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Road to Glory Challenge

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I'm having more fun with my RTG game, than any other TEW game in the last few months.


Dang, losing Biff The Bruiser because owner goal won't allow me to sign or re-hire anyone with less than 35 selling. Oh well, time to job out the overness I've gained for him over the years to my user character or something, lol

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I do: why'd you put 45 into Sex Appeal, Fin?


'cause I'm sexy and I know it :cool:


Thanks to the renderers and altmakers, first of all; particularly to the now-seemingly-gone FINisher, whose reworking of the Horatio image both really helped and must have been hell,
@Phantom Stranger: Oh wow, first name drop in the whole post :) Makes me warm at heart to know that I'm not completely forgotten after all this time in between. It's almost two years ago that I made that alt for you and that diary started, I was even the first to comment on it. Weird to come back now that it has ended.
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So I just reached January 2012 in my European RTG game. I reached small and am only a few months away from regional thanks to the work of my owner Louis Figo Manico who's carrying me to victory.




The European Union is the team of Louis Figo Manico and Pavel Vanzycha who's a recently debuted good technical wrestler who has great chemistry teaming with Luois Figo Manico. Yes the Fig is undefeated, but he's so far and away the most talented and over guy in the company, and since he's the owner it's not like he's going to get too big for the company.




Here's my user avatar, Silver Bolt. (It's a modified version of White Wasp's Pic.)


Here's where he started in 2010:




And here is where he is as of January 2012:




My first end of year roll got me +5 brawling, and I just got a 1 for this year which allows me to have a working relationship with another company. I'll probably try for UEW since I'm in a regional battle with the other two European companies.


Overall I've improved by a total of 201 points over the two years with my biggest improvement being in Acting. He's currently a Main Eventer with 62 Popularity in Central Europe. His match average for 2011 was 50 with his high being his most recent match being a tag loss with him and Hugh de Aske losing to Petey Barnes and Adam Matravers which got a rating of 69.

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I have also done lists for the UK/Europe & cheap USA, must say hardly any very high risk workers in USA.


I dont suppose you have got that list of UK/Europe workers handy have you? I've decided to start an Hardcore fed R2G and im thinking UK or Europe.

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Figo is a god.


I'll freely admit I've been super power/meta-gamey with pushing Figo to the moon and spamming angles with him, but I never expected to get my first ever 100 rating in a Road to Glory game of all places.

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I just hit regional recently, I'm going to see how running 4 shows a month goes. Maybe I'll run some in other parts of Canada, to prepare for cult down the road.


Though, I think running a Medium show in BC, and a small show in another part with my less expensive wrestlers would be better for my bank account.

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Promotion is based in the Tri-State Area. What the hell, the promotion's name is Agent P Wrestling. So...AP(W). Cool. I'm stealing their picture.




And the owner?


Naonobu Murkami.


I hate everyone.


Edit: So what should I name my fourth game :rolleyes:

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Just finished year 2 with my roster of 12 RTG guys + a bunch of outsiders.


Current Storylines:

Tamara McFly has become the world champion, and kept the belt for most of the year. She has beaten every challenger that has come her way. Ended the year with the greatest match in my promotions history scoring a 62 against Datsun.


Im running an invasion angle where Running Wolf and Brett Star (representing the USPW new breed) have come to "destroy this company from the inside" im gonna be using that as an excuse to turn samson the savage(RTG character) face.


Aside from that kinda random booking.


Havn't done year-end rolls for the RTG army yet.



USPW ended up dropping back to cult, most of their roster is falling to ppa appearances. They turned all the paratroopers into good workers through dev, Paranoia became the best of the trio.


TCWs roster features THREE questers because MAW turned them into decent workers.


SWF have only released one worker over the course of the two years... Shady K.



Oh and USPWs (touring) dev territory signed one of my RTG guys to a ppa mid-year.

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Tohoku Death Trip

First Year Recap


Game Time: 1 year, 7 shows.

Best show booked: TDT Otsegolectric (D, November 2010)

Best match booked: Eien Miyamoto def. Totoya Munakata in a Ladder match to win TDT World title (D, November 2010)

Highest Attendance: TDT December To Dismember, 27. (Few shows prior to that I had finally reached F in Tohoku, yay!)


