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<p>Quite a bit! I'm running a Touring-based Japanese promotion that has a lot of gaijin, based on me being an American wrestling fan I suppose. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Anyways, I started in Oct 2016 and am now in 2020.</p><p>

If you're curious as to who my title holders have been, I've put them up in the Post Your Current Champions thread.</p><p> </p><p>

We've got two brands, the first being the Shibui brand.</p><p>

Shibui features the women's division, its current world title lineage is that of the company's triple crown title, and this is where our figurehead lies.</p><p>

That figurehead is Shinsuke Nakamura!</p><p>

Other Main Eventers: Chris Jericho, Everhart (Jason Jordan), Rocky Romero, Tyler Black</p><p>

I've just capitalized on the push I had for Everhart, having him dethrone Nakamura to win the Shibui World Crown for the first time. He is currently over 90 pop all around the world, even slightly over Nakamura, and has been putting on stellar performances.</p><p> </p><p>

Rocky Romero & tag partner Trent Berreta have been a staple of the tag division since Trent's arrival, forever ago, and are the current champions. Romero had a lot of success under the Black Tiger IV mask here as well.</p><p>

Other Shibui roster members: TenKoji, KES, Roderick Strong, Shelton Benjamin, Tetsuya Naito, Austin Aries, Kaz Hayashi, Osamu Nishimura, Hayato Jr. Fujita, Incognito, Johnny Morrison, Yoshitatsu, Blue Demon Jr., Maverick (Tony Nese), and War Machine</p><p> </p><p>

The current women's division is as follows: Ayako Hamada, Britt Santana (Santana Garrett), Cassie Kage (Peyton Royce), Cheerleader Melissa, DASH Chisako, Kana (Asuka), Paige Knight</p><p> </p><p>

Kana currently holds the gold for the 5th time, but Cassie Kage has been on top of the division since her arrival, having 34 title defences over 4 title reigns, where as Kana was the first champion, but has only mounted 14 defences over her 5 reigns thus fair.</p><p> </p><p>

While Shibui could be seen as the main brand, Ukiyo is on the rise!</p><p>

The first and only Ukiyo World Crown champion is Randy Orton up to this point.</p><p>

Other Ukiyo Main Eventers: Claudio Castagnoli (Cesaro), Katsuyori Shibata, Samoa Joe, Worldbreaker (Bray Wyatt)</p><p>

Worldbreaker, much like his tenure in WWE, is the only of these main eventers yet to hold the World title (now on the Shibui brand). He is a former two-time tag team champion, with Brodie Lee/Luke Harper, but he has yet to grab the big strap and that has been his story. Claudio and Joe are both very formidable opponents for Orton, and its only a matter of time before one them becomes the second-ever Ukiyo World Crown champion. Perhaps.</p><p> </p><p>

While Shibui holds the Women's division and a strong tag team division, Ukiyo is where the Juniors thrive. The Ukiyo Cruiserweight title is fka the TWE Junior Crown, which has a rich history. The Ukiyo Tag Team titles were fka the TWE Junior Tag Team titles. You can imagine the fast paced action Ukiyo receives now as a result, though the Ukiyo Tag titles are no longer exclusively for lightweights.</p><p>

Another story that has been told in TWE that now continues on the Ukiyo brand is that of ColdFire. 'Cold' Zachariah Thomas and Wallace 'Starfire' Olson are two American rookies who have had a meteroic rise here in TWE, and were both picked up as proteges by Randy Orton on their first night out of developmental! CZT holds a place on the upper midcard, while Starfire was named the 2019 Young Wrestler of the Year. These two had a great tag title run before the brand split, which came to an end when Starfire suffered a 2-month injury. This allowed CZT to break away, and he is now en-route for Orton's title. Now that Starfire has recovered, the two look to claim the once-lightweight Tag Titles they are now eligible for.</p><p>

The current Ukiyo Tag Team Champions are the Shooting Stars, Matt Sydal & Ricochet.</p><p>

The current Ukiyo Cruiserweight Champion is a third-time holder, Nick Jackson of the Young Bucks. He and Matt are still active in the tag division as well.</p><p>

Other Ukiyo roster members: EC3, PAC, Mod Drags (ACH & TJP), AJ Styles, The Addiction (Fallen Angel & Kazarian), Jason Lee, Kofi Kingston (new addition), Prince Devitt, The Villain (Marty Scurll), YAMATO, Alex Shelley, Lio Rush, Hype Ferrara (Will Ferrara), Low-Ki & London (Paul London), and Ray Rosas</p><p> </p><p>

The company also has control of once near-bankrupt company Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, where a few workers have been sent to spend their time.</p><p>

Additionally, there are two developmental companies that were opened by TWE. Both use touring schedules and are broadcast on our global network, and are part of the Tanoshii GLOBAL alliance, allowing them to borrow main roster workers. The American branch is Kitsune Pro Wrestling, and the Japanese branch in Real Japan Pro Wrestling.</p><p>

Notable workers spending time in development: Cavenario, CIMA (trainer), Cody Hall, Toni Storm, Angelico, BUSHI (trainer), Donovan Dijak, and TMDK</p><p> </p><p>

We are the #2 company in the world, behind WWE, despite having a crazy amount of popularity over them.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Liger!Liger!" data-cite="Liger!Liger!" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>180 wrestlers?Jeez,and I thinking 40 is too much.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like my giant rosters, what can I say.</p><p> </p><p> Besides when I have 30 James Ellsworths (sp?) to job to people, it's not as hard to get them over. And some of them become someone down the road.</p><p> </p><p> The toughest challenge has been broadcasters. I'm trying to get some to improve, but they just won't do it and penalize the big matches so I keep having to take them out.</p>
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<p>In late 2021 with 4C, and about to drop back to Cult for the second time.</p><p> </p><p>

SWF and USPW are 500 points ahead of me in the National battle, which is a monstrous gap to bridge - especially now that they have signed Jamie Atherton and Princeton Price, who were in my top-5. </p><p> </p><p>

High Flyin Hawaiian and Nicky Champion keep us somewhat in touch, but it's slim pickings outside of that.</p>

