the “bag boys” hot and bothered. Eventually we learn the two are lesbian lovers much to the disappointment and delight of the rest of the employees!


~Al Sweeny, the owner and manager of Al’s. Al is a total prick who no firing policy is tested as Jacob and Josh pull several pranks on him. His policy is based on the fact that if he fires you then you can get unemployment but if you quit you can’t. He constantly tries to get both Josh and Jacob to quit by assigning them terrible jobs, such as retrieving carts in 100 degree weather, helping a Really Fat lady who smells like pork and ass shop for groceries, and repave the parking lot.


:::The conflict of the movie arrives when Al, after being sent dozens of Gay themed Adult magazines to his house by the boys, threatens to break his policy and fire the boys if they are caught slacking. This leads to cameras being installed, Mark drinking in a freezer and getting frost bite, Jenni and Jackie being caught by the boys, who had snuck into Al’s office, on camera getting it on, Russel hiding $350 worth of drugs drugs in a flower pot which Mary sells for a $1, and Josh taking the blame for Jacob bagging liquor and giving it to a teen by mistake, due to a drugged out state.


:::After Josh is fired, due to the liquor incident, he is determined to regain his job and Jacob helps him set Al up with a hooker that Jacob met after bagging her groceries and getting a “special tip” from earlier in the movie (cameo by Christina Hendricks). Al blows off the hooker, but the boys due catch him and his “boyfriend” kissing on the tape and use that to get Josh back his job if they promised not to tell anyone about it.




Location- Chicago/Local Dominick’s that was used as Al’s

Budget- (Actors & Director =540,000 / production = 500,000 / marketing = 1,000,000 )

Duration – 110M

*Guessed on price, based on Robert Roode’s price…

**Another Guess…

***Yet another guess


~Studio Notes~

The movie was advertised on Impact Wrestling, due to Roode being in it, therefore 2 people saw that ad on Spike.

The Studio took over the Dominick’s used in the movie for several days and the actors actually worked there.

During the take over of Dominick’s the studio had several special sales at the store to tie in the movie, including 3 packs of beer, and Jumbo Meat!


That would be Storm if i'm not mistaken

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Clarity Productions Presents...


Title- The Plan

Lead Actor- Eric Bana ($50,000)

Lead Actress- Amy Adams ($75,000)

Supporting Actor- Morgan Freeman ($75,000)

Supporting Actor- Haley Joel Osment ($25,000)

Director – Darren Aronofsky ($125,000)

Genre- Drama

Plot- What would you do if you knew when you were going to die?


Tyler Ryland (Eric Bana) had hit an all time low. Stuck in a dead end job, a wife that had just left him and spending most nights staring at the bottom of the bottle, Tyler attempts to end his own life with a combination of sleeping pills and alcohol. In the veil between life and death, Tyler meets God (Morgan Freeman) who tells Tyler that it is not his time just yet, and that they will meet again in 6 months time. God explains to Tyler the certain signs will appear to Tyler to show him his path. A Pegasus, a Dragon and an Angel


Tyler awakes in a hospital under the care of Dalia (Amy Adams), an overworked nurse and single mother who cares for him until he is released. They bump into each other a week later in the street where Tyler notices her necklace of a Pegasus sign freaking him out. Tyler had thought that the vision had just been a drug induced hallucination and flees the scene.


Dalia manages to track Tyler down and they begin an awkward friendship. Dalia introduces Tyler to her son Desmond (Haley Joel Osment), a socially inept teenager who is being pressured into crime by some friends of his. Tyler notices the dragon motif on Desmond's top; the second sign. Tyler freaks in front of Desmond sending the young boy back to his gang friends upset and looking for acceptance. He agrees to help in the burglary they have planned.


Dalia finds Tyler and lays into him for what he did to Desmond. Tyler tries to explain to Dalia about his vision, but comes off sounding crazy. Dalia slaps him and tells him never to go near her angel again.


Tyler realises that no matter how he had tried to avoid his vision, it was coming true anyway. Desmond was the angel, the last sign. He pounds the streets looking for the boy and finally catches up with the gang moments before they start the burglary.


He realises that it was 6 months to the day from his hallucination, and that today was the day he was going to die. Using a payphone he calls Dalia asking for one last favour. Finally he heads over to Desmond and gets surrounded by the gang. Tyler tells Desmond that there is always a better way and that no matter what life may throw at you, there is always an out. The gang leader is getting antsy and pulls a gun on Tyler. A wave of calm comes across Tyler and he just closes his eyes.


A siren sounds nearby and the gang leader panics causing the gun to go off. Tyler falls to his knees clutching his chest as all but Desmond run off. Desmond holds Tyler promising that he will change his ways and is with him until the ambulance arrives. Tyler is rushed to hospital and is met to Dalia who tells Tyler that his wife is here. Tyler looks over, sees his wife and smiles before flatlining.


The film ends in slow motion as the crash team head to revive Tyler and Dalia cradling an obviously distraught Desmond. Everything fades to white and the credits roll.


