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WWE 2014: What did I just watch?

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LOL! at CM Punk... So similar to something I've just written involving Punk and Cena "/ I wrote it two/three weeks ago so you'll see it in my diary in 2/3 weeks time :)


As for the rating, I wouldn't worry too much. May need to raise NXT's profile a little though "/


And is Drew McIntyre a vampire??!!?!

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LOL! at CM Punk... So similar to something I've just written involving Punk and Cena "/ I wrote it two/three weeks ago so you'll see it in my diary in 2/3 weeks time :)


As for the rating, I wouldn't worry too much. May need to raise NXT's profile a little though "/


And is Drew McIntyre a vampire??!!?!


Well I have a lot of ideas for Punk, the problem is of course deciding which ones to go with and make coherent. NXT as a brand will be fun to build up. For the sake of not destroying the company though I may go with pay per views for them only every other month.


and as for Drew....




Hint! :p


Well, SmackDown has been struggling, The Miz isn't delivering as Champion and NXT is naturally not gonna work with your product. I'm not surprised that PPV buy-rates have dropped a little.


Well being controlled by Russia does do that to things. I'm not really sure what to do with Smackdown though, 5 hours of TV over two brands spreads it a little thin considering things need to build up to pay per view payoffs, which I generally only have three hours to work with.


If anyone has any ideas regarding that feel free to weight in.


NXT meanwhile just needs to get more popular. Which actually is working for them so far. I'd like to get to the point where NXT is just as popular as the main roster, ideally.


As a side note I'm actually working away with this, I'm just always slower to update after a pay per view since I need to know how I'm going to build things up before I start them. I'm trying to minimize story incoherence wherever possible.


Your mileage may vary there :p

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Alright well it comes with a heavy heart that I have to announce the death of this and all of my other diaries. My laptop that they were all contained upon has died horribly when the part inside the laptop that the charger connects to fell apart and I was told it would cost half the price of a new laptop to fix it.


If anyone is interested however I would love to share my future booking plans. Just ask about someone and I'll tell you what I had planned.

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Alright well it comes with a heavy heart that I have to announce the death of this and all of my other diaries. My laptop that they were all contained upon has died horribly when the part inside the laptop that the charger connects to fell apart and I was told it would cost half the price of a new laptop to fix it.


If anyone is interested however I would love to share my future booking plans. Just ask about someone and I'll tell you what I had planned.


I feel your pain Captain, I lost my laptop a few weeks back......


But now i'm curious....What happened to Johnny Boy Cena? What about Miz or Rusev or Daniel Bryan? And most of all, What happened to Christian?


And lastly, thank you Captain, for giving us one hell of a ride, even if it was a short one.

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I feel your pain Captain, I lost my laptop a few weeks back......


But now i'm curious....What happened to Johnny Boy Cena? What about Miz or Rusev or Daniel Bryan? And most of all, What happened to Christian?


And lastly, thank you Captain, for giving us one hell of a ride, even if it was a short one.



Cena I was running out of short term plans for but long term I was looking to build up something between him and Lesnar in sort of a Superman/Doomsday type build. That would have likely lead to Wrestlemania.


Miz was really disappointing in terms of the ratings he was getting for matches, I was going to use Night of Champions to build up a match between him and Orton as a last ditch effort to get him over before either putting the belt on Bryan or hitting the panic button which involves Maddox and time travel. Orton would be of course seeking the approval of the WWE crowd by trying to defeat Miz but the crowd would have been apathetic at best, leading to him eventually going all out and paying for advertising about how awesome he is.


The Union was going to continue to use Smackdown as a propaganda base until Survivor Series at which point I had two different plans. I was either going to have Barrett reform the Nexus and take them down or I was going to let four guys from NXT have their moment to shine. Smackdown would have been destroyed in one of the final clashes, reducing WWE to just Raw and NXT.


Bryan, I feel horrible to say but I didn't have much in store for him. He always felt to me like one of the few guys who I couldn't really find something for besides serious wrestler. He was my plan B though in case the Miz kept bombing.


