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Road to Glory Challenge

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So I just reached January 2015 in my Australian RTG game. I'm sticking with my goal of taking WWA to the top spot in Australia as a performance based company. My company has reached regional and I've split it into two brands with each having one show a month; quite an improvement over the days when I was barely able to run 6 shows a year. I also got the end of year award for most improved company this year.


The brands focus on different styles. My Fast Action brand focuses on High Flying and Tag Team wrestling while the Heavy Impact brand focuses on heavyweights, brawlers, and technicians.


I've got four current championships with two on each brand:





Pure Wrestling Title - Mid Card - 70 Prestige - Heavy Impact Brand

Current Holder - Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - 5 Defenses

Previous Holders: Maurice Jackson, Cesar Sionis, Christopher Gerard




Heavyweight Title - Main Event - 82 Prestige - Heavy Impact Brand

Current Holder - Swoop McCarthy - 10 Defences

Previous Holders: N/A




Tag Team Title - Floating - 70 Prestige - Fast Action Brand

Current Holder - Heath and Horton - 1 Defense

Previous Holders: The Rising Suns.




All Action Title - Main Event - 88 Prestige - Fast Action Brand

Current Holder - Boo Smithson - 15 Defenses

Previous Holders - Monday Next, Jimmy Stratosphere, Blood Money, Cesar Sionis


Here is my current roster, starting first with the Heavy Impact Brand:



Main Event

Swoop McCarthy: Swoop is an obvious choice as top guy here. Being 100% matches doesn't play to his strengths, but he's also a good worker so it works out.

Spiffy Stan Standish: Standish is good by Aussie Standards, but isn't really on Swoop's level.



Upper Midcard

Blood Money (User Avatar): Okay so I'm actually using him on both brands, but I'll just put him here. He's improved somewhat, but still isn't a real main eventer; even by Aussie Standards.

Christopher Gerard: He's made some improvements over the last year, but still isn't main event ready.

Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi: He debuted sometime in 2013. He's a pretty good worker and a good fit for a company like ours. He's a bit of a dick backstage, but oh well.

Maurice Jackson: Jackson has been hanging around the main event of the Heavy Impact shows. He's about as good as Standish, but he's not on Swoop's level.

Surfer Dude Lucas: Another new worker debut. Lucas is a decent all rounder and I could see him eventually moving into a roll similar to Standish or Jackson if he keeps improving.




Blackwell Bush: Another new worker debut, his performance skills aren't bad for a young wrestler, but he needs to improve on his top row to move up the card.

Cesar Sionis: He's the boss, but he's fallen down to the midcard with the influx of actually talented people. He's still a huge jerk backstage.

Eraser: He got dropped by ZEN pretty early on, but I didn't hire him until recently when I was looking through Aussie workers and noticed he's developed into a pretty decent brawler.

Marcus Kerr: I had to let his tag partner go due to a new psychology requirement from the boss. Kerr is actually decent, but not good enough to get past midcard for now.

Nicky Gilbert: I hired him fairly recently. He's a good technical wrestler and if he can get his psychology up I could see him moving towards the main event. I've considered bringing in his partner Rod Sullivan, but frankly Nicky is the more talented one and tagging might just hold him back.

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes: Solid performer, I don't see him ever main eventing, but I'm hoping he might be able to pass off some of his skills to the less experienced members of the roster.



Lower Midcard:

Barney Mason: I mostly hired him because my creative team thought he was a hidden gem. He has a great look, but boy does he suck in the ring right now.

Dexter Mattell: Solid performance skills, but mediocre top row means he's mostly a jobber.

Lone Rider: Decent brawler, but I mostly brought him in due to the family connection between him and the Original Lone Rider who I have as the road agent.

Misery: Pretty good brawler by Aussie Standards. In about the same position as Whirlwind Lee Wilkes.




Harry McMahon: Demon Anger regen. He initially debuted in 2012, but nobody hired him and a few months ago he added Australia to the places he'd be willing to work. He needs to work on his performance skills, but he's got a score of 85 brawling which gives him the best top row in Australia, so I can see him going far.

Pat Rigsby: One of the few original members of the roster left. He's essentially a jobber now.



Here is the Fast Action Brand:



Main Event

Boo Smithson: He's been in every single one of my top ten matches, which should tell you just how good he is. This game would be a lot harder if he got seriously injured or was in time decline, but hopefully he'll stay healthy and I can continue to count on him to deliver in matches.

