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UJW Brit Brawl Day 2 live report by Dan Davies (Monday Week 1 September 2010 13.25)






A bad back, a hangover and an angry wife greet me this morning, so I'm hoping that Day 2 of UJW Brit Brawl can raise my spirits…


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/RedDragon_alt.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/WhirlwindLeeWilkes.jpg


Dark Match “The Welsh Warrior Ian Davies vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


Davies comes out the blocks quickly, but Wilkes takes him down and applies a hammerlock. This quickly becomes the story of the match, Wilkes slowly grounding the high flying Davies. Neither man’s style really meshes, so I’m pleased when Davies sets up the Russian legsweep and then hits a weak moonsault for 3.


Winner – “The Welsh Warrior” Ian Davies @ 8.08 (Moonsault)


Verdict? – A sloppy mismatch that no-one really cared about E


Main Show




New UJW UK Champion Daniel Black Francis bounds on stage to greet his fans.


“Hello! I told you that I would beat The Landlord…and I did it! For 8 months he has cheated and scraped by, clinging on to the title. But last night, I was too quick and too clever for him. Last night, I became the UJW UK Champion!”


“I plan to be a fighting champion too – starting with you tonight Don Henderson! I saw you rob my boy Nigel last night, don’t you think you can do that to me! Consider tonight payback for all your cheating, all your hypocrisy…consider tonight the beginning of the Francis era of UK wrestling!”


Verdict? – A good start to the show, we’ve got some focus on tonight’s main event and some continuation from last night D-




Next up, Mark Moore and Puffy The Sand Iron Player…


“Mark Moore, sports agent here. You want the best, you ignore the rest, I give you Moore, Moore, Moore! My client Puffy has been robbed by this Craig Lester time and time again. If not for his cheating, Puffy would have won the golf world title, like three times this summer! So…yeah……erm…did I mention I’m Mark Moore? Moore Sports gives you Moore sport!”


Verdict? - It made me laugh, but it hasn’t really sold me on the final chapter of this rivalry E




While Puffy and Mark Moore talk pre match tactics, Christopher Lister comes out to say a few words.


“So, I won the bet, bought my plane tickets, hotel tickets and tickets to ComicStars 2010 and had a great time…no wait, no I didn’t, I got smashed in the head with a golf club by ‘someone’ and spent a weekend in hospital with a concussion. You know, enough talk, let’s just do this…”


Verdict? – Good points, but the delivery didn’t sell this to me. To be fair though, Jack Bruce couldn’t sell a feud with Puffy E-


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/ChristopherLister.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/Puffy.jpg


Christopher Lister vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player


I didn’t like this match the first time I saw it and I doubt I will be impressed tonight. My fears that this might not be match of the year come to fruition when Puffy trips on the first clothesline attempt. They’re further compounded when Puffy drops Lister on a bodyslam attempt. Ignoring the screams of agony from the wrestling gods, both men continue, with Puffy getting a 2 count from an unconvincing side slam. A long chinlock heat segment follows…..


Lister finally breaks it, but walks straight into a clothesline from Puffy, 2 count on the cover. After another long chinlock, Lister finally wakes up and counters a back drop attempt into a sunset flip for 2. He follows that up with a dropkick for another 2 count. Moore distracts Referee Bailey so Puffy can grab his golf club and swing it at Lister. Lister ducks, spins the off balance Puffy round and hits the Dimension Jump to end the screams of the wrestling gods.


Winner - Christopher Lister @ 13.22 (Dimension Jump)


Verdict? - A bad match. As I’ve said before, Lister is not the man to carry Puffy to a watchable match E




Randy Garcia is out with Landlord Properties Inc before their match. While Bantom and Ripper pace the ring intensely, Garcia grabs a mic.


“So it’s come to this, the best team in the UK today vs those rent dodging neanderthals The Genocide Agents. We’ve battered you, evicted you and injured you. Now we get to beat you for the titles too. These fans may love the energy and the facepaint, but that won’t help you when Ripper and Bantom come to collect.”


Verdict? – Usual Garcia promo. The delivery just doesn’t grab me. E


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/BeastBantom.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/RipperLeStat.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/GenocideAgent.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/SuicideAgent.jpg


UJW Tag Team Title Landlord Properties Inc vs Genocide Agents


A technical masterclass to begin here as Genocide and Le Stat exchange arm wringers…fine, I’m lying. A massive brawl breaks out from the opening bell and for the first five minutes, it’s chaos. Ref Bailey lets it go, partially because we need a winner in this title match and partially because the participants terrify him!


The match finally comes under Bailey’s control, with the Agents teaming up on Bantom in the ring. A nice series of tags lead to a double suplex, but Bantom raises a shoulder at 2 and a half. Le Stat tries to interfere, but receives a double suplex of his own. With the heels down, Genocide lifts Bantom for the Hanging Powerslam – however The Landlord races down the aisle and grabs Genocide’s left leg. This allows Bantom to readjust his body weight and come crashing down on Genocide!


