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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

Two PPVs in a week, and only one women's match for each. *sigh*

Less than a year ago, Full Gear 2022 had 3 women's matches on the main card, two of which got more time than the Wembley four way. Regardless of match quality, all three matches had storylines and weekly TV building to the show for at least a month! It's regressed so much.


There are some bright sides to the division right now - Skye Blue and Willow have been getting over, an extra TV match on Collision has increased the matches the women's division gets by 50%, and they've been getting to main event Rampage a lot in the past couple of months. I'm just worried a 12 PPV/year schedule leads to more shows with only one women's match on the main card.

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22 minutes ago, FellaLibby said:

Honest to goodness never thought Tony Khan would fire the biggest draw, one of the biggest merch sellers, and a hometown hero to a certain city, at all. Kudos to Tony for proving me wrong.

And the certain city is where they are this weekend 😂

This is gonna be an interesting weekend. 

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Wow. Good on Tony. As an outsider looking in, it felt like the only move. Too many reports have supported the idea that Punk was the instigator to the fight, and this pretty much proves it. Still, it can't be easy to fire your number one draw and a guy who you're a pretty big fan of.

As for AEW in general, I just hope for their sake that the talk after their big shows now can be how good the shows were, rather than Punk drama.

My guess is that this is it for CM Punk in the wrestling world. I don't think WWE wants him (or need him) and I don't think he wants to wrestle on the indies.

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Besides the main event, everything else just felt so random. It was like an extended Rampage. Too much Acclaimed for one show.

Good to see Danielson back. I thought he was going to be out for at least another month.

For Tony Khan to appear and say what he said, the situation must've been pretty bad in Wembley. At least we're past that now.

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Good riddance.  No one man is bigger than the company, and CM Punk especially was supposed to be the veteran setting an example of how to behave to all the underneath guys in the back, not be the common thread in almost every backstage incident AEW has.  The one drawback is that All Out will now be a hard show for AEW to get through, because the Chicago crowd is extremely homer when it comes to CM Punk in particular.

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I don't think I really need to say what I think about the situation because things might get heated lol

I rather reflect on how I see AEW right now: losing your biggest draw can't be good. Collision was the only watchable TV show with actual PRO wrestling instead than that outlaw mudshow on Wednesday and I think that Collision will follow that trail with Cassidy's 20-min title defenses, BCC stupid and chaotic matches, and so on. I feel sorry for FTR  and expect rifts within the locker room between them and the anti-Punk group. I don't see how the figure of TK can come out of this situation strengthened, a mark hostage to his EVPs.

With Punk gone now and MJF contract expiring in a few months - if I'm not wrong - I would have no doubts as WWE on taking both of them.


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Meh, AEW will be fine. I don't think they're in a worse spot today than they were a week ago. Their product and fan base doesn't live or die with Punk. Hell, if they can get Edge in then I'd argue that Punk will be forgotten quickly.

I have no doubts WWE will throw the checkbook at MJF, but then again, the Khan family isn't exactly poor. I think it's more likely he stays than goes.

I would be very surprised if WWE brought Punk in, especially in the near future. Maaaaaaaybe for a final sendoff in a few years if he can mend a few (many?) bridges and wants to go out on his own terms.

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My gut reaction is "Screw AEW. I'll never watch them again!"

However, that's an empty threat, as I haven't watched AEW, or any wrestling, since sometime during the pandemic. And I get all of my news via Jim Cornette, so there's probably some bias there. I don't really know what it's like backstage. Hell, I don't know if Punk is a wrestler I enjoy. I no longer have any desire to see Omega, the Young Bucks, Hangman, or Jungle Boy ever again, but again that's an empty threat. 

I have oddly strong emotions for someone who, at this point, should stop considering himself a wrestling fan. I'm a wrestling video game fan at best. 

