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[Thunderverse] Gureisu Pro, Wrestling is Fun!

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No show tonight or possibly for the next week or so (or until I find out why TEW won't open up now. :mad: )


For the record it is this message that has forced me to stop work.

"Run-Title Error '3167' Record is deleted"


I've posted in the tech support forum to see what needs to happen. I have a copy of the save game that is a month in advance so this isn't dead. I don't want to write up a show without a working copy of the game however.

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I'm sure you'll spot it, but I did make a suggestion in your tech thread. Not sure if it'll help but it might be worth a try. Don't delete the mod though, or Adam won't be able to look over it.


You sir are a genius and a gentleman. Expect a show later as panic has been averted!

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Any suggestions on a team name for The White Mask & Tony Pearce? I'm struggling to think of one for myself. Due to me being busy (and totally not panicking over the potential death of my entire TEW save game library) , show goes up tomorrow.


As two of the only "normal" workers in the promotion, I want to give them a Varisty Club type name. Maybe the R.M.A.C. (Rocky Mountain Athletic Club)? That would open the door for a trios/stable down the road.

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Piercing Whites?





As two of the only "normal" workers in the promotion, I want to give them a Varisty Club type name. Maybe the R.M.A.C. (Rocky Mountain Athletic Club)? That would open the door for a trios/stable down the road.


All great suggestions but I think I'm going with foolinc's idea. It suits the gimmicks the best and his reasoning is superb. I always like expanding teams into stables.


Show is in the process of being formatted so it shall be up tonight. :)

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So um hey! Here is a show!




Gureisu Pro Can You Imagine Doing This To A Bear?

Held at the Clay Lite City Theatre

Attendance: 803


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TonyPearce.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheWhiteMask.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/NewtonCambridgeWS-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/FinEATo-1.jpg


Rocky Mountain Athletic Club vs Weird Science


  • All four men shook hands before the match, all men showing a great deal of respect for each other.
  • The respect stayed throughout the match as neither team was tempted to cheat. The White Mask nearly got the win with a bridging cradle in the early goings.
  • FinEATo got over anxious to help Newton Cambridge and it showed as he restlessly bounced on the apron and nearly rushed into the ring to help him out.
  • Tony Pearce intercepted FinEATo during one attempt to help Newton and this allowed The White Mask to lock on the Honour Armbar in the middle of the ring for the submission victory.


Winners: Rocky Mountain Athletic Club

Rating: 34


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheCommander-1.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Devastation-1.jpg


The Commander vs Devastation


  • Both men came out seperately and alone, the other members of Mercenaries Inc. staying well away from this dispute.
  • The Commander demanded Devastation lay down in the ring to “prove his worth” to Mercs Inc, Devastation responded by slapping him across the face before attempting to de-mask him.
  • The Commander fought back and brutalised Devastation to the point where he nearly lost the match via a result of excessive punishment.
  • The end for Devastation came after The Commander grew bored of toying with him. Adding insult to the injuries, The Commander lifted Devastation up and hit him with his own move, the Total Devastation powerbomb before covering him for the pin.


Winner: The Commander

Rating: 38


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheCommander-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Blaize-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheTitanBot2.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Devastation.jpg


Both Blaize and The Titan came out to ringside now, both men climbing into the ring. The Commander ordered them to lift Devastation up and with a mean look in his eyes (It's the only area of his face we could see!). Not needing a microphone The Commander could audibly be heard shouting to Devastation that he has dismissed before allowing Blaize and The Titan to get their shots in. With Devastation lying out on the ground, Mercenaries Inc. stood tall in the ring, bigger, better and certainly a whole lot more human.


Angle: Devastation beaten down 3 on 1 in the ring by Mercenaries Inc.

Rating: 15


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AnwarSaadnewattitude.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/EarlRayTravis.jpg


Anwar Saad vs Earl Ray Travis


  • Anwar looked more focused than he has done in recent months, coming out to new attire with a more Egyptian flair to it and a shaved head.
  • Earl Ray tried to engage Anwar in a handshake and some small talk, something about looking for new ventures to invest in. Anwar looked apopletic with rage and pummeled ERT in the early goings of the match.
  • Jimmy Jack rushed out to help his great nephew and Anwar soon turned his attentions onto Jimmy. Chasing Jimmy around the ring Anwar looked almost psychotic in his anger. Only the flying body of Earl Ray saved Jimmy Jack from a beatdown.
  • Anwar's lapse in focus proved to be deadly as he never recovered from Earl Ray's plancha, succumbing to the 460 Splash. His attitude was as bad as ever.


