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<p>Decided to pull the trigger on a 4 Horsemen run in my NWA save(essentially a TNA save, started in 2001 and now into 2005). Flair got booted from WCW early on in the save and he's now not considered toxic so I thought i'd bring him in. He wont be winning championships but I'm hoping he can get some talent over. The stable will look like this, unless I change my mind. </p><p>


Ric Flair</strong> The OG, mainly going to a manager but will sometimes get involved in matches. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nigel Mcguinness </strong> The crowning jewel, former NWA champion who's been floating around the main event scene for the last year. Booked as an incredible athlete who still takes shortcuts despite being world class. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cody Rhodes</strong> The American nightmare, my user character and company owner is Dusty Rhodes. The only real change to my database was setting Cody Rhodes to debut very early. Mainly been used a jobber, until forming a tag team with his brother, Goldust. Throughout his time with the company he has been a blue chip face floating around as a midcarder. I intend on running a major storyline with him being within Flair's stable. Tempted to even edit Dusty and make him a semi-active wrestler to give him a PPV match with his son. I'll eventually use him in the Randy Orton/Evolution role. A strong upper midcarder heel that storylines heavily focus on. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Burchill </strong> The enforcer, he's essentially the muscle of the group..nothing else much to it. </p><p> </p><p>

In terms of creating the stable on air, I intend on initially bringing Flair in as a manager to Nigel, advising him and taking him under his wing. Upon Nigel winning his second world title, Nigel will bring in "a mate from his past" in Burchill. Before we eventually get the big Cody Rhodes heel turn as he comes in as the 4th man.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Self" data-cite="Self" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Playing a game as Peter Michaels, who decided to start up his own Cult level promotion focussing on high-flying cruiserweight action, and scantily-clad eye candy nonsense. Both of which I've found as being fairly cheap ways of getting good grades with cheap workers, using High Spots/Eye Candy match aims.<p> </p><p> My cruiserweight division has been headlined by Kamikaze (punk) Devyn Reynaud (black power) & Sonny Wildside (adult star) all of which have developed greatly as workers, and would find themselves at least Lower Midcarders in any of the other US promotions. Donnie J came in for a while (as suave ladies man DJ Savage) to prop up the division, but Kamikaze stood out from the pack to take the belt at the end of 2016. I've just snagged Jefferson Stardust from SWF (first of many big signings now money is looking good). He'll be repackaged as something risky, to match my fanbase's preferences. </p><p> </p><p> My Stargirl division was originally to be headlined by Alina America (now Alina Cruz, degenerate) but she just kept getting into trouble. First fights with Lily Snyder (nun) got the latter one fired. Then she seriously injured Millie the minx (cute nerd 'Knoble Price'). Then she got seriously injured herself. Her role is likely to be taken over by Teresa Perez (slut 'Cinnamon Angel') whose team with Houston Handley ('Winchester Rose') has been a surprise hit. </p><p> </p><p> One year in an I'm having tons of fun. I'd run these products before, but never together, and never with a television schedule. Money has been tough, but the fanbase has grown, and securing a bigger network for our 4 annual PPV's has been great.</p><p> </p><p> P.S. Devious Doctor Fang is my new favourite worker. So devious...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> could you post your product settings for this please wouldn't mind giving it a go</p>
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1990 in my 1987 WWF game.


The Undertaker is my world champion at the moment. He's successfully defended it against Ric Flair at Main Event. He'll be teaming up with the British Bulldogs and Ricky Steamboat to take on the Four Horsemen at the May Supercard and then will likely move onto a filler feud. My plan will eventually end with Randy Savage winning King of the Ring. Becoming the Macho King and then beating Undertaker at Summerslam.


Savage will then defend his world title at Wrestlemania 7 against Roddy Piper who has been a solid hand and deserves a run at the top.


Meanwhile Rick Rude and Bret Hart are set to battle it out for the Intercontinental title. This will be a test run as I see each man as the start of the next generation.

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Playing a game as Peter Michaels, who decided to start up his own Cult level promotion focussing on high-flying cruiserweight action, and scantily-clad eye candy nonsense. Both of which I've found as being fairly cheap ways of getting good grades with cheap workers, using High Spots/Eye Candy match aims.


