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Road to Glory Challenge

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That game looks awesome. I love looking at intricate systems like that, though I think I'd have real trouble putting them into play.


I'm really impressed by Lobo's progression. He's obviously still not that great, but he's not a guy you'd be embarrassed to have on your roster either (shame about that low acting cap though?)


It took me something like two weeks to actually set up the tournament so the matches came out right and people were only working once a show.


Lobo is doing pretty damn well. The over 60 pysch combined with the high Star Quality, Charisma and Flashiness he pulls 70s regularly, 8-s with superior opponents. As for the acting he's working in a performance based promotion with no angles so I'm all good.


I actually am very interested to see what happens to my user character after year one. He's going to have 50 popularity in the...South West, easily (he's in the upper-30s after one show), but stat growth. I wanna see me some stat growth.


Lobo has grown 605 total points across all skills in five years. By comparrison The Big Problem and Punsiher Paul Hughes are the next two highest at 264 point each. So I've crown more then 300 points more that the next fastest improving worker. Still in my early 20s I'm probably going to grow so much more.

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At the end of 2013


WOLF_ World of Lethal Fighters, player owned promotion (I started it as soon as my reputation was high enough)


At end of 2013 I am based in Eastern Europe and have 26 Pop and 27k in the bank.


MEs- Boronin, RJ Stones, Kalashnikov, Buff Martinez


Uppers- Orson, JM Sharp, Michael X, Nigel Svensson


Midcard- Apollo Prince, Kiriyakin, Bantom, Larry Wood, Manik Miner (Gen), Ragnar Wolfbane (User char)


Lowers- Munemitsu, Grimm, Gutman, Knyazev


Opener- Sam Soviet (gen)


My user character has had some nice rolls - +5 on Aerial, Chain and Safety and invited Aussie manageress Jaime G to join us. Gained 196 points in four years so far (including the 15 bonus). Next stop regional!

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How did his performance in babyface go down by 30 after 5 years?


The performance skills are off. I had to reinstall the game so I kept the save but not the original user character. I had to remake it and I on;y put in the stats not the performance skills so I could put up the pictures for comparison.

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May 2014


Right... I've finally decided I'm NOT going to do a mini-diary of my World Cup of Wrestling, so with that in mind it's time to tell people about it. The concept is fairly simple... wrestlers from around the world come to my little IPW promotion to compete for a trophy, a hefty winner's purse (I was thinking of kayfabing it at about £50,000) and a title shot against the IPW champion somewhere down the line (for storylines reasons, I think it'll be any time before the next world cup either the following year or in 2 years time).


With the demise of 21CW in June-ish the previous year, the top spot in UK wrestling has been up for grabs with both IPW (myself, regional for almost 9 months now) and ROF (strong regional but behind myself in prestige) fighting it out to emerge as the new #1. Jamie Anderson, wonderful boss/midcarder that he is, lets me spend our gathered warchest... we've been making 5k-10k per month while running 2 shows, so we've accumulated enough cash to hit the 100k mark. The World Cup of Wrestling is going to be our signature event, the biggest thing to hit UK wrestling since The Tower of London (Danny Patteron, our resident monster heel). It's going to be so big that everyone is going to be in it... which means we need qualifying events in the month prior to weed out the unworthy and determine who gets a shot!


IPW Crowning Glory 5 was held in February and the seeds were sewn there for the next few months. IPW British Heavyweight champion Joss Thompson retained the gold in a hard fought match with Beast Bantom, even without the help of the 21st Century Men (a 4 Horsemen style group of 21CW guys... Joss, Matravers, War Machine and Merle O'Curle). Joss' arrogance knows no bounds, having never lost a fall in IPW since he won the title from Phillip Cooper (lost on the first defense after a fluke win over former champ Tower of London)... well, Joss is unbearable as champion, strutting around like he owns the place while War Machine and O'Curle hold the tag gold. The fans want to cheer Matravers but Joss is managing to keep Matravers in-line... for now. From there Joss starts to get paranoid that IPW is against him, and when Papa O'Keefe (colour/semi-authority figure) announces the World Cup tournament Joss goes ballistic, though Matravers is very happy about the chance to showcase his skills.


Our second March show sees the domestic qualifying matches. Given the talent pool, my current roster and the available talent I had to make a decision on the format. I settled with 8 domestic workers (8 from the UK, each nation getting 1 representative at least) and 8 international workers (workers from same nation face off). The domestic qualifiers went first, with the following people qualifying through this show.


ENGLAND: Beast Bantom defeats Christopher Lister

ENGLAND: War Machine defeats Phillip Cooper

ENGLAND: The Tower of London defeats Wade Orson

ENGLAND: Adam Matravers defeats Jamie Anderson

ENGLAND: Daniel Black Francis defeats UK Dragon

IRELAND: Merle O’Curle (bye via lack of competition)

SCOTLAND: Don Henderson beats Christian Black and Wesley Howard

WALES: Bedlam (bye via lack of competition)


Bedlam debuted the previous show and is the only Welsh person who was viable for the tournament. O'Curle is theonly Irish/Northern Irish guy on the roster and again, the only one worth having... so they both got byes. The Scottish match saw me being really tempted to bring in Jeff Nova (who I had set to an active wrestler in this save to see if it would be enough to keep 21CW alive... it wasn't :p) but I resisted for now. Former IPW champion Don Henderson makes his return, being a douche to his fellow countrymen and forcing Scotland to have 1 berth in the tournament as he beats them. Some big name miss out on the tournament, as Cooper gets beaten by interference from Tower of London (continuing their rivalry), Orson gets put out early despite arguably being one of the best in the UK and UK Dragon gets eliminated too. Bantom continues his search for the gold, War Machine shows he can dominate in singles, Tower continues his rampage of destruction, Matravers continues to be awesome and DBF's coolness sees him through. All wants the IPW belt, but Joss is claiming he's beaten everyone and that no-one deserves a shot... what a great guy. :)


The next show sees the international qualifiers taking place, main evented by a big 6 man tag that sees Beast Bantom, Daniel Black Francis and Phillip Cooper beat Matravers, Machine and O'curle... at last IPW gets the upperhand on the 21st Century Men!! And Joss openly blames Matravers for not being able to marshall the troops like he should be able to. Other important matches on the card are...


