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8-man Diary in TEW2013?

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If I release Elemental III, I'll sue you if you try to use the Elemental name... which I've decided BHOTWG own the copyright to in Japan. Ditto for the Optimus name. :p I might also hire the entire WLW roster to BHOTWG and run shows on the same day... then waste them all in a throwaway 5 vs 5 tag matches where no-one gets the chance to shine. MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! :p


@Bull: Sounds interesting either way. Whether we run the same schedule or a different one, I wouldn't want to bring the same workers back in tour after tour after tour... anyone who isn't on a permanent contract with me is likely to be picking up more losses than wins, which might be good for them getting matches and developing but that does mean they aren't going to be a star. PGHW isn't known for their juniors so you probably won't worry too much about them, but the heavyweights we'll probably be competing over a fair bit, which should be good for their development. :)


Also, I'm totally planning to steal Munemitsu Senmatsu somehow... I'm kinda hoping he's on my roster or in development with me already, but that guy makes me happy and I want him! :p


Yea the Juniors push low in PGHW, but if I find one I like it wont stop me from trying to sign him. ;)


My whole Idea for the touring workers is just to build some talent that might end up on a permanent deal somewhere else if not with me. Hence the swapping back and forth. I've got this thing were I tend to bring over some of the lower level talents from the US and other places on touring contracts, build up their skills as much as possible over a few tours and then send them back hopefully at least a little more talented than they were before I brought them over. That typically means I never have more than 3-4 guys on touring deals anyway.


I'm not really a player who is out to dominate everybody but more to share the wealth. I'll gladly bring in some workers to train up for someone else if they'd like as developing talent is one of the things i enjoy the most about TEW. Plus playing in Japan lets me avoid having to come up with intricate storylines, and focus more on smaller rivalries instead. :p

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:) It's been a long time since I've played as one of the major Japanese promotions, my GCG game took them up to National before I decided to create my own cult level company in the US. It featured my user character and The Big Problem as prominent talents, both of which I'd developed massively while in GCG... Big Problem was getting incredible results in that game, with B- level brawling, B-ish level entertainment skills, A* menace and thanks to his work with my top guys in GCG, B-ish level performance skills. I'll never know why someone else hadn't stolen him from me, the guy was awesome and constantly outperformed Steve Flash despite Flash being more "talented". Hopefully I can find some new talents to do that with.. or I might just import The Big Problem again, though he's probably past his peak in terms of developing as a talent so I might not be able to now, even though I love his menace. :)


So yeah, I'll be developing lots of workers too. Having several people on touring deals will enable me (well, anyone playing in Japan really) to develop some undercard talent who could maybe catch on somewhere if they get the right break. With the rankings system I'm looking to use it'll be a constant fight for undercarders to break into the top 10, which should help to provide lots of fresh matches and develop some talent. If we all do roughly the same thing, there should be lots of people getting matches even if they aren't getting pushes and that'll be good for all of us. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Me neither. ;):cool:


My birthday is on the 11th, pretty sure I first saw the Cornellverse for TEW10 was right around then, it made for quite the present at the time and it's weird to think that it was 3 years ago now. It sure doesn't feel like I've been helping Adam out for anywhere near that long, but I guess I have. :D


More importantly, one we start to get a look at the Cornellverse we can start turning the question marks about who is going to be running each promotion into solid bids. I can't imagine anything changing my mind on wanting to be BHOTWG, I've already started taking notes on what I want to do and planning things out with the help of WreSpi2 for getting moves for people. Who knew the Miyamae Spoiler was the Kill Switch/Unprettier? I certainly didn't until yesterday! Also, I forgot how many custom moves Tadiyuki Kikkawa had in that game, I sure hope he's not wandered off to compete in MMA or become a politician or formed a new promotion or worse... retired. That would make me sad because I've got big plans for him. :D


