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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I doubt the game would keep tags together but who knows. Dev since you dont book it yourself you cant control the stupid choices they make. Given it could probably work as an indy company if you send them teams because iirc you can control teams in the dev companies.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If you have an entire roster of tag teams and the product is 100% tag matches, I think you'll probably get all of your teams to stay together. It splits teams up for a different reason that DerekB described in another thread.</p><p> </p><p> I might have to create a company that is 100% and just watch them.</p>
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<p>Starting a game as WCW in mid-98 with the Art Of War mod. Raided ECW so I could have a functioning midcard - Storm, Lynn, Douglas, the Dudleyz and Mike Awesome will help flesh out the midcard while I try to elevate the likes of Benoit, Guerrero and Jericho towards the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

I generally run with a product that rates equally between pop and performance so the top of the card is a little lacklustre in the workrate department. Plenty of over guys (Sting, Hogan, Goldberg, Hall, Nash, Giant) but none that will put out a MOTYC in a Main Event. Realistically I should be building around Goldberg but his actual matches don't rate great so I may give him a short run with the title before building the main event scene around Bret Hart, Benoit, Jericho and others who can elevate the main event match ratings.</p><p> </p><p>

I made Piper my on-screen authority figure and he immediately quit the company, haha. I hastily hired Sid Vicious (who is working as Bischoff and Hogan's muscle) and had him destroy Piper repeatedly on the way out.</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair is out for 4 months due to "legal reasons". I think that puts him back in time for WW3. Currently the plan is to have his "surprise return" in that event - he'll win, go on to Main Event Starrcade against Goldberg and possibly turn heel to end the streak.</p>

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<p><em>Hello all and welcome to our preview of the upcoming inaugural PGHW G1 Climax in 2016. The company has put on some excellent shows and bouts in the first half of the year and this should certainly raise the bar even higher. Here we'll give a preview of the blocks and the top picks from each one who could make history in this round robin tournament.</em></p><p><em>

</em><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PGHW G1 Climax</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Group A</span></p><p>

Seiji Jimbo</p><p>

Raymond Diaz</p><p>

Yoshimi Mushashibo</p><p>

Takayuki 2000</p><p>

Matthew Keith</p><p>


Ryomo Muruyama</p><p>

Emerald Angel</p><p>

Bussho Makiguchi</p><p>

Magnum Kobe</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Group B</span></p><p>

PRIDE Koiso</p><p>

William Hayes</p><p>

Akinori Kwakami</p><p>

Buddy Garner</p><p>

Kozue Kawashima</p><p>

Masaru Ugaki</p><p>

Eien Miyamoto</p><p>

Eisaku Kunomasu</p><p>

Chojiro Kotiaji</p><p>

Razan Okamoto</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Top Contenders:</span></strong></p><p>

Yoshimi Mushashibo - <em>Having lost his PGHW Glory Crown title to Kawashima just over a month ago (his 2nd loss to him this year), this will be a test of his mettle. A 4-time Glory Crown and 3-time winner of the Elite Series, Yoshimi has now hit 40 and isn't getting younger. He needs this to assert his place as still being #1 in the company.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Magnum Kobe - <em>Has made a hot debut this year and narrowly lost in the final of the Elite Series to Kawashima. The former WLW warrior has swiftly become the hottest property in the company and could top his group if he gets the better of Mushashibo.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Kozue Kawashima - <em>Current Glory Crown champion and captured his 2nd Elite Series earlier this year. This looks to be the year of Kawashima. His biggest competition should be his stablemate, PRIDE. A solid, safe bet to top the block.</em></p><p> </p><p>

PRIDE Koiso - <em>Regularly still in the MOTN, PRIDE lost in the semi's of the Elite Series to Magnum Kobe. His pride was hurt and he's out for revenge on the world. PRIDE can beat anyone on his night. When he's fired up, he could be unstoppable.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">They've Got A Chance:</span></strong></p><p>

Emerald Angel - <em> Defeated Simon Flemmingway for the International Title on his debut, has held the title ever since and looked confident. His aerial prowess could unsettle a lot of the ground-based wrestlers in his block and has a decent chance of doing well.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Seiji Jimbo - <em>Has the pedigree to do well. Maybe hasn't hit the heights expected of him but he's still only 27. Should make a good account of himself. This might not be his year, but then again it might be. As Chuck Berry sang, 'It goes to show you never can tell'. This is especially true with a commodity like Jimbo.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Eisaku Kunomasu - <em>At 45, he should be slowing down, but he seems to be better than ever before. Just fell short in his International Title match vs Emerald Angel last month, Kunomasu has the experience to win it all. A tough block but you should never count this warrior out.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Masaru Ugaki - <em>Toss up between Garner and Ugaki here, the tag team specialist is ahead. Captivating in the ring, he looks like a star waiting to break out and it's only a matter of time before he and Muruyama split after their tag title loss to The Legacy. This could be Ugaki's chance to shine, especially with Muruyama in Block A.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Rest:</span></strong></p><p>

With a tournament of the format of this, it's gonna be a long month of action for the stars involved and conditioning and stamina will play a monumental role in it. A niggling injury here, a surprise pin there could upset some of the top contenders and before you know it, an outsider has a real shot. There's some excellent talent in the blocks and, as we know in wrestling, anyone can beat anybody. Matthew Keith has had a good 6 months and should make waves. Raymond Diaz has a lot to prove in showing he can still hang. Buddy Garner has been impressive in his return and should do well. Akinori Kwakami hasn't had the best year but won last year's Elite Series and that wasn't a fluke. Either way, it'll be an exciting and intense 19 nights of action.</p>

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<p>So we're 8 nights into the PGHW G1 Climax, and as we reach the half-way stage of the gruelling competition things are really starting to heat up. A few upsets have already sprung up and the match quality has been truly outstanding. Here are the latest Block standings;</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Block A</strong></p><p>

