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Yay,clean sweep for Thunder! Submission match,Bret Hart in it,Ken Shamrock is the ref... Are we sure this is not Wrestlemania?

No, only Uncensored. I have no problems putting matches like this once a month, so why not?


I wonder what happened to Vamps storyline with Dustin. Did i miss anything? Or i forget?

Wait, and you'll see. Probably you missed nothing, he has a drop-out period in the story...

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WCW Uncensored 2000 Preview


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match




Jushin Liger is one of the all time greatest, when we talk about the cruiserweights. After winning numerous wrestling titles in Japan, "Thunder" made his return to the WCW, because that's where the big boys play. Less than in a month Jushin became one of the top names in our decorated division, getting his rightful shot at the cruiserweight championship title. It belongs to non-other than the nephew of Eddie Guerrero, who was a Black Tiger back in the day. Chavo makes a name for himself quite well, he wants to be referred as a fighting champion, not only as a member of the great wrestling family. In one month Chavo had time to retain the gold three times, two of which took place this past week. Tight schedule either will help Guerrero out, or will become one of the main reasons for a potential loss. So, it's Japan vs. Mexico, Icon vs. Prospect, Guerrero vs. Liger!

Jeff "The Chosen One" Jarrett © vs. Vampiro

WCW United States Championship Match




Vampiro's quest to leave Jarrett with nothing fails to this day. United Sates champion appears to drive the eccentric superstar nuts without even trying. Vampiro can't stand JJ's guts, let us quote the man: "I hate his smile, his voice, his gestures, his wife, his kids, his dumb stables, his music theme, his fake title reign, all about him". Interesting enough is the fact that the grudge was one sided for a couple of months, until this very week. In a freak accident Vampiro bit the innocent man Dustin Rhodes, after Jarrett's popularity just wrapped his tortured soul and brain up so badly, he couldn't control himself. Vampiro goes for the title for not so many reasons: 1) If Jarrett loses this bout, everybody will understand that Jeff is not the man he claims to be; 2) Vampiro has a reason to meet Jeff in a singles match, not brawl with his friends just to move a few steps forward to him; Vampiro couldn't care less about titles, he's bigger than that. He's coming to Uncensored driven by the only fuel necessary - hate.

Filthy Animals © vs. The Revolution

WCW Tag Team Championship Ladder Match




A mini tournament between these four spectacular workers ended up in a predictable 2-2 draw. Both teams are evenly matched in terms of in-ring ability and talent. Billy Kidman losing both his matches deserves a note, we can mark that guy as a weak link from "Filthy Animals". Jimmy Hart hinted Rey Mysterio Jr. that his partner can not be trusted, as he got back on the old track. "Revolution", on the other hand, has no problems at all, as they're preparing for a high-risk ladder match without additional pressure. Malenko and Saturn would probably plan the whole match out, which is a bad thing when you're facing not only the most unpredictable guys on the roster, but 15 feet structures of steel too. Shane Douglas and Steven Regal have no matches at the show, so they could become the x-factors, that will help the movement to add some gold to their black and red colors.


Sid Vicious © vs. Mike Awesome

WCW Hardcore Championship Match




Both Sid and Mike know they're monsters. Their inhuman strength and violence, blood thirst and will to always end up on the winning side drove them up to this point. Now, a title will be on the line, irregardless of Sid's actions towards it. Piper sniffed the trick out and asked to hand over the belt to him, just in case Vicious would leave it at the hotel room once again. That will affect Sid somehow, Roddy is on the roll lately. After he easily manipulated Hogan and Steiner this week, Sid was as easy as taking a candy from a baby. He could be deadly, but everybody knows that "The Psycho" is not the smartest man in the company. All we know about this match, is whoever will powerbomb his opponent first is going to win this fight!


Eddie Guerrero vs. Konnan

Last Blood Match


This stipulation was added right after the Thunder's main event. Eddie promised to bust Ric Flair open, and did that without any difficulties. Flair has a very sensitive skin, surprisingly. "Appetite comes with eating", so Eddie requested special rules for his match with Konnan. Jimmy Hart, the man of a million ideas, came up with a last blood match for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, "bad blood" are the only two words you can describe this latino conflict with. Mexicans do not forgive or forget things that fast, so the best way to end this grudge is to knock out your opponent out of action for a couple of weeks. What better way to do that, than leave your rival in a blood pool for the count of 10!? Ring will be a very dirty place at the end of the night, belee dat.




The Outsiders vs. Buff Bagwell and Booker T

A tag team match that was initiated by a third part - Trish Stratus. Sexual harrasement is the thing to fight with, so Stratus spoke on behalf of the women's collective in WCW. Trish is sure that her boys are up to make "The Bad Guys" sorry on Sunday, but that might be not right. Recently unmotivated "Outsiders" were fired up by Bret Hart's speech last Thursday, so at the moment they're nothing short but anger-driven seven feet tall veterans that want to pounce some young, disrespectful and overconfident assholes. Not only Hall and Nash are bigger and stronger than Booker and Buff, they also have a natural feeling of when it's the right time to attack or retreat, something that random tag teams don't have. Timing is about to matter this time... Best buddies who are not willing to get their noses broken vs. nWo reserve players, who are going to prove their leaders wrong. Winners are obvious to me. What about you?




Roddy Piper vs. Hulk Hogan

No words necessary, this feud goes on for a couple of decades now. If you ask both legends who they want to get rid off first, they will name each other's names. Animosity has only spiced up when Hogan disobeyed, whined, bitched and moaned after Piper's actions on the post of the WCW commissioner. We got that match on Monday, when Piper once again made a fool out of Hulkster, giving him the wrong paper to sign. Hulk was so into an idea to have a match with Bret Hart for the title, that he didn't bother of reading a contract at all. Bad things happen when you do something like that. This time, general manager meets the biggest icon in pro wrestling of all time. It's 1985 again, people! Paul Orndorff should join Schiavonte, Larry and Bobby on commentary, so we need one more chair!




"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "The People's Champion" Diamond Dallas Page

Falls Count Anywhere


It all started off well for "The Nature Boy" and "The People's Champion". They fought in the same corner, withstanding the attacks of nWo 2000 shoulder by shoulder, giving them a lot of offense back. But after some twisted thoughts broke in the Ric Flair's head, all that transformed into a bitter rivalry, based on family business, wrestling ability, personalities and hot talks. Piper got another guy into a trap last Thunder, booking "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" in a handicap situation. Falls count anywhere match means that you can run all you want, but you won't dodge the beating. After Shamrock twisted Flair's Ankle in his signature submission, Ric has even lesser chances to avoid the beating by Diamond Dallas Page. Those legs are not as fast as they were used to be... Can DDP finally lay the Diamond Cutter on the pearl-like teeth of Ric Flair, or would he like to beat "The Nature Boy" with his own move, using a Figure 4?




"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

Last Man Standing


A great man once said: "To be the man, you have to beat the man". That wise person is a mentor of the fastest-rising WCW wrestler Scott Steiner - Ric Flair. "Big Poppa Pump" thinks he's the top dog, the alpha male, the man with the biggest arms in the world! Is that true? Maybe... Maybe Steiner is indeed the most muscular individal on the whole roster, maybe he's a sex machine, maybe he's the legend in the making. "The Genetic Freak" also claims to be the only "Macho Man" in house, so Savage has the motivation to put the freak on his rightful place. Randy's career is over already, but it doesn't mean man wouldn't fight for his name for the rest of his life! He may not be the face of the company or the number one guy, but he sure as hell can be it's heart and soul, pumping out of the chest to the last breath! Also "Macho Man" can act all he wants, but we all know that he still loves Elizabeth, and will think about her when the elbow drop time will come! And it will come, even if it's not going to be safe. Steiner wants to break Savage's back, and make him a vegetable, so he could have a snack after the match. He's hungry. Steiner vs. Savage, that's testosterone all over the ring!




Chris "The Crippler" Benoit vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart ©

No DQ Submissions Match




Ken Shamrock revealed himself as a special guest referee for this bout, actually referring to Wrestlemania 13, where he was a part of a legendary submissions match between Bret Hart and Steve Austin. We all remember that night, the match can be considerd one of the best in "Hitman's" career, and maybe the best one with "Stone Cold" in it. But this time, Austin is subsittuted by "The Crippler" Chris Benoit, a man who can take so much damage, that it becomes insane to even think you can beat him. He's dedicated, he's tough and he's in his prime - just as Steve Austin was in 1997! It's not a family feud anymore, it's a battle for the place on the top of the mountain. Sharpshooter or The Crippler Crossface? What move will decide the fate of the big gold belt - the WCW World Heavyweight Championship? Could Benoit fianlly win the ultimate prize, or Bret hart retains the holy grail one more time? Buy our pay-per-view to find out that, and witness the wrestling chess game involving the masters of the game. Hitman against Crippler, it's going to be brutal!!!


Prediction Contest Table


  1. Phenomenal1 - 35
  2. Beejus - 33
  3. Uncrewed - 23
  4. The Nickman - 18
  5. packerman120 - 15
  6. Mootinie - 11
  7. Warhawk8492 - 10
  8. crackerjack - 5


Prediction Listing


To make those bets more interesting, let's try to predict the grade number for each match. User with the most accurate number for the match gets one point.


Liger vs. Chavo



Vampiro vs. JJ



Sid vs. Mike



Animalz vs. Revolution



Buffy T vs. nWo



Piper vs. Hogan



Konnan vs. Eddie



Flair vs. DDP



Steiner vs. Savage



Hart vs. Benoit



Comments are wanted too! See you at the pay-per-view!