INT’L: (AUSTRALIA) Jase Cole defeats (NORWAY) Hercules Johansson by DQ

INT’L: (CANADA) Josh Jones defeats (ISRAEL) Gordon Leve

INT’L: (FINLAND) Gundundir Hamalainen defeats (HOLLAND) Soul

INT’L: (FRANCE) Jacques DuPont defeats Pierre DuPont

INT’L: (MEXICO) El Jefe Militar defeats (GHANA) Patrick Hannigan

INT’L: (RUSSIA) Viktor Beskov defeats Yuri Iliakov

INT’L: (SWEDEN) Nigel Svensson defeats Magnus Jansson

INT’L: (UNITED STATES) Joss Thompson defeats (ITALY) Antonino Mancini


Herc was originally intended to come in with his brother, but the Alpha Norwegian was too much for me (in contract negotiations) and pulled out, leaving Herc to join Randy Garcia's group "International Incident". This group has plagued El Jefe Militar for abot a year since Militar left them, but that hasn't stopped Militar becoming the first ever IPW Multimedia champion (theoretically, it's like a TV belt... with all the matches for the belt being available on the company website :)). Herc has been Garcia's latest problem for Militar, but Herc is hard to control, causing his DQ. The rest is fairly self explanatory, as Josh Jones continues his world tour with a win, Hamalainen cheats to beat Soul, himself a cheater... the DuPonts play rock/paper/scissors to determine who advances (for 10 minutes, cos they suck), Militar progresses against an amazing Dr Insane regen in non-title action... two Russian bears square off with Beskov getting the better of his close friend... Svensson shows he's the crown jewel of International Incidient with a win on his stablemate agnus Jansson... and Joss Thompson is forced to suffer the indignity of a qualifying match as he beats random gen nice guy Antonino Mancini in non-title action. Joss is not pleased about it but the biggest shock of the night came when a new face stopped The Tower of London from his usual post match rampage! The big mysterious man (Grave Digger) simply walked out and then Tower walked away... no-one has been able to stop Tower, so this giant man making him back away was a big shock!


One last show before the World Cup takes over May... all the title were meant to be on the line, but Militar wsa in Mexico so was unable to attend. Merle/War Machine (known as The Destroyers) retain over Beast Bantom/Jamie Anderson... whlie Joss retains over Wade Orson in an outstanding match, cheating just enough to get the win once more. Adam Matravers sees the cheating and once again isn't happy about Joss' leadership, especially since his paranoia about everyone in IPW trying to get the gold from him is what forced Adam to stay at ringside even after a tough win over UK Dragon. But the highlight of the night comes after the main event... Joss starts to celebrate his big win when familiar music plays over the speakers in Parliament Square... here comes ANGRY GILMORE!! The crowd erupts, Joss explodes, Adam permits himself a smile and Gilmore makes his way to the ring. He's off touring the world again, he's no longer confined to an SWF ring, he's heading out to find the best talents the world has to offer and when he heard about IPW putting together the World Cup of Wrestling... well, he had to come and see what the big deal was. Gilmore says that he's been scouting the UK and he's come to see who the best wrestler in the UK is and he wants to challenge them to a match... Joss says Gilmore doesn't deserve a match and Gilmore waves him off. He wants Adam Matravers, wrestling's best kept secret. As Joss rages at Gilmore, Gilmore tells Adam to think about it and get back to him!


.... this pleased me a lot. :) (time for a short intermission from typing for me... not that you'll notice. Ouchies!) (EDIT: The mysterious un-named man once again saved someone from a Tower of London beatdown, simply staring him down in order to make the save. Grave Digger is gonna be badass in this game.)





The next step of the World Cup saw 4 groups of 4 wrestlers face off against each other in singles bouts. Easch match has a 15 minute time limit, with 2 points going to the winner, 1 point to each wrestler in the event of a draw and 0 point to the loser. The tiebreaker is time spent in the ring... if you win you get the time for the match added, a draw gets the full 15 minutes and a loss gets 30 minutes minus the match time. So a match going 10 minutes sees the winner get 10 minutes of time, and the loser gets 20 minutes. That way time becomes important and the pressure is on. The groups are as follows, with heel and face shown in brackets. Each group has 2 domestic and 2 international workers, and was actually RNGed... with some good results. :)


Group A: Beast Bantom (F), War Machine (H), Gudmundir Hamalainen (H), Nigel Svensson (H)

Group B: Don Henderson (H), Bedlam (H), Jase Cole (F), El Jefe Militar (F)

Group C: Daniel Black Francis (F), The Tower of London (H), Josh Jones (F), Jacques DuPont (H)

Group D: Merle O’Curle (H), Adam Matravers (H), Viktor Beskov (F), Joss Thompson (H)


All 4 of the 21st Century Men are in the tournament, with 3 of them in group D with the talented young Russian bear Viktor Beskov. With Joss determined to stop anyone else getting their hands on his belt, he's not going to let anyone else win the tournament and has vowed to win the tournament for himself... having openly said he plans to do whatever it takes to ensure this happens, people are already concerned about the influence he will have on his group. Group A sees two big, powerful men and two friends grouped together... will Randy Garcia be able to hold his group together to take the big men down or will the two behemoths prove to be too much to handle in singles competition? Group B is the most open of all the groups, with newcomer Bedlam showing he is dangerous while everyone else has established IPW pedigree... with the Multimedia champion in the group, everyone will be looking to pull off a win on him to not only help their chances of progressing, but also of a title match down the line! And group C sees two of IPW's biggest stars against two young rising stars. Tower and DBF are no strangers to each other but will the relatively unknown Josh Jones continue to surprise people? Will Jacques be able to break free from his twin brother and carve out a singles career? Let's find out!


