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<p>Booking Golden Age JCP and just finished the Great American Bash 1988.</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair defeated Lex Luger to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title. </p><p>

Luger split away from the Four Horsemen in January, Arn Anderson turned face a little while later and when Tully Blanchard cost him and Flair a match against Luger and Anderson, Flair beat him up, ending the Four Horsemen (for now). </p><p>

Luger finally recieved a world title shot at the GAB, and lost when Sherri Martel distracted the referee for Flair to hit a low blow and pin Luger. </p><p>

Luger will get the title at Starrcade but for now he is left empty handed and Flair once again escqapes with his title (he hasn't lost it since the start of the game)</p><p> </p><p>

The Rock 'n Roll Express are the undisputed Tag Team Champions after beating Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Petrov at the May Supercard to unify the World and United States Tag Titles. My initial idea was to turn the Road Warriors heel and have them fued, but the WWF decided to steal them away with ridiculous contract offers (along with Rick Rude. They tried to get Robert Gibson as well, but not Ricky Morton, but I won that bidding war. In response I stole Haku and Bobby Heenan who were on Exclusive PPA's).</p><p>

So now the Steiner Brothers, managed by Jim Cornette, are getting an early push and will win the title soon so the Rock n Roll Express can chase the titles.</p><p> </p><p>

After losing the Road Warriors and Rick Rude, I needed to stack my roster a bit, luckily Terry Funk stopped being a freelancer and Stan Hansen decided to work in the USA around this time, so I signed both of them to written deals. I plan on utilizing them in a hard hitting US title division with Big Van Vader, One Man Gang, Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba Rogers, Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes. The faces in this group (Funk, Dusty, Arn, Big Bubba, Nikita) will also get shots at the World Title in the buildup to Starrcade. </p><p>

Lex Luger is the current US Champ but he will lose the title to Vader at the July Supercard.</p><p> </p><p>

Sting is the current TV Champion and he will be fueding with a debuting Meng. Meng will join a faction of Kevin Sullivan, The Barbarian and the Warlord (known as the Alliance of Doom).</p><p> </p><p>

Paul E. Dangerously debuted and took Bobby Eaton under his wing, paired him up with young up and comer Shane Douglas (who hilariously is being mentored by Ric Flair, they're best friends now) as the New Midnight Express, and they are working their way through the tag division now, mainly to build up Shane Douglas.</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Gilbert got surprisingly popular over the course of a year, fueding with the likes of Nikita Koloff, Big Bubba Rogers and Wahoo McDaniel. He recently secured the valet services of Missy Hyatt when she turned on her previous client Jimmy Garvin. Gilbert is on main event level but I"m not really sure what to do with him.</p><p> </p><p>

Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Petrov are set for a break as a team, but I haven't decided yet whether it will involve a turn or if they just go on to singles runs.</p>

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Haven't played much since the last update. I moved the league of their own ppv back a bit. I've had to do a little meddling. Haven't been too extreme. Just edited some of their psychology. I figure Cold would have somewhere in the 90s, Batman was upped a little. Brainiac is at 100, just a shame he is not wrestling.


Something that I would never do in a ''real game'', we had the face hero champion end the show by giving the heel challenger a Superman punch and standing tall.Taker said he had never felt anything like this in his life. Not a Roman superman punch. An actual Superman punch. Some rage was building up in Superman.


Superman vs The Undertaker will headline the next ppv. (the one after a league of their own) I will get to building towards that soon. Forgotten what my world title is called. lol Superman will defend that.


Terry Silver is going to make his way to this world. Why not? John Kreese is down in development training people. Corrupting them. :mad: Kobra Kai never dies! Time for a new stable.




Booking Golden Age JCP and just finished the Great American Bash 1988.


Ric Flair defeated Lex Luger to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title.

Luger split away from the Four Horsemen in January, Arn Anderson turned face a little while later and when Tully Blanchard cost him and Flair a match against Luger and Anderson, Flair beat him up, ending the Four Horsemen (for now).

Luger finally recieved a world title shot at the GAB, and lost when Sherri Martel distracted the referee for Flair to hit a low blow and pin Luger.

Luger will get the title at Starrcade but for now he is left empty handed and Flair once again escqapes with his title (he hasn't lost it since the start of the game)


The Rock 'n Roll Express are the undisputed Tag Team Champions after beating Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Petrov at the May Supercard to unify the World and United States Tag Titles. My initial idea was to turn the Road Warriors heel and have them fued, but the WWF decided to steal them away with ridiculous contract offers (along with Rick Rude. They tried to get Robert Gibson as well, but not Ricky Morton, but I won that bidding war. In response I stole Haku and Bobby Heenan who were on Exclusive PPA's).

So now the Steiner Brothers, managed by Jim Cornette, are getting an early push and will win the title soon so the Rock n Roll Express can chase the titles.


After losing the Road Warriors and Rick Rude, I needed to stack my roster a bit, luckily Terry Funk stopped being a freelancer and Stan Hansen decided to work in the USA around this time, so I signed both of them to written deals. I plan on utilizing them in a hard hitting US title division with Big Van Vader, One Man Gang, Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba Rogers, Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes. The faces in this group (Funk, Dusty, Arn, Big Bubba, Nikita) will also get shots at the World Title in the buildup to Starrcade.

Lex Luger is the current US Champ but he will lose the title to Vader at the July Supercard.


Sting is the current TV Champion and he will be fueding with a debuting Meng. Meng will join a faction of Kevin Sullivan, The Barbarian and the Warlord (known as the Alliance of Doom).


Paul E. Dangerously debuted and took Bobby Eaton under his wing, paired him up with young up and comer Shane Douglas (who hilariously is being mentored by Ric Flair, they're best friends now) as the New Midnight Express, and they are working their way through the tag division now, mainly to build up Shane Douglas.


Eddie Gilbert got surprisingly popular over the course of a year, fueding with the likes of Nikita Koloff, Big Bubba Rogers and Wahoo McDaniel. He recently secured the valet services of Missy Hyatt when she turned on her previous client Jimmy Garvin. Gilbert is on main event level but I"m not really sure what to do with him.


Ivan Koloff and Vladimir Petrov are set for a break as a team, but I haven't decided yet whether it will involve a turn or if they just go on to singles runs.


Flair vs Douglas could be money in the future. Especially with their friendship dynamic.

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I'm doing a variation of something I did in a previous AAA game where I hired Raven Nightfall; since both she and Devil's Daughter had vampire gimmicks, I put them together and then gave them Ellie May Walton as their Renfield.


What I'm doing now is similar. DD recruits Walton first, then brainwashes Rose & Lilly (switching them to their Goth avatars) and finally Jana Marie Bowen, who gets switched to her Hell Cat persona and reverts to a feral state. I'm calling the stable the Nocturne.

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Scripting has helped out nicely. Ran a couple of shows since.


Undertaker and Casey Jones casket match main event got me 89. Really happy with this. Can't really ask for more from a casket match. I said Casey is money but wasn't expecting so good with the 48 psychology rating. Some stellar road agent work from Jay Garrick.


Not going to do Superman vs The Undertaker now. Semi-main for next show will be brothers of destruction defending tag team titles against the Rogues. Rogues have been on a good run lately. No problems with the heel vs heel.


Kane has the power of fire. Yeah. Supergirl has a strong dislike for him due to a botched move that fortunately only put her out for a month. She may get involved in the tag team match. Thinking there will be a change.


The league of shadows want Bret Hart to be the next Ra's Al Ghul. :D I'm not against this idea.