Winner: Earl Ray Travis

Rating: 19

http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DevonHomicide.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/RIKUFE.jpg


Devon Homicide vs RIKU


  • Homicide was the crowd favourite, although against RIKU it's hard to be hated. The stoic samurai of Fox Enterprises showed only one emotion here, and it was his usual anger.
  • Homicide taunted RIKU and questioned whether he was a man or not. RIKU didn't take well to this and chopped Homicide hard in the throat. Homicide responded with a big slap to RIKU. From there on the match descended into a straight out brawl.
  • Both men took full advantage of the bigger arena as they fought all around, somehow managing to make it back to the ring before Referee Miles Grissom called the bell for a double count out.
  • DISCO Fox eventually made his way out to ringside, offering Homicide a place as a shoe shiner in Fox Enterprises. Homicide rejected this offer quite violently (A piledriver to a guy isn't exactly a non-violent refusal.)
  • The piledriver to DISCO Fox was the biggest mistake Homicide could make as he turned around straight into the RIKU Rush. No pinfall was necessary, as per usual.


Winner: RIKU

Rating: 51

The intermission took place. Highlights included;

  • Cameron Cody, Tony Pearce, Chloe Bourel and The White Mask performing a short opera piece that included hype for Cody and Bourel's tag team match later on against Black Science.
  • Marcus Mitchell announced that Gureisu Pro's first ever King of The White Castle tickets would be on sale from next month.
  • Another masked newcomer was seen wandering about, looking dapper in a three piece suit and white hat combination.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AdamManchester.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DISCOFoxcoatFE.jpg


Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox


  • DISCO Fox still looked a bit groggy from the piledriver earlier but he still managed to come out with his usual swagger.
  • A nice technical exchange started the match with DISCO Fox showing some previously unknown about technical skills, even pinning Manchester to the mat for a very close two count.
  • Manchester kept one eye on the entrance way, wary of Scott Seal coming out. DISCO capitalised on this a couple of times, taking Manchester down when he wasn't fully focused.
  • Manchester's paranoia proved to be right as Seal made his way down to the ring. Climbing into the ring (Referee Joe Preston and DISCO Fox just happened to be in a discussion about the ethics of wearing a fur coat in the ring), Seal socked Manchester right between the eyes with a VERY loaded closed fist. DISCO Fox feigned surprise and slumped on top of a knocked out Manchester for the three count.


Winner: DISCO Fox

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AdamManchester.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ScottSealFE.jpg


Scott Seal didn't look finished with Manchester and after getting the good ahead from the head of Fox Enterprises, he approached Manchester's downed body with evil intent.




No attack happened though as the masked man from the interval stepped into the ring and protected Manchester's downed body. Not wanting to fight a fresh man, Seal decided that leaving was the best option. The masked stranger helped Manchester up before leaving through the crowd without even telling us his name.


Angle: Adam Manchester saved from a Scott Seal beatdown by a masked stranger.

Rating: 36


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/HombreAranaBS.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ScorpionBS.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/CameronCody.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ChloeBourel.jpg


Black Science vs Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel


  • Cody clearly wasn't being too serious in the match, trying to get the boys from Black Science to leave Doctor Kat behind and enjoy life. Black Science responded with a double dropkick, sending Cody outside of the ring.
  • Bourel charged into the ring after this and laid waste to both men with a series of kicks and suplexes, at one point she even managed to suplex both Hombre Arana and Scorpion at the same time to a round of applause from the Gureisu faithful.
  • An unseen blow to Chloe Bourel via Doctor Kat A. Strophe managed to turn the tide of the match, allowing Scorpion to capitalize for a two count via the Scorpion Splash.
  • Bourel wisely rolled out of the ring after the move, allowing Cameron Cody to come in like a house on fire and clear out the ring. Hombre Arana was the unlucky person who took the most of the punishment and the pinfall after Cody hit the Zero G Roll. Doctor Kat A. Strophe was full of rage, angrily cursing out her Mexican contact at the fact his experiment hit a hitch and wouldn't be ready for the next two months.