My cruiserweight division has been headlined by Kamikaze (punk) Devyn Reynaud (black power) & Sonny Wildside (adult star) all of which have developed greatly as workers, and would find themselves at least Lower Midcarders in any of the other US promotions. Donnie J came in for a while (as suave ladies man DJ Savage) to prop up the division, but Kamikaze stood out from the pack to take the belt at the end of 2016. I've just snagged Jefferson Stardust from SWF (first of many big signings now money is looking good). He'll be repackaged as something risky, to match my fanbase's preferences.


My Stargirl division was originally to be headlined by Alina America (now Alina Cruz, degenerate) but she just kept getting into trouble. First fights with Lily Snyder (nun) got the latter one fired. Then she seriously injured Millie the minx (cute nerd 'Knoble Price'). Then she got seriously injured herself. Her role is likely to be taken over by Teresa Perez (slut 'Cinnamon Angel') whose team with Houston Handley ('Winchester Rose') has been a surprise hit.


One year in an I'm having tons of fun. I'd run these products before, but never together, and never with a television schedule. Money has been tough, but the fanbase has grown, and securing a bigger network for our 4 annual PPV's has been great.


P.S. Devious Doctor Fang is my new favourite worker. So devious...


I'd read the hell out of this if it was a diary.

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<p>I'm now 10 months into my Smark Friendly Wrestling game, and I just completed my once-every-two months big event (in this case, SFW Reckless Abandon). Here are the big news items, title-wise.</p><p> </p><p>

- Eddie Peak won the world title back from Aaron Andrews in a tables match</p><p>

- Super Ninja and Silver Tiger (who have excellent chemistry) won the tag titles from Art Reed and Clark Alexander (also excellent chemistry, which is great since Alexander is deep in career decline and Reed is just starting to go that route)</p><p>

- Sara Marie York retained the women's title over Tracy Brendon</p><p>

- El Mitico, Jr., won the cruiserweight title over Greg Gauge in a 30-minute Iron Man match</p><p> </p><p>

Marat Khoklov also dispatched Greg Black with ease in a fun 10-minute match. The next night on my flagship show, SFW Mayhem, he did so again, but Sean McFly (fresh off a talent trade with NOTBPW) ran out to stop the post-match beatdown. I've booked them for my next big show, Season's Greetings in December, and that should be a REALLY fun angle (if challenging to book since I can't trot McFly out every week).</p><p> </p><p>

The obvious money angle is Peak/Khoklov, but I'm saving that for the next calendar year. Ideally, I'd want to run it six months until my biggest show in June. I've plugged Guide (fresh off a win over Frankie Perez at Reckless Abandon) into a main-event feud for the title to pass the time until then, and that should be cool since Guide can work a good match with anyone and is reasonably over.</p><p> </p><p>

I've also got Aaron Andrews feuding with Edd Stone (who beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith at Reckless Abandon and has been on fire of late), Frankie Perez feuding with Smith, Gino Montero feuding with Eisasu Kunomasu, Buddy Garner feuding with new signee Duberry Excess, and Mitico feuding with The Uprising (a stable consisting of Gauge, Kirk Jameson, and Ernest Youngman).</p><p> </p><p>

However, what I may be most excited about is the women's division. Sara Marie York is a beast, and has not had a single bad match since signing with me. She's been booked as a very strong champion in a division that also includes Suzanne Brazzle, Joanne Rodriguez, Demelza Wade, Nadia Snow, and recent push recipients Lauren Easter and Tracy Brendon. However, a new signee could threaten her top spot. That's Melody, who I poached from USPW (she was their women's champion at the time). Currently, I'm setting up a four-way match for the title at Season's Greetings, and that could be a spot for a title change to set up a lengthy program. Additionally, I've just come to an agreement with Missy Masterson, who adds some overness and depth in the face department. With all this talent, I tried to get a third weekly TV show strictly focusing on the women (in addition to Mayhem and Shockwave, my B-show), but only being "cult" means nobody wants to give me a third broadcast. Oh well, maybe I can get it when I grow.</p><p> </p><p>