Part of this is thanks to Mootinie but Christian was set to enter a feud with Jericho when he gets frustrated at the fact his old tag team partner doesn't remember him. I was somehow looking to build everything up to Wrestlemania where Edge would return for a short program where Christian goes absolutely rabid that his childhood friend also does not remember him.


:( This is just the worst :(


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Have you tried taking the hard drive out and putting it in a hard drive caddy? A caddy shouldn't cost too much and is a short term solution to the problem, unless you don't have another computer to use.


I considered it but my problem is that I read I need a desktop to do it. My problem is that I discovered that my PC doesn't work for some reason so all I'll have is a laptop.


Maybe if it works with just a laptop I could manage it.

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Monday, 1st week of September


Brad Maddox is seen watching the TV, the news mentions a meteorite the size of India headed towards earth as the colour slowly fades out of the program. Detective Dolph Ziggler makes his presence known as he kicks open the door.


"What are you doing? The world's coming to an end and you're just sitting here watching TV!" Dolph grabs Maddox by the collar and lifts him out of his seat.


"Well what would you expect me to do? my time displacer device isn't completed yet... the best I can do is this thing..." he points at the corner at a massive clock with knobs and switches along the side attached to a glowing barrel of radioactive material.


"And what exactly is that thing?" Dolph asks, raising an eyebrow.


"Its a vortex machine. essentially it opens parallel universes and throws you into them. I wouldn't recommend going in there though. First time I tested it I found an earth where dinosaurs still existed and they had created professional wrestling. The Second time I found a world where WCW had won the Monday night war... Things there made even less sense than they do here " Brad mentions rather dismissively.


Ziggler shakes his head and flips the on switch, located on the side of the clock.


"Sorry doc but given the choice of being killed by a massive space rock or wrestling a T-Rex I'll always pick the second one...." Dolph shields his eyes as bright flash engulfs the duo and they find themselves still in Maddox's lab.


"I don't think we've gone anywhere..." Maddox says as he looks suspiciously around the room.


"Lets test it out...." Ziggler opens the nearby door, as he opens it he finds a strange creature staring back at him, its face painted gold with a black star. It stares unblinkingly at the detective until he slowly closes the door.


"Umm... close enough I guess...."



Erick Rowan Vs Damien Sandow


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Erick Rowan defeated Damien Sandow in 8:57 by pinfall.


Rating: 69



AJ Lee and Tamina Vs Summer Rae and Brie Bella


In an extremely short match, Tamina and AJ Lee defeated Summer Rae and Brie Bella in 5:12 when Tamina defeated Summer Rae by pinfall with a Superfly Splash.


Rating: 63


The lights cut out as Paige appears at the top of the ramp, her eyes rolled back into her head as she wordlessly stares at the duo of AJ and Tamina in the ring. She slowly drags her thumb across her throat as AJ puts herself behind Tamina.



Jack Swagger Vs Stardust


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Stardust defeated Jack Swagger in 9:23 by pinfall with a Cross Rhodes.


Rating: 75



Cameron Vs Nikki Bella


In an extremely short match, Nikki Bella defeated Cameron in 5:14 by pinfall with a Sitout Facebuster.


Rating: 34


"Gentlemen... how can I help you?" Triple H asks as he looks up from his desk. Rad Bromance stand in front of him and pace the room.


"Look, Hunter. We get that you're busy but we're not done with Unlimited Neutrality. We still have a rematch against them and we've decided that we're going to take it at Night of Champions...." Gabriel says, crossing his arms. Slater wraps his arm around his teammate in a show of support.


"Look guys, that's great but how about I make it interesting.... Rad Bromance versus Unlimited Neutrality for the tag team championships in a TLC match.... I wanna see you tear that arena down..." Triple H says as he stands from his seat. Gabriel and Slater exchange glances before nodding in agreement.


"You've got a deal Hunter.... Watch out baybay! We'll be the tag team champions again!" Heath celebrates as he air guitars, Justin rolls his eyes.


"You just embarrass me sometimes. you know that right?"



WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

The Usos Vs Unlimited Neutrality ©


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Unlimited Neutrality defeated The Usos in 9:21 when Ryback defeated Jimmy Uso by pinfall with a Shell Shocked. Unlimited Neutrality make defence number 1 of their WWE World Tag Team titles.