Hopefully everyone is quick to confirm their promotions so that we can get a game started and I get to know how far past it half my heavyweight division is. Depending on destiny rolls, my game could have many different outcomes for many different wrestlers. Please be good to Kikkawa! :)

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You cheater! :D



Here's something I did in 5min, if someone from the community with better skills could do a better one it would be highly appreciated. So an image of the 8 players and 8 promotions. You can use any kind of picture frame borders, backgrounds etc., just make it look cool. I might have another go on this idea but here's what it should look in my mind, the basics of it. This image will be in the main post of the main thread with huge thanks written to the maker of it! Also this is a rough cut, the actual image is a bit bigger, clearer, and probably has the names of the users and promotions in it too.


Depending on what the actual game screen looks when starting the game, we might use that too :)


Disclaimer: The promotion-user choices are completely random. :p



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I like the idea that we have an image for this... might be good to have the player's forum avatar, their in-game avatar and their company in one place. Assuming other people like the graphc idea in general, I think I'll be using it in my first post to highlight how awesome we all are. :) Probably with links to all the other dynasties too so that people know where we are....


Just had a thought there too, I know that on GDS we have the ability to link directly to a post, it might be a really nifty idea to have a thread where we put links to all the shows from one week in chronological order for people to read so that if anyone wanted to they could read everything from our save in one go. All the views would end up going to the individual threads so we'd get all of our individual awesomenesses as usual, with the added benefit of not having to try to flick between loads of threads in different tabs in order to keep track of things.


I think I'm overexplaining it so I'll stop. Fairly sure it'll be popular if we end up with a thread where we all talk about stuff and just add an omnibus edition of everything we do. :)

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OK, so as we're getting close - need to check up on a few logistical things:


-- Does everyone have a Dropbox account? (If you don't and need one, post here and those of us who do can send you a referral, which gets both of us extra free space)


-- Who is owning the shared folder?


-- Can we get a list of the established ground rules in one post (and a copy put into the shared folder)?


-- What is our target start date?


-- Who can the non-graphical amongst us go to for assistance in this area?

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I've got a Dropbox, will provide me email address for that via PM when we get that far. I think we should start setting the ground rules once we have the demo and know what all the available options actually are, which is only a few days away. :) I figure we get started once we know who everyone is playing as AND we've all got our elicenses. No point starting a game with someone who can't play beyond the first month. Starting date as soon after that as possible for getting the game moving... dynasties booting up in the New Year once we've collectively recovered from our hangovers, which should give us the chance to get all those pesky roster posts and the like sorted out and maybe even a couple of shows logged and written before we properly begin. :)
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I think we should all take a week or two and get are bearings with the new game before we start on the diaries and such. Perhaps we could take the last couple weeks of December and let everyone make sure of what promotion's they want, get a plan in motion, and get the game itself going and once all of that is started we can start all of the diaries at the first of the new year. That will also allow some extra time for Adam to get rid of as many last minute bugs as possible that might cause us some trouble.
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Well, we all get to see the Cornellverse on the 9th when the demo comes out. The game itself comes out on the 16th, by which time we should all have had a decent look around to see what companies are worth looking at. Given that we're aiming to be playing the larger companies in the game it's not going to be a huge number of companies to choose from... so picking should be fairly easy.


Ideally I really think we should be looking at getting the files for the game started before Christmas, as no-one is going to be reliably around between about the 23rd Dec and 2nd January... my BHOTWG plans are already fairly conditional based on possible time decline for some workers, so having the files as early as possible will help me to plan my storylines out accordingly. For example, Kikkawa is about 40 years old... he could be a few years away from decline which means he could be a top star for me and pushed as such OR he could be 5 years past his best already, meaning he could be a desperate veteran trying to hold on to the top. But without the files being on the move, I won't know that until I get the chance to see them, which is why it's important to start the game as quickly as possible. At least to me. :)


But certainly the New Year for actual dynasty progress, which again will mean roster posts galore from all of us (probably) and those can take ages to write depending on how they're done. Again, the more time we've got the better, especially once the festive season truly gets underway and everyone will have so many things to do. :)

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Well, we all get to see the Cornellverse on the 9th when the demo comes out. The game itself comes out on the 16th, by which time we should all have had a decent look around to see what companies are worth looking at. Given that we're aiming to be playing the larger companies in the game it's not going to be a huge number of companies to choose from... so picking should be fairly easy.