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<p>I'm playing a C-Verse 2005 game with a custom fed, OWE (Overdrive Wrestling Entertainment). I'm in mid 2010 now and just came off my best show where a new champion, Joanne Rodriguez, was crowned, ending the 5 year undefeated streak of Freya Fish (Wanda Fish/Belle Bryden)</p><p> </p><p>

In 2005/2006, when my show first started, J-Ro was Freya Fish's apprentice and they were very tight. However, it turns out Freya was not who J-Ro thought she was. It was revealed some years down the line that she was the Goddess of Celestia and ordered the destruction of several villages and kingdoms because they posed a threat to Celestia. After thwarting attempts at revenge from the destroyed kingdoms, she seemed to be sitting pretty as the most powerful being in the universe.</p><p> </p><p>

Joanne Rodriguez confronted Freya and claimed that she was going to save her. Her previous opponents were fighting her out of hatred and revenge. J-Ro however was doing it out of love and wanted to bring her real self back. Freya said that J-Ro's judgment day will be soon, where she will be eternally damned. And so begins our show, OWE: Heavy Impact.</p><p> </p><p>

The show begins with Freya and her group of angels coming out and saying that TODAY was judgment day, and it will be the last time anyone will see J-Ro, atleast on this planet earth.</p><p> </p><p>

Angel Eater (Gargantuan) squashes Tetsunori Kodama. Angel Eater was a secret weapon that one of Freya's previous opponents had engineered to hunt down angels, but Freya and her cohort managed to re-wire him to be a soldier of Celestia. This was a throwaway match just to show how strong the angels were.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Britney Hollywood is talking with her friend, Krissy Angelle, expressing concern for her boyfriend, Jake Idol and his ongoing war against the hellacious Serpent Clan. When Brit leaves, Emma Vamp (Emma Bitch) tells Krissy not to involve herself with this mess with the Serpent Clan.</p><p> </p><p>

Again, backstage, in the OWE GM office (Honey Golightly is the GM of OWE), Lucky Lexie Littlefeather (Alexis Lee Littlefeather) is furious at Hero X (Extraordinario Jr) for exposing her scam where she would gamble at her own casino. She swears that when she gets her hands on Hero X, he will suffer. Honey tells her that she Lexie needn't lift a finger; tonight, Hero X will fall.</p><p> </p><p>

Next is a throwaway tag match, Kate Avatar and KP Avatar vs Keith Vegas and Jeremy Jazz</p><p> </p><p>

A Jake Idol flashback is shown on the big screen. He's with Dahlia, the Princess of the now destroyed Kingdom of Remala (they're both around 8 years old in the flashback). The Princess expresses that she always wanted to travel the world and perform as a musician, but she has a duty to her people. Jake supports her and says he'll be her bodyguard no matter what. She asks him if he'll sacrifice his own life to save her. He emphatically says yes. They hug, she mutters "That's a problem..." and stabs him with a dagger. She explains that this is the Godslaying dagger, and that the Serpent God Ouroboros (Hijo del Mephisto) will attack Remala soon. As the future leader of Remala, she cannot allow her citizens to be harmed. She says that she'll confront Ouroboros and put an end to him. "Sorry, Jake... promise me not to involve yourself with the Serpent Clan." Jake is on the ground, paralyzed, muttering the words "Dah....li....a"</p><p> </p><p>

The flashback ends, Jake pulls out the Godslaying dagger (how did he get a hold of that?!) and apologizes to the princess, saying that he's bad at keeping promises.</p><p> </p><p>

Ouroboros is watching Jake through a glass ball. He gets excited when he sees the dagger. Nadia Snow is chained up and he tells her how excited he is. He explains that his face was disfigured by a little girl because of that dagger, and that now he'll be able to destroy it once and for all. Nadia spits in his face and laughs. She says that if a little girl can do so much damage to him, imagine what a trained assassin can do.</p><p> </p><p>

Next, Purple Viper of the Serpent Clan defeated Krissy Angelle. Viper tries to carry Krissy and kidnap her to offer her as a sacrifice to Ouroboros, but Britney Hollywood comes out for the save. She says that she's not scared of the Serpent Clan and has openly declared war. Viper retreats. Emma Vamp comes in. She and Krissy look at each other, and then start attacking Britney.</p><p> </p><p>

Marat Khoklov absolutely destroys Hero X. Lucky Lexie comes out and taunts Hero X. "How are you going to fight crime in such a state? Well YOU are the criminal, spreading FAKE NEWS about me. You're not a hero, just a FAKE."</p><p> </p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle vs Findlay O' Farraday, a debuting Alicia Strong comes in and beats up Suzanne. She calls out Honey and demands a title match. Honey comes out basically saying "Uhhh, you can't do that." Alicia responds with "I CAN because of who I AM and who I'm related too. Do you know who I am?" Every time Honey tries to respond, Alicia cuts her off and starts making demands. "Well, wish me good luck on my title match two weeks from now." Honey tries to respond, but Alicia's music starts playing and she marches off to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye defeats Lucky Lexie. He calls out Steph Blake and says that as a King, he has a duty to defend his people and to get rid of any threats. He challenges Steph to come out and confront him. Steph comes out in a leather jacket, holding a metal pipe. The two of them brawl to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

NOW, for the Main Event...</p><p> </p><p>

Joanne Rodriguez and Freya fight in a Judgment Day match where if J-Ro loses, she has to spend an eternity in hell. After and epic grueling match, J-Ro wins, scoring the first ever victory against Freya in her 5 years at OWE. After the match, Freya is in denial. "No, I couldn't have lost... not to you." She tries to stand up, but collapses to the ground. She helps herself up using the ropes, but once again collapses. She collapses onto J-Ro, who embraces her. Freya is unconscious, J-Ro is hugging her. Freya's closest angel generals, Fariel (Rocky Golden) and Cozelle (Paige Croft) enter the ring. Fariel stares at J-Ro. J-Ro gives the two of them a nod and leaves. Cozelle is kneeling next to Freya, looking super sad. Fariel looks pissed, but is too shocked to do anything. The show ends on that note.</p>

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<p>So, for about the past month in my AAA game, we've seen no pop gains in either region. No losses, but we're stagnating. I'm thinking of cancelling the 1 hour Southwest show; we're averaging about 1300 fans a month. I've tried figuring out the breakdown, but the finances page doesn't go into specifics. Still, I'm spending at least $20k to do the show there. By comparison, my weekly Northwest show does anywhere from 7k to 9.5k in attendance, so as long as I don't use each and every wrestler at my disposal, I make a tidy profit.</p><p> </p><p>

