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The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW 2014- The Changing of the Guard

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Ring Generals VS Man Mountain Cahill & OSP in a 3 VS 3 match.


Whistler, Sammy The Shark and Tennessee Williams VS Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank and Monty Trescarde in a 3 VS 3 match.


Roger Cage, Clark Alexander and Steve Flash VS ????, Ota, Warrior of Darkness and ???? in a 3 VS 3 match.


Akima VS Jack Griffith in a top contender singles match.


Who will be Ota's partners?

????= Mikey James

????= Frankie Perez

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Saturday Week 2 July 2014

Held at the Ministry in Queens ATT:1000 (SOLD OUT)




Only a couple matches on the pre-show\training portion of the night but the pair that were going to team with Ota were very impressive in their short warm up match. Having worked with them before, I had no doubt that they were solid performers but it was nice to have the confirmation after a couple years since the last time I worked with them.

The valets had a Miss Independence Day bikini contest to liven up the crowd before we started the main show. Haley got the most pop from the crowd and was declared the winner this month.







Rock Downpour: This is it, the signature show of NYCW. This is Gang Wars, where feuds and battles are decided in team action. And we have an exciting night for all you fans as rumors are flying all over the internet about who the Empire Champion Ota is bringing in to team with him against Roger Cage and his allies.


Ernie Turner: That’s right Rock. I have heard names like Kazuma Narato, Grandmaster Phunk and even possibly former DAVE showstopper Acid have been mentioned due to their past associations with Ota.

There has even been talk that a former dominant group from the latter days of DAVE may have been reformed.


Rock: Whoever it is, we will know later tonight. Also in the main event former King of New York winner Akima makes his return to NYCW after a four month tour in Japan and he will face recent returnee Jack Griffith in the main event.


Turner: While I respect Japanese wrestling, its nothing like the kind of Old School wrestling that gets victories here in NYCW. Akima may be a tough kid, but he hasn’t overcome the adversity that a Jack Griffith has and that may be the difference in the match.


Rock: That may be true Ernie, but we start things off tonight in a big way as two separate feuds collide as Bulldozer Brandon Smith teams up with former tag champions the Ring Generals to take on the man he has been fighting with the past couple months, Man Mountain Cahill who is partnering with the current tag team champions and long time rivals of the Ring Generals, Old School Principles!


Turner: A perfect plan by the Man Mountain. In a team battle like this, you counter a well polished team like the Ring Generals with another well polished team like the tag champions.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bulldozer%20Brandon_alt1_zpspfyikndw.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MarvStatler.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ManMountainCahill.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RickSanders-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TheMaskedMauler.jpg


Bulldozer Brandon Smith & The Ring Generals VS Man Mountain Cahill and Old School Principles in a 6 man tag team one fall match.


Sanders and Statler start things off. Both sides tag fairly frequently, with Sanders and Mauler doing most of the work on their side, as Cahill comes in to deliver punishing double teams and hard slams before tagging out. Bulldozer seems eager to face the Man Mountain, but Cahill declines to lock up against Smith. Waldorf gets isolated from his team as OSP use quick tags to keep a fresh man in and keep Waldorf in their half of the ring and prevent a tag. Waldorf finally breaks free and makes the hot tag to Bulldozer. The powerhouse comes in and quickly clears the ring of OSP. The Man Mountain comes lumbering into the ring now but a double drop kick from the Ring Generals sends him through the ropes. The legal man Sanders senses an opportunity and tries to come up behind Bulldozer to cut his legs out and set up a figure four, but Smith sees him coming and flattens him with a big hamfist! Cahill and Mauler are trying to get back in the ring but Waldorf and Statler intercept them as Bulldozer picks Sanders up, flips him over and then plants him with an Inverted Piledriver! Smith makes the cover for his team and picks up the victory.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith and The Ring Generals defeated Man Mountain Cahill and Old School Principals in 12:33 when Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Rick Sanders by pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver.


Match Rating D-


An okay opening match, though not as good as I would have liked considering who was involved. While the overall result was less than I hoped, the individual parts showed some good things as both Statler and Masked Mauler continue to refine their skills. In contrast, Waldorf seemed not to be at his best tonight.



Rock: Bulldozer and the Ring Generals score a victory over their rivals.


Turner: This is just going to add more fuel to the fire when the Man Mountain gets his hands on Smith one on one.






Rock: Now former Tri-State champion Andrew Harper teams up with recently added Frantic Ali, and in a shocking and pleasant surprise, former DAVE Unified champion Bryan Holmes makes his return to the Tri-State Area and they will be taking on another former Tri-State champion Animal Harker, who is teaming up with Geoff Borne and the man with the flawless skin, Dermot O’Logical.


Turner: That is a big sign of NYCW’s growing importance, as Holmes is one of the top 50 wrestlers in the world according to the PWI rankings last year. Having a world class wrestler like that join the ranks shows that NYCW is the place to be.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AnimalHarker-1_zps66a00a10.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Geoff%20Borne_zpsiqt71hmm.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Dermot%20OLogical_zpsz9qe9wyo.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Andrew%20Harper_zpsml4eiofi.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bryan%20Holmes_zpsk6ddfvar.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Frantic%20Ali_zps1zltitit.jpg



Animal Harker, Geoff Borne and Dermot O’Logical VS Andrew Harper, Bryan Holmes and Frantic Ali in a 6 man tag team one fall match.


Harker and Harper renew their rivalry starting off the match, and both teams trade off some impressive moves, but the level of talent difference is obvious to everyone whenever Holmes steps into the ring. His name isn’t as big in the US since he has spent most of the last decade in Japan but his ring skill is clearly world class as none of the other wrestlers can even match his moves. Holmes finishes off the match in equally impressive fashion as Borne catches a weak kick, only to be nailed under in the jaw as Holmes flips over and catches him with the other foot in his finisher, The Cyclone Shock Kick! Borne is practically out cold and an easy cover for Holmes to get his team the win.


Andrew Harper, Bryan Holmes and Frantic Ali defeated Animal Harker, Geoff Borne and Dermot O'Logical in 7:42 when Bryan Holmes defeated Geoff Borne by pinfall with a Cyclone Shock Kick


Match Rating D-


This was , judging by the crowd reaction, on the same level as the opener, but while there it was more disappointing in that the first match had two big feuds and upper level talent, here it is more satisfying as it involves midcarders and lower, with the clear exception of Bryan Holmes, who makes a serious statement with his surprise debut in NYCW.








Intermission time again as Fern Hathaway comes out for her usual routine. T-shirts are shot out to the crowd, fans are entertained, and mood lifted.


Rating D+


Fern has settled into her role nicely and is still not causing any serious problems backstage, although she really hasn’t changed much in that she still tries to play things to her advantage. She is just less blatant about it now.






Rock: There is an awful lot of title reigns among the wrestlers in our next contest. Everyone of them has held an NYCW title at least once and most of them have held one several times as Whistler teams up with Sammy the Shark and Tennessee Williams to take on Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank and Monty Trescarde.


Turner: Titles aside, you have an over the hill Whistler teaming up with a never was and a wannabe going against two of the toughest men ever to lace up the boots in NYCW combined with the current tri-State champion and rising star Monty Trescarde. Backing Trescarde is just a sound business investment.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Whistler-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SammyTheShark.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TennesseeWilliam_zpse109178a-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/BlackHatBailey.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/HonestFrank.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Monty%20Trescarde_zpsueecob6e.jpg


Whistler, Sammy the Shark & Tennessee Williams VS Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank & Monty Trescarde in a 6 man tag team one fall match.


Bailey and Whistler, who have been long time rivals in NYCW , start the action off. Battle goes back and forth with frequent tags on both sides and each man delivers some of their signature moves but neither team can keep control. Approaching ten minutes in the match all 6 men are battling in the ring. Whistler and Black Hat roll out, exchanging blows while Sammy and Honest Frank fight on the other side of the ring. That leaves Trescarde to deal with Williams, who rattles the champion with a couple of clotheslines but gets too cocky and goes for a dropkick that Trescarde easily dodges. Trescarde quickly picks up the momentarily stunned Williams and delivers his Russian Leg Sweep finisher he calls the Cash Bonus and picks up the win.