Magnum Kobe (4-0) 8</p><p>

Emerald Angel (3-1) 6</p><p>

Funakoshi (3-1) 6</p><p>

Yoshimi Mushashibo (3-1) 6</p><p>

Matthew Keith (2-2) 4</p><p>

Seiji Jimbo (2-2) 4</p><p>

Bussho Makiguchi (1-3) 2</p><p>

Raymond Diaz (1-3) 2</p><p>

Takayuki 2000 (1-3) 2</p><p>

Ryomo Muruyama (0-4) 0</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Block B:</strong></p><p>

Masaru Ugaki (4-0) 8</p><p>

PRIDE Koiso (4-0) 8</p><p>

Eisaku Kunomasu (3-1) 6</p><p>

Kozue Kawashima (3-1) 6</p><p>

Razan Okamoto (2-2) 4</p><p>

Buddy Garner (1-3) 2</p><p>

Chojiro Kotiaji (1-3) 2</p><p>

Eien Miyamoto (1-3) 2</p><p>

William Hayes (1-3) 2 </p><p>

Akinori Kwakami (0-4) 0</p><p> </p><p>

Stories of the block so far - </p><p>

<strong>Block A</strong></p><p>

Funakoshi has been the surprise of the block so far winning 3 of his 4 matches, including a win over Yoshimi Mushashibo in an excellent bout. Emerald Angel has had a good start with his only loss coming as Raymond Diaz's only win.</p><p>

Magnum Kobe is plain sailing so far but has a tough stretch with his last 3 matches coming vs Seiji Jimbo, Emerald Angel & Yoshimi Mushashibo.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Block B</strong></p><p>

We pointed out in the preview that Ugaki could be the break out star and that's the case so far. An opening night win over the Glory Crown champ, Kawashima, got things off to a great start. 4 for 4 and MOTN almost every night. His ratings so far have been 95, 90, 90, 95. A far cry from his tag partner at the bottom of block A.</p><p>

PRIDE is also 4-0 but these 2 meet on night 10 so something has to give. The 45 year old Kunomasu has been stellar so far, his only loss coming vs PRIDE. Kawashima lost on night 2 but has won every fight since and the #1 guy in the company is looking great.</p><p> </p><p>

Of course, we're only 8 nights in with 10 more to go, plus finals night, but anything can happen in PGHW.</p>

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I just played for maybe two weeks real time off administrator mode on accident and lost over 3 months of game time <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:mad:<img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:mad:<img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Corey" data-cite="Corey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Starting a game as WCW in mid-98 with the Art Of War mod. Raided ECW so I could have a functioning midcard - Storm, Lynn, Douglas, the Dudleyz and Mike Awesome will help flesh out the midcard while I try to elevate the likes of Benoit, Guerrero and Jericho towards the main event.<p> </p><p> I generally run with a product that rates equally between pop and performance so the top of the card is a little lacklustre in the workrate department. Plenty of over guys (Sting, Hogan, Goldberg, Hall, Nash, Giant) but none that will put out a MOTYC in a Main Event. Realistically I should be building around Goldberg but his actual matches don't rate great so I may give him a short run with the title before building the main event scene around Bret Hart, Benoit, Jericho and others who can elevate the main event match ratings.</p><p> </p><p> I made Piper my on-screen authority figure and he immediately quit the company, haha. I hastily hired Sid Vicious (who is working as Bischoff and Hogan's muscle) and had him destroy Piper repeatedly on the way out.</p><p> </p><p> Ric Flair is out for 4 months due to "legal reasons". I think that puts him back in time for WW3. Currently the plan is to have his "surprise return" in that event - he'll win, go on to Main Event Starrcade against Goldberg and possibly turn heel to end the streak.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I often play WCW mods and with Goldberg you want to get him to that level he never got the chance to get to. So one trick is to find someone who he has great chemistry with that also has high stats and have them in a long program with a lot of dark matches so you can raise his stats faster. Also you can get quality ratings from him as long as his opponent has high charisma, selling and psychology.</p>
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Guest Asaemon

<p>Cotc 1995</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="qddM1O8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qddM1O8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

So we´re in June of 1995. WWF is still the number one promotion in the World, but is being challenged by WCW "Where The Big Boys Play" and it's moneymaking storylines with Randy Savage vs. The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Curt Hennig and Steve Austin); and Hulk Hogan, Sting and The Warrior vs. The Stud Stable (Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Meng, Kurosawa and The Miracle Violence Connection).</p><p> </p><p>

The WCW roster is stacked with star quality, so Vince (AI) did bring back veterans like Jake Roberts and Ricky Steamboat by giving them huge contracts. Vince has also been busy building new possible stars like British Bulldog (massive SQ boost due to roids), Hakushi, Mabel (Ted DiBiases new monster that has great tag team chemistry with Sycho Sid), Ahmed Johnson, Kama "The Supreme Fighter", The Can-Am Express and The Bodydonnas.</p><p> </p><p>

The WWF has signed former WCW workers like Dustin Rhodes, The Patriot, The Eagle and Marc Mero. Mero has debuted and are feuding with Dok Hendrix, while vignettes is aired for the debuting Golddust and The Patriot/The Eagle.</p><p> </p><p>

Vince also has two future monster heels in Giant Kurrgan and Doomsday loaned out to USWA. Kurrgan is a movie star and has 83 overness all over the World. Glen Jacobs is a former HWA Heavyweight champion as Dr. Isaac Yankem and a SMW Tag Team champion as Unabomb of The Dynamic Duo.</p><p> </p><p>

The King of the Ring tournament is just about to start with lot of possible winners. Jarrett and Ramon is feuding and sabotaged each others matches. While Waylon Mercy helped Yokozuna by distracting Ricky Steamboat. Kama and Ahmed Johnson had a time-limit draw to keep them strong, since they are feuding over the WWF European title.</p>

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<p>Playing a 1994 game as the WWF at the moment. </p><p> </p><p>