I COULD do two shows in the Northwest, but I'm afraid of audience burnout. Now, a brand split experiment showed me that it CAN work, but the way I drafted it made it hard to run shows and keep the match ups fresh, especially among the tag division; one show had way too many people high up the card, the other had way too many low. Even if I allowed the AI to draft everyone, which would probably be more even distribution, I'd still have the problem I did at the beginning insofar as it's a struggle to come up with experienced tag matches, especially now that I've gotten more "poor chemistry" notes.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, Women of Wrestling 22 is tomorrow. I usually try to do a pre-show Hall of Fame induction. This year's inductees are Cherry Bomb, Suzanne Brazzle, Jaime Quine, and referee Dwight Kumas.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crackerjack" data-cite="crackerjack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Caught back with my booking - and now September's IYH is in the books.<p> </p><p> Noticed that 123 and the future D'lo have excellent chemistry teaming. With little to do for either, I'm making a team here. Just need a name and a gimmick to think of. Also picked up the other Godwinn to have a respectable job face tag team.</p><p> </p><p> Kicked the show off with Gorilla dropping his President role - to Roddy Piper! Took Piper away before WCW could get their hands on him, and he definitely helps in the star power department (with WCW signing Warrior we're still losing though)</p><p> </p><p> Bulldog took care of Bam Bam in a B- match in which they don't have chemistry. Bulldog's going for Shawn's IC belt, Bam Bam's got nothing. Due to the Kliq's hatred for Bam Bam, he's doing jobs until I piss em off and cut Bam Bam to make em feel better.</p><p> </p><p> King Mabel and Taker brawl for 9 minutes before Mabel counts himself out. But - the gong rings before he can leave the stage. The Undertaker is still on the hunt!</p><p> </p><p> Razor beat Jarrett, and both will continue to float until probably Survivor Series.</p><p> </p><p> Goldust makes his on-screen debut with Marlena in an interview with JR. JR can't seem to understand what Goldie is exactly. One thing's for sure - Goldust and Marlena have zero chemistry. Disappointing.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking a bad chemistry, Owen and Yoko have it! They beat the Gunns in 10 minutes. Steiners are signed, and will win the belt sooner rather than later.</p><p> </p><p> HBK and Diesel pick "Eat a reef" Ahmed Johnson as their partner in a 6 man tag against the MDC. Diesel pins Bundy to grab the win, and he'll battle Sid soon. DiBiase is furious - promising there's hell to pay in the MDC. Kama and Bundy will get dropped soon, and Dean and Skip (who have great chemistry) and HHH will grab their spots. MDC will make some new investments.</p><p> </p><p> Rolling the dice with Bret/Lawler in the Southeast worked - scoring an A in the main event. Isaac Yankem runs in for the DQ. Gives Bret something to do for October, and Lawler ain't jobbing in Memphis, brother. The good news about having to start my save over - Bret's not on time decline (yet).</p><p> </p><p> We still don't have enough attractive woman, but the show still scored a B+. Davey and Isaac get a little encouragement, and Bret is complimented on his performance. On to October's IYH - Diesel/Sid, HBK/Bulldog, Owen-Yoko/Steiners, Bret/Yankem, and other stuff too!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just ran IYH in Oct - Here's the rundown:</p><p> </p><p> Diesel took care of Sid to retain. DiBiase hired Camp Cornette to take out Diesel before the PPV, but he revealed he was ok on the go-home Raw. Scored a B in the main. Diesel's still figurehead, but he's having no effect on the business right now. Getting ready to drop him.</p><p> </p><p> Bulldog beat HBK for the IC title. HBK was protected, and he's on to bigger things in preparation for Mania. Camp Cornette will clash with Diesel/HBK/Steiners at Mania.</p><p> </p><p> Steiners beat Owen/Yoko for the belts. Don't have much for planned for Yoko, and Owen will probably get a slow-burn face turn. Cornette got paid off from DiBiase to take out Diesel, and he'll use the money on Big Bad Vader.</p><p> </p><p> MDC's tag team Brains and Brawn(Skip and Dean) beat the New Rockers (Bob Holly and Marty) to build some momentum. Skip and Dean will probably face off with the Steiners for the gold down the line. Half the locker room is now tense with Marty - thanks HBK.</p><p> </p><p> Razor didn't want to do the job for the MDC's HHH, so he got beat down 3 on 1 by the Brain and Brawn & HHH. Razor will form a team for Survivior Series against he Corporation.</p><p> </p><p> Bret beat Isaac Yankem by Submission. Piper on Raw said that if Bret could beat Yankem, he'd get five minutes alone with Lawler. Lawler got bailed by King Mabel, who attacked Bret. Taker runs in for the save, and Piper lowers the cage! Taker beats Mabel. Lawler will form a team, and Bret will too for Survivor Series.</p><p> </p><p> Bundy has blamed Ahmed for causing his departure from the MDC, and has teamed up with Bob Backlund to teach the young man some respect. Ahmed took care of Bundy, and is aiming for Bob next.</p><p> </p><p> Goldust got in a mini-feud with Savio, and got the win on the pre-show. On to the Series!</p>
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<p>Women of Wrestling went very well, scoring me a personal best of 10k in attendance! Unfortunately, the wrestling industry is in the toilet and going down further, so no pop gains. Cancelled the weekly 1 hour Southwest show, and cut the weekly North West show back from 90 minutes to an hour, to further cut costs as it looks like times are getting lean.</p><p> </p><p>

The next few events went well, and in our September event, Tracy Brendon snagged the Femme Fatale title for the first time from dominant champion (27 defences) Gorgon.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, I'm starting to plan for November's Queen of the Ring, which will have a tournament (and yes, I stole that from QAW; they use all my main event talent and injure them on their shows, why shouldn't I use their ideas?).</p><p> </p><p>

Most likely, the finalists will be Christy Higgins and Talia Quinzel, two upper midcarders who need that last little push into the main event. Both are former Top Contender's Champions, both have good star quality and in-ring skills, and they have good chemistry with each other. Not quite sure who I want to win it, yet, nor who else will take up the other 6 slots in the tournament.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crackerjack" data-cite="crackerjack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just ran IYH in Oct - Here's the rundown:<p> </p><p> Diesel took care of Sid to retain. DiBiase hired Camp Cornette to take out Diesel before the PPV, but he revealed he was ok on the go-home Raw. Scored a B in the main. Diesel's still figurehead, but he's having no effect on the business right now. Getting ready to drop him.</p><p> </p><p> Bulldog beat HBK for the IC title. HBK was protected, and he's on to bigger things in preparation for Mania. Camp Cornette will clash with Diesel/HBK/Steiners at Mania.</p><p> </p><p> Steiners beat Owen/Yoko for the belts. Don't have much for planned for Yoko, and Owen will probably get a slow-burn face turn. Cornette got paid off from DiBiase to take out Diesel, and he'll use the money on Big Bad Vader.</p><p> </p><p> MDC's tag team Brains and Brawn(Skip and Dean) beat the New Rockers (Bob Holly and Marty) to build some momentum. Skip and Dean will probably face off with the Steiners for the gold down the line. Half the locker room is now tense with Marty - thanks HBK.</p><p> </p><p> Razor didn't want to do the job for the MDC's HHH, so he got beat down 3 on 1 by the Brain and Brawn & HHH. Razor will form a team for Survivior Series against he Corporation.</p><p> </p><p> Bret beat Isaac Yankem by Submission. Piper on Raw said that if Bret could beat Yankem, he'd get five minutes alone with Lawler. Lawler got bailed by King Mabel, who attacked Bret. Taker runs in for the save, and Piper lowers the cage! Taker beats Mabel. Lawler will form a team, and Bret will too for Survivor Series.</p><p> </p><p> Bundy has blamed Ahmed for causing his departure from the MDC, and has teamed up with Bob Backlund to teach the young man some respect. Ahmed took care of Bundy, and is aiming for Bob next.</p><p> </p><p> Goldust got in a mini-feud with Savio, and got the win on the pre-show. On to the Series!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Drop Diesel and replace him with HBK. Give him at least 17 world title runs. Nothing can go wrong.</p>
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We are sprinting down the road to WrestleMania!!!


On the Raw side (phrasing) of things:

We are coming off the Fastlane PPV where John Cena ended his rivalry with Samoa Joe but it took multiple AAs to keep the Samoan Machine down.

Austin Aries continues his dominance over the Cruiserweight division after dispatching of Rich Swann, who is next for A Double?

Ambrose and Rollins reunited and won the tag titles, defending them for nearly 6 months, it all ended in a 4-way tag match that saw the Hardy Boyz walk out as champions.

Following the match Cesaro and Sheamus were arguing backstage until Sheamus stormed away.

Finn Balor was finally able to reverse Maryse's attempt to distract him into vicory, capturing the IC title for the first time in his career.

Asuka avoids her first loss by defeating Bayley and Sasha Banks. With the number of challengers quickly dwindling, who will be next for the Empress?

In the main event, Brock Lesnar looked to put Roman Reigns away and win back the Universal title but the shocking return of Batista put an end to it as Reigns speared Lesnar. Following the match Batista attacked Lesnar and challenged him to a match to prove who the true "Beast of WWE" is.


On the SmackDown side:

At Elimination Chamber Baron Corbin issued an open challenge that was answered by Luke Harper. Corbin retained when he was attacked by Sin Cara, angered by the interference, Harper attacked Sin Cara and has not been seen since.

In what was claimed to be a #1 contender Chamber match, Kevin Owens outlasted Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Roode, Sami Zayn, and Shinsuke Nakamura.

The Usos claimed the Tag titles again when Jimmy used the ropes for leverage when pinning Big E.

