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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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There's a place, in the sun, where the neighbours are having fun

Where the beaches are golden, the friends hands are holding

Its all laughs and games, so come on and join in

Come out and play, at Grapple Bay

At Grapple Bay



Coming to TV Screens in 2016

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Now that I've finally got a new laptop, purchased Microsoft Office 2016, and full plan on purchasing the game day 1, I think I'll finally start a diary of my own. Definitely want to do SWF, as that's been my go to promotion through any mod. Just have to think of a way to make it unique. Hmmmm...
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now that I've finally got a new laptop, purchased Microsoft Office 2016, and full plan on purchasing the game day 1, I think I'll finally start a diary of my own. Definitely want to do SWF, as that's been my go to promotion through any mod. Just have to think of a way to make it unique. Hmmmm...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good luck! Feel free to message me if you need any ideas!</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s520.photobucket.com/user/NWAdiary/media/NYCW/0580b3d0-b777-4d59-a0b6-33c51c19ab12_zps9wzmede2.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow">http://s520.photobucket.com/user/NWAdiary/media/NYCW/0580b3d0-b777-4d59-a0b6-33c51c19ab12_zps9wzmede2.jpg.html"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/NWAdiary/NYCW/0580b3d0-b777-4d59-a0b6-33c51c19ab12_zps9wzmede2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w327/NWAdiary/NYCW/0580b3d0-b777-4d59-a0b6-33c51c19ab12_zps9wzmede2.jpg"</a> border="0" alt=" photo 0580b3d0-b777-4d59-a0b6-33c51c19ab12_zps9wzmede2.jpg"/></a><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Coming Soon......</em></strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Peter Michaels was screwed out of his company.



"Me, Bruce, Parsons and Faith kept on telling him that his son shouldn't be pushed to the moon. Sure, he was a good worker, but the fans were driving away in droves and he couldn't act to save his life. And he kept on ignoring us, and pushing his son far and beyond what we could reasonably expect out of anyone."


"This was a period of time where I knew, Faith knew, our wrestlers knew, our fans knew, pretty much everyone who's last name was not Eisen knew, that we were in danger of losing our spot to USPW. Having this sort of craziness backstage, him constantly veto'ing our proposals which could have slowed down our descent, it was a sign that he was going mad. Faith had the money, Parsons had the money, even I had the money to buy out SWF. Slowed the ship down. Maybe even make a return? But all of these were refused, and even I could see why. But the overpushing of Eric Eisen, the more silly storylines, their financial instability, all of this came crashing down and hurt us."


"Parsons left because he was tired of the crap, Frehley left because we were financially unstable, despite that he was one of the few top draws the SWF had at that time, Dawn left because despite my attempts at trying to get Richard to resign her he said it'd "work out fine", and he really wanted to push the whole Dawn vs. Emma storyline. Why he didn't either resign her or finish the feud is entirely beyond me."


"Yeah, I got fired. It all came undone when USPW overtook the SWF. I knew it'd happen eventually, and I tried to slow the descent of us down. But him being him, he pinned the whole thing on me not booking his son to be a top star despite that the fans were changing remotes the minute he appears."


"I had enough money from my time at TWL and SWF to have saved up a big fortune. And, honestly? I wasn't done with the wrestling business just yet. I tried my hand at TCW and USPW but those fell through. USPW was already well established and TCW, I believe at the time, were on the brink of financial ruin, even more so than they usually were. BriCo had to save them. So that left me with only one option, making a promotion. And it seems a lot of people still recognize me, even for nearly 10-11 months out of the biz, so I got some pretty big coverage. Enough for NCTV to give me a small deal for TV, for a new show, Pro Wrestling INFINITY, every Monday at 7:30 PM, for one hour. Was it out of desire to stick it to Eisen, like so many other fans were thinking? Probably. But I never lost my passion for booking, for writing. I guess once you've done it for so long, you start to miss doing it constantly."



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WCW 1999


The Finger Poke of..........HOPE!


When one moment is so talked about for years after it happened you just know that things could have gone a different way. In your world The NWO reunion helped destroy WCW, in this one...it just might save it!

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We laugh

We frown


We rise,

We fall down


We give

And We've been wanting to take


It will be our Fate


We are warriors,

We are fighters

We are survivors


They told us Boys will be Boys......and its a Man's World...


They should have told them NO, GIRLS RUN THE WORLD!





AAA: Who Run The World? GIRLS


Coming soon.....

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I'm curious about the diaries, especially the couple I've read. When people copy the card and highlight it, are they saying who they think with win or should win? What's the purpose of this part of the diary?


Yeah, they are predicting who they think will win. While some people will run prediction contests with some reward associated with it (make a feud, sign a worker, etc), it's really just a way for readers to interact with the author.

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I'm curious about the diaries, especially the couple I've read. When people copy the card and highlight it, are they saying who they think with win or should win? What's the purpose of this part of the diary?


As a diary writer I like it better when people predict who they think will win based on the diary. As such I'm going to start doing a participation based raffle, so it doesn't matter how many right or wrong answers you give as long as you try.

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As a diary writer I like it better when people predict who they think will win based on the diary. As such I'm going to start doing a participation based raffle, so it doesn't matter how many right or wrong answers you give as long as you try.


This is my first diary, but this is how I feel. I haven't really seen anyone put who they think should win. If that was the case, they should probably do their own diary! But yeah, based on the booking you give, I think it's more immersive if you pick who you think will win. As a writer, it's my "job" to give you unpredictable choices.

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