Heath Murdock: I hired him and his partner after I hit regional and wanted to add a tag team division. He has a lot of team experience and isn't a bad worker in his own right.

Horten Ravenwood: What I said above applies here too. They recently won the tag titles and I can generally really on them to deliver good semi-main events for the all action brand.

Mark Misery: Misery is a pretty decent performer in his own right, but I mostly hired him for his 100 experience tag team.

Monday Next: Next is actually the only Main Eventer I have that works solely for WWA. He's pretty good and a recent match between him and Boo Smithson was the best we've ever had. (It was rated an 81.)

Mortimer Pyle: Not as good a worker as his partner, but with the national exposure RAW has given them he auto pushes in at main event level.



Upper Midcard:

Black Flash: He's a very solid performer and a decent high flier.

Jimmy Stratosphere: Still the best high flier in Australia. He and his partner were the initial tag team champions, but I recently had them drop it because I want to put him in singles matches with Boo.

SubUrban Legend: Legend was an opener, but because I just rolled the Internet Sensation for him at the end of the year he's jumped up the card. He's been improving and he's actually a pretty decent wrestler, so I don't see him falling back down.




King Malietoa: I brought in Samoan Demolition as part of my new tag team division. He's the weaker of the two, but he's not a bad brawler.

Matty Wills: Another more recent Debut. He's a decent worker, and has been teaming full time with Damian Dastardly after I discovered great tag chemistry between the two.

Motty Kuroda: He's a decent worker, but not anywhere near as good as his partner. With Jimmy Stratosphere getting a solo push he's just been hanging around midcard.

Nighthawk: He's got potential and is a pretty decent brawler and high flyer, but needs to improve his psychology and consistency.

The Brisbaine Devil: I brought him in as part of the tag division, but he's actually one of the better Brawlers in Australia and could get a singles push at some point.



Lower Midcard:

Damian Dastardly: Dastardly has been developing nicely. He's been teaming with Matty Wills, but if he continues improving I could see him moving up the card. He would be higher, but he really only has popularity in Western Australia.

Vortex: Another new worker. Has potential, but is still green.




Lance Lott: Another member of the original roster, he's the jobberiest of the jobbers.

Milton Hittlespitz: Like the other original members of the roster he's been relegated to jobbing to more talented wrestlers.

Tetsuji Nishimoto: His skills are pure jobber material, but for some reason I like him and want to see him move up the card.



So how has my User character developed?


Here's the starting stats:




And here he is now:





Not really all that big of an improvement.


At this rate it seems pretty unlikely that he's ever going to be in a 95 rated main event, but I'm hoping that his stats will be growing more quickly now that he's in two shows a month as opposed to early on when it was a show every other month. (Plus I actually have decent opponents now as opposed to the cheapest I could find back when I was starting.)

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<p>By the way, I'm modifying the dice rolls for me (once I get there >_>).</p><p> </p><p>

I'm eliminating any bad habit rolls. While I get that it's supposed to be maybe good, maybe bad, I'm not going to sabotague my avatar. The company? Sure. And when I get that...48 or whatever and go bankrupt, I'll hate everything. But it could happen.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm hoping for a sibling, +20 to performance (which is going to psychology), or...maybe promotion pop? I dunno; the others are nice, but I don't see anything else that would be gamechanging and/or fun (aside from by the definition of the term).</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...



Apparently I can't play a Road to Glory game.


Scratch that.






I go with god-pushing myself--I go bankrupt.


I only hire good personalities--I go bankrupt.


There's only one other option:

Hire the worst personalities possible, job them out, then release them when they ask for it. ROTATING DOOR OF PEOPLE TO SQUASH YAYYYYY

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Apparently I can't play a Road to Glory game.


Scratch that.






I go with god-pushing myself--I go bankrupt.


I only hire good personalities--I go bankrupt.


There's only one other option:

Hire the worst personalities possible, job them out, then release them when they ask for it. ROTATING DOOR OF PEOPLE TO SQUASH YAYYYYY


What's your product like in terms of sponsors? And why are you hiring guys for $450 a show? (Looking at your dynasty.) You can start off with eight of the worst guys around working for $100 a show and still improve when you're starting at 0/0/0/1000.