Carmella took advantage of a less than 100% Charlotte to retain the women's championship. But the Queen seems set on regaining her throne.

The WWE title was on the line in an Elimination Chamber match between: Jinder Mahal, AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Rusev, Mike Kanellis, and Tye Dillinger. The final 3 were Styles, Mahal, and Orton. It took a Styles Phenomenal Forearm from the top of a pod to Mahal to win. Following the match Styles was met by Kevin Owens and John Cena (Royal Rumble winner).


4 weeks to go until WrestleMania and there are plenty of things up in the air:

What title will John Cena choose to fight for?

Will Brock Lesnar accept Batista's challenge?

Who is next for Austin Aries and Asuka?

Will The Undertaker make his return?

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Things that happened since the last update:


Reaper defeated Deathstroke

Killer Frost won the ic title from The Flash.


Some things are just meant to be. Bret and Ra's have great chemistry. Quite possibly the first time I've let a 60-year-old wrestle. Bret did well with him. The stip was if Bret lost he had to be the next Ra's al Ghul.




Turns out Ra's is happy that Bret defeated him. He would rather Bret turned using his own free will. The speedforce attacked Bret after the match. Flash ran in for the late save. Flash is all, ''I'm sorry'' Bret is all, ''Don't worry about it.'' Too much on Flash mind at the minute.


Superman defeated Reaper in the main event by DQ. Match of the night 88. Might be getting too familiar with that finish. Was considering a change here but felt that it was too soon to have Superman lose. Lots of interference. Reaper earned this match by defeating Deathstroke. He will not be amused at anybody, he never is, but he will be less amused because of all the interference. General Zod has been winding him up. Reaper will only take so much. Reaper and Casey Jones will get something going soon enough.


Already thinking about turning The Undertaker. I feel like he can be more valuable and there are so many super-powered heels. Casey Jones just returned, he says he respects The Undertaker, ''it was a hell of a fight.'' etc


Turns out that Emperor Darkseid was behind the Nemesis attack. Yes, Darkseid is now leader of the sith. Nemesis is his apprentice. Tara Valkyrie was brought up from development, renamed as Darth Kira. Lumiya is her master. Kira is on the next big thing list.


Next PPV main event will be Superman and Wonder Woman vs Darkseid and Nemesis. Wonder Woman is leaving to make movies. Will have to come up with some sort of fantastical end to this match. Not sure how I'm going to get the women's title off her. She defeated Bleez at the pay per view.


Nemesis and Darkseid together. All that menace. Ratings. Will have to get Luke Skywalker back in on loan. Kenobi took on Nemesis alone at the pay per view. Took a heavy beating. He will end up hearing a voice in his head, Randy Orton style, he will unleash RKO's to all users of the dark side. Nah, nothing that exciting. The voices lead him to a temple. The next show will have a couple of one-minute segments showing a wounded Rain Kenobi ( yes, another person renamed) walking. The final segment will show him arriving at the temple. Saving the Luke reveal until the PPV. The famous handshake and hug!!! with Superman. Great scenes. I have to use Luke here. The most powerful Jedi of them all. :p


So hard to resist signing people in this game. I like to keep the roster around 50-60 wrestlers. At 56 at the minute. General Zod put Ocean Master in the phantom zone. That's the end of him. Lex didn't seem too bothered. ''He was useless.'' Donna Troy will be my final signing for a while. I see she is related to Wonder Woman. This is good for me.


Kane defeated Supergirl. They hate each other but they got 80 for a 12-minute match. Was expecting less. Supergirl is getting frustrated because she believes Superman is holding her back. Milton Fine and General Zod are trying to manipulate her.


The Phantom is proving to be quite handy. Took Captain Cold, Blue-Chip and Reverse -Flash as a protege. This company will be master of psychology before I'm done.

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<p>Ok, I mean it when I say final signing. At least for a few months. But how can one resist this? Tina Armstrong came up on my screen as hot property and I had to check her out. Only 24.. She is loyal to her company so I will have to share her. Not like she would need to be stuck in development getting that Kobra Kai training. Already coming up with storylines in my mind. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="tina.png" data-src="https://s33.postimg.org/e1m7m4mf3/tina.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>AAA Thursday Week 4 January 2019</p><p> </p><p>

The stable of the Nocturne (Devil's Daughter, her "Beautiful Black Blossoms" Rose & Lilly, Ellie May Walton and the Hell Cat [Jana Marie Bowen]) have been dogging Katherine Goodlooks for months. They retired her partner Jessica Bunny in a Casket Match, and it looked like they did the same thing to Katherine Goodlooks at Deadlier Than The Male, who was locked in a casket which was then put into a garbage truck.</p><p> </p><p>

In the following month, the core of the Nocturne inserted themselves into the ongoing war with the feuding main eventers Jaime Quine, Suzanne Brazzle, Danielle Sweetheart (faces), Cherry Bomb, Demelza Wade, and Jillian Jarvis, culminating in a 3 on 3 on 3 match at Pretty Amazing. Meanwhile, the "Pirate of Men's Pants" started bedeviling Hell Cat and Ellie May Walton.</p><p> </p><p>

Following Pretty Amazing, Joanna Silver confronted Rose & Lilly, stating that the reason she'd been harassing the Nocturne is because she found a message in a bottle. Rose & Lilly proceeded to mock her, asking if it was a sonnet from a wee bonnie lad or a map to buried treasure. Silver responded that she didn't know; it was for Devil's Daughter.</p><p> </p><p>

The next week, Devil's Daughter read the note and looked like she'd seen a ghost. She left the Nocturne locker room, screaming for somebody to bring her that accursed pirate. Rose & Lilly, curious about what could have set off their beloved (cult) leader, read the note.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>"I'm coming for you. I'm coming for ALL of you."- K.G.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Last week, The Nocturne seized Joanna and asked where she got that blasted bottle. Silver refused to speak. So, Devil's Daughter suggested she be sent to Davy Jones' locker. Rose & Lilly wheel a casket to the ring. They open it and immediately get hit with a kendo stick!</p><p> </p><p>

It's Katherine Goodlooks! The Nocturne hadn't finished her off after all! She cleans house and saves Joanna Silver.</p><p> </p><p>

So, tonight, a challenge will be issued- if Katherine Goodlooks and Joanna Silver can defeat Hell Cat and Ellie May at More Than Meets The Eye, then they and a partner of their choosing will get to face Double D and Rose & Lilly at Girl on Girl Action.</p><p> </p><p>

Who wants to guess who the mystery partner will be? (Hint- It's not Jessica Bunny; she's for real retired.)</p>

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<p>Minor update. Whenever HGC and others try to poach one of my guys, I always make the offer even. Where they can realistically consider them all. Just for personal challenge. </p><p> </p><p>

Lost Grunt from Nation of Filth and Eddie Chandler just now. Both upper midcard guys. Chandler just won the tag team titles with Dan DaLay too, so that sucks.</p>

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<p><em>Joanna Silver is standing in the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

J: "Avast, me hearties! Hoist the mainsail and set course for-"</p><p> </p><p>

<em>She is immediately interrupted by the Nocturne's theme music. Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly come to the ring to a loud chorus of boos.</em></p><p> </p><p>

K: "Calm yourself, Sister Silver. We have not come to torture or torment you; that will come in due time."</p><p> </p><p>

J: "Well then, if you black-hearted wenches have come to learn who our partner will be, I regret to inform ye that Katherine hasn't told me yet."</p><p> </p><p>

K: "Ha-ha-haa! Silly pirate! You should know that whoever your partner is, we don't care. When Katherine Goodlooks returned from the great beyond we sent her to, the only ally she could find... Was you. A foolish little girl playing pretend, carrying around a symbol of the decadence and decay of modern society. (<em>*Note- at the time, Joanna was Social Media Champ, though she dropped it later that night following interference from Hell Cat.</em>) So bring whatever misfit you can find; it makes no difference."</p><p> </p><p>

