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Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE (C-Verse 2017)

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Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE


April 2017 sees the creation of a new innovative wrestling promotion, known as NIGHTMARE. Branding itself as "Extreme Lucha", it seeks to capitalize on the number of high flying talent that had been out of steady work over the years.


The 20 wrestlers who are signed into the promotion for the inaugural event:



Air Attack Weasel (Rudo)- Former 4C and CZCW standout, this Florida native has since moved to Ontario and became a Canadian citizen. This leads to him being the leader of NIGHTMARE's first rudo trio, the Canadian Air Force, as he seeks to prove that Canada has the best junior heavyweights in the world.



Azazel (Rudo)- A five-year veteran who has competed mostly in Austrailia and his native New Zealand. He's all flash, but that's fine for what NIGHTMARE is looking for.



Cheetah Boy- A talented American high flyer who was in SWF for two years (albeit as a jobber). He is the leader of the premiere technico trio, Animal Crossing.



Craig Phoenix (Rudo)- At 6'3'' this Aussie is the tallest worker in NIGHTMARE, however he is far from a heavyweight and utilizes a high flying offense, including a dropkick with an amazing vertical leap behind it.



Ginko Kuroda (Technica)- "The Dragon's Daughter" who despite being a talented worker hasn't acheived much success. She will be partnered up with the other female worker on our roster.



Guillermo Marcos (Technico)- One of the two actual luchadors in the promotion, Marcos is a former superfan who eventually 'lived the dream' in 2006.



Ian Vincible (Technico)- This Brit like most of our roster hasn't had a steady job in a while. He's a decent enough high flyer though, so that's why he's here to make his US debut.



Joe Simpson (Technico)- At 5'7'', "Little Joe" is another Brit who will be used as a sympathetic underdog.



Kinuye Mushashibo (Technica)- The younger (but ironically more successful) member of our joshi tag team. Unlike most of the overseas talent, she's actually had some North American experience.



La Sombra Jr (Technico)- A very young high flyer and the grandson of a lucha icon, he's still relatively young and one of the more talented flyers on our roster.



Monkey Maraguchi (Technico)- At 20 years old he's one of the youngest guys we have, and is also extremely energetic and agile, which is how he got his ring name.



Nightmare Slasher (Rudo)- Former ZEN star, he and his partner Stalker are face painted maniac brawlers collectively known as the Horror Show.



Nightmare Stalker (Rudo)- Stalker is a year older than Slasher, and a bit more high flying as Slasher is more of a straight-up brawler.



Paradox (Rudo)- His name comes from being part of a stable in CZCW known as the Paratroopers.... which lasted all of one match. He's a pretty decent if one-dimensional high flyer though.



Rockin' Ryan Turner (Rudo)- MAW alumni who like his partner Stan Manna help represent Canada with Air Attack Weasel. Manna is much better than Turner, so they'll be mostly doing tag team matches together.



Simon Ice (Rudo)- A young Brit who combines traditional UK technical wrestling with more modern high flying.



Snap Dragon (Rudo)- By far our biggest name so far, and also the only worker who actually has a mask. He's also 40 years old so while he'll be our top attraction, he'll be helping younger talent get better and more popular as well.



Stan 'The Man' Manna (Rudo)- Really well rounded guy and the man who will do most of the heavily lifting for Canadian Air Force. He's known as a bit of a jerk backstage though.



Toady (Technico)- A bit of a weirdo who has a great vertical leap (hence his name), he's part of the Animal Crossing stable and will also be teaming with Monkey Maraguchi as well.



Zak Attack (Technico)- Young kid who can certainly fly, but he comes off as an average worker as he's personality impaired.


NIGHTMARE matches will be under "Relaxed Lucha Rules" which means the following:


-Matches can end by pinfall, submission, stoppage, or DQ.


-No formal countouts, however if a worker stalls on the outside too long, the referee can declare a DQ.


-No Champion's Advantage. A champ knocked out or DQed will still lose their title.


-While individual fouls (low blow, eye gouge, mask removal, weapon use, etc) are discouraged, they are not an instant DQ. Repeated illegal behavior will lead to a DQ.


-If a wrestler or wrestlers continue to attack an obviously hurt and disadvantaged wrestler with no apparent intention of gaining a pinfall or submission, they may be DQed for "Excesivo Castigo".


-Piledrivers and tombstone piledrivers are usually illegal in lucha, but in NIGHTMARE they are allowed. However, three consecutive piledrivers is considered Excesivo Castigo and thus will lead to an automatic DQ.


-Singles matches are one fall. Tag and trios matches are best of three falls. Trios matches are "captain's fall", meaning that to gain a fall a team must defeat either the opposing captain or both of the non-captains. If a captain is injured in a trios match and unable to continue, it is a foreit unless that injury was due to an excsivo castigo, in which case the match is a no contest.


-In tournaments, there are no draws. In an event that there is no clear winner in a match, the referee officiating the match will be the sole arbiter of who is considered the winner by advantage.

The NIGHTMARE Has Begun card:


-Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible vs Paradox and Azazel

-Team GinMusha vs The Horror Show

-La Sombra Jr. vs Snap Dragon

-Canadian Air Force (c. Air Attack Weasel) vs Animal Crossing (c. Cheetah Boy)

-$20,000 Over The Top Rope Battle Royal


And more!

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Interested, especially as I think this is a continuation of the PSW that played out in the wgoiyg thread.


Purely playing favorites:


-Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible vs Paradox and Azazel

-Team GinMusha vs The Horror Show

-La Sombra Jr. vs Snap Dragon

-Canadian Air Force (c. Air Attack Weasel) vs Animal Crossing (c. Cheetah Boy)

-$20,000 Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - G-Marc!~


And more!

