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No Ordinary Men [CVerse]

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I have, just the other day, finished re-reading The Climb and The Summit. So, needless to say, especially considering I have a lot of free time right now, I am very, very excited for this. I can't wait to see who your early stars are going to be, and just how far you can take this again.
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<table style="background-color: #008cc2; width: 910px;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 915px;" colspan="4"><img src="

https://i.imgur.com/pAEq6gk.jpg" width="900" height="206" /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/1QNCy5s.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>COTT Expansion</strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">The Confederation of the Territories has announced that 2020 will be the year of massive expansion.  We announced at the end of 2019 that Marvin Earnest was leaving MAW to lead the efforts to start Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis.  CWI is not the only new company to join the COTT.  FREEDOM Carribean Wrestling out of Puerto Rico has finally ended long-rumoured speculation and agreed to join the Confederation, as has Quebec's All Canada Pro Wrestling, Texas' Queens of American Wrestling and Mexico's Comité Internacional de Lucha Libre.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">That's not all.  The Confederation of the Territories has announced several new promotions that are going full time in the world of professional wrestling in 2020 that will also be associated with the most prestigious alliance in the sport.  We will be outlining each of them in articles below.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><p><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nKsu2e4.jpg" alt="" width="200" height="100" /></p><p><img src="https://i.imgur.com/gwOO4R2.jpg" alt="gwOO4R2.jpg" width="200" height="100" /></p></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>New Championships Announced</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">With its new expansion, the Confederation of the Territories has also announced the launch of two brand new World championships that it is sanctioning.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The first is the World Women's Championship.  With the addition of QAW, ACPW, and CILL to an organization that already includes CZCW and OLLIE, the COTT felt that it was only natural to include a championship for its female competitors to strive to achieve.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">They have also announced the creation of the World's Women Tag Team Championships.  With the addition of CWWF and QAW, plus the expansion of women's wrestling in the COTT, the thought was that it would be important to have two high level championships for the female competitors in the COTT to strive for.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/CamUx2R.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>L-Ring Announced</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The Confederation of the Territories has paired with the Hawaii Department of Culture and Tourism as well as famed Hawaiian wrestler Clark Alexander to bring the fast-paced blend of lucha-libre and modern hard-hitting, athletic contests to the world.  L-Ring will be the first promotion based in Hawaii that is full time since the close of Welcome the the Islands Wrestling in the early 1980's.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"> </td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"> </td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/HsfFLPd.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="background-color: #333333;"><strong><u>New Promotion in Toronto</u></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">COTT President Sam Keith and famed Canadian wrestler Owen Love announced the formation of Black Maple Championship Wrestling based out of Toronto.  Owen Love stated that the new promotion will feature a style similar to the one used by 4C for so long.  Since the collapse of Winner's promotion, there has been an opening in the Ontario market and the recently-retired Love hopes to use his name value and the connections to the COTT to capitalize on the opening.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/FGKoVIv.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="background-color: #333333;"><strong>Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation a reality</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Tamara McFly released a press release that she had agreed with local investors in Calagary to launch the brand new CWWF.  Using the technical style heavily promoted by the Stone Family over the years, McFly hopes to capitalize on the collapse of AAA in Seattle and create a second company that caters specifically to women's wrestling in North America.  Farrah Hesketh, owner of QAW is said to be incredibly pleased that there is another company to help give all of the talented women in North America a place to work.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/tad18mh.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="background-color: #333333;"><strong>Carvill Announces new promotion</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Damian Carvill, better known to professional wrestling fans as The Natural -- who had a thirteen year run with the defunct NOTBPW announced on his Twitter account that he was officially starting his own full-time promotion.  This was shortly after the announcement that his tag team partner Owen Love was starting his own promotion in Canada.  Carvill has said that this promotion will be in the North West of the United States and will be called Rocky Mountain Wrestling.  It will also be aligned with the COTT and Carvill, husband of Catherine Quine, has expressed interest in being a full-time promoter since retiring and this is his opportunity to make his mark as a promoter.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/QhRGmUI.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="background-color: #333333;"><strong>Dan DaLay, a promoter?</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">In what might be the most shocking wrestler-to-promoter story of the past several years, Dan DaLay -- former three time Canadian Golden Combat champion announced that he accepted an offer from the COTT to promote a company based in Vancouver, British Columbia.  DaLay is respected in the Vancouver area and is said to actually possess a fair amount of knowledge.  His company, Great Canadian Wrestling, will offer a more modern sports and entertainment feel and hopes to carve out its own niche in the Canadian wrestling scene.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ZDrzern.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="background-color: #333333;"><strong>Pro Wrestling returns to Tennessee</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">When Shane Sneer's Southern Championship Class Wrestling folded, Tennessee lost a staple in the wrestling business.  Tennessee has always been a hotbed and recent spot shows were starting to pick up business so former SCCW Champion, Whistler, has decided, in agreement with the COTT, to form Championship Wrestling from Tennessee.  Championship Wrestling from Tennessee will present classic Southern wrestling to audiences and should provide a great environment for wrestlers looking for a break and veterans looking for one last shot at glory.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 915px;" colspan="4"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/dCLnspm.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="26" /></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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I looked around my rented apartment on Mass Ave -- the locals never called it Massachusetts Ave. It was always Mass Ave. Pennsylvania was always Penn. Not unlike other cities I lived in. You learned about the city from the way people talked about it. People were wary of Haughville and loved Fountain Square. Indianapolis was a town on the comeback. A town trying to compete with its bigger neighbor to the north, Chicago. It wanted to be known as more than just a fly-over city in a fly-over state and here I was in a fairly nice apartment with a great view of downtown Indianapolis -- if I turned my head just right I could even see the War Memorial and the famous Monument Circle (the whole reason Indianapolis is often called Circle City.]


