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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Started a new hardcore company in the Tri-State (C-Verse), 40 Pop in every region in the States (aka Medium difficulty). Just about done with year 1 (2016), Bulldozer Brandon Smith is still North American (Main Event) champion. The Hardcore title has changed hands twice, from Sayeed Ali to Toyokuni Hardcore and back to Sayeed. The Tag Titles started on The Good Ol' Boys, but were just won in a triple threat tag by Blackout Club (Ray Snow & Toyokuni Hardcore). I've also signed Chris Caulfield, Killer Shark, Kurt Laramee and soon Primus Allen, all of whom were released by their respective companies. Hopefully we can start gaining in pop soon, the wrestling industry dropped to 0 a couple months ago and the economy is in the 30s and still falling, so our 55-65 rated shows are just holding us steady.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> September 2017</p><p> </p><p> Kurt Laramee won the North American title from Brandon Smith because Smith was gonna tour with PGHW and miss shows for a few months. Laramee hasn't been great in his 2 months with the belt, with performances in the 40s. Debating having him drop the title this month at Sole Survivor, which the main event is a 6-way title match. Sayeed Ali, Primus Allen, or Cali Slick are all candidates to take the belt away, but none autopush to ME so I'm not sure.</p><p> </p><p> Chris Caulfield is the Hardcore champion, which, as a Floating title, is basically a Main Event title. I didn't mean for him to take it off Sayeed Ali, but the AI didn't do a Cheap Finish like I wanted (probably because the match type didn't have an appropriate finish available? Not sure). I'm fine with him holding the belt for a bit though, not sure who is going to dethrone him as he's my 2nd most over guy.</p><p> </p><p> The tag champs are now Ash Campbell & his bodyguard Colossus (Hell's Bouncer). I saw that for once, USPW didn't pick up Bouncer so I brought him in and paired him with Campbell, who didn't have something to do after his storyline with Brandon Smith ended. They've got an easy chance to dominate the tag division, especially since there aren't really other great teams to face them (other face teams are the former champs, & Nate DeMarcus & Logan Wolfsbaine, who don't have a name yet), and Colossus as a sidekick keeps him out of a heel heavy main event scene for a bit.</p><p> </p><p> The Pennsylvania Championship, a midcard title, started with Davis Wayne Newton, who dropped it to Frantic Ali when he left for TCW. Ali recently dropped it to Ernest Youngman. I'm hoping that a strong run with the belt will push Youngman's overness up a bit before he moves on to main event. He's definitely being built to carry the company, as 1 of 2 NBT guys.</p><p> </p><p> The only other "storyline" involves my other NBT, Jimmy Drake (Drake Young). He's doing a mix between James Ellsworth & WWE ECW era Colin Delaney, where he comes out, cuts a promo about guts and heart and wanting a contract, then gets squashed by whichever major heel isn't busy that night. Eventually, he's going to get his last chance to win or stop showing up and that'll be where he gets his first win.</p>
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<p>So stunned, I had to share...</p><p> </p><p>

In my OLLIE save, closing in on the end of June 2016, Champagne Lover has left SOTBPW to go shoot a movie. He should get a good pop out of that, but I started to wonder how that was going to affect SOTBPW's ability to stave off USPW.</p><p> </p><p>

I wonder no more. SOTBPW just signed Nicky Champion. When Champagne Lover gets back, this company is going to be unstoppable. </p><p> </p><p>

On another note, right after he announced he was leaving to film, Lover also decided to spread the love and split with Jennifer Heat.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="miz468" data-cite="miz468" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So after making a few big signings and really building up some good top stars (IMO) I've decided I'm going to do a brand split with USPW after Independence Day Slam coming up in a few weeks. Looking to bounce some ideas off you guys...<p> </p><p> <strong>Belts</strong></p><p> </p><p> So for belts, I think I'll have National, Tag Team, and introduce a Cruiserweight title. This will be the wrestling focused brand.</p><p> </p><p> On the more entertainment focused brand I'd like to have the Television, Womens, and a Mixed Tag title. </p><p> </p><p> So... Thoughts on what to do with the World Heavyweight? If I have him on both shows, that leaves my entertainment brand kinda weak on titles when he's not there. I could obviously introduce another world title and have one for each brand. The other option is to have the World Heavyweight as the top belt on one brand and the National (currently floating, 85 prestige) be the top belt on the other. My main issue, and I know this is pretty, but National Championship doesn't sound as important as World Championship.</p><p> </p><p> Thoughts?</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>Events</strong></p><p> </p><p> Last but not least is the question of events. Should I have one a month for each brand? Alternate event months for each brand? </p><p> </p><p> As most know, USPW has two "major" events: Independence Day Slam and Thanksgiving Thunder. I like to run a rumble match at Thanksgiving Thunder. I like to see IDS as their WrestleMania, but I've seen some say it's Thanksgiving Thunder. So... Do I make those two shows the only co-branded ones or do I give one to each brand and have it act as their respective season finales?</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For the World title why not have the champ alternate? Meaning:<p> </p><p> Rich Money is the World Champion and on Brand A.</p><p> January? He faces a challenger from Brand A. Then in February someone from Brand B. This gives you time to build someone up on either brand to face him.</p><p> </p><p> You can co-brand the two big events. Or if they fall in a way where they can alternate give each brand one.</p><p> </p><p> Keep one event per month for the company (alternating brands).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have a brand split and here's what I've done:</p><p> </p><p> Both my World and Tag Team titles float, as above. Everyone's "assigned" to a brand, and when those titles change, the former holders become exclusive to their pre-assigned brand. The National and Television titles are brand-exclusive and both set to Midcard level. My Women's division, like yours, is all on one brand.</p><p> </p><p> I've made both Independence Day Slam and Thanksgiving Thunder combined events. IDS is the "season finale" biggest show. I use TT as Survivor Series, with a 5v5 cross-brand match, a 5v5 women's match, and a couple of 4v4s. New for 2018, I've created the Rumble For Independence at Declaration of Independence (also combined), with the winner getting the title shot at IDS. All other events are brand-exclusive, and I've added four or five for balance.</p><p> </p><p> Hope this helps.</p>
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<p>I need help guys... I'm playing as TCW and Total Mayhem XXI is getting closer and I want the main-event to be Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins. A little background: At Total Mayhem XX, Andrews lost the World title to Sammy Bach, and hasn't been able to get it back, thus going after the tag team titles with Hawkins. (They're in a stable alongside Chord, Spade & Khoklov). Andrews & Hawkins won the tag titles and had a nice little run with them. Naturally, Andrews still wants the world title which is still around Bach's waist. </p><p> </p><p>