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<p>WWF's booking in the WCW lives mod will always surprise me! No Mercy just rolled around for them, Austin and Rock are both 100 pop everywhere, Rock is the new figurehead. Rock appears only in an angle on the PPV, which okay, could be fair enough, they don't want to waste him on a B level PPV. The main event of the night was for the WWF Title, Eddie Guerrero (whose pop is still around 68 US wide despite beating Steve Austin for the title, then defending against the Big Show and Taker) Vs Christian, whose popularity is only 65 in the US. just to put this in context, all the stars of the Attitude era you associate with being super over are still there. Angle, Rock, Austin, Big Show, Taker, Kane and Jericho are all over 80 pop US wide. Yet they refuse to use them for the most part in the main event, many didn't make the card.</p><p> </p><p>

Then we have the biggest head scratcher of all. Triple H, still WWF Intercontinental Champion until No Mercy, still extremely over (87 pop worldwide)lost said IC Title to... Marty Jannetty. Yes, that Jannetty. He is a LOWER midcarder, at 44 overness US wide.... WTF!!</p><p> </p><p>

Currently, i'm a week away from Halloween Havoc, Booker T is shaping up to defend against Rick Steiner, and with Scott surely in his corner, Booker has all the odds against him... Nash and Dustin Rhodes are feuding, Nash calling Rhodes a 'waste of time, space and oxygen' and claiming Rhodes has never amounted to anything in the wrestling business. we'll see how that one plays out. Bischoff made his return to running the company, Seemingly a changed man, being fair in his matches, giving opportunities to everyone equally. But something is not right. He made a fatal four way match between Sting, Flair, Bagwell and Jarrett for the Mayhem PPV for the number 1 contendership, and has booked a tag match between the four (sting and Flair Vs Bagwell and Jarrett) at Halloween Havoc. Is Eric trying to sow the seeds of doubt between both sets of teams?</p>

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<p>I thought I was a smartass by meddling with the relations of my workers in a regional company (AAA) to turn my locker room into happyland, but now that my figurehead is wasted on painkillers every damn time it seems I f/cked myself. Can't send her to rehab because she's not contracted, and if I upset her in the slightest I've get all my main eventers pissed.</p><p> </p><p>

I hope her many 'friends' step in to give her the push towards treatment. I planned for her to regain the belt at this very night, but that's... not gonna happen now. (thank god the penalty for not living up to pre-bookings is gone <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="liontamer" data-cite="liontamer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Finished the 2020 Keith Classic (see prior post 3-4 pages back for info on the teams going in.)<p> </p><p> <img alt="y3mMCN52kK-_VsiqwK98fvMgNp1P73OPqHfb6wKWX2VHqJAYzKngf9ezDg8M91KZ2BgsCpGTxF8Lbis8WDdGy8j2sDjoeiY1CqGHPI0UFRVOuYWxdwkfvOJOCQImjnBpzCe9O8YsBF-48a9pQMPb2GGKvUVAlVhKqZj9jp2CzJNI8o?width=1504&height=1735&cropmode=none" data-src="https://9mtasw.dm2302.livefilestore.com/y3mMCN52kK-_VsiqwK98fvMgNp1P73OPqHfb6wKWX2VHqJAYzKngf9ezDg8M91KZ2BgsCpGTxF8Lbis8WDdGy8j2sDjoeiY1CqGHPI0UFRVOuYWxdwkfvOJOCQImjnBpzCe9O8YsBF-48a9pQMPb2GGKvUVAlVhKqZj9jp2CzJNI8o?width=1504&height=1735&cropmode=none" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Also of note Tommy Cornell recently debuted and pinned the world champ in a tag match. Debating if he will get the belt (Want to put in on him, but he gets penalties for decline)</p><p> </p><p> Garry the entertainer broke his neck and is out for the year. </p><p> </p><p> I have two US TV deals, covering most regions, and a Japan deal. Debating if I want onDemand PPV as that just became an option.</p><p> </p><p> and here are a few more pics related to my companies position and the finals of the tourney.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="y3mISONvwBS8zYrufH2is4zB4-XHEiiPKICPE2_JHEHOmHa01bd8toR6__IUWJLo7aidbDw6NTiZssBkVgoxzJeZE6sGESDFQ-rKUdjMp36KDTENmlSjVZbxtkU-GfnwSMRDitwK5Xp7FhJ5ntJQu_HFpkuKH5WMnK9n0oWmgdbV4s?width=1920&height=4252&cropmode=none" data-src="https://wqcqjw.dm2302.livefilestore.com/y3mISONvwBS8zYrufH2is4zB4-XHEiiPKICPE2_JHEHOmHa01bd8toR6__IUWJLo7aidbDw6NTiZssBkVgoxzJeZE6sGESDFQ-rKUdjMp36KDTENmlSjVZbxtkU-GfnwSMRDitwK5Xp7FhJ5ntJQu_HFpkuKH5WMnK9n0oWmgdbV4s?width=1920&height=4252&cropmode=none" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> You hold a lot of TV shows or PPV? How you increase so fast wrestlers popularity? <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Tnx</p>
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You hold a lot of TV shows or PPV? How you increase so fast wrestlers popularity? :) Tnx


Yes, I've posted this elsewhere, but it was a few months ago. I have three brands, though brands 1 and 2 largely intermingle. My schedule is as follows


Brand 1: APW

Brand 2: Underground

Brand 3: APW Japan, recently rebranded RJPW based on a posters logos on the forum, which fit very well with my existing title names.


Recurring weekly

Mon - APW Breaking point (2 hours, televised on three channels coving all of the main areas that changed above)

Wed - APW Event (Throwdown) (4 hours, televised on the same channels)

Thurs - Underground Event (4 hours, televised on the same channels)

I will likely be adding a Tues Underground or Japan TV show soon



Week 1 Sat RJPW Extra (4 hour japan show on same three channels)

Week 2 had an underground event, but morphed it into the week 1 japan even to get them more work

Week 3 Sat RJPW Live! (4 hour Japan show, again same channels)

Week 4 Sat, usually APW Revolution event, same as the others


So in this month (the entire tournament was in 1 month), I believe I had 15 shows total. Most featured matches from the tournament (but the Japan shows and at least one breaking point episode were not part of the tourney). In addition to coverage, the momentum gains and wins over other high profile people lead to the raises. That's also why the field was so big (allows me to test chem, make sure the major players nearly all get 1-2 wins, and push a select few to the moon. Some I had lose non-tourney matches along the way to keep egos in check).