Monday, Week 1, January 2011 TDT has 1.4% Prestige, 11.6% Momentum, and 5997$ money and we have 6.2% (F) overness in our home region Tohoku, Japan. We tour 9 months a year, out off-months are January, May and September. We didn't book two shows due to finance problems so we only had 7 shows during the whole year. We get ~3.9K of sponsorship money in the months we are on tour and ~3.2K when we are off.


We have 14 wrestlers, all of which are 25 or under and all are Loyal to TDT, 'cause that's how we roll. Our Main Eventers at the moment are Eien Miyamoto, Tsurayuki Kamachi, Omezo Shikitei and Totoya Munakata.


User Character KAGEM:

All top row wrestling skills that we're left in the 1% have raised to 4.2 - 4.7. Toughness and Power are in 3.5 and 4.5 respectively. Aerial and Flashiness have both risen 2-3%. Performance skills have risen 3.5-4.0, except Psychology which started at 75 but now it's 77.1. Of course the higher the number the longer it takes to improve. Star Quality has risen 1.6. Menace, Stiffness, Announcing and Acting are pretty much the only skills that haven't improved (I'm excluding Refereeing and MMA from this all together) :p Popularity is at 11.8%.


Looking good!


EDIT: Forgot the end of the year roll of dice! *drum roll* ... 7. LOL "7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)", I only have dudes on the roster, all of em' are hetero's aswell. I'm gonna skip this one and roll again! If on the second year I have a female on the roster I won't roll it then, rather I'll choose this original instead okay?.. Another roll! 35! ”Healing Hands” Over the holiday season you book yourself in for several massages and physio appointments. +7.5 to all Physical Condition." .. Ye user character has 99.x in all. Oh well, back to 100% then. If I understood this correctly it meant the Physical 'Edit Worker Physical' (Head body arms legs) condition, right?


EDIT2: Two weird happenings in the first year: Liberty joined NOTBPW and CGC started a war with NYCW :D

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My current champions for my RTG are...


World Champion: Robert Oxford, with 12 defences so far. The World Championship is at 80 Prestige.


Canadian Champion: Donte Dunn, with 8 defences. The Canadian Championship is at 68 Prestige.


Tag Team Champions: Marshall Dillon and Lex Star (user char), with 0 defences. The Tag titles have 58 Prestige.


I just formed my tag team division after hitting Regional, so I added 2 tag teams with my roster requirements growing by 4. Then I figured I'd need more than 2 teams, so I threw myself with Marshall Dillon, because why not? I need to be somewhat egotistical and give myself a title, right? I was thinking of changing my name to Tex Star during my tag team run with Dillon, as we are both doing Cowboy gimmicks, which I just changed too 'cause my character was getting stale.


My other tag teams are The Awesomeness and The Heartbreakers


My user Character's Stats currently


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@FIN - I don't believe stiffness changes on its own and menace definitely doesn't, so don't hold your breath, xD.


@mtimmins - You have Robert Oxford at Regional... so much envy.


Oxford costs me $2,000 a show, so don't be too envious. Glad I picked him up before the owner goal of "Can't hire anyone over the age 40" appeared. :)

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Went bankrupt in Europe .. Australia too hard. I'm now attempting to walk the Road 2 Glory in the UK. Ireland to be precise.




Overdrive Wrestling League




The Bossman: Ken Flanagan




Ken Flanagan is a highly controversial Welsh "businessman", one of the most outspoken supporters of the move for Wales to become independent of the United Kingdom, said to be heavily connected to the all-powerful Cardiff mafia ("the taffia") - the latter might explain how such a complete scumbag has avoided jail time despite being famously corrupt and violent. A ruthless competitor, he is said to be interested in two things above all else; under-age girls and wrestling.
So yeah, what can i say i love a scumbag boss .. Don't know why, always have. Should be fun.


The Talky Man: Salty Larry




"Salty" Larry Hill is an announcer from Birmingham, who used to be in the navy. He got his name from his occasional salty language, which he has to take great care not to use when working live. He is not a great announcer by any means, but for a couple of years he found a comfortable home calling the action for Ultimate Combat Ring in Europe. That arrangement came to an end in 2006, when he was replaced by Mathew Morris, as UCR were looking for someone with more experience.
Well i'm planning on having the 'Saltiest' announce booth in Pro Wrestling. Salty Larry, Ken Flanagan will join him and the third man in the booth is ...


The Third Boothman: Philip Bescott




Philip Bescott is a colour commentator from Ireland. He is best known to wrestling fans for his one and only appearance for MOSC, which happened in 2008 - nerves clearly got the better of him, and he produced a truly awful display of inane chatter and accidental profanity. He was not invited back.
So what a trio hey!? I've given both Bescott and Flanagan Gambler Gimmicks, should be fun to hear them gambling on match outcomes with each other.