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My promotion is as sponsorship-friendly as possible. $5k+/month.


The issue is that I either run too many matches/people in matches, or I'll hire someone big.


Granted, I could still make it work after hiring someone that costly, but then I need to use fewer people.


So it's more me laughing at my idiocy than not knowing how to fix it.

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In reality, a bunch of 19 year olds with limited skills but excellent potential would likely fail. You only improve by working with people better than you. However, a well rounded group of RTG create-a-wrestlers, each excelling at their own stat, all working one another. Might see improvement.


I don't think it would fail fast, but it would rise really slowly. Compared to promotions bringing in imports, anyway.

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My promotion is as sponsorship-friendly as possible. $5k+/month.


The issue is that I either run too many matches/people in matches, or I'll hire someone big.


Granted, I could still make it work after hiring someone that costly, but then I need to use fewer people.


So it's more me laughing at my idiocy than not knowing how to fix it.


Having followed both of your RTG diaries, you definitely get way too aggresive in hiring early. My diary game with Eric almost ran out of money, but I got saved by the good roll at the end of the year which shortened my rise to small by 8-10 months. It was only once I was at small that I felt comfortable trying to push for better wrestlers, and it was 2 years in that I first held 2 shows in a month. (and I stopped after the first time because my owner turned around and gave me 2 years to get $100,000 in the bank.)


It's definitely a challenge.

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How would a full promotion of RtG guys do? Would it fail fast?


It depends.


If your promotion is pure entertainment and popularity based, you'll struggle to gain overness and grow unless you have 1-2 guys who can place menacing brute early.


If your promotion is perfomance based you'll likely struggle because your average RTG character is a bit one-dimensional and doesn't have the ability to put on great matches. They need some seasoning against decent opponents to grow.


But it would be interesting to try. You'd basically have a bunch of kids more one-dimensional than the Para boys or The Questers, but with a lot more potential and better performance stats to begin with.

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Bra 10

Puro 10

hard 10


mat 50

chain 50

Sub 50


Arie 50

Flash 30


Mic 30

Char 50

Act 20

Ann 30


Athl 50

Toug 30

Stam 30

Powe 10


basc 20

Psyc 50

Sad 20

Cons 40

Sell 20


SeAp 25

Star 50



Book 0

Resp 0

Repu 100

Ints 1

Stiff 12

Resl 100

Reff 1



Is this a valid RtG character. Want to make sure I have everything set up right.

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Is this a valid RtG character. Want to make sure I have everything set up right.


It qualifies. You have 750 total points outside the 100 in reputation and resilience.


Interesting to see how you put it together. You have far more in the top row skills than most of the other recent RTG characters.


Not sure why you want the announcing unless you plan on being a part time announcer for the other matches. Which isn't a bad idea really. Good practice on charisma and microphone.

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Right, it's been more two years, and I've yet been able to break out of my original company (now at Small). My booking ability is at High which is what is necessary to form your own company. So...


Can I quit my own company? If so, is it too much of a stretch to create a Regional to keep pushing forward?

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In reality, a bunch of 19 year olds with limited skills but excellent potential would likely fail. You only improve by working with people better than you. However, a well rounded group of RTG create-a-wrestlers, each excelling at their own stat, all working one another. Might see improvement.


I don't think it would fail fast, but it would rise really slowly. Compared to promotions bringing in imports, anyway.


To be fair you also improve just by wrestling/naturally over time, at least to a certain extent.

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Right, it's been more two years, and I've yet been able to break out of my original company (now at Small). My booking ability is at High which is what is necessary to form your own company. So...


Can I quit my own company? If so, is it too much of a stretch to create a Regional to keep pushing forward?


This one has gone back and forth a bit. Several of hte people who have posted that they succeeded did abandon their first company and allowed it to go bankrupt.


There have been other posters who has said this violates the spirit of the challenge, which requires that you take the company to national and get the A+ while wrestling for your home promotion.


You need to decide which way you want to go. I know that I'll always try to get my first company to national, but I'm a glutton for punishment.

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Right, it's been more two years, and I've yet been able to break out of my original company (now at Small). My booking ability is at High which is what is necessary to form your own company. So...


Can I quit my own company? If so, is it too much of a stretch to create a Regional to keep pushing forward?