The TV show has been steadily increasing, getting 1.1-1.4 ratings, but in the editor is still listed as having prestige of 0. Not sure what it takes to build up prestige. Events deals are way better though because there is no limit on how many you can have or how long they are. I can also choose which networks show which events on an individual bases, whereas the tv show is set (I haven't used this, but it could help if trying to tour in an area you don't want to hurt you overall pop much).


Momentum of several wins helps, careful planning of storylines helps, I also stayed almost entirely in my home area, maximizing ratings by avoiding less popular crowds.

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<p>Up to January 2018 in my TNA game (started May 16). </p><p> </p><p>

WWE continues to pillage some of my stars (Galloway, Abyss, EC3) and I like playing realistically and as the underdog don't pillage them back. We did pick up AJ Styles when he was abruptly fired for my racial comments. Even though he is toxic I've welcomed him back.</p><p> </p><p>

Main event title scene circles around Robert Roode (2nd most popular worker in the world) and Mike Bennett. AJ is starting to make his way into the picture as well.</p><p> </p><p>

The tag division was home to a resurgent Wolves but Eddie Edwards just broke his leg so they will be vacating the titles. Likely to The Sentinals (my super over menace squad of Gunner and Gryffyn (Mason Ryan)).</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy is still broken, and defending the "Title of the Mountains" against Cody Rhodes.</p><p> </p><p>

Last major storyline of note: James Storm (now well into decline) was prepping to turn heel on his protege James White (Vaders son) but the fans didn't react well, so I'm scrapping that and now White is turning on Storm in what I hope will be a passing the torch type Scenario to vault him to the upper card</p>

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<p>Officially wrapped up year 2 in my WWF 1987 (Now 1989) game and to say WrestleMania V was a success would be an understatement. WrestleMania V was my first ever 100/A* event in my history of TEW. To sound like a complete nerd, I literally jumped out of my seat in excitement over it. But it's pretty awesome. So here's the story so far</p><p> </p><p>

At the start of December 1988, WWF went ahead and purchased the failing JCP. Almost right on cue, WCW rose up. Unfortunately for WCW, WCWA and myself locked up a lot of former JCP talent to written deals when they were PPA and then I took the scraps I wanted. Which included Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Big Boss Man, Heidi Lee Morgan, and Misty Blue Simmes.</p><p> </p><p>

January rolls around and it's Royal Rumble time. Ted DiBiase just took the title back off Roddy Piper in December and successfully defended it at the Rumble. There was really only ever one potential Rumble winner in mind and it was Randy Savage, last eliminating Jake Roberts. Luger and Flair also made their debuts here as finalists.</p><p> </p><p>

February is quiet as it just builds and starts most feuds heading into Mania. Nothing too exciting happening yet.</p><p> </p><p>

Now it's time for the WrestleMania V card rundown.</p><p> </p><p>

Hercules wins a 10-Man Battle Royal to become #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship (79/B)</p><p>

- Basically the "WrestleMania payday" match. I always feel bad for Hercules, the guy is really one of my top performers, but his stamina hurts him and as a result, he just gets lost in the shuffle. Could serve as a good tag team champion someday.</p><p> </p><p>

Koko B. Ware and Ron Simmons defeat The Midnight Express (91/A)</p><p>

- Koko is my most pleasant surprise in this game. But really, he shouldn't surprise me when he pulls out a 90+ match at a PPV. He's IC/Tag material for sure. Ware and Simmons were kind of a random pairing as I wanted both on the card and Midnight Express without Jim Cornette (in rehab) aren't that useful to me at the moment.</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Women's Champion Alundra Blayze retains against Akira Hokuto (83/B+)</p><p>

- My best women's match to date with the WWF. Blayze ended Hokuto's 400+ day reign back in December and finally put away her foe at Mania V. Akira Hokuto is #2 on my Next Big Things and Hot Prospects list, so I wouldn't count out a second reign in 1989. If I ever hit a 90 overall women's match, it'll be because of her.</p><p> </p><p>

Lex Luger defeats Andre The Giant (83/B+)</p><p>

- Andre's time decline is brutal now. Mainly his stamina. But I was happy with the result. Luger starts off his run in WWF as a giant killer. Just too bad I don't have anymore face giants for him.</p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan defeats Vader (93/A)</p><p>

- Serving as Jake Roberts' goon, Vader has attacked Hogan every chance he's gotten and they finally met here. As if there was any doubt, Hogan goes over and gets a Mania win back. Vader's becoming a real stud, but his soft drug habit is gonna kill me. So when he gets popped, it's rehab time for him.</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition retain against Sting and Brian Pillman (82/B)</p><p>

- Bit of a disappointing rating, but I largely chunk this up to Pillman never really getting a decent run in the WWF despite being on the main roster for 2 years now. Should've been great, but it just wasn't. Though Pillman's incoming heel turn should launch him into some stardom I hope. Originally meant to be the Von Erichs, but Kerry got dumped into rehab.</p><p> </p><p>

Owen Hart defeats Mr. Perfect for the WWF Intercontinental Championship (99/A*)</p><p>

- Wow. The disappointment that was the Tag Team Championship match was wiped clean by this. I thought this match would be a high 80 or a low 90. I did not expect a 99 overall match. Owen is still a little raw, so needless to say, Mr. Perfect is a wrestling god. And I was just doubting him for an 84 and 86 defenses earlier in the year. Guess he wasn't the issue there.</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair defeats Bret Hart (94/A)</p><p>

- Keeping up with the Harts, Flair's been talking trash since he first got in and it was finally time for Bret to step up. Unfortunately for him, it didn't go so great. I've been really excited for Flair and after the show, who shows up on my time decline list? Of course! So him becoming WWF Champion may not become a reality. I dunno. I almost wanted to put Bret over, but if I let Luger win at Mania, I'd have to let Flair definitely win.</p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker defeats Ricky Steamboat (95/A*)</p><p>

- Originally meant to be Piper, but thankfully I discovered their bad chemistry beforehand. Not too fancy here, Taker has always been a thorn in Steamboat's side basically, having cost him the WWF World Heavyweight Championship once and his association with DiBiase always had him lurking. The plan at the moment is to turn Taker face at some point in the year and feud with DiBiase. Maybe for SummerSlam, maybe for Mania VI.</p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts defeats Roddy Piper (95/A*)</p><p>