Rating: 71



Seth Rollins Vs Sheamus


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Seth Rollins defeated Sheamus in 9:16 by pinfall with a Piece of Mind.


Rating: 81


Emma and Layla are seen chatting backstage as they walk through the hallway.


"Look. we lost to The Dark Queen's Shadows but you can't let that get to you..." Layla says as she pats an obviously sad Emma on the back.


"We let everyone dooooown!" Emma wails as she tears up.


"They haven't won yet sweetie! Come on. They may be tough but we've got friendship and heart!" Layla smiles at her friend as Kelly Kelly walks into view.


"Negative... Super Magical Fighter Team S Series... calculating odds of victory..." Kelly stares blankly at Emma as she runs the calculations.


"Zero percent" Kelly says as she jolts her head to the side.


"Look you walking pile of scrap metal. I'm not going to let you just come in here and try to scare my friend. Next week on Raw we're going to go toe to toe and I'll prove you wrong" Layla stares the robot down as Kelly shifts her gaze to her instead.


"Match request: Granted. Next week. Layla will be exterminated..." Kelly nods and walks off screen as Layla glares after her.



Mark Henry, Big E and Kofi Kingston Vs The Union /w Lana


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Union (Rusev, Vladimir Kozlov and Alex Koslov) defeated Mark Henry and Kofi Kingston & Big E in 8:57 when Rusev defeated Kofi Kingston by submission with The Accolade.


Rating: 69



WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match:

The Miz © Vs Big Show


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Miz defeated The Big Show in 17:51 by pinfall with a Skull-Crushing Finale. The Miz makes defence number 1 of his WWE World Heavyweight title.


Rating: 88


After the match Randy Orton comes out onto the ramp and promises The Miz that he'll save the WWE Universe from his reign as the World Champion. The crowd responds by yawning in an impressive display of synchronization.



Chris Jericho Vs Brock Lesnar


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Brock Lesnar defeated Chris Jericho in 18:18 by submission with a Kimura.


Rating: 84


John Cena is seen knocking on CM Punk's locker room door. Punk responds by answering it.


"Oh hey John, had fun at Summerslam? Looked like you had a good time there" Punk grins at Cena who shakes his head in response.


"Look, I just wanted to know why you'd make a big show of coming down only to watch me get attacked by the Authority? What is your problem?" Cena asks, getting in Punk's face.


"Look John, Its nothing personal. I just hate you. I hate the fact you exist. I hate the hats, the shirts, your stupid monkey face. I hate everything about you... actually it reminds me of a song, its called "I hate everything about you". Anyway. Walking Dead's on, get out of my face" Punk says.


"Raw is also on, this is live..." Cena counters.


"Ha! Like I'd watch that! Later John" Punk says as he slams the door.



Dean Ambrose Vs Batista


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Dean Ambrose defeated Batista in 19:42 by pinfall.


Rating: 68


Final Rating: 84


So.... look what's back. I had to mod the hell out of a normal real world database. I normally would have just written the diary off as a loss when I lost all of the database but I realized two things. This isn't my TNA diary, its not entirely serious. "What did I just watch" is weird as hell and an alternate universe does a decent job of explaining discrepancies (for example I now realize I forgot to rehire Ashley. Ah well) and it freshens things up (Stardust and some things I have planned for other people). So thank you everyone for your support. You made this revival possible.

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Hahaha!!! CM Punk: "It's nothing personal, I just hate you!" lol! :D


Ah glad this is back man. I guess in your weird-verse anything is possible, and progress through a game (like raising peoples stats or popularity) doesn't really matter too much :D So glad you're still kicking bro and I can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm looking forward to Slater/Gabriel vs Cesaro/Ryback in a TLC Match :D

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  • 2 months later...
Sadly, this looks to be gone. Just wanted you to know I stumbled upon it yesterday afternoon and have now read the entire thing in less than 24 hours. This is probably the best thing I have read in a loooong time. I found myself laughing out loud for real at work, to the point where my co-worker thought I was on drugs. I really hope this thing comes back again, but if not, I tip my hat to you sir for a job well done. I enjoyed it.
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Sadly, this looks to be gone. Just wanted you to know I stumbled upon it yesterday afternoon and have now read the entire thing in less than 24 hours. This is probably the best thing I have read in a loooong time. I found myself laughing out loud for real at work, to the point where my co-worker thought I was on drugs. I really hope this thing comes back again, but if not, I tip my hat to you sir for a job well done. I enjoyed it.