I plan for Hawkins to win the title, which of course doesn't sit will well with Andrews. Hawkins will tell him that it doesn't really matter who has the title within the group, but the important thing is that they have it. The group could then easily kick out Hawkins, or Hawkins could take over leadership, or I could go a third way... I would need one of them to turn face, with Hawkins as the obvious choice, as he plays the face role best: 88 to Andrews' 77. However, Hawkins is sitting on a Legendary gimmick... would hate to mess that up with a poor one. Who would you guys turn?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I need help guys... I'm playing as TCW and Total Mayhem XXI is getting closer and I want the main-event to be Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins. A little background: At Total Mayhem XX, Andrews lost the World title to Sammy Bach, and hasn't been able to get it back, thus going after the tag team titles with Hawkins. (They're in a stable alongside Chord, Spade & Khoklov). Andrews & Hawkins won the tag titles and had a nice little run with them. Naturally, Andrews still wants the world title which is still around Bach's waist. <p> </p><p> I plan for Hawkins to win the title, which of course doesn't sit will well with Andrews. Hawkins will tell him that it doesn't really matter who has the title within the group, but the important thing is that they have it. The group could then easily kick out Hawkins, or Hawkins could take over leadership, or I could go a third way... I would need one of them to turn face, with Hawkins as the obvious choice, as he plays the face role best: 88 to Andrews' 77. However, Hawkins is sitting on a Legendary gimmick... would hate to mess that up with a poor one. Who would you guys turn?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> man i agree with not wanting to mess with the legendary gimmick. Is his gimmick one that could be both face/heel or would you have to change it? Your storyline more naturally pushes Hawkins to the face role, though you could book it in a way to make Andrews sympathetic.</p>
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<p>Playing CGC and have made it to September...signed Edd Stone to written contract after TCW fell to Cult and didn't resign him....</p><p> </p><p>

So the only thing to do is to push him as Edd DeColt the illegitimate son of George DeColt and fight for the right to be legitimized and for ownership of the company from Alex and Jack.</p><p> </p><p>

My other idea in this is to have him and a girlfriend..maybe Haley Buck make the whole thing up...which would take some time to come to...and have it eventually found out that Ian Identity is actually the real illegitimate son.</p>

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<p>Now into June 2016 with CGC and having a blast with the DeColt's and Co! I am still rolling with the Jack DeColt and Gargantuan fued and it has been unbelievably successful. Jack is 91 pop across Canada and Gargantuan is right behind him at 89. Story I'm going with so far is Gargantuan has gotten smart. He's kind of turned into a blend of brute force with a knack for mind games and it got Jack out of his rhythm as he dropped a tag fall to Gargantuan(small assist to an international object;)) and then he was pushed over the end when Gargantuan spit in his face during a lead in promo to Wrestle Festival. Gargantuan then bailed before Jack could react and avoided him until day two of the Wrestle Festival when they faced each other in the second round of the Wrestle Festival Tournament I'm running. Jack lost by a rage DQ and Gargantuan went on to win beating Ricky in the finals after he taunted Jack at ringside who went to attack his enemy with a chair and hit Ricky instead. Gargantuan used the victory to get a cage match with escape rules only at the next ppv and taunted Jack that he already attacked him with all the rage he had and Gargantuan still walked away and was the better man. During this time Ricky DeColt won a #1 contenders match to make him the new #1 contender after Chaos In The Cage. But due to the ending of the Wrestle Festival tourney Ricky makes it clear to Jack that he wants him to win so he can take Jack's title. With all of this weighing on the champion he was not able to over come Gargantuan after Adrian Garcia who had previous to this point just been our PPV colour guy interfered and allowed Gargantuan to win. Garcia revealed himself to be the guy helping Gargantuan take down the DeColt's the whole time and proclaimed an end to the DeColt's success in CGC!</p><p> </p><p>

Down the card I've had Prometheus turn out a fairly successful feud with Donte Dunn. This has worked because they have excellent chemistry against each other and Prometheus menace promo's and attacks have kept the heat in the 60's to 70's range and has boosted Prometheus to UM. I've also signed Jared Johnson who was not resigned by NOTBW and stole Edd Stone from TCW when they fell to cult and only offered him a PPA deal. I've packaged them in a group with Blockbuster called Maple Leaf Misfits and they have been a fun group to book. I've also put Chucky Dorrance with them as a kind of comic relief/pin eater. Basically none of the group really seem to get along for more than a few seconds beside Stone and Dorrance and even that is because Stone laughs at what an idiot Dorrance is. This has actually helped get Chucky to midcard up from his starting ET push.</p><p> </p><p>

Champions are currently Gargantuan for the World, Blockbuster with the Canadian(held since the begining of the game), and Zeus & Stevie with the tag straps(they are just keeping them warm for the Dirty White Boys/American Demolition feud I'm building), and Gargantuan won The DeColt Wrestle Festival Tournament.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="El Horse" data-cite="El Horse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now into June 2016 with CGC and having a blast with the DeColt's and Co! I am still rolling with the Jack DeColt and Gargantuan fued and it has been unbelievably successful. Jack is 91 pop across Canada and Gargantuan is right behind him at 89. Story I'm going with so far is Gargantuan has gotten smart. He's kind of turned into a blend of brute force with a knack for mind games and it got Jack out of his rhythm as he dropped a tag fall to Gargantuan(small assist to an international object;)) and then he was pushed over the end when Gargantuan spit in his face during a lead in promo to Wrestle Festival. Gargantuan then bailed before Jack could react and avoided him until day two of the Wrestle Festival when they faced each other in the second round of the Wrestle Festival Tournament I'm running. Jack lost by a rage DQ and Gargantuan went on to win beating Ricky in the finals after he taunted Jack at ringside who went to attack his enemy with a chair and hit Ricky instead. Gargantuan used the victory to get a cage match with escape rules only at the next ppv and taunted Jack that he already attacked him with all the rage he had and Gargantuan still walked away and was the better man. During this time Ricky DeColt won a #1 contenders match to make him the new #1 contender after Chaos In The Cage. But due to the ending of the Wrestle Festival tourney Ricky makes it clear to Jack that he wants him to win so he can take Jack's title. With all of this weighing on the champion he was not able to over come Gargantuan after Adrian Garcia who had previous to this point just been our PPV colour guy interfered and allowed Gargantuan to win. Garcia revealed himself to be the guy helping Gargantuan take down the DeColt's the whole time and proclaimed an end to the DeColt's success in CGC!<p> </p><p> Down the card I've had Prometheus turn out a fairly successful feud with Donte Dunn. This has worked because they have excellent chemistry against each other and Prometheus menace promo's and attacks have kept the heat in the 60's to 70's range and has boosted Prometheus to UM. I've also signed Jared Johnson who was not resigned by NOTBW and stole Edd Stone from TCW when they fell to cult and only offered him a PPA deal. I've packaged them in a group with Blockbuster called Maple Leaf Misfits and they have been a fun group to book. I've also put Chucky Dorrance with them as a kind of comic relief/pin eater. Basically none of the group really seem to get along for more than a few seconds beside Stone and Dorrance and even that is because Stone laughs at what an idiot Dorrance is. This has actually helped get Chucky to midcard up from his starting ET push.</p><p> </p><p> Champions are currently Gargantuan for the World, Blockbuster with the Canadian(held since the begining of the game), and Zeus & Stevie with the tag straps(they are just keeping them warm for the Dirty White Boys/American Demolition feud I'm building), and Gargantuan won The DeColt Wrestle Festival Tournament.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice update. Sounds fun. Curious if the heavy push on Gargantuan has made his personality worse? That's my one big concern with him. He's not massively negative to start with, but getting a popularity jump like that would worry me a bit.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I need help guys... I'm playing as TCW and Total Mayhem XXI is getting closer and I want the main-event to be Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins. A little background: At Total Mayhem XX, Andrews lost the World title to Sammy Bach, and hasn't been able to get it back, thus going after the tag team titles with Hawkins. (They're in a stable alongside Chord, Spade & Khoklov). Andrews & Hawkins won the tag titles and had a nice little run with them. Naturally, Andrews still wants the world title which is still around Bach's waist. <p> </p><p> I plan for Hawkins to win the title, which of course doesn't sit will well with Andrews. Hawkins will tell him that it doesn't really matter who has the title within the group, but the important thing is that they have it. The group could then easily kick out Hawkins, or Hawkins could take over leadership, or I could go a third way... I would need one of them to turn face, with Hawkins as the obvious choice, as he plays the face role best: 88 to Andrews' 77. However, Hawkins is sitting on a Legendary gimmick... would hate to mess that up with a poor one. Who would you guys turn?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Give Andrews the face turn. Hawkins being face is obvious. Predictable, even. Hawkins is also a "legendary" arrogant heel, no? Perhaps you should push Hawkins even more as a heel after this, in storylines that is. How he is manipulated Andrews the entire time. How everyone who rallied behind Hawkins during that time are complete tools. Etc.</p><p> </p><p> This gives you a breath of fresh air as well with Andrews. I certainly don't recall ever turning Andrews face. Make him the "man on a mission" (not the exact gimmick) but someone who wants revenge and he is a little bit of a tweener. He just wants to kick Hawkins ass because he took everything from him.</p>
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<p>I like that... Makes sense. </p><p>

