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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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To be honest I am just trying to knock the diary writer rust off with my "Musings" diary right now. Plus, USPW 2010 roster isn't really one I can count on to be around in 2013 unless most of them get the Phunk treatment and instantly become younger. I like your ideas though! :)


I'm in the same boat; not sure what to expect with NOTBPW--there's a chance things will be pretty much the same but anything's possible.


I should dig out the old Gen10 thread and start churning out shows again to 'knock off the rust' as foolinc put it.

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I had a good brainstorming session the other day. Came up with some stories i want to tell. Non-CGC specific ideas that I can hopefully plug into any promotion, should bad things happen. More CGC specific, happy with my DeColt plans and TV format too. Need another couple of solid brainstorming sessions though to really flesh things out and get 2-3 strong stories ready off the bat. It's still going to be a scramble once the game is out to organise it all. Enjoying the calm before the storm. Don't want to write myself out too soon.


The CGC PPVs are giving me pause for thought. I want to run them as they 'should' be done, but CGC Elimination being all 3v3 matches... Doesn't work for me. Too many bodies to write for. Might have to go all WWE on that concept. CGC Luck of the Draw sounds Rumbly though. Fun to write.

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I'm unlike you guys, I want to improvise, I want to write on the fly. I'd hate to plan it months ahead and then have my plans ruined by something or other. :p


Unfortunately for me, improvising and sports entertainment doesn't exactly work for diary writing... ;)

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I'll do plenty of improvising along the way. I just want a few stories where I know where it's going from the beginning. Something the readers can sink their teeth into. It'll help me book, and keep me motivated to know that I'm building to something exciting down the line, whether it's next week, next month or next year.


Of course, things are going to derail those stories. It's inevitable. I was lucky in FCK that the draft world left my guys pretty much unpoachable. Here I'm going to have to roll with more punches, be smarter about who I push, have more stories waiting in the wings.

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I'll do plenty of improvising along the way. I just want a few stories where I know where it's going from the beginning. Something the readers can sink their teeth into. It'll help me book, and keep me motivated to know that I'm building to something exciting down the line, whether it's next week, next month or next year.


Yeah. I strongly feel that a lot of the diarists who don't last that long don't have enough planned out that they want to see happen down the line to get to. Without they, they fizzle.

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Yeah. I strongly feel that a lot of the diarists who don't last that long don't have enough planned out that they want to see happen down the line to get to. Without they, they fizzle.


As someone with many failed diaries I can safely say this is not one of my flaws. I think the only time that happened to me with a start up diary was with my RPW '97 diary. :(

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I usually have a few key events planned (not even necessarily entire storylines, just a few things that I want to happen at certain points), and the rest is mostly booked 'on the fly'. This helps with adapting to unplanned things that happen (injuries and so on) and also allows me to implement cool ideas I have sooner.


I guess I might plan ahead a bit further now that I have other writers to live up to. :p

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While I do have some ideas about what I want to do, much of it depends on what PGHW looks like roster wise, and if they even still exist. I have some general ideas that anyone can be slotted into for the most part, but no extensive plans to speak of because I need to see the state of the roster before I flesh out any long term plans. Also considering it's a 3 year span between 10 and 13 I don't really want to do a 2010 game in case there might be some drastic changes that might ruin any plans I might want to carry over. I have a feeling there might be a number PGHW veterans who are either retired or very close to doing so either form age or physical decline, so I'd really rather not try to plan to much for specific workers when there is a good chance they might not even be around when the time comes to start playing.
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Since we need an excuse to get this thread back to the first page... :D


How much product tweaking will we be allowed?


I suppose if I were to put it into multiple choice/poll format, the full range of options would be:


a) None - play the hand you are dealt

b) Match Ratio only

c) Match Ratio and Match Length only

d) Any non "Product Appeal Definition" setting

e) Any setting, Product Appeal Definitions must stay within default minimum/maximum levels, and all product adjustments must be made in-game

f) Any setting, Product Appeal Definitions must stay within default min/max levels, limited product changes (no more than 3-5 levels total) can be made prior to game start

g) Any setting, Product Appeal Definitions must stay within default min/max levels, players may pre-set any product within min/max levels before game start

h) Any setting, all products are given min/max levels of None/Key Feature at beginning of game, and all product adjustments must be made in-game

i) Any setting, all products are given min/max levels of None/Key Feature at beginning of game, limited product changes (no more than 3-5 levels total) can be made prior to game start

j) Any setting, all products are given min/max levels of None/Key Feature at beginning of game, players may pre-set any product before game start

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I think I lean towards H... you go with whatever the default is and you can change things as much as your pre-defined amounts AND owner allows. Basically, the default and whatever the game lets you change without going into the editor. IMO, the closer we stick to the default, the better. It's why I'm going with BHOTWG, I know I can book for them with their default product in TEW10 so I'm hoping it'll be close to that in TEW13... but nothing is set in stone, if they suddenly become a hardcore lucha libre promotion I'd be looking to pick someone else if possible! :p
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I think I lean towards H... you go with whatever the default is and you can change things as much as your pre-defined amounts AND owner allows. Basically, the default and whatever the game lets you change without going into the editor. IMO, the closer we stick to the default, the better. It's why I'm going with BHOTWG, I know I can book for them with their default product in TEW10 so I'm hoping it'll be close to that in TEW13... but nothing is set in stone, if they suddenly become a hardcore lucha libre promotion I'd be looking to pick someone else if possible! :p


I agree with Derek. Start with the default settings and changes can only be made in game. And I would hope that people pick a promotion that they are comfortable with from the get go so they don't have to make any drastic product changes for that promotion to be playable for them.