Genocide is dragged back to the heel corner and beaten down methodically by Le Stat and Bantom; near falls from a Sire’s Lament and Savage Pounce have the crowd on their feet. The crowd buy the hope spot when Le Stat misses a corner splash, but Bantom cuts off Genocide. Finally the heels lose control and the match – Bantom’s second attempt at a Savage Pounce sees him slammed to the canvas and Suicide tagged in. Bantom tags Le Stat, who runs straight into Genocide Suicide! 1-2-3!


Winner - Genocide Agents @ 21.45 (Suicide over Le Stat via Genocidal Suicide)


Verdict? – A fun brawl D-




Genocide Agents celebrate with the new UJW Tag Team titles…for what feels like forever.


Verdict? – Fine for what it was but how long did this celebration have to be? This segment is so long I actually have time to fire a text to the wife begging for forgiveness (memo to self - maybe save this text as a template?) E-




The Landlord and Randy Garcia walk down the aisle for the next match. Garcia, laughing, raises a mic to his mouth….


“So, we get robbed last night, and now we have to …wrestle Nigel Svensson? Why? Surely an immediate rematch should be called?”


Crowd boos loudly


“Fine, then we will give Olaf here a match. But this injustice will not be forgotten. Svensson, prepare for Eviction!”


Verdict? – Garcia’s usual here E


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NigelSvensson.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/TheLandlord.jpg


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord


It’s an amusing mismatch here – Landlord’s punches are countered with European uppercuts and after a few minutes the former champ is dazed. Svensson hits an impressive belly to belly suplex for 2 then nails Landlord with a charging knee for a big near fall. Landlord takes control with an eye rake, but Svensson counters the following knee lift attempt with a hard leg kick, sending Landlord down and out.


Svensson drags a hobbling Landlord up and fires off some jabs, staggering his much bigger opponent. Snap suplex gets 2 and brings Beast Bantom to the ring side area. Garcia gives Bantom some instructions. This distracts Svensson, who loses his focus for the first time in the match. This allows Landlord to hit a DDT for 2. The Eviction is countered into a back drop, but as Ref Bailey checks on Landlord, Bantom slides into the ring and nails Svensson with a low blow. With Svensson stunned, Landlord wastes no time, drilling the unfortunate Swede with an Eviction and hooking the leg for 3.


Winner – The Landlord @ 9.01 (Eviction/Bantom interference)


Verdict? – Decent execution and the crowd were into this D-




Bethany shoots T-Shirts in to the crowd in a nice red dress


Verdict? – After last night’s discussions with Mrs Davies, I will simply give a D



Daniel Black Francis is out for the main event! With the UJW UK title around his waist, he leads the crowd in a battle chant before stepping through the ropes and coming face to face with Don Henderson!


Verdict? – Nice idea, try and give the main event a big match feel. Francis hasn’t been here long enough to develop that relationship with the fans though E+


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/DanielFrancis.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/DonHenderson.jpg


UJW UK Title Daniel Black Francis vs Don Henderson


Henderson clearly didn’t see Francis’ title winning effort yesterday; he immediately gets his clock cleaned by the same energy and speed that beat The Landlord yesterday. A Francis thrust kick leads to a big near fall and Henderson narrowly escapes the follow up Rasta Lock attempt, heading to the floor to regroup.


I’m sure Henderson spends most of his matches getting battered at ringside and this one is no different. Francis follows Henderson out and unleashes a flurry of chops and jabs, causing Henderson to stagger and trip over the ring steps into the front row. As Francis drags Henderson back to the ring, Henderson is able to push Francis into the ring post. This knocks the champ down and allows Henderson to slide into the ring to break the count. Bailey checks on Francis, who insists on continuing.


Back in the ring, and Henderson goes to work on Francis’s head, looking to cause more damage to the massive cut on the champ’s head. A series of knees to the head puts Francis down, but not out – this causes Henderson to snap and begin blasting Francis with closed fists to the head. Ref Bailey drags Henderson away, giving Francis an opening to hit Henderson with a fantastic spin kick! 1 -2 – 3! No, Henderson had his foot on the rope! Crowd thought that was it!


Francis comes back like a house on fire, kicking Henderson around the ring. An eye rake attempt from Henderson is met with a huge Francis right hand. Francis looks to end this with the springboard clothesline – Henderson counters with an STO! Great counter, pin attempt 1 – 2 – no, 2 and a half! Bailey checks on Francis again, looking anxiously at the now gaping cut.