I am against creating a new promotion, especially at a higher level than you currently are. It removes the challenge of owner goals from the game, and fast-tracks your develpment (as you will be wrestling better people at regional), and your rise up the promotion ladder.


There have been other posters who has said this violates the spirit of the challenge, which requires that you take the company to national and get the A+ while wrestling for your home promotion.


The challenge has never been 'has to be with starting company' (as you can jump to a company one size above, which is fine), it is the starting of a new company as owner to escape specific parts of the challenge that (I believe) violates the challenge.




I am one of the people that didn't like how Shinsuke 'completed' the challenge in the past (the one time I remember this coming up).


However what you, Hashasheen, are saying wouldn't be as bad as what happened in Shinsuke's game. Shinsuke bankrupted his starting promotion in a rush to regional before starting a cult fed. What you are suggesting isn't as bad.


So I would personally say if you wan't to fully follow this challenge, do not start a new promotion, but it is up to you with what you decide to do with your game, and nothing is stopping you playing how you want. And doing this shouldn't completely diminish the achievement of completing the challenge (if you did complete the challenge).

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Like 1234 says, that's not the spirit of the challenge at all.


And concerning the bankruptcy to Regional angle people have used, it's not about that. Consider the first fact that my booking skill will be back down to zero, so I'll have to spend months or years more just to get to a level where Cult companies would accept me.


I am against creating a new promotion, especially at a higher level than you currently are. It removes the challenge of owner goals from the game, and fast-tracks your develpment (as you will be wrestling better people at regional), and your rise up the promotion ladder.
Dude, if you could see my current company, you'll see I've basically got no challenge at all. I'm running out of the Mid-West unopposed, I've had guys like Hugh De Aske, Davis Wayne Newton, Freddie Datsun, William Hayes, Ant-Man, Irwin Gutmann, Jared Johnson KC Glenn, Remmy Honeyman, Sayeed Ali, Ernest Youngman, El Mitico, the RIPW-trained New York Doll, Sammy the Shark, Running Wolf, Jerry Martin Marshall Dillon, Masked Patriotm, etc... be in my company for months if not years at a time. In the case of the RIPW guys, I've been picking them up every time they get called up and then released in a few months, and they're all in the sixties in many of their skills.


Seriously, I had KC Glenn & Ernest Youngman pull a 68/C+ in front of 27 people. Tell me that's not overkill.


I've got a warchest of 80,000, and that's with the USPW product, which means money is basically not even close to being a problem. I trained Eric Sandretti to being a respectable big man before releasing him and I'm on the way with Buzz Reid and Roger Montiero and all three of the Paratroopers. Add in top-notch managers like Katie Cameron, Haley Buck, Sienna DeVille and a plenty of others working for me on the cheap, Great chemistry between Gil Thomas (owner and loyal to me) and Remmington Remus, me pulling out 60s as the main event when I put either Freddie Datsun or Ernest Young (top names) against anybody else and it's like it's nothing and I'm basically untouchable at this point and it's freaking boring. Add in my six shows a month for the first two years meant my booker skill took a while to grow while I slowly built a warchest, and it's been impossible to get a job with any company.


I'm already at 17 pop in the Midwest in September 2012, and with my warchest and roster, I could do bi or tri-monthly easily and reach regional by mid-2013.


It's not a matter of feeling the heat. It's a matter of there being no heat.


Seriously, look at some of the shots I saved:


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Like 1234 says, that's not the spirit of the challenge at all.


I guess I feel differently. But then again I like trying to take a local promotion and seeing how big I can get it.


And I did notice that both of the people who recently posted their "success" bankrupted their original company.


And concerning the bankruptcy to Regional angle people have used, it's not about that. Consider the first fact that my booking skill will be back down to zero, so I'll have to spend months or years more just to get to a level where Cult companies would accept me.


I think you mean your booking reputation. I can see that it might slow you down, although looking at the rest of this post, I doubt you'd have much real trouble raising your reputaiton fast.


Dude, if you could see my current company, you'll see I've basically got no challenge at all.


you set up the location and the product, so the lack of challenge is your fault.