- In December 1987, Vader and Mr. Perfect defeated Roberts and Piper. After the match, Roberts turned and beat down Roddy. The two then had a Best of 3 series. Piper winning at the Rumble, Roberts in February, and then in a steel cage match, Roddy Piper defeated Jake Roberts. A year later and thanks to the Rumble, these two sparked right back up again. This time, it was Roberts getting the victory. Match three is probably gonna happen at Mania VI, but I dunno.</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage defeats Ted DiBiase for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship (99/A*)</p><p>

- The returning Miss Elizabeth (was on maternity leave, angled as suffering an injury by accident from Rick Rude) was supporting Macho Man and witnessed him achieve his dream. A victory dedicated to his newborn son as well. DiBiase has practically been WWF's wrestler of the year ever since August 1987. If I keep the game going long enough, I think I'd be legit sad to see him hit his time decline or, even worse, have some major injury. With the ideas in my head, I don't see him really sniffing at the belt again until maybe 1991. And even then, it's really impossible to say.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm pretty happy with where I am right now. I've got a great main event scene, guys on the cusp of being main eventers, lot of developmental, guys I've been waiting to sign, and a lot of talent to debut in 1990. I've already got my Mania VI main event in mind, now I've just got to get there.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Atticus" data-cite="Atticus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Officially wrapped up year 2 in my WWF 1987 (Now 1989) game and to say WrestleMania V was a success would be an understatement. WrestleMania V was my first ever 100/A* event in my history of TEW. To sound like a complete nerd, I literally jumped out of my seat in excitement over it. But it's pretty awesome. So here's the story so far<p> </p><p> At the start of December 1988, WWF went ahead and purchased the failing JCP. Almost right on cue, WCW rose up. Unfortunately for WCW, WCWA and myself locked up a lot of former JCP talent to written deals when they were PPA and then I took the scraps I wanted. Which included Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Big Boss Man, Heidi Lee Morgan, and Misty Blue Simmes.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Out of curiosity, what does WCW's roster look like in this situation?</p>
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<p>Well i did something silly and accidentally booked my semi-main event for Halloween Havoc ( RVD Vs Luger II) as a one minute match, completely forgetting to allocate it time. as a result, it got a 60, and made RVD look bad because he lost so damn quick. Luckily it was a tainted victory so i'm going to have RVD ruthlessly attack and beat up Luger until their final match but yeah, bad mistake.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker T defended successfully against Rick Steiner, with Bischoff banning Scott from ringside during the match. Scott did run in during the celebrations and lay him out though. Bischoff will be booking the handicap match for the WCW Title at Mayhem, with whichever one of the brothers that picked up the pin becoming champion. can they co-exist when one could walk away with the Big Gold Belt and the other nothing?</p><p> </p><p>

Bischoff certainly knows how to be controversial (lets hope it creates WCW cash, we've not made a profit in 3 consecutive months now, despite our matches getting better), Flair and Sting managed to successfully defeat Bagwell and Jarrett, but there was tension in both teams during the match with the number one contender match at Mayhem already being announced. With me almost certainly keeping the belt on Booker until after Starrcade (the last Scott Vs Booker match) i now have to find a creative reason on why the number one contender will wait until AFTER Starrcade. Thoughts on that? The number one contender is looking most likely to be Bagwell, but could be Jarrett if anyone can help me out with my booking and prefers him for it.</p><p> </p><p>

Nash lost to Dustin Rhodes, who had his own professional career on his mind. Rhodes is playing a similar role to Ziggler in current WWE, but without the belt to go after. He cut promos about feeling like he had hit a roof, that he couldn't make it to World Title contention because people like Nash were still hogging the spotlight and controlling their own destinies (too real). Nash had to be protected and kept strong for the loss, but Rhodes did gain some pop for the win. </p><p> </p><p>

overall the show scored a 88 and featured other matches such as DDP Vs Shane Douglas for the US Title, John Cena Vs Ernest Miller, CM Punk's debut PPV match against Rey Misterio and Kanyon defeating Warrior. All of the matches had a storyline, but i mostly like to write to you all about the ones i'm enjoying the most. If anyone is interested in anything, i'm more than happy to write about it. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Quick Edit: Flair despite his decline has 100 basics and Psych and man is he passing it on to Jarett during this feud, Jarrett hit 97 basics and 80 psych. Pity he is also on steriods like Scott Steiner and will probably never touch the WCW Title again because of that.</p>