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Liger vs. Chavo



Vampiro vs. JJ



Sid vs. Mike



Animalz vs. Revolution


One of my favorite tag teams of all time.


Buffy T vs. nWo


Buff gets pinned.


Piper vs. Hogan



Konnan vs. Eddie



Flair vs. DDP



Steiner vs. Savage



Hart vs. Benoit


Believe in the Wolverine!


Just a fantastic card, great work here man.

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Liger vs. Chavo


That was a good run Chavo,thank you for the good times.


Vampiro vs. JJ


Vamp sucks.


Sid vs. Mike


Sid should lose and start cutting promos against Mike Awesome. That would bring a lot of viewers. :p


Animalz vs. Revolution


With all the Kidman stuff,i assume that we will see more than a ladder match.


Buffy T vs. nWo


They need this one,really bad.


Piper vs. Hogan


I guess you gonna give Hulk a one last shot,so this match will build his momentum.


Konnan vs. Eddie


I hate Konnan.


Flair vs. DDP


DDP needs this one,also as much as i love Flair,he needs to step down soon.


Steiner vs. Savage


He's still active so...


Hart vs. Benoit


Benoit finally takes what he deserves.

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Liger vs. Chavo

As I said in my predictions for Thunder, I am a total mark for Liger. Pound-for-pound, one of the greatest of all time.



Vampiro vs. JJ

I've never cared for Vampiro.



Sid vs. Mike

I really see no reason for Sid to win this.



Animalz vs. Revolution

I think this has the potential to be a really, really good match. Just like Liger, I am a huge mark for Malenko and think it's time for change.



Buffy T vs. nWo

Literally only because I figure The Outsiders are too old to be winning matches.



Piper vs. Hogan

There's no way Hogan allows himself to job here. :p



Konnan vs. Eddie

This could be a special match. Eddie has more stock though and his ceiling is higher.



Flair vs. DDP

I love Dallas. I really hope he wins this.



Steiner vs. Savage

I want to say Savage for a happy ending, but Steiner should be destroying him here.



Hart vs. Benoit

This truly depends on where you stand with Benoit. Given WCW's mishandling of Hart in real life, I think it would be wise to fix that wrong and continue his reign.


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WCW Uncensored 2000 (Part One)




March 2000, Week 3

Mid Atlantic, Greensboro Coliseum (27,368)




We welcome you at the Uncensored pay-per-view! This arena is packed, nearly thirty thousand people are in the attendance! We can hear them right now, a lot of them are chanting “W-C-W”! Without further ado, let’s kick off this supercard with a title bout between Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Jushin “Thunder” Liger!



That was a very open fight, with a ton of near falls. Chavo tried to use his athleticism to quickly roll the legend up, but “Thunder” defended very smartly. Initiative switched to Liger after Chavo crashed hard, failing to connect the Frog Splash on target! Jushin took the game to the ground, where he felt much more comfortable than Chavito. Match picked up some pace towards the ending. Liger gave Guerrero a Liger Suplex from the third rope, rolled over Chavo in mid-air... 1-2-3, it’s our first title change of the night!


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jushin Liger defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. in 9:04 by pinfall with a Liger Suplex from the top rope. Jushin Liger wins the WCW Cruiserweight title. 62/100


After this spectacular cruiserweight showdown, Liger posed with a newly won title. He took a couple of photos with Guerrero Jr, and shook his hand afterwards. It looks like Liger was impressed by Eddie’s nephew, and is willing to have a rematch with him really soon.




nWo is in the house! Determined Hall and Nash are warming up, would you believe it! Steiner does push ups, Hart and Flair are discussing their matches. Finally, black and white gang became more serious. A good thing for them, but a bad one for the company. Konnan prepares for his match too - he puts steel covers on his boots. Let's get out of here, gentleman. 81/100


Jeff Jarrett cuts a pre-match interview, hyping up his title reign. How can you call it fake, when "The Chosen One" defended it for seven times now? JJ has beaten Stevie Ray, Dustin Rhodes, Lex Luger, Booker T, Kanyon and Konnan to keep the title on his shoulder. Tonight is no different - Vampiro has no chance! Jeff defeated Vampiro before, so tonight he just needs to keep up his from to put the mysterious slapnut on his shoulders for the count of three. Steven Regal and Shane Douglas step up to the camera shot, saying the interview is over for "Mean Gene".



Vampiro attacked Jeff Jarrett while he was making his elaborate entrance, two brawled in front of the first row fans for a couple of minutes, Vampiro even whipped Jarrett in the steel steps before the bell even rang. Eventually Steven Regal and Shane Douglas ran out to help their comrade out, but Vamp held his ground well. Cheap shot from the US champion, and some mat games afterawrds. Jeff locked a Figure 4 on his nemesis, and then the lights turned off. A new, dark and ominous Dustin Rhodes came out, knocking both Regal and Douglas on his way to the ring! Referee got his shot to the teeth too! Jeff grabbed his guitar, thinking that Dustin came after him, but Rhodes hit a Kneeling Facebutser on Vampiro instead! Jarrett covered the vampire after an awkward pause, and got away safely.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jeff Jarrett defeated Vampiro in 7:45 by pinfall following an interference from Dustin Rhodes. Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 8 of his WCW United States title. 70/100


Dustin makes his way back, looks at the TurnerTron and two words come up on the screen: "Black Reign". Announcers are in shock, Vampiro can not believe his eyes too. What the hell was that?




We take a break with a couple of video packages. Some highlights from the "Revolution - Filthy Animals" rivalry, a couple of storyline recaps, just a little bit of black room promos and graphics that are showing us what is still to come. Technical staff brings ladders to the ringside, people love them! Ladders are over!! Jimmy Hart brings the WCW tag titles with him, and single handedly hangs them up. We're ready for our first gimmick match!



Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn came after Rey Mysterio first, trying to take him out early in the match. Of course Rey fought back, and Billy helped him a lot. Malenko targeted Rey's knee, and put that body part in various locks and submissions, before the ladders were introduced by Kidman. Billy leaped off the ladder from outside of the ring to inside of it, just on Perry! That was beautiful, but not smart at all. Kidman hurt himself and Rey, thus minimizing their chances on the victory. Dean Malenko used the ladder in the most conservative way, throwing it in the high-flying duo when the opportunities arose. Once Dean missed, and knocked Saturn out cold! Rey jumped on Dean, giving Billy a signal to go after the belts. Kidman climbed up on the top, looked at the rocking fans and jumped off on Saturn with a career-breaking Shooting Star Press!! Holy cow! That move took away a lot of health from both competitors. Dean came back to the ring faster than Rey, because luchadore has an injured knee. Malenko goes on top... and stops after making two steps, looking at the mats in fear. "The Man of 1000 Submission Holds" has an acrophobia! Rey quickly sent "The Ice Man" back on the ground, but got a DVD from Perry in return! Kid Krusher from Kidman, Billy got himself to the top of the ladder, retrieved the belts and... dropped them accidentally on the ground. Malenko was the first guy to get them. We have a new WCW tag team champions!


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Revolution defeated Filthy Animals in a Ladder match in 14:58 when Dean Malenko picked up the belts. Revolution wins the WCW World Tag Team titles. 69/100


All four men went all out, that was a spotfest at it's finest. Dean and Perry are not celebrating the title win as enthusiastic as they should, but that's the guys they are. Professionals. Booed by the fans.




Eddie talks with Chavo, encouraging him. "I'm proud of you, Chavito. Liger is a tough nut to crack, but you did OK. Keep up the hard work, and you will get your title back, ese". Rey is arguing with Billy, as they walk down the corridor. Mysterio says that Billy should have snatched the titles safely, but no, he showed off and let the opportunity slip away. Kidman says he's sorry, but in all fairness, Rey was off his game tonight too. Mysterio can't believe what he heard, as he glares at his tag partner. Eddie breaks up the argument, saying that what's done can not be undone, and they have to move on. They'll get their rematches as soon as they want, the real problem now is Konnan! Eddie wants to be sure that his brothers will watch his back in that match, and all three are willing to take risks for Eddie. "It's not all about victories, amigos. Trust me, I know". Mike Awesome ruins the dramatic moment for familia, shoving Eddie out of his way. The hardcore match is up next... 54/100



By the way, Terry Funk sits in the first row. He should be interested in this match, don't you think? Mike and Sid start their fist fight, no championship belt in sight. Perhaps Piper will hand it over to the winner after this all ends. Awesome takes the initiative, throwing some violent blows on Sid's body. Mike yells that Vicious doesn't know what hardcore is all about, and gives him a sickening chairshot to the head! Another one! Mike has no mercy for his opponent, that's a first time somebody beats Sid so bad. Awesome goes under the ring, and gets a little bag, some tables and a couple of other items. Mike sets up the table in the corner, and gets speared through it by "The Psycho"! Sid grabs a chair wrapped in a barbwire, and repeatedly throws it in the face of Mike! Big Boot to the mix, that went full contact! Sid sets up yet another table, and drops some thumbtacks on top of it, turns around... AWESOME BOMB! 1...2... Sid kicks out! Vicious had enough, he leaves the ring, but Mike goes for a Suicide Dive! Giants can fly! Cover! One. Two. Three!!!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Sid Vicious in 11:54 by pinfall with a Suicide Dive. Mike Awesome wins the WCW Hardcore title. 68/100




