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Hey, I've gotten into Regional battles before where it isn't exactly logical to me (I've always thought that it was supposed to be best show among 3 regional feds in the same area that month). So, that's what I mean by I should be good.


And the king of great pics and youtube on here gives me a prawn video?


Edit: And in all my games, excluding my TCW, I've never gotten Most Improved Fed EVER in 2008 or 2010 thus why I mentioned it.

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Regional battles are between any number of feds (above two) that are Regional sized, and have above F+ popularity in an area. That's why you'll often see FCW in a tri-state war - spillover gives them F+ popularity there after a while, even if they've never visited. Due to spillover you usually get the same battles in the Mid Atlantic and the Great Lakes too.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So has anyone managed the goal of a 95 rated match, in the main event of a National or higher promotion's PPV?


It's 2018 and it still eludes my User Character Athos D'Olivier. Part of the problem is that my SWF is in a rut. We hit Global, get annihilated by several National Wars, fall back to Cult, then six months later we go back to Global. Rinse. Repeat. There's a one month window with which Athos could go for the A*, but he's not quite the worker or the draw to manage A* yet. He got two A's in 2017. More of a Jesus push, the right opponent, lose his dead-weight little brother tag partner... Maybe. He'll main event the next Global PPV. Fingers crossed. He's only 26.


Also considering something drastic. SWF are massively popular and unopposed in the UK. Moving my entire operation there, losing TV in America and Mexico... I wonder if National would stick.


I came VERY close to doing a diary about SWF2017. Ravaged by it's fall to Cult, and leaking main eventers uncomfortable with the Risque product, I found the world and my roster fascinating. I put three days of intense work into it... then got bored. I managed to get Edd Stone on a looooong written deal. He's in his 30's now. It would have been the story of growing up. He'd begin the tale the same as he was in my last diary, and through the months would evolve and change into a potential champion. He'd be juxtaposed with Zimmy Bumfhole, who got a Jesus push in 2017 to become top heel in SWF. Theirs would have been a feud of evolution. I was very excited for Zimmy's promos. Harsh truths, with a little bit of Miz in there. Yes, a man named Zimmy Bumfhole is World Heavyweight Champion. Deal with it.


Sadly, not much else really grabbed me for the long haul. I had Duane Stone and Raymond Diaz for a bit, but BHOTWG snapped them up. Damned if I could come up with a personality for Matthew Keith, now a top contender. Eric Eisen would have been identical to his 2010 counterpart. There would have been some fun to be had from "Corporate Atomic". A hero for hire, no longer helping the helpless, his super-skills for sale to the highest bidder.


So no diary from me, but I'm still digging the game. Aiming for the A*, but trying to keep stories going. I may ditch SWF eventually. Maybe if I can get a job for a UK promotion, I can build a company up. Athos is A* across that country...

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You have to be National in your home turf and there's no way in-game to move your homebase to another area... so you'll only hit National+ if you can hold on in America, which is painful since I'm about to be hit with National battles in my game since I got the job just after their last fall to cult. I'm considering just turning battles off since TCW and NOTBPW are going to pretty much always win due to their ability to churn out 90+ rated shows whenever they want and my inability to steal workers from them. Have been trying hard to lower TCW's prestige and momentum through dirty tricks and hope that them losing some National battles in Japan can hurt them too, but they remain a few points ahead of me.


As for getting near the win condition... nowhere close yet. I'm 5 and a half years in with about 120 shows booked, so my skills are nowhere near getting a match that good against anyone. So for now I'm teaming my avatar with Josh Jones as "Local Talents", the guys who do the job in dark matches most of the time or sometimes on TV for squashes. I've improved a LOT in the last 8 months, but I still need to be put into development and simply can't do that... looking forward to my next year end bonus and really hope it includes a hefty bonus to star quality cos that would be a big help in getting me some better matches and a potential push one day. :)

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So has anyone managed the goal of a 95 rated match, in the main event of a National or higher promotion's PPV?