I'm running out of the Mid-West unopposed, I've had guys like Hugh De Aske, Davis Wayne Newton, Freddie Datsun, William Hayes, Ant-Man, Irwin Gutmann, Jared Johnson KC Glenn, Remmy Honeyman, Sayeed Ali, Ernest Youngman, El Mitico, the RIPW-trained New York Doll, Sammy the Shark, Running Wolf, Jerry Martin Marshall Dillon, Masked Patriotm, etc... be in my company for months if not years at a time. In the case of the RIPW guys, I've been picking them up every time they get called up and then released in a few months, and they're all in the sixties in many of their skills.


I have a RTG dynasty I'm posting. Some of the people you've named I never tried to hire, but I had KC Glenn for 14 months, Ant-man since I founded the company, Jared since his debut and Ernest I hired in April of 2012 when SWF let him go. It's not that hard to get a few good wrestlers.


Seriously, I had KC Glenn & Ernest Youngman pull a 68/C+ in front of 27 people. Tell me that's not overkill.


It does say you have a product that lends itself to solid scores early. Sounds like you power-gamed your setup a bit. Now I'm less surprised taht you are "bored". You gave yourself little challenge and find that it's too easy to be fun.


I've got a warchest of 80,000, and that's with the USPW product, which means money is basically not even close to being a problem.


Lucky you. I had Gil demand that I get to 100,000 while I was still "small" and basically spent all of 2012 gaining the funds, while I lost regional battles to FCW and MAW. It slowed my growth, and I don't have a nice product type. I didn't have it completely locked and Gil Thomas changed it to a popularity based product.


I trained Eric Sandretti to being a respectable big man before releasing him and I'm on the way with Buzz Reid and Roger Montiero and all three of the Paratroopers. Add in top-notch managers like Katie Cameron, Haley Buck, Sienna DeVille and a plenty of others working for me on the cheap, Great chemistry between Gil Thomas (owner and loyal to me) and Remmington Remus, me pulling out 60s as the main event when I put either Freddie Datsun or Ernest Young (top names) against anybody else and it's like it's nothing and I'm basically untouchable at this point and it's freaking boring.


Again, you made it boring.


Add in my six shows a month for the first two years meant my booker skill took a while to grow while I slowly built a warchest, and it's been impossible to get a job with any company.


six shows a month and you didn't go bankrupt? or are you saying six shows a year because you were hiring a bunch of high priced talent and then skiping every other month so you could afford them? I was trying to figure out how after 31 or so months you were only at 17 overness with your product and this explained it.


Again, I have an RTG game going and I'm posting it as a dynasty. I'll admit I got a huge boost when at the end of 2010 I rolled a 49 and got a quick 5 point popularity boost and was able to get to "small" in early 2011. At the same time, I've never taken a month off and would be holding 3 events every 2 months all 2012 if Gil hadn't demanded that I get to 100,000 in the bank in 2013. Your own choices made it boring. Perhaps if you had used a lot of lower priced talent and done a show every month you wouldn't be finding it "dull."


I'm already at 17 pop in the Midwest in September 2012, and with my warchest and roster, I could do bi or tri-monthly easily and reach regional by mid-2013.


so why don't you. You'll keep your booking reputation and can then jump to "cult" probably without bankrupting your current promotion.


It's not a matter of feeling the heat. It's a matter of there being no heat.


Again, I think your choices generated the situation, but I admit, I love to be a builder. I don't mind the struggle up the ladder. Heck, I found the experience of 2012 in my RTG game very instructive and fun. Frustrating beyond belief as I struggled to grow, but at the same time I learned some things. And I fought through the challenge. I've only posted through Aug 2012, but I'm simmed to the middle of June 2013, and the promotion continued to get stronger through that period. I'm probably not making regional until early 2014, but I'm 100% confident I will make it and have a vvery strong company when I get there.

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You set up the location and the product, so the lack of challenge is your fault.
It's my third game (and the first to not end after three shows), and it was the USPW product. I figured I'd have a hell of a time with the lack of popular wrestlers available to me, and the limited finances would restrict my shows.


I have a RTG dynasty I'm posting. Some of the people you've named I never tried to hire, but I had KC Glenn for 14 months, Ant-man since I founded the company, Jared since his debut and Ernest I hired in April of 2012 when SWF let him go. It's not that hard to get a few good wrestlers.
Supreme's been acting pretty weird in relation to its developmental program. It's been picking up guys who have a lot of potential, training them up for nine months, having them on the main roster for a couple of months before dropping them to the independents, where every regional Promotion in the USA or Canada jumps on them. FCW just had a 80/B rated match a couple of months back that got them up to 71/C+ on the total show rating, and NYCW and CZCW are pretty close behind them.