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I agree with Derek. Start with the default settings and changes can only be made in game. And I would hope that people pick a promotion that they are comfortable with from the get go so they don't have to make any drastic product changes for that promotion to be playable for them.


I think I lean towards H... you go with whatever the default is and you can change things as much as your pre-defined amounts AND owner allows. Basically, the default and whatever the game lets you change without going into the editor. IMO, the closer we stick to the default, the better. It's why I'm going with BHOTWG, I know I can book for them with their default product in TEW10 so I'm hoping it'll be close to that in TEW13... but nothing is set in stone, if they suddenly become a hardcore lucha libre promotion I'd be looking to pick someone else if possible! :p


I agree with both of the above, except that I think that's actually option 'E' from the list, not 'H'. :p

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I agree with both of the above, except that I think that's actually option 'E' from the list, not 'H'. :p


Um.... my finger slipped? Or of that isn't believable, I'm tired from all the hard work I've been putting into modding over the last few days and my brain just didn't do what I wanted it to do. Yeah, E is the option that best reflects what I want. :p

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Um.... my finger slipped? Or of that isn't believable, I'm tired from all the hard work I've been putting into modding over the last few days and my brain just didn't do what I wanted it to do. Yeah, E is the option that best reflects what I want. :p


Lightweight. :p

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Why do I have this weird feeling of being afraid that this 8RoW project might turn into the most hideous "Care Bear" multiplay game ever due to the Alliance system? ;) Altough it would create some amazing diary moments when one of you gets kicked out from an Alliance. Or me. Who knows.


Will be really interesting to see if/when and what/which features will affect Cornellverse as we know it.

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I've been wondering if there will be any alliances popping up in-game... BHOTWG seem canonically to be pretty isolated, with their links being to the Hinote Dojo, a past working agreement with WLW that I think has ended and a one off talent trade with TCW with Cornell Kudo. If I'm playing BHOTWG, which I'm going to keep operating on the assumption that I will be, I'm not sure I'd be jumping into any alliances too soon... though some temporary working agreements might be forged so that some particularly awesome trades could take place as required. ;)


Though I have to admit, I'm interested to see who will consider setting up some alliances. In Cornellverse terms there are a few potential alliances I could see perhaps emerging. One would be CGC and USPW banding together along with some small promotions to sort of farm some young talent... maybe the likes of MAW, NYCW, FCW and ACPW could join in there as minor members to give undercarders to the likes of USPW and CGC, which could be interesting. The other would be a handful of major work-rate promotions doing some talent trades... for that I could see TCW, NOTBPW and a major Japanese promotion (either BHOTWG, PGHW or maybe GCG) loosely banding together to make some dream matches and help their undercarders get some more exposure.


I'm sure other folks have loads more ideas they'd be looking at, but those are the kinds of ideas that I could see growing quite naturally out of the Cornellverse. Not sure how much they'd help us, but they could be interesting in general. :)

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Since I was unceremoniously booted from the game, (Ryland: put in a secret ninth-man invasion option >_____________>) I decided to run my own diary with 8 characters with 8 personalities. Put it in the Diary Preview, but as this is "the" topic, might as well make it known here.


Granted, my current "diary" is going to be like...half done by that point, maybe, but still...

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Why do I have this weird feeling of being afraid that this 8RoW project might turn into the most hideous "Care Bear" multiplay game ever due to the Alliance system? ;) Altough it would create some amazing diary moments when one of you gets kicked out from an Alliance. Or me. Who knows.


Will be really interesting to see if/when and what/which features will affect Cornellverse as we know it.




I'll say yes, just to try to get kicked out of the alliance ala ECW.:D

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I'm still sooooo looking forward to this. Recent additions in the Dev Journal have me looking forward to booking Night Of The Burning Hammer even more now, and I'm already plotting to have some serious awesomeness going on when I get that far. In fact, I think I've got an idea for a series of matches leading up to it that I can use... must go make a note of that just now for future reference. :D
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I'm still sooooo looking forward to this. Recent additions in the Dev Journal have me looking forward to booking Night Of The Burning Hammer even more now, and I'm already plotting to have some serious awesomeness going on when I get that far. In fact, I think I've got an idea for a series of matches leading up to it that I can use... must go make a note of that just now for future reference. :D


Screw you and your promotion with a core you could count on being there... ;)

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Having looked at the TEW10 roster, BHOTWG don't really have many people capable of carrying main events at the level I'd like. I'm hoping the new generation of heavyweight talents mature a bit between games because if I end up with Kikkawa on the time decline list, which is quite likely, then I could be struggling to put out main event matches of the calibre I want. Nakasawa might end up being left to carry the entire promotion and that's a bit worrying, even if I do have lots of pretty good talents to help him out.


I guess I'll just have to raid PGHW's roster for everyone they have and maybe steal anyone I can from North America... you guys don't mind if I steal Angry Gilmore, Dan Stone Jr, Sean McFly, PRIDE Koiso and all of those guys, do you? :p

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