The Zebra: Allan Round




Allan Round is a veteran official from the United Kingdom who is nicknamed "Mr. Potato Head" by his peers.
With his 33 in Reffereeing he may not last long, i have Tyler Baker or Roy Worrall in backup.


The Babysitter: Uppercut Bailey




Tommy "Uppercut" Bailey is very influential in the UK wrestling scene, due to having a lot of connections with US and Japanese promoters. A former boxer, his face is riddled with the scars, bruises and bumps of his old profession. He had close ties to the MOSC promotion, but left them in 2007 for unknown reasons. He has not been seen since.
Since he worked for MOSC and knows a little about Hardcore i thought he would be perfect as Road Agent.


The Others: Lynn Cox, Minh Ruby + Tyler Baker




Lynn Cox is an Irish valet who is best known for spending a couple of years working for MOSC in the late 1990s. She has had increasingly sporadic appearances on the UK independent scene since, but for all intensive purposes appears to be almost entirely out of the business.


Minh Ruby is an Indian-born UK-based manager. Her gimmick is that of an extremely glamorous seductress, and she is noted for always wearing a shimmering red dress while at ringside.


Tyler Baker is a business man who made a modest fortune in the dental hygiene business. He invested some of his money to follow a boyhood dream and form a wrestling promotion, and the result was 21st Century Wrestling which opened in 2001. Although the promotion was a critical success, it was a commercial flop, and was on the verge of bankruptcy by 2006. UK celebrity Jeff Nova stepped in to save it, buying out Baker to become the new owner.

Baker will be Ref if Allan Round doesn't work out or an Interviewer/Authority Figure if he does ... Or may not get used, we'll see how the cash goes.


Minh and Lynn will be the OWL girls, bit of managing, bit of Bikini contesting, bit of all round showing of the flesh.



The Wrestlers: Arthur T. Turtle, Bad News Bruno, Gorden Leve + Bali Daljit




"The Turtle Package" Arthur T. Turtle is a youngster with a lot of potential who has been working occasional dates in the UK. Mixing decent in-ring skills with natural endurance, athleticism and charisma, he is a fine all-rounder and should go far.


Bad News Bruno is a heavyweight bruiser from the Ukraine. Standing 6'10 and weighing 340lbs, he is not someone to take lightly, and his pronounced mean streak and scary look mean that nobody is likely to forget. He came to pro wrestling late, having been a soldier for many years prior to that. While in the military he was a championship-level boxer too, and he often breaks out little flurries of punches (and the occasional haymaker) during matches.


"The Prospect" Gordon Leve is a rookie wrestler from London, who has mixed Israeli \ English heritage. A worker who has solid technique and good basics, Leve is a throwback to the old European style, and so it is fitting that he would find his way onto the UEW roster fairly shortly after turning pro.


Young British cruiserweight worker Bali Daljit is a 2009 graduate of ROF's Turnbuckle Wrestling Dojo. After completing his training in the Coventry-based facilities, Daljit was unfortunate not to get a place on the main ROF roster, and so headed out to gain experience on the UK independent scene.

The Turtle Package is my 'Underdog' big face, big merchandise selling guy.


Bad News is my Old School kicka$$ brawler. Menace angles and gatekeeper to the main event.


Leve may or may not last long he will do some jobbing anjd alot of getting beaten up.


Daljit will be bossed around by Minh Ruby for a few months to begin with but will eventually turn face and feud with her new hired muscle.


More Wrestlers: Glen Ward, Norman Gates, Thunderbolt + Jason Dempsey




"The Angry Man" Glen Ward is an English wrestler who has the misfortune to hail from North London. A genuinely talented judo competitor, Glen often uses his skills in that area in his matches, sending opponents crashing to the mat with swift throws and deft trips. An all-rounder, the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" definitely applies to him.


Stormin' Norman Gates is a young heavyweight brawler from Sheffield. He plays a deranged lunatic, who usually carries a steel chair around with him that he calls "Jimmy", which he often uses to bust opponents open with. In terms of in-ring talent, he is fairly poor, which most promoters seem to have figured out, as he is almost exclusively booked in violent street fight style matches, where his crazy behaviour and willingness to shed blood help hide his flaws as a worker.