Henderson decides to end this now with the Scottish Deathlock. Twisting Francis’ legs into position, he fails to notice that Francis has hold of his leg. This results in both men collapsing to the mat in a heap. Francis, covered in blood, staggers to his feet first and tries to apply the Rasta Lock. The ever cunning Henderson has a plan however – a sneaky mule kick. Winded, Francis falls back to the mat. Henderson pounces and applies the Scottish Deathlock! Despite a brave effort to escape, Francis has no option but to tap – new champion!


Winner – Don Henderson @ 27.40 (Scottish Deathlock/cheating)


Verdict? – A good encounter. Surprised at the quick title change, but no complaints about the match D


Overall Grade – I’m going with D- here. While the angles are still lacking, the tag title match, Svensson vs Landlord and Francis vs Henderson were pretty good for this level. The best UJW show I’ve seen in terms of telling stories and furthering feuds. Now, if I get back to the hotel and my wife has forgiven me, today might have actually been quite a good day...

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Portlius - 5/10


Tiberious4 - 9/10


1PWFan - 6/10


Boltinho - 8/10


So Tiberious4, congrats! Any hire suggestions and their gimmick is appreciated. As long as they are under 35, so the Landlord doesn't fire me!


Jingo won last month's prediction round, but never gave me a show name for September. I've got a name for September now, but if you want to give me a future show name feel free.

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Good show, I enjoyed the reporters point of view and the bits with his wife.


So I take it now Francis holds both your main belt and HIW's? Things are looking up for him.


Well, not quite :)


He deserves to be doing well, why 21CW let him go is beyond me. They have a batch of workers on exclusive appearance deals that run out in Jan 2010 - most of them (Philip Cooper, DJ Reason and Rolling Johnny Stones) left to go to HIW.


It's 21CW's loss though - Francis might be one of the top ten UK workers in my opinion.

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#9 15:45PM Tuesday Week 1 September 2010


A quick battle this month (more a minor skirmish!) as I’ve booked a few days away with the wife. She wanted to spend some time together in a way that doesn’t involve “silly men dressed as pigeons”.


British Independent Show – Monday Week 1 August 2010 Phoenix Nights (North)

A little better than last month thanks to some competant matches (Cannonball Logan over Ian Vincible, Chuck Frisby over Brilliant White and Gabriel Green over Derrick Merrick, all E) Att 49 Grade E


ROF Riot Act – Wednesday Week 1 August 2010 Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands)

Merle O’ Curle’s excellent title defence against Billy Robinson was the highlight of another good ROF show (B-) Att 261 Grade C+


MOSC My Enemy - Thursday Week 2 August 2010 Phoenix Nights (North)

Simply copy and paste the last eight MOSC’s reviews! Harley Neill retained against Bruiser (D+) in match of the night. Danny Patterson beat Jimmy Morris in a good effort too (D) Att 300 Grade D+


HIW Anything Goes – Thursday Week 2 August Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands)

Wow, what a show! Considering the trouble HIW has been through, this was a pleasant surprise. Daniel Black Francis defended the HIW Universal Title against UK Dragon in a cracker (C+), while DJ Reason beat Mayan Idol in a fine effort (C-). I enjoyed this more than We Will Rock You. Att 19 Grade C


21CW: We Will Rock You - Saturday Week 3 August 2010 Hall Green Cricket Club (Midlands)

Again, not quite the best 21CW can deliver – highlight was a no contest between Jonathan Faust and Edward Cornell (C+) Att 2,000 Sell Out PPV 0.06 Grade C


UJW Brit Brawl Day 1 – Saturday Week 4 August Phoenix Nights (North)

UJW Brit Brawl Day 2 – Sunday Week 4 August Phoenix Nights (North)

A decent weekend for UJW, with Day 2 being their best show to date. Don Henderson was the star of both nights, beating Nigel Svensson the first night (D) and going over Daniel Black Francis the second night for the UJW UK Title (D) Day 1 Att 92 Grade E+, Day 2 Att 91 Grade D-


Best show – ROF Riot Act = C+

Best Match = Merle O’Curle vs Billy Robinson (ROF) - B-


ROF top again, with 21CW third…has HIW changed the landscape of UK Wrestling in terms of quality?


Until next month,

Dan Davies.

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Nice show! Surprised that Henderson beat Francis for the title, but I look forward to where you go for this.



I've already had you hire guys from Mexico and Australia, so I'm going to turn to Europe for my next choice. I'll give you a few different options in case one doesn't work out:


Kalu Owusu:

Okay so he's not really European, but I noticed him when I was looking at who could work there. He's actually quite talented; especially for a promotion your size. I'm not quite sure about a gimmick, but I see him as a tough no-nonsense face who doesn't back down from a fight. Maybe you could have Lister introduce him as an old friend he met years ago at ComicStars. :p


Robeto Milano:

I suppose I could have suggested The Fashionitas as part of the tag team tourney, but Milano seems to be significantly better than his partner. Anyway for a gimmick I suppose he would work well as a heel "Fasion Consultant" or something along those lines.