Location- New York

Duration – 1 Hours 25 Minutes (85 Minutes)

Budget- 360,000 (Cast and Director), 4,000,000 (Production), 2,500,000 (Marketing)

Total Cost: 6,860,000


Pre-Production Budget: 15,656,510

Total Cost: 6,860,000

Ending Budget: 8,796,510


The Plan is the fourth movie to be released by Clarity Studios. The studio has decided to stay within its comfort zone by returning to the Drama genre. This film centres around Tyler Ryland (any relation to that world famous game developer?), who attempts to end his own life, but is stopped by God who reveals that Tyler still has 6 months to live, and during this period signs will lead him towards his fate. This ends up being a task to save a teenager, the child of the nurse that was treating him, from a life of crime.


The film delivers strong messages,, the first being that youth should not get involved in criminal activities, and secondly that everyone has a purpose in life, sometimes you just have to look for it. The stars of the film do exactly what is expected of them, delivering good emotional performances, Morgan Freeman gave his usual solid performance in the role of God, but the star of the film was Haley Joel Osment. Despite not being in a lead role the young actor gained much critical acclaim for his role.


The film ends with mixed emotions, there is happiness as Desmond (Osment) turns away from a life of crime, Tyler fulfilling his fate & his wife returning in the final scene, but we are left on the sad note of Tyler passing away. Overall this is another great movie from the company that keeps producing quality movies.


Rating: 4 Stars

Revenue: $10 Million


Clarity Productions now has $18,796,510



Haley Joel Osment now wants $40,000

Eric Bana now wants $60,000

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Not that im complaining but its actually the 4th. The Ruin, Distintergration, 1899 and this one :)


Im actually chuffed that it did that well due to its religious undertones, but i may stray away from my comfort zone for my next film

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Poisonedsuperman Studios presents




Comedy (trying to go for waiting mixed with the office type feel)]


Director: Michel Gondry (The Green Hornet)


Staring: Zac Effron, Jason Schwartzman (Bored to death), Guillermo Diaz (Half baked), Bob Saget, John Goodman, Tom Guiry (The Sandlot, Blackhawk down), Erik King (The Poisoning, Dexter, OZ), Ron Lester (Varisty Blues, Goodburger),


Plot: The movie starts at a high school graduation where Stevie Jillson (Zac Effron) is shown graduating and later having a party in a huge backyard behind a mansion. The uncontrolled party is only shown for a few minutes before cutting into the next morning where Stevies parents tell the newly minted adult that he must find a summer job. Stevie is shown filling out applications on the internet when he gets a phone call from Ronald (John Goodman)


Ronald is the owner of the local Allied moving agent in the small town that Stevie lives in and wants to hire him for the summer rush. Stevie accepts the job but immediately has second thoughts when his mother drops him off in the parking lot at his first employer. The dispatch office sits in the middle of the city, with a chain link fence and barb wire all around it. There are guys sitting in their cars drinking beers, smoking mariuana and blasting their hardcore rap music (at 7 in the morning).


Apon entering the business Stevie is met by Thomas (Bob Saget), the hyper active, former mover turned dispatcher and salesman who purposely underbooks jobs to make more money for himself. Thomas has a bad mouth and every other word out of it is a swear word, something that makes Stevie very uncomfortable. From there the movie takes us from the opening morning ceremonies where Ronald gives the buys a pep talk, to the 9 o clock at night end time when the guys finish loading the truck for a very famous pop star who is never announced (but they make it seem like Justin Beiber). What happens in one day could be enough to make Stevie never wanna work again.


  • Somethings that happen on this day:
  • On the ride to the job, all the guys sitting in the back of the tractor trailer exchange war stories with Stevie about guys getting fired in the past, to the driver wetting the bed, to the load of the truck being so old that he came with the building.
  • Jefferson (Erik King) trying to start a fight with not only Stevie but anyone who he feels looks at him the wrong way (everyone), including Ronald and Thomas.
  • Raul (Guillermo Diaz) the driver of the tractor trailer who hits a row of mirrors as he parks his big rig in front of a store, before the job even starts.
  • Tom (Tom Guiry) a man who has been working on the job for 4 years but can't do ANYTHING. Every time he touches a piece of furniture he shakes uncontrolablly and nobody wants to carry with him.
  • Jefferson buying a case of beer and finishing it off before lunch time with no ill effects shown! Loading the truck like a master when he's not trying to pick a fight.
  • Moshawn Bigger (Jason Schwartzman) as a pot head who can't seem to remember if he's at work or at home at times, relaxing on the couch, watching television and even falling asleep on the master bed. Moshawn also wears headphones throughout the movie and can be heard rapping TuPac songs wrongly for the duration of the film.
  • Tom challenging Jefferson to a drinking contest at lunch and getting buzzed after "just" three beers and then dropping a dresser on Moshawn as they carry it down the stairs.
  • Steven (Ron Lester) not being able to fit out of the house unless he walks sideways, causing him to be pretty useless.
  • Raul wants Stevie to learn how to inventory a household (so that he doesn't have to), as Mo' Biggz wants to smoke with the very interested but able to resist Stevie. Jefferson asking Stevie if he wants to drink, in which Stevie says he's too young, Jefferson claims to been drinking since before he was born. When Stevie looks away he is challanged to a fight! Tom trying to convince Stevie to carry something, anything with him even after all the stories, all the while Steven is just looking to make a friend, with the guy with the same name.
    At the end of the movie, the crew drives off and the trailer falls off of the tractor, the movie ends as the tractor contiues to roll down the street, oblivious as to what happened.
  • All this and much, much, more!
    Shot in: Oakland California
    Duration: 102 minutes
    Production: 1,000,000
    Marketing: 1,500,000
    Director price: Michel Gondry (???)
    Actor price: Erik King (45,000) Zac Effron (60,000) Bob Saget (40,000) Guillermo Diaz (20,000) Jason Schwartzman (20,000)John Goodman (20,000) Tom Guiry (10,000) Ron Lester (10,000) 245,000
    Studio Money: 7,955,000
    Money Spent: 2,745,000