So week 1 of May rolls around and it's the first of 4 shows from IPW as the World Cup takes hold. Angry Gilmore makes his IPW debut in singles action as he overcomes Jamie Anderson, which makes the fans happy. Otherwise the matches in the World Cup look like this.


GROUP A: Henderson beat Militar (11 mins) - All matches are non-title, but with this win Henderson has laid claim to a shot at Militar's belt... conveniently, Henderson also has a midcard title promise to fulfil in the next 6 months...

GROUP A: Jase beat Bedlam (13 mins) - A tough match but the high flyer pulls out the win over the dangerous Welshman

GROUP B: Beast beat Gudmundir (5 mins) - Beast rips through the talented Finnish competitor, making the former tag champ look like a nobody

GROUP B: Svensson beat War Machine (10 mins) - Sometimes a quick roll-up is all you need to beat even the largest of men and that worked here. Machine was NOT happy, and nor was Joss who is relying on him to be able to get things done on his own out there!

GROUP C: Josh beat Jacques (10 mins) - Two relatively unknown guys go at it and the Canadian youngster makes an impression with a plucky performance.

GROUP D: Joss beat Merle (14 mins) - Match of the night... with Adam Matravers at ringside to keep an eye on his 21st Century Men allies, it looked like there would be no team tactics... but then with 1 minute to go Joss suddenly told Merle to lay down, AND HE DID! The crowd hated it, with a closely contested match ended with O'Curle laying down for Joss. Matravers was furious at ringside but Joss yelled at him that it was best for the team and Adam had no time to argue cos he's up next

GROUP D: Adam beat Viktor (10 mins) - Adam was relieved of his upset by some sambo style suplexes from Viktor Beskov. Beskov brought his A-game but Matraversis just too darn good, fighting back and eventually picking up the win and some more fans.

GROUP C: Tower and DBF go to double count-out with DBF almost back in-ring (15 mins) - The main event of the night between 2 of IPW's biggest stars... at the 11 minute mark the brawl has been going wild at ringside and it seems that DBF has the better of it. He makes a lunge to get back into the ring and win by countout, but Tower grabs an ankle and holds on for a double count-out, costing them both the win! They fight for a whlie but DBF holds his own as the mysterious figure fails to make an appearance this time...


Also of note on this show was an argument between Joss and Gilmore... Joss reminds Gilmore who is champion around here and what it means to be a champion, something that Gilmore might've forgotten about in recent years. Bug Gilmore fires back that he knows what it takes to be a real champion and he knows talent. He acknoledges how good Joss is and says he could be a huge star anywhere, that he could get into the SWF if he wanted to maybe go all the way... but says he thinks Joss is scared that he might not be good enough. He thinks Adam is good enough but can't get the break, doesn't have the work visa, can't get past the red tape... and Gilmore wants Adam because he's the best the UK has to offer, not Joss. Things are gonna get ugly between these two... but not tonight!




GROUP B: Beast beat Svensson (8 mins) - Svensson wanted to ground the powerful big man, but he couldn't... but at least he got some time in, which is more than the last guy did!

GROUP A: Militar beat Jase (9 mins) - the Multimedia champ gets a win back, but he's still trailing in the group after this match

GROUP C: DBF beat Jacques (8 mins) - Jacques tried his best in this one but there is a clear difference in class between them and DBF took the win comfortably, though perhaps in longer than he'd like if he wants to top the group!

GROUP A: Henderson beat Bedlam (10 mins) - two dangerous technical wrestlers faced off and it was Henderson who picked up the win, getting a tight small package to put himself up to 4 points in in poll position for the group.

GROUP C: Tower beat Josh (10 mins) - If ever there was a good time to put in the performance of a lifetime, this was it. Josh threw everything he had at the big man and had him rocking, but he got caught in a Chokeslam and put down. Tower signalled for a Towerbomb (Last Ride powerbomb) but once again the mysterious man appeared to make the save, with Tower looking very angry that he wasn't allowed to blow off steam post match.

GROUP D: Joss beat Viktor (11 mins) - The young Russian bear again had it all to do against the IPW champion. He threw some big suplexes and had the champion on the backfoot for the majority but Joss showed his class and fought back into things... he still needed a well disguised low blow to get the win, but Beskov looked great even in defeat here as Joss gets to a barely deserved 4 points.

GROUP B: War Machine beat Gudmundir (5 mins) - War Machine gets psyched up by Joss on the way out and man does he look angry. Gudmundir makes the mistake of getting in close to the 465lb monster and gets crushed in short order by him. Machine shows how dangerous he can be, using his raw physicality to pick up the win.

GROUP D: Merle beat Adam (13 mins) - A superb back and forth match sees Merle try to take Adam apart only for an airbourne assault to take Merle down. Adam looks set to have the match won as he goes up for the Mile High Moonsault, but Joss comes out and distracts him. Merle seizes the opportunity to hit a powerbomb out of the corner and get the fall on Adam in contoversial fashion!