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In all seriousness, I've enjoyed your writing style from what I've seen, so I most certainly plan to follow this one. :)










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-Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible vs Paradox and Azazel - 'Troopers rock. Azazel needs a suitable name if this is a long term team, how about Parachute? :)


-Team GinMusha vs The Horror Show - The fed's named after these guys, how can you pick against them?!


-La Sombra Jr. vs Snap Dragon - Dragon is sucky.


-Canadian Air Force (c. Air Attack Weasel) vs Animal Crossing (c. Cheetah Boy) - Awesome team name.


-$20,000 Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - Ian Vincible. Britain represent!

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This looks really interesting, you have a really cool roster and it'll be fun to see how you book them


-Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible vs Paradox and Azazel - The paratroopers job. ALWAYS

-Team GinMusha vs The Horror Show They have cooler gimmicks :)

-La Sombra Jr. vs Snap Dragon He's porbably your better wrestler right now

-Canadian Air Force (c. Air Attack Weasel) vs Animal Crossing (c. Cheetah Boy) I don't know... I just ner liked AAW too much.

-$20,000 Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - Stan Manna

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Live from The Ministry, SOLD OUT at 1,000


Dark Match: Simon Ice vs Joe Simpson

The arrogant Simon Ice would gain an early advantage over the much smaller Joe Simpson with a variety of swift suplexes and takedowns and putting damage on his leg, but quit was not on Joe's mind as he managed to find his way out of every hold and managed to reverse some of Ice's throws in big ways. Joe however was on one leg most of the match, and this allowed Simon to set up for his Black Ice Driver (Tiger Driver), but Joe countered by freeing his arms and using them to grip his legs and trip him in a jacknife pin for the three count!


Dark Match: Guillermo Marcos vs Zak Attack

Marcos came out in a DAVE shirt, gaining the favor of the Tri State crowd as Zak played a more to-the-point foil to Marcos. This was a very evenly matched high flying affair, but with Marcos getting a little more time to shine. The finish came when Zak went for a springboard into a crossbody but Marcos dropkicked him in midair, allowing for Marcos to hit the Nuclear Leg Drop (Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop from the apron) for the three count.



Now it was time for the show proper, with the announce team of Jim Lou Freebush and Davis Ditterich hyping up the matches to come. In particular was the $20,000 Battle Royal. Davis would talk about La Sombra Jr, whose father recently passed away from lung cancer, wanting to win the money to donate to charity in his father's name.


Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible vs Paradox and Azazel

Paradox and Azazel pulled out all the stops in a wild high flying encounter, but the big man Phoenix and Ian Vincible were just more experienced and this made all the difference against the youngsters. Ian got the first fall with a German Suplex on Paradox, then Craig Phoenix finished off Azazel with the Phoenix Flame Splash (450 Splash).

Team GinMusha vs The Horror Show

Kuroda and Mushashibo are a first time pairing, but you wouldn't know it from how smoothly they worked together, using double team tactics and working in sync so fluidly it was like they were a veteran team. Horror Show, however, are a veteran team, and this and their size advantage- as well as their willingness to fight dirty- turned the tide in their favor. GinMusha managed an early advantage when Ginko Kuroda hit a Dragon Suplex on Stalker. This caused the rudos to get violent, Stalker distracting the ref while Slasher hit Ginko from behind with a chair so Stalker could get a fall over Ginko.With Kuroda out of the picture, "Baby Blue" was easy pickings for the heels, and they hit her with Slash & Burn (Flapjack + Complete Shot combo) for the three count.


La Sombra Jr vs Snap Dragon

Snap Dragon got the biggest heat of the night by far, especially as he tried to offer La Sombra a box of cigarettes. Sombra angrily threw them back at Dragon and this wild match started, LSJ quickly sending Dragon reeling to the floor only to go to the ropes and catapult himself for a flying tope! He followed that up by using the guardrail as a launching point for a flying rana, but after throwing Dragon back into the ring, he appealed to the fans for too long and Dragon recovered to take control. Dragon did everything he could to control the pace of the match, but Sombra wouldn't be denied, countering a powerbomb attempt into a facebuster, and calling for the famous La Sombra Cradle (La Magistral)... but Snap Dragon used the relaxed rules to his advantage with a low blow! LSJ stunned, Dragon hit him with a DDT before following up with Dragon's Breath (Flying Knee Drop) for the three count.

Animal Crossing (Captain: Cheetah Boy) vs Canadian Air Force (Captain: Air Attack Weasel)

This one started off evenly with lots of quick tags and furious action that ended up with everyone on the floor except Toady, who got a running start and leaped on the top rope, then did a sideways moonsault onto all five men! The rudo team was reeling until Weasel rolled up Toady for a three count, but forgot about the captain's fall rule allowing Cheetah Boy to school boy him for the first fall! CAF was able to answer by triple teaming Cheetah Boy and throwing him to the floor to force a tag under the lucha ruleset, and the three-on-two advantage allowed them to even the score after Ryan Turner's Six String Shooter (Running Spear) on Monkey Maraguchi and a Pop Goes The Weasel (Flapjack into Euro Uppercut) on Toady leading to both the Animal Crossing non-captains to get pinned. Cheetah Boy recovered his wits however, so despite Stan Manna getting an advantage with a vicious Rockin' Roller (corner sunset flip into standing powerbomb) that folded Toady in half, Monkey Maraguchi hit his Swiss Cheese (Shiranui) on him. With the match down to the next pin or submission on either side ending it, Ryan Turner tried to hit him with a Six String Shooter but Monkey rolled over his back, decked Weasel to make him stumble off the apron, then hit him with a plancha! Cheetah Boy was perched on the top rope as Turner faced him... FLYING CHEETAH POUNCE! (Flying Shoulder Block) One, two, three!