Ideally I really think we should be looking at getting the files for the game started before Christmas, as no-one is going to be reliably around between about the 23rd Dec and 2nd January... my BHOTWG plans are already fairly conditional based on possible time decline for some workers, so having the files as early as possible will help me to plan my storylines out accordingly. For example, Kikkawa is about 40 years old... he could be a few years away from decline which means he could be a top star for me and pushed as such OR he could be 5 years past his best already, meaning he could be a desperate veteran trying to hold on to the top. But without the files being on the move, I won't know that until I get the chance to see them, which is why it's important to start the game as quickly as possible. At least to me. :)


But certainly the New Year for actual dynasty progress, which again will mean roster posts galore from all of us (probably) and those can take ages to write depending on how they're done. Again, the more time we've got the better, especially once the festive season truly gets underway and everyone will have so many things to do. :)


That's what I meant, you just explained it better and in more detail, :p


Getting the game itself going is the main thing. It would obviously be advantageous to have at least a coupe of weeks if not more advanced in the game itself before we start working on diaries. That would hopefully give everyone at least a little bit of stuff to post in their diaries and allow for everyone to work on the same timeline. Getting different versions of the same stories from each player is going to be one of the more entertaining things about this project in my eyes.


Perhaps I steal a worker from Derek. He might have a story in his diary about the theft that differs greatly from the version I post in my diary. That would make for a fairly entertaining side story if you ask me. :D

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Unfortunately NoNeck had to drop out so we're looking for an 8th member.. Reply on the thread or PM me and we'll do a quick evaluation whether or not your style and experience match the others. :p


OK, so as we're getting close - need to check up on a few logistical things:


-- Does everyone have a Dropbox account? (If you don't and need one, post here and those of us who do can send you a referral, which gets both of us extra free space)


I don't have yet, so please refer me for the extra space then! PM me.


-- Who is owning the shared folder?


I can volunteer? I mean I can start the save .. or something.


-- Can we get a list of the established ground rules in one post (and a copy put into the shared folder)?


Would be nice.


-- What is our target start date?


I'd say that we can and should start playing ASAP and then start the actual diary process on delay. The main thing here is to actually start the game and get it going, like, agreeing on the user characters and promotions and whatnot :)


-- Who can the non-graphical amongst us go to for assistance in this area?




I mentioned something about the promotions logos on the backgrounds of the workers.. I'm certainly doing those for my promotion but it just takes time to do a lot of then. I can prob get 2 workers pictures done within a minute or so.


E: I have few days off from work from Sunday to next weeks Tuesday, I'll prepare _everything_ ready for the main diary during those days.. Rules, files, logistics, communication between users etc..

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OK, so as we're getting close - need to check up on a few logistical things:


-- Does everyone have a Dropbox account? (If you don't and need one, post here and those of us who do can send you a referral, which gets both of us extra free space)


I do.


-- Who is owning the shared folder?

FIN? It was his idea.


-- Can we get a list of the established ground rules in one post (and a copy put into the shared folder)?


-- What is our target start date?


As previously stated by others, probably best to let everyone get to grips with the game, so that A, they definitely actually want to buy it (unlikely though it may seem for one of us not to, it's apparently something some people have to think about :p) and B, so that people can see the new Cornellverse and find out whether something EVIL and TERRIBLE has happened to their previously-favourite promotion, causing them to not want to play as them any more, if they even still exist. Or maybe they get caught by that bloody annoying 'inspiration' thing and end up with a burning desire to play a different promotion as a result of the new Cornellverse, or even some of the new features.