Black Hat Bailey, Honest Frank and Monty Trescarde defeated Whistler, Sammy The Shark and Tennessee William in 9:37 when Monty Trescarde defeated Tennessee William by pinfall with a Cash Bonus.


Match Rating E+


Pretty much what I expected out of the match , given how increasing limited Bailey and Whistler are in the ring now. But it served the purpose of being a watchable match with some still big names in the company and sowed some seeds for a storyline I have planned for Trescarde. While the first half of the night hasn’t exactly been blowing the doors off, it’s the last two matches that will determine how well this show is remembered.







Rock: Coming up now we have probably the most anticipated fight of the night as Roger Cage partners up with former 3 time Empire Champion Steve Flash and former TCW star Clark Alexander to take on the new Empire Champion Ota. But who will be his partners? Ota hasn’t made any friends or allies since returning to NYCW.


Turner: The rumors are legion Rock, but while I still don’t have a clue who it will be, we will find out soon enough as Roger Cage’s team comes down to the ring now.





Roger Cage is in the ring , flanked on either side by Steve Flash and Clark Alexander and a microphone in his hand.


Cage: Ota, I don’t know who you found to partner with you, and I really don’t care. You see, my team consists of two of the best ring technicians in the business today in Steve Flash and Clark Alexander. These two have forgotten more about professional wrestling than most people in the locker room will ever know. And of course you have me, the man who has dominated the NYCW Empire title for the past 3 years. Ota, while you may have defeated me last month for that belt, rest assured I will get it back soon. But tonight is not about the title, tonight is about WAR! Ota, you want to usher in your ‘Reign of Darkness’? Well that isn’t going to sit well with me as I have always preferred the spotlight, the brighter the better! So Flash, Clark and I are going to stand as the forces of light against your reign of Darkness and you and your team, whoever they are, will be blinded by the brilliance!


Rating D+


Naturally, Cage does all the speaking since neither Flash nor Alexander have anywhere near the charisma or promo skills that Cage does. He does a good job of livening up the crowd and getting them involved before what I hope is the most anticipated part of the night, who Ota has as partners.






Cage, Flash and Alexander are near the back of the ring when the lights dim to almost total darkness, and clouds of whitish grey smoke begin filling the other half of the ring.

The smoke begins to clear a little in the middle of the opposite end and a form is revealed. It is Ota, but instead of his normal black ghi and mask, his outfit now has coiled dragons on each leg and around each arm and his mask has the fanged image of a dragon with Ota’s eyes where the dragon’s would be. They have a cold, almost robotic stare in them as Ota stands motionless, almost oblivious to the three men just about 10 feet away from him.

As the smoke\steam clears a little more from the ring, figures are shown perched on the turnbuckles to each side of Ota, crouched motionless but ready to attack. Each is wearing on their tights the same grey coiled dragon design that Ota has. Without sound, and in perfect unison, they dismount from the turnbuckles and stand next to Ota, and are revealed as the lights start going up from dim as Frankie Perez and Mikey James, the Cali Dragons! Both sport the same absolute stillness as Ota, and both have a cold robotic, almost lifeless stare. Behind them, the large screen used for entrance clips and to show backstage interviews lights up all in white, with a Grey Oriental Dragon stretched across the top and underneath in large letters



Rating C-


That went about as well as I hoped it would. Not only for the elaborate entrance, but also the crowd response. While the internet had been putting out a lot of speculation that Perez and James would be Ota’s partners, the lack of total surprise did not dampen the reaction of the crowd to the reformation of one of the most popular stables to ever grace the Tri-State Area.

I had actually toyed with the idea of bringing Acid back, as I had fond memories of the feud we had when I first started in NYCW but Acid works a Japanese junior style that Vessey has restricted me from hiring, plus his schedule with WLW conflicts with ours. Black Plague, or as he goes by now, American Optimus, naturally is also unavailable for the same reason, plus the fact he has a written contract with BHOTWG. I had considered some other people as well, but either they weren’t a fit for the style and look of the Cult, or weren’t available so in the end I went with people who already had an association with Ota and were known to the NYCW audience . Plus I feel the Cali Dragons fit the style of the Cult of the Grey Dragon as well as anyone outside of Acid could.


Rock: Holy crap, Ota gets the Cali Dragons as his partners!


Turner: Not to mention reviving the legendary Cult of the Grey Dragon stable. You know as well as I do Rock just how influential they were. They may have only been around during the final year or so of DAVE, but I can’t think of any stable in this region who made a bigger and lasting impact in a short time as they did. And Ota was part of that legacy and now has recreated them again.


Rock: Cult of Grey Dragon or not, there is no doubting the skills of Frankie Perez and Mikey James, the Cali Dragons. They are one of the hottest and most talented teams in the US and both have worked with Ota in the past. They will be formidable opponents for Cage and his team to try and overcome.


Turner: Cage wanted a war. As the Chinese proverb says, ‘Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.’ There is no doubt he is in for a war tonight!






http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ClarkAlexander_alt1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash-1_zps0c9a684e.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FumihiroOta.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FrankiePerez.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MikeyJames.jpg


Roger Cage, Steve Flash & Clark Alexander VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon( Ota, Perez, James) in a 6 man tag team one fall match.


Cage , Flash and Alexander, still with a somewhat bemused look on their faces, react very slowly as Ota, Perez and James go from robotic motionless to lightning quick action as they leap forward to attack the other team. A triple stereo dropkick sends Cage and his allies back through the ring ropes and collecting themselves on the outside of the ring as Ota glares down at Cage over the ropes, and Perez and James once again perch on the turnbuckles like birds of prey. The referee finally restores order and the teams get in their respective corners to begin the match.

The early part of the match is a wrestling clinic with multiple styles on display and a lot of counters and reverses from each side. Flash , Frankie Perez and Mike James all display an ability to work any style of wrestling and mix it up on the fly. Ota and Alexander try to tie their opponents in knots and wear them down with painful holds, while Cage is all fists and fire with punches and quick clubbing forearm strikes while using speed to keep his opponent off balance. That begins to backfire when Cage gets isolated from the Cult who work him over in their corner. Cage endures incredible punishment, and with the support of the audience, rallies back and makes the tag. This leads to all six men in the ring a couple times and some quick tags happening. The finish come when Ota and Cage are the legal men. Perez and James and Flash and Alexander are fighting outside the ring as Cage goes for his Cage Rage diving reverse DDT. But Ota is ready for it and kicks up into the air, catching the diving Cage with a Ninja Strike to the side of Cage’s head. Cage comes crashing to the mat and Ota slides over and makes the cover for the 1..2..3!


Ota, Warrior of Darkness, Mikey James and Frankie Perez defeated Roger Cage, Clark Alexander and Steve Flash in 20:05 when Ota, Warrior of Darkness defeated Roger Cage by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


Match Rating D


And this is why this match wasn’t the main event. Tag matches, especially 6 man or more, have too many moving parts to really match up as well as the classic one on one confrontation. While the crowd was really into the match, and everyone was putting forth their best effort matches like this rarely if ever steal the show or rate better than an equivalently entertaining and well wrestled singles match.

But tonight, the match itself was almost secondary to the return of the Cult of the Grey Dragon and what that means for the future of NYCW.



Rock: An impressive win for Ota and his new Cult of the Grey Dragon.


Turner: I’m not sure there is anyone in NYCW right now that can stop them Rock.


Rock: You might be right Ernie, but I know one man who would be willing to try and has the skill to back it up and that is Akima, returning to the NYCW ring after 4 months of touring in Japan.


Turner: That’s only if he gets past ‘Southern Justice’ Jack Griffith, and no man here has overcome more adversity and setbacks than Griffith.








Akima is backstage with some words to say on his return.