The Snowman:

He's a yeti! That's his gimmick. No really.

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Jingo won last month's prediction round, but never gave me a show name for September. I've got a name for September now, but if you want to give me a future show name feel free.


My mind was blank ... But now i've got Xanta's Xtreme Xmas (for December).

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Nice show! Surprised that Henderson beat Francis for the title, but I look forward to where you go for this.



I've already had you hire guys from Mexico and Australia, so I'm going to turn to Europe for my next choice. I'll give you a few different options in case one doesn't work out:


Kalu Owusu:

Okay so he's not really European, but I noticed him when I was looking at who could work there. He's actually quite talented; especially for a promotion your size. I'm not quite sure about a gimmick, but I see him as a tough no-nonsense face who doesn't back down from a fight. Maybe you could have Lister introduce him as an old friend he met years ago at ComicStars. :p


Robeto Milano:

I suppose I could have suggested The Fashionitas as part of the tag team tourney, but Milano seems to be significantly better than his partner. Anyway for a gimmick I suppose he would work well as a heel "Fasion Consultant" or something along those lines.


The Snowman:

He's a yeti! That's his gimmick. No really.


As usual, great suggestions, all taken on board!

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Nice couple o shows. Looks like youve got a solid so of MEers now.


BTW - DBF vs UK Dragon in HIW? I would pay hard cash for that


UJW's main event scene is coming along. Only issue is The Landlord, sure he's over, but his stamina is pitiful - at best he can manage 10/11 minutes before I get the 'is tiring' note.


HIW's roster is superb, just a shame they've waited this long and dropped down to local size!

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Jacked! – Thorpe happy with UJW so far; plans to improve promotion.


Story and transcript by Dan Davis (14:00 Friday Week 1 September 2010)






Fresh off the ‘wrestling festival’ that was UJW Brit Brawl, I spoke with Colin Thorpe to get his thoughts on the event and his future plans for UJW.


DD – “Hello Colin, is now a good time to talk?”


CT – “Sure, I’m off work today so I have plenty of time”


DD – “Off work from which job?”


CT – (laughs) “Welling Pensions! Never get a day off from UJW!”


DD – “Fair enough! On the subject of UJW, how did you feel the Brit Brawl went?”


CT – (pauses) “I thought it went well overall. I actually thought you were a little harsh in your review of Day 1, but I can see where you were coming from. Plus, you seemed a little distracted on the night…”


DD – (laughs) “Yeah, I nearly got divorced thanks to UJW!”


CT – (laughs) “I’m sorry – hope you worked it out?”


DD – “Yeah, we sorted it out. Speaking of fallings out during wrestling events…”


CT – (interrupting) “I think I know where this is going…”


DD – (continuing) “…I heard ‘Judo’ Glen Ward has left UJW?”


CT – “That’s right. Glen is a little…highly strung, shall we say, and had had numerous fallings out with the rest of the locker room. He started a huge argument on the Saturday night (Brit Brawl Day 1), which was the last thing we needed. So I made a decision to fire him there and then.”


DD – “Wow…how did he take it?”


CT – (laughs) “You’ve seen his blog, right? I’ll answer diplomatically with ‘not well’.”


DD – “I have seen the blog, seems a little bitter to be honest. I heard that Richie Fox has also left UJW?”


CT – “Yeah…Richie was a bit of a shame really. He had come to the second day of Brit Brawl 2 with (Whirlwind) Lee Wilkes and was being a pain backstage. I had a word with him, which he didn’t really take in. I decided to let him go the next day, as his team with Lee was a bust and there seemed little point flying him from Australia if I had no plans for him.”


DD – “Seems sensible…was he ok with that?”


CT – “I’ve not heard from him since… (laughs) I’ve not see any blogs abusing me though so it seems ok.”


DD – “So, before I let you go back to enjoying your day off, what does the future of UJW hold?”


CT – “I want to build on our success in establishing ourselves and take the company further.” I also want to streamline the company too as I think we’ve a bloated roster.”


DD – “We could see roster cuts soon?”


CT – “Yes...I’m reviewing everyone’s contracts so I expect to see some guys leaving.”


DD – “How many, roughly? Are we talking roster trim or an overhaul?”


CT – “An overhaul I imagine. I want to bring some guys in to replace the departures. We let Richie and Ward go last month, plus Greg (Gauge) signed a written deal with the Stones (NOTBPW) a few months ago so we’ve got our roster down by three. Could be another ten or so leaving?


DD – “That sounds like quite a clearout!”


CT – “It is, but I reckon it will improve UJW in the long run."


DD – “Fair enough. Well, enjoy the rest of your day off and all the best.”