Thunderbolt is a comic book-style character, complete with flowing cape as he heads to the ring, who has been a regular sight on the UK independent scene for many years. A talented gymnast, Thunderbolt uses a variety of flips and twists as his primary weapons - he's watchable (and even sometimes spectacular) in small doses, but has virtually no ability to actually put together a decent wrestling match.


Jason Dempsey is a young British scrapper who loves nothing more than a good brawl. Unable to find enough work in the UK to support himself, Dempsey headed onto the European circuit in 2009 - just a few months later he would wind up on the full VWA roster.

The Angry man will be given a very special gimmick, he is angry at all the cartoon jokers, the fun guys, the OTT gimmicks in wrestling ... But he is also a Face, we will be bringing in OTT characters just to be beaten up by Glen Ward ... First up Thunderbolt.


Norman Gates is the man i see has one of my biggest Faces, an Hardcore Icon who talks to his friend "Jimmy" the Steel Chair.


Thunderbolt = Man about to meet the Angry Man!


Dempsey like Leve is getting this test, he will job, he will make others look good and he will get beaten up .. Alot ... Will he get a long term job!?


And a Few More: Otto Hammerschmidt, Psycho, Red Dragon + The Dublin Destroyer




Otto Hammerschmidt is a German wrestler, who was one of the original set of workers who helped establish Ultimate Combat Ring, working for them between 1998 and 2001. A competent technical wrestler, he lacked the charisma or competitive spark to really be anything other than a rather bland midcarder, and so his career never really took off. Other than sporadic appearances on independent shows, Otto wasn't really seen much after leaving UCR, that was until UCR's off-shoot Ultimate European Wrestling came calling and signed him to a contract. Unfortunately he failed to really establish himself as anything more than a solid midcarder, and left by mutual consent in 2009.


Psycho (real name Ernest Flores) is a fist-fighter who specialises in arena-wide brawls, and is known for bleeding in just about every match he has ever had. Much of his career has been spent working small shows across the UK and Europe, and he has rarely settled down with any specific promotion for more than a few months. That changed In 2009, when MOSC brought him in to help bolster their depleted roster.


Ian "Red Dragon" Davies, who calls himself "The Welsh Warrior", is a decent high flier from Swansea in Wales, who is equally well known both for being a consistently good performer and for his distinctive face paint. He is most famous for his work with 21st Century Wrestling, where he is a former champion. At the start of 2006, having just won the title, he was 21CW's biggest star, but a poor run as champion coupled with Jeff Nova's takeover saw him rapidy fade away in popularity, and he was eventually released in late 2008. He disappeared from wrestling entirely for one year before re-appearing on a small independent show in Paris, having quite clearly spent his time away honing his body as he was noticeably in the best shape he has ever been in.


"The Dublin Destroyer" is Gerry Kilbane, something of a journeyman wrestler on the UK circuit. The nine year veteran of the sport has been on shows all over the country, but has never really caught on as anything other than a decent midcard act. He is primarily known for the the huge shamrock tattoo on his back, and his celtic warrior outfit that he wears to the ring. He settled into a low-level role with Men Of Steel Combat from late 2005 onwards, his first extended stay with any promotion, but was released in December 2007 as a cost-cutting measure.

Otto will be a second Monster type, but a more Technical Legit guy ... A second Gatekeeper.


If Stormin' Norman is my Hardcore Icon then Psycho is my Anti-Icon .. or something, my Heel version.


Red Dragon could go one of two ways .. He could become a top guyn in our fed or ... He could end up getting fed to the Angry Man. The fact that he is a fellow Welshman (like the Boss) should earn him some chances.


The Dublin Destroyer is on alot of dough ... He will be the guy i wheel out every know and then for a cheap pop and the big shows ... Or if we build money quick could be the first Champ.


... And finally, the Owner Goals.


Owner Goals;


Critical Goals;

Goal #1: OWL must not be in debt when the time expires.


Expires: 24 months.


Goal #2: When the time expires, OWL must have improved upon it's promotion Ranking of #37.


Expires: 24 months.


Average Goals;


Goal #3: You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as a Luchador.


Expires: 28 months.


Goal #4: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any Wrestler who has less than 35 in safety.


Expires: 22 months.


Goal #5: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than 35 in Stamina.


Expires: 24 months.

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USPW is currently potentially hiring a head booker, I'm regional now, do I jump ship, or keep trying to build my original company?


EDIT: Just answered my own question, USPW currently has....


wait for it....