Akima: After four long months facing some of the stiffest competition the orient has to offer, I have returned to NYCW! Lots of new faces since I was last here and even the reviving of an iconic Tri-State stable but that’s not what matters to me. You see, I went to Japan to hone my skills, to become better than ever so I can take that next step. I’ve already been the King of New York, now I want to become the Empire Champion and I will beat anyone who stands in my way and take on whoever is wearing that belt till it is around my waist!

Rating D+


Akima gets a nice reaction from the crowd in his return.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AkimaBrave_zpsc96ea7c4.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/JackGriffith.jpg


Akima VS Jack Griffith in a one fall singles match.


Both men start slowly, having never faced each other before. A few tentative lock ups and exchanges occur as they do the process of feeling out their opponent, but after only a few minutes each falls back on what they do best , displaying agility and athleticism around the ring and brawling with high impact punches, forearm shots and clotheslines. Although older and maybe a step slower than Akima, Griffith’s internal fortitude and slght edge in experience keeps the match almost dead even as neither man can keep the other one down for long. This deadlock continues well past the twenty minute mark and its about twenty five minutes in before the youth and greater endurance of Akima begins to pay off. Griffith begins to get a little desperate and goes for the big move, but he hasn’t worn Akima down nearly enough and Akima reverses the tide and then lifts up Griffith high in the air and holds him there for several seconds before sending him crashing down in the Samoan Suplex ( Delayed Fisherman Suplex), and then bridging up for the pin.


Akima Brave defeated Jack Griffith in 27:35 by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex.


Match Rating C-


Definitely the match of the night, and I’d have to say probably in the top three main events of the year for us so far. Akima clearly shows why he was the most coveted wrestler from the indy scene in the last year, and Griffith showed his ability to hold up in a main event match. For anyone who wondered, this is why I valued getting Akima so much, even with his frequent touring of Japan affecting his availability periodically.





Probably one of the most active and energized post show fan interactions since I started doing these. Naturally the Cult of the Grey Dragon members got a lot of the fans at their table, as did the returning Akima. But even some of the lesser lights tonight were able to interact with the fans and look more comfortable doing so.




GANG WARS lived up to its legacy. It was the biggest show of the year so far and raised the bar for us in the future. While I would take a couple days to enjoy the after glow and the positive reviews, I knew that this was only the foot of the mountain, not the peak, and that we needed to continue climbing so that we could win more fans and work towards a bigger venue in the future.

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It was time for the monthly review meeting and there were a lot of positive things to discuss with the boss this time, both from how well the overall show was received and the financials as well. I slid into my usual seat across from Vessey and we began the meeting.


Vessey: The overall reviews were positive, but tell me how you think we did on the show David.


Mack: Overall, I am pleased with it. While the 3x3 format held the match quality down some, there was only one of them I thought could have done a little better than it did. Bryan Holmes looked dominant when he was in the ring and should slide smoothly into a main event slot for as long as we have him and the introduction for the new Cult of the Grey Dragon went as well as I hoped it would, although there wasn’t really any buzz about their return after the show since most people seemed to already predict it would be them appearing. And the main event between Akima and Griffith really solidified the show.


Vessey: Financially it was a record month as well as we cleared almost 16k in profit even with the higher wages by having Perez and James here for awhile. Sponsors kicked in more advertising money this month, what with this being our signature show and we sold out again. Overall I am pleased with the results. Now how do you intend to build off this momentum?


Mack: Since I can go back to singles and tag matches for the next show, I plan to do some high profile matchups to build on the storylines we started at Gang Wars and begin a couple new ones. All three titles will be defended and I will have Perez and James square off against Akima and Cage to co main event Ota’s title defense.


Vessey: Sounds good. Get the particulars to me later today so I can begin prepping the guys for the matches.


I left Vessey’s office to head back to my apartment and finish up the plans for Hot August Nights. I had brought Perez and James in for a handful of shows instead of bringing them onto the permanent roster for a couple reasons. While I wanted the Cult of the Grey Dragon to be more than a one shot appearance, I also wanted them to be more of a special attraction, brought in a couple times of year for a few shows to give us a boost or help elevate a storyline. Also, both Perez and James frequently toured Japan. While sometimes that didn’t conflict with our shows ( provided they didn’t mind doing a couple transpacific flights in one week) most times it meant that person wouldn’t be available to us while touring, such as with Akima recently. I much rather have CZCW paying their downside during that time than us. Besides, our current roster already had too many people on it till a couple of them got the hint their bodies had been telling them for years now and retired.

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Gang Wars was in the books and preparation for Hot August Nights was gearing up. It had been a busy month for me behind the scenes, what with bringing Bryan Holmes onto the permanent roster and engineering a multi-appearance talent trade deal with CZCW. Speaking of which, I really need to send Cliff a thank you note for allowing me to send him Cahill, Whistler and Bailey in trade for Perez and James. Talent wise that is a huge advantage to me, although everyone I am sending him has enough overness to be useful as having some name value even if the ring talent doesn’t match. A big moment was coming next month as Roger Cage’s contract ends at the end of August. While I am not expecting any difficulties, you never know for sure till you begin the negotiations for a new contract. Cage was still very much one of our top performers and his loss, while not crippling, would still be a big setback if we didn’t come to terms. But before I worried about that, I needed to get familiar with everything else happening in the wrestling world for July 2014.





  • BHOTWG’s feeder promotion, the Hinote Dojo, has risen in prominence in Japan and reached a Regional ranking.
  • Backed by the Hawaii government grants and the solid star power of it’s initial roster, L-Ring has rapidly obtained Small size status.
  • Kyuichi Matsumoto, a 20 yr old Japanese wrestler with a brawling style has entered the professional ranks. Despite not coming from a pedigreed dojo, he is not without some talent, and has developed numerous variations on his favorite move, the Powerbomb. Perhaps some time in the indies will help develop his skills enough for a name promotion to take a chance on him.
  • Monster Ishimura, a 22 yr old huge powerhouse female wrestler, easily matching the size of a male wrestler at over 6 ft and 284 lbs, makes her entrance into female pro wrestling. Although her great size limits her to short matches due to lack of stamina, she has the size and looks to be a star if handled correctly. It will have to be seen if her time in the indy circuit will be enough to catch the attention of 5SSW.
  • Shotaro Ikina, long time mainstay and 6 time tag team champion of GCG as retired from the ring at age 49. He has taken a position backstage as a Road Agent for the company he has worked at for over 20 years.
  • Yoko Ikina ( no relation) also retires from the ring at age 36. She was a graduate of the 1997 5SSW dojo but never found steady work in a name promotion, mostly working the independent circuit, with occasional appearances in 5SSW when someone was needed to fill in for an injured wrestler on tour.
  • CZCW referee Pee Wee Germaine and road agent Dylan Sidle have formed a firm friendship as part of the booking committee of Cliff Anderson.
  • Marcello Ricci, a young lower carder for UEW is making a bad enemy in main eventer Don Henderson after trashing him during an interview on a local sports program.
  • In RIPW, the Midnight Prowler has been prowling backstage around valet Emmy’s door and Emmy hasn’t seemed to mind as the two are dating now.
  • In RAW, Artemis Eyre-Rochester has been singing the praises of Swoop McCarthy, stating that the RAW headliner always takes time out to help make Artemis a better wrestler and performer.
  • In 21CW, Edward Cornell and Kevin Jones, both main eventers, show that professional rivals in the ring can still be good friends backstage.
  • Long time SWF valet BJ O’Neill is said to be dating Zimmy Bumfhole now , according to the rumors from the locker room.
  • 21CW lower carder BW Eddie is going to miss a little over two months after suffering from chronic lower back pain.
  • Danger Kumasaka, a long time member of the PGHW roster, has departed both the company and his role as head trainer of the PGHW dojo, leaving a vacancy there.