$20,000 Battle Royal

La Sombra Jr was a house of fire to start, eliminating both Zak Attack and Azazel early on. The Canadian Air Force took advantage of Cheetah Boy trying to eliminate Snap Dragon to grab him and toss him over, and when Team GinMusha tried to take out Weasel with a double dropkick the CAF put them out of the contest as well. La Sombra sent Turner over causing the CAF to focus on him. Monkey Maraguchi would try to eliminate Snap Dragon by dropping him with Swiss Cheese but Dragon simply dumped him over the ropes instead. Ian Vincible and Craig Phoenix were taken out by Snap Dragon and La Sombra would toss out Nightmare Stalker to halve the playing field.

Joe Simpson and Toady ended up falling out when Toady hit Simspon with a crossbody sending them both over, Air Attack Weasel would toss out Simon Ice when Guillermo Marcos dropkicked him from behind to make him fall over. Paradox went out via La Sombra now, and Snap Dragon would work him over. Guillermo would try to take Dragon by surprise but Dragon outwitted him by ducking down and holding the top rope making Guillermo spill to the floor as we went to the final four, with Stan Manna working over La Sombra while Snap Dragon quickly dealt with Nightmare Slasher and sent him over. La Sombra made a comeback but couldn't send Manna over, Dragon trying to ambush La Sombra, but the luchador turned the tables, but he ended up tossing Dragon through the ropes and not over them. Manna recovered and tossed La Sombra over, but La Sombra grabbed his head with his leg and pulled him over the top! La Sombra went to skin the cat, but Snap Dragon was back in the ring and tackled him while in mid-flip, making him fall onto the apron and to the floor to end the match!


Snap Dragon received a giant novelty check, holding it up while pointing at La Sombra mockingly at the disapproval of the crowd. The show ended with Jim Lou Freebush announcing the next event would be a tournament to declare the NIGHTMARE Trios Title of Terror, and that the participating teams will be announced on pwnightmare.com.


Quick Results:

Joe Simpson d. Simon Ice

Guillermo Marcos d. Zak Attack

Craig Phoenix and Ian Vincible d. Paradox and Azazel 2-0

Horror Show d. Team GinMusha 2-1

Snap Dragon d. La Sombra Jr

Animal Crossing d. Canadian Air Force 2-1

Snap Dragon wins the $20,000 Battle Royal. Order of elimination: Zak Attack, Azazel, Cheetah Boy, Ginko Kuroda, Kinuya Mushashiba, Rockin' Ryan Turner, Monkey Maraguchi, Ian Vincible, Craig Phoenix, Nightmare Stalker, Joe Simpson, Toady, Simon Ice, Air Attack Weasel, Paradox, Guillermo Marcos, Nightmare Slasher, Stan Manna, La Sombra Jr


Next update: Trios Tournament Update!

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Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE would reveal the teams on their website two at a time, as well as announcing that the tournament will not only decide the first holders of the Trios of Terror Titles, but also be the first "Terror Trilogy Cup" tournament, with the intention of doing future trios tournaments.


The eight teams are:


Canadian Air Force (Air Attack Weasel, Stan 'The Man' Manna, Rockin' Ryan Turner)

We've seen this trio before at The NIGHTMARE Has Begun, but unfortunately for them on the losing side. Captain Air Attack Weasel however seems undeterred, saying that the CAF will prove Canadian superiority by winning the Trios of Terror Tournament.



Grapplers Without Borders (Paradox, Azazel, and Zak Attack)

Two rudos and a technico in this international stable, led by the American Paradox. One has to question the likelyhood of these three working well together, especially given that the two rudos were completely routed last month.



Team Joshi (Ginko Kuroda, Kinuye Mushashibo, Ashley Grover)

Originally to be captained by 5SSW's Genmei Oonishi, however due to visa issues she had to bow out. So Ginko Kuroda will be at the helm and the third woman will be Angel Athletic Association's Ashley Grover. Despite GinMusha coming up short last month, there's no reason to think this trio isn't a threat however.



Team UK (Ian Vincible, Joe Simpson, Simon Ice)

Ian Vincible leads his countrymen in this trios tournament. It will be interesting to see how these three get along, with two technicos and a rudo working together in this group.



Team MAW (Cameron Vessey, Hugh de Aske, Syd Collier)

From Jay Chord's Mid Atlantic Wrestling we have three of the best from the mid-atlantic region, the son of the legend Cameron Vessey is at the helm (much to the chagrin of Hugh de Aske, who wanted to be, in his own words, 'The Cap'n of the MAW Crew'). With CV, Hugh (who has asked us to refer to him as "The Rated Arrr Superstar") and old-school technician Syd Collier, expect these three to impress.



Animal Crossing (Cheetah Boy, Monkey Maraguchi, Toady)

The team that beat Canadian Air Force will be in action as well, and this high flying trio are arguably the house favorites going into the tournament.



Scare In The Air (Nightmare Stalker, Nightmare Slasher, Craig Phoenix)

Originally Horror Show were going to team up with Snap Dragon, but after learning that his team was slated to start against La Sombra Jr's contingent, he announced that he had injured his appendix and appointed Craig Phoenix as a substitute. Stalker will lead the charge for the team, claiming he won the right by a game of "Baby's Head, Burial Cloth, Scissors"



Team Mucha Lucha (La Sombra Jr, American Elemental II, Guillermo Marcos)

La Sombra Jr's hand picked team features countryman Guillermo Marcos and the second generation American Elemental (the original now wrestling as American Luchador in SWF), who will be making his pro debut at the show.



NIGHTMARE Terror Trilogy Cup

Canadian Air Force vs Grapplers Without Borders

Team Joshi vs Team UK

Team MAW vs Animal Crossing

Scare In The Air vs Team Mucha Lucha

Semifinal A: Winners of CAF/GWB vs Winners of Team Joshi/Team UK

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NIGHTMARE Terror Trilogy Cup

Live at the Ministry, SOLD OUT at 1,000.


