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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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When SWF hands you lemons...

Turn them into USPW lemonade...




...And you, you better run because I'm going to destroy you for what you've taken from me.

Peter Michael's Revenge...

Coming Soon To A Greydogsoftware.com board near you

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The Bellagio - Las Vegas





Eric Murphy: Tradition... when we were kids, we'd hit Atlantic City., we put 5 bucks on red. We win, we knew it'd be a good weekend.

Ari Gold: What if you lose?

Turtle: Vince never loses.

Vincent Chase: Five on red.

Turtle: Come on!

Roulette Dealer: Red 16.



Vincent Chase: It's gonna be a good weekend! Oh and Ari, I have something to tell you.

Ari Gold: What's that Vinny?!

Vincent Chase: You know that old wrestler....Larry Vassey or something....

Ari Gold: You mean Larry Vessey? Yeah, the guy who owns that little wrestling company in New York City....he's a prick.

Vincent Chase: Yeah, that's him....well...he no longer owns that company.

Ari Gold: Oh really? What happened, someone finally get that S.O.B to sell?

Vincent Chase: Yep.....me.





My name is Vincent Chase...and I am coming home New York!





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He ruled the industry for decades. Burned bridges. Ran others out of business. Made enemies. Blacklisted many.


… Became the most hated man in professional wrestling.


Now it lies on his son’s shoulders to save his father’s empire.


This is the story of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and how one attempts to overcome
the sins of the father
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He ruled the industry for decades. Burned bridges. Run others out of business. Made enemies. Blacklisted many.


… Became the most hated man in professional wrestling.


Now it lies on his son’s shoulders to save his father’s empire.


This is the story of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and how one attempts to overcome
the sins of the father


This is similar to the SWF game I'm playing right now, I think. Can't wait to see your take on it!

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He ruled the industry for decades. Burned bridges. Ran others out of business. Made enemies. Blacklisted many.


… Became the most hated man in professional wrestling.


Now it lies on his son’s shoulders to save his father’s empire.


This is the story of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and how one attempts to overcome
the sins of the father


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He ruled the industry for decades. Burned bridges. Ran others out of business. Made enemies. Blacklisted many.


… Became the most hated man in professional wrestling.


Now it lies on his son’s shoulders to save his father’s empire.


This is the story of the Supreme Wrestling Federation and how one attempts to overcome
the sins of the father




It is needless to say that I will be tuned in and sitting in the front row. You are one of my favorite authors here in the GDS Universe. And I don't use the word 'author' lightly because what you write always seems like an amazing storybook that I don't want to put down. That being said, Steve Frehley of my USPW Universe has a message for Richard Eisen. "Dick, you ain't nothin'!" :)

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This is similar to the SWF game I'm playing right now, I think. Can't wait to see your take on it!






It is needless to say that I will be tuned in and sitting in the front row. You are one of my favorite authors here in the GDS Universe. And I don't use the word 'author' lightly because what you write always seems like an amazing storybook that I don't want to put down. That being said, Steve Frehley of my USPW Universe has a message for Richard Eisen. "Dick, you ain't nothin'!" :)


Thank you! :)


I knew, if I wanted to go back down the SWF road, I would need to tackle it a bit differently. The roster is different as we know & the company is currently at a crossroads: build up or fall behind. There are so many stories there to tell.


I've decided to go with a backstage first-person account story. My user character is Jerry Eisen as he attempts to steer the SWF back in the right direction. Meanwhile, Richard Eisen is "losing it" and is obsessed with returning to the top but, in turn, has turned even more mean & vile than in the past (as he sees his power slipping).


The project will still have SWF.com stories, Powerhousenews.com news, and the addition of Jerry Eisen's account at times. With that, there will be a 360 story told.


I'm really excited about that!

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I feel like Eisen-Verse is somebody I know. I feel like I've a read a lot about him, but I've never read a dynasty of his. So I happen to check out the SWF dynasty that had like 2000 posts. Really good stuff. The pictures and articles allow for complete immersion into his universe, and makes everything feel real. With that being said, I can't wait to be able to follow one from the start!
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I feel like Eisen-Verse is somebody I know. I feel like I've a read a lot about him, but I've never read a dynasty of his. So I happen to check out the SWF dynasty that had like 2000 posts. Really good stuff. The pictures and articles allow for complete immersion into his universe, and makes everything feel real. With that being said, I can't wait to be able to follow one from the start!


E-V's 2013 dynasty is what really got me into writing SWF. He's one of the premier writers, in any fan-fic forum

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1987, Charlotte Douglas International Airport


I adjust my tie as I wait for my cab to arrive. My hands are shaking and my forehead all ready covered in a layer of sweat. Its funny some people hate nerves, not me, I love them. Nerves keep me on edge, they keep me focused. They keep me ready. F'm preparing for I'll need to be more focused than I have ever been before.


Over the phone Dusty had prepared me for everything I should know about the place. We met in a bar in Florida after he had a NWA event, I happened to be in town and wanted to talk to him. Five minutes was all I needed for me to convince him that I'm the man for the job. All I asked for was low grade announcer gig but what I wanted was control of the company, hell control of the whole damn business. I never told 'Dream' this but he could see it in my eyes and its probably what gave me the gig. The passion that a kid like me had that others didn't, as I grew more determined the rest grew bitter and complacent.


I'll be just an announcer sure, but I'm in the company and that's all I need. I have no issue stabbing anyone in the back, no issue being morally incorrect and no issue creating controversy. I will do anything to get what I want, I mean as 'Dream' said:



- EB



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I'm in.


Thanks Smash, the diary should begin this weekend if everything goes well. I'll also post the premise and what I want to do with it tomorrow in this thread.


Also as a guy that was inspired heavily by E-V I look forward to reading it from the start. :D

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Everyone knows the story of the day that changed Canadian wrestling. The day in 2009 when Steve DeColt, told he’d been denied the head booker job in favor of Phil Vibert, walked out on Canadian Golden Combat. The day when North of the Border Pro Wrestling took the lead in the race to the top of the Canadian wrestling industry once and for all.


After Alex DeColt’s takeover of CGC, the company trended downwards. Alex himself got more and more paranoid, isolating himself from even his brothers Ricky and Jack. CGC was losing money. It was losing ground. 2015 was arguably the worst year in CGC history. Top star after top star left the company for greener (Alex DeColt-free) pastures.


Someone needed to come in and save Canadian sports entertainment.


In January 2016, Steve DeColt again walked out on the top wrestling company in Canada.

This time, he was going home.


CGC: Prodigal Sons


Coming Soon



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Do you guys use Excel spreadsheets or anything to keep track of your games/diaries? Since I decided to start playing using the CVerse and know nothing about it, I feel like I need a good way to keep track of everything. So I wasn't sure if anyone had an Excel template or a recommendation of how to keep track of everything.
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Do you guys use Excel spreadsheets or anything to keep track of your games/diaries? Since I decided to start playing using the CVerse and know nothing about it, I feel like I need a good way to keep track of everything. So I wasn't sure if anyone had an Excel template or a recommendation of how to keep track of everything.


I use a fairly basic Google Sheets doc.


One sheet has list of wrestlers, ordered by push, down the side and list of events across to top, I fill in W, D, L so I can see who I need to give wins to.


Another one has my planned lineups for events and TV shows. I know there are others who have much more in depth spreadsheets though!

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Man, I'm still hella busy with work and other stuff...


...but I shall return for TEW 2016. Looking forward to the new E-V diary while I consider whether to do SWF or USPW. Or both.


Do both!!! :p


Glad to hear you are coming back, always liked reading your stuff.

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