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I keep going over the numbers in my head and I THINK I went over the 750 cause the numbers seem too high... but every time I go through the numbers they SEEM to add up right. Yes/No? to high? to low? Keep losing where im at on my calculator.

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I keep going over the numbers in my head and I THINK I went over the 750 cause the numbers seem too high... but every time I go through the numbers they SEEM to add up right. Yes/No? to high? to low? Keep losing where im at on my calculator.


I have you at 85 points over

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A quick count in my head, which is never that reliable, has him at 910 points. But I'm also relying on me having the rules right in my head too. My advice when making people for this is to make a fairly weak character without keeping track of the score, then add up the points properly... then just add and subtract small numbers at a time and double check from there if necessary. It shouldn't be too hard to keep track and every computer has a built in calculator to help out too. :)
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I think you misunderstand the situation. I had an awesome +2 year run with the company. I ran storylines with cheap talents, and only slowly over the last six months have I brought in permanent "awesome talent" for cheap prices. I'm finding myself bored now because it's just a simple climb to regional, and barely anything to do with the spirit of the game (get to the top of the wrestling world).



Because then I'm just booking for the sake of pushing my company to Regional, which is kind of the sort of thing we've been frowning upon for the last few posts of discussion.


When has someone frowned on climbing to regional if it is done sensibly? You have built up money and will be doing it realistically, not running your promotion into the ground, which is what you are meant to be doing with your promotion (well unless you go elsewhere). The climb to regional is needed to allow you to either begin pushing to cult, or waiting for a cult size promotion to have a vacancy.


I would say stick it out with your promotion, don't try and fast-track things. Make the game fun by booking in the way you want, I don't see how you would enjoy it more at regional as then you are trying to make it to cult. The only reason I see you being bored currently is if you don't like your roster, in which case you should be making changes.


(And you wouldn't have been able to take the jump from small to USPW (assuming they are still cult) as you can only jump 1 size. Still unlucky timing though, as if it happened when you do reach regional you could have taken over if Belle didn't want to book.)

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Thanks for the help guys. My head is untrustworthy with numbers today :p . Excel actually did make this so much easier. Presenting the new and definitely not improved worker.





Oh and the reason for the menacing/flying thing is the character is a big dude with a flashy martial arts background. (and because I think light heavyweights and higher have a built in hardcap on aerial/flashiness no matter how good destiny is.)

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I've just started my RTG game. I'm just spamming matches of me vs Steve Flash atm, lets see how that goes.


I just finished my first year, and I got "40. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +5 pop for your company in your home area and +15 pop for the wrestler in all areas."


And I got it for Ant-Man. Who jumped to Main Eventer from Lower Midcard :)

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Just picked my one of these back up, and was reminded of how fun it is. In pure "Let's try to win" terms I'm not playing it like I should, but I didn't really feel like doing that, as it would have involved treading very similar lines to my ongoing 0/0/0/0 and I would've got bored quite quickly.


Instead I combined two things I've always wanted to do; a more alternative product and basing myself somewhere outside the US - in this case Canada. What's amusing so far is managing to use certain roster members so little they've developed ring rust, but I'm on a shoe string budget thanks to the daredevil in my product... or at least, shoe string compared to what I'm used to, which is abundant sponsorship.


Since I'm only a year and a bit in, my character is still pretty poor, but it's been really neat to see her star quality and athleticism increasing several points on their own - I can see both hitting B just by natural progression. Stamina is still being frustratingly slow to increase, becoming a bit of a worry considering how low I put it to start out.


Currently we're just looking at slogging towards Small. Once we get there the pressure will let up a LOT and allow us to both hold bigger and longer shows and get some better talent for said shows. Current champion is Remmy Honeyman off the force of his performance row, giving you an idea that we're not precisely star-studded.


...Save a new announcer that I'm hoping to bring in - Dennis Murphy, a regen of one of the older Cverse guys (Whipper Spencer Marks), who popped as an A-rated Announcer with As across his entire entertainment row, which quite frankly is insane. Hopefully he won't cost an arm and a leg cause damn I want this guy, lol.


Edit: Nvm... 1,000 per appearance would cripple me.

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In my attempts to get used to the jhd-verse, I started an RtG game there last night.


...Man, I did not find many $100 workers. Fortunately, I'm now at Small, and my promotion, tweaked off the CZCW product and using their logo because why not, is starting to push forward a bit, though hurt by Regional Battles - I routinely come 4th in my area, but I'm working on it.


Richie Santana Jr has been brought in to tag with my user character, and his father's handling road agent duties. It's an expense, but if I want to advance despite regional battles, I need to turn out as good a show as I can. Similarly, I've cut loose Kylea Downey, one of the worst refs around, to bring my results up a bit more.