Bret Hart has been tanking as figurehead, seeing attendance drop when he's on the card, so I removed him from the position - which has left him unhappy. I signed Keith and Bruce Hart to appease him, and attempted to sign Davey Boy Smith, but WCW got to him before I could. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm currently in the run up to Summerslam, but the long-term goal was for a "Harts vs. Harts" match at Survivor Series, with Bret and Owen as the opposing team captains. Bret was set to team with Bruce, Keith and Davey Boy against Owen, Neidhart and Dynamite Kid, with both teams also including one additional member I hadn't figured out yet - I was thinking Shawn Michaels on Owen's team and Roddy Piper on Bret's.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event of Summerslam will be Bret vs. Owen for the title, with the returning Roddy Piper as special referee. I haven't fully decided who wins this one, though chances are it will be Bret, though with the feud set to continue until at least the Royal Rumble, and potentially through to Wrestlemania, there would be no harm putting the championship on Owen for a brief run now that Bret's no longer the figurehead. If I find a new figurehead before then, though, I may well get the belt off of Bret and keep the Hart family feud purely personal.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Elsewhere on the card, Bob Backlund is building to a slow heel turn. At the height of the "New Generation" era, Backlund is a bit of an anachronism, and in my quest to rob WCW of stars, I've managed to sign Jim Duggan away from them, as well as a few other old timers. </p><p> </p><p>

So I'm thinking of having Backlund head up an "Old Guard" team at Survivor Series, to battle a New Generation team tentatively made up of Razor Ramon, the 123 Kid and The Headshrinkers. The Old Guard will likely be Bob Backlund, Sgt Slaughter, Jim Duggan and either the Iron Sheik or Tito Santana.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

In July, Jerry Lawler took umbrage to something Randy Savage said about him on commentary, and kicked off a feud between the two, in which Lawler belittled Savage's abilities as a commentator and, showing photos of him in his "Macho King" gimmick, claimed that he was never anything more than a Jerry Lawler wannabe. Lawler even brought in Miss Elizabeth, cajoling her into admitting on-screen that her and Savage were divorced, and trying to bully her into insulting Savage, which she refused to do. As Lawler became increasingly aggressive with Elizabeth, Savage rose from the announce table and ran him out of the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

Savage would come out of retirement for a match with Lawler at the July PPV, with the winner taking the colour commentary job on RAW. Lawler won with the help of a pair of brass knuckles, setting up a rematch for Summerslam. At present, the plan is for Savage to win at Summerslam, before entering into a feud with Shawn Michaels - during which Elizabeth will turn heel, with Michaels as her "boy toy".</p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker has recently returned from injury, and is set to take on Ted DiBiase's "Underfaker" at Summerslam. After he's dealt with that, and taken out a measure of revenge on Yokozuna, Undertaker's next challenge will be the debuting Kevin Sullivan, who I've managed to sign away from WCW. The plan is for Sullivan to be a long-term antagonist for Undertaker/Paul Bearer, and that their stories will be largely self-contained without much interaction with the rest of the roster - possibly seeing Sullivan as the catalyst for a series of "Monster of the Month" feuds for Undertaker, or heading up a Dungeon of Doom style stable. My first plan for Sullivan's charge to battle 'Taker was Abdullah The Butcher, but he got injured before debuting, so that's changed my plans up somewhat. I have a few people in development I plan to ally with Sullivan at some point in the future - Gangrel, Vampiro, Damien 666 and Cactus Jack, to name a handful - with the plan being to keep 'Taker and Sullivan from having a singles match until at least Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p>

In the run-up to the July PPV, the Headshrinkers lost the tag titles to Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart. After the match, the new champions beat up the Headshrinkers' advisor Lou Albano until Bret Hart made the save. Captain Lou has been written off TV, but the plan is for him to return managing more members of the Samoan dynasty - most likely as heels opposed to the Headshrinkers, though one possible plan was to lead an all-Samoan team at Survivor Series, though I'd struggled to come up with a heel team that made sense for them to combat.</p>

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<p>I have completed 2016 with OLLIE, and we are basically in the same position that we were at the beginning of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

The wrestling industry in Mexico bottomed out at 0% in November so it's been impossible to gain any popularity through the year - and that has been the case for all Mexican promotions (and the main eventers).</p><p> </p><p>

Phoenix I took over as owner in August/September when Joaquin Soler retired from the industry.</p><p> </p><p>

I started with a non-aggression pact with SOTBPW and that's meant I've kept all of the big stars.</p><p> </p><p>

I also picked up a TV show at the beginning of the year with Canal Tres, and used that as my weekly show in amongst 12 big events (that have helped me not lose too much money over the year).</p><p> </p><p>

OLLIE's schedule was built around four tournaments:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Rey de Reyes (Jan-March)<br /></li><li>Gran Alternativa (April)<br /></li><li>Leyenda Dorada (June-July)<br /></li><li>Tag League (Nov-Dec)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rey de Reyes</strong> is a round robin trios tournament with eight captains putting together a team to fight alongside him. After seven trios matches against the other teams, the top scoring captains then face off in a single contest to be named King of Kings.</p><p> </p><p>

Marcos Flores defeated Nicolas Lopez and Hijo Del Mephisto in a three way final after all three picked up 10 points (five wins) from their seven matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Lopez had Phoenix II and Phoenix III (as partners).</p><p>

Hijo Del Mephisto had Hellspawn and Slayyer.</p><p>

Flores had Dragon Americano and Razan Okamoto (UC) (though in the final round robin match Phoenix IV replaced an injured Dragon Americano to help Flores to claim the win he needed against Lopez and Dos Phoenix).</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The <strong>Gran Alternativa</strong> tournament is an eight team knock-out tournament with an established/older star partnering someone on the up.</p><p> </p><p>

El Hijo Espada Rojo partnered with North Star Jr to win. They beat Cosmic Rider and Extraordinario Jr - and then went on to win the tag team titles from Luis Montero Jr and Mr Lucha III.</p><p> </p><p>

Montero and Lucha then split up as a team when they lost the rematch, and Montero turned <em>rudo</em>.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The <strong>Leyenda Dorado Grand Prix</strong> is round robin tournament with two groups of six competitors. The winners of each group then face in the tournament final (and in my head, El Patron shows up to hand over the prize).</p><p> </p><p>