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<p>So I haven't played TEW in a while but I thought I'd share the last "big" event of my save. Playing CV97 in Australia (using KCCW from the database) and the last show I completed was our December show "Pathway to Glory" (yes I am ripping off old N-Gage games). It went something like this:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Leaders of the New School (Lanny Williams & Debonair David Peterson) w/Sean Quartermaine</span></strong><strong> defeated </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">The Adequate Partners (The Comedian & Butch Perry)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The LDRS are my top team with both on the cusp of main event. Comedian and Perry are the odd duo with great chemistry. These teams had feuded for 6 months with LDRS beating the Partners in singles action with dubious means and escaping unscathed in multiman matches. I gave LDRS the win because they are the next feud for my champion and the best team I got. The Partners will tag until Comedian does a heel turn in a year or two. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">The Future (Harry Simonson & Boo Smithson)</span></strong><strong> defeated </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Aggressive Tendencies (Saul Rubbernick & Michael Rheur)</span></strong><strong> and </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">World Class (Captain Wrestling</span></strong><strong> & </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Keiko Fujinami</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A filler match to get my other tag teams on the card. The Future are two future legends of the Australian C-Verse but here they are two rookies with barely six months of experience under them. The Tendencies are my lowest tag team with Rubbernick being on my shitlist for being a dick backstage and Rheur being stuck as a jobber alongside him. World Class of Captain and Keiko actually have some sort of story going with all of their wins ending with Keiko scoring the final blow and Captain stealing the pin for himself. This is a slow burn until she gets pissed and destroys him. (Wanted to do an intergender company despite Australia having ONE female wrestler, Keiko is blackballed from 5SSW so I gave her a place in Australia). The Future take the victory because they have the biggest upside and will feud with the LDRS sometime in the future. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Septimus Stubbs</span></strong><strong> defeated </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Trehawke Philips</span></strong><strong> in a Weapons Match</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Septimus Stubbs is a psychopath who is pretty much trying to destroy anyone who is unfortunate to cross paths with him. Philips is the white-meat boring babyface who is "loved" by "everyone". I don't even remember why this happened. The game keeps telling me that there's a big upside for Philips but I'm just not seeing it. He gets outshined by almost every opponent and most of the young guys are better and more interesting than him. Stubbs wins and will start a feud with my top babyface. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Jack Avatar</span></strong><strong> drew with </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">New Zealand Pitbull</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Avatar is my avatar (duh) and Pitbull is one of the better workers of the scene. Pitbull was brought in during the summer to be a hired hitman for Jim Teasdale against the Lone Rider. Avatar later eliminated Pitbull from a #1 contenders Thunderbastard Match (yes I'm also ripping off Progress). Pitbull took out Avatar for two months as a payback and we had a match here. Match degenerated into a brawl out of the arena (bar/lounge/whatever) and the feud will conclude in a stipulation match soon-ish.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Bryan Holmes</span></strong><strong> defeated </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Sharky George</span></strong><strong> (via DQ) (KCCW Championship Match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Holmes is the overconfident, undefeated, world-traveled challenger, who thinks he's better than anybody on this bloody continent. George is basically Australian Stone Cold, drinking beer, hitting stunners, all that jazz. Holmes uses the smoking gun to win via DQ and try to enrage the champion to make him lose his focus. He won't win the title because a) he will probably sign a written deal somewhere soon (and I pretty much hired him to try to make our aussies better) and 2) I plan for Sharky to hold the belt for another year</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">The Lone Rider</span></strong><strong> defeated </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Big Jim Teasdale</span></strong><strong> in a Steel Cage Match</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The feud that run trough the whole year. Lone Rider came back from a short hiatus and immediately drew the ire of "the greatest man in Australia today". Teasdale felt that Rider's spotlight had come and gone and hired New Zealand Pitbull to take him out before a four-way title match. Rider later cost Big Jim's title to George during the summer. A cage match was set to settle the rivalry once and for all. My best rated match thus far (C-) and the feud that carried the company. Lone Rider is my best overall guy and will feud with Stubbs next until a title feud with Sharky (who will turn). Teasdale is a big menacing monster so even though he's not the best in the ring, his angles will keep him in the top of the card.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick Edit: Flair despite his decline has 100 basics and Psych and man is he passing it on to Jarett during this feud, Jarrett hit 97 basics and 80 psych. Pity he is also on steriods like Scott Steiner and will probably never touch the WCW Title again because of that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Basics and Psych are 2 of the few stats, don't quite remember the others, that don't go down with Time Decline.</p>
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<p>Update of my 1998 WCW mod.</p><p> </p><p>

Just held Halloween Havoc '98 and I've finally gotten hold of my backstage somewhat. I'm hovering right around the 65-72 range and when I'm not getting the negative hit for the backstage rating, I'm firing on all cylinders. My Nitro's have been getting anywhere from a B+ to an A rating for a little while now which is gaining me popularity in all regions, after I've finally passed my restricted phase of gaining popularity after dropping to Cult. I'll be eligible to increase in size again in January, and I'm really looking forward to that.</p><p> </p><p>

As for the storylines; the NWO continues to fall apart. Hollywood Hogan became furious of the NWO's losing ways up to War Games. He announced a "cleaning of the house" and declared that anyone in the NWO that loses at Fall Brawl and after would be removed from the NWO because the NWO "doesn't want losers!" This backfired on him quite badly because in the War Games match, Scott Norton took the loss to Team WCW.</p><p> </p><p>

The following night on Nitro, the NWO (consisting of Hogan, Hall, Scott Steiner, and The Giant) brutally beat down Norton, effectively kicking him out. This has continued the Savage/Hogan feud as Savage has repeatedly tried to get a match against Hogan. Hogan's dodged the challenges, and said Savage first had to defeat The Giant at Halloween Havoc.</p><p> </p><p>

Thinking there was no way Macho would get past the largest athlete in the world, Hogan thought he was safe.....Until Savage beat The Giant at Havoc! Continuing his word, Hogan and the ever dwindling NWO ganged up and kicked the Giant out of the NWO the Nitro after Halloween Havoc. Thinking Savage finally had Hogan, he challenged him to a match at World War 3. Hogan was quick to dodge again though, and put up fellow NWO founder Scott Hall in his place. Hogan's more than confident that Hall will end Savage at WW3, but Hall isn't exactly thrilled because there's more than one reason why Hogan put Hall in the match.........</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Hall was on a tear as the United States champion since he took the title off of Booker T in August. Even though his defenses were rare, it didn't seem like anyone would be able to take the title off him, especially since the NWO was constantly watching his back. Enter Chris Jericho; Jericho began the summer in a feud with Bret Hart. After Hart had abruptly walked out of WCW (along with quite a few others, Luger and Nash included), Jericho became upset because it ended their feud out of nowhere. After voicing his displeasure, Savage (who was still in the NWO at this point), told him to put up or shut up. This ended up in a feud between the two which saw Jericho come out on top, also starting the Savage/NWO feud because Hall accidentally cost Savage the match. So this saw Jericho start a feud with Scott Hall over the US title.</p><p> </p><p>

Their match at Halloween Havoc was a good one which saw Jericho win the title off Hall. So instead of Hogan kicking Hall out of the NWO, he put him in the match against Savage at WW3. Will Hall be able to redeem himself against Savage, or will the NWO woes continue and actually see a co-founder get kicked out of the NWO??</p><p> </p><p>

Bill Goldberg continues his winning ways as WCW Champion since defeating Hollywood Hogan at Road Wild. He has defended the title a few times on Nitro's and Thunder's, but his only PPV defense so far has been at Halloween Havoc against DDP. It was a good match, but nothing compared to their real life match. Goldberg has been locked in a physical feud with Scott Steiner since he has returned from injury in September. The two have actually not had a match yet and no one is sure how the ring can contain these two beasts when they eventually do lock up. The crowd is totally into this feud as it's maxed out at A* and if things continue at this pace, it looks as the two will finally collide at Starrcade. It will be interesting to see how the winner of World War 3's battle royal may impact the winner of the projected Starrcade main event.</p><p> </p><p>

Other more minor things going on; Ric Flair and Arn Anderson continue to tease a reformation of the 4 Horsemen, although both are working as faces and Flair has become pretty disgruntled with his lack of momentum lately. He may see returning as the "dirtiest player in the game" as his only hope of reversing his momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