Andrews calls himself the true leader, but is kicked out by the group as Hawkins reveals his true intentions. Andrews is now alone and without support, perhaps having to fight his way through his former friends, all means necassary, before finally getting to Hawkins.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice update. Sounds fun. Curious if the heavy push on Gargantuan has made his personality worse? That's my one big concern with him. He's not massively negative to start with, but getting a popularity jump like that would worry me a bit.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not really, he has for a raise of like triple his salary and I gave him half which made him upset but only for a minor moral issue. I gave him a grand and that went away and he's actually getting better which I didn't really expect, he's regularly pulling off mid 70's performances. I was only going to ride him for 4 months or so I think now I'm riding this through the rest of the year.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gungner" data-cite="Gungner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I need help guys... I'm playing as TCW and Total Mayhem XXI is getting closer and I want the main-event to be Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins. A little background: At Total Mayhem XX, Andrews lost the World title to Sammy Bach, and hasn't been able to get it back, thus going after the tag team titles with Hawkins. (They're in a stable alongside Chord, Spade & Khoklov). Andrews & Hawkins won the tag titles and had a nice little run with them. Naturally, Andrews still wants the world title which is still around Bach's waist. <p> </p><p> I plan for Hawkins to win the title, which of course doesn't sit will well with Andrews. Hawkins will tell him that it doesn't really matter who has the title within the group, but the important thing is that they have it. The group could then easily kick out Hawkins, or Hawkins could take over leadership, or I could go a third way... I would need one of them to turn face, with Hawkins as the obvious choice, as he plays the face role best: 88 to Andrews' 77. However, Hawkins is sitting on a Legendary gimmick... would hate to mess that up with a poor one. Who would you guys turn?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was gonna do a similar thing in a game a while back and there was a 2nd faction that was Face and originally feuding with the stable. Long story short, what happened was I went from 4v4 feud to 3v3v3 with 2 heel stables, each led by 1 of the 2 major heels. One member of the face stable turned heel and joined the leaving heel and 1 other member of the roster joined.</p>
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<p>Hey guys, thanks for all the advice. I'm close to a decision on how to run the brand split. Just did my best card ever with a 92 at Independence Day Slam! The top three matches were:</p><p> </p><p>

- Steve Frehley def. Rich Money for the USPW World Heavyweight Championship - 97 (!)</p><p> </p><p>

- Nicky Champion def. Marat Khoklov in a Career vs. Career Match - 91</p><p> </p><p>

- Alicia Strong def. Joanne Rodriguez for the USPW Women's Championship - 83</p><p> </p><p>

Alicia is on the cusp of being a main eventer with high 60's to mid 70's pop through North America. J-Ro has low 60's pop but has a bun in the oven and is leaving in less than two months so I need to leech some of her pop quickly.</p><p> </p><p>

Colossus (Hell's Bouncer) is managed by Floyd Goldworthy and beat a face Tyson Baine at IDS to jump up to main event status.</p><p> </p><p>

Can't wait to get into this brand split and the draft, plus revealing some free agent signings. Most exciting is that I ended all of my storylines at IDS so I've got a clean slate to work with.</p>

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This is my third update on my CGC game, now with a year and a half in the record books (July 2017). I’ll try not to ramble on too long because I just posted about DeColt Wrestle Festival recently.


CGC continues to rise in popularity, arguably bigger than they ever were before their decline. The DeColt Company has become a powerhouse, and the battle with SWF, USPW, & NOTBW has truly begun. Peformance-wise, CGC is outpacing NOTBW each month in Canada, but is behind USPW (for now!).


There are two wrestlers that I will always pay up for no matter what. They are Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins, my fav wrestlers. Well, I recently signed Sammy Bach, who was currently the TCW World Champion, and he successfully debuted against Christian Price at my latest PPV, In The Company Of Legends. And…well…guess who I’m currently in negotiations, one month later? That’s right! The Wolf Man! Poor TCW has been picked to the bone. All they got left star-wise is Aaron Andrews & Eddie Peak, and Peak is in decline.


Finance wise? My recent big signings and opening of a development territory has put me in the negatives, but nothing that progress cannot fix. As soon as I get in the positives again, I’m planning to create a second A-show, that way I can expand the Cruiserweight Division and also consider a Women’s Division.


Easily, my biggest feud currently is the DeColt Brothers Implosion. It’s been brewing for months after Ricky DeColt has lived in Jack DeColt’s shadow for years. The lack of opportunities for Ricky while Jack gets plenty. The insults from other competitors about being the “little brother.” It finally blew up when the DeColt Brothers challenged The Golden Gangstas for the Tag Team Titles. A miscue led to a collision between Jack & Ricky, and Ricky eventually being pinned. When Jack tries to help his brother, Ricky snapped and laid a beatdown on Jack that left the crowd speechless. Jack has disappeared for a month since, and a scowling Ricky is demanding respect from everyone, and now likes to call himself the “#1 DeColt.” When Alex DeColt attempted to call out his brother Ricky to talk, Ricky refused to answer the call out. Everyone is wondering now where this will go, and when will Jack return to confront his brother?