As they argue, the main event is set to go as Gilmore and UK Dragon face off. Joss is still angry with Gilmore and tries to get 21st Century Men business done by sending out Merle and Machine to ambush them, but Matravers doesn't let him do it. A huge argument breaks out with the 21st Century Men group which is taken backstage. In ring, Gilmore delivers the goods as he beats UK Dragon and the two men shake hands after the match.







The final night of the group stages and things are looking tense. Nothing is written in stone yet, though some people are already out of contention statistically. But this is a big night, so here is the important bits of the show!


The show opens with Gilmore thanking the fans for their respect but he doesn't get to talk long before Joss interupts. He hasn't seen Adam all week and he blames Gilmore for putting ideas in his head about being better than Joss. Gilmore says Adam IS better than Joss, and so is he. Some heated words are exchanged before Joss heads to the back, saying he's got a match tonight and that he's got to be ready for anything from Adam since they haven't been able to talk...


GROUP B: Beast beat War Machine (13 mins) - A brutal hard hitting affair saw two of IPW's biggest and strongest go at it... Beast showed his awesomeness by hitting a powerbomb (barely) on War Machine, wowing fans and putting himself on top of the group with 6 points.

GROUP C: DBF beat Josh (7 mins) - After his outstanding performance against Tower, Josh will be disappointed with this as DBF rolls him up at 5 minutes. But even so, he shook hands with the resident showman of IPW and earned some respect for himself in doing so.

GROUP A: Militar beat Bedlam (14 mins) - This result makes things very complicated for the Henderson/Jase Cole match... Militar makes it likely that he goes through but depending on the result of the other match he could be first, second or even third despite having 2 wins. Oh my!

GROUP D: Viktor beat Merle (12 mins) - Shock! A win here would've put Merle on 4 points with, as Joss pointed out to him pre-match, Adam then needing a quick win over Joss to have any chance at going through. But not only did Merle not get a quick win, he actually lost! Viktor Beskov threw Merle around the rign like a ragdoll and then locked in the Red Devil Lock... Merle couldn't escape and did what he had to... he tapped out! A huge win for Beskov, and this will almost certainly have team team title ramifications in the future too!

GROUP C: Tower beat Jacques (8 mins) - Tower isn't the sort of man you want to make angry, but neither would you want to be on the wrong end of a chokeslam... Jacques literally ran for his life in this one as Tower needed to get a quick win to go top of his group, but was unable to do so. Eventually Jacques tripped and fell into Tower's arms where he was promptly destroyed. The mysterious man once again made his presence felt, but Tower wouldn't back down.. instead the mystery man picked Jacques up and carried him to safety.

GROUP B: Gudmundir beat Svensson (2 mins) - An argument within International Incident which saw Gudmundir trying to translate between Svensson and Randy Garcia somehow saw Gudmundir decide to pin Svensson, getting a sudden roll up on him to steal the win. No-one seemed quite sure of what had happened except Garcia, who realised that this eliminated both his men from the World Cup and put War Machine through. The argument then picked up where it left off, with no-one seemingly happy at anyone else...

GROUP A: Jase beat Henderson (10 mins) - If Jase wins in 7 minutes or less, he goes 1st and Miltar is second. If he wins at 8 minutes Militar is first and Jase is second. If he wins at 9 Henderson is first and Jase is second. And if he wins in more than that OR loses then Henderson wins and Militar is second. Complicated enough? Well, Henderson plays for time and Jase chases him. Jase throws everything he has at Henderson but he can't win quickly enough, but when Henderson realises he's in the clear the fight seems to leave him and Jase gets the win at about 10 minutes... Henderson wins the group to set up a match with the runner-up of Group D, to be decided next!

+ Gilmore/Orson tag to beat UK Dragon/Cooper... after the match Orson challenges Gilmore to a singles match next week at the World Cup Finals, which is accepted! It's so on!! :D

GROUP D: Joss time limit Adam (15 mins) - Joss and Adam get into a war or words as the bell rings to start the match. Joss demands Adam lay down and Adam refuses. Adam gets on a microphone and says that if Joss wants Merle to go through then Joss will have to beat Adam to do it. Adam doesn't need Joss, but Joss needs him. And Joss can't beat him. Adam knows he's the best in the world and Gilmore reminded him of that. So Joss... you've got about 12 minutes left. Beat me if you can. Cos I'm sure as hell about to try to beat you!


It's on! And as you can see above, the match goes to a time limit draw at 15 minutes, which sees Adam through in the second place spot as Joss tops the group. The fans loved that Adam finally rebelled against Joss which saw this match get an IPW record rating of 81 (B). In 7 days, it'll be the World Cup of Wrestliong Finals and this is how the show looks going into things... I think I'll post the finals in another post... this has turned epic.



Henderson beat Militar (11 mins) ; Jase beat Bedlam (13 mins)

Militar beat Jase (9 mins) ; Henderson beat Bedlam (10 mins)

Militar beat Bedlam (14 mins); Jase beat Henderson (10 mins)


Henderson: 4 points (41 mins)

Militar: 4 points (42 mins)

Jase: 4 points (44 mins)

Bedlam: 0 points (53 mins)




Beast beat Gudmundir (5 mins); Svensson beat War Machine (10 mins)

Beast beat Svensson (8 mins) ; War Machine beat Gudmundir (5 mins)

Beast beat War Machine (13 mins) ; Gudmundir beat Svensson (2 mins)


Beast: 6 points (26 mins)

War Machine: 2 points (42 mins)

Gudmundir: 2 points (52 mins)

Svensson: 2 points (60 mins)




Josh beat Jacques (10 mins) ; Tower and DBF go to double count-out with DBF almost back in-ring (15 mins)

DBF beat Jacques (8 mins) ; Tower beat Josh (10 mins)