J: "Then why have you come out here?"</p><p> </p><p>

K: "The Devil's Daughter has received a glorious vision, and she has instructed Sister Rose and I to relay it to you and the unfaithful masses here. A great and terrible darkness is coming. We know not the nature of how it shall manifest, but it is fast approaching, and it well envelope us all in its awesome, terrifying embrace. The unworthy will be purged, and the deserving will ascend to glory. The darkness will wash over us all, and soon. Make peace while you can. We will meet again; until then, take heed of our prophecy. Farewell."</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rose and Lilly depart.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>AAA Thursday Week 4 January 2019<p> </p><p> The stable of the Nocturne (Devil's Daughter, her "Beautiful Black Blossoms" Rose & Lilly, Ellie May Walton and the Hell Cat [Jana Marie Bowen]) have been dogging Katherine Goodlooks for months. They retired her partner Jessica Bunny in a Casket Match, and it looked like they did the same thing to Katherine Goodlooks at Deadlier Than The Male, who was locked in a casket which was then put into a garbage truck.</p><p> </p><p> In the following month, the core of the Nocturne inserted themselves into the ongoing war with the feuding main eventers Jaime Quine, Suzanne Brazzle, Danielle Sweetheart (faces), Cherry Bomb, Demelza Wade, and Jillian Jarvis, culminating in a 3 on 3 on 3 match at Pretty Amazing. Meanwhile, the "Pirate of Men's Pants" started bedeviling Hell Cat and Ellie May Walton.</p><p> </p><p> Following Pretty Amazing, Joanna Silver confronted Rose & Lilly, stating that the reason she'd been harassing the Nocturne is because she found a message in a bottle. Rose & Lilly proceeded to mock her, asking if it was a sonnet from a wee bonnie lad or a map to buried treasure. Silver responded that she didn't know; it was for Devil's Daughter.</p><p> </p><p> The next week, Devil's Daughter read the note and looked like she'd seen a ghost. She left the Nocturne locker room, screaming for somebody to bring her that accursed pirate. Rose & Lilly, curious about what could have set off their beloved (cult) leader, read the note.</p><p> </p><p> <em>"I'm coming for you. I'm coming for ALL of you."- K.G.</em></p><p> </p><p> Last week, The Nocturne seized Joanna and asked where she got that blasted bottle. Silver refused to speak. So, Devil's Daughter suggested she be sent to Davy Jones' locker. Rose & Lilly wheel a casket to the ring. They open it and immediately get hit with a kendo stick!</p><p> </p><p> It's Katherine Goodlooks! The Nocturne hadn't finished her off after all! She cleans house and saves Joanna Silver.</p><p> </p><p> So, tonight, a challenge will be issued- if Katherine Goodlooks and Joanna Silver can defeat Hell Cat and Ellie May at More Than Meets The Eye, then they and a partner of their choosing will get to face Double D and Rose & Lilly at Girl on Girl Action.</p><p> </p><p> Who wants to guess who the mystery partner will be? (Hint- It's not Jessica Bunny; she's for real retired.)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Joanna Silver is standing in the ring.</em><p> </p><p> J: "Avast, me hearties! Hoist the mainsail and set course for-"</p><p> </p><p> <em>She is immediately interrupted by the Nocturne's theme music. Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly come to the ring to a loud chorus of boos.</em></p><p> </p><p> K: "Calm yourself, Sister Silver. We have not come to torture or torment you; that will come in due time."</p><p> </p><p> J: "Well then, if you black-hearted wenches have come to learn who our partner will be, I regret to inform ye that Katherine hasn't told me yet."</p><p> </p><p> K: "Ha-ha-haa! Silly pirate! You should know that whoever your partner is, we don't care. When Katherine Goodlooks returned from the great beyond we sent her to, the only ally she could find... Was you. A foolish little girl playing pretend, carrying around a symbol of the decadence and decay of modern society. (<em>*Note- at the time, Joanna was Social Media Champ, though she dropped it later that night following interference from Hell Cat.</em>) So bring whatever misfit you can find; it makes no difference."</p><p> </p><p> J: "Then why have you come out here?"</p><p> </p><p> K: "The Devil's Daughter has received a glorious vision, and she has instructed Sister Rose and I to relay it to you and the unfaithful masses here. A great and terrible darkness is coming. We know not the nature of how it shall manifest, but it is fast approaching, and it well envelope us all in its awesome, terrifying embrace. The unworthy will be purged, and the deserving will ascend to glory. The darkness will wash over us all, and soon. Make peace while you can. We will meet again; until then, take heed of our prophecy. Farewell."</p><p> </p><p> <em>Rose and Lilly depart.</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm super excited for this. I can't really read real world stuff so I love seeing some good C-Verse love here.</p>
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<p>The real world has Big Boss Man. </p><p> </p><p>

This world has Brad Bellick. Definitely, this is the sort of land where you need a crooked cop on the scene. He won't be an active wrestler. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEaEeHvUXrX8_gWu6TGXVZNlG5kjk7xS2NcjzfYpQxnV6bFllgcQ" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEaEeHvUXrX8_gWu6TGXVZNlG5kjk7xS2NcjzfYpQxnV6bFllgcQ" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Last ppv had Superman take his first pinfall loss. Darkseid was the man chosen. Darkseid and Nemesis defeated Superman and Wonder Woman. Match of the night 87</p><p> </p><p>

Darkseid and co will leave this planet for a while. They can be away beating up Supermen on other earth or something. They're still here, big plans and all. Just don't need everybody all the time. Darkseid has no interest in world titles. Yes, way to bury the title. </p><p> </p><p>

Tina Ocean (Tina Armstrong) made her debut and defeated Kisarah Westfield for the light heavyweight title. 75 Wow. Yeah, it was set to be another easy title defence for Kisarah, but Black Canary was a victim of a mysterious attack.</p><p> </p><p>

Lex Luthor is then seen on the phone saying ''I need you in tonight.'' So much for the easy night. Kisarah and Tina have history. Shocked face blah blah blah. Tina eventually gets the win. </p><p> </p><p>

Was planning ahead because Kisarah is the one chosen to defeat Wonder Woman for the women's title. Wonder Woman will then depart for a while. Donna Troy will feud with Kisarah. I like when things make sense. </p><p> </p><p>

Deadpool bets Luke Cage that he can get Tina Ocean's number. She heads to the bar after her title win and says Deadpool is right, before giving everybody her number. Let's party. Turns out it is a fake number. Such a tease. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Killer Frost latest ic title defence was a rage dq win over Supergirl. Supergirl cannot control her emotions. Unlike the last time I did this finish, this time I had it more like Killer Frost was winding up Supergirl. Last time it was Lumiya using the force. Milton Fine and Zod are still trying to turn Supergirl. </p><p> </p><p>

Bret Hart and Miss Spencer have formed a team, They're called Dynamic Execution. Plans change. That Bret is the new Ra's storyline seems to be dead. For now... </p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker did turn face. Saved Casey Jones from an attack from the Ministry. No plans to have Taker vs Kane. Booked that damn storyline about a billion times now. Nah, they are still loving brothers, just on different sides. Ministry disbanded.</p><p> </p><p>

Kane is next in line for Metropolis heavyweight title shot. </p><p> </p><p>

Rain Kenobi defeated Darth Kira. Much too powerful for her at this point. Luke Skywalker was there. We kept hearing about a disturbance in the force. Then Luke appears. wow.</p><p> </p><p>

Reaper and Deathstroke are now a team. ''Shoot to kill'' Yep, respect between them after their rivalry. They teamed up with Batvamp to defeat Batman, Nightwing and Huntress. Second best match of the night 85. General Zod distraction here. I've wanted to get something going with Batman and Zod. </p><p> </p><p>