Quarterfinal: Canadian Air Force vs Grapplers Without Borders

The rudo trio CAF wasted little time in overwhelming GWB, using quick tags and triple team tactics to wear out their less experienced opponents, Ryan Turner getting the first fall for his team by hitting Paradox with the Six String Shooter. Air Attack Weasel would direct traffic as they continued to rout their opposition, ending the match when Weasel made Azazel tap out to a figure four while Stan Manna pinned Zak Attack with the Rockin' Roller.


Quarterfinal: Team Joshi vs Team UK

The female trio were in control of most of the match, though the UK trio showed they were able to hold their own with Ian Vincible getting an early fall over Ginko Kuroda by reversing a victory roll into a pin of his own. Ashley Grover would even the score on Ian with her Chicago Made (Double Underhook into Backbreaker), and despite the Brits rallying with some near falls and double team moves, Ginko Kuroda managed to pin both Joe Simpson AND Simon Ice with her Dragon Suplex to gain the third fall.


Quaterfinal Match: Team MAW vs Animal Crossing

The visitors from MAW were very ****y coming into the match, with them even deliberately sending opponents to the floor to force tags and frequently taunting the crowd. It didn't help at all that Vessey was able to get a quick fall over Cheetah Boy with a Vessey Driver. Vessey's early celebration was cut short however when he walked right into a small package from Toady! Vessey hit Toady with two Vessey Drivers in a row, and when warned that he might get disqualified, he backed off and headed out of the ring... and CHEETAH BOY WITH A FLYING CHEETAH POUNCE ON CAMERON VESSEY! However this left Toady vulnetable and Syd Collier put him in a Texas Cloverleaf while Hugh de Aske hit Monkey Maraguchi with the Skull and Cross Bones (Straightjacket German) to put Animal Crossing out of the tournament early.

Quaterfinal Match: Scare In The Air vs Team Mucha Lucha

The Horror Show took advantage of their similar attires in this match by pulling switcheroos and being in the ring heavily to confuse TML over which one is Stalker, until La Sombra Jr decided to pull Slasher's shirt off so the two could be easily distinguished much to the chagrin of Snap Dragon, who acted as a second to the rudo contingent. Craig Phoenix got a pin over Guillermo Marcos with his Phoenix Flame Splash, but this lead to all five men being in the ring and American Elemental II getting a pin over Stalker with an Elemental Suplex (Bridging Exploder). The Horror Show went berserk after this and grabbed chairs, using them on Marcos and AEII, but it was Snap Dragon attacking La Sombra Jr in the ring that lead to a DQ to end the contest. This led to technicos coming in to keep TML from getting too injured, but as SITA and Snap Dragon made their exit, La Sombra Jr dove from the ring onto the rudos, and laid into him with shots until seperated.


After the ring was cleared, we were treated to "The Extreme Lucha Girls" (recnognizable as out-of-work valets Heather Halo, Kali Fornia, Little Miss Sunshine and Sweet Tabitha) doing a dance routine to Alice Cooper's "Poison" as an intermission.


Semifinal Match: Canadian Air Force vs Team Joshi

The Canadian trio decided to single out Ashley Grover this time around, spending a lot of the match working her over and focusing on her leg. Eventually Ashley would tag out to Mushashibo, who would make a comeback only to be foiled by Ryan Turner back body dropping her over the ropes in a nasty spill. Kuroda would get in to cover her, but fell victim to a Six String Shooter for the first fall. Mushashibo would slowly recover her wits and re-enter the fray, Air Attack Weasel went for the powerbomb but Kinuye would counter it by floating over... into the Blue Dream (Standing Sunset Flip Powerbomb)! With the falls tied the CAF were in full panic mode, and this cost them when Ashley Grover evaded a Six String Shooter that hit Stan Manna, allowing Ginko Kuroda to pin him. Kuroda went to dive at Air Attack Weasel on the floor as Ryan Turner countered Ashley Grover's Chicago Made into a jacknife pin to even the odds. Air Attack Weasel DDT'd Kudoda on the floor as Mushashibo put Ryan Turner into a Scorpion Deathlock, but Air Attack Weasel pulled her hair until she broke the hold and hit her with a sick brainbuster. Ryan Turner rolled to the floor as Wesel hit the Air Attack Ace (Springboard Moonsault) for the three count!


Semifinal Match: Team MAW vs Team Mucha Lucha

Vessey came out mocking La Sombra Jr's entrance, where instead of being draped in the Mexican flag, he was draped in a flag with the MAW logo. However the lucha trio would give them the business with a series of flying arm drags, causing the rudo team to regroup... TRIPLE FLYING PLANCHA BY MUCHA LUCHA! Syd would make the comeback for his team, and the rudo team control the pace and eventually LSJ would get pinned by Hugh de Aske's Skull and Cross Bones, but the lucha team would quickly even the score when both Guillermo Marcos and AmEl II used hurricanranas on de Aske and Syd Collier. After a wild series of high flying action, bone jarring suplexes and near falls, Vessey and La Sombra Jr would end up in the ring against each other. Vessey would look for the Vessey Driver but La Sombra would float over into a DDT and follow it up with the La Sombra Cradle for the three count.


The Extreme Lucha Girls would come out for another intermission, this time using White Zombie's "More Human Than Human" as their dance music.


Terror Trilogy Cup Final & Trios Title of Terror match: Canadian Air Force vs Team Mucha Lucha.

This match started out methodically as all six members would spend time chain wrestling against each other, tagging out when they escaped from a disadvantageous situation. Team Mucha Lucha would pick up the pace with flashy high flying and a variety of leaping kicks, and managed an early advantage when La Sombra Jr hit an incredible moonsault press on Ryan Turner. Manna and Weasel then worked to seperate LSJ from his teammates, even stopping LSJ from leaving the ring when Weasel stopped him rolling out by pushing him away from the apron. Manna looked for Rockin' Roller, but as he went to complete the move, LA SOMBRA JR WITH A RANA OUT OF NOWHERE TO REVERSE IT! One, two, three, and Mucha Lucha gain the first fall!


