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Two simple questions today


I notice that banners are often missing from the game when using mods, this includes the CV 97, 2005 etc. I know the files are there and the pic folder is correct too so I don't know how to fix it?


Does doing a brand split work for events as well as TV shows? Does it effectively mitigate usage complaints?

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<p>A couple things about child companies,</p><p> </p><p>

1. If I send someone to my child company "to work down there" does that negate them being annoyed about being in developmental or is it basically the same thing?</p><p> </p><p>

2. Does having your child company set as a child company rather than developmental change how workers feel about being there? I'm playing a 1995 mod and I want to start a women's child company and put the show on my broadcaster before starting up a division in my main company. I'd like to have some veterans there and the majority of the good women's wrestlers in the mod are Japanese and I'm USA based. I'd like to give them a chance to gain some popularity in the USA before they're on my roster so using them doesn't bring my show ratings down.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="a0161613" data-cite="a0161613" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two simple questions today ��<p> </p><p> I notice that banners are often missing from the game when using mods, this includes the CV 97, 2005 etc. I know the files are there and the pic folder is correct too so I don't know how to fix it?</p></div></blockquote><p> Go to the settings tab of your save, then to edit data, select the promotion and in each company you should see just below the logo there's the banner selection. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Does doing a brand split work for events as well as TV shows? Does it effectively mitigate usage complaints?</p></div></blockquote><p> In the office tab of your save, select the schedule and go into each event you wish to be branded, one of the options should be that. Not sure about the usage thing as I turn it off in the preferences</p>
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<p>On 2016 and 2020</p><p> </p><p>

So I see that TEW 2016 is currently on sale, and my friend and I are quite tempted, since we realized we only really play 2k's games to talk about booking and strange gimmicks that work, but ignore the actual gameplay XD</p><p> </p><p>

BUT knowing that 2020 is on the way, maybe even just a few months away, would it be better for us to wait? Or I suppose the best question to ask is, will we have to pay full price for TEW2020, or will there be some sort of upgrade path for those that already own 2016, or purchased it recently, etc?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Iceciro" data-cite="Iceciro" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So I see that TEW 2016 is currently on sale, and my friend and I are quite tempted, since we realized we only really play 2k's games to talk about booking and strange gimmicks that work, but ignore the actual gameplay XD<p> </p><p> BUT knowing that 2020 is on the way, maybe even just a few months away, would it be better for us to wait? Or I suppose the best question to ask is, will we have to pay full price for TEW2020, or will there be some sort of upgrade path for those that already own 2016, or purchased it recently, etc?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Of course you’d have to pay full price for 2020. It’s a brand new game.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Iceciro" data-cite="Iceciro" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So I see that TEW 2016 is currently on sale, and my friend and I are quite tempted, since we realized we only really play 2k's games to talk about booking and strange gimmicks that work, but ignore the actual gameplay XD<p> </p><p> BUT knowing that 2020 is on the way, maybe even just a few months away, would it be better for us to wait? Or I suppose the best question to ask is, will we have to pay full price for TEW2020, or will there be some sort of upgrade path for those that already own 2016, or purchased it recently, etc?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Play 2005 first and if you like it buy 2016. 2005 is free.</p>
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So I see that TEW 2016 is currently on sale, and my friend and I are quite tempted, since we realized we only really play 2k's games to talk about booking and strange gimmicks that work, but ignore the actual gameplay XD


BUT knowing that 2020 is on the way, maybe even just a few months away, would it be better for us to wait? Or I suppose the best question to ask is, will we have to pay full price for TEW2020, or will there be some sort of upgrade path for those that already own 2016, or purchased it recently, etc?


If I were in your shoes, and depending on what your budget is like, I'd try out the TEW2016 demo to get a feel for the game. There's a fairly steep learning curve for the game but once you are in it's one of the best games I've ever played for telling the stories I want to tell. :)


Feel free to ask questions of course, and to search the forum for answers. It cxan be tricky to find answers sometimes as there are years of posts to go through, but I would hope you'd find what you're looking for one way or another. :)

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Ah, my apologies if I came off as a choosing beggar here.