DBF beat Josh (7 mins) ; Tower beat Jacques (8 mins)


DBF: 5 points (30 mins)

Tower: 5 points (33 mins)

Josh: 2 points (53 mins)

Jacques: 0 points (66 mins)




Joss beat Merle (14 mins) ; Adam beat Viktor (10 mins)

Joss beat Viktor (11 mins) ; Merle beat Adam (13 mins)

Viktor beat Merle (12 mins) ; Joss time limit Adam (15 mins)


Joss: 5 points (40 mins)

Adam: 3 points (42 mins)

Merle: 2 points (47 mins)

Viktor: 2 points (51 mins)




World Cup of Wrestling Finals


FINAL ROUNDS (30 minute time limit)

MATCH 1: Win A (Henderson) vs Lose D (Adam)

MATCH 2: Win B (Beast) vs Lose C (Tower)

MATCH 3: Win C (DBF) vs Lose B (War Machine)

MATCH 4: Win D (Joss) vs Lose A (Militar)


SEMI 1: Winner 1 vs Winner 2

SEMI 2: Winner 3 vs Winner 4


FINAL: No time limit, one fall to a finish!


PLUS: Angry Gilmore vs Wade Orson

PLUS: Other unimportant matches that would be DVD extras... just as all the other throw away tag matches on the shows have been. :)

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IPW World Cup of Wrestling 2014


It's been an epic build, with IPW spending a buttload of cash to get a special set, a local band, some local celebrities and as much gathered press from the wrestling world to pack out the 1000 seats in the Parliament Square venue. It's the finals of the tournament and tonight is going to be a special night for British wrestling, as a new leader emerges from the ashes of 21CW to take control of wrestling as we know it! (Assuming we ignore the weekly TV from NOTBPW, SWF and TCW of course. :p)


Don Henderson (Scotland) vs Adam Matravers (England) - Matravers gets a huge pop from the crowd and it's clear who the fan favourite is. Henderson tries to ground and stretch Adam but the exciting high flyer channels the energy of the fans and fights through the pain to take the victory at 14 minutes. It may not be an epic write up, but it was a solidly good match and a win for Adam over a former IPW champion! (14 minutes or so)


Beast Bantom (England) vs The Tower of London (England) - Two former IPW champions with a storied rivalry, the original big man of IPW (Beast) and the behemoth (Tower) have clashed sveral times and caused carnage wherever they have met. And this was no different, as the referee allowed them a lot of leeway. The two big men looked to destroy each other and both were beaten down badly by the end of this one... Tower looked for the chokeslam but Beast powered out of it and planted the giant with a massive spinebuster, enough to get the win! But ower wasn't done and grabbed chair from ringside, crushing Beast with it as he recovered... then the mysterious figure appeared from the back with a shovel as Tower looked to try and put BEast out with a Towerbomb. The two men locked eyes and it looked like Tower was about to try the move before the mystery man levelled him with the flat of the shovel right between the eyes! Beast advances, but at what price?! And what of the mystery man?! (12 minutes or so)


Daniel Black Francis (England) vs War Machine (England) - Pre-match Machine received his marching orders from Joss... destroy DBF, and then we'll see how you fare against the IPW champion, the greatest in the world today! Machine looked to use his power on DBF to overwhelm him but DBF dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged everything being thrown at him for as long as he could then showed amazing resilience to kick out of the heavy duty slams when Machine caught him. But DBF weathered the storm and when the big man started to look exhausted DBF got energised by the crowd and fought back before hitting his finisher to pick up the win! (18 minutes or so)


Joss Thompson (USA) vs El Jefe Militar (Mexico) - Even though this was champion vs champion, neither title was on the line. Joss made a point of letting everyone know that he is the greatest and that no matter what anyone else thinks, when you're the champion you ARE the best. Militar got tired of listening though and struck first, setting a quick pace for the match and getting the early upper hand. But Joss took control through twisting the mask and never let up from there, grounding Militar so his awesome athleticism wouldn't be a factor. This would later prove decisive, as Militar's comeback was cut-off when his knee went from under him and Joss managed to get a quick roll up witha handful of tights to score the pinfall and advance to the semi finals! (15 minutes or so)


Some stuff happens in between then...


Adam Matravers (England) vs Beast Bantom (England) - Two of IPW's most popular men went head to head with the same idea... throw everything at each other to try to minimise the damage they would take. Beast tried early on to take Adam out with a Savage Pounce but missed, ending up on the floor where he fell prey to a big plancha dive. The level of offense remains high, with some painful ringside bumps for both before both men end up in the ring. Matravers misses a moonsault and Beast recovers to set up for a powerbomb. Adam escapes out the back but Beast recovers first, powering off the ropes with an intensely brutal Savage Pounce that sends Adam bouncing across the ring and off the ropes. Beast covers and that is all she wrote for this one! (about 12 minutes)


Daniel Black Francis (England) vs Joss Thompson (USA) - Before the match Joss offers DBF the chance to lie down, saying he knows he's busted up inside after his match with War Machine. DBF teases forfeiting the match before letting slip a wry smile. He'll never quit and this match is going to happen, whether Joss wants it or not. Joss immediately goes to work onthe midsection of DBF, taking advantage of the damage done by War Machine earlier tonight as DBF struggles to draw breath. DBF eventually fights back and even manages to lock in the Rasta Lock, but Joss cuts it off with some well placed elbows to the ribs. DBF then walks into a Clean Cutter and Joss takes the win in one of IPW's finest matches to date. (about 12 minutes)


More stuff happens, you don't care about it and neither do I. :p


Angry Gilmore vs Wade Orson - One of the UK's brightest prospects takes on one of the most critically acclaimed and internationally recognised stars in the world. On paper, this match should be an instant classic and... it delivers. Orson had clearly done his homework, knowing what to expect from Gilmore from his years on the SWF stage... but Orson had some surprises for Gilmore, skinning the cat and showing off his awesome athleticism and all round skills much to the delight of the crowds and appreciation of his opponent. Orson put on arguably a career best performance over more than 20 minutes but Gilmore just had the experience and toughness edge, enduring the Bounce Back to eventually hit the Anger Management and pick up the pinfall win. Both men shake hands to celebrate and Gilmore cuts a promo at Adam Matravers... the challenge is still waiting and he can't wait to step in the ring with him. It will be LEGEN... wait for it.... DARY!