Moving is the latest offering from Poisonedsuperman Studios. The film is a comedy that centres around a fictional Allied Moving Centre. Recently graduated Stevie is forced to get a summer job by his parents, and is recruited by the Centre. After being recruited the movie focuses around Stevie's first day at work, and the hilarious antics of his co-workers.


The film is very funny, but the problem is that at times there is too much comedy and not enough character development. The bright characters are quickly introduced to us, and their quirks higlighted to us, but apart from the brief introductions their characters do not really develop, and we end up getting a movie full of jokes. I cannot help that this film would be better suited as a TV series, where characters could be developed more and where the humor would be better suited.


Don't misunderstand me though, this film is very funny and will perform well with the younger demographics, but this isn't ever going to be classed as a classic movie.


Rating - 2.75 Stars (I wanted just under 3, but 2.5 seemed harsh.)

Revenue - $3'750'000


PoisonedSuperman Studios now has $8'960'000

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Not that im complaining but its actually the 4th. The Ruin, Distintergration, 1899 and this one :)


Im actually chuffed that it did that well due to its religious undertones, but i may stray away from my comfort zone for my next film


Thanks, I was doing the review while I couldn't get google docs to load so took a guess. Will change it now.


And I let you off on the religious undertones for casting Freeman as God. (J/k :p)

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Thanks, I was doing the review while I couldn't get google docs to load so took a guess. Will change it now.


And I let you off on the religious undertones for casting Freeman as God. (J/k :p)

Well it was either gonna be Morgan Freeman or Alanis Morrisette, but Freeman just seems more believable
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Spine Wood Studios Present:




Rio Grande


Lead Actor:

Clint Eastwood & Edward Norton (60,000)


Supporting Actor:

Shia Lebouf (50,000), Martin Sheen (50,000) & Tommy Lee Jones (125,000)


Supporting Actress:

Penelope Cruz (40,000)



Clint Eastwood (200,000)





Rio Grande is the setting of one of the bloodiest battles between the Mexicans and Americans through the 1800’s.


The film follows the American side of the story as they make a last ditch attempt to win the war by bringing in an American outlaw by the name of Jess Burton (Edward Norton American History X). Burton is shown early on with his Mexican wife (Penelope Cruz Vicky Christina Barcelona) andson (Shia LaBouf Transformers) nowliving a quiet life in the mountains.


The army officials (Martin Sheen The Departed & Tommy Lee Jones US Marshalls)(recurring characters throughout the film until there untimely deaths during a battle towards the end) who rope him into the situation do so by reminding Burton of a “free pass” the gave him in the past and how he had to honour that or be taken in to custody.


But as the film progresses and Burton grows more and more unnerved by the antics (the pillaging of innocent Mexican villages and the rape and execution innocent women. Sheen & Lee Jones also partake in these events) of an old, once retired and bitter soldier named; Wade Hackett (Clint Eastwood Unforgiven), he makes the decision to jump ship to the Mexican side of the border.


As he is seen as a traitor to the American army; Burton becomes the main focus of the American attacks. But as the fighting moves on and the opposing forces march closer (and Sheen and Lee Jones become victims in the war), Burton is left leading the Mexican Army following the death of its commander.


The final 30 minutes of the movie sees Hackett execute Jess Burtons wife in cold blood and as he races over to her body he is shot twice in the back by Hackett. The credits roll as Burton falls to the ground next to his deceased wife.



Rio Grande (USA)


118 minutes



Workers/Director: 525,000

Marketing: 2,000,000

Production: 3,000,000



Starting Budget: $8,958,000
Budget After: $3,433,000 



Spin Wood Studios brings us Rio Grande, a story loosely based on actual events. This story is a bit of a gamble and I think the studio was banking largely on the incredible fight scenes throughout the movie. The scenes are some of the bloodiest we have ever seen, especially when considering the era it was placed in. If you are in the mood to see bloody fight scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat then look no further. That leads us to the actual story behind the movie. It’s one that you will either love or you will hate I don’t see many people being on the fence with this one. It follows one man, Jess, who has a Mexican wife and is in debt to the US government. Instead of working for them however he crosses the border where he takes up arms against the Americans. From there it’s one blood bath after another along with some pretty graphic rape scenes. Overall it’s not a bad story, just not one for the mainstream audience.


Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars


Revenue: 8,500,000



Actor Review:

Clint Eastwood – It’s no surprise that Eastwood did an outstanding job in his role. As expected Clint really took command of the set and was able to get his message across with relative ease.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


Edward Norton – Norton was the star of the movie, but at times was easily outshone by Eastwood and even Jones. Still delivered a solid performance, and should easily be in high demand after this film.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars


Tommy Lee Jones – Jones played the villain in this one to perfection. He was believable and witty. It was a pretty smooth transition from liking him early on to hating him as the movie progressed.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


Martin Sheen – Looked pretty good overall, but was mainly due to the fact that he was always with either Jones or Eastwood. This was a great decision by the company though and while it didn’t make Sheen shine it did wonders with hiding his flaws.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars



Spine Wood Studios now has $11,933,000

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PAIN FOR PLEASURE STUDIOS (Balance: $ 1,000,000)


Title – The Edge of Forever

Lead Actor – Kevin Bacon (30,000), Joseph Fiennes (50,000)

Lead Actress – Jennifer Connelly (40,000)

Supporting Actor –

Supporting Actress –

Director– David Cronenberg (125,000)

Genre – Drama / Romance


Plot –

Jerold Boone (Kevin Bacon) and Mark Humphries (Joseph Fiennes) are both American soldiers that became best friends over the years. Jerold is a family man. He has a wife, Rachel Boone (Jennifer Connelly), and a 4 year old son Jason. Mark is the kind of guy that always has a girlfriend, but never for a long time period. Mark made a promise to Jerold that if something should happen to Jerold, he would take care of his family, teach Jason how to cycle, play baseball with him and other things a father would do.


Currently they are serving in Afghanistan. Two weeks before they can go back home they have to secure a suspected terrorist hideout. They got ambushed however and received the order to retreat. Jerold gets shot and is left behind. The team doesn’t know how bad he was hit and whether he died or not. He’s officially listed as missing in action.


The two weeks go by and there’s still no news about Jerold. Mark goes back to the U.S. and decides to fulfill the promise he made to his best friend for the time being. He goes over to Jerold’s family a couple of times a week to check if everything’s alright and to help Rachel and her son through this uncertain period.


A year goes by and there’s still now word about Jerold, so both Rachel and Mark are beginning to accept that Jerold died that day they got ambushed. Mark is spending more and more time at Rachel’s house and sleeps there from time to time. Rachel started to feel something for him over time and they became a couple, although he still had his own house and everything.


Another two years go by until suddenly the U.S. Army calls Rachel to bring her the news that her husband is alive. He was taken hostage by the terrorists and was now released. He would be coming home in three days. Rachel and Mark are obviously happy that he’s still alive, but also don’t know how to handle the situation about them being in love. Mark decides that it would be best to pretend they had never been in love with each other and act like everything was as it was before.


Jerold comes home and is warmly welcomed by friends and family. Everything seems normal at that time. The suffering he went through in Afghanistan made him a different man however. He kept everything to himself and started drinking. Rachel over time gets annoyed with the situation and decides to tell him about the relation she has/had with Mark. Jerold can’t deal with it and is obviously very angry with his ‘friend’.


The bad relations between Mark and Jerold become worse over time. The movie ends with Mark getting punched into the hospital by Jerold. Rachel thinks that she is the cause of all the fighting and she decides to take her own life by hanging herself thinking that the world would be a better place for both men if she was no longer in it.



Budget – 1,000,000 (Cast: 245,000 - Production: 405,000 - Marketing: 350,000)

Duration – 107 minutes

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Little teaser for my next movie (which might be a trilogy if it works out well enough financially):




“The Emperor is dead, the empire in throes of civil war, and you plan on abandoning your duty to hunt down a man not seen in over a decade?”


“My duty above all else is to the Emperor. Above the Imperial Guard, above the Empire.”


The Iron Emperor is dead. Once a warlord who forged the various kingdoms, city-states and nations of Droman into a mighty empire, he leaves behind him a civil war and a return to the anarchy preceding his sixty years of rule. He also leaves behind Jarad Markham, his closest confidante and bodyguard. Accepting of his duty as the Emperor’s Deathsworn, Markham now has one goal: to avenge his death and kill the man he knows to be responsible: Menes, lord of the Thuzadin; a brotherhood of assassins that once served the Iron Emperor before an attempted coup d’état.


With claimants already marshaling armies to do battle and the Imperial Guard barely holding the capital together, Markham must hunt down both Menes and his Thuzadin, a task not made easier by the many enemies he has made over the years as the Emperor’s favorite. Battling noblemen, bandits and assassins, Markham will not rest until he has avenged his mentor.

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Studio- KO Productions

Budget- $2,575,000

Title-C2 (said as C squared)

Lead Actor-Tom Guiry ($10,000)

Lead Actress- Sarah Carter ($10,000)

Supporting Actor- Dustin Porier ($10,000)

Supporting Actress- Mary McDonnell ($25,000)

Director - JJ Abrams ($225,000)

Genre- Mockumentary, Murder Mystery

Plot- Before their was Eminem, their was Vanilla Ice & before him their was C Squared.