I'm pretty sure this is what we want, but with TEW2020 so close and the raft of improvements it'll be bringing, it looks like it's fiscally irresponsible for me to buy the game for a few months of play before buying it AGAIN at full price a second time just a few months later, since I'd be swinging the copies for both of us - and that's okay, I can be patient and wait for the new version.


My impatience was hoping that wasn't the case, but I was expecting that to be the answer, haha. Thank you.

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Ah, my apologies if I came off as a choosing beggar here.


I'm pretty sure this is what we want, but with TEW2020 so close and the raft of improvements it'll be bringing, it looks like it's fiscally irresponsible for me to buy the game for a few months of play before buying it AGAIN at full price a second time just a few months later, since I'd be swinging the copies for both of us - and that's okay, I can be patient and wait for the new version.


My impatience was hoping that wasn't the case, but I was expecting that to be the answer, haha. Thank you.


No worries. :) There were times where I was especially glad I was on the dev team as without it, I might not have been able to afford to get the games at all. Been there, done that. Picking up TEW2005 for free might be your best move... it's obviously suuuuuuper old and out of date now, but it's better than nothing and when TEW2020 comes out you might appreciate all the new stuff even more as a result. :)

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Actually I might pick up 2016 for myself at least, while it's on sale... I always forget that the first quarter of time in a business sense doesn't start until April... :o


Thanks for the replies and I'll stop clogging up the thread. Besides I've got a lot of reading to do on the guides...

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Does doing a brand split work for events as well as TV shows? Does it effectively mitigate usage complaints?


Yes. Set the events as brand exclusive and people assigned to a different brand won't get upset about not being booked. However, people who are not assigned to any brand will still be annoyed at not being used.


A couple things about child companies,


1. If I send someone to my child company "to work down there" does that negate them being annoyed about being in developmental or is it basically the same thing?


2. Does having your child company set as a child company rather than developmental change how workers feel about being there? I'm playing a 1995 mod and I want to start a women's child company and put the show on my broadcaster before starting up a division in my main company. I'd like to have some veterans there and the majority of the good women's wrestlers in the mod are Japanese and I'm USA based. I'd like to give them a chance to gain some popularity in the USA before they're on my roster so using them doesn't bring my show ratings down.


#1 If you set them to work down there from the beginning, they won't get annoyed about being there (though they may complain when you're sending them down). If you send them down to develop and then change it to 'work down there' after they complain, they will still be annoyed but will stop progressing to worse stages. When you do call them up, you're going to have to pay them money (bonus) to get over it as their morale will still be low.


#2 No. The primary difference is in autonomy. A child company is largely independent and can hire its own workers. A developmental company is completely reliant on the parent to provide them with workers. If you want to get the joshi workers some popularity in the US, run them in dark matches or early in the card. If you're familiar with the show rating formula, it won't affect your show rating at all.


So I see that TEW 2016 is currently on sale, and my friend and I are quite tempted, since we realized we only really play 2k's games to talk about booking and strange gimmicks that work, but ignore the actual gameplay XD


BUT knowing that 2020 is on the way, maybe even just a few months away, would it be better for us to wait? Or I suppose the best question to ask is, will we have to pay full price for TEW2020, or will there be some sort of upgrade path for those that already own 2016, or purchased it recently, etc?


Whether something is 'fiscally irresponsible' is a personal determination. However, I can say that since TEW16 came out, I've put close to 6000 hours into playing it (5860 to be exact). That's over six month's worth of playing ONE game (and I do play a ton of other games as well). TEW has the unique distinction of being playable anywhere. I play it at work, I play it at home, I play it in the airport/train station (and on the plane/train) while traveling, I'm actually surprised at how much I play it. (Now that I look at it, my top 3 this year are TEW16, Football Manager 19, WMMA5)


I'll guarantee you something. If you buy TEW16, you'll get at least 100 hours of gameplay from it before TEW20 no matter what your playstyle, and probably a whole lot more. If you're playing 2k's crappy games, you're paying twice as much for possibly a hundredth of the content and replayability. Oh and there's the "must-have" DLC and loot boxes/paywalls to consider as well.