With that out of the way, here are my champions and an overview for each:


CGC World Heavyweight Champion: Jay Chord

Reign Began: CGC Rage in the Cage (March 2017) (Second Reign)

4 Successful Title Defenses

The leader of the True Born has clearly become the #1 guy in CGC after defeating Jack DeColt at DeColt WrestleFestival. Chord has recently been feuding with new babyface Mr. Lucha, though Ricky DeColt has stuck his nose into the World Title picture during Jack DeColt’s disappearance from CGC. It led to a triple threat between Chord, Lucha, & Ricky DeColt at the recent PPV, which Chord came out successful.


Chord’s feud with Lucha continues on, but there are others waiting for their opportunity. It’s only a matter time before Chord has to deal with the likes of Sammy Bach, and even potentially Wolf Hawkins!


CGC Canadian Champion: Kirk Jameson

Reign Began: CGC Luck of the Draw (February 2017)

9 Successful Title Defenses

Jameson took the gold from long term champion Roger Cage, then successfully retained against Cage at WrestleFestival. He got stuck in between a feud between Bulldozer Smith & Davis Wayne Newton, and he himself would eventually feud with Newton. They would have their first one-on-one match at In The Company Of Legends, where Jameson just sneaked out with the win. Newton looked like he was about win, but his cockiness led to Jameson catching him with the Kirk Hold, forcing DWN to tap out. Clearly, this feud is far from over. The sky is the limit for Jameson’s CGC career.


CGC Cruiserweight Champion: Mikey James

Reign Began: CGC Elimination (January 2017)

7 Successful Title Defenses

James is the inaugural CW champion, as his cold blooded attitude and unlimited potential has kept him at the top. James has nearly cleared out the whole division, most recently completing his feud with Nicholas Lopez. He defeated Lopez the first time in tainted fashion, but there was no debating his decisive win in their rematch. Lopez now heads off to USPW now with a hefty 4 year contract (Sorry Nicky, I know you’re about to hit decline!).


Mainstream Hernandez & Randy B are the most clear top contenders for James next, as they are the only top CW stars who have not yet been defeated by the dominant champion.


CGC World Tag Team Champions: 4D (Donte Dunn & Daniel Drake)

Reign Began: In The Company Of Legends (June 2017) (Dunn’s 2nd Reign)

Dunn & Drake (aka Jack Avatar) just became the champs at the last show/PPV, ending the six month reign of The Golden Gangstas (Zeus Maxmillion & Sayeed Ali). CGC Commissioner Dawn Gemmell suggested Dunn & Drake team together because she believed both had immense potential, and they’ve been red hot ever since.


Clearly, a rematch with the Gangstas is in their near future, as they have to prove their title victory wasn’t a fluke. But the teams are lining up for an opportunity. In fact, The Impact Players (Joss Thompson & Spencer Spade) just won a triple threat to receive a future tag team title shot.

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So it finally happened... SOTBPW swooped in and stole Gino in July 2016. Mephisto just accepted a contract from them as well which means I need to move the title fast. Marcos is the obvious choice, but he is 4, pushing 5, years into Time Decline and it is starting to affect his performance. I may have to go with someone other than the storyline choice.


At the same time, PGHW just signed Mr. Lucha III to a touring contract, and BCG scooped Extraordinario Jr. to tour. Good news if they develop, bad news if they get too good for me to hold onto before I hit Cult. And my efforts to get there aren't going so hot. I continue to crank out B- shows, which means it's a slow crawl to Cult. It's going to be harder without two of my hottest talents, especially Gino the ratings machine.


The good news is the Hijo Espada Roja is improving quickly, plus he muscled up, raising his Star Quality to B-. And while Amo del Gato hasn't exactly improved his Star Quality, his top row and performance skills are rising faster than anyone on the roster.


In what I am hoping will be a good turn of events, Jungle Jack is about to become available. I've floated him a contract offer to see if he is interested. I'm a bit concerned about how deep he may be into Time Decline, but he's more popular than either of the two guys I lost and his Star Quality would instantly be among the best in the company. I've also floated a contract to Guerrero Muerte, who is tops on my Hidden Gems list.


For now, I guess I'm going to have to rely on Silver Tiger and Nicholas Lopez to carry me. The good news is that Silver Tiger is pulling some of my best ratings, so I have hope. But I expect sooner or later that SOTBPW is going to scoop him too, so I continue to look for other options. I still have El Mitico Jr. and Soda de la Uva Jr., but I don't want to rush them up the card. I think I could have a pretty solid main event one day with Mr. Lucha, Extraordinario, Soda and Mitico, enough to hold me at National, if I just take my time to develop them.

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Doing an Impact save with Fleisch’s RWC May Data, and quite surprised to see it’s fun so far.


Started out by signing Rich Swann and Dolph Ziggler (both of which WWE didn’t care about), but with that the WWE rejects stopped, as I like to keep it realistic and Dixie isn’t in charge so it doesn’t make sense to sign more.

Made Swann an anti hero tweener type character and in the middle of Eddie Edwards and Johnny Impact to help him get popularity quickly, it worked wonders so far.


I also dropped the Grand Championship as I don’t like it, and Austin Aries was put in a feud with Pentagon Jr. for the title, Aries reclaimed his title at Slamniversary, where the show ended with Dolph Ziggler debut by attacking Aries. They are now in a feud and will main event Bound For Glory in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match (possibly 60 if I feel like it).


Tag Team division was very slim starting out, so I signed Eddie Kingston to pair him up with tag team partner Homicide, and they’ve been feuding with Steiner and Eli Drake (who changed his body type to ripped). Strong Style Thugz defeated the champs at Slamniversary and now I signed Motor City Machine Guns to have a three way feud.


X-Division title picture is meh, I love Matt Sydal but I feuded him with DJ Z which was a mistake, but now he moves on to face Pentagon and Alex Vega who I recently signed.


Knockouts was simple: give Rosemary (who is also ripped now) the title (why is she a one time champ?) and have Taya face her at Bound For Glory. The two best performers I have should put on a good match.


Now for non title feuds, my favorite (besides Rich Swann, Edwards and Impact) is Moose vs Tyrus. This started by me wanting a manager for Moose, and after he got powerbombed off the stage by Tyrus and kayfabe injured, the only man to stand up for him was...

Grado! He got squashed by Tyrus but kept coming back to stand for Moose, who returned at Slamniversary or the go home show (can’t remember) and since then Grado is the mouthpiece for Moose. Personally I really enjoyed that feud since it felt like something I would want to see.


I also signed Rene Dupree, who was recommended by the Hidden Gems section, and he’s fighting Joseph Park (Abyss) and Chandler Park, both of which he has great chemistry with.


Brian Cage won the Lucha Underground world title in the third show by LU, and he’s feuding with Rey Fenix both in Impact and Lucha, which I thought was a very cool unscripted moment. Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley joined forces with Cage, but Petey Williams saves Fenix as the Canadian hero gimmick.