Group A featured Marcus Flores, Nicolas Lopez, Mr Lucha III, El Critico, Extraordinario Jr and Laberinto Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Group B featured El Hijo Espada Rojo, Gino Montero, Luis Montero Jr (just before the rudo turn), Amo Del Gato, Silver Tiger and "The Crippler" Chris Morrisette (on time decline but in a pop > perf, he's been useful).</p><p> </p><p>

Lopez went 5-0 to win Group A with 10 points (ahead of El Critico)</p><p>

The Crippler went 5-0 to win Group B with 10 points (ahead of El Hijo Espada Rojo). Gino only won twice as El Critico, The Crippler and Luis all conspired to keep him out of contention.</p><p> </p><p>

Lopez defeated The Crippler in the final, but came up short in his title shot with Hijo Del Mephisto at National Lucha Day.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The <strong>Tag League</strong> is an eight team round robin.</p><p> </p><p>

Nicolas Lopez and Condor (renamed El Mitico Jr) won 10 points (5-2) to join Dos Phoenix (also 10 points, 5-2) in the finals; but it was Dos Phoenix that won (because they are Dos Phoenix).</p><p>

The reigning tag team champions - El Hijo Espada Rojo and North Star Jr - declined to take part.</p><p>

It sets up a tag team title match in January 2017 between the two teams.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The <strong>Universal Championship </strong>was around the waist of Hijo of Mephisto for most of the year. He had support from Amo Del Gato, Hellspawn and Slayyer for much of the year as he defeated Marcus Flores in a series of title matches. (side note - Flores (on time decline) has never defeated Hijo Del Mephisto in a 1v1 contest, but has a few team + three way wins)</p><p> </p><p>

Toro Negro (Black Bull; renamed El Toro... Jr) and Oscura (Darkness; renamed Extranejo Loco) joined the "Way of Mephisto" later in the year to help defeat Nicolas Lopez as I phased Hellspawn and Slayyer out of OLLIE.</p><p> </p><p>

However, a title defence against Gino Montero proved to be a match too far and the Universal Championship switched hands in October.</p><p> </p><p>

Gino has gone on to defend against The Crippler x2 and El Critico as I prepare Mephisto for another shot at glory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Luis Montero Jr has ended 2016 as the <strong>Mexican Champion</strong>. Following his rudo turn in August, he interrupted a title match between Labertino (champion) and Mr Lucha III (his former partner) - and caused the match to be thrown out. A three way followed - as both men wanted to get their hands on Montero - and he escaped with the title, rolling Mr Lucha III up.</p><p> </p><p>

Since then, Montero has got away with the title in a series of defences (including two against Mr Lucha III - one he won and one he lost by count out). They'll have a final showdown with Mr Lucha moving up the card and Montero entertaining some midcard opponents as champion. </p><p> </p><p>

Not sure how I do the pay-off with Mr Lucha winning, but the title not switching hands?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The women's division has floundered in truth - and I've not given it much thought. I plan to introduce two tournaments. A "Reina de Reinas" singles round robin for the beginning of 2017; and something for tag teams later in the year.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

However, the most interesting part of 2017 may be the fact that I chose to end the non-aggression pact with SOTBPW on Sunday, Week 4, December 2016. The new year began with SOTBPW declaring war on OLLIE - and that should make for a tough few months.</p><p> </p><p>

The industry is "rising" and is back up to 5%, which should see us increase in size over the course of the year.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>SWF fell to Cult in April of 17 (TCW fell in February, USPW fell in May) and hasn't come close to recovering. SWF is hostile to IPW (you don't say, John?) and SOTBPW and USPW are hostile to each other. Looking at their show results, I think USPW will be the first to return to National. That is, if they learn to keep Nicky Champion in the A show main events. Several times they've buried his match (either tag matches with Jim Force or singles matches) in the middle of the card and had it be by far the top rated match. SOTBPW poached Angry "Money" Gilmore and he immediately came in and started having ridiculous matches (99 rated draw with Champagne Lover, 94 rated win over Ultra Spark Jr on back to back shows (SOTBPW Television and SOTBPW Lucha Libre).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> WRONG! SWF popped back up to National on Thursday of Week 4 of February 2018. They'll probably drop back down once that cooling off period is up though.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>After I signed away Sally Anne Christianson and Lauren Easter (who was essentially released one month into maternity leave) and didn't allow them to sign Sara Marie York, NOTBPW signed Tracy Brendon (okay, makes sense) and.....Ellie May Walton. No, seriously. She was a jobber/lower midcarder on both my roster and AAA's but that's who they signed. It seems that even in a 'everyone can work everywhere' scenario, the AI doesn't look far from home. Shiori Jippensha was out there as was Debbie Rose (demerit for being a cruiserweight, despite the reigning, defending, undisputed NOTBPW Women's champion Kaede Sugiyama also being one?), Christina Charlston, and OMG Fuyuko Higa! Just seems odd.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Perhaps I spoke too soon. After I signed Kinuye Mushashibo, Brooke Tyler, and Kristabel Plum, they went on a bit of a signing spree and snatched up Purple Viper, Pinky Perez, Paige Croft, Shiori Jippensha......and Fuyuko Higa. Man, that locker room is going to be ridiculously toxic. They should grab Unstoppable Tai just to complete the set. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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1993 Has already proven to be an interesting year for the WWF.


After winning every national battle they were involved in (all of them occurring in Japan) the WWF bought out both NJPW and AJPW and pillaged much of their top talents. I had considered an invasion angle, but instead decided to us them to pop some good match rating on WWF Raw World Tour. Raw World Tour is my new A show that takes place every Friday from Japan.


The WWF continues to be the top wrestling promotion and is currently at International Level. As 1993 continues, the WWF looks to add a cruiserweight division and has already started a tournament for the title. There will also be a shift away from some of the older generation towards younger stars. 1993 looks to be a quite a transitional year for the WWF culminating at WrestleMania X in 1994.