Roddy Piper comes out with the belt, clapping to both men. What a bash that was! "Rowdy" approaches the gigantic champion with a smile on his face. Piper says "that's yours" and gets a crutch shot from Terry Funk! He came out from the first row!! "Funker" picks up the belt and leaves, becasue Sid stood up and gave Mikey a chokeslam on the concrete floor. What a twist! 57/100


Backstage Buff Bagwell accuses Trish for putting them in a tricky situation. "The Stuff" doesn't want to have problems with the nWo, because he knows who are those people. He was in that group before, and he has no intentions to have some business with them again. Booker defends Trish, however. T says that they're ready to kick some ass, and if they go there and give Hall and Nash their best, those old guys have no chances! You better believe that, dawg! Buff thinks about it for a moment, and nods. Trish offers an oil massage to Bagwell, but Booker holds Stratus off... 69/100



Always funny and laid-back "Outsiders" are concentrated to the limit! You can see that Scott Hall chews his toothpick somewhat different than always. Kevin Nash doesn't show off, he has a ponytail tonight, so hair won't cover his eyes. Booker and Buff play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will enter the ring first. Buff loses, and gets a Big Boot right away. Quick tag, and a lariat from "The Bad Guy". Outsiders dominate the match, dropping Buff with a couple of shoulder blocks. Chin lock, Bagwell needs a tag right now, or it will be over for him. "Stuff" fights for his life, tries a crossbody, but Scott Hallaway slams the dude in the opposite corner. Nash chokes Buff with his leg and scores a near fall after the Sidewalk Slam. Nash wants to finish it fast, goes for a Jacknife Powerbomb, but Bagwell turns it into a Facebuster! Tag made, Booker is throwing his long legs left and right! Scissors Kick on Nash, it could be over! No, Hall breaks up the pinfall attempt. Bulldog on Booker T, Buff comes back with a Blockbuster for the count of two! Booker quickly goes on the turnbuckle and delivers a Sommersault Leg Drop to Mr. Razor! One, two - Nash breaks the cover. nWo are working as a team tonight! "Big Sexy" calms Booker down with a Chokeslam, while Scott gives Bagwell the decisive Outsider Edge. Outstanding...


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall defeated Buff Bagwell and Booker T in 9:37 when Scott Hall defeated Buff Bagwell by pinfall with a Outsider's Edge. 79/100




Motivation can take you to some places, Hall and Nash just demonstrated that. The Outsiders completely dismantled Buff and T, but that's not enough for them. Nash grabs Trish Stratus and tells her to kiss him... but beauty slaps the shit out of Nash! She has some character, we will give her that. Nash finally smugs, bends Trish over his knee and spanks the living crap out of her butt! That's too much. "Big Kev" feels relieved now, as he's good to go home. Scott feels sorry for the girl, and lets Trish know about it. Stratus talks some trash to Hall, and recieves a massive bitchslap for that. Now THAT'S too much!



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Gah I didn't know you'd have part of it done so fast! I only saw Liger vs Chavo, so I'm going to leave predictions and hope you'll be able to still count them.


Liger vs. Chavo - I saw who won, so I won't leave an answer here. Didn't see the rating though.



Vampiro vs. JJ



Sid vs. Mike



Animalz vs. Revolution



Buffy T vs. nWo



Piper vs. Hogan



Konnan vs. Eddie



Flair vs. DDP



Steiner vs. Savage



Hart vs. Benoit


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WCW Uncensored 2000 (Part Two)


Uncensored 2000




We're back after a brief pause, still 5 matches to come! Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper are going to open the second part of the pay-per-view. But before getting in the ring, Piper talked some trash on Terry Funk, who stole a WCW hardcore championship from his hands! Now Mike Awesome has a tooth on the commissioner, and Roddy doesn't like it. Hulk in his pre-match interview stated that Anti-Hulkamania campaign runs wild in WCW, and he's going to stop that from going on. Hogan also promises to win his match tonight, and move up to the world heavyweight title picture. Bret Hart vs. Hulk Hogan, you will have no chance but to book it for the Spring Stampede, brother! After that Paul Orndorff stepped in the shot, and stood back first to the camera, talking with "Mean Gene". A classic situation where "Mr. Wonderful" talked about himself for the whole interview, rather than answering provoking questions... 87/100



Paul Orndorff appears on commentary, sees no chair and orders Tony Schiavone to go walk around. Tony acts like he doesn't understand, but after Bobby Heenan explains it to him, leaves quitely. Shoving to start, won by “The Hulkster”. Piper stalls, and dodges Hogan’s punches, goes to the hammerlock and and holds a wristlock. Hogan uses an armdrag to toss Piper from the ring. Roddy is not rushing things up, talking trash to Hulk for a good minute. Back in, Hogan slugs away and hits the cross-corner clothesline. Big boot misses and Piper bails again. Hogan gets a back rake and a chop from the commissioner. Knee drop misses as Hogan no-sells and punches away. They brawl and head back in as Piper comes off the top with an axe handle. He hits the knee drop, Hogan no-sells again.


Chin lock. That lasts a while. Tony Schiavone returns to the announce table, with a 4th chair in hand. Hogan comes back with a suplex… Goes for the Leg Drop – misses. Piper goes for the figure-four, blocked, blocked again, blocked for the third time in a row. Big boot gets two, ref is bumped. Piper feels dirty, as he low blows his enemy. Figure-four finally gets applied! Hogan makes the ropes without expending too much effort, but Roddy keeps at the leg. Paul Orndorff and Bobby Heenan talk about why Piper is a bad authority figure. “Mr. Wonderful” says this company needs him, and he wants to take Piper’s place soon. “The Brain” says “Excuse me” and gets his point of view on the topic. Bobby thinks he’s a perfect candidate for the commissioner role. Of course!


Piper throws his trademark jabs, but Hogan no-sells that stuff and slams him off. “Rowdy” then pulls out brass knuckles, jabs Hogan one time to make groggy… and slaps the Sleeper Hold! General manager of WCW yells to ring the bell, but nobody listens. Piper lets Hogan be free, and starts an argument with some ring boys. Commissioner threatens to fire somebody, if they won’t listen to him. Piper rolls back in the ring. Hulk takes the advantage, meeting Piper with a Big Boot right in the kisser! Roddy bounces of the ropes, gets amplitude Body Slam and eats the Leg Drop from his opponent. Hogan covers, and we have a winner!


In a bout that featured good action and a good crowd, Hulk Hogan defeated Roddy Piper in 8:02 by pinfall with a Leg Drop. 69/100


Hogan looks in the camera and says that he's the number one contender now. He challenges Bret Hart to a title match at Spring Stampede, and claps hands with some fans. Hogan wants that dream match badly, he won't stop until he gets it.




Chris Benoit prepares for his huge match, walking circles around the locker room.


- Orale, Benoit!

- Eddie, how you doing?.. You better not ask me about watching your back at that match with Konnan, you know I will be there if you want it!

- Chill, ese, I'm good on my own. If something happens, my familia will watch after me, don't bother, vato... I can see you're getting focused, right? I mean submissions match with Hart for the title, holmes, you mus...

- Hey-hey-hey. I know, I know. I know...

- That's right Chris, you do know. All the years you put into it, woking out, fighting far away from your family...

- Ri-ight, I know.

- Chris, come here, holmes, let me talk to you. I just want you to know, no matter what happens tonight, I'm proud of you, ese. Win or lose, I'm always gonna be proud of you...

- Whoa-whoa. There's no lose, and don't talk to me like that.

- I mean, c'mon, Chris. You're taking on Bret "The Hitman" Hart, it's the biggest match in your career! C'mon vato, nobody really expects you to win, ese. Nobody really believes..

- Believes in me? I believe in me, I BELIEVE IN ME! And that's all that matters! I've known you for eight years, you never turned your back on me. What's up with tonight? Huh? Tonight is MY NIGHT!

- Take it easy, ese! See that's what I've been trying to get out of you, holmes! This fire, because this is the Chris Benoit I believe! I believe, holmes!


Eddie hugs Benoit and asks him to win the world title for all of them tonight. I'll see you soon, Eddie.



Scott Steiner comes out to the stage and while DDP watches, Ric Flair comes from behind and starts the fight. He goes on for the early roll up, but Diamond Dallas Page kicks out easily. Steiner is tackled in the back by Randy Savage, so the fight would be fair. Diamond throws Ric out of the ring, and Flair lands on the apron. Flying Lariat completely knocks Flair out of the ring. The fight spils inside and out as they move through the crowd. Flair is taking the beating, being thrown into a wall and the rails. DDP even back body drops Flair on the exposed floor! Ric turns the things around when he pushes DDP down the stairs! They eventually get back to the ringside, Flair tosses DDP face first in the ring post! "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" throws powder into DDP's eyes and then hits him with some foreign object.


"The Nature Boy" locks an Abdominal Stretch on DDP, giving himself some rest. You can't just go all over the arena and have no wheeze. Especially if you're in your fifties, fighting some younger guys. Dallas gets out of the hold and grounds Flair with a Russian Leg Sweep, keeps the work up throwing some atomic drops, jawbreakers and gutbusters. DDP dominates this match, and it is only a matter of time when he will hit the Diamond Cutter that will secure him a victory.


From time to time Flair uses his chops to distance Page from himself, but you can't match knife edge chops with a Discuss Clothesline. Pinfall attempt, Flair gets his shoulder up... and tries his luck with a School Boy. 1-2, kick out. DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Ric reverses it into a snapmare, followed by a brutal knee drop. "Naitch" stomps DDP's leg and prepares for the Figure 4, but "People's Champion" pushes the legend away, to the ring post! Page performs his own Figure 4, around the steel post! Ric screams in agony, he has no chances to escape! Finally Page's patience runs out and he busts Ric's nuts into the ring post. Flair also takes a trip to the Diamond Mine, gets up and falls back down. Flair Flop! DDP claps his hands, BANG! Diamond Cutter time!