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- I'm surprised TK explained firing Punk on TV 😮
- Ricky should be the focal point of Collision. Great promo almost ruined by the FITE feed cutting out twice. The Dragon = Danielson! All Out card just got better.
- Great Mox promo.
- Garcia, Daddy & Ang vs House of Ass (c) was solid. Keep Hager away from this trio.
- About time Dark Order got a small push. Tony better be careful or Ricky will give him the strap.
- Aussie Open vs Wayne & Kommander was good. Darby shouldn't be walking upright. Father of the Year with another masterclass promo.
- BCC with that old school training. Still surreal seeing Shibata so often.
- Good Outcasts promo.
- Rodman popped the Chicago crowd but did nothing for me. Joe trying his best to sell an ROH TV level match.
- Outcasts vs Statlander, Shida & DMD was solid.
- Nice Hobbs/Miro teaser. Finally another women's match added to All Out.
- Don "The Real God of Pro Wrestling" Callis
- Dax vs White was my MOTN.

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I can't watch All Out live, but decided to make predictions for fun

Pre show:
Athena, Mercedes Martinez, and Diamante vs Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, and Sky Blue

The Acclaimed(c) vs Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Jay Lethal- I'd actually be okay with Jarrett's team winning, but the Acclaimed just won the titles and I don't like hot shotting belts, especially on the pre show.

Main show
Luchasaurus(c) vs Darby Allin- Seems like they're giving Darby an excuse to lose because he's been beat up so much recently, but he also is the comeback kid. Luchasaurus as champion does nothing for me. That character is stale as heck. Maybe have him work unmasked as a member of House of Black or Dark Order?

Miro vs Powerhouse Hobbs- I'm just excited for the slug fest

Kris Statlander(c) vs Ruby Soho- Ruby is so underrated and I just like her more than Statlander lol

Bryan Danielson vs Ricky Starks- This could go either way, but Bryan is returning from injury so seems like a reason for him to pick up the win

Omega vs Takeshita- Simply going with who I think has a more interesting character

BCG vs FTR/Bucks- Bucks aren't losing two ppvs in a row lol

BTYBB vs Dark Order- I think Cole and MJF's split will start when they lose the tag titles, but I don't think it happens yet

Samoa Joe(c) vs Shane Taylor- Joe could and should be in the main event

Eddie Kingston and Shibata vs BCC- This is gonna be awesome, but Shibata and Eddie are two of my all time favorites

Orange(c) vs Mox- Orange has been beat to hell lately and works a schedule no man should work and deserves a ppv win. Mox can absorb losses with ease. 

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- Luchasaurus vs Darby was pretty fun.
- Miro vs Hobbs was great. Crowd was really into it. Glad to see CJ, I'm already intrigued.
- The Strap match was brutal. Great work by both guys.
- Omega vs Takeshita was my MOTN. Just amazing stuff. Had me on the edge of my seat for a while.

Everything else I didn't really care. The 8-man tag is on right now but I'm not paying that much attention. This is a Dynamite match, not PPV worthy imo. I'm skipping the main event.

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Short term, AEW definitely is in a rough situation. 

Going into All Out, Punk was involved in the three hottest programs in the company: Punk vs. Joe, Punk vs. Starks and Punk vs. MJF. 

AEW really should've known not to feature Punk that heavily given his volatility. 

Punk also claimed to be the "real world's champion" going into All Out. Him leaving before AEW could "unify" the titles definitely hurts company prestige. 

AEW did a really good job booking All In. The MJF vs. Adam Cole feud was brilliant and AEW booked it on relatively short notice. 

Hopefully, AEW can improvise a similar program for Full Gear. 

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Not really sure who AEW plugs into the world title program against MJF.

They don't have any top heels with the momentum to challenge for the title.

Both Samoa Joe and Ricky Starks are coming off back-to-back high-profile losses. Powerhouse Hobbs also just lost clean on PPV. 

Bryan Danielson appears to be a face now. 

I'm surprised AEW didn't call an audible and have Starks and/or Hobbs go over after Punk left. Or even have Joe go over at All In. 

Starks, especially, could have had a great program against MJF. The two already have history with each other.

I guess hindsight is 20/20. 

I have to think the Takeshita probably is in the best position to challenge for the title. Unless AEW turns Miro heel. 

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