WWF Championship - The WWF Championship was briefly won by Ricky Steamboat who defeated Randy Savage on the initial WWF RAW World Tour from Japan. Steamboats reign was only two weeks, however, he managed a 100 rated title defense against Ted DiBiase and a 100 rated title loss to Randy Savage at the Royal Rumble. Hulk Hogan won the Rumble and will face off against Savage at WrestleMania IX. This will be their first one on one match in several years. As Savage has won the title three times as a heal with me as booker, he may be looking to freshen things up with a face turn. I've had Elizabeth under contract for months, so perhaps a reunion is in order (despite their divorce).


WWF Intercontinental - Shawn Michaels will likely hold the title for a year or more. He is currently feuding with the Ultimate Warrior over who is the greatest I-C Champion in history. He defeated the Warrior at the Royal Rumble by cheating and their fued is scheduled to end at WrestleMania. Owen Hart has been pegged as a future IC champion and will likely feud with Shawn once Owen's tag title reign is over.


WWF Tag Team Title - The Hart Brothers ended the very successful first reign of the Hollywood Blonds, however, the Blonds look to regain the titles and will have the opportunity come WrestleMania. As both Austin and Pillman have risen to the Main Event Level and 1993 looks to transition to a New Generation, I'm thinking a Blonds vs. Mega Powers fued over the titles may be in order.


WWF Woman's Title - Bull Nakano is still going strong with her nearly year long reign. She is currently fueding with Heidi Lee Morgan and they produced a B+ match at the Royal Rumble. Bull will likely have a long reign. She is currently aligned with Akira Hokuto and Aja Kong. I'm thinking long term their may be a take over of the Woman's division by this yet unnamed trio.


WWF Woman's Tag Title - Sweet Sensations (Ivory & Terri Power) won the titles from Team America. They are currently feuding with the Crush Girls and intentionally got themselves counted out at the Royal Rumble in order to save their titles. I don't see them being so lucky at WrestleMania. Long term, I think the Crush Girls will enjoy a reign or two, perhaps dropping the titles to the Glamour Girls at some point, before takeover over the Woman's division by Bull and her allies.

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1993 Has already proven to be an interesting year for the WWF. (Using the 1991 Mod)


After winning every national battle they were involved in (all of them occurring in Japan) the WWF bought out both NJPW and AJPW and pillaged much of their top talents. I had considered an invasion angle, but instead decided to us them to pop some good match rating on WWF Raw World Tour. Raw World Tour is my new A show that takes place every Friday from Japan.


The WWF continues to be the top wrestling promotion and is currently at International Level. As 1993 continues, the WWF looks to add a cruiserweight division and has already started a tournament for the title. There will also be a shift away from some of the older generation towards younger stars. 1993 looks to be a quite a transitional year for the WWF culminating at WrestleMania X in 1994.


WWF Championship - The WWF Championship was briefly won by Ricky Steamboat who defeated Randy Savage on the initial WWF RAW World Tour from Japan. Steamboats reign was only two weeks, however, he managed a 100 rated title defense against Ted DiBiase and a 100 rated title loss to Randy Savage at the Royal Rumble. Hulk Hogan won the Rumble and will face off against Savage at WrestleMania IX. This will be their first one on one match in several years. As Savage has won the title three times as a heal with me as booker, he may be looking to freshen things up with a face turn. I've had Elizabeth under contract for months, so perhaps a reunion is in order (despite their divorce).


WWF Intercontinental - Shawn Michaels will likely hold the title for a year or more. He is currently feuding with the Ultimate Warrior over who is the greatest I-C Champion in history. He defeated the Warrior at the Royal Rumble by cheating and their fued is scheduled to end at WrestleMania. Owen Hart has been pegged as a future IC champion and will likely feud with Shawn once Owen's tag title reign is over.


WWF Tag Team Title - The Hart Brothers ended the very successful first reign of the Hollywood Blonds, however, the Blonds look to regain the titles and will have the opportunity come WrestleMania. As both Austin and Pillman have risen to the Main Event Level and 1993 looks to transition to a New Generation, I'm thinking a Blonds vs. Mega Powers fued over the titles may be in order.


WWF Woman's Title - Bull Nakano is still going strong with her nearly year long reign. She is currently fueding with Heidi Lee Morgan and they produced a B+ match at the Royal Rumble. Bull will likely have a long reign. She is currently aligned with Akira Hokuto and Aja Kong. I'm thinking long term their may be a take over of the Woman's division by this yet unnamed trio.


WWF Woman's Tag Title - Sweet Sensations (Ivory & Terri Power) won the titles from Team America. They are currently feuding with the Crush Girls and intentionally got themselves counted out at the Royal Rumble in order to save their titles. I don't see them being so lucky at WrestleMania. Long term, I think the Crush Girls will enjoy a reign or two, perhaps dropping the titles to the Glamour Girls at some point, before takeover over the Woman's division by Bull and her allies.

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<p>The Great American Bash [1995] - Clash of the Titans</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ZG7axx8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZG7axx8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The Reign of Terror continues as The Stud Stable with the combined forces of Harley Race and Colonel Parker now holds all titles except the Cruiserweight titles.</p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan is expected back in September after filming season two of Thunder in Paradise. At SuperBrawl in February, Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow double team Hogan with a devastating Aided Release Powerbomb and kayfabe injured him. So expect Hogan to look for revenge on the "Rocky Mountain Horror".</p><p> </p><p>

"Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright is Ric Flair's protege and has been asked to bulk up. So that's the reason he dropped the belt, so that he can focus on targeting the WCW TV title.</p><p> </p><p>

Roddy Piper is going away to film a movie, so i had to alter the plans i had for him.</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Duggan is out with an broken arm. Another casualty of the Reign of Terror.</p><p> </p><p>

The Triangle/Triple Threat match received a poor match rating due to Randy Savage wanting to be booked strong. So that's the reason is was bad.</p>