World Cup of Wrestling FINAL: Beast Bantom (England) vs Joss Thompson (USA)


This match had a big time feel to it, with the crowd gathered in attendance ready to see the culmination of more than 7 shows worth of build and more than 40 matches worth of tournament. It's come down to these two men... Beast has been almost unstoppable, winning in dominant fashion throughout the tournament but he's been hurt by Tower's brutal power and post-match attack and a tough contest with Adam Matravers. He's fighting for another shot at the championship gold that was once his. Joss Thompson has wormed his way through the tournament, and arguably might not even be where he is now if it weren't for the help of his allies, both directly and indirectly. He's fighting for pride, money and the chane to rub everyone's face in it.


Knowing he's hurt Beast charges straight at Joss and spills to the floor, with Joss being relatively fresh and still quick on his feet. Joss knows he can't let Beast recover though and a baseball slide sees the match on the floor quickly, where Beast is usually so dangerous. Beast gets control for a while but Joss runs away and manages to catch Beast coming into the ring with a kick to the head, using that to gain the upper hand. A sudden comeback by Beast sees him hit another brutal Savage Pounce but Joss rolls to the floor and by time Beast has rolled him back in he's recovered enough to get a shoulder up. Merle O'Curle and War Machine try to interject at this point, but from the back comes Adam Matravers and Angry Gilmore, fighting back Joss' allies so that Beast and Joss can continue to battle in peace. The distraction almost allows Beast to get a powerbomb on Joss but Joss wriggles out of it with a poke to the eyes while up in the powerbomb... with Beast momentarily blinded, Joss takes a moment to stalk his prey and connects with a Clean Cutter! This match and this tournament are history! Joss Thompson wins the World Cup of Wrestling!!






And that is that. An epic show rating of 78 for my little regional (about 47 popularity now) has seen me get a new record show rating. Angles for Joss celebrating adn the hype scored amazingly highly, with Joss at 93ish pop and Beast not far behind. The tournament as a whole managed to do wonders fo the popularity of my babyfaces, who have been lagging far behind my heels for a while. I always tend to book my heels better, so this has really made a few guys into stars for me.


Lots of storylines to go on with from here. Beast is still chasing the gold and Joss is still doing everything he can to stop him getting a shot. Matravers has left the 21st Century Men, potentially opening a slot for someone else (perhaps Joey Beauchamp or an actual 21CW alumni in Jonathan Faust) while Matravers and Gilmore will be off having their big money match. The Tower of London is heading into an epic rivalry with my mystery man (Grave Digger, though I think I'm going to name him "Fawkes") that will hopefully see the new man develop quickly. The Multimedia title (a midcard belt) has a lot of talent involved with the like sof Militar, Henderson, the entire International Incident, UK Dragon, Wade Orson and more ready to jump in and out of that one. Really, I'm looking forward to this. I'll be back to 2 shows per month for a while as I lost about 50,000 of my 100,000 during this month, but I'm not far away from being able to run weekly shows. I'm toying with bringing in Jeff Nova but I feel it's still too soon... but at the same time, I don't want him getting ring rust and losing skills, which he can't be far from doing. Decision, decisions, decisions...


Oh... and the BHOTWG job is up in this save too. If anyone wants it, give me a shout and I'll upload it. :)


EDIT: Meant to say that on the next show Joss is going to yell at Gilmore and Adam... basically he's going to unify the World Cup and the IPW British Heavyweight title to make the IPW World Heavyweight title, saying that he's so good he can do that while no-one else in IPW can compete. He might even ruin the ending of the first Gilmore/Matravers match, I've not decided yet... regardless, it should be awesome. I'm not banking on having Gilmore forever, so I'm trying not to book him too far ahead. I want him to have a match with Josh Jones at some point with the idea that Jones is inspired by Gilmore (see: his stats, style, nationality and ability to work everywhere) so that would be a fun little angle to book and might even help Josh get further up the card too. Fun times! :D

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May 2014


Right... I've finally decided I'm NOT going to do a mini-diary of my World Cup of Wrestling, so with that in mind it's time to tell people about it. The concept is fairly simple... wrestlers from around the world come to my little IPW promotion to compete for a trophy, a hefty winner's purse (I was thinking of kayfabing it at about £50,000) and a title shot against the IPW champion somewhere down the line (for storylines reasons, I think it'll be any time before the next world cup either the following year or in 2 years time).


Derek - just wanted to say I really enjoyed all the info on this game.


It sounds like exactly the sort of game I like (and its even in the UK!) and it cant have been easy to type all that out.


Thanks for sharing and if you feel like updating any more...

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awesome post about the world cup of wrestling, being unimaginative i will steal it once i hit regional size


I'd love to hear someone else running a similar format. I had run a similar tournament in a TEW08 (I think) game where I had a lot of international talents coming in, but hte UK is fairly English-cenrtric in terms of the talent available, with the rest either being over-priced for me at this stage (Buff Martinez and Jeff Nova wanting at least 3000 per appearance) or so bad they wouldn't be worth hiring.


