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Thunderverse Discussion Thread

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Thanks to everyone being understanding. :)


I love Thunderverse. RW events that are happening right now are very lame, but that's why we focus on simulation games. To try to look past the B.S.


Completely agree and working on this does also serve as a distraction from the real world and all of its collective horrors. This one personally hits very close to home however (nothing to me personally but some very good friends IRL have been affected) which is why I'm taking a step backwards for now, had been trying for a few days to get passed it all but unfortunately the thought of producing any content for wrestling be it the Thunderverse or the demake project isn't sitting right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey fellas, I was talking to another board member on Discord about the TVerse.


I want to hear some stories about how everyone is doing in the converted 2016 database. I'm thinking of starting a save, but want to hear from others first!

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Well, aside from adding in the free pictures for randomly generated workers, the fact that the starting funds for the companies wasn't altered to reflect how finances work in 2020 has lead to some interesting buying sprees.


The other main thing I've noticed is that, because of the new Experience stat, many of the road agents who were really good in 2016 are not so good in 2020.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>One of the first things that popped into my head when I read about being able to book development companies, was that I'd have loved to have booked FAW in TV2016. Only just realised that I've not done that since MHero posted the converted data!</p><p> </p><p>

Has anyone had a go with FAW yet (or any development territory game, could do with a bit of advice about the mechanics/how it works)?</p>

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So been working on this a little slower than we'd like but hey, life gets busy. We're into the guts of Japan so that means setting up schedules and such because if we're taking this long, we're going to do it right, right? :p Shoutout to Questlove doing this for RWC which gave me the kick up the backside to get something together for this.


Got some screenshots for you all of what I assume to be the crowd favourite based on the 2016 TVerse thread. UPJ confirmed...ish. Nothing is locked in and 100% until the mod drops. ;)


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Some But Not All Events



And as a sneaker peek, the bio style is being changed to reflect a more Wikipedia style of bio. This is uniform across the mod. Here's Mark Rydale's bio adapted from Diamond in the new style. :)




I'm also frequently on Discord (MHero#8694) and posting about losing my mind doing this if you ever need amusement or want to probe me for ideas/spoilers/dinner plans.

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They are! I can't take any credit for them, it's all jhd/Eastwood/james0/TheEnforcer/MjStark/MysteryNewTeamMember who do the renders and graphics. I just run hypeman duties/admin work/make cups of tea. :p


Also, let's not bury the lead and keep the best render in the mod a secret...





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Didn't play this in 2016, are all the photo's like that? They look amazing.


Oh boy, you're in for a treat then!


The ThunderVerse, in my opinion, is the best TEW experience. The attention to detail and uniformity throughout is unlike any other.


I recommend downloading the 2016 conversion and just taking a look at the game world.

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Having fallen back in love with the T-Verse having dabbled about with 2016 recently, would anyone be interested in a TVerse draft once the data is released to the world with the updated data? I find myself incredibly wanting to produce some dream matches across promotions and thats without even knowing the landscape four years later.


Also, Dustin LeFever, everytime I see him I feel I need a certificate of gotten too too too too too too-too.

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