CT – “Thanks Dan, take care.”

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Glad you liked my suggestions! I will mention that The Snowman only speaks Eastern European, and since their are only like five guys who speak that language in the game then he's probably going to give you a negative backstage penalty for being isolated, but if you still want to use him than that's cool.


UJW's main event scene is coming along. Only issue is The Landlord, sure he's over, but his stamina is pitiful - at best he can manage 10/11 minutes before I get the 'is tiring' note.


HIW's roster is superb, just a shame they've waited this long and dropped down to local size!


HIW are beating out 21CW as a local sized fed? That's pretty impressive assuming they don't bankrupt themselves, though I suppose they got sponsorship money all those months without shows.

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Glad you liked my suggestions! I will mention that The Snowman only speaks Eastern European, and since their are only like five guys who speak that language in the game then he's probably going to give you a negative backstage penalty for being isolated, but if you still want to use him than that's cool.


HIW are beating out 21CW as a local sized fed? That's pretty impressive assuming they don't bankrupt themselves, though I suppose they got sponsorship money all those months without shows.


Given the negative locker room vibe in UJW, not being able to speak English might not be a bad thing!


You're right about HIW - they stockpiled a load of money from sponsorship, so they can spend some money on hires. They have a superb roster;


Arson Wells - Road Agent

Arthur T. Turtle

Daniel Black Francis - HIW Universal Champion

DJ Reason

Geordie Jimmy Morris - booker

Jay B

Marcos Flores

Mario Heroic

Mayan Idol

Melanie Florence - colour commentator

Petey Barnes - HIW Intercontinental Champion

Phillip Cooper

Phoebe Plumbridge - Manager

Rolling Johnny Stones

Steve Smith - Announcer

Tyler Baker - referee (?)

UK Dragon


For a local sized company, that's a crazy roster.

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UJW Presents




Breaking Point

Everyone has a breaking point. The tension and disputes from the UJW Brit Brawl weekend have caused UJW management to reach theirs! So each match comes with a 'breaking point' stipulation...an attempt to finally end the issues tearing the company apart!


UJW UK Title Don Henderson © vs Daniel Black Francis

Breaking Point - Winner becomes UJW UK Champion, Loser doesn't get a rematch


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord

Breaking Point - If Svensson wins, Landlord Properties Inc must disband

If The Landlord wins, Svensson must join Landlord Properties Inc


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell! The Genocide Agents © vs Landlord Properties Inc.

Breaking Point - Winners become UJW Tag Team champions, losers must disband


Non - Pirates of Evil vs Future X

Breaking Point - Losers must leave UJW


UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal

Participants - Christopher Lister, Bali Daljit, Ian Davies, Keith Adams, Pigeon Mask, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Swarm I, Swarm III, Trance and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

Breaking Point - Winner becomes UJW English Champion, runner up to receive future title shot


Friday Week 3 September 2010 Phoenix Nights Admission $7 Doors 8PM

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UJW UK Title Don Henderson © vs Daniel Black Francis

Breaking Point - Winner becomes UJW UK Champion, Loser doesn't get a rematch


Henderson keeps the title.


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord

Breaking Point - If Svensson wins, Landlord Properties Inc must disband

If The Landlord wins, Svensson must join Landlord Properties Inc


I still see Landlord taking this. Svensson in Properties Inc could be interesting.


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell! The Genocide Agents © vs Landlord Properties Inc.

Breaking Point - Winners become UJW Tag Team champions, losers must disband


Genocide Agents rule. I'll guess that Landlord inc splits up with Ripper LeStat teaming up with Svensson and Beast Bantom turning face.


Non - Pirates of Evil vs Future X

Breaking Point - Losers must leave UJW


This could go either way by skill level, but the Non-Pirates of evil have a ton more personality and I'd be sad to see them go.


UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal

Participants - Christopher Lister, Bali Daljit, Ian Davies, Keith Adams, Pigeon Mask, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Swarm I, Swarm III, Trance and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

Breaking Point - Winner becomes UJW English Champion, runner up to receive future title shot


Puffy is the only heel here I can see being either champion or challenger. The faces is a bit harder, but Bali is a jobber, Adams and Pigeon Mask have been doing more tag work, and Lister just resolved his feud with Puffy so I'll take Ian Davies to win with Puffy coming in second.


Oh, and just in case of a tie, there's a tiebreaker - can you tell me who TEW thinks is the No2 face in UJW? (Tip - he's in a tag team)


Keith Adams?

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Thinking this through...


DBF to beat Don Henderson. You have more credible heels than faces so you need a face champion, I hope


The Landlord to beat Nigel Svensson and get a reluctant enforcer (plus another credible heel)


Genocide agents to beat Landlord Properties Inc. Some rejigging of LPI's tag teams in order


Future X to beat Non-Pirates of Evil (just to be different from Tiberious)


Ian Davies to win UK title.