My developmental system is also producing talent. I recalled Aldous Blackfriar at the start of October, and I've been phasing him into the cruiserweight division. He's not a bad hand in the ring, and his acting/charisma skills both shot up to 80 during his time in developmental, so he's a darned good promo. I've also got a few guys who could be ready shortly. Landon Mallory is as blue-chip a prospect as one can get; he's up to 79 on the microphone, with decent wrestling skills and a 70 in psychology. He's probably coming up next month. Jack Avatar, Logan Wolfsbaine, Alina America, and Romi Yamato are also high on that list, and I'll probably call them up sooner rather than later.</p><p> </p><p>

The best part: I'm traveling by plane all day tomorrow, which means I can go into serious "grind" mode and book a ton of shows. I love this game, and I love this particular save!</p>

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<p>Shawn Michaels defeated Bret hart for the third time in a storyline that began at survivor series and ended at king of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Hulk hogan is commissioner of the WWF but ted debiasie has taken exception to this and leads an army of men in an attempt to take over the WWF, in a segment on raw hulk was taken out by Vader, sycho Sid, diesel and Mable. Stone cold has lead a fight back against these guys but with no success. </p><p> </p><p>

Now it looks like undertaker (face) vs Shawn Michaels (heel) leading towards summerslam whilst Bret hart joins the fight back against Ted and co, with hulk due to return any time soon..</p>

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<p>As always I've had fun booking my AWA December tournament "Lord Of The Ring" </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://gyazo.com/51c4bd4b68fd747482bb23b5b50d06a0" rel="external nofollow">https://gyazo.com/51c4bd4b68fd747482bb23b5b50d06a0</a></p><p> </p><p>

After winning this tournament Pillman will get a title shot at the January PPV Rage In The Cage which Pillman will win to become the AWA World champion for the second time in his career. Then at my march PPV Sting will be winning the 30-Man Royal Rumble to get a main event title match at the may PPV, SuperClash. However similar to the Angle/Mysterio/Orton storyline I will be having HBK forcing Sting to put his title shot on the line at the April PPV, WrestleRock then the On-Screen commissioner, Greg Gagne will make the SuperClash main event a triple threat-- HBK vs. Sting vs. Pillman! This will be my first triple threat main event since starting this AWA save.</p>

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<p>My regional level promotion is about to undergo a facelift as 3 of my 5 main eventers are signing written deals with other promotions. Kirk Jameson went to BHOTWG, Greg Gauge to WLW and Dagger just got approached by TCW. I still have some guys who can have great matches, but I planned a lot of this year around Jameson and Dagger so it's a bummer. Also TCW is taking upper midcarder Davis Wayne Newton. If they grab El Mitico Jr, that'll be all of the guys who have put on 80+ rated performances that I still have left.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, on my last show, I had my first audible call in a match when Topher Smith gave Elliot Thomas a Herniated Spinal Disc, keeping him out 9 months post surgery (originally 11).</p><p> </p><p>

The one positive of this is that all of the guys who were signed away were heels, so the heel-heaviness I was feeling is gone now.</p>

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I'm in January 2017 in a TNA save started October 2016. Billy Corgan rebranded TNA which is now officially called IMPACT Wrestling.


Ryback became World Impact champion after feuding with Bobby Lashley and Kurt Angle (who returned after Bound for Glory) for a few months and will go on defending the title as a monster heel champion for the rest of the year.


Matt Hardy just recovered from a (kayfabe) serious head injury caused by Moose and claims that he had visions of the future. While he was in hospital, Mike Bennett called himself "the future of Impact Wrestling" during promos. This will lead to a "Choose your destiny"-match at Slammiversary.


Kofi Kingston signed with Impact Wrestling after his WWE contract ended and debuted as King Kofi, an African monarch with a good heart but a manipulative, evil counselor, Prince Nana. EC3 interrupted his debut speech to tell him that there is already a king of Impact Wrestling.


Jade won the Knockout title at Bound for Glory and feuded with Joey Ryan, who won a battle royal for a shot at a title of his choice, until Genesis in January, where she won a match for the title against him. This led to her announcing that the Knockout title is called the Women's title now.


Aron Rex renamed himself "The Idol" and recruited some Believers (Baron Dax & Basile Baraka) during a feud with James Storm which is still going on since the game began. No idea yet where this will lead to.