It's 2018 and it still eludes my User Character Athos D'Olivier. Part of the problem is that my SWF is in a rut. We hit Global, get annihilated by several National Wars, fall back to Cult, then six months later we go back to Global. Rinse. Repeat. There's a one month window with which Athos could go for the A*, but he's not quite the worker or the draw to manage A* yet. He got two A's in 2017. More of a Jesus push, the right opponent, lose his dead-weight little brother tag partner... Maybe. He'll main event the next Global PPV. Fingers crossed. He's only 26.


As for getting near the win condition... nowhere close yet. I'm 5 and a half years in with about 120 shows booked, so my skills are nowhere near getting a match that good against anyone. So for now I'm teaming my avatar with Josh Jones as "Local Talents", the guys who do the job in dark matches most of the time or sometimes on TV for squashes. I've improved a LOT in the last 8 months, but I still need to be put into development and simply can't do that... looking forward to my next year end bonus and really hope it includes a hefty bonus to star quality cos that would be a big help in getting me some better matches and a potential push one day. :)


My promotion is still only at cult I could have jumped ship a few times, SWF or BHOTWG both dropped to cult momentarily when I was at regional and their booking positions opened up but I never went. My Highest user match so far has been an 85 tagging with KC Glenn against The Dawn Stars (Golden Scorpion and Burning Exile) but having added guys like Shooter Sean Deely, Jacob Jett, Buddy Garner and Samoan Machine to my roster I'm thinking that I'm gonna be able to start getting to 90 matches soon.

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I'm posting this here because I think it goes towards something that will definitely handicap any 0/0/0/0 or $1000 game. What causes some mods to generate such ridiculous prices for mainly referees (as you have to have one)? I know most of you focus only on CV, but I have about 20 different data sets I enjoy tinkering around with. In some, a Virtually Unknown ref with a 60-70 ref skill will accept $400-600 or less, and in others, they all ask for a min. $1,000 with some asking for $1,500. The economies are all very similar, and the wrestlers all ask for pretty much the same so it isn't everything being out of whack.
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I'm posting this here because I think it goes towards something that will definitely handicap any 0/0/0/0 or $1000 game. What causes some mods to generate such ridiculous prices for mainly referees (as you have to have one)? I know most of you focus only on CV, but I have about 20 different data sets I enjoy tinkering around with. In some, a Virtually Unknown ref with a 60-70 ref skill will accept $400-600 or less, and in others, they all ask for a min. $1,000 with some asking for $1,500. The economies are all very similar, and the wrestlers all ask for pretty much the same so it isn't everything being out of whack.


Don't know for sure - but possibly worth checking if any of the following might apply (and they all seem logical to me that they COULD be a cause):


Do they have popularity in another country (or lots in one region)?

Do they have very high respect (fairly sure in previous editions that this caused them to want more money?

Do they have other good stats - eg psychology, thus making them think they could be a RA as well - hence wanting more dosh?

Do they have a greedy personality?

What roles are they actually set to want to do in the editor? (ie if they don't want to be a ref, then they may want CC / Ann / RA money - thinking that that is what you are hiring them for)


Finally - it could purely be that other refs are getting paid that in your promotion already, so, like the in-ring talent, they want a similar deal to someone 'on their level'


Be interested to see if any of these apply :)

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Don't know for sure - but possibly worth checking if any of the following might apply (and they all seem logical to me that they COULD be a cause):


Do they have popularity in another country (or lots in one region)?

Do they have very high respect (fairly sure in previous editions that this caused them to want more money?

Do they have other good stats - eg psychology, thus making them think they could be a RA as well - hence wanting more dosh?

Do they have a greedy personality?

What roles are they actually set to want to do in the editor? (ie if they don't want to be a ref, then they may want CC / Ann / RA money - thinking that that is what you are hiring them for)


Finally - it could purely be that other refs are getting paid that in your promotion already, so, like the in-ring talent, they want a similar deal to someone 'on their level'


Be interested to see if any of these apply :)


No, they don't have any other skills, and 1 ref was the first one I negotiated with in the game. It might have something to do with the respect level though as they all had 0 pop across the world (maybe that has something to do with it as an anti-cheat measure Adam put in so you couldn't zero out pop to sign people cheap?). It can't be their personalities because several were going to be great backstage. Oh, and they were all only refs. It's Genadi's Superfly Effect mod btw. Still seems a little random as to why mods have a wide variance on ref pay and announce pay varies too though not that much.