And that's it for now, I’m a few days from Destination X which should be nice, all in all this is surprisingly fun for Impact, they have a great roster

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<p>Another year on in my created local company, ’97 mod. It’s now mid ’99. Tough guy Raymond Diaz is my figurehead, not because I simply wanted to click someone in there, but rather he literally is the man carrying the company and bringing in the dough. It felt right to make him a figurehead even though we’re only around mid-small. He started off as a nobody youngster, and now 30 shows (2.5 years) later he sits at C popularity. Last show I ran he pulled a B+ performance against an 8 years in decline Flapjack Flanagan, for a C+ main event.</p><p> </p><p>

Since my last post, he has feuded with a not-that-atrocious Land Mass (he’s learnt a thing or two in CGC), a tear-the-house-down fued with Mighty Thor and most recently a brief one with the veteran Flapjack Flanagan, which will be his last main event contribution (also my UC).</p><p> </p><p>

Now, Mighty Thor! With that Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller lookalike render, so very bookable, and I did it with joy. Pretty much the same gimmick as The Cat, minus the crappy kickboxing shtick. Comes to the ring, calls everyone a chump, claims to be the greatest, tells Diaz and random people in the front row that he’ll whoop their ass. And then there’s the brawls. Him and Diaz absolutely lit it up from the moment he announced his arrival by attacking Diaz from behind out of the crowd. Yes, he’s a useless lump in the ring, but Diaz carried him comfortably (in a perf equel to pop company to boot). To my bemusement, Thor kept requesting unscripted angles when on the stick, only to flunk ‘em every single time! Such unabashed arrogance deserved a title win, so I actually had him go over Diaz in their second bout, after the first ended in a double dq and arena brawl. The following month a rematch was announced (3rd bout between them) under the stip that they can’t attack eachother before the match. That lasted about 5 min, when Diaz interrupted Thor’s promo and beat the tar out of him just as Thor was mentioning he wasn’t allowed to. He forfeited that night, but the following month they did have their bout and Diaz got the strap back for his 2nd reign now. And what did Thor do? He cracked it and walked out on us. I’m gonna miss you Mighty Thor, such a refreshing change from a backstage of nerds who express their disdain for one another by merely not shaking hands, with Jean Pierre Baptiste giving the girlies a tsk tsk. I should mention with the Diaz v Thor fued, we scored a B- show grade on two occasions!</p><p> </p><p>

Next up for Diaz is Arsenal Anderson (Human Arsenal), who I’ve unleashed as a heel ultra technician, taking pleasure in putting opponents in complicated holds no one else knows. He’s earned it after firstly jobbing for a year, then getting a slow-push, then getting the better of Dario Shelton in a best of 5. He won’t win the strap though, and I’m stumped what to do with him next as I really don’t find him bookable at all. He used to be a Next Big Thing, but strangely not so now.</p><p> </p><p>

Dario Shelton has become my no 1 ring worker. I got him operating as a mr company kind of good guy, cavalrying for other faces. I recently had him emerge as the surprise 3rd partner in a 3v3 on the side of the two Brits James (Jack) Giedroyc and Rolling Paul Lewis (Johnny Stones), who were fueding with Flapjack Flanagan & Friends (FF, John McClean and Dirty Frank) after they took Giedroyc’s passport and subsequently lost it, forcing him to stay put and not go to mexico. The faces won after McClean walked out on his colleagues, laughing his way out, deciding he’d had enough of doing the bidding of the other two. Now I can free him up as a cocky self-righteous character that can fued with anyone for any reason. Got a dodgy hairdo? He’ll let you know about it. Look out Skeeter Colquehan.</p><p> </p><p>

Thinking about starting up either a tag or cruiserweight title. Also thinking about bringing in one of the best talkers, Womanizer Robbie Gordon, who’ll manage new to the gameworld T-Rex. </p><p> </p><p>

With Shelton and Dirty Frank, I just wish they’d get ripped or something, to up the SQ, because as is I just can’t push them too hard. Even Dirty Frank, who is an ok worker now. He doesn’t want to step up to Heavyweight, which I’d like him to do in the hope he ups a few grades in SQ department. Yeah, he can talk, but he lacks the SQ to make him meaningful and popular.</p><p> </p><p>

That’s pretty much where I’m at. Elsewhere, HGC is well on the way to toppling SWF, consistently producing better shows by a whole grade every time. They bounced back brilliantly after losing Sam Strong to injury retirement, getting 2 x DeColts, Sean McFly, Bruce the Giant, Mr Supreme and Christian Faith, after the racial comments wore off, plus others. In fact, Dave really aren’t that far from SWF either as far as show grades go.</p>

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<p>Started a new MAW game (shocker I know!! <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />): </p><p> </p><p>

Annihilus was on a radio show and had nice things to say about Robin Newman... surprise, surprise - considering Newman has been getting his ass handed to him for months and month. Newman has excellent selling skills and Annihilus has great menace, so dominating victories have been the norm. I found that funny... wonder if Newman feels the same about him. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>I'm a year and a half into a DIW game, which is farther than I've ever gotten with them before. Here's where everything is:</p><p> </p><p>

Tombstone was champ for most of 2016, decisively beating The Comedian in a trilogy of main event brawls. I was planning a big money feud between him and Vaughan, but that got derailed when APW came calling in August. I had him do the job to Milton Hittlespitz on his way out, which turned out to be a masterstroke, as that match earned a 65 rating (by far the best match in company history, until my most recent show) and Hittlespitz, with a new Extremist gimmick (rated Legendary), was up to the task of carrying the promotion for the next eight months.</p><p> </p><p>

Vaughan and the Barracudas triumphed in their feud with Pinn Industries, but in the final six-man blowoff, Blitz Simpson suffered a broken neck, which still has him on the shelf a year later. Instead of the planned Tombstone feud, I moved Vaughan into a feud with The Comedian, which itself was cut short when Vaughan picked up an APW offer. At the moment, Chopper Rourke is the only active Barracuda, and he's just floating around the midcard having E- Calm the Crowd matches every show waiting for Blitz to come back.</p><p> </p><p>

Dumfrey Pinn also got poached fairly early, which I wasn't too upset about since his matches were rarely clearing D- and he would perpetually get blown up six minutes in. Unfortunately, that's left me with few ideas for the remnants of Pinn Industries. Mace Mueller's been the hardest hit -- he's stayed a Hot Prospect even with younger, fresher talent coming in, so I've kept him in the midcard but mainly just filling out shows. Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly have had a couple runs with the tag titles, holding up the division with the decimation of the Barracudas and Big Rig going to APW, but I'm likely going to push them down the division as some more promising talents come through.</p><p> </p><p>

Mayhem Mulhoney vs. Milton Hittlespitz has been my main feud for most of 2017, since The Comedian wouldn't job to Hittlespitz and I needed to give my new champ some wins to establish him. They've been turning in main events about on the same standard as Tombstone/Comedian matches from 2016 (thanks to heavy use of Car Crash and crazy bumps) and allowed me to build up my post-Tombstone/Pinn/Vaughan generation of stars.</p><p> </p><p>