Milton Fine will begin his plot to take control of the company from Lex Luthor.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Apupunchau@optonline" data-cite="Apupunchau@optonline" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm super excited for this. I can't really read real world stuff so I love seeing some good C-Verse love here.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you! I hope you'll like the next installment.</p>
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<p><strong>AAA Allure, Thursday Week 2, February 2019</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jim Lee Fourbush: ... Katherine Goodlooks hits the Pretty Fly on Ellie May Walton!</p><p>

Catherine Quine: She's going for the cover...</p><p>

Jim: 1... 2... She wins it!</p><p>

Cat: That was a hard fought win, but Katherine came out on top!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Senior Referee Dwight Kumas raises Katherine's hand in victory. Then the eerie, haunting dirge that serves as the theme of The Nocturne hits.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: Oh, no!</p><p>

Cat: Satan's Sorority just showed up!</p><p>

Jim: They promised a "great, terrible darkness" would be coming; is it time?</p><p>

Cat: Do we even know what it is?</p><p>

Jim: I got the impression that not even THEY know what it is.</p><p>

Cat: Well, if ANY of them ask you to choose the form of the Destructor, don't think of anything!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Devil's Daughter, Debbie Rose, and Kate Lilly quickly surround the ring, standing on the ring apron.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Kate: Hello, Katherine. Your little pirate friend will NOT be joining us tonight. Our beloved pet, the Hell Cat is... entertaining her as we speak.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The three step into the ring. Katherine's avenues of escape have dried up.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Kate: The etheric forces have aligned, and the time is quickly coming upon us. And we thought that for such a <em>special</em> occasion, we thought you should be here with us. This is a glorious time, Katherine. Soon, we will see the manifestation of the mighty, hoary forces. I'm a bit curious as to what it's going to be, aren't you?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kate drops the mic, and the three converge like wild dogs on Katherine Goodlooks. She tries to fight back, but is quickly overpowered. Debbie and Kate each grab an arm, forcing Katherine Goodlooks face to face with Devil's Daughter. She leans in close, baring her wicked fangs when the lights go out!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cat: Is this the darkness? Because it's about average, not "great" or "terrible" at all!</p><p>

Jim: I think this is the calm before the storm, Cat.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The lights come back on. A figure is perched on the top turnbuckle.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: Oh, no. That's... That's Raven Nightfall! The self-professed Angel of Darkness!</p><p>

Cat: Jim, I told you not to think of anything!</p><p>

Jim: Don't blame me, Cat! Never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine we'd see her here tonight!</p><p>

Cat: I don't think the Nocturne did either; they seem as surprised as we do!</p><p>

Jim: Surprised, yes, but not disappointed. They promised a great, terrible darkness, and Raven certainly qualifies!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Devil's Daughter kneels, with Debbie and Kate quickly following suit, forcing Katherine down with them. Raven slowly, gracefully assumes a standing position on the top turnbuckle, and then descends with purpose. She raises the microphone she's holding.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: The great, terrible darkness brought a mic?!?</p><p>

Cat: Doesn't surprise me one bit; not only is she nuts, she's a showboat to boot!</p><p> </p><p>

Raven: I have come.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>She looks out at the audience, pausing to milk the reaction from the crowd for all it's worth. She then looks to the Nocturne and Katherine Goodlooks.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Raven: Arise.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Nocturne stands, dragging Katherine up with them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Raven: You have fought battles, you have waged wars. You have struggled mightily to extinguish those who carry the light within them. And your actions have summoned me. So, I have come. I have come to bring The Message of The Darkness. And I have come to wreak my vengeance on those who would profane it with blasphemy.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>She steps forward, getting right up into Katherine's face.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Raven: Do not despair. I am perverse, but I am not cruel. Your struggles shall be shortly at an end. And you shall find peace.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Raven drops the mic, closes her eyes, raises her arms to the sky, then...</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: WAIT A MINUTE! Raven has spun around, quick as a cat, and is lighting up Devil's Daughter! Lefts and rights, fast as the eye can see!</p><p>

Cat: I'd ask if she's gone crazy, but that would imply she was sane to begin with!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Raven delivers a powerful short arm clothesline, taking Double D down to the ground. Raven quickly regains a standing position and turns to face Rose & Lilly, shocked beyond comprehension. Raven flashes a wicked smile and beckons them to try their luck. Rose & Lilly exchange glances, and Kate steps forward first. She attempts a punch, but Raven blocks it. A quick kick to the midsection followed by a snap suplex takes Kate down. Raven looks down at the fallen acolyte, giving Rose a chance for a sneak attack.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: Rose hits the Thorn!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rose gloats, but her revelry is short lived, as Raven does an Undertaker sit-up and stares daggers at Rose, who clears the ring. Raven grabs Kate by the hair, drags her to her feet, and races to the side of the ring, throwing her out at Rose. Then, she turns to Double D, who has finally gotten back to her feet.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: Nightfaller! Raven hits the Nightfaller on Devil's Daughter! Rose and Lilly are desperately trying to grab her and roll her out of the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Raven finally turns to Katherine Goodlooks, who has been watching the whole scene completely dumbfounded. Raven holds up a hand, and slowly raises one, two, then three fingers, which she then starts to wave between her and Katherine.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cat: Is she... Is she asking what I think she's asking?</p><p>

Jim: I think so! Raven wants to be the third member of Katherine's team!</p><p>

Cat: I said no one was crazy enough to help her take on the Nocturne, but man was I wrong!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Katherine vigorously nods, and Raven grabs her hand and shakes it, much to the delight of the crowd. The Nocturne slowly retreats up the entrance ramp, eyes locked on the ring, a look of shock and fury on their faces.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim: The form of the Destructor HAS been chosen, and she's come for the Nocturne!</p><p> </p><p>

(Note: I suspected Raven would be in Time Decline, and I was right, but considering how the storyline had played out so far, when I saw she was available, I couldn't NOT hire her and use her for this. Besides, it's easy enough to work around; use her mainly in angles, with the occasional short tag match, ideally with the Protect note, and just let everyone bask in her overness.)</p>

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I am in November 2016 of the C-Verse playing Summit Wrestling in the Pacific Northwest.


Ernest Youngman has been my top performer by a wide margin, and had held the title since March, but in October, he showed up too high on pain killers to work at a weekly show. I immediately took the title off of him on the next show, and then he showed up to my big quarterly show unable to perform as well. Right now, I am scrambling to build up Donte Dunn as our new top guy while Ernest cannot be trusted with the title. Ernest and his buddy Avalanche Takano, another main eventer, are angry at the punishments I've dealt out to Ernest, and the locker room is in turmoil.

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CZCW Feb18


CZCW Coastal Climax.


2018 see's CZCW add some shows to their calander in order to continue to grow now they're at Cult.


This month see's the first ever Coastal Climax a 3 day round Robin Tournement with 2 groups of 4. The winner of the Climax faces the CZCW Champion at the biggest show of the year Welcome to the Coastal Zone.


Participants and Results.


Group A - Matthew Keith 3 wins

Shooter Shaun Deeley 2 wins

Snap Dragon 1 win

Air Attack Weasel 0 wins



Group B - Remmy Sky - 3 wins

Erest Youngman - 2 wins

Cali Love Machine - 1 win

Ross Henry - 0



Final- Matthiew Keith def Remmy Sky.




Background and Booking


I've always wanted to do a G1 Climax style tournament and now seemed to the time to try since I was trying to add in events throughout the year that wern't all just fillers.


The tournament was over 3 shows - Day 1 and 3 were in South West with Day 2 travelling to North West.


This tournment has helped put people in positions on the roster that I wanted.


Matthiew Keith was a very new signee and after being raided before I hit cult and guys like Jimmy Fox and Ross Henry not performing to the level I need I decided to push Matty to the moon from the off, his brother had been in the company for a bit and got signed off, I have Sam Kieth as a Road Agent and now manager of Matthiew. Going to a run a Sam gives his son an unfair advantage in the company due to his high position in the company thing. The rest of the company dislike the nepotism and the fact Greg left for more money last year.