Cody Rhodes lost a feud against EC3 and Bully Ray in the past and now should go on and go for the secondary title held by Drew Galloway, but Galloway is out for 40 days with an injury now so I have to make up a plan B for him so he can play a role in the World title picture in the future.


I'm not really a creative mind so I'm really proud of this save so far and the further I am into the game the more ideas come up, although I'm still learning the mechanisms of the game.

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In August 2017 of my T-Zone RWC August 2016 game. The aim of my game is global expansion. I've bought out numerous companies and we now have active titles in the AJPW Triple Crown, GHC Heavyweight, GHC Junior Heavyweight and W-1 Heavyweight titles with unification planned down the track. I also have a number of development companies, with 1 based in Japan and another based in Mexico, a Women's federation and NXT. I just bought out PROGRESS to be my UK based fed and I plan to launch the WWE United Kingdom championship as an alliance title in January to help mimic real life (funnily enough I bought PROGRESS out the day before the UK title was announced last week).


Currently running through the 2nd Annual Cruiserweight Classic as a standalone B show, won last year by Jay Lethal. This year it features Mistico, Kota Ibushi, BUSHI, Hideo Itami, Bobby Fish, Alex Shelley, Kushida and Pentagon Jr. Winner faces the WWE Cruiserweight champion at Night of Champions, currently held by Ricochet.


CM Punk won the Smackdown Money in the Bank and cashed in same night after The Rock finally beat Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World title. Rock had been cheated out of the title for months, finally getting his 9th WWE World title reign for it to end minutes later. Punk would drop the title in a fatal 4 way to Goldberg after he was randomly sent to Smackdown in the Draft Lottery. The 4 continue to feud.


On RAW, Kevin Owens is the RAW Money in the Bank holder and is basically stalking Seth Rollins, who finally won the WWE Universal title off Finn Balor after a year of chasing the title. Whenever Owens looks to cash in, Sami Zayn is there to stop it. Owens beat Zayn in a loser leaves RAW match in October 2016, so Zayn moved to Smackdown but has since returned to RAW after being chosen in the random Draft Lottery.


Another talent who moved from RAW to Smackdown in the Draft Lottery was Charlotte, who has become the first women to hold both brand's Women's titles. Tyson Kidd was also moved to Smackdown after he turned on Cesaro, costing him the RAW Money in the Bank. Kidd has started Hart Dynasty 3.0 with Natalya, David Hart Smith, Vance Archer and Teddy Hart, but Cesaro has since been traded to Smackdown with Braun Strauman, for the Hype Bros. & EC3, where he can expect a lengthier main event push.


Honestly, I think the Draft Lottery was a great idea for me in-game. I had Siri random select numbers and moved talent from RAW and Smackdown based on their position alphabetically, only title holders were ineligible. It has created great storyline opportunities and made me think on my feet to work the talent in.


With Charlotte now on Smackdown, I've turned Paige heel who just won the WWE Women's title off Bayley who held it for 6 months. The Miz has moved to RAW where he's now battling Shinsuke Nakamura for the AJPW Triple Crown, and Neville has moved to Smackdown to help strengthen their cruiserweight division. Since Smackdown are light on Cruiserweight heels, he may turn heel after he drops the GHC Junior Heavyweight title back to Caristico.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazdaman" data-cite="gazdaman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>could you post your product settings for this please wouldn't mind giving it a go</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Key Feature: Modern</p><p> Heavy: Lucha Libre</p><p> Medium: Cult</p><p> Low: Mainstream, Daredevil, Realism</p><p> Women's Division. High T&A levels. Match ratio to taste</p><p> </p><p> I found the risky gimmicks thing to be very interesting. Hadn't booked a promotion with those before.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DAVEFAN95" data-cite="DAVEFAN95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd read the hell out of this if it was a diary.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know how to write spotfests, and the show would be mostly spotfests. So I'm not sure how interesting it would be on a week-to-week level, without breaking kayfabe ("Gave Malik Cash another show, and he messed it up...").</p>
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<p>So... just needing some advice.</p><p> </p><p>

WWF 1990, I've been playing since 1987. I find myself in a strange position... I can buy NJPW.</p><p> </p><p>