Chief among that new generation is The Brisbane Devil, who is on an unbeaten run since joining the company, culminating in a 68-rated three-way dance with Mulhoney and Hittlespitz where he won the belt. He'll probably hang onto it for a while, mainly because I'm not sure who I want to build to take it off him. Could be a returning Blitz Simpson, ready to shine with Vaughan out of the picture, or it could be another of the young stars I'm building.</p><p> </p><p>

Probably the second-brightest young star is Surfer Dude Lucas, but for the time being he's teaming with rookie Jesse Tasman as the Bondi Buddies, which was a name opportunity I couldn't pass up. I have them (and sometimes Lucas's girlfriend/valet Melissa Abernathy) run angles just about every show, and I imagine the angles are just the two of them saying "mate" with different inflections to each other.</p><p> </p><p>

The Bondi Buddies are eventually going to move into a feud with The Australian People's Party, who are my tag champs at the moment following a feud with the Hired Guns spurred by Wez's manager Lori dating Matt Stoppard in "real life." I figured cashing in on that to start a blood feud between them would be exactly the sort of thing a company like DIW would do, and it also helped get Marcus Kerr (one of my best in-ring talents) over.</p><p> </p><p>

The other young talent of note is Con McReady, whose wild brawling style is a natural fit for DIW. I've been building him up by putting him over God of War (who I still can't find any use for) and a post-Bad Truckers Diesel Dan, and he's just about ready for prime time.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, there's my current headlining feud. I've kept The Comedian out of the title picture for the most part, because since Tombstone and Vaughan left, there hasn't been anyone he'd job to, but he's never far from the main event and he's still very much the heart and soul of DIW, even as he's approaching his decline phase. Then there's his polar opposite, Brodie Lachlan, who went straight to RAW without so much as a cup of coffee in a smaller promotion. But RAW didn't have anything for Lachlan, so he was out the door before too long and found himself with only one company interested in taking him on: DIW. Since arriving, he's gotten nuclear heat with his Big League Star gimmick, believing himself too good to be working in front of a few hundred beer-swilling bogans and just waiting for RAW to realize their mistake and put him back on national TV. The Comedian, naturally, doesn't take kindly to anyone disrespecting the promotion he built from the ground up. I've held off on putting them in a singles match thus far, but every angle with the two of them has done a big rating, the storyline is hot, and I'm expecting fireworks when they finally collide.</p>

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<p>I'm running so many games.</p><p> </p><p>

TCW, October 2018</p><p> </p><p>

Phase Two of "The Re-Education of TCW" is complete, as Bryan Vessey turned on Nicky Champion to help Human Arsenal win the TCW World Heavyweight title at Destructive Energy. This was always the plan, but I wasn't quite sure when to do it... until Champion got cast in a movie. (It's a comedy.) So he'll be gone until the end of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

But The New School of Tradition (Arsenal, Vessey, Bart Biggins, The Dynamite Express, Ota, Ernest Youngman) haven't vanquished all of their foes. Aaron Andrews (who finished up his program with Davis Wayne Newton) Brent Hill, and Devine Fortune (who lost the tag titles to the Dynamites thanks to Eric Tyler) will lead the resistance in his absence.</p><p> </p><p>

The International Title scene's about to get nuts. Freddy Huggins is the champ, but he pushes to main event. So I figure it's time to get some shine on some of the young talent -- Youngman, Chris Flynn, Lenny Brown and Matt Hocking will be at the forefront.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The People Versus Jay Chord:</strong> I can almost set my watch by the post-show email from Jay disparaging someone on the roster. Since he won't be near the title anytime soon, I decided that he's going to have to <em>deal with</em> most of them. Face and heel alike, from no-hopers like Guillotine to guys with legit potential like California Kid and Lenny Brown (who developed a negative relationship with Jay about a week after joining the company), Jay's gonna face a phalanx of people who want to shut him up.</p><p> </p><p>

Relaunched Saturday Showcase as a B-show.</p><p> </p><p>

Guide is leaving to reunite with Scout in SWF.</p><p> </p><p>

GSW went under in late September. Ex-TCWer Killer Shark was their last champion. Lug Phelan and/or Raheem Stash may be coming in.</p>

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<p>Bump to ask a question. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm currently modifying a version of the default 2016 database, where in America BHOTWG has landed an invasion force in Hawaii (read: sister promotion called BHOTWG USA) only to run into the ascending Coastal Zone in California, where Ricky Dale Johnson runs TCW and has taken it back home (read: located in Mid-South, going Texas), and where the Sword of Damocles has fallen on the SWF, with the Eisen family and several of their lieutenants getting arrested on several criminal charges and consequently destroying the SWF. </p><p> </p><p>

As a result of this, I've been moving around the survivors to other promotions, with some going to Canada or Japan and others getting snapped up by TCW, USPW, etc...</p><p> </p><p>

But I was hoping to gauge some thoughts from people, of specific wrestlers people might want to see in certain places. For example, Monty Trescarde jumped to USPW instead of the SWF in 2015, whereas Sammy Smoke remained in NYCW and was joined by American Machine and Atom Smasher in short order, with the top feud being set as Cage/Smoke vs. Machine/Smasher. Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee are in PSW, but Scott is also running a sleaze-fed thanks to a custom fed someone designed called Big Smack entertainment. The Biggins Brothers are in New England with New England Wrestling, Mean Jean Cattley's attempt to salvage something of his move up north, etc...</p><p> </p><p>

There are a few people I'm stuck on, like Remo Richardson (NOTBPW or TCW), Rogue (NOTBPW or CGC), etc... and I'm also open to any suggestion for roster moves. I've also undertaken moving TCW and UPSW wrestlers around as part of the shockwave, including jumping Nicky Champion and Running Wolf from USPW to TCW after a blow up with Parker at this second influx of SWF wrestlers so soon after 2014's Black Wednesday.</p><p> </p><p>