Right when DDP was ready to hit his finisher, Lex Luger came out. That distracted Page, and Flair hit a low blow on the fan favorite! Lex entered the ring, looked at Flair and turned on DDP by dropping him head first with a Piledriver! What the hell? "The Total Package" is a two-faced son of a gun! Flair starts laughing, drops the unnecessary elbow on already finished DDP and takes the "W".


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ric Flair defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a Falls Count Anywhere match in 12:55 by pinfall after Lex Luger interfered. 80/100




Ric Flair wants to introduce everyone the newest member of the New World Order - Lex Luger! Crowd boos "The Total Package", but he doesn't care. Elizabeth can not believe that her husband lied to her all that time, and knew all about the abduction. You can't trust anyone, anyone at all. That's a decent sub for Jarrett, now the greatest stable in the history of pro wrestling has 7 members.


After "The Total Package" we have a video package. You wouldn't believe it, but it's a skit with the shamrock! We thought that it was about Ken Shamrock, but it appears to be not true. Clover now has one leaf left, and we're not going to guess what that means.


Konnan makes his entrance, loudly clattering with his boots on his way to the ring. K-Dogg gets the mic and says that Guerrero is a little sissy that can't fight on his own, asking everybody for help. Gory Guerrero must be proud of his son, ese. All talk, but pisses his pants when it comes mano e mano...



Eddie storms the ring and tosses Konnan to the floor. Guerrero chokes him out with the camera cable, almost killing the man! Konnan tries to run, but Eddie chases him down and drags him back in the ring. Konnan caught Eddie in the DDT position, while he was hopping the ropes, and drove Guerrero's head straight into the mats! Konnan grounds the match with a headlock, trying to make Eddie slower. Instead "Latino Heat" shoots him off and hits a pair of calf kicks. Konnan should be happy that Eddie wore regular boots, without any "secrets"... uh, nevermind, Eddie just made a heel turn on Konnan's face. "Latin Fury" answers with a lightening fast dropkick, connecting a little metal skull on his boot with Eddie's eyebrow. First drops of blood are there already, Eddie's eye swells instantly. He obviously can't see the left side, as he's trading punches with Konnan in a half-turn. K-Dogg pokes Eddie in the other eye, making him completely blind. Mule kick - K-Factor combo marks the dominance of Konnan.


Eddie looks winded and disoriented, but still withstands the attacks. By feels he blasts his opponent in the mouth and even proceeds to hit three vertical suplexes in a row! Guerrero feels the ring with his skin, otherwise we don't know how he does that stuff! Mike Tenay mentions that Gory Guerrero was famous for his bloody affairs, and became a legend thanks to them. Eddie now follows the steps of his father, who is watching this match from the skies. Eddie somehow dodges the Rolling Thunder Clothesline, but the ref winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets run over by K-Dogg. Now Eddie lariats Konnan out of the ring, and they end up landing on the concrete floors with no mats. Bill Watts's legacy lives on in WCW! Konnan finds a barbwired chair under the ring, probably left there after the hardcore title match. BAM!!!


Konnan hits the mother of all chairshots, causing Guerrero to bleed buckets. The blood is just pouring all over the place, Eddie's chest, forehead, Konnan!! K-Dogg adds another blow, and even more blood comes out from Eddie! Konnan works the cut, throws Eddie into the barricade. Chavo and Rey are seriously concerned about Eddie's well-being, and they want to stop the fight right now! Rey almost throws the white towel, but Eddie turns on him, and effing roars on Mysterio from the top of his lungs! He orders them to go back and keep away from this! Before the match Eddie asked his brothers to look out for him, but now all is different. Combat spirit just woke up in Eddie, he won't quit!!! "Crimson Mask" Eddie has his come back, totally going loco crazy! He headbutts Konnan with all his might, and adds a tornado DDT on top of all that! Now Konnan is bleeding, but you can't compare those blood loses. Eddie can fall on the ground at any given moment, but somehow he's still standing. More than that, Eddie shakes his chest, points at the roof, puts chair on the face of Konnan and leaps off from the third rope with an Art Barr's move - Frog Splash! Jeezus Christ.


We can see that Outsiders are done throwing Filthy Animals around, and they're heading to the ring right now! The tross where the tag titles were earlier this night comes down, and it's nothing else than a noose! Hall and Nash drop Eddie, and place that collar right on Eddie's neck!! Don't you dare! Eddie fights off, a couple of elbows and eye rakes are very helpful! Konnan hits a CRADLE DDT ON GUERRERO... puts the knot on Eddie's ankle and commands to lift the MF'er! Human piniada is hanging above the ring, as Konnan throws baseball bat shots at it. Eddie lost so much blood, that it's hard to believe he's still alive. Referee gives the victory to Konnan, finally!


In a match that had some good action and good heat, Konnan defeated Eddie Guerrero in a Last Blood match in 17:10 when Eddie was knocked out. 70/100


Randy Savage and Lex Luger cross pathes backstage. Cocky and brash "Narcissist" mischeavously looks at "The Macho Man". Savage is not even mad, he knew Lex Luger is not the man you can trust... "Total Package" says that Steiner will break him in half in a couple of minutes later, but Randy remains silent. There's nobody to watch his back, he lost it all already.



Steiner attacks during Savage’s intro and won’t even let him get his robe off. They brawl up into the crowd. Back to the ring, Steiner dominates. "Macho Man" makes a quickie comeback to win the crowd back, and they fall to the outside where "The Genetic Freak" throws Randy’s head on the apron. Spinning side suplex on the floor, Steiner grabs the mic and tells Randy to stay down, but "Macho" grabs himself a handful of testicles. Steiner smashes the microphone in his head and takes him to the squared circle for a Double Underhook Powerbomb. After several false starts, "Mach" eventually backdrops out of it. That gets zero counts.


Back in, Steiner catches Savage with a Steiner-Line to cut off his momentum. Scott kisses his biceps and lays his elbow down on Randy’s chest. "THAT’S WHAT I CALL AN ELBOW DROP!" Savage appears to be helpless, so Scott brings in a chair, rams the legend with it and preps for the vertical suplex. It’s a delayed one, Steiner orders ref to count, and after Nick Patrick does 10 loud shouts, Steiner drops Savage on the chair! Blood rushed to the head of Savage, it will be harder for him to get up later in the match. Steiner performs a Reverse DDT on the chair, and only then ref starts counting. Until seven Savage doesn’t move, but he manages to get back on his feet, grabbing the ropes to pull himself up.


To the corner, Scott yanks Randy’s crotch into the ringpost a few thousand times. "Big Poppa Pump" obviously works Savage’s back… but wait, Savage explodes with a sudden lariat takedown, almost knocking Steiner out cold! Savage grabs a chair and smacks it right into Steiner’s forehead! "Big Poppa Pump" makes a few steps with his shaky legs and falls down! Randy looks at the crowd, who are totally behind him… ELBOW DROP TIME! Savage slowly climbs up, hits his pose. Steiner shoves the ropes so Randy would fall on the floor from the third turnbuckle! A bad landing, not like there could be a good one, in this type of match… "Freakzilla" now tosses "Macho Man" around with his belly-to-belly overhead suplexes! From corner to corner, from rope to rope! Steiner taunts Savage, making 10 push ups just before fixating a decisive Steiner Recliner! "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner broke the Randy Savage big time.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Scott Steiner defeated Randy Savage in a Last Man Standing match in 12:29 when Randy Savage could not beat a ten count. 80/100


Randy gets stretchered out as Steiner mocks the crowd. Tony Schiavone says that Steiner suplexed Randy Savage eight times, and that it was painful to watch. "Macho Man's" career surely just ended up...



Ken Shamrock, Chris Benoit and Bret Hart made their entrances in UFC style. Michael Buffer introduced all three men, with benoit being totally over with fans. They want to see him with a big gold belt! Chris whispers something to Hart, stares him down and cuts his throat with a thumb to show his intensions. "The Hitman" is opposite, cold-blooded, with a face that you would like to have during a poker game. The match begins with a great brawl through the crowd, it feels furious and genuinely unpredictable. Benoit and Hart wade so deep into the mass of humanity that you almost lose sight of them. Crippler squashes his nemesis against some hockey boards and kicks the shit out of him, and the Hitman responds by backdropping Benoit down a flight of stairs. It’s just carnage.


Back in the ring, Hart decides to target Benoit’s leg. He hacks away at it, dropping elbows and throwing kicks, and caps this run of offense off by wrapping a figure four leg lock around the ring post! This shifts the match from an uncontrollable brawl to a more cerebral, measured affair, and the violence of the ring post figure four ensures the transition is utterly seamless. It’s significant that at this point, Hart’s offense has primarily been calculated and vicious, tenaciously targeting the knee, attempting to crush it in a fairly elaborate manner. Benoit, meanwhile, has been successful with short, sharp shocks - whacking Hart with the chair out of nowhere, disrupting all the knee work briefly with a sudden crossface and a diving headbutt. It makes "The Crippler" look passionate and exciting, while Bret seems a scheming, malevolent bastard.