Edit, Edit: Nevermind, owner doesn't want to step down as head booker, oh well.

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USPW is currently potentially hiring a head booker, I'm regional now, do I jump ship, or keep trying to build my original company?


EDIT: Just answered my own question, USPW currently has....


wait for it....





Anyone in USPW you want to work with? How well are they doing?


Of course you'd want to work with Scott .. Who wouldn't...

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Just finished the first year of a game in the jhdverse. I have 4 RTG characters in the game (and my promotion), one of course my user character and the other 3 on long term ppa deals.


Grew steadily in popularity to 8 pop in my home region (Great Lakes), and I recieved a welcome boost in the form of a year end roll of 49 for my user character, which (using the +5 home region bump) has bumped me up to Small. Huzzah. (EDIT - Or not, put me exactly on 11% importance...one more show :p)


Stat growth wasn't as good as I have got from previous games, but they all grew well given how little talent there was affordale at small and the fact that they each faced each other a few times (well faces vs heels anyway).


My user character, who I am trying to keep well rounded grew 75 points, gaining nothing more from the end of year roll (instead helped my promotion grow). Was the companies first champion and made 2 defences, dropped the title because he was dragging the titles prestige down at a fast rate due to auto-pushing to LMC at the time. Average match rating of 29 with a high of 37.


My menacing powerhouse who took the title off my UC, and is still holding the belt today, grew 84 points. Average match rating of 34 with a high of 40 (highest match rating a RTG character has got me yet). Gained +10 to spend on physical stats with his roll, most of which went on stamina.


My highflyer grew 79 points overall, off the back of an average match rating of 34, and a high of 39. Got an extra 5 to put on Chain as well on top of this.


And my technician grew 81 points, Avg. match rating of 30, high of 39. Completed a great set of rolls with a +5 to any top row stat which was used to bring his mat wrestling in line with his chain wrestling (chain started the game 5 higher).


Quite happy with the first year and am looking to build further on it in the second year. Although I doubt my RTG characters will be able to keep the belt between themselves as I claw my way to regional though, might be time for them to leave the top of the card to those with experience while they get better on the undercard (a RTG guy main evented every show in the first year).

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Sounds like a fun game. Always struck me a little odd that there was never any kind of Irish promotion in the C-Verse, so it's good to see you rectifying that. I also love your commentary team; it's tailor made for accidental profanity.


If you need to add someone you might want to consider bringing in Matthew Macks since he's one of the few Irish wrestlers in the c-verse. He doesn't really fit your product, but his popularity is low enough that he should only be about 100$ a show and if nothing else his high selling makes him a good jobber. :p

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Sounds like a fun game. Always struck me a little odd that there was never any kind of Irish promotion in the C-Verse, so it's good to see you rectifying that. I also love your commentary team; it's tailor made for accidental profanity.


If you need to add someone you might want to consider bringing in Matthew Macks since he's one of the few Irish wrestlers in the c-verse. He doesn't really fit your product, but his popularity is low enough that he should only be about 100$ a show and if nothing else his high selling makes him a good jobber. :p


I want to bring in every Irishman and Woman in the game eventually .. Macks' Safety is too low (Owner Goal) and Merle O'Curle is the only other Irishman and he is waaay too popular for now.

What do you mean accidentle Profanity!? I'm sure the Bossman will allow it, no encourage it ... He's already pulled a tasteless prank on compatriot Red Dragon.

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Awesome, awesome, awesome.


Just found my 4th tag team, and second babyface team. Insane Machine and Spanish Superfly have excellent chemistry when teaming together.


I got The Awesomeness vs Insane Machine/Spanish Superfly rated @ 60 for my opening match.


I just signed Bobby Thomas, and Grandmaster Phunk, and future endeavored Tempest Appleby and Bob Casey.


And then auto-pushed everyone, and got this



Bobby Thomas

Grandmaster Phunk

Robert Oxford

Sayeed Ali



Clark Alexander

Findlay O'Farraday

Marshall Dillon




Dermot O'Logical

Donte Dunn

Huey Cannonball

Insane Machine

Lex Star

Spanish Superfly




Stan 'The Man' Manna

Stretch The Chicken Boy




Jefferson Stardust



Justin Sensitive

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Still a few more shows to go until Regional and my current title holding main eventer has gotten so hugely over that he doesn't want to renew his contract because the company is too small.


Local was easy compared to Small, even with the tight budget.

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