Chris Carpenter (Porier), a.k.a C Squared was a white raper out of Seattle, Washington. The movie is suppose to be a documentary about C Squared.


For the first 30 minutes of the movie it talks about C Squared early life and his music career, including interviews and clips of him performing live. Then it is revealed that C Squared is dead, & according to the offical police report he commited suicide. Even though their was a suicide note, many people believe he was murdered & didn't commit suicide since he had no reason to.


Mark Thompson (Guiry), the director of the documentary decides to look into this theory & asked for Chris' widow Elizabeth (McDonnell) to bring in some things from the "suicide" that she had, including the suicide note. When looking at the suicide not Mark thought it looked like a left handed person wrote the suicide note, however Chris was right handed. Mark decides to get help from his wife Lindsey (Carter), who is a private investigator (go figure), she looks at and agrees that the note was writen by a left handed person but she suggests to dig about to make sure Chris didn't write the note. As they are digging through some of his stuff like past interviews they realize that he could have been killed by the police. The three of them make a pack to not talk about it to anyone else.


As they keep on digging further they realize that it was a police officer, but the police also figures out that they are digging & manages to arrest Elizabeth and Lindsey. Mark has to continue on digging and manage to break Elizabeth and Lindsey out. He finally figures out that the person who murder Chris is the head of the FBI, who used to be a Seattle Police Officer. He then breaks Elizabeth and Lindsey out of jail. Once they get to a safe location he tells them & Lindsey immediately talks them into not trying to take him down & burn the disc. The film ends with Mark face looking at the camera & explaining he put a fake disc in the fire & he won't give up his fight to put justice to Chris' name.


Location- Seattle, Washington

Budget- Actors & Director ($280,000) + Production ($300,000) + Marketing ($500,000) = $1,080,000

Duration - 1 Hour & 53 Minutes.


Marketed the movie by:

making music videos and posting on YouTube

making a bunch of fake wiki pages

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Kingdom Of Phoenix


Lead Actor: Sean Bean (60,000) as Mun Khal

Lead Actor: Eric Bana (50,000) as Jarl Koarleens if: used then replacement in: Christopher Valtz (30,000)

Other Actors: Christopher Lee (30,000) as Mun Taer II

DIRECTOR: James Cameron (300,000)

Genre: Fantasy/Historic

Time: 2 hours 25 Minutes

Shooted in: Turkey




Plot: Mun Khal, a heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Phoenix, is a man who is very skilled with sword, unlike his mouth. He is born without ability to talk. This is caused by a Frostwood witch, who cursed his mother so her sons cannot lead the kingdom. Situation in kingdom is very bad, with people crying for bread and clean water. One day Mun Khal by coincidence sees Jarl Koarleens, fathers advisor putting something in fathers drink,. He tries to show it by signs to his father, but nothing seemed to work. It was over. After his father dies, Mun Khal, as legitimate heir to the throne, got witheld by the new position by Jarl Koarleens, who claims he is the son of the king, and eventually he becomes the new king of the Kingdom of Phoenix.


Jarl orders his men to take out the Mun Khal, but crossing the swords, Mun defeats five men and flees from the Karadin, capital of the Phoenix kingdom. While Koarleens thinks he is dead, he is making his way through the desert, to another kingdom, which his mother used to tell him stories about perfect life and long-lasting peace. While making his way , he got caught by guards and brought just where he was going, to the Kingdom of Swealts. King Maeras agreed he might let him live, but if he joins his army, which he accepted. Seeking for revenge day after day, he was becoming better and better warrior. At last, after five years he became the new Field Commander for Swealts army. It did not took much before Jarl Koarleens, who estabilished himself as a cruel, but very skilled leader, ordered attack on the capital of Kingdom of Swealts. Mun Khal, as the field Commander, led his men through bloody battle where he showed great courage on the battefield. Karan was defended. Many souls were lost, and Mun Khal took the most risky quest of all. To take down his enemy, Jarl Koarleens. While Jarl had his army on the other battlefield, he was unprepared for possible counter-attack, especcially attack on him. Mun Khal and four of his best men got by guards unnoticed and got in his room. Jarl Koarleens looked like he was awaiting him, not having nothing in his eyes but self-love. After a long battle Mun Khal reigned as a victor, and finnally became a king. Not long after he died, not because he was not happy about his life, but because of his unability to use man´s most valuable ability - to talk. Today, 2000 years after, in ruins of an old kingdom, one flag and one statue still proudly stand. Statue of the king.



ACTORS: 140,000

DIRECTOR: 300,000

PROMOTION: 300,000



Kingdom of Phoenix from Dakydaky productions is a tale of fantasy and sword fighting. The story itself is rich and fairly unique, however what may turn some potential viewers off is the use of a foreign land in such a huge manner. Due to being shot in Turkey much of the land is unfamiliar to the viewing audience and as a result it’s hard to picture yourself as actually being there. Having said that, it’s really a great story rich with character development. The lack of any big name actors may turn fans off, as well as the small scale advertising budget and production cost. Had this movie been produced by a studio with more financial clout we may be seeing a mega picture bringing money in by the truck load. Sadly, though the production value brought the film down in the box office, as did the lack of promotion.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars


Revenue: 6,500,000


(Not sure what his starting balance was therefore will need 1234 to give the new budget)

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Jaguar's Den Studios {$3'519'600}

Title- Bag Boys

Tagline: Maximum fun at Minimum Wage!