Winners: Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel

Rating: 50




Her Majesty's Royal Service vs The Infestation


  • The Infestation bounded out first to the applause of the audience. Black Beetle looked around the arena and froze as he seen the three hooded men who have been stalking him from the past couple of shows.
  • Her Majesty's Royal Service's recent problems could be seen as Sir Thomas and Artemis walked ahead of Oliver Crowlington III and Patel. Sir Thomas stared a hole through Green Beetle, mouthing words of warning about any potential hat or coat destructions.
  • El Hijo Del Brown Beetle and Oliver Crowlington started off the match, going hold for hold with each other. Brown Beetle gained the advantage, countering Oliver Crowlington's attempts at an armbar by rolling over into a pinfall.
  • Her Majesty's Royal Service dipped into cheating early on, Sir Thomas sending Artemis and a reluctant Patel to take out Blue Beetle and Black Beetle. The quartet spent most of the match fighting amongst themselves, even disappearing backstage at one point.
  • Sir Thomas and Green Beetle eventually faced off in the ring. Sir Thomas tried to take Green Beetle to the ground to ground him but Green Beetle always bounced straight back up. Green Beetle nearly had the win after he struck a kneeling Sir Thomas in the temple with a running knee, only for Oliver Crowlington to pull Sir Thomas out of the ring.
  • Oliver got the win for Her Majesty's Royal Service after surprising Green Beetle with a rope assisted roll-up. The Infestation were furious with this but Her Majesty's Royal Service didn't really care.


Winners: Her Majesty's Royal Service

Rating: 37




Joey Sleaze sauntered out to the ring, taking his time and milking the fans' hatred of him. Stopping at a particularly hefty fellow, Sleaze laughed at him and told him to go lose some weight before trying to insult anyone, walking away laughing like he told the world's funniest joke.


JS: “Hello Denver, is Joey Sleaze looking good tonight or what? HAHAHA. I'm looking better than any of you pathetic slobs do any day of the week, especially one Leroy Winters. Face it Leroy. I'm better looking than you, I'm more talented than you and I'm the person these ingrates paid to see. It's all about me. You think anyone EVER paid to see YOU? Tonight Leroy, tonight I end you. When I beat you so badly I'll show these people why I'm the face of the next generation. It's only a matter of time before your BFF Ezekial is knocking on my door, PLEADING for me to take your spot on the AWF roster.”




Leroy Winters wasted no time in getting to the ring, not even letting his music play before going face to face with Joey Sleaze.


ANGLE: Joey Sleaze taunts Leroy Winters

Rating: 44


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JoeySleazeFE.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/LeroyWinters-1.jpg


Joey Sleaze vs Leroy Winters


  • Sleaze and Winters waste no time before tearing into each other, the sheer hatred between these two men showing.
  • The ring wasn't enough to contain these two men as more time was spent outside of it than inside, Referee Joe Preston almost losing the will to live as either Joey Sleaze or Leroy Winters would roll into the ring to break up the count before rolling straight back out again to go back on the offensive.
  • A big moment in the match came when Winters missed a big elbow drop off of the apron and hit the floor hard, Sleaze taking advantage of the mishap to weaken Winters' good arm. Picking Winters up, Sleaze whipped him into the ring post, bad arm first, and then rolled him into the ring.
  • Sleaze never capitalised on the moment though as he took just a fraction too long gloating to the crowd with his back turned to Winters. Rolling Sleaze up, Winters almost had the match won had Sleaze not kicked out at 2.999999999999.
  • Enraged by this, Sleaze went uber-aggresive. Pummeling Winters with a variety of stiff shots that he couldn't do anything about. Moving Winters to the corner, Sleaze had him set up for The Climax but changed his mind at the last minute.
  • Instead of hitting The Climax, Sleaze lifted Winters all the way up to the top rope and delivered a ring shaking Pleasure Trip before lazily covering Winters for the win.