He's going to be the main heel of the company throughout 2018 since No Fly Zone died off a bit due to Bryan being out for a year and Pavel leaving.


Matthew started off as a solid Uppermarder but since the Coastal Climax has risen to a solid Main eventer, his push will continue leading to Welcome to Coastal Zone to face my user. I'm looking for the match to beat my current highest match record on this save of 83. looking for Matthew to be the champion, shockingly defeating my user clean. My user's loses have been due to interference or multi man matches.so him winning clean will be a big shock.


Air Attack Weasel got jobbed out and down to Lower Midcard from Uppermid. Ross Henry got put down to Uppermidcard.


Ernest Youngman got a bit of a boost, as did Shooter.



on Day 2 Gangland (Cali Slick + Mobstar) defended their titles against the Midcard team of Massive Thunder (Shimpie + Commander Kawagishi) in an impressive 80 rated match. Thunder were on negative moral aswell, so they'll be getting a big push from now.



Most of my titles were 90+ in prestige when Bryan Holmes was champion and My user taking the title of him , however since I got raided the prestige has lowered for most titles.


CZCW Championship My user- was 100- but after a poor performance by Jimmy Fox in the last title defence it's down to 80.


CZCW Extreme - Huey Cannonball- was 100 when Bryan held it, but a few poor performances by Magnum Kobe's opponents when Kobe held the title dragged the prestige down to 80. Huey raised it in the last match to 85 which surprisingly is the most valuable title in the company now.


CZCW Womens- Alicia Strong - 80 prestige - My bookings fault really, as I have a number of projects that I've gotten from enhancement to Uppermidcard and Midcard, Alicia has been putting on matches v these guys in open matches to help get them open. dropping the prestige to 80.. although the matches have been 70's which is good.


CZCW Tag Team- Gangland 78 - for the last 2 years the title was held by main event tag teams , keeping the title prestige around 90 most of the title. But it was time to bring up a midcard tag team, Gangland got to high Uppermidcard when I pulled the trouble and had them defeat the Platinum Blondes for the title.. but lowering the prestige in the process.


Refreshing the feuds and focusing on them properly will raise the prestige again. The past 4 months have been a time of rebuilding and restructuring the roster.



Biggest Plussess :


Gangstars getting their deserved title

Shooter Shaun Deeley/ Ernest Youngman /Matty Kieth reaching Mainevent.


American Elemental II going from Enhancement to LM in a couple months.


New Tag teams of RIOT- Roderick Remus + Sonny Wildside and The Dynamite Express - Ozzie Golden +Storm Spillane are starting their journey, not positive or genitive chemistry but a good way to all 4 guys over with Remus and Ozzie earmarked for the Main Event with Wildside and Spillane having an outside shot.




Biggest Negatives-


Cali Love Machine is at Uppermidcard but his stats arn't raising as well as in my other save. which is a shame as I liked his underdog peoples favourite gimmick overcoming the odds and becoming a 2 x CZCW champion... but he seems to be stuck at this level for the foreseeable future until his performances raise from the high 60's/low 70's that he appears to be stuck at.


Ross Henry - like the last save he's very underwhelming- only usefull to give out his high pop to more talented people.


Flying Jimmy Fox - was my first bit of star power outside of Ross Henry and pushed him from the start with the CZCW title, but after a few very average performances he dropped the title and has been used to put over the other main eventers and also tagging with Snap dragon to hold the titles.


Biggest disappointment was losing many guys to raids and long term injury the last half of 2017 that I'd spent a year or more building up.

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<p>Finally got the big match I was after. The trusty ol 99 rating. Grrr Of course, you're happy with the rating but disappointed because it didn't get that extra 1. Superman was off his game this time. </p><p> </p><p>

The match was a title defence against Kane. We had Superman walk through fire and all that good stuff. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="image.png" data-src="https://s33.postimg.org/c0obffhkv/image.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

To explain that last angle. Revan launches lightsabers at Reaper and Deathstroke to hold them back. Not actually hurting them, just putting them in position by their throats. You could say I've made Reaper and Deathstroke look a little weak. I say nonsense. Never underestimate the force. You see, we had a fast count here from Bellick in the Killer Frost vs Revan match. Revan demands a rematch the next night. Lex admires Revan's bottle and the force. Rematch granted. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Kane and Killer Frost have a sort of thing going. Fire and ice. Yeah. Looking like she is using him, Kane got involved in her IC title defence against Revan. Yes, one last rename. I've just gone all star wars knights of the old republic and Rain Kenobi is no more.</p><p> </p><p>

Nightwing departed. KOF came in for him and I couldn't offer written deal because of a relationship with Gotham. Did the old phantom zone exit. There will never be phantom zone overkill. Also, Deadpool and Luke Cage came to Luthor and said it was time for them to move on. Once again, Zod appears and puts them in the phantom zone. </p><p> </p><p>

But, somehow, something has escaped from the phantom zone. That something would be...</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Where am I? </em></p><p>

<img alt="latest?cb=20161214101331" data-src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/1/1c/Matt_Hardy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161214101331" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Yes, I've brought in 2 more real-life performers. A 27-year-old AJ Styles is the other. He makes his debut by coming to help Tina Ocean after she is attacked 2 on 1. Turns out that AJ was a great friend of Tina's when they were growing up. Went to the same wrestling school. Both turned out F'en amazing. Yeah, I got rid of Onomatopoeia, Luke Cage, Elektra, Ocean Master and Deadpool. Decided to treat myself. </p><p> </p><p>

Guess we can forget about the no signing nonsense. Like any good football manager, full of crap. Nah, Nightwing leaving took me by surprise and then I saw Red Hood on hot prospects list. He looks better than Nightwing, younger and I enjoyed the movie. He is going to mess around with Batman and Huntress. </p><p> </p><p>

General Zod is also messing about with Batman. Zod is miffed at why the son of Jor-el holds this man in such a high regard. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>This fool dresses up like a Bat. No style at all.</em></p><p>

<img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTm9h1xKEORA_TL1am_FadLPeGQ-Cb-tvHvJb4O_wl1VWE8Byyt0A" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTm9h1xKEORA_TL1am_FadLPeGQ-Cb-tvHvJb4O_wl1VWE8Byyt0A" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The Rogues vs Deathstroke and Reaper (shoot to kill) is heating up. Bar fights, poker etc. They go at it at next PPV. Shoot to kill have the strong edge so far, won their singles match, one by pinfall, the other by dq. Both heel, Cold and Heat Wave are defacto faces. </p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker had to use a magic spell on Casey Jones after Dracula attacked. lol Can pretty much just make up any scenario here. It works for me, as long as it is acceptable in my mind. I'll never rob my fans.I figure Kane has the power of fire so Undertaker should have a special power. Undertaker and Casey Jones will take on Dracula, Morbius and Eliza at the next PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

The next PPV is called In Blackest Night. I've decided to make Flashpoint my Wrestlemania. That has been moved to December. Thinking the main event has to be Superman vs Nemesis. </p><p> </p><p>

Big 5 on 5 elimination match coming up at Blackest night. If you win we will leave you alone. Have to see if we can trust ol Ra's. Once again, if Bret losses, he must become Ra's al Ghul. Ra's is becoming impatient. Anyway, the teams are Bret Hart, Miss Spencer, Blue-Chip, The Flash and Supergirl vs Ra's al Ghul, Merlyn, Reverse Flash, Savitar and Professor Zoom. </p><p> </p><p>

Flash has been training relentlessly, being warned that he is pushing his body too far blah blah blah. I believe that will catch up with him eventually, but could something happen here to cost his team? </p><p> </p><p>

Donna Troy vs Absynthe. Routine win for Donna coming up. She will be going after Kisarah soon enough although maybe not. Wonder Woman only had 2 months or maybe 3 with the movie. Back in 22 days. Nice pop growth. Have it all worked out in my mind how she will return. </p><p> </p><p>