DDP is continuing to show signs of unhappiness. He wasn't chosen as a member of Team WCW for War Games, which he said didn't bother him, but his actions since that time have began to show otherwise. What's in store for the People's Champion?</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho is the new US Champion and there's talk of WCW possibly replacing Hollywood Hogan with him as the new WCW Figurehead. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months though, because rumor is Jericho's contract will be up and the WWF is sure to get into a bidding war.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of bidding wars, the Giant is up for contract negotiations and WCW is said to be pretty furious. Apparently, the WWF was not interested in the Giant until WCW offered a contract renewal. The two companies are now locked in a bidding war and WCW's said to be at the "max" of their contract offer. WCW has lost quite a few talents to the WWF, notably Kevin Nash and Eddie Guerrero after those two had walked out on their WCW contracts earlier this year. WCW had also attempted to sign Sid Vicious to help add some depth at heels, however, the WWF again got into a bidding war with Sid after showing no interest in him until WCW offered a contract. Sid took the WWF deal, which didn't help WCW's momentum. It's safe to say that the WWF, at this point, is just trying to prevent WCW from signing anyone with any notoriety. As a result, WCW is trying to lock down their top talent to long term deals and they're already planning ahead for the sure battle for Chris Jericho.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="tumblr_ofd5m246Kp1vcmumso1_540.png" data-src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/549db807677ccd9af384f94ec852da89/tumblr_ofd5m246Kp1vcmumso1_540.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

Great match eh? Pity Roderick Strong is so upset with me he’s walking out tomorrow.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Just completed the year 2018 in my NOTBPW save and it was a great year. Not sure if this year as good as the previous year but hey I didn’t get sued so that’s a plus. Anyways I am currently on the first day of 2019 and I have held 318 shows.


Wolf Hawkins is the current reigning and defending NOTBPW World Champion after defeating former champion Remo for the title back in November of 2018. Remo dethroned Steve DeColt after Steve held the title for 19 months losing it at The Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup 20. Steve DeColt managed 27 defenses of the title prior to losing it to Remo. Remo held the title from March and he lost it in November after defending the title a total of nine times. Remo’s reign was supposed to last a bit longer than it actually did but I consider it a failure due to the fact that he wasn’t pulling the match ratings I was expecting but it was probably my fault due to how I booked him and his card positioning during his title reign. Wolf Hawkins is the current world champion and has defended the title two times thus far. Wolf will likely hold the title for a while considering I’m not quite sure who I want him to lose it to but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.


My current NOTBPW Television Champion is Xtinction, he has held the title since September 2018 after defeating former champion Jacob Jett. Jett managed five defenses of the title prior to losing it while current champion Xtinction has also made five defenses of the belt thus far.


The current NOTBPW Tag Team Champions are still Blood Money (Johnny Bloodstone and Rich Money) they have held the titles since April of 2017 and have defended the titles a total of 15 times. They will likely be losing the titles soon I’m just not sure to whom as of yet.


The current NOTBPW Women’s champion is Melody, she has held the title since April of 2017 after she defeated Tamara McFly for the title. Melody has racked up an impressive 25 defenses of the championship thus far. If plans go right I plan on keeping the title on her for another two years (until 2021) when Lucy Stone-McFly debuts. So we will see if I can actually make that happen.


I won a few awards this time around as well including company of the year for the second year in a row. Steve DeColt was named the veteran wrestler of the year while Eugene Williams took home the award for Referee of the year.


New Signings: Tsurayuki Kamachi, KC Glenn, Alan Parent, Acid, Acid II, American Elemental II, Eric Blackley, Bradford Peverell, Alicia Strong,


Released; Joey Poison


2018 proved to be a good year for the company and although it wasn’t as good as 2017 I’ll take it. I’m looking forward to seeing what 2019 will bring.

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<p>Hollyweird Grappling Company 2016 Reborn</p><p> </p><p>

I am working a lot in the editor and such to get the roster just right. Every move I make had to be explainable for me to really get into it. The roster right now is a bit bloated. Lacks any real star power. I have not put anyone unavailable into the promotion yet. Everyone is exclusive and written.</p><p> </p><p>

Considering before starting putting at least 1 or 2 moderately over guys in the promotion. Maybe 1 from SWF, and one from USPW? Not sure though. I have a couple good tag teams. A few good manager wrestler combos too.</p><p> </p><p>

Have the backstory of how HGC was reborn and while far fetched I think it works. </p><p> </p><p>

Starting Cult with a lot of money. Using old event names even though TCW had the same event names. It only adds to the War between the 2 companies.</p>

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<p>The firs PPV after Wrestlemania and the first PPV after the brand split again with Smackdown's Backlash. It turned out to be a poor PPV which was improved by having a great main event but with the new split we have to create new stars with 4 matches involving people on their PPV debut on the main roster in Michael Wilson, Paris Youngblood, Summer Rae and Carl Vegas all in action.</p><p> </p><p>

We started off with the Light Heavyweight Championship on the line when Brian Kendrick had his rematch against Tyler Breeze for the Light Heavyweight Title and it would have been a great match in their 3rd match but once again both men are faces even though I've booked Tyler as a tweener. The match got a 78 B which is a decent way to open the show.</p><p> </p><p>

The second match on the show got an 81 rating with Susumu Yokosuka (On loan from NOAH) defended his World Alliance title against Rusev and it would be Rusev who would win the match and win the World Alliance Title from Yokosuka. One year ago I decided to make the game world more interesting by having a large alliance with a lot of promotions (NOAH, NJPW, ROH, TNA, Evolve etc.) which would mean that I could borrow other companies best talent but they could also borrow mine and I decided that the champion they had wasn't doing too well and I have plans for Rusev so hopefully he can do something good with the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

The third match of the night saw a return to an old rivalry from NXT where Paris Youngblood took on No Way Jose in a 75 B rated match. It was Youngblood who took the NXT United States Championship from Jose and as soon as he debuted on the post Wrestlemania Smackdown he was confronted by Jose who wanted another match and it would be Youngblood who once again came out on top.</p><p> </p><p>