Derek - just wanted to say I really enjoyed all the info on this game.


It sounds like exactly the sort of game I like (and its even in the UK!) and it cant have been easy to type all that out.


Thanks for sharing and if you feel like updating any more...


If you're interested at having a look at the save post-World Cup, here it is. The BHOTWG vacancy just opened up too so you could have a look at that if it interested you too. :) - http://www.sendspace.com/file/z11s6e


Otherwise, I've played a couple of months down the line and things are progressing nicely. Joss is barely holding on to the IPW World title as the trio of Matravers/Gilmore/Beast all try to take him down... there are new tag team champions as Viktor Beskov/Yuri Iliakov beat O'Curle/War Machine for the gold... and the 21st Century Men (particularly the under-fire Joss Thompson) are looking to add a 4th member to their ranks. After a lot of looking around to see who would fit, I had intended to add Joey Beauchamp but Jamie Anderson blocked my paying him 2000 per appearance so I've instead picked up Rolling Johnny Stones, who will debut at our next show. The rivalry between Tower of London and Fawkes (Grave Digger renamed) rumbles on, with their first encounter being thrown out but they'll meet again soon.


All in all, things are going well for IPW. Fitting things around some other promotion schedules (the Japanese ones in particular) can be a little tough, but at least the SWF's schedule is predictable... though the SWF did some lame booking as DuBois was about to leave, hot-shotting the belt from a face DuBois to a heel Kurt Laramee (uppercarder) the Supreme TV before the Supreme Challenge, only to have a face Runaway Train (aged 68753) win it two days later on the big PPV. I'm not sire what Giant Redwood sees in Runaway Train... he's a large, barely mobile, aging star who was successful way beyond his talent level... oh wait, I just got it. :p

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I'd love to hear someone else running a similar format. I had run a similar tournament in a TEW08 (I think) game where I had a lot of international talents coming in, but hte UK is fairly English-cenrtric in terms of the talent available, with the rest either being over-priced for me at this stage (Buff Martinez and Jeff Nova wanting at least 3000 per appearance) or so bad they wouldn't be worth hiring.



Finally got around to having more than a glance at this data (didnt help I deleted the temp/backup files somehow) and thought you might like a new log...



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Finally got around to having more than a glance at this data (didnt help I deleted the temp/backup files somehow) and thought you might like a new log...




Those are awesome! Thank you so much! :D

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So Bradley Blaze worked one American Indy show in 2011. I picked him up on one tour for BCG (my company) in 2012 and one in 2013. In late 2013 he worked one Japanese Indy show and then I used him on two tours 2014. He was picked up for development by BHOTWGs he worked 6 shows and only won one match and in April of 2015 Mr. Blaze who just four years ago was barely making it on the American Indy scene was brought up on to the BHOTWG main roster and all that because he worked four tours for me.
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I think my owner is trying to destroy my company, or just is utterly insane. :confused:


Fumihiro Ota casual became my owner roughly 2 -3 weeks into the game, which isn't usual since he often does take over small or backyard companies in previous game and as an added bonus he is not only popular but also a very good wrestler to use once I can afford him.


Starting up everything was fine as I made a profit for the inaugural show. Yet after the first few months I began to notice something was wrong.


My matches were bombing (more than usual :p), crowds were more often vocal about match quality, my sponsorship money was shrinking each and every month. I first thought the it was the industry or the economy failing, yet both were and still now are rising but I was shocked when I found the answer. The prick was screwing around with the product.....



My original product was based around storylines, entertainment and gimmicks rather than an workrate promotion.



Match Ration: 60%




Minor - 6 mins

Medium - 9 mins

Major - 15 mins


Face/Heel Divide- Medium

T&A Levels -Low

Womens Wrestling - None


Main Product Definition


Mainstream - Key Feature

Traditional - Key Feature

Comedy - Medium

Lucha Libre - Heavy



Which generally meant than people preferred Popularity > Performance and that sponsorship usually netted me about 5-6k per month, which is awesome for a me since money = success. So here is what Mr Ota wanted to change it to:


Match Ration: 60%




Main Product Definition


Mainstream - Key Feature

Traditional - Key Feature

Realism - Heavy

Pure - Heavy

Hyper Realism - Medium

Modern - Heavy


Comedy - Down to Very Low

Lucha Libre - Down to Low


This was his final product, which pretty much killed my income and almost the company in three months and it's only now I can slowly change it back since he would constantly block my attempts stating the "He is working on a new product and doesn't want you changing it until it's finished".


The problem is that to achieve the in-ring demands of his product, I need quality workers that will wrestle for cheap ie. Not likely to happen AND I also would need to find a new use for Randy Straits, my user wrestling whom is rather useless in the ring, which further leads to the issue of getting more money to hire these wrestlers because the product is extremely sponsor unfriendly. It's a vicious circle.


It's like he doesn't want to succeed or something ;)

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I think my owner is trying to destroy my company, or just is utterly insane. :confused:


Fumihiro Ota casual became my owner roughly 2 -3 weeks into the game, which isn't usual since he often does take over small or backyard companies in previous game and as an added bonus he is not only popular but also a very good wrestler to use once I can afford him.


Starting up everything was fine as I mad a profit for the inaugural show. Yet after the first few months I began to notice something was wrong.


My matches were bombing (more than usual :p), crowds were more often vocal about match quality, my sponsorship money was shrinking each and every month. I first thought the it was the industry or the economy failing, yet both were and still now are rising but I was shocked when I found the answer. The prick was screwing around with the product.....



My original product was based around storylines, entertainment and gimmicks rather than an workrate promotion.