Now not only would this shoot my popularity up from 18 to 87 in Japan but I'd also finally have a shot at the end of the year awards which NJPW have held tightly onto most since 1987. Also I would be thrilled to be able to use Shinsuke Nakamura in a big way when he debuts without worrying about NJPW signing him to a written contract. But that's about 12 years away from happening.</p><p> </p><p>

That said I would feel bad for killing my main source of competition. So I come here asking advice.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Captain2" data-cite="Captain2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So... just needing some advice.<p> </p><p> WWF 1990, I've been playing since 1987. I find myself in a strange position... I can buy NJPW.</p><p> </p><p> Now not only would this shoot my popularity up from 18 to 87 in Japan but I'd also finally have a shot at the end of the year awards which NJPW have held tightly onto most since 1987. Also I would be thrilled to be able to use Shinsuke Nakamura in a big way when he debuts without worrying about NJPW signing him to a written contract. But that's about 12 years away from happening.</p><p> </p><p> That said I would feel bad for killing my main source of competition. So I come here asking advice.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, buy them and get a few guys, titles, events and of course that popularity, then add a new player and create a Cult company, then edit them into National and let a few top guys there so they can compete, eventually.</p>
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<p>@Captain2 </p><p> </p><p>

That's tricky, competition adds somthing the game, aiming to beat them to end of year awards could be a long term target to keep you interested. </p><p> </p><p>

You could use them as a dev, they would still keep their roster, they would still kinda compete with you without being able to damage you, except they could still sign guys to writtens.</p><p> </p><p>

Using NJPW may be useful to send a top card guy down there to work if you have nothing for them for a while.</p><p> </p><p>

I would just leave them perhaps. If needs be just take off the guys loyalty and wait for there contracts to come up naturally if you want to use a guy.</p>

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<p>Unless there is a title or wrestler you need RIGHT now, I'd buy them out as a development company. Let some of your younger wrestlers train over there, than a couple years, break the agreement with them and see how they do.</p><p> </p><p>

I did that with Stampede Wrestling in my 1985 WWF game, broke the child company agreement a few years later, and they're going stronger than ever in 1990.</p>

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can some one help me please


i need someone to make a grapic for Hall of imortals inductie Derion Sanders (blackguy) i want him to have a fade i need a logo for Florida championship women wrestling some belts for it and some for LA Women's Wrestling i also need a grapic of his daughters Kimi,Jill,Akemi (half black and half Japanese)also Keisha (half black half samoan like the rock) and his son James (half black half Japanese) and his wife Mai (an Japanese lady)

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i need someone to make a grapic for Hall of imortals inductie Derion Sanders (blackguy) i want him to have a fade i need a logo for Florida championship women wrestling some belts for it and some for LA Women's Wrestling i also need a grapic of his daughters Kimi,Jill,Akemi (half black and half Japanese)also Keisha (half black half samoan like the rock) and his son James (half black half Japanese) and his wife Mai (an Japanese lady)



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Just had an incident in TCW where Jay Chord was reportedly "being a jerk" and threw a punch at Mighty Mo. He would get beaten up by Mo as a result.


Went ahead and suspended Chord. Both were pleased by the decision, although it didn't affect Chord's extremely negative influence at all.


I'm stuck in a tight spot with Chord in this game. Currently, his stats aren't improving. His psychology and entertainment skills are just good, not great. Not really worth pushing past midcard with his negative influence.