Strange, I've actually been considering restarting this and spent a lot of this morning before I saw your comment trying to figure out what I'd do.... so impeccable timing on your part.


Alright lets try this...


If anyone wants me to restart this diary, gimme a hell yeah...

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Monday, 2nd week of September


The Miz kicks off the latest episode of Raw as he walks down the ramp to the ring as he taunts the crowd in attendance on a microphone he had apparently been carrying around with him for an indeterminate amount of time.


"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome back to Monday Night Raw! Starring your personal role model and favourite genetically altered superstaaar....." He climbs up onto the apron as he raises the microphone to his mouth.


"THE MIZ!" He pats he title as he climbs in between the ropes.


"I know you're all looking forward to Night of Champions and my upcoming match, headlining AND stealing the show! After all I'm not only the WWE World Heavyweight Champion... I'm also the engineered face of the WWE!" The crowd boos and chants of "You suck" echo throughout the arena.


The Miz's rant is interrupted however as "Voices" hits the arena loudspeakers. Orton charges down the ramp and the moment he gets within arms reach he hits the world champion with an RKO OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!!!! Randy rises to his feet as the crowd responds by cheering anyone shutting Miz up.


Orton stands in the middle of the ring looking utterly confused, he shakes his head as he suspects that the usual "boring" chants have simply begun to run together but after realizing that he's receiving genuine cheers he looks shocked. He picks the Miz up from the mat again and delivers a second RKO OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!! The crowd once again responds by cheering, loving the punishment that The Miz is taking. Orton jumps excitedly and falls to his knees like he's won his first world title as he takes in the reaction.



Fandango Vs Curtis Axel


In an extremely short match, Fandango defeated Curtis Axel in 5:17 by pinfall with a Swinging Reverse STO. Fandango makes defence number 1 of his WWE United States title.


Rating: 64



Tamina Vs AJ Lee


In an extremely short match, AJ Lee defeated Tamina in 4:53 by submission with The Black Widow


Rating: 69


Chris Jericho is seen backstage talking about his new book "Best in the World: At What I have No idea" with several of his fans when Christian taps him on the shoulder.


"Chris! It's great to see you man! It's been awhile" Christian smiles at his old friend


"Oh hey... junior... yeah, its been awhile... When's the last I saw you? Dancing with the Stars?" Jericho asks, trying to hide his confusion with small talk.


"Haha you're funny. Anyway I was thinking tonight I have a big match against Kurt Angle and I was hoping you'd be able to help me. You know, some old vintage Vitamin C action?" he smiles as he pats Jericho on the back.


"Yeah...sure...whatever you say Junior..." Jericho says as he motions for security to hold Christian back as he walks off.



Glorious Koslov Brothers Vs Bo and Titus


In an extremely short match, Vladimir Kozlov and Alex Koslov defeated Bo Dallas and Titus O'Neil in 4:42 when Alex Koslov defeated Titus O'Neil by submission with a Red Scare.


Rating: 64


Renee Young is seen backstage, flanked by The Shield.


"Guys, tonight you're in a six man tag team match against Corperate Kane, Goldust and Stardust. What do you think about your odds of winning?"


Rollins leans forward


"Well Renee I think its safe to say we're going to come out on top tonight, we may have lost to the Union last time we faced each other but we underestimated them. I've studied them, analyzed their tactics and the next time we meet the outcome will be much...much different."


Dean grabs the microphone


"I may not be all here..." he says as he points at his head.


"But if there's one thing I know, its that if I see Kurt Angle, Rusev or any of those Russian thugs out there standing across the ring from me, I'm going to break each and every bone in their body until I can stack them like Russian nesting dolls...." Dean laughs as Roman steps forward.


"Roman....Reigns" he says with a nod. The Shield all bump fists before they walk off.