The next match was a tag team match and it saw Charlotte and Summer Rae of the BFF's take on Mandy Rose and Kelly Kelly. The match got a 77 B and it would be 2/3 of the BFF's who picked up the victory to give them some momentum. The match only did so well because Charlotte had a in ring performance over 20 points higher than anyone else in the match.</p><p> </p><p>

After that another new call up from NXT Michael Wilson took on Tony Nese and due to them having good chemistry it got an 80 B rating with Wilson picking up the victory with a bridging German Suplex. Wilson debuted on the main roster and wanted to make an impact so he took out Tony Nese before his match with Intercontinental Champion John Cena on SD.</p><p> </p><p>

After that Carl Vegas (The fourth and final person to make their debut on PPV tonight) took on the challenge of Andrade Cien Almas who was angry after he was shocked by Vegas on Smackdown so he proceeded to beat down on him week after week until he got to the PPV but it turned out to be worthless as he once again rolled him up in a 75 B-.</p><p> </p><p>

In a rematch from Roadblock just this time it was for the Women's United States Championship when the new champion Sasha Banks took on the challenger AJ Lee and just like at Roadblock it would be Sasha who came out on top in a 92 A when she made her tap out to the banks statement.</p><p> </p><p>

In a 93 A, Alberto Del Rio defended his European Championship against Jimmy Uso and it would be the new European Champion Del Rio who made Jimmy tap out to the Cross Arm Breaker. Post match however he was celebrating his victory when he turned around into a double superkick from The Usos and it would be Jey who this time picked up the belt and held it high to show that he would be going for the belt next.</p><p> </p><p>

With the brand split happening it means that many people who lost their belts would not get rematches which happened with the European Championship, The Women's United States Championship and also the next match for the Intercontinental Tag Team Championships. Since The Wrestling Kings got drafted to Raw it meant that they couldn't have their rematch against Dashing and Perfect who instead tonight faced new challengers in former NXT Tag Team Champions and WWE Tag Tag Team Champions The Revival. In a 93 A The Revival would come close to picking up the victory only for Cody Rhodes to hit a Cross Rhodes on Dash Wilder to retain their championships. I see The Revival having another tag run in the future but for now Dashing and Perfect retain.</p><p> </p><p>

The semi main event of Backlash got a 90 A when Jerry Bowman fresh off his victory over Triple H at Wrestlemania took on John Cena for his Intercontinental Championship. Bowman had most of the dominance in this match but as John was about to go Super Cena, Triple H's music played and he came down to the ring to distract Cena who turned around into a RainBow Driver from Bowman who picked up the victory and have him beat Triple H and Cena within a month.</p><p> </p><p>

The Intercontinental Championship was not the only title that Triple H had handed to someone lately when on the post Wrestlemania Smackdown Bray Wyatt issued an open Challenge which was accepted by Mr Money In The Bank Enzo Amore who cashed in. They had a really good match but as Wyatt was about to pick up the victory Triple H came out and cost him the match. This meant a quadruple turn with Bray and his brother Taylor Rotunda turning Face and Triple H and Enzo turning Heel. This leads us to the main event where the kayfabe owner Shane McMahon returned and gave Wyatt his rematch for the WWE Championship. This would give us a great 100 A* rated match between the two when Enzo Amore retained his WWE Championship following interference from Big E. Post match Enzo Amore, Triple H, Big E and Jerry Bowman all stood together in the ring celebrating their dominance over the WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

The show got a 96 A* which was made a lot better by the main event which I was so surprised to see it get a 100 A* and the semi main event was pretty decent as well.</p><p> </p><p>

In other news Ring Of Honor have recently grew back to international. They also recently put on their first 100 A* match when Jason Lyte took on an on loan Dolph Ziggler in the main event of an episode of ROH Wrestling. This shows how the alliance is helping make the game more competitive rather than me dominating everything. Meanwhile we recently started the first ever McMahon Tag Team Classic and we've held two shows so far where 6 matches have taken place and the first round is done. It will eventually lead to a triple threat tag team match to crown the first ever McMahon Tag Team Classic winners who will get a shot at Tag Team Titles.</p>

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After three years, I dediced I could afford to bring in Professor Nero and Tommy London to serve as my announcer team, but in their first night together, Nero beat him up. Just not my luck as they are the only two men employed (AAA). I chose to fire him. Another day... <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>So I've been trying to build a feud up between The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, and Dynamite Kid) against The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Alexander Summers, and Chris Benoit) to be my main storyline this year in my Risky Business WWF game.</p><p> </p><p>

It started out good with Owen being up called up from dev, winning his first few matches before upsetting Rick Martel for the IC title, one day after Martel won the belt from Bret. Backstage, Owen would be attacked. He would be attacked a few more times before it was revealed it was Chris Benoit attacking him. Than, the first problem happens...Owen picks up an injury and can't wrestle for a month. Fair enough, I just had Benoit continue to attack him. Second problem happens during their first match...Benoit and Owen have horrible chemistry together.</p><p> </p><p>

Whatever, I can still continue the build up. Flair wins the World title, the Bulldogs win the Tag titles, and everything is going good, with the Bulldogs and Anderson/Summers entering the feud, backing up Owen and Benoit, respectfully. Bret starts to challenge Flair for the World title. Third problem happens...Benoit gets hurt with an injury that will affect him for over a year. Still can wrestle however.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, for whatever reasons, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson have a fall out and are no longer friends. Doesn't affect the feud, just amazed at it. I continue building the feud, with Flair defending the World title against Bret and Benoit/Anderson/Summers beating the Bulldogs and Owen. I still haven't attached Flair to Benoit, Anderson, and Summers, but it's coming up soon. During the first round of the WWF Tag Team Classic, Bret and Owen team up to take on Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko...and Benoit gets blamed for breaking Bret's nose!</p><p> </p><p>

Ugh. So that's three injuries, one bad chemistry note, and a friendship ending since I started this feud a few months ago. Still gonna keep it going, with a Survivor Series match and ending it with a War Games match.</p><p> </p><p>

In other news, The Ultimate Warrior won the World title from Randy Savage at Wrestlemania IV. He dropped it a few months later to Ric Flair. Magnum T.A. won the King of the Ring, beating Alexanders Summers in the finals. He would than start teaming up with Hulk Hogan to take on Jake Roberts and Rick Rude, who just lost the tag titles to the Bulldogs. The team of Hogan/Magnum would win this years Tag Team Classic.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of the Tag Team Classic, it was a massive 32 team, two night tournament this year. That was insane to book and I doubt I'm ever gonna go that big again.</p><p> </p><p>