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<p>King of the Ring [1995] - Clash of the Titans</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="yvtSOZH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yvtSOZH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5Gv5eO2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5Gv5eO2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Razor Ramon and Jeff Jarrett did interfere in each others matches. They have been trading the Intercontinental title between them. Shawn Michaels is the third part in the Ramon vs. Jarrett feud, but doesn't have any allies due to his ended friendship with Kevin Nash and The Kliq. Michaels was pretty unhappy with the time limit draw versus Hakushi, but the Japanese worker is being pushed for a match series versus Bret Hart.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>WWF is hyping the King of the Ring PPV in June that will reportedly feature the “singing debut” of Jeff Jarrett</strong>, a brand new music video, named “With My Baby Tonight”.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> At the PPV the fans could enjoy the brand new "Double J" song.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The time limit draw was used to keep workers like Shawn Michaels, Hakushi, Ahmed Johnson and Kama "The Supreme Fighter" strong. Both powerhouses Ahmed/Kama have been feuding over the European title as Vince is trying to building new stars.</p><p> </p><p> British Bulldog and Yokozuna are the draws of Camp Cornette and Bulldog looks like a possible superstar due to star quality boosts due to roids. Camp Cornette is currently feuding with Owen Hart/Jim Neidhart.</p><p> </p><p> British Bulldog ended up winning the King of the Ring after a distraction from Jim Cornette and Luger's arch enemy Yokozuna. Luger and Yokozuna will continue feuding, while Bulldog starts chasing the World title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>The WWF World Tag Team title was vacated last night</strong>, when Irwin R. Schyster (Death and Taxes) was attacked backstage in the Madison Square Garden by the Million Dollar Corporation. Sycho Sid beats him up and puts him through a table with a Powerbomb. Then Mabel did finish him off with the infamous Big Splash. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The Death and Taxes tag team have ended due to Sycho Sid and his new tag team partner attacking and kayfabe injuring I.R.S. So the tag team title have been vacated and The Undertaker now stands alone again in his feud with The Million Dollar Corporation. Sycho Sid also managed to distract The Undertaker, causing a count out in his match vs. Luger.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>In the other matches Kama drew with Ahmed Johnson when the referee lost control and stopped the match.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Razor Ramon & Savio Vega defeated Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie by pinfall with a Razor's Edge following botched interference by Sherri.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Ricky Steamboat defeated Waylon Mercy by pinfall with a Diving Crossbody to end their feud. Spivey will leave the promotion and focus on his career in All Japan.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Jake "The Snake" Roberts defeated Bret Hart by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Jake Roberts makes defence number 4 of his WWF World Heavyweight title. Kevin Nash have been kayfabe injured, but will return shortly to seek revenge on Jake Roberts.</em></p>
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<p>It's December 2001 in the WWE</p><p>

The Rock has left to make a movie, and Austin in out at the end of the month due to me and Vince not catering to his bad attitude. (He chose not to renew)</p><p> </p><p>

Kurt Angle is World Champion.</p><p>

HHH is the Top Contender, Big Show is also near the top due to gaining favor with Vince, and the Army of Darkness has re-risen with Taker, Kane, Christopher Daniels and James Mitchell.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW has not folded yet, but last night I signed Flair, Sting, Nash and Kanyon because their contracts were due to renew and WCW could not offer them guaranteed money. Flair will have a slow debut as an "elder statesman" who gradually drives himself into competing. The other 3 should debut at the Rumble.</p><p> </p><p>

Edge is the I/C Champion. He won KOTR back in June and has since been playing up the "King" role, with Trish Stratus as his Queen, William Regal as his Advisor and Sir Charles (formerly the Godfather) as his Royal Statesman. (they tried to recruit Crash Holly as their Court Jester but he flipped out on them and has been a major menace). Christian and Chris Jericho have also been thorns in the side of the Royal Court.</p><p> </p><p>

We're very excited for 2002 in the WWE...</p>

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<p>June 2021 WWE Save- My Champions</p><p> </p><p>

In this Universe- NJPW, ROH, and Impact have all gone under so I pillaged all three companies giving WWE at the moment a pseudo-monopoly over the wrestling industry. The Number Two company is All Japan Pro Wrestling who signs some of the Top NJPW stars when they closed including Tanahashi. The Number Three Company is Dragon Gate who took some of Ring Of Honor's top stars including Jay Lethal.</p><p> </p><p>


WWE Universal Championship- Daniel Bryan- Beat Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania 37</p><p>

WWE Intercontinental Championship- Dolph Ziggler- Beat The Miz at Money In The Bank 2021</p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship- Shinsuke Nakamura- Beat Finn Balor at Elimination Chamber 2021</p><p>

WWE Raw Tag Team Championship- American Alpha- Beat The Usos at Wrestlemania 37</p><p>

WWE European Championship- Ricochet- beat "Switchblade" Jay White at Wrestlemania 37</p><p> </p><p>


WWE Championship- Aleister Black- Cashed in MITB on Kenny Omega after the Main Event of Wrestlemania 37</p><p>

WWE United States Championship- Kofi Kingston- beat Johnny Gargano at Money In The Bank 2021</p><p>

WWE Junior Heavyweight Championship- Marty Scurll- beat Penta El 0M at Payback 2021</p><p>

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship- The Revival- beat Roman Reigns and The Miz at WWE Starrcade 2020</p><p>

WWE World Television- TJP- beat Dash Wilder on Smackdown (May 2020)</p><p> </p><p>


WWE World Women's Championship- Emma- beat Hana Kimura at Money In The Bank 2021</p><p>

WWE World Women's Tag Team- Double Shot (Ronda Rousey and Daria Berenato) beat- Scarlett Bordeaux and Cheerleader Mellissa at Backlash 2021</p><p> </p><p>


NXT Championship- Austin Theory- Beat David Finlay Jr at NXT 63</p><p>

NXT North American Championship- Danny Burch- beat Mark Gonzalez at NXT 92</p><p>

NXT Tag Team Championships- Adrian Baker and Rodney Lambert- beat Noam Dar and Rampage Brown at NXT 90</p><p>