Lead Actors- Aaron Johnson (30,000)/Jonah Hill (40,000**)

Lead Actress- Kat Denning (30,000***)

Supporting Actors- Christopher Mintz (30,000), Michael Cera (50,000), James Storm (10,000*), Ed Asner (40,000), Matthew Fox (30,000)

Supporting Actresses- Hilary Duff (15,000), Mandy Moore (30,000)

Cameo: Christina Hendricks (35,000)

Director – Judd Apatow (200,000)

Genre- Comedy



Josh Woods (Aaron Johnson) can’t afford to go to the University of Illinois like he dreamed, instead he is forced to attend Moraine Valley Community College or as it is called by the locals, Moron Valley. Josh is also forced to take a part time job with his cousin Jacob (Jonah Hill) at the local grocery store Al’s Bargain Barn. Jacob, whose only ambition is to become store manager one day, shows Josh the ropes of being a “true” bagboy! Hilarity ensues as Jacob and Josh try to keep Al Sweeny (Matthew Fox) from firing them as they do as little as possible!


::: Jacob introduces Josh to the other “bag boys” and Al’s employees:::

~Gramps (Ed Asner) a retired war vet who has several war flashbacks during the movie, including one scene were he attacks and chases an Asian customer through the plant section.


~Eddie O. (Christopher Mintz) a socially inept bagger who constantly over bags peoples groceries causing them to rip through the bottom and spill on the floor. Jacob comments that “I hate that F’ing guy!” {A nod to Super Bad!}


~Russel Stover “The Candy Man” (Michael Cera) an wannabe artist whose name would lead you to believe his nickname was one of jest, until we see Jacob buying and using drugs from him during working hours! Jacob telling Josh “I used to be best friends with that guy {Another nod to Super Bad!}


~Mark the Billy Beer Man (James Storm) a rep from Billy Beer that would rather drink the product then stock the shelves with it. This leads to a scene where several customers all try to return cases of beer that are half filled with empty bottles!


~Mary Lynn (Kat Denning) the flower arranger for Al’s, whom Josh falls for and spends most of his day chatting up, much to the chagrin of his boss.


~Jenni and Jackie (Hillary Duff & Mandy Moore) the deli counter workers who make crude comments about handling meat all day, which gets all the “bag boys” hot and bothered. Eventually we learn the two are lesbian lovers much to the disappointment and delight of the rest of the employees!


~Al Sweeny, the owner and manager of Al’s. Al is a total prick who no firing policy is tested as Jacob and Josh pull several pranks on him. His policy is based on the fact that if he fires you then you can get unemployment but if you quit you can’t. He constantly tries to get both Josh and Jacob to quit by assigning them terrible jobs, such as retrieving carts in 100 degree weather, helping a Really Fat lady who smells like pork and ass shop for groceries, and repave the parking lot.


:::The conflict of the movie arrives when Al, after being sent dozens of Gay themed Adult magazines to his house by the boys, threatens to break his policy and fire the boys if they are caught slacking. This leads to cameras being installed, Mark drinking in a freezer and getting frost bite, Jenni and Jackie being caught by the boys, who had snuck into Al’s office, on camera getting it on, Russel hiding $350 worth of drugs drugs in a flower pot which Mary sells for a $1, and Josh taking the blame for Jacob bagging liquor and giving it to a teen by mistake, due to a drugged out state.


:::After Josh is fired, due to the liquor incident, he is determined to regain his job and Jacob helps him set Al up with a hooker that Jacob met after bagging her groceries and getting a “special tip” from earlier in the movie (cameo by Christina Hendricks). Al blows off the hooker, but the boys due catch him and his “boyfriend” kissing on the tape and use that to get Josh back his job if they promised not to tell anyone about it.




Location- Chicago/Local Dominick’s that was used as Al’s

Budget- (Actors & Director =540,000 / production = 500,000 / marketing = 1,000,000 )

Duration – 110M

*Guessed on price, based on Robert Roode’s price…

**Another Guess…

***Yet another guess


~Studio Notes~

The movie was advertised on Impact Wrestling, due to Storm being in it, therefore 2 people saw that ad on Spike.

The Studio took over the Dominick’s used in the movie for several days and the actors actually worked there.

During the take over of Dominick’s the studio had several special sales at the store to tie in the movie, including 3 packs of beer, and Jumbo Meat!