Winner: Joey Sleaze

Rating: 41


Final Show Rating: 40 ( :( )

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Predictions this round


jhd1 - 7/8

TheEnforcer - 7/8

kanegan - 6/8

smurphy1014 - 6/8

midnightnick - 5/8

Zergon - 5/8


Predictions Ladder


jhd1 - 14/19

TheEnforcer - 14/19

kanegan - 12/19

Midnightnick - 12/19

Zergon - 11/19

MJStark - 4/11

smurphy1014 - 6/8

Psycho Sam - 2/8




1) A tad dissappointed with the final show rating but then again I've never really been a grades person. As long as I'm gaining pop, I don't care! :p


2) A big hello to the new predictors in Psycho Sam (I avoided the urge to type Psycho Same :p) and smurphy1014. Hopefully I haven't scared anyone off with this.


3) Devastation is out of Mercs Inc. and Gureisu Pro. He was causing too many problems and The Titan does the same job as him with no attitude problems.


4) The masked man's reveal is one of the end goals I've set myself for this. Don't worry though because hopefully that end goal is MILES away and I still have a big chunk of storylines to go through.


5) The usual here, please check scores etc. because I've been uber swamped with stuff (Got a portfolio due in on Friday! :eek:)


Also, for some reason I didn't have the stable logos for HMRS and The Infestation on my photobucket so the banner will do until tomorrow/when I change it.

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Very nice show; even if the main event was a bit of a disappointment. I'm a bit sad I forgot to make a prediction; for some reason I assumed I had already posted mine.


I wouldn't say it is a disappointment, to be brutally honest this show and the next show are shows booked in the spur of the moment. Later on, we'll chalk it up to them being storyline shows (The introduction of the masked man, Black Beetle acknowledging his stalkers) rather than a grades show (Like the July show when I lowered the modern rating to allow less risky matches.)

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Get ready for a couple of days of Special Reports, starting here!




Gureisu Pro Special Report


The usual Event Centre theme cuts to static and a black screen as soon as the video starts. No Marcus Mitchell, instead 5 figures stand in the darkness. One steps up to speak.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Template_MMID.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Template_MMID.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Template_MMID.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Template_MMID.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Template_MMID.jpg


M1: "The darkness. The wonderful darkness. It swallowed each and every person in my army, devouring their souls and stripping them of any humanity. These men are pure. Saved by the darkness which is ever approaching for everyone. The darkness is the solution. The solution to light. The solution to laughter and happiness and everything else that destroys the very foundation of this meaningless existence. The darkness is coming for Gureisu Pro. No one will be saved".


The speaker falls back in line and the white noise comes back, bringing with it one symbol. A sign for the unseen collective.



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Joey Devastation causing problems? NO WAY! ;) Speaking of Joey, in my upcoming HCG diary I think I might have a pool for which date I get frusterated with Joey to the point that I fire him.


And I see you now have a mysterious/cult style faction coming to Gureisu Pro. Nice, very nice.

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Joey Devastation causing problems? NO WAY! ;) Speaking of Joey, in my upcoming HCG diary I think I might have a pool for which date I get frusterated with Joey to the point that I fire him.


And I see you now have a mysterious/cult style faction coming to Gureisu Pro. Nice, very nice.


Yeah. I had plans for Devastation but sadly his attitude curtailed them. He's the only one who was causing real problems.


Another Special Report is heading your way soon-ish. It's substantially less evil evil than the last one. It's more classy evil. :p


And HCG? I always thought Jerry King would be appreciative of Devastation. Someone to take the heat off of baby Brian. :p

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Day 2 of Special Report Week



Gureisu Pro Special Report


A funky beat opens the video alongside the view from DISCO Fox's nightclub in Harlem. Sitting in a room that looked like it was ripped straight out a sleazy 70s nightclub, Fox and his gang look right at home.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DISCOFoxcoatFE.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JoeySleazeFE.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/RIKUFE.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ScottSealFE.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/KrisBryantFE.jpg


Joey Sleaze is over at the bat chatting up some women. RIKU and Scott Seal are standing stoically near DISCO Fox with intense focus. Kris Bryant is on the phone to his agent - a suspiciously newer sounding agent, almost as if DISCO Fox got him a new agent as soon as he joined Fox Enterprises. DISCO Fox beckons for the cameraman to come over.