  • L-Ring continues to add talented workers to their roster, signing ppa’s with KC Glenn and Akima.
  • With Ekuma and Ranger called up to the SWF roster, RIPW fills the vacancies by signing Jackpot Jordan and Knuckles to ppa deals.
  • 5SSW brings in Paige Croft, Steph Blake, Zofia Jankovic and Gorgon for their latest tour.
  • IPW signs Matthew Keith on a ppa deal.
  • SAISHO adds Samoan Machine to their roster and bring in American Elemental and Nathan Coleman for their latest tour.
  • BHOTWG do not renew the contract of 3 time world tag champion Shimedzu and call up Michio Gensai to fill the roster spot.
  • PGHW replaces the departed Danger Kumasaka with Goemon Komiya, who they call up from development.
  • Bryan Holmes signs on with NYCW, who also do not renew the contract of Spike, aka New York Doll.
  • MPWF sign manager Padre Carrasco to fill the spot left when Chica de Partido’s contract was not renewed.
  • One of the first repercussions of Dean Daniels ownership of USPW is the departure of longtime mainstay and 3 time USPW women’s champion Belle Bryden. Rumor has it that Belle had made her own bid for the ownership and with that failed did not wish to remain.
  • 2011 TCW graduate Elliott Thomas is let go from TCW after failing to impress or improve enough after a couple years apprenticeship there.
  • Leftie Wilkes had a falling out with 4C management and has departed the company.
  • Aleksandr Knyazev, after a bitter argument with UEW booker Joey Beauchamp, has walked out on the promotion, who have terminated his contract shortly thereafter.
  • Disagreements with bookers seem to be a theme this month after Vaughan quits DIW following severe disagreements with booker Big Jim Teasdale.





  • BW Eddie defeats Jay B to win his first title, the 21st Century United Kingdom belt.
  • Ryan Powell beats Thrill Seeker to win the CGC Canadian Championship for a 2nd time.
  • Kalvin Addams and Petey Barnes team up to end the 14 month long reign of the Nigerian Hit Squad to claim the EWA tag titles.
  • Steffie Chee dethrones Laura McKenna for her second EWA Women’s title.
  • Jimmy Cox brings the impressive 16 month reign of Yasuhide Tayama to an end to claim the GCG Openweight championship for a second time.
  • Frantic Ali beats Busta Capp for the GSW American title.
  • Stunner Sayuki and Nariaki Hitomi team up to beat Omezo Shikitei and Masakazu Kaima for the Hinote Dojo tag titles.
  • Mean Jean Cattely and Findley O’Farraday pair up to win the 2014 Sam Keith Classic tag tournament in MAW.
  • Goemon Komiya’s call up leaves the SAISHO destiny tag titles vacant again.
  • Hellcat Hernandez wins the QAW Queen of the Ring tournament.
  • Rahmel Goode upends Swoop McCarthy to capture the RAW Television title for a second time.
  • Lobster Warrior defeats Squeeky McClean to end the latter’s year long reign as SWF North American Champion. This is Lobby’s 4th time as champion.
  • Jim Force beats Danny Rushmore to win the USPW Television title for a 2nd time.
  • Koki Ishibasi defeats Mokuami Maita for the WLW Modern Japan title.
  • Cyanide and Devilfish team up to defeat Goatees with Attitude for the ZEN Harmony tag titles.

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NYCW GANG WARS has come and gone, but the aftermath remains as former DAVE Unified champion Bryan Holmes has returned to the Tri-State area after several years in Japan and is now looking to make his mark in NYCW. But the even bigger news is the revival of the Cult of the Grey Dragon stable, with original member Ota now leading and bringing in the Cali Dragons to round out the group. They made a shocking impact at Gang Wars and now look to help Empire Champion Ota bring about his Reign of Darkness! Things are definitely heating up in NYCW and the action only gets hotter at NYCW HOT AUGUST NIGHTS!

(matches already scheduled)




http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bulldozer%20Brandon_alt1_zpspfyikndw.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash-1_zps0c9a684e.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ManMountainCahill.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bryan%20Holmes_zpsk6ddfvar.jpg



Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Man Mountain Cahill clash once again, but this time by partnering up with two of the best all around wrestlers to ever lace up the boots as Smith tags with Steve Flash while Cahill partners up with new NYCW wrestler Bryan Holmes.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AnimalHarker-1_zps66a00a10.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TennesseeWilliam_zpse109178a-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RickSanders-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TheMaskedMauler.jpg



Former tag champions the Southern Stars look to regain the belts as they challenge the current champions Old School Principles for the tag team titles.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Whistler-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Monty%20Trescarde_zpsueecob6e.jpg



NYCW Icon Whistler looks to capture gold one more time as he challenges NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion Monty Trescarde.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AkimaBrave_zpsc96ea7c4.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MikeyJames.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FrankiePerez.jpg


Roger Cage and Akima pair up to take on the newest members of the Cult fo the Grey Dragon, the Cali Dragons Mikey James and Frankie Perez.




http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ClarkAlexander_alt1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FumihiroOta.jpg



In the main event, Clark Alexander takes on the leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon and current Empire Champion, Ota, the Warrior of Darkness, for the NYCW Empire Championship.






Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Southern Stars VS Old School Principals © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness © for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes

I could see this one going either way, but I give this to Cahill simply because I think that Smith is more likely to win their next singles match.


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Not a time for a title chance yet.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Nope, I doubt Whistler will get any more title runs and if he would, it would be more likely to be a tag belt with some young partner who you would like to build up.


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)

Faces get a win over Ota´s team mates in order to set-up future title shots.


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

Ota isn´t dropping the belt yet.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes

'Dozer needs a victory here.

Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.

OSP not ready to drop, to all people The Southern Stars

Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

It's time for Ol' Whistler to retire..

Roger Cage & Akima VSThe Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)

Name Stable beats No-Name stable.

Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

I'm bullish on Alexander, but he isn't going over Ota here.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Whoa Nelly this is a tough one to pick. As Zergon said I could see it go either way, I could even see it end in some sort of draw but I am going to go with MMC and Holmes mainly because I am guessing they both are more over than Bulldozer.


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


There is no point in giving the gold to Whistler as his best days are behind him.

Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Man Mountain Cahill & Bryan Holmes


Southern Stars VS Old School Principles © for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( James & Perez)


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship.

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Saturday Week 2, August 2014

Held at the Ministry in Queens Att:1000 (SOLD OUT)




Three training tag matches were ran, trying out a couple of different pairings to see if anything clicks. There was some improvement shown by a few of the wrestlers in their performance in the ring.

Haley wins this month’s valet bikini contest to get the fans pumped up before the main show begins.




Rock Downpour: GANG WARS was another monumental event in the history of NYCW with the appearance of former DAVE Unified champion Bryan Holmes and the return of the iconic stable, the Cult of the Grey Dragon.


Ernie Turner: Truly an exciting show Rock. And we have another action packed lineup for tonight.


Rock: That’s right Ernie. Empire Champion Ota makes his first title defense against Clark Alexander and the Cali Dragons will take on Roger Cage and Akima in the Co-Main Events. But we kick off the action tonight as newest NYCW member Bryan Holmes partners with Man Mountain Cahill to take on Cahill’s current feud Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and his partner for the night, Steve Flash.


Turner: This will surely be an intriguing match with the power and animosity of Cahill and Smith, and the pure ring skills of Holmes and Flash. It’s tough to call this one.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bulldozer%20Brandon_alt1_zpspfyikndw.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash-1_zps0c9a684e.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ManMountainCahill.jpg http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bryan%20Holmes_zpsk6ddfvar.jpg


Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash VS Bryan Holmes & Man Mountain Cahill in a one fall tag team match.


Both sides were evenly matched, combining raw power with strong pure wrestling on each side. It was truly back and forth, with the crowd particularly loud whenever Smith and Cahill matched power or when Flash and Holmes traded counters fluidly. The end comes as Smith and Cahill are battling on the outside, and Holmes and Flash are each trying to get the big finisher. Flash whips Holmes off the ropes to set up his ‘Flash Bang’ hot shot finish, but Holmes kicks Flash in the gut and reverses it into a Full Nelson. Holmes then delivers a Suplex from the Full Nelson and bridges up for a pin in a move he calls Final Impact. Flash is unable to kick out and Holmes gets the victory for his team.