He was the leader of a stable with Kirk Jameson & Davis Wayne Newton, but they've begun to match and surpass him in certain stats, so it's become more a freebird team now. DWN has been improving immensely, in all stats, so much so that he's on his way to a singles push. Just funny sometimes to see who is the one to break out from the group.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dbritton987" data-cite="dbritton987" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just had an incident in TCW where Jay Chord was reportedly "being a jerk" and threw a punch at Mighty Mo. He would get beaten up by Mo as a result.<p> </p><p> Went ahead and suspended Chord. Both were pleased by the decision, although it didn't affect Chord's extremely negative influence at all.</p><p> </p><p> I'm stuck in a tight spot with Chord in this game. Currently, his stats aren't improving. His psychology and entertainment skills are just good, not great. Not really worth pushing past midcard with his negative influence. </p><p> </p><p> He was the leader of a stable with Kirk Jameson & Davis Wayne Newton, but they've begun to match and surpass him in certain stats, so it's become more a freebird team now. DWN has been improving immensely, in all stats, so much so that he's on his way to a singles push. Just funny sometimes to see who is the one to break out from the group.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ya thats the downside of Chord. I signed him up in my SWF game. I teamed him and Brett Starr up with Jay Chord designated as the primary focus of the team. Between Chord's suspension and fights he just isnt progressing. On the other hand Hollywood Brett Starr is up in the 90's for entertainment skills and about 85 overall pop in US.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Self" data-cite="Self" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Playing a game as Peter Michaels, who decided to start up his own Cult level promotion focussing on high-flying cruiserweight action, and scantily-clad eye candy nonsense. Both of which I've found as being fairly cheap ways of getting good grades with cheap workers, using High Spots/Eye Candy match aims.<p> </p><p> My cruiserweight division has been headlined by Kamikaze (punk) Devyn Reynaud (black power) & Sonny Wildside (adult star) all of which have developed greatly as workers, and would find themselves at least Lower Midcarders in any of the other US promotions. Donnie J came in for a while (as suave ladies man DJ Savage) to prop up the division, but Kamikaze stood out from the pack to take the belt at the end of 2016. I've just snagged Jefferson Stardust from SWF (first of many big signings now money is looking good). He'll be repackaged as something risky, to match my fanbase's preferences. </p><p> </p><p> My Stargirl division was originally to be headlined by Alina America (now Alina Cruz, degenerate) but she just kept getting into trouble. First fights with Lily Snyder (nun) got the latter one fired. Then she seriously injured Millie the minx (cute nerd 'Knoble Price'). Then she got seriously injured herself. Her role is likely to be taken over by Teresa Perez (slut 'Cinnamon Angel') whose team with Houston Handley ('Winchester Rose') has been a surprise hit. </p><p> </p><p> One year in an I'm having tons of fun. I'd run these products before, but never together, and never with a television schedule. Money has been tough, but the fanbase has grown, and securing a bigger network for our 4 annual PPV's has been great.</p><p> </p><p> P.S. Devious Doctor Fang is my new favourite worker. So devious...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thats kind of funny. I started a new game a few months ago with Peter as the owner. I did something different and made the company based completely around Tag Team Wrestling and a Womens Division. The only singles matches were the Women and the rest were all tag matches.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Captain2" data-cite="Captain2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So... just needing some advice.<p> </p><p> WWF 1990, I've been playing since 1987. I find myself in a strange position... I can buy NJPW.</p><p> </p><p> Now not only would this shoot my popularity up from 18 to 87 in Japan but I'd also finally have a shot at the end of the year awards which NJPW have held tightly onto most since 1987. Also I would be thrilled to be able to use Shinsuke Nakamura in a big way when he debuts without worrying about NJPW signing him to a written contract. But that's about 12 years away from happening.</p><p> </p><p> That said I would feel bad for killing my main source of competition. So I come here asking advice.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I hate seeing companies fold. I only play Cverse but when I am playing with a larger company like SWF I routinely buy out the Companies that are in debt and make them a developmental company. If I really have no need for them to be a developmental i then go end that relationship and they start over as their own. </p><p> </p><p> I hate when some of the bigger companies go out of business.</p>
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Smark Friendly Wrestling rolls on, and I've just started the money feud that will headline the next six in-game months of my save. In one corner, current SFW World Champion Eddie Peak, coming off a successful title defense against Guide in a dog collar match. In the other corner, Marat Khoklov, who demolished Sean McFly at Season's Greetings (the big December show) and has not lost since signing with SFW several months ago. This is going to be a LOT of fun to play out, and I'm really excited to do that.


I've also just poached Joshua Taylor from TCW (boy, are THEY bleeding talent; on my roster alone, I've poached Peak, Taylor, Aaron Andrews, Guide, and Edd Stone!). It probably helped that I already had Tracy Brendon (his wife) on the roster. I've currently got him programmed with Aaron Andrews, and I envision him being a main-event mainstay since his ringwork fits my booking philosophy.