Mr. Perfect also picked up an injury that will affect him for over a year. I sent him on vacation for six months, and he'll probably get another six after that. Scott Hall is still away filming a movie, but he's now the second most popular wrestler in the USA. And Randy Savage has taken both Scott Steiner and Brian Knobbs under his wing. Really happy he's taken Steiner, don't care about Knobbs.</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Crockett Promotions has been kicking butt this year. They rose to National, than dropped back to cult, but that hasn't really affected them too much. They've signed The Road Warriors, Mike Rotundo, Ricky Steamboat, Honky Tonk Man, and King Kong Bundy, which has really beefed up their roster. They've put on six A* matches this year and are set to be the promotion of the year...if they can survive Crockett's spending until than.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Wow. To add to the backstage fun with the Horsemen and Harts, the next show after Summerslam, where Arn Anderson and Alexander Summers beat The Bulldogs for the WWF Tag Team titles and Chris Benoit beat Owen Hart for the IC title, Davey Boy Smith threw a punch at Benoit and got his ass kicked by him!</p>

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<p>Raw's first PPV since Wrestlemania has to be considered a massive success. We had a great main event, the women set another record and we crowned the first ever winners of the McMahon Tag Team Classic in a great triple threat tag team match.</p><p> </p><p>

We started off the show with the United States Champion Xavier Woods gloating about how he took out John Morrison who he was meant to take on but picked up a 2 month injury. He was talking about how he didn't need to defend his belt tonight until Dolph Ziggler's music hit and he challenged Woods to an impromptu title match. The match got a 94 A and it would be Xavier Woods who picked up the victory with a Lost In The Woods to retain his United States Title. We recently replaced Ziggler as the figurehead with Seth Rollins and with Ziggler having declining physical ability it's time to push him down the card a bit like I have with Randy Orton, John Cena and others like him. He may still get a few shots at the world championships but I don't see him holding another one so I felt like it could help get Xavier really over here.</p><p> </p><p>

The second match of the night got an 82 B when the winner of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal Zeshin Ikoma took on Axel Dieter JR. Axel debuted a couple of months ago after a year in NXT and he was on a unbeaten run until he was defeated by Ikoma which made him angry and he took it out leading to this match here. It would be Ikoma who picked up the victory to keep up his momentum from winning the Battle Royal and keep him relevant.</p><p> </p><p>

We followed that up with a 77 B as Noam Dar (who was split up from the other 4 members of Bulletproof) took on Big Cass after Cass blamed Dar for losing a 6 pack challenge for the number one contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship. This match got the worst rating of the night but it was because they have no chemistry which affected it greatly or it could have got a B+ probably.</p><p> </p><p>

After that we had a 94 A with The Price Is Right (Eric Price and Ted Dibiase) taking on Hermanos Enmascarados. The Price Is Right picked up the victory here with the match being even until Price came into the ring and wiping house to pick up the victory. Post match they were celebrating when they were confronted by Moose (who Dibiase got involved to give Moose his first loss against Price) and Luke Harper. Moose wants revenge and asked Harper to be his partner to take down The Price Is Right.</p><p> </p><p>

Not much to the next match but in an 84 B+ Sami Zayn had a routine title defense against Colt Cabana. Not much just an easy victory for Sami.</p><p> </p><p>

In a Wrestlemania rematch Johnny Gargano had his rematch against the greatest man that ever lived Austin Aries for the Cruiserweight Championship but just like at Mania he walked out without his title as Aries retained in an 89 A.</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Orton lost his European Championship against Del Rio at Wrestlemania but in the draft he was drafted to Raw so couldn't have his rematch. However, General manager Edge put him into this number one contendership match for the World Heavyweight Title against Cole Galloway but Randy was unsuccessful once again and Galloway will go on to face the winner of the main event at the next PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

After that was the final title defense for members of The Assassins with Sabre and Ospreay putting their titles on the line against The Von Erich's and in a 90 A it would be Sabre and Ospreay who retained their belts when Ryan Sabre made Ross Von Erich tap out.</p><p> </p><p>

I said at the start of this that the Women made history once again when Bayley who didn't get her rematch for the Women's United States Championship wanted a shot at Queen Nia's Womens Championship. They would go on to get the first ever 100 A* that I have ever got from a women's match when Bayley passed out to the sleeper hold from Nia. It was also Nia who got my first ever A for Women and her and Noelle Foley were the first women to main event a PPV in Survivor Series. Great, Great match here and it did better than I was expecting it to.</p><p> </p><p>

The semi main event of the show was for the McMahon Tag Team Classic trophy and the opportunity to have a tag team title shot and although this is a Raw PPV it was three Smackdown teams that made it to the final. We had Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins taking on Bray Wyatt and Taylor Rotunda and Enzo Amore and Jerry Bowman. In the semi finals Enzo and Bowman beat the team of Damien Sandow and Shinsuke Nakamura, The Shield defeated The Price is Right and The Wyatt's defeated Sabre and Ospreay. It would be the Wyatt's who would become the first ever winners when Bray Wyatt defeated the WWE Champion Enzo Amore with a Sister Abigail after Rotunda took out Roman with a spear. This would mean that Bray can now go on to have on more shot at the WWE Championship at Over The Limit (I think) as he pinned the WWE Champion. The match got a great 96 A*.</p><p> </p><p>

I was a bit worried about the main event as both men have declining physical ability and the rest of the card had been so good but it paid off when in another 100 A* match CM Punk retained his World Heavyweight Championship against Jeff Hardy. Hardy won the 6 pack contendership match and he said that after all the pain Punk put him through last time he was at the company that he was determined to show that he could defeat Punk and become World Heavyweight Champion again but he just came short and ended up tapping out to the Anaconda Vice and Punk retained.</p><p> </p><p>

The show got a 99 A* which was absolutely amazing and as I said I was so happy to not only get a 100 in the main event but also get our first 100 A* women's match as well.</p><p> </p><p>

In other news as I said earlier Seth Rollins has replaced Dolph Ziggler as the figurehead as he is 6 years younger and I have major plans for him going forward. Along with this in TNA Bill Behrens stepped down as the head booker and he was replaced by none other than Jim Cornette which should make things a bit more interesting going forward</p>

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