Match Ration: 60%




Minor - 6 mins

Medium - 9 mins

Major - 15 mins


Face/Heel Divide- Medium

T&A Levels -Low

Womens Wrestling - None


Main Product Definition


Mainstream - Key Feature

Traditional - Key Feature

Comedy - Medium

Lucha Libre - Heavy



Which generally meant than people preferred Popularity > Performance and that sponsorship usually netted me about 5-6k per month, which is awesome for a me since money = success. So here is what Mr Ota wanted to change it to:


Match Ration: 60%




Main Product Definition


Mainstream - Key Feature

Traditional - Key Feature

Realism - Heavy

Pure - Heavy

Hyper Realism - Medium

Modern - Heavy


Comedy - Down to Very Low

Lucha Libre - Down to Low


This was his final product, which pretty much killed my income and almost the company in three months and it's only now I can slowly change it back since he would constantly block my attempts stating the "He is working on a new product and doesn't want you changing it until it's finished".


The problem is that to achieve the in-ring demands of his product, I need quality workers that will wrestle for cheap ie. Not likely to happen AND I also would need to find a new use for Randy Straits, my user wrestling whom is rather useless in the ring, which further leads to the issue of getting more money to hire these wrestlers because the product is extremely sponsor unfriendly. It's a vicious circle.


It's like he doesn't want to succeed or something ;)


The man is holding you back! He doesn't want the user character to succeed and leave for something better. He knows your value to the company.

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3 years into the game. Digging it, even if I'm forgetting to search for better jobs. Having fun running my little Canadian indy to profit. I am pushing my User character to the moon though. No worries there.


3 years in, he's developing nicely. Enough to, given the right opponent, he gets C matches on top of my cards. Using Derek's random-number end-of-year chart. First year he got a makeover bonus (had to render an alt for him; a hassle) Second was special training with a pro (I envisioned Ed Monton, shoved all 20 points on Psychology) Third year got me 10 points on physical skill (mostly on Stamina).



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So after 5 years of leading BCG Elemental decides its time to announced his retirement. He made the announcement right before the 2015 Pride III tour and our Pride Tournament. He made everything official smack dab in the middle of the tournament tour in the 3rd week of July. BCG was a ship without a rudder only my excellent booking skills holding us together. Tuesday Week 2 of August we hold the weekly show that pushes us over the edge in Kanto region for BCG to hit cult. On Wednesday morning the investors announce that retired hardcore brawler Larry Wood will be taking the reigns of BCG.


Larry's first goal for me is no one with Toughness under 53 which means there are a number of workers I cannot resign a lot of whom have worked my roster for years.


On the Chopping Block

Acid II

Brother Yoshitaka

Fox Mask

Josh Jones

Stretch the Chicken Boy

UK Dragon


And half my Women's Division

Emma Bitch

Ginko Kuroda

HEART Saitoh

Megumi Nakajima

Ochiyo Iijima

Sakura Sada


Brother Yoshitaka may have a reprieve as he is the first of the low toughness workers to come up and I'm going to test hiring on him to see how pissy wood gets. At least I can get all of the workers to finish this tour. Oh Larry you dumb Bastard what am I supposed to do with you, oh and please don't change my product you psychopath.

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<p>First end of year bonus is in and I rolled a 34, which is "Make Over Time"</p><p> </p><p>

Rolled 1+ for Looks, 13+ Star Quality (<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />) and 7+ for Menace</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/249/randystraitsstatsyear2.png/" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/2813/randystraitsstatsyear2.png</span></a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

All in all this update takes Randy Straits decent star quality to an awesome 91, although he still is pretty awful in the ring and with TSCW <em>still local</em>, sudden improvement doesn't seem likely.</p><p> </p><p>

On a sour note, already capped Athleticism at 60 <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Son of a biscuit, I just got the SWF job. My guy is 22, my original company had just hit Regional, and... Richard Eisen wants me. Granted, the Frontier Combat Kingdom did win the fastest rising company award the year before, but... Wow. Time to Jesus push myself to the top, and hire all my buddies.


EDIT: Less exciting is having to book 2 tv shows a week, plus getting to grips with a gigantic roster. There's a reason I generally stick to small promotions :)

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I regret taking the SWF job. Two shows a few isn't fun, and the TV contracts are loooooooong. On the plus side, I can't see myself keeping the job long term. Eisen's already pissed at me for hiring a couple of buddies (Amber Allen, George Wolfe and my sibling I rolled a few months ago) and having every show lower my popularity isn't helping. Not sure whether to force his hand by hiring more buddies (while releasing his favorites) or hang in there, Kitty-style. I'm unashamedly Goldberg'ing my User through the roster, while putting friends is development. Trying to get as much out of SWF before they kick me out.
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Just completed year 3, and rolled a 26 meaning:


26. “Bit Part" You have been hired for a small role in a tv pilot +10 points to spend across Microphone Skills, Charisma and Acting


This is great for me as my entertainment skills are already on the rise, this will just speed up the process. My acting had stalled at about 30 though, only time will tell whether it will increase more now I have manually boosted it or whether it will fall back down. Screenie of my stats:




Could do with speeding up the growth of my rumble, flying and technical stats, but other than that I am pretty happy with my growth.


Anyway, my promotion NGW is stalling at small due to regional battles. Going to try and escape as soon as possible. Hopefully the first of NOTBPW, SWF or TCW to fall from Global.

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One month later and SWF fell to cult, and I now have the book.


Going to limit myself to pre/post show for now. Angles with the likes of Emma Chase and matches with the talented undercard workers like Steven Parker, Greg Gauge, etc. will do my character no harm.


First order of business however, get the world title off Kurt Laramee.

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