It does say you have a product that lends itself to solid scores early. Sounds like you power-gamed your setup a bit. Now I'm less surprised taht you are "bored". You gave yourself little challenge and find that it's too easy to be fun.
It's the USPW product, completely unchanged minus the women's division. How the hell do you powergame a pop-based fed in a game where you can't bring in popular wrestlers? My biggest name to start was Elijah Harris and Hugh De Aske, and Harris got fired after the second month for picking a fight with the boss. I'll send you the data if you want. Six months a year for 2010 and early 2011 for I switched to monthly shows on a risk in September 2011 to make a rush for Small before my dead-line on making it ran out.


Lucky you. I had Gil demand that I get to 100,000 while I was still "small" and basically spent all of 2012 gaining the funds, while I lost regional battles to FCW and MAW. It slowed my growth, and I don't have a nice product type. I didn't have it completely locked and Gil Thomas changed it to a popularity based product.
Looks like I got lucky. Gil also is loyal to me for firing Harris (see above).


six shows a month and you didn't go bankrupt? or are you saying six shows a year because you were hiring a bunch of high priced talent and then skiping every other month so you could afford them? I was trying to figure out how after 31 or so months you were only at 17 overness with your product and this explained it.
Initial talents: Ant-Man, Davis Wayne Newton, Cal Sanders, Running Wolf, Elijah Harris, The Paratroopers, Avatar, Hugh De Aske, Mad Dog Mortimer, The New York Doll was my initial roster. I ran February, March, May, July, September and November for 2010. After September of 2011, when I was at 9 popularity, I went to monthly shows. Newton lasted maybe six months before NOTBPW swooped in, or three shows. Hugh De Aske, Ant-Man and The New York Doll carried the company with my avatar.


Again, I have an RTG game going and I'm posting it as a dynasty. I'll admit I got a huge boost when at the end of 2010 I rolled a 49 and got a quick 5 point popularity boost and was able to get to "small" in early 2011.
You got a 49? Lucky. I got +20 Drinking for 2010 and then a +5 to my Mat Wrestling.


At the same time, I've never taken a month off and would be holding 3 events every 2 months all 2012 if Gil hadn't demanded that I get to 100,000 in the bank in 2013. Your own choices made it boring. Perhaps if you had used a lot of lower priced talent and done a show every month you wouldn't be finding it "dull."
I think you misunderstand the situation. I had an awesome +2 year run with the company. I ran storylines with cheap talents, and only slowly over the last six months have I brought in permanent "awesome talent" for cheap prices. I'm finding myself bored now because it's just a simple climb to regional, and barely anything to do with the spirit of the game (get to the top of the wrestling world).


So why don't you. You'll keep your booking reputation and can then jump to "cult" probably without bankrupting your current promotion.

Because then I'm just booking for the sake of pushing my company to Regional, which is kind of the sort of thing we've been frowning upon for the last few posts of discussion.


Anyway, my current promotion has 80,000 and is running monthly shows just fine with a good bit of profit. I can't imagine anything short of them signing a dozen big name wrestlers to crash the company's finances (hell, as is I'm operating on a Regional roster because I don't want to fire too many originals). On a sidenote, 21CW seems about ready to crash every month before they barely pull out a positive balance. And I've continually failed to sign on with any other company because of bad timing (low booking reputation) or them not wanting a booker (damn Belle Bryden and her taking over USPW...).


Again, I think your choices generated the situation, but I admit, I love to be a builder. I don't mind the struggle up the ladder. Heck, I found the experience of 2012 in my RTG game very instructive and fun. Frustrating beyond belief as I struggled to grow, but at the same time I learned some things. And I fought through the challenge. I've only posted through Aug 2012, but I'm simmed to the middle of June 2013, and the promotion continued to get stronger through that period. I'm probably not making regional until early 2014, but I'm 100% confident I will make it and have a very strong company when I get there.
I don't mind building a company, and can enjoy it heavily (pushing NYCW to Cult and strangling the heck out of PSW is always a worthy endeavor, as is developing my own company to rise up and becoming the US Third). I just treat it as secondary when the purpose of the challenge is to get your avatar over as the second coming of Sam Strong, Rip Chord and Master Kitozon in one.
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