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TEW2020 Discussion Thread

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EW Revenge was my first of these games and TEW 2004 is the only paid version I didn't buy.


When I think about the old games I just remember how slow they ran. The shows used to take ages to book too. This was partially because of the ancient PC I had but I recall sitting down for an evening of TEW and managing to book three or four shows a night. I used to get through so many wrestling DVDs whilst waiting for the next show to load.


Every version since has made booking quicker and processing faster and I can't wait to see the improvements in the new game. Luckily i'm busy with work and two kids so I don't have time to get too frustrated waiting.

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One question I have, couldn't see it in the developer notes.


So i would like to try and make a better job of the invasion, is there a way to divide the WWF workers and WCW workers whilst still being able to have face and heels within both groups?


There may even be a way of doing it in 2016 that I've completely missed all this time.

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So i would like to try and make a better job of the invasion, is there a way to divide the WWF workers and WCW workers whilst still being able to have face and heels within both groups?


Maybe the improved stables feature can deal with this? Otherwise I think there's tags you can put (but that might still be WMMA-exclusive). Or you could just create a non-exclusive brand split (if you turn the filter off you can normally book anyone on your show).


I swear to God, that lackluster Invasion angle must've been the cause of 27% of the revenue for this game. And I base that stat on absolutely nothing. :cool:


I remember Promotion Wars! There was supposed to be a sequel and there kinda was but not really. I think it competed with Extreme Deluxe (it had a few features EWD didn't like feuds) but once EWR came out it was all over.


I'm one of those that came from Promotion Wars, where I booked ROH. It was a very simple but addictive engine. When I saw TEW05 I was like: "holy cow, what is this?"

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I recall looking up wrestling games that weren't the usual "fight it out inside the ring" gameplay when I stumbled upon TEW. Tried out the freeware TEW05 but with no tutorial on its end and no real knowledge about booking shows and how the business works on my end, I was thrust into the deep and trying to swim. Didn't mind the CVerse world over well known wrestlers, though it did add to the effort required. After running a bunch of promotions to the ground, I gave up.


Several years later, I returned with a better understanding of the business and eventually, I managed to make a profit as RoF. That's also when I discovered these forums, specifically the Living FAQ thread that really helped me understand the game and the diaries that really gave purpose to booking and angles. Shortly after, I used a friend's TEW13 account to catch up with the game and CVerse updates, before eventually purchasing TEW16.


Even though I'm not a long time player, I can safely say TEW is not only one of the most fun and addictive games I've ever played, it's also the best value for money I've gotten out of a game as it's kept me hooked and creating non stop ever since. It literally took the imminent release of TEW20 to get me off the hook.


Ugh, is it Thursday yet?

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I've been playing since 2001 (early EWR), when I was fresh out of school, and still going strong nearly two decades later! Really looking forward to TEW20 in two days time, even if I'm one of the few (seemingly...) that still has to work Mon-Fri, 9-5... At least it should be out and ready to DL when I get back, otherwise I'd just be hanging at my PC, resisting the urge to hit refresh every five seconds. :p
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I gotta say, I'm loving reading about all of your memories and experiences within the series. I didn't quite realize what I set in motion in that post of mine where I reminisced about the earlier versions. It's been a long journey over two decades that will have a new milestone in upcoming weeks with the release of TEW2020 :D


I can't wait. Getting pretty anxious tbh.

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Thought I would share my story too!


I've never liked computer games really, played Championship manager as a kid and football manager as a teen, but haven't even played that in maybe 10 years. I also haven't really watched wrestling for 10 years now either.


I've no idea how I found this game, or what version, but I think it was either during the Ministry angle or just after as I remember I loved to book Mideon and Viscera in matches and being confused as to why they were bad lol. The version had angles that I think were called "Dark angle: someone is tied to a cross" or similar and I just spammed them!


I have bought every TEW and I'm pretty sure it was Scout, Guide and Dermot O'Logical that I first fell in love with, but don't really remember now. Since my first time playing the CornellVerse I have only ever attempted one real world save, as ROH. I couldn't get into it though as the guys I loved in real life weren't actually that great and I had a hard time booking anyone as anything other than who/what they are in real life. Whereas the guys in C-Verse could be anything I wanted


Have spent god knows how many hours playing this game, it's just always my go-to when I want to relax, especially when I was making a mod. I find it quite peaceful and stress relieving doing a mod, if a bit stressful at times as I'm a perfectionist who is also quite dumb and bad with spelling and grammar lol. It's hard being a stupid perfectionist lol

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I gotta say, I'm loving reading about all of your memories and experiences within the series. I didn't quite realize what I set in motion in that post of mine where I reminisced about the earlier versions. It's been a long journey over two decades that will have a new milestone in upcoming weeks with the release of TEW2020 :D


I can't wait. Getting pretty anxious tbh.