So yeah, any suggestions or thoughts?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jailbreak" data-cite="jailbreak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm a year and a half into a DIW game, which is farther than I've ever gotten with them before. Here's where everything is:<p> </p><p> Tombstone was champ for most of 2016, decisively beating The Comedian in a trilogy of main event brawls. I was planning a big money feud between him and Vaughan, but that got derailed when APW came calling in August. I had him do the job to Milton Hittlespitz on his way out, which turned out to be a masterstroke, as that match earned a 65 rating (by far the best match in company history, until my most recent show) and Hittlespitz, with a new Extremist gimmick (rated Legendary), was up to the task of carrying the promotion for the next eight months.</p><p> </p><p> Vaughan and the Barracudas triumphed in their feud with Pinn Industries, but in the final six-man blowoff, Blitz Simpson suffered a broken neck, which still has him on the shelf a year later. Instead of the planned Tombstone feud, I moved Vaughan into a feud with The Comedian, which itself was cut short when Vaughan picked up an APW offer. At the moment, Chopper Rourke is the only active Barracuda, and he's just floating around the midcard having E- Calm the Crowd matches every show waiting for Blitz to come back.</p><p> </p><p> Dumfrey Pinn also got poached fairly early, which I wasn't too upset about since his matches were rarely clearing D- and he would perpetually get blown up six minutes in. Unfortunately, that's left me with few ideas for the remnants of Pinn Industries. Mace Mueller's been the hardest hit -- he's stayed a Hot Prospect even with younger, fresher talent coming in, so I've kept him in the midcard but mainly just filling out shows. Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly have had a couple runs with the tag titles, holding up the division with the decimation of the Barracudas and Big Rig going to APW, but I'm likely going to push them down the division as some more promising talents come through.</p><p> </p><p> Mayhem Mulhoney vs. Milton Hittlespitz has been my main feud for most of 2017, since The Comedian wouldn't job to Hittlespitz and I needed to give my new champ some wins to establish him. They've been turning in main events about on the same standard as Tombstone/Comedian matches from 2016 (thanks to heavy use of Car Crash and crazy bumps) and allowed me to build up my post-Tombstone/Pinn/Vaughan generation of stars.</p><p> </p><p> Chief among that new generation is The Brisbane Devil, who is on an unbeaten run since joining the company, culminating in a 68-rated three-way dance with Mulhoney and Hittlespitz where he won the belt. He'll probably hang onto it for a while, mainly because I'm not sure who I want to build to take it off him. Could be a returning Blitz Simpson, ready to shine with Vaughan out of the picture, or it could be another of the young stars I'm building.</p><p> </p><p> Probably the second-brightest young star is Surfer Dude Lucas, but for the time being he's teaming with rookie Jesse Tasman as the Bondi Buddies, which was a name opportunity I couldn't pass up. I have them (and sometimes Lucas's girlfriend/valet Melissa Abernathy) run angles just about every show, and I imagine the angles are just the two of them saying "mate" with different inflections to each other.</p><p> </p><p> The Bondi Buddies are eventually going to move into a feud with The Australian People's Party, who are my tag champs at the moment following a feud with the Hired Guns spurred by Wez's manager Lori dating Matt Stoppard in "real life." I figured cashing in on that to start a blood feud between them would be exactly the sort of thing a company like DIW would do, and it also helped get Marcus Kerr (one of my best in-ring talents) over.</p><p> </p><p> The other young talent of note is Con McReady, whose wild brawling style is a natural fit for DIW. I've been building him up by putting him over God of War (who I still can't find any use for) and a post-Bad Truckers Diesel Dan, and he's just about ready for prime time.</p><p> </p><p> Finally, there's my current headlining feud. I've kept The Comedian out of the title picture for the most part, because since Tombstone and Vaughan left, there hasn't been anyone he'd job to, but he's never far from the main event and he's still very much the heart and soul of DIW, even as he's approaching his decline phase. Then there's his polar opposite, Brodie Lachlan, who went straight to RAW without so much as a cup of coffee in a smaller promotion. But RAW didn't have anything for Lachlan, so he was out the door before too long and found himself with only one company interested in taking him on: DIW. Since arriving, he's gotten nuclear heat with his Big League Star gimmick, believing himself too good to be working in front of a few hundred beer-swilling bogans and just waiting for RAW to realize their mistake and put him back on national TV. The Comedian, naturally, doesn't take kindly to anyone disrespecting the promotion he built from the ground up. I've held off on putting them in a singles match thus far, but every angle with the two of them has done a big rating, the storyline is hot, and I'm expecting fireworks when they finally collide.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have started a DIW save taking a break from my SSW save to try out some different guys this week as well. I also had plans for Vaughan and Tombstone who both got picked up around the six month mark as well. With Vaughan leaving before he could do the job, while Tombstone put over Dumfrey Pinn and relinquishing the title before leaving the next day. I am going to start him feuding with Milton. I was going to tweak his gimmick, but the extremist idea seems sounds fitting and you got results.</p><p> </p><p> I pick up Surfer Dude Lucas and Jesse Tasman all the time, and did for my SSW Diary so I am sticking away from that. But they are wonderful together, and you could move Brodie Lachlan with them as he fits a Surfing stable. There is one more guy as well, but I can't think of his name. </p><p> </p><p> Similar to you in that Comedian is at the top of the card, but kept away from the title. Mainly due to the fact that getting the title off of him would become difficult. He has been in a solid feud with Mullhoney. Of course he is going over. </p><p> </p><p> I love Brisbane Devil so wouldn't mind picking him up as well. I went looking at Adrian McGee, but due to The Comedian owner goals I wasn't able to get him. Speaking of owner goals. I haven't been able to resign Blitz Simpson and God of War. I had planned big things for Blitz. </p><p> </p><p> I needed more women in my company so I signed a couple of the girls Lillian O'Donahue is working with Hired Guns. Whike Toniko Jo was signed and teamed up with Bob Shrunkle who is getting pushed up the card at a decent pace. I also had to drop Lakatos due to his behaviour. I wouldn't mind grabbing McReady to fill his spot and team with his former partner eventually. </p><p> </p><p> I had big things for Panther initially but he was fed to Shrunkle and then to Lothar Prellinger who I love. Even if he doesn't fit the product. </p><p> </p><p> My next plan is to address the now non-existent and stagnant Tag-Team division. I wanted Brisbane Devil and King Meloita. But I don't think I will be able to sign King. Anguish and Misery are two guys I wouldn't mind grabbing. Both strong talents but may be too pricey at the moment, and would wind up as ME guys off the bat. D.O.A and Switchblade are probably the guys I go with as an established team. Then looking at finding two guys who are cheap to pair up. Should end up with four solid Tag-Teams as long as I keep the Truckers. </p><p> </p><p> Big plans to get Mace Muller in the Main Event eventually. Dude is a talent and doesn't get poached by APW or RAW right away. I wanted to get Artemis who was dropped by RAW but Comedian wouldn't let me pay him so much. Probably a good thing long term. So I am still looking for some guys to bulk out the ME sector until Shrunkle and Mace are ready.</p>
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<p>Started my game in 87 and currently heading into Summer Slam 95. Feuds for each title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Women -</span></strong> Manami Toyata </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Manamai has been a driving force (think Asuka now) for the division. Tina Ferrari, Madusa, and Terri Powers the other main event female talent haven't been able to dethrone her. It was only after Toyota shattered her pelvis was she forced to relinquish the belt at the Royal Rumble when Tina Ferrari won the belt for the ninth time. Her victory was short lived when Luna debuted at Wrestle Mania and beat her for the title. Luna was champion for several months until Manami returned from injury and scored the pin on Madusa in a fatal four way. Luna and Manami will face off one on one for the first time at Summer Slam (where Miss Elizabeth will make her glorious in-ring return after giving birth)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Television </span></strong>- Chris Benoit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Nothing big here. Basically Wrath, Crush, Tatanka, Papa Shango, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Ron Simmons, and Chris Jericho have all been trading the belt back and forth with Ron Simmons being the longest and most dominate champion. Triple H, Jericho, and Benoit are in their own feud against each other trading W's and L's to each other on Shotgun Saturday Night. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Tag Team </span></strong>- The British Bulldogs</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- After the amazing Wrestle Mania title win which saw Steve Austin and Marcus Bagwell win the titles off of The Brain Busters, they have engaged in feuds with The Smoking Gunns, The Brain Busters, and The Steiners (who left the WWF after losing a win or leave match against Austin/Bagwell.) At the WWF IYH PPV, The British Bulldogs returned and wanted to claim what they rightfully didn't lose six years prior (I fired Dynamite Kid after failing a drug test) and Bulldog left in 92. The Bulldogs won the belts at King of the Ring and are now helping Bret Hart in his feud against The Klique (HBK, Diesel, Ramon, and Bam Bam Bigelow). Austin and Bagwell are feuding with The Brain Busters. The Smoking Gunns are feuding with The Layfield Brothers (JBL and Glen Jacobs) and The Body Donna's.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Lightweight </span></strong>- Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- No real story, just trading the belt back and forth between Malenko, Sabu, and Eddie Guerrero.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF IC -</span></strong> Goldust</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Goldust and Masahiro Chono are in a blood feud for the past several months. Curt Hennig and Jeff Jarrett are some-what involved in their own feud that sometimes clashes with Goldust and Chono</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF World Heavyweight -</span></strong> Bret Hart</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- After winning the 95 Rumble, Michaels was set to face Bret Hart at Wrestle Mania 10. Four weeks before Mania, Bret Hart broke his ankle and was out for exactly the length of time until Wrestle Mania. Bret Hart decided to relinquish his championship. WWF Co-Presidents Dusty Rhodes and Jesse Ventura announced a battle royal for the belt (which HBK couldn't be apart of). During the battle royal Bret Hart announced his replacement and out comes WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Hulk Hogan. Hogan ended up winning the battle royal and holding both the WCW And WWF World Championship at the same time. This would be Hulk Hogan's 9th WWF Championship victory. </p><p> </p><p>