DF: "Like what you see? This is what success looks like. It would look even better if I had my gold. I'm getting tired of chasing Cameron Cody around. It's not fun for me anymore. I've clearly got the numbers advantage. Who has Cameron got to back him up? My seconds and some old fool who thinks he can still hang with the best young talent in professional wrestling. Cameron I'm going to get my gold soon. But first I have some private business to take care of. You see, that girl you've been hanging with. She used to belong to me. And somewhere along the lines, she decided to downgrade from being with me to tagging with you. But don't you worry Ms. Bourel. Me and you? We may have ourselves a play date. All I got to do, according to the squares in the Gureisu Pro Board of Directors room, is beat you and Cameron in a match. I pulled some strings - Mr. Broder owes me a favour now - and I got to decide the match. And believe me. It's a good one.


You might remember your trip to POW Cameron. You might also remember being laid out by one W.M.D. whilst being there. Well I talked to some people and guess what. At October Is For Wrestling we're going to have ourselves a good old fashioned, no rules needed throwdown. You and that wench Chloe Bourel against me, the limousine riding, money making, high flying son of a gun, and the very same woman who laid you out."




Fox doesn't get to finish as W.M.D. herself comes charging out and gets right up in the camera.




The cameraman can be heard running away after this, filled with fear by the monstrous W.M.D.

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I dig seeing W.M.D. in games. She's a lot of fun to book.


In a POW game I booked (and diaried for about three shows before the whole thing went kaput) I could never figure out what to do with her. I have plans now.


I must say, this is the most fun I've ever had with TEW with this save game and I hope as time goes on my writing matches my enthusiasm. I know for the November show I have something big planned that will probably see the first full match write-up in Gureisu Pro. ;):D

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The Event Center music plays, which signals the monthly Gureisu Pro Event Center! Marcus Mitchell is on hand to greet the viewers with his customary smile.




MM: "Welcome to all of you out there in the world and welcome to the Gureisu Pro Event Centre! The end of the year is fast approaching as we are only 3 events away from our season finale but enough about the future, we're here to tell you all about our upcoming show in the Clay Lite City Theatre as we prove that October Is For Wrestling! We've already had our main event announced and what a match it will be as Cameron Cody and Chloe Bourel team up to take on DISCO Fox and his Chi-Town compatriot in the Woman of Mass Destruction in a no holds barred straight-up street fight! W.M.D. and Cameron Cody already have history as they bumped heads in Chicago all the way back in April at POW Live and Let Die, and we have Cameron standing by with some comments about this huge match-up."






CC: "Gotta hand it to you DISCO. You know how to get one-up on me. W.M.D? How did you manage that one? That aside DISCO, October Is For Wrestling is going to be really interesting. I've not really had much of a chance to get to you. You've flung your flunkies under the bus. RIKU? Beat him clean in the ring? Your "international franchisers" Scott Seal and Kris Bryant? Chloe and I beat their asses in Michigan. What is it going to take for the message to sink in DISCO? I will beat everything you throw at me, I will come out stronger each and every time. You think allowing anything to happen is going to stop me? It's time for you to reap what you sow. I'll see you there buddy."


Instead of going back to Marcus, the static returns. Only one person can be seen and it's clear that it is the speaker from before.




MM: "You revel in this disgusting behaviour. A "good guy" declaring he will destroy another human being. Cameron Cody is everything that is wrong with professional wrestling. A champion who isn't a champion. When was the last time he defended YOUR championship belt? When was the last time he represented the fans? Cameron Cody is a joke. We are The Solution to the problem of Cameron Cody and we are coming soon. We are all around. We are the darkness. WE ARE THE SOLUTION!"


The speaker screaming the last line, making it clear to the viewer that the group's name is The Solution.




The symbol of the group appears on screen again before we cut to Marcus Mitchell who is completely oblivious to what just happened.




Marcus Mitchell: "Strong words there from the champ, a man determined to stop DISCO Fox and his Fox Enterprise colleagues at any cost. But that's not the the only match on show for you folks. The contract has been placed and we will see Mercenaries Inc. take on the trio of Leroy Winters, Adam Manchester and the mysterious man who saved Manchester from a Scott Seal beatdown. No word yet on if he even knows he has a match but rest assured Mercs Inc. will be gunning for a big payday. A clash of science as Doctor Euan Reeka and FinEATo take on Doctor Kat A. Strophe and her deadly Scorpion in tag team action alongside an explosive singles contest between "The Black Widow of Black Science" Hombre Arana and "Weird Science's Pragmatic Polymath" Newton Cambridge. And how could I forgot about Kristopher Bryant taking on Tony Pearce? Bryant sent us this clip from Japan where he is on tour with the largest wrestling promotion in the world.