NXT Women's- Su Yung- beat Serena Deeb at NXT 87</p><p> </p><p>

Unbranded Titles/Tournament</p><p>

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Tournament 2020- Shaun Ricker and Tomohiro Ishii</p><p>

Andre The Giant Battle Royal 2021- Drew Mcintyre</p><p>

Cruiserweight Classic 2020- Penta El 0M</p><p>

G1 Climax 2020- Kenny Omega</p><p>

Money In The Bank 2021- Big E</p><p>

Men's Royal Rumble 2021- Kazuchika Okada</p><p>

Women's Royal Rumble 2021- Becky Lynch</p>

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<p>2005 TCW save</p><p> </p><p>

I just played the first month of a 2005 CVerse database save as the booker of TCW, Liberty.</p><p> </p><p>

A patriotic face Peter Valentine, (gulp), was set to challenge Cornell for the World Title but got injured for 2 months about 10 days before Psycho Circus 2005. In stepped upper midcarder Troy Tornado to replace Valentine for the PPV. Tornado was the lead singer of Painful Procedure(Ronnie V Pain, drummer, main-event auto push, along with tag champs Randall Hopkirk and BJ Shearer and manager FLoyd Goldworthy). Tornado wasn't fitting in well with the rest of the band. At Psycho Circus after losing the main event World Title match to Cornell the band all turned on Tornado with Pain powerbombing him through the drumset that was still on stage from their earlier performance.</p><p> </p><p>

Now Tornado will feud with his former bandmates. Speaking of the bandmates, earlier on the PPV Shearer and Hopkirk lost the tag titles to Demons Of Rage, who are both firmly in time decline.</p><p> </p><p>

Liberty(James Justice) beat BLZ Bubb(Tyson Baine) to become the #1 contender and will face Cornell for the World Title at the next PPV, Malice In Wonderland 2006.</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone is the Hardcore Champ, Croc Hunter C.A.( Clark Alexander in a Hawaiian Croc Hunter gimmick)is the All Action Champ. </p><p> </p><p>

Rick Law lost his International Title to Robert Oxford during December and was unable to win it back at the PPV due to interference from Joel Bryant. Bryant, Oxford and Paul Steadyfast are in the newly formed Chase Agency, lead by Emma Chase of course.</p><p> </p><p>

BLZ Bubb, Demon Anger, Demon Spite and Raul & Jay Darkness have formed a Ministry-like stable.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, TCW fell to cult size after the first 2 shows. I brought in Rock Downpour & Rob Miskovsky to add to the announce teams and made Saturday Night Showcase the B show. I signed Big Cat Brandon(James) and Kurt Laramee to ppa deals. I also brought in The Good Ol Boys, The McWade Brothers, Jesse Christian, and Bob Casey(under a mask).</p>

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<p><strong>USPW Independence Day Slam! 2019:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

USPW World Title: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Wolf Hawkins (champion)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Steve Frehley</span></strong></p><p>

The culmination of a program that started the day the self-proclaimed "Alpha Wolf" arrived almost two years ago. Frehley was in the beginning stages of a face turn, and Hawkins solidified it by showing up and immediately declaring himself the top dog. They've met one-on-one twice before, but neither match ended in a decisive finish. This one will.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Sammy Bach</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Rich Money</span></strong></p><p>

Essentially the American brand's main event. Money (who, BTW, still has a title shot in his back pocket) put together a stable called Money Inc. (he acknowledges the unoriginality of the name) featuring Charlie Thatcher, Philippe LaGrenier, call-ups Avalanche and Seth Whitehead, and the returning Eric "Bull Wrecker" Sandretti. Bach's had simmering issues with Money for years, and after fighting his lackeys for months, he gets his chance at Money again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Two Out Of Three Falls:</strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Casey Valentine</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Spencer Spade</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p>

Much like Hawkins and Frehley, it didn't take too long for Valentine to consider Spade a threat after he showed up. This matchup got some extra juice when Valentine cost Spade in his first PPV main event at the last show.</p><p>

<strong>Promo Clip:</strong> Spade: "You think I want your spot, Casey? 'The guy who's lost every World title match he's ever been in?' You think <em>that's</em> the spot I want?"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW National Title: </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Ekuma (champion)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Findlay O'Farraday</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Kip Keenan</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Eric Sandretti</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><p>

After Nelson Callum left for SWF, All-American Perfection was finished. Persephone and Keenan went looking for a new home in Money Inc., and Rich put Keenan up against Sandretti for an audition -- only for Persephone to cost him the match and reveal that she'd made a deal to join Money Inc. without him. (Incidentally, this is <em>exactly</em> how she hooked up with A-AP in the first place. Cheaters gonna cheat.) Keenan, now a face, vowed revenge, and he and Money Inc. got looped into what had been an Ekuma-O'Farraday feud.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW Women's Title: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Nadia Snow (champion)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Alicia Strong</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Killer Kass</span></strong></p><p>

Nadia's only champion again because of Kass's interference in her title match against Alicia (and because of a booking error on my part.) But the long-standing issue between Kass and Alicia may give the champ an advantage-- by turning <em>her</em> into the wild card.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Primus Allen</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Bulldozer Brandon Smith</span></strong></p><p>

Primus was looking for a challenge coming off of a win in his first MMA fight. And after getting fed up watching him squash jobbers, the Bulldozer answered the call.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW World Tag Team Titles: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Dirty White Boys (champions)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Natural Storm</span></strong></p><p>

Eddie Howard and D.C. Rayne were beginning to wonder if they had done all they could as a team, which prompted two-time champions DWB to begin proclaiming themselves USPW's best tandem. Understandably, this didn't sit well with Natural Storm, who now seek to prove that they've still got what it takes together.</p><p>

<strong>Match Note:</strong> This could end up being secretly great -- DWB have been having their best matches ever during this title run.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>3-on-2 Handicap Match: </strong><strong><span style="color:#4169E1;">Jumbo Jackson & The Unleashed (Mick Muscles & Bernard Boucher)</span></strong><strong> vs. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Marat Khoklov & Krusher Karloff</span></strong></p><p>