Anyway, Benoit then decides to ditch the chair in favour of some more basic moves, german suplexes and slams and whatnot. Out on the floor, Bret reverses an Irish Whip and sends "The Rabid Wolverine" careening into the guardrail. Benoit emerges from the collision concussed! He snatches another steel chair and smashes it into Benoit’s knee. Bret tries the Sharpshooter, but Chris rakes the eyes to get free. And now the challenger is roaring back, hurling Hart chest first into the turnbuckles, them dumping him off them with a superplex! With Bret slumped on the apron, Benoit seizes a camera cord and tries to choke the life out of his foe with it, but Hart rescues himself by grasping for the ring bell and waffling him in the head with it! The pace of the match is just unreal, and I like the way the shot with the ring bell is used almost as punctuation, to signify the beginning of the end.


So, Chris is floored having just had a ring bell crashed into his face, and Hart locks in the Sharpshooter. Benoit howls in pain and strains for the ropes as blood pours down his face. Chris fights and fights and so nearly kicks free of the hold, but eventually he succumbs to the creeping fog of unconsciousness, and Bret Hart wins the submissions match! Ken Shamrock simply had no other choice.


In a bout that featured great action and a sizzling crowd, Bret Hart defeated Chris Benoit in 23:17 by submission, after Benoit lost consciousness being locked in a Sharpshooter. Bret Hart makes defence number 4 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. 96/100




That is a clean sweep for nWo. Every man in black and white colors was victorious tonight. That should be a deja vu for Bret and Ken. Chris is in the deep sleep, Shamrock hands the title to Bret and warns him not to touch Benoit, or he'll suplex him in the next week. Bret puts his jacket, belt and finally glasses on. He did his job, he's still the WCW World Heavyweight champion!


Final Rating: 89/100

This show increased our popularity in 40 regions.

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Whoa a 96! WWF goin' down soon, WOO!

Yeah, that is a great rating for us. Highest so far, and the first A*. I believe that Raw pulled off the same rating too at some point, but I'm not sure. Hope everyone liked the show, even with those stipulations all over the place. Felt like Extreme Rules or TLC, so I won't book so many gimmick matches at one show in the future. My bad.

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Prediction Contest Table


  1. Phenomenal1 - 45
  2. Beejus - 39
  3. Uncrewed - 23
  4. packerman120 - 22
  5. Mootinie - 21
  6. The Nickman - 18
  7. Warhawk8492 - 10
  8. Kijar - 7
  9. crackerjack - 5

Tight table, thanks everyone for voting. I counted the most accurate match rating numbers too, so don't get confused. Phenomenal1 wins the creative control, congratulations! PM me for details.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview on TNN (Week 4, March 2000)



WCW Monday Nitro Preview

  • Match Of The Year candidate between Bret Hart and Chris Benoit ended up in a pretty controversial fashion. Flashbacks of Wrestlemania 13 turned into deja vu, as Benoit refused to tap out just like Steve Austin did in 1997. Ken Shamrock, the special guest referee had his moment with "The Hitman" again, so that could restart their old rivalry. As for "The Crippler", he's not expected to appear on Nitro. "The Rabid Wolverine" needs some time off to lick his wounds. On the other hand, Hulk Hogan is feeling great, and can not wait to get his title shot! Hogan vs. Hart at Spring Stampede!?
  • The man who had it worse than Benoit, Randy Savage, is out for good. Scott Steiner totally destroyed the legend, and there's no hope that we will see "The Macho Man" anytime soon. Let me remind you that the "Last Man Standing" match gave birth to a "Falls Count Anywhere" bout between Ric Flair and Diamond Dallas Page. In a huge surprise, "The Nature Boy" got his second victory over "The People's Champion", thanks to Lex Luger. "The Total Package" turned his back on DDP, Elizabeth and WCW, showing his true colors yet again. Steiner, Flair, DDP and Luger are advertised for the event, so we'll hear some explanations from "The Narcissist" and even witness the match between ex-friends of misery.
  • New World Order scored a clean sheet last night, with all active members of the group scoring victories. Except for the mentioned above, Hall and Nash beat Booker T and Buff Bagwell; Konnan poured all the juice out of Eddie Guerrero. Black and White Gang is on the roll now, so it could be possible that the run will continue. Booker T wants revenge on Scott Hall, after he slapped his GF last night. "The MVP of WCW" vs. "The Bad Guy" is booked already, and that's our semi-main event.
  • By the way, Chavo Guerrero asked Roddy Piper for a day off. There will be a blood transfusion for Eddie, so the former cruiserweight champion won't get his rematch on Monday. Jushin Liger let the commissioner know that he can defend the title every week, so Kaz Hayashi gets his big match on Monday. Liger will keep that belt shiny for Chavo, who has a rematch clause in his pocket. In WCW titles are never dusty...
  • Dusty...Dusty...Who's Dusty? Name feels familiar, don't you think? We had the son of Dusty Rhodes on the contract - Dustin... but he faced hard times recently, and turned into a vampire after some pale dude bit him. With a new name and a fresh look, "The American Nightmare" will be somwhere around the boiler room.
  • A huge twist in the hardcore division took place at Uncensored. Roddy Piper confiscated the belt, so there would be no misunderstandings between Sid Vicious and Mike Awesome by the end of the night. After Mike defeated Sid with an incredible Suicide Dive, Terry Funk knocked out the WCW commissioner out cold with his crutch, and took the belt home. Now Mike Awesome is on the mean streak again, because he was screwed out of his title victory once again! A rematch is taking place too, Piper hopes that Sid could defend him from the fury of the monster.
  • Another title change took place in a ladder showdown between "The Revolution" and "Filthy Animals". Billy Kidman had all the chances in the world to grab the belts, but behaved very oddly, almost gifting the titles to the followers of "The Franchise". Arguments between Rey and Billy broke out already, so Jimmy Hart requested a title rematch from Ted Turner right away. The match is going to be a very dynamic one, because tornado rules are going to be used. There will be no excuses for the losers, so both teams better go all out to either retain or regain the WCW World Tag Team titles!
  • And to end this preview, let's post some numbers that the Uncensored pay-per-view drew. 26,645 people with the tickets (highest attendance for this year so far), buy rate of 2.39 (second best) and a ton of praise from the wrestling community. Fans think that WCW outplayed WWF already, though the Monday Night Wars are lead by the boys of Vince McMahon.

Official Nitro Match Card:

  1. Kaz Hayashi vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger © - WCW Cruiserweight Championship match
  2. Sid Vicious vs. Mike Awesome
  3. Filthy Animalz vs. The Revolution © - Tornado Tag Team match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
  4. Scott Hall vs. Booker T
  5. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Lex Luger

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Some Random Stuff


Interesting Statistics


Number of main eventing workers after 25 shows: 24


DDP - 12

Bret Hart - 11

Ric Flair - 9

Kevin Nash - 8

Chris Benoit - 7

Scott Steiner - 6

Scott Hall - 5

Eddie Guerrero - 4

Booker T, Jeff Jarrett, Lex Luger - 3

Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Buff Bagwell - 2

Hulk Hogan, Sid Vicious, Meng, Terry Funk, Vampiro, Kidman, Mysterio, Saturn, Malenko - 1


"The People's Champion" main evented almost half of our shows in 2000. He has one main event more than the world heavyweight champion - Bret Hart!


Average Rating of Matches:


Bret Hart - 84%

Randy Savage - 81%

Ric Flair - 79%

Diamond Dallas Page - 78%

Kevin Nash, Scott Hall - 77%

Chris Benoit, Scott Steiner - 76%

Hulk Hogan - 75%

Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Jarrett - 70%

Lex Luger - 69%

Booker T - 66%

Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio, Shane Douglas, Perry Saturn - 65%

Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman - 64%

Mike Awesome - 63%

Konnan - 62%

Sid Vicious, Meng, The Cat - 60%


In there you can see that DDP has 78, which is not great for a guy who main evented 12 shows. Savage had only high-profile matches, Sid's rating can be explained with hardcore matches.


Top 10 matches of 2000 so far:




Bret Hart is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Six matches out of 10 involed "The Hitman"! Benoit has 4 matches in there, that's decent for "The Crippler".


Notable Popularity Changes:

Chris Benoit (+5), Scott Steiner (+4), Konnan (+7), Vampiro (+2), Rey Mysterio (-3), Perry Saturn (+6), Mike Awesome (+2), Eddie Guerrero (-5), Dean Malenko (+4), Billy Kidman (-5), Booker T (+1).


Current Champions:

WCW World Heavyweight - Bret Hart (4 defences)

WCW United States - Jeff Jarrett (8 defences)

WCW World Tag Team - The Revolution (0 defences)

WCW Cruiserweight - Jushin Liger (0 defences)

WCW Hardcore - Mike Awesome (0 defences)


Hope it was interesting to you, guys. Take part in a prediction contest too. Thanks for dropping by, I'll see you next time.
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WCW Monday Nitro on TNT (Show #26)




March 2000, Week 4

Tri Sate, Bryce Jordan Center (12,315)




New World Order! Ric Flair, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Konnan are making their way to the ring, lead by Bret Hart. "The Hitman" uses subtle mannerisms to milk some boos from the crowd, but shortly after orders everybody to welcome the newest member of the nWo 2000 - Lex Luger! "The Total Package" is posing on the ramp, getting redonkoulous amounts of negativity! Lex gets in the face of some old lady, flexing just to piss her off. She's probably a fan of DDP... Luger gets in the ring, and hits the “wolfpack” sign with everybody. It's time for Lex to cover his body in black and white colors, Luger wears his t-shirt as slow as possible, so everybody could check out his abs, chest, shoulders, back and everything else. Finally, the shirt is on "The Narcissist", who is now the official member of the nWo! After that ceremony, the stable boasted about the clean sweep, highlighting some of the biggest moments from last night. Steiner claims he's the new "Macho Man", Flair taunts DDP, Konnan reminds everyone that he left Eddie Guerrero in the pool of blood, and that Hall and Nash squashed some oily fools. Bret Hart says that's very good, but the headlines are about him - he is still the number one guy in WCW! Everybody agrees with Bret, as he shows off his big gold belt...