Will involve Milton Fine taking Superman hostage. Using kryptonite, he also puts kryptonite chain around Supergirl. The rest of the justice league are missing in action. He takes Superman to the fortress because he wants to steal something. I'm sure the booking team will come up with something better. Rough draft so far. Anyway, all seems lost when suddenly, Wonder Woman returns. She kicks Milton in the face and you just see him flying out of the fortress around 250 mph. She made her point. Superman hugs her. Awww.</p><p> </p><p>

Superman has nothing on at the next show. The elimination match will be the main event.</p>

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<p>We're in November, 2019. Next event is AAA Queen of the Ring. Gonna have Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly in the tournament finals, most likely (I turned Kate face when her gimmick got stale, and she's a better babyface, generally); probably gonna have Debbie go over, as she'll probably need the rub more in the long run (with her in-ring skills and charisma score, Kate's a little heat machine!).</p><p> </p><p>

I'm <em>THIS</em> close to having enough money to start a (Tiny) broadcaster, as long as I only focus on the U.S. And I need to do something; we haven't had any pop gains in over a year, because the Wrestling Industry has been that awful (it finally rose up to E-, if I'm not mistaken). And my one owner goal that expires at the end of the year is pop in America must have increased. I THINK we had enough gains before the pop drought started, but increased reach without having to travel all over the place would help.</p><p> </p><p>

The only concern is that the other Critical owner goal is must have $5.5 million when the time limit on that goal expires, which would be in the second quarter of 2020, if memory serves.</p><p> </p><p>

Definitely going to make a back-up save before we try anything.</p><p> </p><p>

Once I've got TV (I'm going with commercial, by the way) I'll start hiring a few more people. I lost 2 more people to NOTBPW (those jerks), and Raven and Cherry Bomb retired. Luckily, I expected Raven's before I even signed her, so I used her as a manager for the last month of her contract before letting it expire. With Cherry, her contract came up RIGHT before she decides to announce her pending retirement. Right now, I'm using her as an authority figure. And I can't release her before her contract is up; she's friends with Cat Quine.</p><p> </p><p>

2019's Hall of Fame inductions were Jessica Bunny (AI did that automatically), Raven Nightfall, Gorgon, Tracy Brendon, Christy Higgins, and Electric Blue as the tag team inductees.</p><p> </p><p>

Christy came as a bit of a surprise. I figured she'd be in shortly, as she had two Femme Fatale title reigns to her credit (though only one was planned); I forgot that the qualifications were 3 main event titles, and her Queen of the Ring victory last year pushed her over the edge. Despite all that, she's still just an Upper Midcarder (and at one point Recommended Push suggested she be Midcard, even though she's equal to or exceeding in pop to many of my Main Eventers). Anyway, she'll be okay; currently Top Contender champ again, she'll feud with "The Boss" Cherry Bomb, who she went over a few times (again, unplanned; I never expected Cherry to do the job, so I never set the Victor notes), who wants revenge and plans to use her authority to make her life miserable.</p><p> </p><p>

The other notable news is now AAA only qualifies for Mid South regional battles. IPW withered to Local and GSW went belly up. QAW isn't popular enough to reach the Southwest, so my only main competition on the West Coast is CZCW; the good thing about the Wrestling Industry bust is that it effects them, too, as it's been a good long while since I had to worry about losing a Regional Battle.</p>

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<p>Royal Rumble 2017</p><p> </p><p>

-:1st ever woman's royal rumble match</p><p> </p><p>

- AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p>

- Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns</p><p> </p><p>

- 30 man Royal Rumble match with a few surprise entrants</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC6i5zMjeRA" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC6i5zMjeRA</a></p>

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<p>Well, where to begin. Loving the C-Verse at the moment. Progress is still slow but I'm currently edging towards October 2016 with SWF.</p><p> </p><p>

The brand split is in full effect and both rosters are fleshed out so each show feels vibrant.</p><p> </p><p>

Chase Agency has reformed on the Supreme Brand. Eric Eisen, Remo, Hellion, Primus Allen & Lassana Matsuki form the ranks of the stable determined to bring an end to Jack Bruce's 7th reign as World Champion, and his career.</p><p>

Bruce has back up in the form of Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Jack Jericho (Jack Avatar) & Ekuma. All 3 of these guys aren't particularly over but we're hoping with Bruce's help and the involvement in this storyline, we'll have some new stars to work with. Especially with an ageing roster.</p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore & Joey Morgan have been engaged in a blood feud since the night after Supreme Challenge 36 over the new IC title. The NA belt is on my Thunder brand.</p><p>

Morgan was the first ever IC champ, winning the belt only a month after dropping the NA title as SC36. He put a heel Gilmore on the shelf for 3 weeks before Gilmore returned and won the title at Under Control. They'll have one more blow-off match before Morgan moves into the World title picture. If he keeps his attitude in check, he's a future World Champ. Gilmore is the workhorse who'll help elevate and create some more new stars. Next contender for this title will be Mikey Lau, currently feuding with Paul Huntingdon.</p><p> </p><p>

Ernest 'Flash' Youngman and Gregory Gauge have been engaged in a feud ever since the Uprising division was introduced back in February. Gauge was the first ever champ and is already a 2-time champion. Youngman has had 7 bouts vs Gauge (in some capacity, tag, multi-man etc.) and never won. He had 2 victories in single bouts, both by DQ. But finally at Under Control, he defeated Gauge to win the Uprising title. This, however, isn't over.</p><p> </p><p>

Also on Supreme... sometime in the next month will see the debut of Eduardo Gutierrez. Better known around the world as Champagne Lover. </p><p>

Snagged him up from SOTBPW but after negotiations ended he went off to film a movie for 3 months. Soon though...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Over on Thunder, GM Phil Vibert is blessed with a solid roster.</p><p>

Tommy Cornell won the 8 man tournament to crown the first ever World Champ on Thunder defeating Valiant in the final at SWF Summerslam. He's currently embroiled in a feud with Valiant over the belt. Valiant has back up in the form of American Warrior (Roger Cage) and Tommy Cornell has his new protegé in Spencer Spade. The next few weeks will see some more back up arrive in the form of Edward Cornell when he debuts and the feud will go from there.</p><p> </p><p>

Steve DeColt is the North American champion having defeated Joey Morgan at SC36. The 'Dashing' one is putting on clinic after clinic in the ring and is elevating talent as well as the prestige of the NA belt. Gino Montero, The Crippler and Rogue are all clamouring for the belt. But with Ricky DeColt in his corner, the title 'should' be safe with the Canadian star.</p><p> </p><p>

Marat Khoklov & Gargantuan were wreaking havoc in the SWF when coupled with Eisen before the brand split. Khoklov defeated Skull DeBones at SC36, Gargantuan decimated Bruce The Giant and the 2 are simply monstrous.</p><p>

However, Vengeance returned on Thunder TV with help in the form of the menacing Scythe. These 4 giants are currently brawling anywhere and everywhere that can contain them.</p><p> </p><p>

Hollywood Starr & Jay Chord are the Thunder Tag Champs, currently holding off the challenge of the Bumfholes. Robbie Retro has found a tag partner to challenge for the titles with, in the form of the recently debuted Freddy Huggins! A new force is slowly brewing away in the undercard of Thunder though. Big Bear Bekowski & Bray Envy (Squeeky McLean) are starting to build momentum and with Greed (John Greed) backing them, this new spooky stable could be a force to be reckoned with.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, to compensate for the star power on Thunder, Vibert has to completely build a women's division from scratch. Fans aren't used to women wrestling in the SWF but are slowly coming round to it. </p><p>

Alicia Strong is the first ever SWF Women's champion and fighting off competition from the likes of Raven Nightfall, Fuyoko Higa and Tamara McFly for the belt.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So, a bit of a lengthy update, but that's the main talking points of my SWF save covered. Just building stories and stars up for SC 37 to provide an awesome undercard to the 'once in a lifetime' main event; </p><p>

Jack Bruce vs Tommy Cornell.</p>

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