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When has someone frowned on climbing to regional if it is done sensibly? You have built up money and will be doing it realistically, not running your promotion into the ground, which is what you are meant to be doing with your promotion (well unless you go elsewhere). The climb to regional is needed to allow you to either begin pushing to cult, or waiting for a cult size promotion to have a vacancy.


I would say stick it out with your promotion, don't try and fast-track things. Make the game fun by booking in the way you want, I don't see how you would enjoy it more at regional as then you are trying to make it to cult. The only reason I see you being bored currently is if you don't like your roster, in which case you should be making changes.

Aye. Guess I'm going to put things into overdrive, show-wise.


(And you wouldn't have been able to take the jump from small to USPW (assuming they are still cult) as you can only jump 1 size. Still unlucky timing though, as if it happened when you do reach regional you could have taken over if Belle didn't want to book.)

Never got why that's a rule. IRL, any guy gets offered a contract by TNA or the WWE, they'd be happy to take it. They wouldn't go "nah, I gotta work my way up!"
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Aye. Guess I'm going to put things into overdrive, show-wise.


Never got why that's a rule. IRL, any guy gets offered a contract by TNA or the WWE, they'd be happy to take it. They wouldn't go "nah, I gotta work my way up!"


Tis a challenge, not a realism simulator. At least in my opinion.

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<p>Just finished my second year, finally hit Small so my sponsorship money now gets me big gains, after the third year I'm thinking of getting some bigger names.</p><p> </p><p>

Namely good workers that I can use to "train" my user character. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Western Wrestling Alliance</span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Current Cash:</span></em><em> $61,136</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWA Heavyweight Champion:</span></em><em> Biff The Bruiser</em></p><p><em>

</em><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWA Canadian Champion:</span></em><em> Nomad</em></p><p> </p><p>

I'm thinking once I hit regional, I'm going to be creating a tag division.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32266" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Never got why that's a rule. IRL, any guy gets offered a contract by TNA or the WWE, they'd be happy to take it. They wouldn't go "nah, I gotta work my way up!"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well again it is up to you how closely you follow the challenge, but it is meant to be just that...a challenge.</p><p> </p><p> It makes it more interesting (in my opinion), and challenging having to work your up the ladder. You have to slowly progress instead of being able to take any job just because it is available.</p><p> </p><p> And if we are getting into realism how did this 19 year old with pretty much no talent land a booking job in the first place <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1234" data-cite="1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32266" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> And if we are getting into realism how did this 19 year old with pretty much no talent land a booking job in the first place <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> A startup with that little money in the bank can't afford to be choosy.</p><p> </p><p> ...I hate DRAGON. It's not that they steal some of my best talent; you kind of expect that, and as I'm now winnning my regional battles reliably and (in the middle of Year 4) finally both Regional and running two shows a month, I know I'm making stars. I'm still boggled that Cameron Cody has stuck with me as long as he has, and the only shame on that is until very recently he was my go-to champ and so didn't wrestler my user character very often. (He still doesn't. He's busy as a contender.)</p><p> </p><p> However, DRAGON stole Dr Texas, my roadie and colour commentator who I signed when I realised I now needed a roadie to survive regional battles, and after DRAGON took Richie Santana from me.</p><p> </p><p> The DAY after they signed Dr Texas, with 6 days of his pre-switch period to go, they fired him. So he was gone, and I signed Frank Kubrick and, to be fair, haven't really looked back. But signing someone and firing him before he ever arrives where you are is more than a little petty.</p>
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<p>Just got to January 2013. My mystery boxes haven't been bad at all, first I got Ant-Man being an internet sensation, then I got +5 to my Flashiness, then +5 to my Mat Skills.</p><p> </p><p>

My current main event Champion is Davis Wayne Newton, and my current secondary Champion is Findlay O'Farraday.</p>

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So I decided to start a new game up in Europe since based on importance ratings I'd have a better chance of reaching national at some point than in my Aussie game and I like a lot of the European workers.


I decided to go with a touring company based on the ZEN style focusing on fast paced wrestling and comedy styles. There aren't a lot of possible owners in Europe, but I saw Louis Figo Manico was one of them and I had to go for him. It's a bit weird since he was on Hiatus initially, but that wasn't so bad since I couldn't really afford to pay him early on anyway.


I reached small size in early 2011 which lead to me getting in regional battles with EWA and VWA, but in a huge stroke of luck I had Louis Figo Manico return from Hiatus only a month latter and man has he been carrying me to victory.


Here's most of my uppercard if anyone's interested:


Louis Figo Manico- He won my main Championship from the Snowman on his return and put on some great matches with Hugh De Aske (The last match between them got a 78 rating) before turning on fan favorites Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes when he attacked them for "stealing his spotlight" after celebrating a six man tag victory in which Manico got the pin and has now turned heel and begun feuding with the two of them over the title.