Until Hulk Hogan comes out to congratulate Hart with a title defense! Hart says that they already know that Hogan came out here to get his shot at the title. Bret likes the idea of fighting Hulk Hogan for the title at Spring Stampede, but what about the fans? People are chanting "Benoit", rubbing it in the face of Hulk and Hart. Hogan says those fools don't know what they want for real, but HE knows. They want to see Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan next month on pay-per-view! Fans disagree, but who cares? Ric says that things are different now, as Hulk is not the part of the New World Order anymore. Now the leader of the stable is "The Hitman", so he will decide whether they'll fight or not in the future. Hulk doesn't like that, he waited for too long now... Bret says "No"!! Hulk goes mental, how is that even possible? How can you reject the offer from the wrestling icon? Hulkster starts insulting the nWo, claiming they're nothing without him! He was the one who gave the birth to this organization, so you better show some respect, brother! Hall and Nash step up, to "shield" the world heavyweight champion. Hogan talks more trash to Big Kev, so Scott Steiner loses his cool and drops Hogan hard on the mats! Now villains start stomping the crap out of Hogan, who tries to "Hulk Up" but fails. Steiner gives Hogan three suplexes, Konnan smashes Hulk with a baseball bat, Lex puts a Torture Rack on Hogan to end the beat down. Heels leave, Hogan lies in the ring totally destroyed. Nobody saved Hogan, that's how much locker room hates "The Hulkster". Or are they afraid of the NWO? 92/100 (A)




After a commercial break it is announced that the WCW Television championship is coming back! To coronate the new champion, we'll have an eight man tournament. No details about the contestants yet, because Roddy Piper had nothing to do with this. It probably was another crazy idea from Jimmy Hart, approved by Ted Turner. Now commissioner has a lot of work to do, and it's obvious that "Rowdy" won't like the fact somebody throws assignments to him. 60/100 (C)


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jushin Liger defeated Kaz Hayashi in 8:05 by pinfall with a Liger Bomb. Jushin Liger makes defence number 1 of his WCW Cruiserweight title. 55/100 (C-)

A great match to start with! Two great japanese wrestlers in an open bout for the title. How could it be bad? Hayashi tried his best, but Liger is just too good. You can say it was an honor for Hayashi to fight Liger, as he shakes the hand of the legend after the match. Jushin made a photo with Kaz, and celebrated with the fans. But you know what? We're in WCW! And we weren't WCW if that would end the segment. Instead of a happy end, the returning Psicosis jumped on Liger from the back, and continued to pound the champion with his fists! Kaz tried to help out, but got a stiff shot to the nose! It all wrapped up when La Parka ran out with a chair to scare Psicosis off. Now Parka helps Liger to get back to his feet, threatening Psicosis, who is hanging from the balcony... welcome, Psicosis!




A recap of the ladder match from Uncensored highlights some sick spots involving Kidman's SSP from the top of the ladder. Rey and Billy get their rematch for the titles tonight, and they're discussing their business right now. A graphic for tornado match explains the rules, as Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay put over both Filthy Animals and Revolution. Although all three announcers like the matches those units put on, the championship status of both teams is discussable. Those straps are used to be weared by the heavyweights, so watching Malenko and Saturn walking with those straps makes the thing a little bit awkward. Tenay suggest to now recognize the titles as the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship, but Heenan laughs Tenay off. Size doesn't matter!


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Revolution defeated Filthy Animalz in 13:17 when Perry Saturn defeated Billy Kidman by pinfall with a Saturn Bomb. The Revolution make defence number 1 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. 69/100 (C+)

Another great match from those four workhorses, and probably their last one. Perry Saturn got "The Revolution" a decisive victory, so we should look for a new challengers on the tag team gold soon. Billy Kidman really needs to sort his stuff out, because Rey lost the match once again only because Billy was off his game. There's no Eddie or Chavo to calm the young guys down... for those who don't know, Eddie lost buckets of blood in his match from Uncensored, so now he needs rest. Who would of knew that leaving Konnan with a little scratch on the parking lot would turn out into this? Rey leaves the ring first, shaking his head in disappointment. Billy and Torrie head back to the locker rooms too, while Shane Douglas puts over his loyal soldiers. "The Franchise" jabs the announce team, challenging them to a 3 on 3 match right now! Of course talkers get quiet, so we end this segment in silence. 58/100 (C-)




A bizarrely decorated Dustin Rhodes comes out to the podium for a promo. Within the confused and often-time rambling speech, American Nightmare announces his allegiance to the Dark Ones. Black Reign is upon the WCW! Beware... Vampiro watches his creation from the rafters, and it is hard to say how Vamp feels about it. 51/100 (D+)




Time for an entertaining backstage skit! Big T and Stevie Ray are listening to some dirty south hip-hop, loudly. Dudes enjoy the jam, both nod their hands in the rhytm. A huge boombox gets the attention from The Disco Cats, as they approach the music machine. They pretend that they like that kind of music, just to ask the neighborhood gangstas to borrow the cassette. Stevie is surprised by that reaction, and he gives the studs a tape. Disco Inferno breaks it in half, then Ernest Miller shows Big T and Stevie Ray the dance of their people, jumping on the broken pieces of the gift. Big T swears off, and a huge brawl breaks away! You can't judge someone's music taste... 50/100 (D+)


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Sid Vicious defeated Mike Awesome in 8:09 by pinfall with a Chokeslam after a distraction from Terry Funk. 68/100 (C+)

Sid gets his revenge on Mike Awesome, after Terry Funk distracts the current WCW hardcore champion with a shiny belt that belonges to him. After Sid powerbombs the heck out of Awesome, Terry adds some crutch shots to unconscious body of Mike. Strangely, Sid did nothing to get the belt back on his shoulder, and just let Terry to wave around with it. Maybe Sid had enough? Maybe "The Psycho" feels that he desreves more than just a third-tier championship belt? Maybe he wants to taste the first class gold, for the first time in his WCW career?




Roddy Piper is walking backstage when he mentions that The Revolution leaves the house already, all packed up. "All talk, no walk, eh?". Jarrett turns into Piper's face and asks the commissioner what does he mean by that. Roddy laughs, and says that Jeff has a thick skull, and that quality is not a very fitting one for the WCW US champion. Jarrett answers with "Listen up, slapnut, if you want to say something, say it. Or are you afraid of us?". Regal, Malenko, Saturn and Douglas surround "Rowdy". "You name yourself a Revolution, but what revolutionary things you do, gentlemen?". Shane Douglas calmly explains to Piper that they plan to pick up all the titles there are in WCW and shove it up his sorry old ASS! Piper wishes them luck with that, because he runs business here, and as long as he wants, he will keep them out of the title pictures. "Not for long, sunshine" - Regal drops. "You have less and less power here, the likes of Jimmy Hart drop ideas on the right and on the left, and you can't do a single thing about it. You simply CAN NOT keep us from the championships, look at Perry and Dean - they became the tag team champions without any interference from your side. So ask yourself again, are you really a boss here? Or you just think that sitting in a small cabinet makes you that?" 61/100 (C)




Booker T prepares for his match with Scott Hall. He looks at Trish, her face is hidden under the mask after "The Bad Guy" slapped her. Booker says that no matter what, he will never let that happen again. Hall will pay not only for that, he will be begging him for mercy! And he won't forgive Hall for as long as she wants it. T advises Stratus to stay in the back with Buff, so she'll be safe. Trish says that it's dangerous anyway, so she wants to be there to witness the beating he will lay on Scott Hall! Buff adds that they need to work as a unit, they won't defeat NWO by themselves. Booker T agrees, and all three make their entrance to the ring.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Booker T defeated Scott Hall in 9:39 by pinfall with a Playmaker after a distraction from Trish Stratus. During the match we also had Buff Bagwell attack Scott Hall. 70/100 (C+)

Having just picked up the victory, Booker and Bagwell celebrate in the ring with Trish Stratus. Team work brought them a huge victory over Scott Hall, but wait a minute! There's plenty of thugs left in those shirts! Konnan, Flair and Steiner are after the trio, so they have no choice but to fight them. Buff has another opinion, he tells Booker to hurry up, but he yells back to Buff to grab Trish and get out of here. "GO, I'll HOLD THEM OFF!". Buff picks up Trish and leaves. Booker stands alone in the ring... Three on one? Uh-uh, MORE! Lex Luger slowly gets to the ringside too. Kevin Nash joins his brothers aswell, but before doing that, he laughs off Booker's heroic behavior. New World Order beats Booker T down, and after successfully breaking Booker's ribs, Konnan sprays "NWO" letters on the back of the victim. Again, nobody wanted to mess with the NWO, so Booker had to fight on his own. 74/100 (B-)