You kinda bummed me out. I thought I was a fan of the first hour, but turns out I was ignorant. :p


@Cold Cobra: You're not alone, man. Some of us are also working still (from the office). But when TEW20 hits I'll be switching to an "on demand" approach. :p

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What I always find funny is the fact that I remember how people got mocked for their EWR diaries back in the day where they would make AJ Styles or CM Punk WWE Champion. Because it would never happen in real life. Let alone Bryan Danielson.


Lol yes. I remember seeing Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) vs. Daniel Bryan (Danielson) in front of 200 people 10 years ago thinking "it's a shame these guys will never enter the biggest of stages" and now they both did. Used to book them and 20 other indi-talents that were in their 20s or early 30s as World champions numerous times. It's crazy to think that probably 60%, 70% of them all ended up having somewhat decent runs in mainstream promotions by 2020. Weird feeling.

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I discovered TEW 05 at about 2010. My computer was on last legs and died while playing game, my brother blamed the game for breaking computer(it wasnt). 2005 barely played. 2013 came out and I caught the bug. I played/streamed on YouTube a WWE attitude era series from May 96' up to May 2001' It would've went longer but save crashed. I even edited the mod to convert to 2016. I put so many hours in all of that. I then started playing L2G cverse save that lasted 11 years of my own company making it cult then going to SWF as national. I lost interest after leaving my company, regret it. The file corrupted and save was lost. My third major save was L2G in thunderverse, it was fun but other games caught my eye.


I'm so excited to play this Thursday I took the day off with this and NFL draft its gonna be great day. I'm thinking either a PSW or TCW save to start and trial things out for the 2 months. If I get hooked on a save I'll continue, looking forward to a local to global as well. Wish I could stream it all, but can't. Made the game more fun to share.


Also, anyone interested in streaming I found 10-12 minutes easiest to watch. People who stream this game put 30 minute videos or longer out and it's too much to watch for me ag least.

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Lol yes. I remember seeing Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) vs. Daniel Bryan (Danielson) in front of 200 people 10 years ago thinking "it's a shame these guys will never enter the biggest of stages" and now they both did. Used to book them and 20 other indi-talents that were in their 20s or early 30s as World champions numerous times. It's crazy to think that probably 60%, 70% of them all ended up having somewhat decent runs in mainstream promotions by 2020. Weird feeling.


Yeah, i am on that boat as well. All the indie "darlings" i booked 10, 15 years ago ended up having decent or even great runs in mainstream companies. I remember when the thought of that happening was considered delusion and would only happen on dynasties. Since then, WWE and 1 or 2 more companies have since poached everyone and the indie scene lacks that huge amount of talent it used to have. A shame.

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Since then, WWE and 1 or 2 more companies have since poached everyone and the indie scene lacks that huge amount of talent it used to have. A shame.


Yes, I remember around 2010, 2011 the American indi scene was pretty much wiped and there was only a handful of bigger names (like Chris Hero & Aries) left. Everyone else was stuck in development child companies, Japanese dojos, on hiatus or injured, it was a dark period IMO and that's where I stopped following wrestling. As for EWR I remember Puma, Alex Shane, Hi69 and Perro Aguayo Jr. were absolutely H-U-G-E. Pulled off 99 OR-shows month by month booking these guys.

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Yes, I remember around 2010, 2011 the American indi scene was pretty much wiped and there was only a handful of bigger names (like Chris Hero & Aries) left. Everyone else was stuck in development child companies, Japanese dojos, on hiatus or injured, it was a dark period IMO and that's where I stopped following wrestling. As for EWR I remember Puma, Alex Shane, Hi69 and Perro Aguayo Jr. were absolutely H-U-G-E. Pulled off 99 OR-shows month by month booking these guys.


It still helped guys like Kevin Owens (Steen) and Sami Zayn (Generico) to get a spot and shine in the indies.

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<p>I loved EWR when I got into around 2010-2012.</p><p> </p><p>

Pretty much taught me about the american indy scene and many of the guys running the 'E at the moment.</p><p> </p><p>

I do remember and old EWR save I played in college off a pen drive. PWG with my main 2 guys Curt Hawkins and Dean Amrbrose after both were released by WWE.</p>

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