At Wrestle Mania, in a stellar 27 minute match, HBK won the belt for the first time and Hogan left to go back to WCW. HBK told Bret he needed to become the number one contender first. At the WWF IYH April PPV, HBK defeated Bigelow to retain and Hart defeated Jerry Lawler to become the number one contender.</p><p> </p><p>

At WWF IYH MAY PPV, HBK lost the belt in a fatal four way when Bret pinned Lawler. Bret promised Michaels a shot but Michaels wanted to earn it. He won the 36 man King of the Ring Tournament.</p><p> </p><p>

When Bret went to congratulate Shawn Michaels, Michaels super kicked him and brought out Diesel, Bigelow, and Ramon to beat him up. Hart was saved by the Hart Foundation (Bulldog, Dynamite Kid, and Lawler)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

123 Kid is out with a broken spinal cord (I may bring him back from retirement)</p><p> </p><p>

Owen Hart is out with a broken leg</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Started my game in 87 and currently heading into Summer Slam 95. Feuds for each title.<p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Women -</span></strong> Manami Toyata </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Manamai has been a driving force (think Asuka now) for the division. Tina Ferrari, Madusa, and Terri Powers the other main event female talent haven't been able to dethrone her. It was only after Toyota shattered her pelvis was she forced to relinquish the belt at the Royal Rumble when Tina Ferrari won the belt for the ninth time. Her victory was short lived when Luna debuted at Wrestle Mania and beat her for the title. Luna was champion for several months until Manami returned from injury and scored the pin on Madusa in a fatal four way. Luna and Manami will face off one on one for the first time at Summer Slam (where Miss Elizabeth will make her glorious in-ring return after giving birth)</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Television </span></strong>- Chris Benoit</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Nothing big here. Basically Wrath, Crush, Tatanka, Papa Shango, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Ron Simmons, and Chris Jericho have all been trading the belt back and forth with Ron Simmons being the longest and most dominate champion. Triple H, Jericho, and Benoit are in their own feud against each other trading W's and L's to each other on Shotgun Saturday Night. </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Tag Team </span></strong>- The British Bulldogs</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- After the amazing Wrestle Mania title win which saw Steve Austin and Marcus Bagwell win the titles off of The Brain Busters, they have engaged in feuds with The Smoking Gunns, The Brain Busters, and The Steiners (who left the WWF after losing a win or leave match against Austin/Bagwell.) At the WWF IYH PPV, The British Bulldogs returned and wanted to claim what they rightfully didn't lose six years prior (I fired Dynamite Kid after failing a drug test) and Bulldog left in 92. The Bulldogs won the belts at King of the Ring and are now helping Bret Hart in his feud against The Klique (HBK, Diesel, Ramon, and Bam Bam Bigelow). Austin and Bagwell are feuding with The Brain Busters. The Smoking Gunns are feuding with The Layfield Brothers (JBL and Glen Jacobs) and The Body Donna's.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Lightweight </span></strong>- Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- No real story, just trading the belt back and forth between Malenko, Sabu, and Eddie Guerrero.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF IC -</span></strong> Goldust</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- Goldust and Masahiro Chono are in a blood feud for the past several months. Curt Hennig and Jeff Jarrett are some-what involved in their own feud that sometimes clashes with Goldust and Chono</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF World Heavyweight -</span></strong> Bret Hart</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Story </span></strong>- After winning the 95 Rumble, Michaels was set to face Bret Hart at Wrestle Mania 10. Four weeks before Mania, Bret Hart broke his ankle and was out for exactly the length of time until Wrestle Mania. Bret Hart decided to relinquish his championship. WWF Co-Presidents Dusty Rhodes and Jesse Ventura announced a battle royal for the belt (which HBK couldn't be apart of). During the battle royal Bret Hart announced his replacement and out comes WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Hulk Hogan. Hogan ended up winning the battle royal and holding both the WCW And WWF World Championship at the same time. This would be Hulk Hogan's 9th WWF Championship victory. </p><p> </p><p> At Wrestle Mania, in a stellar 27 minute match, HBK won the belt for the first time and Hogan left to go back to WCW. HBK told Bret he needed to become the number one contender first. At the WWF IYH April PPV, HBK defeated Bigelow to retain and Hart defeated Jerry Lawler to become the number one contender.</p><p> </p><p> At WWF IYH MAY PPV, HBK lost the belt in a fatal four way when Bret pinned Lawler. Bret promised Michaels a shot but Michaels wanted to earn it. He won the 36 man King of the Ring Tournament.</p><p> </p><p> When Bret went to congratulate Shawn Michaels, Michaels super kicked him and brought out Diesel, Bigelow, and Ramon to beat him up. Hart was saved by the Hart Foundation (Bulldog, Dynamite Kid, and Lawler)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> 123 Kid is out with a broken spinal cord (I may bring him back from retirement)</p><p> </p><p> Owen Hart is out with a broken leg</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> holy crap that Hulk Hogan - Bret Hart storyline sounds awesome! how did you achieve that? like how did you sign him and then have him go back to WCW?</p>
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