Bryan Holmes and Man Mountain Cahill defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Steve Flash in 18:06 when Bryan Holmes defeated Steve Flash by pinfall with a Final Impact.


Match Rating D+


Solid opening match and teasing the potential future matchup between Flash and Holmes. I only wish we could be doing it with the Flash from five years ago as he is clearly losing a step in the ring. He’s still better than 99% of the wrestlers in the world in terms of ring performance but he’s only 85-90% of his prime at this point.




Although the match is over, the battle between Bulldozer and Cahill continues as the hatred between these two men peaks. They battle up the entry way and into the back. The action is shown to the fans on the big screen above the entryway as Bulldozer and Cahill continue to trade blows all the way into the concession area. Cahill slams Bulldozer through a table and then grabs a steel chair and brains Smith with it, smashing him to the floor. Not content yet, Cahill picks up Smith and gives him a Mountain Topper through another table! Still not done, Cahill sets Smith up again and delivers another Mountain Topper avalanche splash! Officials and other wrestlers finally pull Cahill away and EMT’s rush to check on the unmoving and unconscious Bulldozer.


Rating C-


While his ring skills are subpar, Cahill sure knows how to give a convincing beatdown. Smith is going on tour with BHOTWG for the next few months so won’t be available to us. This gives Cahill some heat from the feud while giving a storyline explanation as to why Bulldozer isn’t around for the next few shows.


Rock: That was a brutal and senseless beating that Cahill gave to Bulldozer!


Turner: Just goes to show that Smith shouldn’t have interfered in the Man Mountain’s business. Now he has paid the price.


Rock: Cahill may have gotten the upper hand today, but knowing Bulldozer, this isn’t over yet. Now we have the tag team champions going against the former tag champions as Old School Principles defend against the Southern Stars.


Turner: The Moron and Elvis may have gotten lucky once in the past to get the belts, but that isn’t going to happen today.






http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AnimalHarker-1_zps66a00a10.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TennesseeWilliam_zpse109178a-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RickSanders-1.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TheMaskedMauler.jpg



The Southern Stars VS Old School Principles© in a one fall tag team match for the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Harker and Williams get some early offense in and get a couple near pinfalls, but the champions get the match in hand after a few minutes and Harker has to submit after getting clamped into the Iron Claw by Masked Mauler in the middle of the ring. Williams tries to save his partner but Sanders cuts him off and after Harker fails to reach the ropes, he taps out.


Old School Principals defeated The Southern Stars in 7:38 when The Masked Mauler defeated Animal Harker by submission with an Iron Claw. Old School Principals make defence number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.


Match Rating D


The very definition of routine title defense. When NYCW was smaller, Southern Stars was more in the middle of the pack, but with our expanded roster they are back to having to work their way up again. But they are still young and with several of the older members of our roster likely to be gone in the future they have the opportunity to move back up to the midcard again.








Fern Hathaway makes her appearance during the short intermission, firing t-shirts from her airgun and posing for pictures with the fans ringside.


Rating D+






Rock: Southern Stars come up short against the tag champions. Now we have a singles match where Jack Griffith takes on Sammy the Shark.


Turner: Sammy is going to have a tough time with ‘Southern Justice’. Griffith is looking to make a statement and taking down the former tag and tri-state champion will send that message.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SammyTheShark.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/JackGriffith.jpg


Sammy the Shark VS Jack Griffith in a one fall singles match.


Sammy gives a good fight and gets a couple close pin attempts early in the match, but Griffith begins to wear down the younger man and get the upper hand. An Irish Whip off the ropes leads to the Jack in the Box ( lifting Spinebuster) and the pinfall for Griffth.


Jack Griffith defeated Sammy The Shark in 7:55 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box.


Match Rating D

Another routine match as the midcarder Sammy loses to the uppercard\main eventer Griffith. Sammy is another one of those people that the rest of the booking committee seem to like, but for me I just don’t see him elevating out of the midcard anytime soon. But you never know, he could surprise me. When I first started here in NYCW back in 07, Cage was just an overpriced talker whose ring skills didn’t come close to his promo skills and now he is a clear main event level talent on the regional level with the potential to rise even higher.







Rock: Another impressive win from Jack Griffith. Now we have the Tri-State Champion Monty Trescarde in his toughest test to date as he takes on Whistler, who has held every title in NYCW but the Tri-State and will be looking to complete the triple crown.


Turner: He’s going to have to keep looking. Granted Whistler is still tough as nails, but his best years were during the Clinton era and no doubt Trescarde will have a solid business plan in place to keep his belt.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Whistler-1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Monty%20Trescarde_zpsueecob6e.jpg



Whistler VS Monty Trescarde © in a one fall match for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.


Whistler comes on like a house on fire early with big clubbing blows and running clotheslines but Trescarde calmly rolls out of the ring to blunt Whistler’s momentum. Trescarde then takes control keeping Whistler on the ground and strategically targeting Whistler’s legs to keep the brawler from getting his full strength back into his blows. Whistler tries to rally several times, but Trescarde stifles his attempts and finally puts Whistler away with the side Russian Legsweep he calls the Cash Bonus.


Monty Trescarde defeated Whistler in 9:47 by pinfall with a Cash Bonus. Monty Trescarde makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Match Rating E+


Barely passable match as Whistler is someone whose clearly lost more than a step in the ring. Like Bailey, he should retire but seems unwilling to admit that to himself. Unlike Bailey though, he isn’t taking his slide down the ranks with grace. He is used to being a main event level player everywhere he has gone, including here and isn’t happy with putting over young up and comers like Trescarde. Like Bailey, he has earned the right to decide when he is done in the ring, but while he is on the roster I am going to use him to benefit NYCW as a whole, not just him.





Trescarde isn’t done with Whistler after the match is over. As Whistler slowly rises, Trescarde catches him with a big boot right to the side of the head! Then he picks up Whistler once again and plants him with another Cash Bonus! Trescarde, in an obvious act of contempt, uses his foot to roll Whistler to the side of the ring and out onto the mat. He then grabs a microphone.


Trescarde: In the business world, when an asset gets outdated or underperforms it’s time for it to be replaced or removed for the good of the business. Here in NYCW we have assets that have gotten outdated and underperformed such as that worthless piece of trash I just beat. I have invested a lot in NYCW and in being the Tri-State Champion and in order to safeguard that business and my place in it, its up to me to remove these outdated performers who don’t have the sense to realize they have gone past their time of usefulness. What you just saw here is the beginning of that process starting with Whistler.

This isn’t personal, it’s purely business.


Rating E+


Beginning a storyline for Trescarde which will hopefully elevate him up over the next few months.



Rock: That was total disrespect by Trescarde for a multi-time champion and icon in NYCW like Whistler! He should be more respectful of his numerous accomplishments !


Turner: As Trescarde says, it isn’t personal. No matter how good something was in the past, when its usefulness is over, its time to get rid of it and replace it with something newer and better.







Cheerleader Nicki comes out for the intermission this time to energize the crowd by cheering on the fans and posing for pictures.


Rating C-


Higher than usual response from the crowd, probably because Nikki’s appearance usually signals that a Roger Cage match is next, and this time he is facing the Cult of the Grey Dragon.








Roger Cage and Akima come down to the ring before the match and Cage has a microphone in hand.


Cage: I admit I was a little surprised last month with Ota reforming the Cult of the Grey Dragon but now I am ready and prepared to deal with them. Perez and James, I don’t doubt your talents or abilities, but I know that I can beat you and I have with me another man who I know has what it takes to beat you as well, Akima!


Akima: That’s right Cage. I have come back on a mission and that is to be the Empire Champion and I will go through whoever I need to in order to accomplish that goal, and with the help of my man here I will go through you Perez and James tonight!


Rating C-


Good promo, although I think the response is more on who they are facing.






As Cage and Akima finish their promo, the lights dim out and the ring begins filling with an acrid smoke\steam. As it begins to clear, Perez and James are shown, just like at Gang Wars, perched on the turnbuckles, like birds of prey, completely motionless and with cold, dead stares locked on Cage and Akima. In perfect unison, they jump off the turnbuckles, and land in the ring, eyes never leaving Cage and Akima.