Diamond Dallas Page has an interview with "Mean Gene" before our main event. Okerlund asks DDP about that two-faced snake Lex Luger, who betrayed the WCW to join NWO for his own good. Page answers that he's tired to lose friends one by one, and that every time he wants to think that surely, you can trust this man, it later comes out that the trsuted person was lying to his face for the whole time. Ric Flair, Lex Luger... Who's next? Hulk Hogan, Booker T? People are not dumb, they realize that they can not just run out there and help everybody out. Is that a bad thing? Absolutely. DDP thinks that New World Order will fall only when somebody in that black and white shirt will be fed up with the whole thing. Who knows, maybe Bret Hart will turn on his brothers after dropping the world heavyweight title eventually. You can't say for sure, but the second way to kill the cancer is to unite. Two-three men is not enough to slay the gigantic group, we need more guys that are willing to step up, to fight the evil for the name of WCW! DDP knows who those guys are, and maybe he will be the one who will lead them to the top. He fought everybody there, and he knows the weak points of that stable. He just needs an army... as for Luger, he will pay for his treason. Not tonight, but later. When all boys will be ready to kick some butt. "I meet Luger tonight just to look into man's eyes. To see his weak sides, to scout the 7th member!" Win or lose, DDP wants to know Luger better. And what the best scenario to do that? Meet him one on one! BANG! 82/100 (B)


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Diamond Dallas Page defeated Lex Luger in 9:27 by disqualification. 76/100 (B-)

Surely, DDP had enough time to scout his opponent. "The People's Champion" exposed the weak side of "The Narcissist", no doubt about that. When all was ready for the third beat down of the night, DDP was saved by those guys who are ready to give NWO a beating! Lead by Hulk Hogan, Sid Vicious, Rick Steiner, Ken Shamrock, Meng, Mike Rotunda, Rey Mysterio, Terry Funk, Brian Adams, Hugh Morrus, Kanyon, Norman Smiley, Tank Abbott and Crowbar ran out and floated the ring! Locker room got the message, and united for the first time in their lives! 14 on 7 is a predictable outcome, outsiders had no chance. It doesn't matter how big and bad you're, if you truly believe in something, you will not lose a fight! WCW roster now has a leader in Diamond Dallas Page, not only "The People's Champion", but "The Locker Room Champion"! We end our broadcasting with people chanting "W-C-W". 77/100 (B-)


Final Rating: 81/100 (5.10 on TNT)

This show has increased our popularity in 28 regions.


Hoy cow, our TV rating improved drastically! Jeez Luis, I did not expect that! The highest rating so far was 4.0, so that is a huge improvement for us. That covers the stinky main event, or maybe DDP and Lex were the ones standing behind those numbers? WWF had almost the same match rating with HBK defeating Kane. And shaza! We did beat WWF in the best match so far! Rock vs. Triple H got 95 and 94, but Hart vs. Benoit gave us 96! Suck it, McMahon!
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WCW Thursday Thunder Preview

  • The new locker room leader is born, ladies and gentleman! We finally found the man who will take the responsibility, the person who will carry the promotion, the wrestler who will make a new path for the company! Diamond Dallas Page, who spent nearly 10 years in WCW, is now not only "The People's Champion". He is "The Locker Room Boss", who will be a mentor for everybody who wants to fight the New World Order! DDP's motivational speech fired the boys up, as they were reminded about the threat of nWo 2000. Can DDP glue the egotistical personalities of those warriors, or the whole thing was just a one-nighter? Tune in to find out!
  • Hulk Hogan, the self-proclaimed number one contender for Bret Hart's world heavyweight title, was floored last Monday by those notorious thugs in black and white t-shirts. Now "Hulkster" will find his own ways to lay the revenge on "The Hitman's" goons. Hogan has no to little support from the back, but he was the one who spear-headed the March Raid. Can Hulk overstep his pride and ask for help, or will he fight his own battles? Decisions are about to be made, as Spring Stampede is only 23 days away!
  • Our cruiserweight division is rising up from ashes, the competition is real between the lightweight guys. We'll see a triple threat match on Thursday, between Crowbar, Essa Rios and Berlyn. Championship belt is on the Liger, and he wants to overcome Chavo's accomplishment while he's on the contract. Guererro Jr. should be back at action soon, and wil get his rightful rematch when he wants it.
  • Loyal soldiers sometimes get injured. Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, ex-WCW world tag team champions, make a good example. "Crippler's" conditions are slowly getting better, as doctors say. Chris however thinks that he's ready to make his return to the squared circle, and will probably argue with everybody who thinks he needs a rest. Eddie had a successfull blood transition, and already wants to fight Konnan! You can't question their passion, those men were born to wrestle... but today is not the day to do that, so they'll have to wait.
  • Hip-Hop or Club music? Vice City or San Andreas? Fancy night clubs or worn out cribs? Ecstasy or kronik? Disco Cats or Harlem Heat 2000? Natural feud started off at Nitro, when Disco inferno and Ernest "The Cat" Miller broke Stevie Ray's favorite cassette, with some rare jams. Jimmy Hart, as a man of a million ideas booked those teams in a match.
  • Sid Vicious got his victory over Mike Awesome in a rematch from Uncensored. Thanks to Terry Funk, "The Psycho" now has no grudge with Awesome, because Mike's rage is about to fall on "The Funker" at any given moment. Stealing the belt from the six and a half feet tall maniac doesn't promise you any good. The other man that could expect Mike's breath on the back of the head is the commissioner Roddy Piper, who was robbed. Who will get the Awesome Bomb in the end? Attacker or a victim? As for Vicious, he stated that it is time to play big games. Sid can go after the big gold belt, or just change his workplace... that gave us our huge main event: Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Sid "The Psycho" Vicious!
  • Can I introduce you to Black Reign? The newest alter ego of Dustin "The American Horror" Rhodes? No? Are you sure? Then he will meet you in your nightmares, when your body will be relaxed and unsuspecting. Thursday night, prepare...
  • Scott Hall lost his last match to the boyfriend of Trish Stratus - Booker T. Booker is not the 1-2-3 Kid, but still, that was a huge upset. In the end "The MVP of WCW" payed for his boldness and got a group assault from Hall's brotherhood. He even got his back painted, so that's serious! Buff advised Booker to be smart, and just suck it up, but he's not a sucka, dawg! Sooner or later, "Playmaker" will get the upper hand on those gangsters. For Thunder we have a pretty big match - The Revolution members Shane Douglas, Jeff Jarrett and Steven Regal meet the main outlaws in Ric Flair, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner.

Official Thunder Match Card

  1. Berlyn vs. Crowbar vs. Essa Rios
  2. The Disco Cats (Disco Inferno and Ernest "The Cat" Miller) vs. Harlem Heat 2000 (Big T and Stevie Ray)
  3. Black Reign vs. Meng
  4. The Revolution (Steven Regal, Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett) vs. New World Order (Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash)
  5. Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious

Prediction Contest Table

packerman120 - 3

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Berlyn vs. Crowbar vs. Essa Rios

The Disco Cats (Disco Inferno and Ernest "The Cat" Miller) vs. Harlem Heat 2000 (Big T and Stevie Ray)

Black Reign vs. Meng

The Revolution (Steven Regal, Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett) vs. New World Order (Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash)

Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious

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Berlyn vs. Crowbar vs. Essa Rios

The Disco Cats (Disco Inferno and Ernest "The Cat" Miller) vs. Harlem Heat 2000 (Big T and Stevie Ray)

Black Reign vs. Meng

The Revolution (Steven Regal, Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett) vs. New World Order (Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash)

Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious

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Oh snap,i missed a show.


Berlyn vs. Crowbar vs. Essa Rios

I assume that you gonna push your new signing.

The Disco Cats (Disco Inferno and Ernest "The Cat" Miller) vs. Harlem Heat 2000 (Big T and Stevie Ray)

Honestly i have no idea.

Black Reign vs. Meng

Good win for new alter ego.

The Revolution (Steven Regal, Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett) vs. New World Order (Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash)

Probably with DQ,but i can't see a clean sweep for nWo.

Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious

No brainer. Pun intended.

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WCW Thursday Thunder on TBS (Show #27)




March 2000, Week 4

Mid West, Freeman Coliseum (11,579)


Diamond Dallas Page already stands in the ring, with a microphone in his hand. "The People's Champion" is surrounded by his followers, fourteen brave and loyal workers of WCW! They're here not just to listen the mastermind's lecture, but also to provide the freedom of the word for the man. Neither Piper nor NWO want DDP to restore the order in the locker rooms. It will make things harder for them, tie their hands. Revolution also wouldn't be keen about the fact DDP steals potential soldiers from them!




Page says that he is proud to carry the banner of the federation in such a difficult time for everybody. He was here when things were much better, he witnessed the rise and the peak of popularity, he was a big part of the number one company in the world! "Randy, we all remember that crazy 1997, and I already miss you! But now everything is different. We are in the second place. We are losing the war to those bastards from Connecticut! To rise from ashes, we need to put all our will in the fist, take a deep breath and bang those black and white thugs right in the face! People who are fighting cancer should not behave desperately, they must stay positive even in the darkest moments! They should believe that they can defeat the disease and come back to normal life! Now it is time to fight cancer that is the NWO! It spreads, touches the vital organs and eventually kills you! Do not let this happen, fight like last time every time! It's not about planting havoc, it's about helping the ones you love and care about!"




DDP's fiery speech is interrupted by "The Revolution". Douglas says that all this talk makes no sense - we must act radically. If you have cancer - it should be immediately cut! Not only Page repeats Piper's mistakes, he is also trying to put himself in a good spot! "No time to chat, if you want to save this office - take up arms and join us!". Piper snaps. Roddy comes out and says he's tired of all these negativity in his address. He does everything he can, busts his ass every day, but people are still not satisfied! "DDP, who gave you the match with Flair, eh? ME! Who appointed all those matches in which you took part against the New World Order? ME!! In the end, who's in charge here? I AM!!!". Shane says that Piper needs to get his head out of his ass and realize he's just a puppet in the hands of Ted Turner. More than that, old Teddy is tired of playing with a toy in the skirt. Now his favorite swell is a washed up has been with a megaphone! At this time, the speaker is interrupted by the black-and-white express, making his way from the crowd of spectators. Nash and Hall, Konnan, Luger and Steiner! Big Kev chuckles, stating that WCW likely has a breast cancer, because everyone here behaves like a woman!