Man, I can't wait for Sunday.

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Can't wait either.. It's been so long since the news of the game first broke out.. Yet the time has passed so fast and now we're actually going to get the first taste of the game this Sunday.. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, TEW series is just simply awesome and I don't even want to think about the thousands of hours I've put into these games. And now TEW2013 is just around the corner with so, so much new stuff in it.. Hundreds of tweaks, additions, new features, new everything.. New Cornellverse! Think about the history of Cornellverse and how we've seen the characters grow, develop, retire troughout the years.. It's fascinating to actually have an in-game universe of its own that has lasted trough so many games.. A decade. :)


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First taste? Puh-lease. :p


But yeah, the Cornellverse has become pretty much the only game universe I play in now. Whether it be the current version or my modding of the CV97, I pretty much live there in my head for wrestling because it's such a large, engaging universe. With the real world I end up with a preconception of a worker that can be hard to shift, but in the Cornellverse I've re-invented so many people so many times based on my own vision of them and on some of the dynasty variations of them I've seen. I'm itching to get a massive game going that will be unlike any other, the presentations of different workers through the gameworld could be awesome, and if we get a committed crew to this game then the dynasty of it could become incredible... seeing people evolve from one company to the next could be awesome, watching Remo be stolen from the SWF just as he's about to become a major player, only to sign with PGHW and become their new #1 gaijin... seeing PGHW and NOTBPW maybe start working together and have some of the most epic tournaments of all time... watching as TCW and the SWF go to war with each other and end up spending wildly out of control in year 1, only to need to end up having to let some of their top talents go in order to balance the budget... seeing BHOTWG and PGHW tell a different story on why someone has just jumped ship between them, with each side trying to bury the other... so much fun could be had and I can't wait to see how awesome this project could be.


And as always, I can't wait to get my first show out there... it's a format that I think could be very interesting but until I see it properly on the forum here, I'm gonna be scared that it's gonna bomb, even though I'm confident it'll be awesome. :p

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Perhaps I steal a worker from Derek. He might have a story in his diary about the theft that differs greatly from the version I post in my diary. That would make for a fairly entertaining side story if you ask me.


This is actually a key point, IMO. Along with the overall timeline.


I would hope that we'd work far enough ahead in terms of playing the physical game that things like that could be taken into account when writing. Personally, I plan for my diary to be fairly narrative-heavy (more on that later), so a company stealing a worker from me (whether AI or player controlled) would be a fairly big deal in terms of my writing of how it went down. For that reason, it'd be good (almost essential, really) for me to communicate with the guy who stole him (if player controller, obviously. I'm not THAT good with computers :p) and work out how they're going to handle it in-game. For instance, if they use a website-report style for non-show news, and the website reports that Worker X left my promotion admist a shitstorm of bitter unhappiness, it's going to look pretty odd if I've written the departure as amicable and had the owner wish him well in his future endeavours. On the other hand, that'd be about write for wrestling website journalism wouldn't it? :p So hopefully we could communicate about that.


Similarly, maybe Derek's BHOTWG want to sign someone from me, but is reluctant because he's one of my main guys and he doesn't want to screw me over; I might actually be receptive to that idea because it helps with the narrative I'm building up (especially if it's someone I really don't like and struggle to write for, such as Ishibashi :p). Maybe Derek plans to sign Magnum Kobe from me from game start regardless of what I think about it (which I'd have no problem with on a personal level either, it's perfectly valid, we're playing a multiplayer game), it would look slightly odd if I'd built him up as a supreme WLW loyalist who the company is going to rely on for years to come. :p So I'd hope there'd be some conversation about that, either asking if I mind, or telling me it's going to happen, before it does. The same as if two human-controlled promotions are in a bidding war for the same worker. Maybe a third writer has that guy on his roster, and writes in a style (like I plan to), where something like that would be worthy of a diary entry, regardless of whether it results in him leaving that guy's roster or not.