AmEl II would be brought in to give LSJ a rest, and he and Marcos would work together to put together some beautiful tag team combinations, but none of them leading to a sucessful pin. However it was three against two in effect and in a debatably illegal tactic, Turner and Manna did stereo school boys and their free hands held on to Air Attack Weasel in the middle to even things up.


LSJ all rested up now and all six men pull out all the stops, lots of close calls on both sides as they try to get a decisive pinfall. The Rock City Stars send Marcos and AmEl to the floor, and La Sombra Jr dives onto both of them to take them out of the equation before heading to the top rope... FLYING DDT ON AIR ATTACK WEASEL! Going for the La Sombra Cradle... but here comes Snap Dragon with a chair to distract the ref! Weasel can't get out but it doesn't matter as the ref kicks Snap Dragon out, and then Stan Manna breaks it up and hits a piledriver on La Sombra Jr and puts Weasel on top on LSJ, one, two, three, and the Canadian Air Force win the tournament!


As the Canadian Air Force celebrate with the tournament trophies and title belts, Jim Lou Freebush would thank the fans for attending and announce the next event, Summer of Slaughter, will take place in a month's time and will feature many of the competitors who signed up for the tournament.


Quick Results:

Canadian Air Force d. Grapplers Without Borders 2-0

Team Joshi d. Team UK 2-1

Team MAW d. Animal Crossing 2-1

Team Mucha Lucha d. Scare In The Air 2-0 (DQ on the second fall)

Canadian Air Force d. Team Joshi 2-1

Team Mucha Lucha d. Team MAW 2-1

Canadian Air Force d. Team Mucha Lucha 2-1 to win the Terror Trilogy Cup and become the first Trios Title of Terror champions.


NIGHTMARE Summer of Slaughter 2011

Ian Vincible vs Hugh de Aske

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs Horror Show

American Elemental II and Guillermo Marcos vs The Rock City Stars

Cheetah Boy vs Air Attack Weasel

Team Joshi (c. Ginko Kuroda) vs Snap Dragon (c.), Craig Phoenix, and Paradox

La Sombra Jr vs Cameron Vessey

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NIGHTMARE Summer of Slaughter 2017

Live at the SOLD OUT Ministry


Dark Match: Joe Simpson and Zak Attack vs Azazel and Simon Ice

This was a pure high-adrenaline affair with no real storytelling to it to get the crowd riled up. Joe Simpson would get the early advantage for the technico duo with a springboard flying elbow on Simon Ice, but Azazel would even it up with a double knee drop on Zak Attack. After a handful of near falls and submissions barely endured, Simon Ice would hit the Black Ice Driver to end the match for the rudos.


Ian Vincible vs Hugh de Aske

As Ian was coming out for his entrance, Hugh de Aske would swing on a rope from the rafters, dropkicking Ian in the process! After tossing him into the barricade he brought Ian Vincible in the ring and essentially dominated the rest of the match, ending it with a Cut-Throat Driver (Emerald Frosion).


Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show

The Animal Crossing members were a house of fire in this one, looking to redeem themselves after losing in the opening round of the Terror Trilogy Cup. Horror Show gave them a hell of a fight, using their brutality and tag experience to their advantage, but one thing they weren't prepared for was Monkey getting blind tagged by Toady, and after he ducked under a Slasher lariat attempt, Toady springboarded OVER Monkey into an amazing cross body for the first fall! Horror Show then showed some fire, doing a hell of a number on Monkey Maraguchi and then Stalker would smash Toady's head against the ringpost as Slasher hit the Shower Scene (Running Brain Chop) on Maraguchi to score the second fall. Horror Show continued their street fight tactics, bloodying up Toady and continuing their beatdown on Monkey, but when they went to double whip Maraguchi into the stands, Maraguchi leaping onto one of the chairs and then using the momentum to catapult himself onto the both of them! Reviving Toady, he gets Stalker back in the ring, and gets on the top rope... Toady runs to the corner and springboards off the middle rope and hits a rolling senton, and Monkey follows that up with a shooting star press! A combo called "Where The Wild Things Are" and it leads to a one two three for the Animal Crossing duo!

American Elemental II and Guillermo Marcos vs The Rock City Stars

Despite nearly winning the Trios Title of Terror together, AmEl and Marcos seemed completely out of sync in this match, something that the RCS were quick to capitalize on, using their experience as a duo to their full advantage, Ryan Turner getting the first fall with the Six String Shooter on AmEl while Stan was holding on to Marcos' hair behind the referee's back. As the RCS kept dominating, they got ****y allowing the technicos to come back, Marcos managing to land the Nuclear Leg Drop on Ryan Turner to even things up. With Air Attack Weasel not present to prepare for his own match, the rudo contingent couldn't fall back on using the Canadian Air Force leader to interfere on their behalf, and this led to AmEl hitting the American Earth Breaker (Kneeling Pyramid Driver) on Stan Manna for the victory.

Cheetah Boy vs Air Attack Weasel

The captains of NIGHTMARE's premier trios didn't just go head to head but even nose to nose, staring each other down until Weasel slapped Cheetah Boy, which lead to Cheetah laying into him to open up and sending Weasel reeling and back with the Rock City Stars to regroup... AND FLYING PLANCHA TO ALL THREE MEN! Cheetah Boy would keep the fast pace while Weasel would use shortcuts and the help of the Rock City Stars, to the point where the referee kicked them out of ringside to make it a fair fight! Cheetah Boy would rally again, looking to end it with the Flying Cheetah Pounce, but Weasel accidentally-on-purpose shoved the ref into the corner! A rope-hanging DDT would keep Cheetah down enough for an Air Attack Ace to end the match.