Jaguar’s Den Studios has decided to try their hand at a comedy film and with it they hit a home run. Bag Boys features a whole mess of actors working inside of a small town grocery store. At first the film gives an eerie resemblance to Employee of the Month, but it dismisses that rather quickly. Instead, you are met with a cast that’s often outrageous and pulls no punches when it comes to humor. While some people don’t appreciate the “toilet humor” you can’t help but laugh at some of the crazy antics these guys come up with. Just when you think the funniest part is over, they hit you with something again and your side starts hurting you’re laughing so hard. At one point in the movie I had to actually walk out of the theater because I thought I may urinate on myself. The one bad thing I will say about the movie is that they referenced Super Bad a few to many times. While I was a fan of the film, I thought this film had more than enough substance and characters to stand on its own two feet instead of relying on the constant reminder of Super Bad. Each employee had their own special attribute about them that just made them not only fun but believable. From Jacob the war vet who chases Asians out of the store, to Billy the Beer man who leaves half empty bottles of beer in the case for customers to buy, to Jenni and Jackie the lesbian couple who get off torturing the boys with their antics. This is nonstop fun for just about everyone over the age of 15, and comes highly recommended by me.


Rating: 4.5


Revenue: 12,500,000 (Due to the bonus for having a comedy that’s over 4 stars)



Jaguar’s Den Studios now has 13,979,000


The Effects:


Aaron Johnson now wants 50,000 per movie

Jonah Hill now wants 60,000 per movie

Michael Cera now wants 60,000 per movie

Hilary Duff now wants 25,000 per movie

Mandy Moore now wants 45,000 per movie


Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore developed a close friendship during the making of this film. If the two are cast together within the next they will both work for 15,000 apiece.


The huge demand for a great comedy film is now over. All comedy’s made from this point forward will not receive any positive bonuses related to the genre.

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Title: Stories of Untold 1: Breathwing


Category: Fantasy

Shooted in: New Zealand

Length: 2 hours 30 Minutes

Additional notes: UtiSoft agreed to make a videogame based on the movie, movie is also available in 3D technique.


Lead Actor: Orlando Bloom as Oyan (Please add him, add the price to the actors section)

Lead Actor: Cristian Bale as Royul

Actor: Christopher Lee as Geyel

Directed by: Peter Jackson





PLOT: Oyan is a young elf, who learned how to live with nature and respect it. After spending years at peaceful village of Oran-ill, doing things he enjoyed and living perfect elves life, he is sent on a quest which will decide on the future of whole island of Untold. Untold is a beautiful island covered with vegetation and peaceful villages of elves doing their daily routines for thousands of years. Geyel, a blood relative to Oyan, is self-proclaimed leader of elves, being the wisest and most experienced of all elves. After a series of rainy days, something unsuspected happened. goblins attacked the island and captured whole west side of it. The attacking scene was decorated by a lot of great special effects and atmosphere. Many villages were burned, and many souls were lost. Whole existion of elves is endangered, as goblins have a big strength in number. Whole attack plan is led by well known Karragh-Voll. One of the most recognized goblins, known for his amazing strength. Geyel is terrified and in real need of help, proving he may be the wisest, but not the bravest of all elves. Making Oyan his master scout, he sent Oyan to journey of thousands of miles into unexplored world. What Geyel was counting on was an old story of an dragon who belonged to an old elf. Dragon dissapeared one day and stories told that he was captured by goblins. There are only two things that can help him to find the Dragon, hope and bravery. After acquiring the most hardest task, Oyan takes his best friend, Royul with him, having only a dwarf-made boat and a two bows, the weapon every elf mastered its usage. After starting the journey, Oyan is rethinking his decision, knowing this may be one of his last days. Royul looked very self-confident and didn't took a second to think, but watching at beautifully blue sky and sea. "Oyan, Oyan, Look!" - Says the Royul on a sunrise, mixed with cold breeze. Oyan qucikly wakes up and sees what he thought he never will - lands of goblins. That was not hard to judge. Lava, rock and towers. Three things goblins stories are linked with. "It is now or never." - says Oyan while watching at terrifying sightings which he never thought they existed. After landing in a small harbor, probably designed by other lands scouts, walking on rock paths leading thousands of miles long and looking side, they start their journey on the unknown land. Will fear lead our heroes into death, or will they show courage and save their people, find it out in the second installment of this fantastic trilogy.





Financial Report:

Budget: 6,5 Million


Money spent on actors: Lee (30,000), Bale (75,000), Bloom (?? - left 150,000 space in budget for him, should be enough) = 255,000

Money spent on director: Jackson (175,000)

Money spent on promotion: 2,000,000

Money spent on production: 3,070,000

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Title- Femme Force

Lead Actor- Matthew Grey Gubler ($40,000*)

Lead Actress- Jennifer Love Hewitt (50,000)

Lead Actress- Allison Mack (20,000)

Lead Actress- Gail Kim (20,000)

Supporting Actor- Christopher Lloyd ($40,000*)

Supporting Actor- Michael Rosenbaum ($40,000*)

Supporting Actor- Thomas Gibson ($50,000*)

Supporting Actress- Gillian Anderson ($30,000*)

Director- Frank Miller (Of Sin City fame) (75,000 )


Genre- Action/Super Hero


Plot- When young millionaire Jimmy Donsley(Gubler) begins having recurring dreams about a strange mask in Egypt he feels compelled to get there as fast as he can, the closer he gets the more vivid the dreams get. When he lands he finds himself in a trance like state, wherein he apparently wanders for an entire day, before dropping to the ground and digging and digging until that very mask is found. After the mask is put on, the scene changes to that of a small grey office. In there sits a highly decorated military officer (Michael Rosenbaum) A womans voice(Gillian Anderson) is heard. "The Mask of Anubis has been found." Immediately the military officer calls the president. He reveals himself as General Cain Desparo, and he informs the president "We got a level M situation." The President(Thomas Gibson) finally speaks. Telling Desparo to awaken "the projects". The scene cuts to Desparo walking into some kind of military lab, screaming for Dr Cosmo Franklin. Cosmo(Christopher Lloyd) hurries out and is instructed to awaken project M. After a few minutes three girls are introduced one by one.