Brie Bella Vs Cameron


In an extremely short match, Brie Bella defeated Cameron in 4:56 by pinfall with a Sitout Facebuster.


Rating: 47


Ziggler sits on a nearby bench as he watches Maddox tinkering with the alternate dimension device. The detective takes a puff of a cigarette as he watches.


"So what did we change when we came over?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow


"Well by my calculations... we don't have NXT around anymore and Smackdown was destroyed by the Union in this timeline..." Brad says as he pulls out a clipboard and looks over the list


"Also Cody Rhodes appears to have been replaced with some kind of alien creature..." he summarizes.


"Well as long as we didn't do anything too major" Dolph says dryly.



Damien Sandow Vs Heath Slater /w Justin Gabriel and Aksana


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Heath Slater defeated Damien Sandow in 9:11 by pinfall with a Smash Hit.


Rating: 70


After the match Gabriel celebrates with Slater as Damien utterly flips out on the outside of the ring, yelling "Do you think I'm some kind of clown? Do you? I'll show you all!" before escaping through the crowd.



Henry and Show Vs The Wyatt Family


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Wyatt Family defeated Big Show and Mark Henry in 9:28 when Luke Harper defeated Mark Henry by pinfall with a Discus Clothesline.


Rating: 78


WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Ryback are seen backstage discussing strategy for their TLC match against Rad Bromance.


"We're going to crush them! One of these hamhocks to their pretty boy faces and they're going to explode into a million pieces! YEAH!" Ryback yells excitedly.


"They wouldn't explode unless you hit them with an explosive, the power of a fist could in the best case scenario cause fractures or breaks" Cesaro points out.


"You've never seen these things before bud, billions of pieces!" Ryback laughs and wanders off to grab some food in catering.


"We have a match up next!" Cesaro yells after him before walking towards the ring.



WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Unlimited Neutrality © Vs Kingston and Langston


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Unlimited Neutrality defeated Kofi Kingston & Big E in 8:50 when Ryback defeated Kofi Kingston by pinfall with a Clothesline. Unlimited Neutrality make defence number 2 of their WWE World Tag Team titles.


Rating: 78



Christian Vs Kurt Angle


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kurt Angle defeated Christian in 8:50 by pinfall.


Rating: 83


after the match Christian is surrounded as The Koslovs and Rusev join Angle in the ring. The Union attacks Christian and beat him down before locking him in the accolade until he passes out.



The Shield Vs Kane, Goldust and Stardust


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns defeated Kane and Stardust and Goldust in 17:39 when Dean Ambrose defeated Goldust by pinfall with a Dirty Deeds.


Rating: 82


CM Punk joins the commentary team as he watches Cena make his entrance, running him down the entire time and heckling him. At one point even throwing a handfull of popcorn at Cena as he takes off his shirt.



John Cena Vs Batista


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, John Cena defeated Batista in 17:47 by pinfall with an Attitude Adjustment.


Rating: 83


Final Rating: 88. Popularity has increased in 38 regions

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Monday, 3rd week of September




The Prime Time Players theme plays throughout the arena as Titus and Darren come out to the ring, clearly once again on the same page. Cheers can be heard from the hardcore Prime Time Players fans in the crowd.



Prime Time Players Vs Ryder and Rose


In an extremely short match, Prime Time Players defeated Adam Rose and Zack Ryder in 5:10 when Darren Young defeated Zack Ryder by pinfall with a Gut Check.


Rating: 64



Goldust Vs Damien Sandow


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Goldust defeated Damien Sandow in 8:44 by pinfall with a Curtain Call.


Rating: 65



WWE Divas Championship Match:

AJ Lee Vs Alicia Fox ©


In an extremely short match, Alicia Fox defeated AJ Lee in 4:54 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had Paige distract AJ Lee. Alicia Fox makes defence number 2 of her WWE Divas title.


Rating: 55


A cloaked figure appeared at the top of the ramp and removed its hood to reveal its identity to be Paige. Somehow even paler than usual the Anti-Diva stared down AJ long enough to Fox to roll her up for the victory. The crowd quickly descended into boos as they started to chant "Go home Fox!".