Last year, Jumbo and Marat faced off one-on-one and Marat beat Jumbo pretty handily. This year, he's reunited with old friend Karloff to "finish the job", but Jumbo got his own backup in the form of Mick Muscles and his new tag team partner. But is Jumbo the "job" Marat's referring to?</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">Greg Gauge</span> vs. <span style="color:#4169E1;">Des Davids</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#4169E1;">Ross Henry</span> vs. <span style="color:#FF0000;">Lassana Makutsi</span> (both peripheral to Spade-Valentine)</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Trent Shaffer</span>, <span style="color:#4169E1;">Rick Law</span>, <span style="color:#4169E1;">James Justice</span> and others in some kind of contender's match</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Joss Thompson</span> defends the TV Title against a battle royal winner</p><p>

and more!</p>

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<p><img alt="1OfybBF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1OfybBF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

NWA Smokey Mountain Wrestling is preparing for the big Super Bowl of Wrestling and have Shawn Michaels, Unabomb (Glenn Jacobs), The Undertaker and Tekno Team 2000 on loan from the WWF. Rick Rude will be joining the WWF in a while by appearing on television with both the NWA World Heavyweight title and the SMW Heavyweight title, calling himself "The Real World Champion" and challenging the WWF champ.</p><p> </p><p>

The SMW roster is pretty stacked and includes names like Buddy Landel, Dan "The Beast" Severn, The Rock 'n' Roll Express, The Midnight Express, The Fantastics, Well Dunn, The Armstrongs, The Heavenly Bodies, Bunkhouse Buck, Dick Murdoch, The Nightstalker and one of the rising stars of the NWA; Sexton Hardcastle.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="thisisobc" data-cite="thisisobc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WWE Cruiserweight Championship- Shinsuke Nakamura- Beat Finn Balor at Elimination Chamber 2021<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm afraid to ask.</p><p> <img alt="latest?cb=20130530005033" data-src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wwevideogame/images/5/5c/305_-_glasses_nxt_percy_watson_wwe.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130530005033" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>I have just started a Local to Global playthrough for my YouTube channel, so only two months into the game playing as a small British promotion. At the start of march so have just declared out first champion. We are using The Who's real world mod. </p><p> </p><p>

The biggest surprise so far however has come from the WWE, with Brock Lesner dropping the Universal Championship at to Elias. Not the person I would expect to knock off Brock for the title, the AI then followed it up by not even booking Elias to appear on the card for Elimination Chamber.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Bray Wyatt won the Royal Rumble match so right now, if it was real life we would be looking at a Bray Wyatt VS either Elias or Daniel Bryan Wrestlemania event.</p>

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<p>After a few months of real life getting in the way, I've finally got back into some serious TEW. </p><p> </p><p>

I wanted to get back into my AJW reopening in 2019 save, but it had been a while and so I decided on a fresh start. I moved the data back to January 2018 because I wanted to keep a few people that stopped wrestling last year (Ayako Hamada and Maho Kurone specifically) and I also wanted to book a few things like Utami's debut and Oedo Tai's splitting myself </p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, I ran my first Japan Grand Prix where the winner recieved the WWWA World title. Much like the first time I tried a save like this, I felt Satomura was the only fair winner. </p><p> </p><p>

After a couple of other events including St Battle's Day where Konami won the AJW All Pacific title, I started Tag League the Best which was where it really got exciting. Every team I came up with seemed to have great chemistry which was some amazing luck.</p><p> </p><p>

The final four were Satomura & Mika Iwata, ASUKA(not that one) & Hana, Yuu & Chihiro Hashimoto and Mayu Iwatani & Maki Itoh, which would be the biggest babyface team in the history of wrestling if they teamed up in real life! </p><p> </p><p>

I honestly could've gone with any of those four teams, the other team I was strongly considering winning was Momo & Utami but unfortunately Momo got hurt about half way through. In the end I decided to go with Hana and ASUKA, because Hana is getting really popular and ASUKA is pulling in some ridiculous ratings. I've also been running a Kimura-Gun vs Oedo Tai war which I can now build around these titles for a while </p><p> </p><p>

Next up I'm introducing an International Championship to help us break into the US and WWE let Charlotte Flair go, so she's the obvious winner. Charlotte has been great so far, her stable called The Throne (which is her, Miyu Yamashita and the Royal Guard consisting of Killer Kelly & Toni Storm) have been feuding with Queen's Quest</p><p> </p><p>

This feels like a bit of a ramble, but I'm trying to summarise an in game year of booking and I'm really excited about it lol. If anybody is interested I'll post some more updates as they happen and I'll try to format and structure it a bit better <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Been flying through this 2018 AJW save still and I'm having an absolute blast with it. Just finished the year and New Years Battle was a huge success.</p><p> </p><p>

The real shock has been Charlotte Flair, I brought her in to bee my first AJW International Champion but didn't have much more planned for her than that. Well that has drastically changed. After a few months she is consistently putting in 85 rated performances and the only person with higher consistent ratings are Meiko Satomura herself.</p><p> </p><p>

Charlotte's stable has been great to book as well. Her tag partner and somebody I have huge plans for in Miyu Yamashita faced off against Maki Itoh in the final show and they put on a great match. Maki called out Miyu for transforming from the ace of her last company to Charlotte's lackey and Miyu responded by bringing her an absolute war that Miyu went on to win.</p><p> </p><p>

The tag division has been really strong as well and the New Year's Battle match was ASUKA & Hana vs Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu which was a really great match.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event of Meiko defending the belt against Mayu really foreshadowed what I have planned for 2019 as Mayu had the match that she missed out on during the Grand Prix due to injury. Through the year Meiko was never pushed but despite winning this match, Mayu took her to a 40 minute classic and she only narrowly took the win.</p><p> </p><p>

Very excited to see how my 2019 plays out, lot of really fun stuff planned and I'm enjoying updating here so I'll try to keep it up!</p>

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