I changed both the Cruiserweight and Women's titles at the big show. First, El Mitico, Jr., regained the first belt from Greg Gauge in a cage match. This capped off a storyline between Mitico and The Uprising (Gauge, Ernest Youngman, and Kirk Jameson), and right now, all four guys have popularity hovering around 60. All four will be big pieces going forward, and with some of my core guys getting up there in age, developing new guys that can carry the ball when asked is a big priority.


Additionally, I pulled a bit of a shock in the women's ranks. I had Sara Marie York, who had not been pinned or made to submit in months, defend her title in a four-way match that also included Melody, Demelza Wade, and Nadia Snow. Wade pinned Snow in what I tried to represent as a plan between the two partners to ensure one won the title, and that finally caused York and Melody to join forces after the match (after bickering for weeks before it). I still plan on putting those two against one another at some point (maybe the big June show that'll also feature the Peak-Khoklov blow-off), but this was a fun story to run, so I did it.


As far as new signings are concerned, I picked up Roderick Remus and put him in a tag team with Aldous Blackfriar, simply because there weren't many heel tag teams besides my current champs (Super Ninja and Silver Tiger). I approached Remus early in my game about a developmental deal, but he wasn't interested, so I waited until he developed a bit to sign him. Both are decent prospects, so it made sense. I also made a play for Angry Gilmore, but SOTBPW, which desperately needs top talent after Champagne Lover left for a year to film a movie, signed him to a ridiculous deal (something like $40k a month). Meanwhile, I called up Jack Avatar and Tanyu Toshusai from developmental. Tanyu didn't develop nearly as much as I'd hoped, but I've got a working agreement with PGHW, and he's very valuable in talent trades since he's got some popularity in Japan.

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<p>Just restarted a SWF save (for the millionth time) and currently in June 2016 and I have already stolen Champagne Lover, Wolf Hawkins (both just last month), Nicky Champion (two months ago), and Jay Chord (still waiting his contract to start). </p><p> </p><p>

As far as the big stories, Remo just lost his title to Nicky Champion in a 6 man Elimination Chamber Match, and I plan to have these two fued for a little longer, then have Wolf take the belt. I just made Champagne Lover my figurehead (Jack Bruce is my avatar) so I will be slowly working on his pop which sits at 80s in the US. </p><p> </p><p>

Joey just dropped the NA Belt to the rising Mikey Lau and I plan on having Joey make a run at the title once Wolf wins it. </p><p> </p><p>

My tag division is not the best right now with only The Amazing Bumfholes, The Awesomeness, and Hero Squad having any momentum to speak of. I signed Killer Shark and Gargantuan (who I renamed Megalodon) but Gargantuan sucks so that experiment is currently failing. My version of the Wyatt Family with Jimmy Hernandez was another failed experiment as none of the members (John Greed, Hell's Bouncer, Bear, and Hugh De Asch) gained much from their feud with Vengance) so now Jimmy Hernandez is out after being buried alive, and I plan to bring him back as Jimmy Hernandez and have him team with High Flying Hawaiian as I am low on babyfaces.</p><p> </p><p>

I just debuted Steven Parkers new gimmick, The Dark Angel (original I know) and it has given him some new life, I just need to find the right feud for him.</p>

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<p>Continuing the WWF IN 1990 from the 1987 database. </p><p> </p><p>

Just held the first WWF Tag Team Classic: My Tag Team KOTR.</p><p> </p><p>

Had a surprise win and the formation of a team that started their career together. </p><p> </p><p>

The Blade Runners: Sting and Ultimate Warrior. </p><p> </p><p>

They beat the Road Warriors in the final for the Tag titles and tag crown. </p><p> </p><p>

A sideways move for Warrior in his career, as a former 2x IC champion and with huge pop he could have went toward the Heavyweight strap but the lack of opportunity as of late and the face o his od friend Sting coming into the company seemed to have focused Warrior in a new direction or the time being, it's unknown what motivated Warrior, was it adding further Gold to add to his resume? was it the thought of helping his old friend Sting get a running start in the company? or somthing else? </p><p> </p><p>

Sting came from CSW, Sting never made it to JCP/WCW and has came into WWF as an opener and really has to fight his way past a lot of talent.</p><p> </p><p>

Long term plan is way way down the line, like 1992/93 after winning tag gold a few times and supporting each other winning other titles Warrior will turn on Sting, culminating in a loser leaves WWF match at a Mania.</p>

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