Oh, how in the hell did I not know before now that your CC can be your RA too? That is perfect for startup feds as a good psych and charismatic worker can do both.


Also, I found the best formula ever for a 0 fed. Strong Positive Trend + mid-50's 1-hour (3 match) shows = Hitting Small in 6 months with a 2.2 per show gain. The 3 matches, all singles with one being my RTG character so free, means I wouldn't have lost any money at all from my shows if my Merchandise money hadn't abruptly dried up for 2 months ($1,000 down to $250 for no apparent reason as the economy is 92).


Now, if I had just done my due diligence on possible debuting feds so I'd have avoided the Mid South as the 3rd fed there just opened at Regional. Now, I have to hope I don't get half my roster stolen.:( At least I'll keep Sting as I made him owner.:D

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I'm posting this here because I think it goes towards something that will definitely handicap any 0/0/0/0 or $1000 game. What causes some mods to generate such ridiculous prices for mainly referees (as you have to have one)? I know most of you focus only on CV, but I have about 20 different data sets I enjoy tinkering around with. In some, a Virtually Unknown ref with a 60-70 ref skill will accept $400-600 or less, and in others, they all ask for a min. $1,000 with some asking for $1,500. The economies are all very similar, and the wrestlers all ask for pretty much the same so it isn't everything being out of whack.


60/70 refereeing skills is actually pretty good. The guy knows what he's doing so he won't be working for some crummy backyard fed (in danger of taking accidental bumps).


On a starting level, I can normally find a ref for about 200$. Also look for the part timers, or bring in a poor ref and grind it out till you can afford a better one.

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I really wish there was a way to post a fed's backstage list because that Regional fed I mentioned has to be the most toxic backstage environment I have ever seen. I count at least 12 negatives with over half being extremely negative on a min. roster at Regional. They've already had 3 negative articles though no fights yet in one month. Sad thing is that even going on a bad spending spree on talent after hitting Small(I replaced almost all of my ME and UMC by hiring expensive people which was incredibly stupid) I still finished 2nd to them in the Regional battle (yay on hitting F+ in 6 months to immediately go into Regional battles:( ).


So, as a note to players trying this: SCOUT the feds that are just there in the database for where they are set to open so you can avoid them. Ugh, I made this tougher on myself than it had to be.

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I really wish there was a way to post a fed's backstage list because that Regional fed I mentioned has to be the most toxic backstage environment I have ever seen. I count at least 12 negatives with over half being extremely negative on a min. roster at Regional. They've already had 3 negative articles though no fights yet in one month. Sad thing is that even going on a bad spending spree on talent after hitting Small(I replaced almost all of my ME and UMC by hiring expensive people which was incredibly stupid) I still finished 2nd to them in the Regional battle (yay on hitting F+ in 6 months to immediately go into Regional battles:( ).


Could you just capture the picture off your screen?


Because I would love to see that backstage list as I am a huge fan of having jerks on my roster. Big Smack Scott just punched a fan...well that is probably because the fan said something stupid to him.:D

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I'll just go ahead and write it out. They have 31 people on their roster at Regional.


Extremely bad personalities

The Ultimate Warrior

Scott Hall (he might be very bad can't remember from past games)

Kevin Sullivan

Dick Slater (like Hall might be very bad;has 3 negative stories already though)

Buzz Sawyer

Very bad personalities

Scott Steiner

Rick Rude

Eddie Gilbert

David Schultz

Bad personalities

Manny Fernandez

Gene Kiniski

Dick Murdoch

Positive personalities

Matt Borne (possibly)

Gordon Solie (might be very positive)


In a related story, I think it should be easy to keep drugs and steroids out of the my locker room. Just point them to their locker room. Sheesh. Stupid people are beating me every other month in Regional battles too (I win the other months) since the AI doesn't get hit with the angle penalties and drug use penalties.