Team Joshi vs Snap Dragon, Craig Phoenix, and Paradox

Team Joshi were looking to cement a match against Canadian Air Force over the more makeshift rudo trio. Snap Dragon kept out of the match as much as possible, letting Phoenix and Paradox do all the heavy lifting, but this worked against him when Phoenix and Paradox were both rolled up at the same time by GinMusha. Snap Dragon got a little more involved now, though mostly by breaking up pins and pulling members of the technica squad out of the ring, and when Kinuye Mushashiba looked to dive off the top rope onto a prone Paradox, Snap Dragon would shove her off to the floor, and Paradox would rexover to roll up Ashley Grover from behind while she was looking at Kinuye. Craig Phoenix would roll Kinuye back in the ring and hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash to even things up. Kinuye was clearly out of it and Paradox would soften up Ashley Grover and toss her out of the ring, Ginko Kuroda trying to manage a comeback, however Paradox hits a big brainbuster and signals for the end, but Snap Dragon blind tagged in and climbed the top rope to hit Dragon's Breath for the three count.


After the match, we had an intermission with the Extreme Lucha Girls as they did dance routines to various recent industrial hits.


La Somba Jr vs Cameron Vessey

Cameron came out again mocking La Sombra, this time wearing a MAW bandana over his face, which LSJ would rip right off and toss it it out of the ring as he laid into the outsider. Vessey would stall and use shortcuts to frustrate LSJ and gain the upper hand, wearing him down with submission holds. Vessey's arrogance would work against him though as LSJ would make a huge comeback and score some near falls. A ref bump would allow Vessey to hit a low blow with him unaware, but found himself without someone to count after hitting a Vessey Driver. He woke up the official and went to pin, but LSJ would get the shoulder up! Incensed Vessey would go right back to the Vessey Driver, but LSJ would elbow him repeatedly until he ended up on his knees... and this allowed him to get put in the La Sombra Cradle! One, two, three!


The night would end with La Sombra Jr celebrating his hard fought win as Jim Lou Freebush would announce the next event, Scars of Tomorrow, featuring a Trios Title of Terror championship!


Quick Results:

(Pre-Show) Azazel and Simon Ice d Joe Simpson and Zak Attack 2-1

Hugh de Aske d Ian Vincible

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady d Horror Show 2-1

American Elemental II and Guillermo Marcos d The Rock City Stars 2-1

Air Attack Wesel d Cheetah Boy

Snap Dragon, Craig Phoenix, and Paradox d Team Joshi

La Sombra Jr d Cameron Vessey


Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE made the following announcements on their website:

*Cameron Vessey, Syd Collier, and Ashley Grover will no longer compete for Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE, having completed their commitments to the promotion. NIGHTMARE front office is happy with their performance and will be happy to have them back in the promotion at a later time.

*Hugh de Aske and American Elemental II have signed long-term deals with the promotion. Hugh de Aske is particularly thrilled with this news, vowing to "form a crew of able-bodied sailors to plunder the gold of Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE, yar"

*Azazel and Ian Vincible have been released from their contracts, as the NIGHTMARE front office have been less than impressed with their performances and do not feel that they will improve in time to be deemed a worthy long-term asset to the promotion. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

*The NIGHTMARE wrestlers and staff offer their condolences to the friends and family of Spider Yakuta, who passed away from a drug overdose recently.


NIGHTMARE Scars of Tomorrow:

Team GinMusha vs Hugh de Aske and Craig Phoenix

La Sombra Jr and American Elemental II vs Horror Show

Guillermo Marcos vs Snap Dragon

Trios Title of Terror: Animal Crossing (c. Cheetah Boy) vs Canadian Air Force © (c. Air Attack Weasel)


And more!

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NIGHTMARE Scars of Tommorrow 2017

Live from the SOLD OUT Ministry!


Dark Match: Zak Attack vs Simon Ice

This was another wild spotfest to fire up the crowd, with Zak Attack doing most of the flying and Simon catching him and hitting some high impact offense of his own. Simon Ice went for the Black Ice Driver but Zak Attack counters into a modified release hurricanrana, then after a Glittering Magician (Shining Wizard) goes to the top rope and hits the Z-Bomb (Tucking Flip Senton) for the three count.


After that Jim Freebush would address the crowd as the show proper would begin. He started by announcing that two weeks ago, a friend of Monkey Maraguchi's, fellow Ling School graduate Totoya Munakata, so he is not in the United States having gone back to Japan to attend Totoya's funeral. Therefore the Guillermo Marcos vs Snap Dragon match has been bumped to the main event, however the Trios Title of Terror match will still take place, with a special replacement for Monkey Maraguchi, and then Jim would be interrupted by the sounds of "Eat the Rich" by Aerosmith...




As STRETCH THE CHICKEN BOY would emerge from the curtains, taking a lap to greet the fans before heading to the ring and taking the mic, going on a completely bizarre tirade where the threatened to "Snap them Canadiadians in half... LIKE A MUFFIN!" before pratfalling and rolling out of the ring and moonwalking to the back.

Joe Simpson vs Paradox

Paradox and Simpson had an even contest as they opened the main show, neither man getting a distinct advantage over the other. An early highlight reel moment occurred when Joe hit a monkey flip on Paradox but Paradox landed on his feet and as Joe got up he hit a jumping neckbreaker on him instead! Joe Simpson would have a highlight of his own with a beautiful flying neckbreaker lariat, but Paradox would survive and answer with a Paralyser (Jumping Stunner) to get the three count.


Team GinMusha vs Hugh de Aske and Craig Phoenix

Despite de Aske being very insistent on his partner wearing a pirate hat on the way to the ring, Phoenix would brush it aside on every attempt, seemingly more content with his grunge rocker look. The joshi duo were all business, using their agility to keep the big rudos reeling. A Cut-Throat Driver on Kinuye Mushashiba however would give the rudos the first fall, but not too much later Ginko Kuroda would tie it up with her Dragon Suplex on Hugh de Aske. Kinuye would hop over a Hugh back body drop and look for the Blue Dream, but Craig dropkicked her and Hugh hit her with a modified neckbreaker. With Kinuye out of the picture, Hugh used a spinebuster to set Phoenix up for the Phoenix Flame Splash to end the match for the rudo team.