AJ, frustrated at her second loss at the hands of Paige charged up the ramp but was suprised as Paige grabbed her by the throat with supernatural strength. Paige then lifted AJ up into the air and gave her a chilling choke slam onto the steel ramp before turning and leaving, her cloak fluttering behind her.



The Usos Vs Rad Bromance


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rad Bromance defeated The Usos in 9:23 when Justin Gabriel defeated Jimmy Uso by pinfall with a 450 Splash.


Rating: 76



Brie and Nikki Bella Vs Naomi and Cameron


In an extremely short match, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella defeated Naomi and Cameron in 5:25 when Nikki Bella defeated Cameron by pinfall with a Sitout Facebuster.


Rating: 52


"What the hell is your problem?" Christian shouts as he rushes Jericho backstage, shoving him into a wall.


"Who the hell are you? Have we met?" Chris asks, confused and angry by having a crazy fan putting hands on him.


"Last week! You promised you'd help me beat Angle and you left me out there by myself as those Russians gang beat me!" Christian shouts


Jericho seems to think for a moment before shaking his head.


"Doesn't ring a bell" Christian responds by screaming and lunging at Y2J who makes his escape until security drags a crazed Christian off.



Big Show Vs Kurt Angle


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kurt Angle defeated The Big Show in 9:09 by pinfall.


Rating: 83


As Lana, Rusev and the Koslovs join Angle in the ring to celebrate his victory they motion for silence as Lana grabs a microphone.


"Vnimanie!" she says, standing tall as she's flanked by her troops. The crowd respond with boos. As she waits for silence she raises the microphone to repeat her command.


"Vnimanie!!" she shouts into the microphone. The crowd refuses to listen as they boo louder.


"VNIM...." she finds herself cut off however as a familar noise comes from the arena loudspeakers


"SIERRA HOTEL INDIA ECHO LIMA DELTA.... SHIELD" The Shield's theme music plays through the arena as Lana orders The Koslovs to go outside the ring and intercept the Shield as they come through the crowd.


Rollins seems to have anticipated this however as the trio come down the ramp for once, Angle is caught with a vicious spear by Reigns as Rollins dives out of the ring onto the unsuspecting Koslovs. Ambrose meanwhile tackles Rusev through the ring ropes as the scene descends into chaos. Lana yells for the Union to retreat as they all escape the ring, leaving the Shield standing tall as Raw goes to commercial break.



Big E Kingston Vs The Wyatt Family


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Wyatt Family defeated Kofi Kingston & Big E in 8:43 when Luke Harper defeated Kofi Kingston by pinfall with a Discus Clothesline.


Rating: 73



#1 Contendership for the WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Bad News Barrett Vs Sheamus


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Sheamus defeated Bad News Barrett in 17:45 by pinfall with a fast roll up.


Rating: 69


Barrett seems livid following his defeat to a roll up, by Sheamus as he grabs a microphone.


"Sheamus, I'm afraid I've got some bad news! that's the biggest fluke win I've ever seen! Frankly the only reason you managed to pin me for that long was because I was shocked you'd even try such a thing..." Barrett says, seething with anger.


"Drew... I demand that you come out here and declare that I'm the number one contender for your title. Get out here!" Barrett demands as he stares at the ramp. After a moment the Intercontinental Champion, Drew McIntyre makes his entrance.


"Look, I know you're disappointed you lost but if there's one thing I can't stand, its a sore loser. Sheamus, congratulations on your win and I look forward to facing you at Night Of Champions... Barrett, try calming down a little" Drew laughs at the furious Barrett as he walks back up the ramp and out of view.



WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Chris Jericho Vs The Miz ©


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, The Miz defeated Chris Jericho in 18:19 by pinfall with a Skull-Crushing Finale following interference from Christian. The Miz makes defence number 2 of his WWE World Heavyweight title.


Rating: 84


After the match as Jericho brawls with an enraged Christian, The Miz holds his hands high in celebration. The crowd boos The Miz up until Orton charges down to the ring and eagerly tackles the Miz, beating him down with a series of punches to the crowd's enjoyment. Orton can be seen excitedly watching the crowd as he punches Miz in the face.


Final Rating: 81. Popularity has increased in 38 regions

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