Tie-break: Keith Adams, or Mister over-rated as I call him

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UJW UK Title Don Henderson © vs Daniel Black Francis



Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell! The Genocide Agents © vs Landlord Properties Inc.


Non - Pirates of Evil vs Future X


UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal


Participants - Christopher Lister, Bali Daljit, Ian Davies, Keith Adams, Pigeon Mask, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Swarm I, Swarm III, Trance and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

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UJW UK Title Don Henderson © vs Daniel Black Francis

Henderson retains by CHEAT TO WIN~, and Francis will need to work his way back up.


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord

It all comes crashing down for LPI, probably with failed interference.


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell! The Genocide Agents © vs Landlord Properties Inc.

UJW's signature tag team won't break up here.


Non - Pirates of Evil vs Future X

They have more personality.


UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal

Participants - Christopher Lister, Bali Daljit, Ian Davies, Keith Adams, Pigeon Mask, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Swarm I, Swarm III, Trance and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

The crazed golfer is the best choice to take on a face-heavy roster of challengers.

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UJW UK Title Don Henderson © vs Daniel Black Francis

Tough call .. 2 of my fave brits ...


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell! The Genocide Agents © vs Landlord Properties Inc.


Non - Pirates of Evil vs Future X


UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal


Participants - Christopher Lister, Bali Daljit, Ian Davies, Keith Adams, Pigeon Mask, Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Swarm I, Swarm III, Trance and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

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On second thought, taking "Winner becomes UJW UK Champion" literally would mean that Francis can win the belt by DQ/CO. Is that the case?


Yes - the UJW board of directors have agreed that the belt will change hands on a DQ/Count Out. Don wasn't too pleased with that...

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UJW Breaking Point live report by Dan Davies (Friday Week 3 September 2010 11:55)


I turn up at Phoenix Nights to find another of Colin Thorpe’s ‘scheduling conflicts’. There’s a large sticker over the event poster confirming that Swarm I and III have been replaced by Inky The Squid Boy and Martin Heath in the Battle Royal!





Dark Match - UJW English Title 10 Man Battle Royal


Chaotic beginning to the show here – the participants have just started brawling all over the ring during the introductions! Eventually Ref Bailey restores order, but not until Puffy, Heath, Whirlwind and Trance have been eliminated. Bali Daljit and Inky eliminate each other in a sloppy spot by the ropes.


This leaves Christopher Lister, Ian Davies Keith Adams and Pigeon Mask. Lister looks sharp on the offense, but is eliminated by a dropkick from Davies. Davies then ducks a Pigeon Mask charge, sending the masked man to the floor. The final two exchange punches, Adams goes for the elimination via bodyslam but can only dump Davies on the apron. Davies, climbing to his feet, tries to drag Adams over only for Adams to grab the ropes and kick Davies to the concrete floor. Keith Adams is the first UJW English Champion!


Winner – Keith Adams @ 14.40 (by eliminating Ian Davies)


Verdict? – A poor battle royal, but a strong winner E+


Main Card





The Landlord comes out on the stage, to a loud chorus of boos. Snatching a mic from a crew member, he begins to speak to the crowd.


“So, I own the soddin’ company and I’m not fighting for the title? Thorpe, get your baldy arse out here!”





On cue, the UJW booker walks out on stage.


“Did you want me, Landlord?”


“Yeah, where’s my title match slaphead?”


“You didn’t earn a shot. Francis on the other hand is the ex champion and was unlucky to lose to Don Henderson. Might I add Don, that I’m watching you tonight-“


“I don’t flippin care ponce! When do I get my re-match?”

“You don’t. Read the contracts properly before you sign them”


“Bollocks! I pay your wages! I demand my title rematch”


“You’ll get it…if you survive the Bonfire Battle in November”


“That’s more….wait, a Bonfire whatca?”


“I’ll explain more next month”


Thorpe leaves a confused Landlord on the stage and heads to the back.


Verdict? Decent enough by UJW standards, and it gives us something to look forward to next month. E+



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/HughdeAske.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/MrEvilness.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/EricFuture.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/PeteyBarnes.jpg


Non Pirates of Evil vs Future X


A contrast of styles to start; while Future X are calm and focused, the Non Pirates are too busy arguing with the crowd and nearly get pinned via roll up straight away! Evilness recovers quickly and grazes Future with a weak big boot; the Non Pirates take over the match from there.


However, Future X have scouted their opposition well – they avoid the usual methodical beat down by out moving the cumbersome Evilness. Double flying back elbow gets 2 on Mr Evilness. De Aske tags in but falls victim to the Future Shock! Petey slowly tackles Evilness, while Eric Future hooks de Aske’s leg for 3!