Rating C-


Once again, the elaborate entrance of the Cult of the Grey Dragon generates a big pop from the crowd.


Rock: That entrance is as intimidating as ever. But I doubt it can rattle Cage and Akima anymore.


Turner: The entrance may not rattle them Rock, but there is no denying the skill of the Cali Dragons and the aura of the Cult of the Grey Dragon just enhances that.


http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AkimaBrave_zpsc96ea7c4.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MikeyJames.jpghttp://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FrankiePerez.jpg


Roger Cage & Akima VS The Cult of the Grey Dragon ( Perez & James) in a one fall tag team match.


Traditionally, NYCW is known for slower paced, methodical wrestling. This had none of that. It was high paced, high energy from start to finish as all four men are very athletic and capable of innovative offense. The greater teamwork of Perez and James helped them stay in control most of the match, but Cage and Akima were able to rally back time and again to keep the Dragons from being able to capitalize on the control for a win. It was back and forth for almost twenty minutes, and each team was looking for the big move. Cage clotheslined Perez over the top rope, and then leaped over the ropes to crash on top of Perez. That left James and Akima in the ring. James delivered some quick strikes and then went for an enziguiri kick, but Akima ducked it and countered with a thrust kick of his own. Akima then picked James up in his fisherman Suplex position, held him high in the air for several seconds, then sent James crashing down to the mat and bridged up for his Samoan Suplex. James was unable to kick out before the three count.


Roger Cage and Akima Brave defeated Frankie Perez and Mikey James in 18:28 when Akima Brave defeated Mikey James by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex.


Match Rating C


The best match we have had in NYCW since my return. The crowd was into the match in a big way, the wrestlers all performed at a high level and the response to the new version of the Cult of the Grey Dragon is everything I hoped it would be.








After the match is over, Akima goes to the ring announcer chair and grabs a microphone


Akima: Ota! I just beat your goons and I am coming after that NYCW title next!


Rating D


Short, sweet and to the point.




Rock: A tremendous victory for Cage and Akima, and also a challenge directed to the Empire Champion by Akima.


Turner: Akima may have scored a nice win tonight, but the Warrior of Darkness and leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon is no pushover.


Rock: Ota will have enough on his hands tonight without worrying about Akima as he faces Clark Alexander with the Empire title on the line.


Turner: Alexander is not an easy opponent, I agree, but it remains to be seen if he has the skills to compete at the same level as the Warrior of Darkness, Ota.








Once again the smoke\steam combination fills the ring and as it slowly dissipates, Ota, complete with his Grey Dragon motif ghi and Empire title around his waist, stands motionlessly in the center of the ring, cold mechanical eyes staring straight ahead.


Rating D


Not quite as strong by himself as when its 2 or more of them as the impact and eeriness of the entrance is magnified when there is more than one, but it still generates a solid pop from the crowd.



http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ClarkAlexander_alt1.jpg VS http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FumihiroOta.jpg



In the main event, Clark Alexander takes on the leader of the Cult of the Grey Dragon and current Empire Champion, Ota, the Warrior of Darkness, for the NYCW Empire Championship


Clark Alexander VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness © in a one fall match for the NYCW Empire Championship.


The match starts slowly as Alexander tries to figure out the puzzle that is Ota. Ota for his part, reacts passively at the start, but whenever Alexander goes for a hold or a move, Ota counters it in almost robotic fashion. This goes on for a few minutes till Alexander gets frustrated and goes for a big running clothesline. Ota then reacts, delivering a thrust kick to Alexander’s face and going on the offensive for the first time. From that point, it is Ota applying the pressure, and Alexander on the defensive , trying to counter or escape the various holds and moves Ota tries to deliver. The back and forth goes on for over 20 minutes and as each man begins to tire and begins looking to close out on their opponent. Alexander goes for the Ice Breaker DDT but Ota reverses it into a Suplex. As Alexander gets up, Ota goes for another thust kick, but Alexander catches his leg. However that was only a feint as Ota immediately kicks up the other leg and plants it under Alexander’s jaw for the Ninja Strike! Ota immediately covers for the pinfall.


Ota, Warrior of Darkness defeated Clark Alexander in 27:43 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. Ota, Warrior of Darkness makes defence Number 1 of his NYCW Empire Championship.


Match Rating C-


While a notch below the preceding match, it still ranks up there among our top ten matches as the Ota era begins with a strong showing.




As usual the fan interaction segment after the show is a big hit and several of the wrestler continue to look more comfortable playing to the crowd or showing their gimmicks more easily.




The strong momentum gained from GANG WARS continues tonight as we get another strong show and an increase in popularity with the fans, given that we had to turn away a couple hundred people who wanted tickets, something we haven’t had to do in a long time. While the number of extra people isn’t near enough to make it cost worthy to start showing events at the 2000 seat Pennsylvania Park complex, it may not be too long before we start doing shows there again.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39379" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I loved the Monty Trescarde promo, it just oozed of smugness. Great stuff.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, now that I am at regional I can put some more development into some of the midcarders.</p>
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First week of September 2014


I headed into the office and met with Larry Vessey for our usual end of month summary meeting. Things had been going well the past couple months so I expected it to go fairly smoothly.


Vessey: That was a good show David, congratulations.


Mack: Thanks boss, though I have to admit the infusion of Perez and James had a lot to do with it. I’d be tempted to keep them on permanently if I hadn’t already been burned twice by Perez going to Japan in the middle of a big storyline, and James is getting a lot more exposure now as well. He may even end up bigger than Perez when its all done.


Vessey: I agree, they are extremely talented and help our shows, but you’re right, let CZCW foot the bill for when they are touring Japan. We already have to deal with Akima and now Bulldozer touring overseas and not being available. I’m not one to deny any wrestler the opportunity to improve themselves and I can speak from personal experience there is nothing that quite compares to wrestling in Japan, but I am not going to foot the bill for a bunch of non available people. Anyways, speaking of money, we did another respectable 11k in profits.


Mack: That’s good news. While I don’t anticipate adding to our regular roster, unless someone truly remarkable becomes available like Holmes did, its good to know we have a cushion to work with, especially with King of New York coming up in a few months. Now that we have the COTT to work with I can go back to our original invitational format with wrestlers from several promotions as well as our own.


Vessey: Speaking of upcoming shows, what are the plans for Ground Zero?


Mack: I plan to have some high profile singles matches this time, highlighted by the first Akima-Ota match.


Vessey: Very well, and finally, I assume contract talks went well with Cage and Mauler?


Mack: Yes, both sides agreed to terms and the contracts are being finalized with the lawyers and should be on your desk in a day or two for final approval.


Vessey: Excellent. Get me the match details later today so I can start prepping the boys and lets make Ground Zero another fantastic show.


I headed out to grab some lunch. I had no real worries about the next show, as Perez and James were as good as singles as they were as a tag team but they wouldn’t be here for much longer on this current talent trade and I needed to see how our regular roster would do without depending on another promotion’s workers each show.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39379" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there a reason you don't just move dates to have your guys around?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> depending on which tour they are on, the tour shows take up 3 days of the week, plus their main show. meaning I have to work around more than just one day and moving to another day may cause issues. Plus I'd most likely have that one performer have negatives for wrestling too much in a short time.</p><p> </p><p> And I have done the same dates for my shows for all three of my NYCW diaries ( only occasionally changing if a title holder is leaving unexpectedly) as I found it rarely ever conflicts with any of the other show dates the AI schedules for the rest of the regional promotions.</p><p> </p><p> And finally its the difference of playing it as a game, and playing it as a story. Since I am telling it as a story, in a story, the promotion doesn't reschedule everything for one person. Besides, I can use times like these for gimmick changes or turns to keep them fresh as well. </p><p> </p><p> Ultimately I think of it as another challenge to deal with when playing a smaller fed, just like losing stars to bigger promotions or when they decide they are too big for you.</p>
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August had been a relatively smooth month, especially with getting Cage and Mauler both re-signed on lengthy ppa deals. While that didn’t prevent one of the big boys like SWF from signing them up at least it meant I didn’t need to worry about an expiring deal for each of them for a few years. Cage was still one of our top stars and Mauler , once the latest OSP run had gone its course, was showing constant improvement each month and ready for another solid mid-upper mid push again as a solo wrestler.