American Elemental II and La Sombra Jr vs The Horror Show

Horror Show would ambush AmEl and LSJ on their way to the ring and pummel them with chairs, dragging them into the ring and working them over with their hands and stomps. The babyfaces managed to regroup and use their high flying skills to overcome the experienced brawling duo, and after an incredible display of their skills, LSJ used the La Sombra Cradle on Slasher to get the first fall, but didn't let Slasher out... as Slasher struggled to escape, AmEl II hit Stalker with the American Earth Breaker, Slasher managing to escape but unable to save his partner in time, leading to a sweep by the technicos!


Trios Title of Terror: Animal Crossing vs Canadian Air Force ©

All five of the NIGHTMARE regulars didn't know what to make of Stretch The Chicken Boy at first, and while Cheetah Boy and Toady were reluctant to put him in the match, once he got in after Cheetah and Toady were both out on the floor he managed to surprise everyone by cleaning house with a series of fundamental basics and mindgames such as ducking a lariat, turning around and yelling "BOO!" behind Air Attack Weasel. However the technico roll would be momentarily derailed when Cheetah Boy looked for the Flying Cheetah Pounce but was intercepted IN MIDAIR by a Ryan Turner Six String Shooter for the three count. This however managed to light a fire under Animal Crossing, and they would even it up with a barrage of high flying moves, ending with Air Attack Weasel getting hit with a Poultry In Motion (Top Rope Flying Forearm) by Stretch, and while Cheetah Boy hit the Flying Cheetah Bounce on the RCS on the floor, Toady would get the fall over Weasel with the Toad Splash (Mad Splash).


With the score evened up, the dastardly Canadian Air Force would single out Cheetah Boy and focus on him, but couldn't keep him down long enough for a thee count. Instead they would toss him over the ropes to the floor, then they whipped Toady and Stretch into each other, and when the Rock City Stars rolled them up with school boys, Weasel grabbed onto their free hands like he did at the Terror Trios Trilogy Cup, a move dubbed the "Rainbow Bridge" by color commentator Davis Ditterich, and the rudo team retains!


For an intermission, the Extreme Lucha Girls would once again dance to some industrial music, though this time their performance was a bit shorter than usual.


Guillermo Marcos vs Snap Dragon

Snap Dragon was ****y as ever in this bout, completely dominating Marcos at first, and even pulled off his T-shirt... AND BLEW HIS NOSE ON IT! This got both the crowd and Guillermo Marcos fired up, Marcos hitting Dragon with a Madman Clothesline to the floor and doing a number on Snap Dragon at ringside. Snap Dragon would fight back and trip Marcos onto an emptied chair, before rolling in the ring and lazily laying on the canvas while Marcos slowly recovered, then tried to put Marcos away with a series of big moves, even hitting a tombstone piledriver only for Marcos to kick out. This prompted Snap Dragon to go for Dragon's Breath... but Marcos rolled out of the way, then got up and hit a big DDT! Dragon kicked out of that and a reverse brainbuster. Marcos even hit the Nuclear Legdrop but still couldn't get a three count... and while Marcos tried to figure out what to do next, Snap Dragon signaled towards the curtain...




Prompting Burning EXILE to run out to the ramp with a pair of Kendo sticks! Rolling into the ring and tossing one to Snap Dragon, he clubbed Marcos with the one he kept and even by NIGHTMARE standards this was definite grounds for a DQ right there! Snap Dragon and EXILE would take turns on Marcos... and La Sombra Jr and American Elemental II would head into the ring, but even they would get laid out by the kendo stick-weilding rudos! Enter the rest of the technico roster and Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE beat a hasty retreat, ending the show in a fashion that left even Jim Lou Freebush speechless.


Quick Results:

(Dark Match) Zak Attack d. Simon Ice

Paradox d. Joe Simpson

Hugh de Aske and Craig Phoenix d. Team GinMusha 2-1

American Elemental and La Sombra Jr d. The Horror Show 2-0

Canadian Air Force d. Animal Crossing 2-1 to retain the Trios Title of Terror (1st defense)

Guillermo Marcos d. Snap Dragon by DQ


Pro Wrestling NIGHTMARE has announced on their website that Paradox was released from their roster. Word is they were unsatisfied with his work so far and decided they no longer needed him.


While Burning EXILE was not added to their website's roster page until after the event, word is that EXILE had agreed to a long-term deal with NIGHTMARE a week before. This has been Burning EXILE's first appearance at a wrestling show in over a full year.

NIGHTMARE Watching The World Burn:

Guillermo Marcos vs Air Attack Weasel

Team GinMusha and Zak Attack vs Hugh de Aske, Craig Phoenix, and Simon Ice

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show

La Sombra Jr and American Elemental II vs Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE

And more!

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Guillermo Marcos vs Air Attack Weasel

He's the key reason the Canadians are champions, and Marcos doesn't seem to be the guy to win his team a title shot

Team GinMusha and Zak Attack vs Hugh de Aske, Craig Phoenix, and Simon Ice

You've been using the women as jobbers, and Hugh fits perfectly with your product

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show

The Horror Show have been a huge letdown for me in a number of games, sadly

La Sombra Jr and American Elemental II vs Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE

I don't see Snap Dragon's ego letting you put La Sombra Jr over until you build him up a bit more.


Just a quick question, how developed are some of these rookies 7 years in? Anyone improve a lot?