Winner – Future X @ 7.36 (Future over De Aske via Future Shock)


Verdict? – Crowd were amused by it, but the wrestling on show was weak. De Aske is a loss, but Mr Evilness won’t be missed E





Landlord Properties Inc (with Randy Garcia) come on to the stage for their interview spot.


“Weak mortals….unlike us Old Ones, you do not have the inner strength to survive. You may have pinned me, but you will never beat me. To beat me is to end me…and I am stronger than ever.”


Garcia takes the mic and turns to Beast Bantom.


“Bantom, your thoughts?”


“If you lay siege to an enemy, exhaustion will take over. If you take your time and pick your opportunities then eventually they will lose heart. Their resources are not equal to the strain of our violence. Eventually they will crumble…”


“What you’re saying is, it’s a war of attrition?”


“Exactly, Garcia. The object is victory, not a prolonged war. The war is merely the method of victory, not the result. Barbed wire tonight will be the final straw for them.”


With that, the two giants and Garcia skulk to the ring, awaiting Barbed Wire Hell.


Verdict? – Garcia guided Bantom well here. Nothing great though E



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/GenocideAgent.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/SuicideAgent.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/BeastBantom.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/RipperLeStat.jpg


UJW Tag Team Title Barbed Wire Hell Genocide Agents vs Landlord Properties Inc


For those wondering what a Barbed Wire Hell match is, it’s a steel cage covered in barbed wire, with barbed wire boards propped up in the corner. Both teams are in the ring, where’s Ref Bailey? Oh dear God…Bailey is wrapped up in barbed wire!!! His arms and legs are free but his torso is covered in barbed wire! Understandably, Bailey looks anxious as he enters the cage.


The bell rings and the brawl begins instantly - Bantom whips Genocide Agent into a barbed wire board! Suicide comes to the rescue, flattening the Beast with a huge clothesline, but gets shoved head first into the steel cage. This opens a cut straight away! Ref Bailey tries to check on Suicide, but Ripper just shoves him into Suicide, causing the Agent to sink to his knees!


Both Agents are bleeding badly now, allowing the Landlord’s henchmen to control this match; Genocide and Suicide are being man handled. A Sire’s Lament on Genocide gets 2 and a half, as does a Choke Slam by Bantom on Suicide. Bantom looks to set up a Choke Slam on a barbed wire board, but Suicide reverses into a single arm DDT! With Bantom down, the Agents try to claw back the momentum by double teaming Ripper.


Ripper puts up a fight, but gets tagged with a huge Suicide Agent right hook. Hanging Powerslam by Genocide 1 -2 - no, Bantom breaks it up! All four men are slugging at each other now, with Genocide and Ripper looking worst for wear here. Bantom takes a run up at Suicide Agent, Savage Pounce against the cage, no! Suicide moved – Bantom is tangled in the barbed wire…it’s sticking into his skin!!!! Ripper sinks the Bloodlust on Suicide Agent! Will Suicide tap? He’s managed to lift Ripper off his feet…Genocide with the clothesline - Genocidal Suicide!!! Bailey gingerly slides into position 1 -2 -3! That’s the end of Ripper and Bantom as a team!


Winner – Genocide Agents @15.27 (Suicide Agent over Le Stat via Genocidal Suicide)


Verdict? – Crowd really liked this, decent action too. I’m not a huge fan of bloody hardcore wrestling usually, but this flowed nicely and the big spots weren’t over the top D-





The beautiful Bethany shots UJW shirts into the crowd…


Verdict? Gonna stick with D



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NigelSvensson.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/TheLandlord.jpg


Nigel Svensson vs The Landlord


Svensson is fighting for his freedom here, and it shows from the off – he batters the larger Landlord from the off with stiff European Uppercuts and elbows. Landlord tries to bail to the floor, but Svensson drags him back into the ring and hits a German Suplex, much to the crowd’s approval.


Landlord manages an eye rake to stop the assault, but his attempted DDT is countered into a spectacular release Northern Lights suplex for 2 and five sixths. Svensson attempts to lock in a Kimura, but The Landlord, ever the crafty veteran, hooks Svensson’s tights and rolls on top of him for a sneaky 3count!


Winner – The Landlord @ 9.32 (Roll up with tights)


Verdict? – Crowd were in to this – they hate The Landlord and seemed guttered for Svensson (who looked devastated by the loss) Good in ring execution too D-





As The Landlord celebrates, mocking the heartbroken Svensson, Wade Orson races down the aisle! Landlord turns to face the newcomer as he slides into the ring and gets nailed by a huge Spear!