The video appears to be in the UPJ Dojo where all the visiting workers are gathered. We can see Scott Seal and Kristopher Bryant sitting near each other. Kenta Sonada finishes his speech, bows towards the touring workers and allows them to leave. Bryant heads over to the camera.




KB: "Like what you see Tony boy? I'm in Japan baby. A place you so dearly wish you were in. How does it feel? It feels reeeeeal good over here. Me and Scott? We don't even need to be here. We're here to make the other chumps feel good. We're the real stars of UPJ. And when I come home, I'm going to do three things. One, I'm going to sleep because it's a really long flight and I'm going to be really tired. Two, I'm going to phone my agent and tell him about how much Japan loves me and how I had 16 major movie offers and then finally I'm coming to the stinkheap that is Denver and I'm going to school you boy. I'm a better wrestler than you Tony. After I'm done with you, you can kiss your little Rocky Mountain Athletic Club goodbye because I'm going to leave you so embarrassed that you won't even want to be seen alongside that slob Marcus Mitchell at the commentary station. Later loser".


Marcus looks visibly offended by Bryant's comments and barely manages to hold it together before walking off stage, not even giving his customary sign-off. Off-camera he can be heard weeping and Referee Joe Preston can be heard comforting him. Damn you Kristopher Bryant. Damn you to heck and a headlock.


October Is For Wrestling Quick Picks

(You know the drill, faces first except for championship matches or multi-man matches.)


Anwar Saad vs Artemis vs Green Beetle vs Earl Ray

Jimmy Jack vs RIKU

El Hijo Del Brown Beetle vs Riddle

Newton Cambridge vs Hombre Arana

Weird Science (Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Black Science (Kat A. Strophe & Scorpion)

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (OCIII & Sir Thomas) © vs Pieces of The Puzzle

The White Mask vs Joey Sleaze

Adam Manchester, Leroy Winters & The Masked Stranger vs Mercenaries Inc.

Tony Pearce vs Kristopher Bryant

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs DISCO Fox & W.M.D.

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Anwar Saad vs Artemis vs Green Beetle vs Earl Ray

Jimmy Jack vs RIKU

El Hijo Del Brown Beetle vs Riddle

Newton Cambridge vs Hombre Arana

Weird Science (Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Black Science (Kat A. Strophe & Scorpion)

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (OCIII & Sir Thomas) © vs Pieces of The Puzzle

The White Mask vs Joey Sleaze

Adam Manchester, Leroy Winters & The Masked Stranger vs Mercenaries Inc.

Tony Pearce vs Kristopher Bryant

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs DISCO Fox & W.M.D.

Then WMD kills Chloe!:D

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Anwar Saad vs Artemis vs Green Beetle vs Earl Ray

Jimmy Jack vs RIKU

El Hijo Del Brown Beetle vs Riddle

Newton Cambridge vs Hombre Arana

Weird Science (Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Black Science (Kat A. Strophe & Scorpion)

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (OCIII & Sir Thomas) © vs Pieces of The Puzzle

The White Mask vs Joey Sleaze

Adam Manchester, Leroy Winters & The Masked Stranger vs Mercenaries Inc.

Tony Pearce vs Kristopher Bryant

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs DISCO Fox & W.M.D.

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Anwar Saad vs Artemis vs Green Beetle vs Earl Ray

Jimmy Jack vs RIKU (RIKU is a monster)

El Hijo Del Brown Beetle vs Riddle

Newton Cambridge vs Hombre Arana

Weird Science (Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Black Science (Kat A. Strophe & Scorpion)

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (OCIII & Sir Thomas) © vs Pieces of The Puzzle

The White Mask vs Joey Sleaze

Adam Manchester, Leroy Winters & The Masked Stranger vs Mercenaries Inc.

Tony Pearce vs Kristopher Bryant

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs DISCO Fox & W.M.D.

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