The other thing is timeline. Another thing we can't really agree on entirely until we know who's booking what, who has a TV show/tour shows/one monthly show, etc, but nonetheless I have some ideas.


Obviously the diaries themselves will all be individual threads, and essentially self-contained diaries in themselves, which are able to reference other things happening in 7 other diaries on the board. From that point of view, the overall timeline isn't REALLY that important, I don't think. However, we don't want time to move too slowly, because that could cause a number of problems (most notably the guys with only one show a month getting really bored, or saving up a year's worth of written shows while waiting for their 'turn' to post one :p). Plus, we all have wildly different styles in terms of not only how we write but also WHEN we write. For instance, I really hate playing on too far in advance of the writing. I much prefer to write as I book, because otherwise I find myself becoming too distracted with new storylines to be bothered writing the ones that happened in my head weeks or months ago in-game. Whereas I know other writers prefer booking several shows in advance so that they can add extra little nuances to their writing (foreshadowing and so forth; I like foreshadowing too but I prefer to not know whether or not it's ever going to be able to come to pass. :p I've hinted at loads of things during shows which never ended up happening because either key elements got injured/stolen, I forgot about it or had a better idea!) or just because that's how they've always done it.


Ideally I'd love it if we could all keep to the same loose schedule when posting shows, so that no diary got too far ahead of the others when posting. This would allow each writer (if they wanted to) to reference goings-on in other diaries. As an example, say I'm writing for PSW (unlikely!) and Bull is writing for MAW. We've both signed Jay Chord (well, I've signed him, he started on Bull's roster), and on Friday, Week 2 Bull held a show and Chord got in a fight with Ace Youngblood. If I'd read that show (which being part of the same bloody project I'd hope I would have :p), I could reference that in a backstage post before my next show on Saturday, Week 3. Maybe Jay's been bragging backstage at my show about how much of a whimp Ace is in real life, with his stupid hair and "big feathery tiara". :p That'd be AWESOME, and is something I hope we can make work.


Some events we'd know about ahead of time (such as injuries) simply by playing the game, but the little nuances (I've used that word twice in this post. Odd!) of how each player wrote about it (if they did at all) would really add to the project as a whole, so it'd be good if we could write about such things in a way that complements each other, rather that contradicting everyone.


However, it'll be hard because if Derek is writing for BHOTWG and they're on tour, he'd have three shows to post in the time between Bull's show and mine. Or, three of his shows would've happened, should I say. It depends on the format he's using as to whether he'd actually have posted three shows.


Which brings up ANOTHER point. If I'm playing as WLW and writing my tour shows individually, and Derek is playing as BHOTWG, using some of my guys, and writing about them in a weekly recap, we'd need to communicate so that he didn't give anything away in his recap that affected a show that I hadn't yet posted (such as an injury to a major star, or someone turning up with one of my belts who hadn't yet won said belt in my dynasty (it's pretty common, as far as I know, for Japanese (and Mexican) wrestlers to wear any belts they've won to any shows they're on, regardless of which company the belt belongs to, as long as those companyies aren't directly competing).



Do we all have a form of instant communication that we use often? MSN, Skype... er... others probably still exist too. If so, that'd be good, just for sharing ideas and such. I'm on Skype as jason.toms (originality ftw), and MSN as crimsonthunder@gmail.com.