The Snowman- He's a great monster heel. His psychology and selling are awful, but he's young enough that I'm hoping he'll improve. I got him up to 60 popularity in Central Europe by going on an undefeated rampage destroying everyone he fought until he won the title from Super Falcon, but he eventually dropped the title to Manico and more recently put over both Matravers and Barnes to help get them over as challengers to Manico.


Super Falcon- He was my first champion mostly based on the fact that he was the most over guy I signed when I began the game, but his lack of Stamina hurt his main event abilities. I've teamed him up with Wonder Boy as "The Super Crew" and he's mostly been battling the evil "Super Fiends" of Dark Falcon and Inky The Squid Boy.


Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes- I signed Barnes right away and kept him in the upper card while I build up his popularity in Europe. Once I hit small I also brought in Matravers as his surprise tag team partner and together they defeated the reigning champions Snowstorm for the belts. They wouldn't hold it too long as they dropped the belts to the Force in a three way match in order to free them up for Singles pushes.


The Force- Jase Cole was released by EWA and unemployed for a few months, so I decided to hire him and his partner once I hit small size and they immediately won the tag titles in a three way. They're currently feuding with ex-champion Snowstorm over the belts.


Snowstorm- This team was made up of my User Avatar "Silver Bolt" (who uses a modified picture of White Wasp as his pic) and the VWA veteran Griffon. I decided to put them together in hopes Griffon could pass off some of his performance skill to my avatar, but they've been a fairly solid team.

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Just completed year 2 with an 8. Not great to pick up bad habits, but on the other hand, I'm now Best Friends with a ridiculously good generated announcer, so it's not all bad. (Seriously, the guy has As across entertainment and is a whisker from A* announcing, he's following me wherever I go)


Here's my user character;




Just worked out that that's a 127 point increase from last year, which is overall 22 up from what she gained during the first year. I think she's showing good promise so far, and the charisma/star quality are allowing fairly serviceable matches - certainly nothing embarrassing. Average grade of 33 (allowing for the fact that she's been through a lot of post show work-outs, which drag that down), with a high of 49, defeating Joss Thompson.


The promotion itself is looking pretty good. Still have guys not getting too much use and a lot of guys who are really jobber level, but that's Small on limited sponsorship, for you. Harry Allen holds our main title as a classic babyface champ, who's twice torn town the house with a midcarder Ernest Youngman thanks to their great chemistry with awesome C+ matches. Harry's feuding with previous champion Remmy Honeyman, who's being supported on the mic by a devious Katie Cameron.


I also have Pistol Pete Hall ripping some of the faces to shreds (giving plenty of opportunities for him to wrestle my user character). Pete's 50, but only 9 years into decline overall, and remains a damn good worker by anybody's standards. I've never had the chance to use him before, and I'm really enjoying booking him (nice to have him doing double duty as a road agent, too). Things seem promising so far. No high profile losses, no last minute title switches, and no regional battles to worry about just yet. Regional is a ways off, but the path is looking quite straightforward currently

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Hey it's me :p Risen from the dead, how have you guys been? Did you miss me? :rolleyes:


Aaaaanyways, trying to relight my fire on playing TEW: I've started so many saves which have ended before they even got started properly, just like my old diaries. But I'm trying to give this one a good go. So!



Tohoku Death Trip


0/0/0/1000$, Region is of course Tohoku, Japan! Product is a straight carbon copy of FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling's product, it's balanced between performance and popularity and gives good sponsor money. I will be the owner and head booker of the promotion (choosing an owner would be cheating me thinks). The goal is to get unknown, below 25-year-old talent, get them signed and that way get them loyal to the promotion like they do in Japan and in time have a huge stable of completely homegrown superstars! To those who think that I'll be signing extremely great talent, I have to inform you that I will be very selective in my hirings so no A* talent for this promotion, unless I have reached International levels :p


The logo and name is a bit misleading given the product is of mainstream-ish. I had my mind for a more edgier, Mexican Hardcore Wrestling type of product but.. I thought that doing a hardcore product would be more than challenging. On the other hand isn't it the goal of this..? Hmm.. Argh, can't decide. -.- I haven't yet started the game. I might just re-edit the product.. ..


EDIT: Product changed to copy of Mexican Hardcore Wrestling + raised Mainstream to Low and Comedy to Medium to get the 'rated equally' thingy and thus also raised the sponsorship money to 'a little though'. Now the logo and name fit the product and vice versa.




User Character: KAGEM (means 'Darkness' in Japanese. Super Junior with Hijo Del Mephisto Avatar). Here's the photo and stats.



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