With the household business taken care of, it was time to see what was happening in the wider world of wrestling for August 2014.





  • ACPW in Canada managed to gain enough popularity to be rated a small promotion but Fail to keep the momentum as they fall back to Local at the end of the month.
  • PGHW rise up to National level and once again position themselves to challenge BHOTWG for the biggest wrestling promotion in Japan.
  • SWF’s latest attempt to brand themselves as an International commodity fails as they are once again ranked as a National promotion.
  • 5SSW and AAA have ended a long standing working agreement. No official reasons were given but apparently both promotions felt the female wrestling talent pool was large enough now that neither needed to ‘share the wealth’.
  • Female bodybuilder Juliette King, a very muscular 246lber, enters the female wrestling world this month at 20 yrs old.. She boasts obvious size and power and a strength based wrestling arsenal but will probably need to develop her overall wrestling ability in the indys before anyone from a name promotion takes a chance on her.
  • Former college star running back Julius Moor bring his athletic skills and entertaining personality to the wrestling world at age 26 after failing to achieve the same level of success in the pros. While he has the raw talent in terms of charisma and athleticism , he will need to hone his ring abilities to have a chance to succeed.
  • 20 yr old Aussie with the one of a kind ring name Chuck Everlasting, enters the wrestling business this month. His in ring skills are not on par with his ability to portray a gimmick or sell the action but if he can get his actual wrestling skills to match his ‘acting’ the part of a wrestler then he could have some potential to succeed.
  • The Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduates 19 yr old Cruiserweight ‘High Energy’ Tyrone Gray and MAW sign him on the roster for a tryout.
  • Apparently touring over the long hot summer has gotten a lot of aging veterans to decide its time to hang up the boots as several wrestlers announced their retirements this month.
  • Both members of Wiley Coyote, Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite, retire this month. Wiley, age 46 and Coyote, age 49 match the record shared by OSP and the Ring General as 4 time NYCW Tag Champions. Coyote also had 5 other regional tag championships, 3 times back in TWL with Bailey as the Black Hats, and twice with our announcer Ernie Turner in SCCW as the Assassins. Wiley had one other title reign with another man who retired this month, Leo Davis, as TWL tag champions in the mid 90’s, which was the only belt Davis held during his 20+ years in the business.
  • 4 time MOSC tag champion Thug retires at age 48 from the ring.
  • Several veterans of women’s wrestling retire this month, including 2 time NOTBPW women’s champion Junko Hayakawa at age 49, 44 yr old Nikki Power, wrestler and MMA performer Nene Ebina, 36 yr old Mary Beth Chase, LGBT spokesperson Corrine White, one of the first openly gay wrestlers at age 39, Carole Singer a veteran of CZCW’s women’s wrestling in the early part of the century,age 40, and former 5 star world champion Saeko Hiroyuki round out the list.
  • Other notable veterans also retiring include 37 yr old Boris Kiriyakin , 43 yr old Ultimate Soetsu, 47 yr old Mastaro Kataoka, 47 yr old Scarlet Samurai, a veteran of BHOTWG junior division and peer of Optimus, 47 yr old brit brawler Gabriel Green, former SCCW champion Elijah Black, age 48, 2 time PSW and 2 time SCCW champion and well known author Idaho Punisher age 47, former APW tag champion Big Daddy Horne age 48, 3 time CGC tag team champion in the early 90’s John Jetson age 50 and 45 yr old Aussie Septimus Stubbs round out the list of indy veterans who called it quits in the ring.
  • SWF star James Prudence has broken up with long time girlfriend and former valet Rita Charles.
  • Love and hate come to AAA as Black Widow and AAA announcer Jim Lou Freebush are an item, but veteran Devil’s Daughter and rookie Selina Svelte are having problems working together.
  • Love is definitely in the air as EMLL’s Carolina and Snake King, Ollie’s Cosmic Rider and Amazon Queen and CZCW’s Willow and Jake Idol are all dating now.
  • But all is not harmony in the wrestling world as in GSW Gravedigga and Sanchez Vilano are feuding, as are Solar II and Ryuzaburo Sugiyama in EX2010.
  • The injury bug bites in 5ssw as midcarder Chiyeko Kita will miss a month with a knee injury, as will Kiko Sakakibara, with a bicep disorder. But the biggest hit is tag team champion Tomoko nagatsuka, who will miss 2 months with a strained rotator cuff.
  • PGHW’s William Hayes will also miss two months with a strained rotator cuff.
  • GSW’s Extreme Deluxe will be less extreme for the next 6 months as he is sidelines with churcillian neck –nerve damage.
  • NOTBPW’s Mountie Mann, who had finally gotten his big break, suffered a major setback after breaking his neck in a match. Current prognosis is that he will be out for at least 14 months.
  • 46 yr old former UCR owner and champion and one of the biggest names in European wrestling, Luis Figo Manico, has decided to return to the industry after a lengthy hiatus following the folding of UCR. So far he hasn’t signed with either of the splinter companies that formed after UCR’s closure.
  • VWA’s Swiss champion Matthew Macks garnered attention of the wrong kind, when he was arrested for a DUI in Germany.
  • PGHW star PRIDE Koiso is taking a break from wrestling for a few months to film a major motion picture in Japan. Already a big star in wrestling world, this will give KOISO recognizability to the casual public as well.
  • TCW are bringing back their former Saturday Night Showcase program on America-Sports 1 for the next television season.
  • Raymond Diaz has taken over as the trainer for the PGHW dojo following Danger Kuwasawa’s departure last month.
  • Big Daddy Horne may be retired from the ring, but his passion is still alive as he announces his own wrestling school in Australia, the School of Big Daddy.





  • PGHW adds several names to their roster in the wake of their National expansion, including road agent Hito Ichihara from GCG, announcer Seiho Kuroda, and 5SSW legend Thunder Hike as color commentator. They also call up Hirotsugu Satoh and Hirobumi Takimoto from development.
  • BHOTWG brings in Mr Lucha III, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Panda Mask II, Acid, Snap Dragon, Merle O’Curle and Fox Mask for their latest tour.
  • BCG signs up Mikey James, Frankie Perez and KC Glenn for their upcoming tour.
  • Pierrot and Kip Keenan join GSW from rival IPW
  • Sara Marie York is signed to the USPW women’s division along with Joanne Rodriguez and both leave AAA as a result.
  • L-Ring add Xavi Ferrera and Masked Cougar to their roster.
  • DIW sign Surfer Dude Lucas.
  • Jamie Atherton signs a contract with 4C.
  • Kid San Juan, in a dispute with owner PRP, walks out on his contract with FCW.
  • WEXXV doesn’t renew the contract of veteran Dean McWade.
  • Keith Vegas isn’t resigned by MAW.
  • In a surprise move, 3 time and current PSW tag champion Primal Rage is let go by Mitch Naess.
  • Tired of a being a career jobber, Drop Kix falls out with GSW owner Brother Grimm and quits the company.
  • Dragon Americano ends his long association with OLLIE.