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I'll guarantee you something. If you buy TEW16, you'll get at least 100 hours of gameplay from it before TEW20 no matter what your playstyle, and probably a whole lot more. If you're playing 2k's crappy games, you're paying twice as much for possibly a hundredth of the content and replayability. Oh and there's the "must-have" DLC and loot boxes/paywalls to consider as well.


I really couldn't have said this better. The hours you'll get before 2020 comes out will be worth it.


Taking Remi's numbers, if you paid full price (let's round up to $35 for ease of math sake) and played 5860 hours in the game you spent less than a cent an hour for the game. If you play 100 hours in the game before 2020 comes out and bought the game today while it is $10, you're effectively paying ten cents an hour for the game. Those numbers are pretty good.


Much like Remi, I've put thousands of hours into TEW since it came out. It's well worth the money and time -- plus if you get it now you will have the opportunity to get familiar with the base system before 2020 comes out.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cool name" data-cite="cool name" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there a way to add free pics in a group vs entering it one by one?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No, there isn't.</p>
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When a worker say he thinks another member of the roster 'doesn't connect with the fans'. Is this based purely on charisma?


I wondered this too.


And does it matter who complains?


For example, I have Roddy Piper complaining and talking up many wrestlers. Like this dude always has an opinion on everyone. lol

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What are the age bands for proteges and mentors?


As in, what's the oldest a worker can be adopted as a protege? What's the youngest someone can become a mentor?


Do Heat penalties apply to storylines for three or more participants on the same show if they're A) all aligned and B) only on the preshow?


I have some tag team combos I want to try out but I'm concerned about draining the heat from the storyline the mini-stable (three wrestlers and a manager) is involved in.


Anyone have any ideas about these?

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<p>So, I run an all Women's promotion and amazingly I just hit National (despite being 11th in the Company Wars rankings). Now I get a notification about not enough star power. Problem is, I can't go out and sign anyone to help because...I already have all the top women in the world. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm wondering, can I sign an active male wrestler to an all women's company in a non wrestling role and still benefit from his star power?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hbkb9" data-cite="hbkb9" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So, I run an all Women's promotion and amazingly I just hit National (despite being 11th in the Company Wars rankings). Now I get a notification about not enough star power. Problem is, I can't go out and sign anyone to help because...I already have all the top women in the world. <p> </p><p> I'm wondering, can I sign an active male wrestler to an all women's company in a non wrestling role and still benefit from his star power?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nope. At least not that I know of. You're going to have to wait for someone with high star power to become available or hit the in-game editor.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hbkb9" data-cite="hbkb9" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So, I run an all Women's promotion and amazingly I just hit National (despite being 11th in the Company Wars rankings). Now I get a notification about not enough star power. Problem is, I can't go out and sign anyone to help because...I already have all the top women in the world. <p> </p><p> I'm wondering, can I sign an active male wrestler to an all women's company in a non wrestling role and still benefit from his star power?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am pretty sure it only considers workers with an in-ring push</p>
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When the AI ranks the franchise players, what do they take into account?


My most over wrestler is Andre in 85 but hes not even in the top 5. Hogan is 2nd and hes 3rd on the list.


They're both putting on 90 in ring performances. Savage and Piper are doing a little better but they're not near as over but ranked #1 and #2.


What gives?

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They probably have much more charisma than Andre


Look at the description to see what they’re looking at. Star power, charisma, and overhead seem to be the biggest factors. Maybe psychology too?


Yep. First off, they must have a main eventer push. Then, star quality, charisma, popularity, and in-ring skill (in an overall sense). I did an experiment once with 5 workers, one being my figurehead. Figurehead was #4 on the franchise player list even with 100 popularity worldwide and 100 star quality. Edited her performance skills to be on par with the other 4 and she immediately rose to the top.

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