Edit: I have just found the 2nd worst owner goal EVER for a 4x0 or RtG game. Got through the 12 month owner goal of no psychopath which was easy. Then, I get my new one. You can't hire OR extend anyone with less than 35 Industry Reputation! So, all those good (cheap) young talents on your roster can all say goodbye. I'm still at Small for crying out loud (my 2.2/show is now 1.5 or 1.3 depending on Regional battle). What a truly hideous goal. Guess Sting hit 38 rep so he's all "no one less respected than me". Ugh, and of course, it hits 12 months in when my 15 and 18 month renewals are coming up soon.

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Edit: I have just found the 2nd worst owner goal EVER for a 4x0 or RtG game. Got through the 12 month owner goal of no psychopath which was easy. Then, I get my new one. You can't hire OR extend anyone with less than 35 Industry Reputation! So, all those good (cheap) young talents on your roster can all say goodbye. I'm still at Small for crying out loud (my 2.2/show is now 1.5 or 1.3 depending on Regional battle). What a truly hideous goal. Guess Sting hit 38 rep so he's all "no one less respected than me". Ugh, and of course, it hits 12 months in when my 15 and 18 month renewals are coming up soon.


I think you've got respect and reputation confused. Everyone starts with 100 reputation and should start with low respect. Respect goes up over time while reputation generally only goes down when people do annoying things, like OD'ing or stirring up trouble. That goal is one of the best you'll ever get since it affects basically no-one but the worst locker-room cancers and most people give up on them way before they get that low down.


Reputation is a stat that needs some work in future games... it really does so little just now that it's worthless.

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Wow, now I feel really stupid. Okay, let me rephrase that. That's the EASIEST goal to get in the game (well maybe a tie with the increase pop when you start the game at 0). Well, that stopped me from scrapping my game so thanks Derek!


You're welcome. :)


I like when I get really easy goals sometimes since I prefer to play with the goals on, especially in my current RtG game. I've got some mostly easy goals just now involving not dropping below 7.5million (starting with 102 million), not hiring folks over 45, no psychopaths and getting Eric Eisen to above 42 momentum (he was just back from long term injury at the time).... only real kicker is my other goal involving being better than #3 in the promotion standings. Given that I was a cult SWF behind Global TCW and NOTBPW that is not easy... got 16 more months to do it and I'm trying everything I can to nail TCW but it's never going to work. Since it's a critical goal I'll probably have to incur Eisen's wrath for it and hope I don't fail any others. I've already cheated somewhat and turned National battles off for now (since that was an immediate drop to cult even with a month of B+ rated shows and a 90 PPV) but I'm hoping to one day turn them back on and see if I can fight fairly. Is a tough game... hoping to get an industry reputation goal after I lose the age one. :)

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Had a few annoying goals with SWF. Had to keep Eric Eisen up high on the card, which is a shame as he's really not delivering. His psychology doesn't rock, and he doesn't seem to gel with all of the fey cruiserweights I moon push. Limits on stamina and psychology have stopped me from filling my developmental system with all the prospects I'd like, and I've lost a few more big names. Hell's Bouncer, who I pushed to the main event pretty much from my first day on the job (great menace, super-long contract) didn't meet requirements and had to go. Over 45 isn't exactly a picnic either when you get to 2018.


I'm stunned Eisen's still happy with me, what with all the Cult-Global bouncing I'm doing. Almost took a job with OLLIE, but Lucha booking didn't quite appeal. Plus I've positioned my User as top babyface in the company, against the evil Triumvirate of Eric Eisen, Edd Stone and Matthew Keith. Kinda wanna see that story play out a bit longer.

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Had a few annoying goals with SWF. Had to keep Eric Eisen up high on the card, which is a shame as he's really not delivering. His psychology doesn't rock, and he doesn't seem to gel with all of the fey cruiserweights I moon push.


If you don't have any plans for him you could give him his own belt (a la the Million Dollar belt) and have him defend it against jobbers/lower midcarders. This should keep his momentum up and keep him high up the card. He also has good entertainment skills so you could have him cutting promos a lot too, which would achieve the same results.

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