The first one introduced is named "The Shriek"(Jennifer Love Hewitt), with the ability to scream loud enough to kill a man.

The second one introduced is Golden Girl(Allison Mack), who had the ability to control and create electricity to a certain extent, and the ability to fly.

The third one is Crimson Violet(Gail Kim), with super speed, and extremely extensive assasin knowledge, she is even more deadly than she is beautiful.

Desparo, Shreik, Golden Girl and Crimson Violet then meet with the president where after a few bits of knowledge thrown around they find out that Anubis wasnt really a god but a tyrant who had found a mystical mask many thousands of years ago. And now a new person has found the mask and now all that stands in his way is him finding his staff which was hidden deep in a pyramid until about 40 years ago... Now its in a US Government Facility. And its their job to protect it, otherwise the new Anubis will be able to draw the power to kill everyone in the world if he so chooses. The trio is quickly transported to the facility, just as Anubis is seen coming down from the sky. As the battle ensues, Anubis proves, that even without the staff to draw power from hes a force to be reckoned with, as he thoroughly defeats the trio, he enters the facility while the trio struggle to get up. After leaving he mentions the trio have 24 hours before he's at full power. and adds "Just incase you want to get defeated again." before ascending into the sky and flying off.



After another meeting with the president and Cain, the trio are sent on a secret military stealth jet to Egypt, following a tracking device planted on. The trio are talking and reveal small snippets of their past...

How Shriek had her throat slashed by her boyfriend after reporting a crime she witnessed... which sent one of his, unbeknownst to her, mafia buddies to prison. How Golden Girl used to be a high ranking military official, who had been crushed in a trash compactor after being thrown into it by a group of peace activist radicals. Crimson Violet remains silent, instead lifting her shirt just enough to show multiple scars, some appeared to be from bullets, while others appeared to be from slashes of some kind.


When they land the confront Anubis, and he manages to keep them at bay pretty easily. They try every tactic they can think of, but fail every time, finally they decide to work together. The fight scene ends at a point where Shriek screams in his face, making him clutch his ears, as Violent sneaks up from behind and plants a small bomb on the mask, as it begins to crack, Anubis' cries of pain echo loudly as Golden Girl seeming using the jet as a battery, blasts a giant bolt of lightning directly into the cracks on the mask. The mask shatters. Both Golden Girl and Jimmy Donsley pass out.


The scene switches to that of a banquet, in the honor of the team, who is now being called The Femme Force. It is revealed that Donsley is now brain dead, but being held in a government cell just in case he had any residual powers left over.


Those who stayed after the credits saw 1 of 2 scenes:

1. The Mask reforming from the air, right next to Donsley.


2. Desparo telling Cosmo "Im ready. Make me invincible."



Duration- 2 hours 10 Minutes


Location- Various across America. Including Arizona, New York, and California

Language- English

Budget- $5,070,000 ($290,000 (Cast Cost) +$2,665,000 (Production Cost) 2,040,000 (Advertising)

New Balance: $0


*Guessed Price


Studio Notes:

Shemar Moore was originally slated to be casted as a semi-important character, it is believed he will be in the sequel


The studio is looking to make the Femme Force their main franchise, in which they'd like to be known for.


With the price of admission the movie goers are each given one of three comics, which contained a package of 3 trading cards. Jimmy Donsley(without the Anubis Mask) was the rarest


The studio is also considering doing an "Origin" film for Crimson Violet, depending on how Gail Kim does in this movie

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I think I have caught up with actor/director requests. If not feel free to shout at me :p.


And something that dakydaky has brought to my attention (from his most recent movie), that I think should be opened up for discussion: 3D.


Now in the past I have mostly passed over additional notes (I pay slight attention to them, but focus more on the actual budgets.) But a movie being in 3D is the biggest additional note I have seen, so probably should be discussed.


Now I personally wouldn't think a just over $3 Million budget would legitimately cover making a movie in 3D. But what do I know, I'm not involved in the movie business.


I think it would be best to add 3D as a "perk" instead of including it in with production costs. But how much should this perk cost?


So questions:

-Should 3D be an extra fixed cost? OR people are allowed to say the movie is 3D if the budget is over a certain amount? OR Any other ideas?

-How much should 3D cost? OR At what level of production budget can you claim 3D? OR other ideas?

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3 million maybe not, but 6.5 could ;). Maybe additional 500,000 on cost?


Sorry, I meant to specify Production Budget. My mind obviously decided the word production wasn't important enough :p.

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