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As far as communication, I've got facebook and skype if people want to add me there. PM me for more details if you want them. D-Koiso, I've added you. :)


As for my own format, I'm planning to more or less present a kayfabe-only format... which for me means I'll be posting BHOTWG's 90 minute Lords of the Ring weekly TV show. I'll obviously be booking the weekly events, so the TV show itself is going to be a different format than anything I've really read before. Clips, results, highlights, hype for big events and more. :)


I tend to like to write as I book too, but with this dynasty I'll be planning out a litlte bit ahead so I can hopefully foreshadow things. In kayfabe, I intend to bury my opposition whenever I can via lots of little backhanded blows, but outside of that I don't want to screw around too much. If I have an awesome idea for someone then I hope I'll be nabbing them, but I'll try to let people know as much as I can ahead of time. On day 1 I'll be making a shortlist of workers I want with the in-game shortlist feature... everyone is welcome to have a look at that list and see who I might end up trying to steal from you in future. :)

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If you absolutely need an eighth, I'm still here. But I'm pretty sure you have two or three other guys on the list.


True. One of them is me...

..but I'm probably the last resort.:p


I'll probably go as PSW (if they're still alive, and haven't changed their product to be a family friendly, non-hardcore version,,,

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I don't have the whole dropbox thing. I'll need to get that sorted.


I hope we don't play too far in advance of my writing. Booking the shows was always the last thing I did for my diary games, allowing me maximum flexibility while physically writing the show. I'd hate to be locked into certain segments, only to think while typing "A DQ would be a better finish" or "Edd Stone should make a cameo in this scene" or even worse "I can't figure out how to write this scene, I should scrap it".


I also like how it let things take me by surprise. A worker getting injured days before the PPV, spoiling 4 weeks worth of promos? Awesome. If I'd found out about the injury while writing the 2nd week of build, I probably would have just half-arsed those promos.


My plan is, so long as the C-Verse doesn't blindside me, to immediately start writing. Really get a jump on important matches, major angles, and the overall direction of the project. Hopefully I can get a good headstart on the actually playing of the game, and have plenty of shows I can just post up in time with everyone else's.


... and if events in the game (poachers!) spoil my writing... awesome. 11th hour rewrites.



I'll also be posting in kayfabe only in my thread, in that I won't be writing any 'backstage' scenes. If you want to portray 'real life' Alex DeColt as a drunken man-whore in your projects, rock on, because on TV he's a gawky mature college student who has been bitten by a radioactive moose.

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I don't have the whole dropbox thing. I'll need to get that sorted.


I hope we don't play too far in advance of my writing. Booking the shows was always the last thing I did for my diary games, allowing me maximum flexibility while physically writing the show. I'd hate to be locked into certain segments, only to think while typing "A DQ would be a better finish" or "Edd Stone should make a cameo in this scene" or even worse "I can't figure out how to write this scene, I should scrap it".


I also like how it let things take me by surprise. A worker getting injured days before the PPV, spoiling 4 weeks worth of promos? Awesome. If I'd found out about the injury while writing the 2nd week of build, I probably would have just half-arsed those promos.


My plan is, so long as the C-Verse doesn't blindside me, to immediately start writing. Really get a jump on important matches, major angles, and the overall direction of the project. Hopefully I can get a good headstart on the actually playing of the game, and have plenty of shows I can just post up in time with everyone else's.


... and if events in the game (poachers!) spoil my writing... awesome. 11th hour rewrites.



I'll also be posting in kayfabe only in my thread, in that I won't be writing any 'backstage' scenes. If you want to portray 'real life' Alex DeColt as a drunken man-whore in your projects, rock on, because on TV he's a gawky mature college student who has been bitten by a radioactive moose.


MooseMan?! Look out for Brett Fraser, he's a dangerous moose hunter doncha know. :p


I'm really looking forward to seeing the crossovers that end up developing in this dynasty... the potential for character development across so many people could create some incredibly unlikely stars and the demand for Angry Gilmore when his contract comes up is likely to create the single biggest bidding war in TEW history, which in itself is going to be awesome to watch as everyone tries to outdo each other. :)


Just a few days until you all get your hands on the demo... I can't wait to be able to talk to everyone about the Cornellverse. Are we all still planning to take over as the canon Head Booker of the company we're booking anyways? :)

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