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Im still waiting for Nightmare. Where is he? He must have great performance stats by now


Guillermo Marcos vs Air Attack Weasel

Team GinMusha and Zak Attack vs Hugh de Aske, Craig Phoenix, and Simon Ice

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show

La Sombra Jr and American Elemental II vs Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE

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Bolt: Between the promotion's name and the Horror Show, a guy named just Nightmare would be a bit confusing


John: Not really, but a lot of these guys have been out of work for ages. And re Hugh, yeah he's amazingly talented (his top row stats are only bested by EXILE) and probably my favorite guy to write matches for in this promotion.


Thanks for reading guys, finalizing the event as we speak and I'll probably have the writeup done by the weekend.

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NIGHTMARE Watching The World Burn 2017

Live from the SOLD OUT Ministry


Dark Match: Joe Simpson vs Rockin' Ryan Turner

Joe Simpson got a lot of sympathy heat from the crowd, but in the end he was little more than cannon fodder for Ryan, who dominated this match and put Joe away with ease with a Six String Shooter.


Cheetah Boy vs Stan 'The Man' Manna

Cheetah Boy looked to get some measure of payback in the name of Animal Crossing tonight, looking to put down one half of their rival trio. Manna tried his best to keep Cheetah Boy grounded but he always found a backdoor and managed to come up big with a series of big moves. Cheetah Boy would eventually look for the Flying Cheetah Pounce but Stan shoved the ref into the corner to crotch Cheetah Boy, then when the official got in his face about it, he slapped the ref which prompted him to get disqualified! Stan would follow up immediately by piledriving Cheetah Boy before heading to the back.


Guillermo Marcos vs Air Attack Weasel

Air Attack Weasel was very arrogant as would toss Marcos out of the ring repeatedly, but the one time when Marcos landed on he apron as Weasel taunted the crowd, leading to Marcos entering the ring and hitting him with a running bulldog and taking over the pace of the match with a flurry of running strikes and arm drags. Air Attack Weasel would retreat to the floor, and Marcos dove after him feet first! Weasel would rake the eyes of Marcos and bring the match back in the ring, and now he got serious hitting some big offense of his own, Marcos trying to get a comeback but when he looked for a release German, Weasel landed on all fours, then sprang up to his feet and hit a face crusher before hitting the Air Attack Ace for the three count.


Team GinMusha and Zak Attack vs Hugh de Aske, Craig Phoenix, and Simon Ice.

Hugh de Aske would get on the microphone and proclaim his team "The Sea Dogs of War" and that Craig Phoenix and Simon Ice were his "Bilge Rat Brigade". GinMusha would fend off the early assault but Hugh de Aske managed to direct his rudo team to an early advantage, singling out Ginko Kuroda and hitting her with the Cut-Throat Driver. GinMusha would get back by hitting a with Ginko Kuroda hitting Blue Dream on Simon Ice and a Kinuye Mushashibo Blue Dream on Craig Phoenix. However the rudos would recover and hit a series of devastating double team moves, including a Simon Ice gutbuster followed by a running DDT by Craig Phoenix to put away Zak Attack, and then Hugh de Aske would put Kinuye Mushashibo up powerbomb style, Craig Phoenix would get off the top rope with a dropkick on her and as Kinuye went down, Simon would deliver a neckbreaker! Hugh would cover her after that sick combo that Hugh would later say is called "Slaughter on the High Seas" to win the match.

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show

Monkey Maraguchi would climb up the truss that arched over the entrance curtain as they came out first, and as Horror Show came out Monkey would give them a taste of their own medicine by diving off the truss and hitting them with flying lariats! The high fliers would charge at Horror Show with all cylinders, however this would backfire on them when Monkey ran the ropes to dive at Stalker, but Slasher was on the other side and pulled on the top rope to send him over, and Toady ate the Slash and Burn for the first fall. The second fall would come when Stalker tried to powerbomb Toady, but Maraguchi tripped up Stalker allowing Toady to land safely with a seated senton, and Toady would follow that up with the Toad Splash. The Horror Show tried to rally back and seal a victory, but the technico duo would drop them with stereo DDTs and then hit Where The Wild Things Are on Slasher to get the win.


The Lucha Ladies would come out for their intermission, doing another dance to Alice Cooper's "Poison"


American Elemental II and La Sombra Jr vs Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE

The rudo duo didn't even wait for the bell, splitting up and attacking AmEl and LSJ, with Snap Dragon focusing on Elemental and even untying his mask laces. This made AmEl make the rookie mistake in focusing on retying the mask as LSJ eats a kick to the groin and gets rolled up by Snap Dragon. AmEl and LSJ quickly regroup and turn the tables, using high flying moves and beautiful leaping kicks before La Sombra Jr got a La Sombra Cradle on Snap Dragon for a three count! Snap Dragon was absolutely BERSERK after this, beating LSJ into the corner and choking him with the ring ropes, while EXILE dealt with the rookie and ended up capitalizing on AmEl taking too long with a moonsault, and as Snap Dragon dumped LSJ on his head witha DDT to the floor, Burning EXILE hit the EXILE Driver (Cradle Piledriver) on American Elemental for the three count.


But even after their win, the rudos weren't done. Grabbing kendo sticks they used them to knock AmEl senseless, then EXILE picked up LSJ for an EXILE Driver... and Snap Dragon climbed to the top rope... SPIKE EXILE DRIVER! Snap Dragon and EXILE would leave the ring as security went to carry LSJ to the back to close the show.

Quick Results:

Rockin' Ryan Turner d. Joe Simpson

Cheetah Boy d. Stan 'The Man' Manna by DQ

Air Attack Weasel d. Guillermo Marcos

Hugh de Aske, Craig Phoenix, and Simon Ice d. GinMusha and Zak Attack 2-1

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs The Horror Show 2-1

Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE d. American Elemental II and Snap Dragon 2-1


NIGHTMARE As Autumn Creeps In

Team GinMusha vs Rock City Stars

Monkey Maraguchi and Toady vs Snap Dragon and Burning EXILE

American Elemenal II vs Air Attack Weasel

La Sombra Jr vs Hugh de Aske

And more!

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