Verdict? – Random attack, not too painful though. Could be a decent program too E



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/DonHenderson-1.jpg V http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/DanielFrancis.jpg


UJW UK Title Don Henderson vs Daniel Black Francis


Francis is wearing a bandage on his head to sell the injuries from Brit Brawl 2, which Henderson naturally targets. A series of knees to the head opens Francis up, with blood dripping across the ring. Henderson with a back to belly suplex and a near fall, Francis is fading early doors…


…until Henderson misses a charging knee! The crowd go wild as Francis begins his comeback! Francis hammers Henderson in the corner; a spin kick gets 2 with Henderson narrowly kicking out. Francis doesn’t let up, hitting a beautiful flying forearm followed by a bulldog for another close 2 count! Now wearing the ‘crimson mask’, Francis sets up a lungblower, only for Henderson to grab the ropes. Francis crashes to the mat, leaving Henderson time to re-assess.


After a quick argument with Ref Bailey, the champion attacks the bloodied face of Francis. The usual knees stagger the challenger and allow the Scot to hit a nice STO for a long nearfall. The crowd are going crazy for Francis at the moment, cheering him on and booing all of Henderson’s offence. They’re briefly on their feet when Francis counters a DDT into an inverted atomic drop, but Henderson silences them by catching Francis with an elbow strike to the remnants of the bandages.


Henderson signals for the end – a sleeper to cause the heavily bleeding Francis to pass out! The crowd erupt as Francis counters the sleeper with a jawbreaker – can Francis regroup and win this? Enziguri gets 2, Francis follows this with a flying axe handle, 2 again! Henderson staggers to his feet, Francis with a dropkick – no, Henderson pulled Ref Bailey into the way! Bailey is out! Francis up to his feet, stalking Henderson – STO!!! That’s Henderson’s move! Francis looks for a cover, but Ref Bailey is still recovering. Francis helps Henderson up, Rasta Lock attempt! Henderson with a mule kick! Francis crumples to the mat. Henderson smirks and applies his Scottish Deathlock! Ref Bailey stumbles to his feet, sees the submission, checks on Francis, he’s unconscious, Henderson retains!


Winner – Don Henderson @ 23.14 (Scottish Deathlock/cheating)


Verdict? – UJW’s peak so far – the inring was fine and the crowd really got into this. As good as any MOSC main event for the past few months D+





The main event finish hasn’t gone down well with a revived Daniel Black Francis – half of the roster is needed in the ring to break up a massive brawl! Of note, Suicide Agent is jawing with a cowering Henderson, while The Landlord and Nigel Svensson start brawling on the floor….


Verdict? – A chaotic and sloppy end to the show E


Overall verdict? – Another good show for UJW, with a really good main event. They are on the right path D-

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Tiberious4 - 3/5


Portlius - 3/5


Boltinho - 3/5 (Had Landlord not played his owner creative control you would have 4/5)


masterofnone - 2/5 (3/5 if not for Landlord refusing to lose to Svensson)


Jingo - 2/5 (Same as masterofnone)


I'm gonna give Boltinho the win here as 1) no one got the tie breaker (Suicide Agent is my no.2 face) and 2) he would have won if not for creative control rearing it's ugly head. So congrats Boltinho, feel free to suggest a hire, a firing, match, angle, event name etc. It's like Portlius' Dunston Hall cards, except there's no cards and Dunston isn't involved :)


As that marks 9 months, thought I would post a bit of a roster update. This is what the game autopushes the roster to in UJW after 10 shows; (faces in blue, heels in red)


Main Event

Don Henderson - UJW UK Champion

Daniel Black Francis

Suicide Agent - UJW Tag Team Champion

The Landlord


Upper Midcard

Genocide Agent - UJW Tag Team Champion

Keith Adams - UJW English Champion

Wade Orson

Beast Bantom



Christopher Lister

Ian Davies

Nigel Svensson

Petey Barnes

Ripper Le Stat

Pigeon Mask


Lower Midcard

Eric Future

Inky The Squid Boy

Swarm I

Bali Daljit



Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

Swarm III


Enchancement Talent



Spot the imbalance? I'm looking to correct this soon....


I let a few people go too;


Greg Gauge - signed a written with NOTBPW


Glen Ward, Richie Fox and El Serpentine = let go early as they were backstage trouble.


Puffy and Mr Evilness = contracts were allowed to run down as they hadn't impressed me during their UJW tenure.


Martin Heath = wanted too much money, Bali does the same job for much less.


Trance - Rubbish. No plans for him either.


Hugh de Aske - Let him go to NYCW. I wasn't prepared for a bidding war, especially when he had initially rejected our contract negotiations. A shame though, he was talented and I enjoyed his non - piratey ways.


Mark Moore - A negative personality backstage who worked for MOSC ahead of UJW; without Puffy, I didn't see a need for him.


Randy Garcia - as you might have picked up on during the write up's, he never really impressed me.


So that's the roster going forward, save for maybe 1 or 2 more additions. Battle of Britain for September will be up in the next day or so.

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