- What are we doing with women, guys?


- You're right, Scotty. It's time to show ladies our nuts!!




NWO hops the fence, and meets the opposition in DDP's followers. Revolution also decides not to stand apart and starts a brawl with the other half of the protestants. Now Diamond Dallas Page is trapped in a stable gripe! Dallas has nowhere to run and nobody to expect a rescue from! Pipers bawls on all of them, reminding that Revolution and NWO will have a match later tonight! As for DDP, he will be followed home by Ken Shamrock! Move, Page! An unexpected outcome, and that's just the beginning! 81/100 (B)


Highlights from Monday Nitro on TNT. Booker pinned Scott Hall, DDP and Lex squared off in the main event, Sid got his revenge on Awesome, "Revolution" and Liger retained their titles. 75/100


Piper and Shamrock accompany DDP to the exit. Fourteen men shuffle behind the authority figure, complaining about Roddy's method. Commissioner just throws one of them on the street! "Rowdy" asks Ken to do the rest of the job, Page thanks everybody for support. The boss encourages all of them to calm down and follow him to his cabinet - there will be held a bunch of interviews regarding the upcoming return of the TV title! Some guys think it is a trap, other part of the group feels like Piper wants to buy them in. Rest stays with GM... 63/100


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Essa Rios defeated Berlyn and Crowbar in 7:38 when Essa Rios defeated Crowbar by pinfall with a Moonsault. 47/100 (D)

Berlyn can not believe that some WWF reject just stole his title match! Madusa throws in herr's stick, and the ex-champion start beating on Rios! A young hot lady from the crowd jumps off her seat and takes out Madusa, who was standing nearby. Redhead climbs on the turnbackle, and gives Berlyn a hurricanrana before Wilhelm and Jacob could even enter the ring. Rios calls the girl over and they escape! 51/100




Guess who is absent today? Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit! Both are feeling great, as they think, and were ready to make an appearance on Thunder. Instead, Piper said they are not ready to come back. Chris and Eddie won't listen to anybody, they know what they are doing! So this Sunday they will wrestle for NWA Wildside!! If Piper can't find a place for them on the card, they'll find it themselves. Eddie said that next time it can be WWF, not an affilated company! 64/100 (C)


Sid is walking backstage, in a foul mood. He breaks in Piper's office and starts yelling at everyone! Shamrock is not in there just yet, so Vicious feels like breaking some furniture. Roddy can't understand why Sid is so angry, but in a few moments realizes why. "The Psycho" lifts up his target and starts shaking it.






Obviously Sid wants to get the main title, but it's not the same as the hardcore championship! You must wait until big shows to fight for it. Vicious couldn't care less... finally, Mike Rotunda jumps on Sid from behind and tries to apply a sleeper hold! Bigelow adds some punches to the stomach of Sid, and Hugh Morrus throws a cabin into Sid's face! He can not feel it, boys! Instead the psychopath smashes everyone with stiff blows, winning this three on one brawl. Sid approaches Piper, but Roddy assures him that main event wil be a title match! Vicious got what he wanted. Norman Smiley who showed a lot of courage lately pissed his pants and the couch... 66/100


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Black Reign defeated Meng in 6:50 by pinfall with a Nightmare Escape. 61/100 (C)


After the match Vampiro descends to the ring, to investigate the area. Meng, one of the toughest wrestlers on the Earth really got knocked out by Reign! Vamp sniffs around for a second, lights go out and there's nobody left... How is this possible? Vampiro is nowhere near strong to lift Meng up, or drag him somewhere! Both Reign and Vampiro have some supernatural powers, no doubt about that. The question is... who's stronger? 53/100


Booker T sent a taped promo to the WCW headquarters, and Ted Turner gave the TV crew a green light to air it. In that monologue, Booker T said that he won't let anybody touch Trish Stratus again, sucka! Booker T claims that it doesn't matter to him who you are - Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Sid Vicious or Bret Hart, he will kick your ass badly, in case Stratus gets hurt. "The Playmaker" also adds that if you have a beef with Buff, you also have a beef with Booker T. NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT, SUCKA!? 64/100




The apple does not fall far from the tree! Big T and Stevie Ray are making their way from the parking lot to the arena. They bump into Gene Okerlund, who is always ready for a good interview. Big T is not in the mood, Stevie Ray says that those cats crossed the line, and will pay for that. Also Stevie Ray asked Okerlund about his favorite music genre, to which Gene replied with a tear in his eye - music died with Frank Sinatra, God bless his soul... Big T just shook his massive head. 56/100


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Disco Cats defeated Harlem Heat 2000 in 10:01 when referee DQed Big T. 52/100 (D)


Big guy couldn't control himself and got a red card from the ref. Ernest Miller was very provocative, though. Disco Inferno simulated a lot too, which cost Harlem Heat a victory. Stevie Ray just swore off in the end, in vexation. Ernest Miller and Disco celebrated the victory on their way back, recieving some boos from the people. We are in San Antonio, so Harlem Heat de facto gets support. This rivalry is far from over, and we feel like music will play a big role in this one. 54/100




Rey Mysterio watched that match very closely. Kidman, on the other hand, had fun with his girlfriend Torrie Wilson, on the sofa. Rey got irritated by Billy's attitude and let him know about it. No reaction. Rey repeated his sentence, just to be sure that Billy is "not here". Yep, that's right... Mysterio picks up a huge phone... "Hey Jimmy, we need to talk". 60/100


In NWO's private locker room Bret Hart psyches up his partners. He is sure "The Revolution" is no match for them, and they should easily win that match to show everyone how strong they are. Kevin Nash assures "The Hitman" they got this, and then asks the world heavyweight champion about his world title match. Hart says Hogan is a joke, he will make him tap out in the middle of the ring. Ric Flair looks at Hart in a funny way, because Bret has no idea that Piper turned Thunder's main event into a gold rush fight. After Steiner informs "The Excelence of Execution" about that stuff, Bret Hart seems nervous. It struck him like a thunder... always confident and cool "Hitman" shows the first signs of panic. Nash wishes the leader of black and white clan good luck, and leaves the dressing room area. 83/100


In a match that had some good action and average heat, nWo 2000 (Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Ric Flair) defeated The Revolution (Shane Douglas, Jeff Jarrett and Steven Regal) in 11:48 by submission with a Steiner Recliner. 78/100 (B)


NWO got defeat in victory right here. Though they got a positive result, there was no sense in risks. Cold-blooded "Revolution" attacked Kev's quads, stiffed up Flair's ribs and targeted Steiner's back. That's very smart, every action will have a reaction sooner or later. Steven Regal submit after the Steiner Recliner almost immediatley. It can mean two things: first, Steiner's submission move is a deadly one; second, Steven had no motivation to tolerate the pain. Could be both.


Spring Stampede commercial. The event will take place at The Saddledome, which is in Calgary. It will be the first canadian pay-per-view for WCW in 2000! But forget about that for a moment, we have a main event up next! 72/100




Sid had his warm up already, so he doesn't need one. LOOK OUT! "The Psycho" is ambushed just before his title match! Konnan, Lex Luger and Scott Hall attack Vicious with baseball bats, softing the monster up. OH! That will leave a mark! Or two... Lex Luger picks the challenger up and throws him in the ring, just before Bret Hart gets a championship announcement.73/100


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bret Hart defeated Sid Vicious in 7:37 by pinfall following interference from Hulk Hogan. Hulkster attacked the ref first, and only then Sid. Bret Hart makes defence number 5 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. 78/100 (B)


Hogan just saved his title match against Hart by that run in! Big gold belt knocked Sid Vicious out cold, the strap has some powers! Hogan is a smart man, he realized that Bret should win this bout to get rid of any other contenders on the title! Benoit out, Sid out! Surely, Hogan vs. Hart is happening at Spring Stampede! Hogan looks at the belt, holding it in his hand... Bret tries to get his title back, but Hogan won't let it go for a couple of seconds! A huge stare down between legends and a sleeping monster on the background closes this TV-show. 91/100 (A)


Final Rating: 81/100 (3.35 on TSB)

This show has increased our popularity in 10 regions.


Up from 2.79! So Nitro's rating boost wasn't anything extraordinal, we really gained some new viewers over the past few weeks. WCW rises from the ashes! Yay! And we're in April now! Yay! And we lost over one million dollars in March. Not yay... We should really cut some wages. Randy Savage is gone from WCW, his contract expired and there was no need to renew it. Also Wrestlemania 16 got an 85 rating. Tazz beat Brock Lesnar on the pre-show (!), E&C defeated Too Cool, Dudleyz pinned Taka Michinoku and D'Lo Brown, Chyna squashed Jacqueline to win the women's title. Kane chokeslammed Thrasher to reatin the hardcore championship, Val Venis owned Mosh to defend his European title. NAO won a fight against Mark Henry and Godfather for the tag belts, Rikishi destroyed X-Pac. Big Show remained the WWF champion after the encounter with Y2J and Rock'n'Sock connection overcame DX (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) in the main event. Meh, Starrcade will be much better.
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