  • BW Eddie holds the 21CW UK title less than a month, losing to Buff Martinez in his second defense.
  • HEART Saitoh defeats Dragon Assassin to win the 5SSW All-Asian title for a 3rd time.
  • Fallen Angel and Wildfire Inferno team up to end the year long reign of CILL tag champions The Viking Raiders.
  • Catalina Velazquez defeats Poison Ivy to become the new CILL Women’s world champion.
  • Silver Shark wins the 5th annual EX2010 EXODUS Junior Heavyweight Grand Prix tournament.
  • Stunner Sayuki captures the Hinote Dojo Dragon Warrior title from Nariaki Hitomi.
  • T-Bone Bright ends the year long reign of Lug Phelan for the IPW Californian title.
  • Masked Cougar makes an auspicious debut in L-Ring, defeating Insane Machine for the Lethal Triple Crown title.
  • Gino Montero defeats Nicolas Lopez to win his first OLLIE Campeon de Universal title and complete the OLLIE title Grand Slam ( having held every single and tag title in the company).
  • Steven Parker wins the PSW National title for a 3rd time after beating Little Bill Lebowski.
  • Primal Rage’s departure leaves the PSW Tag titles vacant, but his partner Dead Bolt teams with Nelson Callum to reclaim the vacant belts.
  • Mokuami Maita beats Fujio Narahashi for the SAISHO Destiny title.
  • Team Dynasty ( Hirokazu Yamanoue & Torajiro Sekazawa) win the vacant SAISHO tag titles.
  • Gaijin Nathan Coleman defeats Kinji Akamatsu for the SAISHO Ride the Tiger belt. Akamatsu had made an impressive 17 title defenses in only 5 months.
  • Foxxy LaRue captures the QAW shockwave title from Alexis Lee Littlefeather.
  • History was made as 6 time former TCW Tag champion Bryan Vessey won his first world title by defeating former TCW World Champion Rocky Golden and bringing his near 18 month reign to an end.
  • Jamie Anderson doesn’t hold the UEW World title long as he loses it to now 4 time champion Joey Beauchamp.
  • With Dean McWade’s departure, the WEXXV Blood Brothers tag belts are now vacant.
  • The Dark Knights ( Necromancer & Halloween Knight) beat Cyanide and Devilfish for the ZEN Harmony tag titles in the latter’s first defense.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Things really heated up at Hot August Nights, and now it's time to batten down the hatches for NYCW GROUND ZERO!! All of the Cult of the Grey Dragon will be in high profile singles matches against the top competitors of NYCW with the main event being Empire Champion Ota, the Warrior of Darkness defending the belt against the former King of New York, Akima!</p><p> So don't miss the best in old school wrestling action. Don't miss NYCW GROUND ZERO!</p><p> ( matches already scheduled)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/DeanWaldorf.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/DeanWaldorf.jpg</span></a><a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/MarvStatler.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MarvStatler.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/Monty%20Trescarde_zpsueecob6e.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Monty%20Trescarde_zpsueecob6e.jpg</span></a><a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/BlackHatBailey.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/BlackHatBailey.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>Monty Trescarde has been impressive since winning the Tri-State title, but he faces a stiff test this month as he partners with NYCW's resident bully Black Hat Bailey to take on former 4 time tag champions the Ring Generals.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/AnimalHarker-1_zps66a00a10.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AnimalHarker-1_zps66a00a10.jpg</span></a><a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/TennesseeWilliam_zpse109178a-1.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/TennesseeWilliam_zpse109178a-1.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/HonestFrank.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/HonestFrank.jpg</span></a><a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/Andrew%20Harper_zpsml4eiofi.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Andrew%20Harper_zpsml4eiofi.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>Honest Frank, having slipped out of the Empire title picture, has decided to take young powerhouse Andrew Harper under his wing and form a tag team they have dubbed Brutal Honesty. But they face a stiff challenge in their initial match as they face former tag champions The Southern Stars.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/ClarkAlexander_alt1.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ClarkAlexander_alt1.jpg</span></a><a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/SteveFlash-1_zps0c9a684e.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/SteveFlash-1_zps0c9a684e.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/ManMountainCahill.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/ManMountainCahill.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/JackGriffith.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/JackGriffith.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>With Bulldozer Brandon Smith on the shelf due to the vicious assault of Man Mountain Cahill, Steve Flash enlists the help of Clark Alexander to take on Cahill and his partner, 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/RogerCage.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/RogerCage.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/MikeyJames.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/MikeyJames.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>They've split results in two tag match faceoffs but now former Empire Champion Roger Cage will be all alone against the Cult of the Grey Dragon's Mikey James.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/Bryan%20Holmes_zpsk6ddfvar.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/Bryan%20Holmes_zpsk6ddfvar.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/FrankiePerez.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FrankiePerez.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>In a match that wouldn't be out of place in any Japanese federation, veteran Bryan Holmes squares off against puro specialist and Cult of the Grey Dragon member Frankie Perez.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/AkimaBrave_zpsc96ea7c4.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/AkimaBrave_zpsc96ea7c4.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/FumihiroOta.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/FumihiroOta.jpg</span></a></p><p> <a href="http://s336.photobucket.com/user/Dragonmack/media/NYCW_Empire.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n329/Dragonmack/NYCW_Empire.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>Akima called out the champion last month after scoring a big victory in a tag match against the other Grey Dragon members and Ota answers the challenge by putting the Empire title on the line against the first ever KONY winner.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39379" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>NYCW GROUND ZERO</strong><p> </p><p> The Ring Generals VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey</p><p> </p><p> Southern Stars VS Brutal Honesty</p><p> </p><p> Steve Flash & Clark Alexander VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith</p><p> </p><p> Roger Cage VS Mikey Perez</p><p> </p><p> Bryan Holmes VS Frankie Perez</p><p> </p><p> Akima VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship</p></div></blockquote>
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The Ring Generals VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey


Southern Stars VS Brutal Honesty


Steve Flash & Clark Alexander VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith


Roger Cage VS Mikey Perez


Bryan Holmes VS Frankie Perez


Akima VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship

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<p><strong>The Ring Generals</strong> VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Southern Stars</strong> VS Brutal Honesty</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash & Clark Alexander</strong> VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage</strong> VS Mikey Perez</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Holmes VS <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Akima VS <strong>Ota, Warrior of Darkness©</strong> for the NYCW Empire Championship</p>

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The Ring Generals VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey

A toss-up... I like Marv & Dean in this particular match, if for no other reason it sets up a challenger to Trescarde.

Southern Stars VS Brutal Honesty

One is a team, the other is a portmanteau

Steve Flash & Clark Alexander VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith

I take Griffith the most seriously of the four combatants here. He'll score the pinfall victory.

Roger Cage VS Mikey Perez

Now that I know The Dragons are here on loan, and not any longer, they'll be putting over Cage

Bryan Holmes VS Frankie Perez

I'd be a bit worried that this match will outdraw the main event -- in fact, I'm sure of it barring Bryan hitting the time decline wall.

Akima VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness© for the NYCW Empire Championship

I have read too much of your work to consider anything but a draw here

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The Ring Generals VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey


Southern Stars VS Brutal Honesty


Steve Flash & Clark Alexander VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith


Roger Cage VS Mikey Perez


Bryan Holmes VS Frankie Perez


Akima VS Ota, Warrior of Darkness © for the NYCW Empire Championship

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<p><strong>The Ring Generals</strong> VS Monty Trescarde & Black Hat Bailey</p><p>

<em>I could see this one going either way depending on if you are more interested on building Ring Generals or Monty. I go with Ring Generals here as Monty and Bailey aren´t a team but it´s a close call.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Southern Stars VS <strong>Brutal Honesty</strong></p><p>

<em>Another close call here but I figure that Brutal Honesty is here to help Harper to develop and with Frank´s popularity, they should be able to go over Southern Stars witout hurting them too much.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash & Clark Alexander</strong> VS Man Mountain Cahill & Jack Griffith</p><p>

<em>Yet another tough one but Cahill does look like bit of a weak link here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage</strong> VS Mikey Perez</p><p>

<em>With Perez being here with just part-time contract, I figure that he will put Cage over here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Holmes VS <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

<em>At first I thought this would go to Holmes for a same reason that I had Cage won his match but after thinking a bit more, I decided that either James or Perez will likely get a win in order to Cult to look strong and I figure that Cage is ahead of Holmes in terms of who will challenge for the belt so Holems is the one who takes the fall.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Akima VS <strong>Ota, Warrior of Darkness©</strong> for the NYCW Empire Championship </p><p>

<em>It´s not yet time for a title change.</em></p>

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