I cradled my phone to my ear and listened to the voice on the other ear. She was exasperated. She couldn’t believe that I was asking. I had to interrupt her. “Come on Karen. How long have we known each other? Twenty years? You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was important.”


“I don’t work in the business anymore, Marv. I’m a writer. I write.”


“I know, but this isn’t full-time work. A date a month. You come in, you manage The Hangman. You give him the rub and help the kid get over. You help us get established. Then you can decide if you want to stay on or not.”


I could hear the gears in her brain turning. I could hear her thinking. I had known Karen Kallovski since the late 1990s. She had just been released from Total Championship Wrestling -- or well, Hollyweird Grappling Company at the time -- from a three year stint as a manager. She had done a good job, but her gimmick had run its course and she was working the North East independents and was a heat magnet back then. I was just an announcer calling shows for whoever I could -- XFW, PPPW, RPW all gave me looks at being their main play by play guy but I didn’t get those gigs so she and I ran into each other several times during that period. When I became The Stomper’s guy in 2002, I tried to bring in Karen “Killer” by the old man didn’t much care for her gimmick or style so he vetoed that. She never held it against me. She understood that I tried to get her a gig and couldn’t. When Rip Chord asked her to be his head booker, she immediately brought me in to be the lead announcer. She was the reason I got the MAW gig and I never forgot that.


“One show a month?” She asked. I knew I had her interest now. She was on the hook. As much as she loved music and writing about music -- and she was successful at it (she had won multiple awards for her writing) -- she was a wrestling fan through and through. She had been in the business for over thirty-two years. She had booked for Rip. She had had some creative input on her second go round with TCW when it was taken over by Cornell. She hadn’t worked full-time since leaving TCW in 2010. She did shots here or there but nothing consistent.


“One show a month.” I reiterated for her. I wanted her on my roster bad. I owed her a chance.


“And who would I be working with again?”


“He goes by Texas Hangman, though I think we may just shorten that to The Hangman. He’s a big sonuva bitch. Six feet seven -- six nine if we put him in lifts. Three hundred sixty or so pounds. Great look. Muscular. Takes care of himself. Young. Only twenty-one. Been working two years. Still green but man, Karen, he just needs someone to get behind him. He hasn’t caught a break yet, but he’s been working as many indy shots as he can. He could be a star.” I reached for my glass of water and took a drink. I hadn’t expected to be on the phone this long.


“He’s a good kid?” She asked.


“You bet. Great kid. Good head on his shoulders. Went to culinary school down in the Dallas area. Works in a kitchen when he’s not wrestling. He’s got the hunger, Karen. He could make it.”


Once again she was silent, but I could hear her thinking. Could hear her mulling it over. After what felt like an eternity I heard her voice again. “Who else you bringing in?”


“Well.” I started. “I’m bringing in Conner Threepwood. He’s local. Went to highschool in Indianapolis. How could I not use that? I’m bringing in Dread’s kid, Sam along with James Diaz and Chip Martin and Primal Rage’s son Dale. The Rock City Stars -- I’m sure you remember them -- Ace Youngblood and some guys he wants to have with him. A couple of guys from MAW that Sam Keith wants me to use to get more experience. A couple of young kids from not to far away looking for a break including this one kid from Corbin, Kentucky that has a mouth on him and ---”


She cut me off, “What about women, Marv?”


“Oh!” I exclaimed, “Yeah. I’ve got a women’s division. There are a couple of local gals, Talia Neema and Urena Frost that I’m bringing in. Steffi Chee, Suzanne Brazzle, Steph Blake… Uhhh. Some others. A couple of younger women that worked for AAA right before they closed.”


“Good.” She said. “It’s 2020. More people gotta use women on their shows.”


“I couldn’t agree more.” I started. “I also have two other managers that I’d love for you to mentor.”


“Wait. You’re going to have three of us?” She asked.


“Yeah. A local kid named Mark Hyatt. He’s a local kid, nephew of one of the guys funding the place. College grad. Works for one of the local radio stations. Good talker. Reminds me a bit of Shane Sneer. Gonna pair him with two guys from Mid Atlantic and see if we can get them over.” I paused to take a breath. “Then there’s a kid named Andrew Gibson. He started hanging around the Mid Atlantic shows looking for a break but Sam didn’t have a spot for him. He’s ex-military. Real professional. I’ve had him work some indy shots to see what he can do. He’s got a lot of potential. I’m going to give him his own group called Genesis. Put the second generation guys with him and see what they can do.”


“It sounds like you’re building quite the crew out there. You sure you need me?” She asked.


I was quick to respond. “Of course. You’re the veteran. You can help these kids learn the ropes. You’ve got a great mind for the business. You’ll be a great addition.”


I was giving her the hard sell. It was what I did. Give the hard sell. Karen Killer was someone I wanted on my team. I heard her sigh.


“I can’t do it Marv. I’m done with the wrestling business outside of a few conventions and fan fests. I’m too old. I’m too busy.” She asked.


“Karen.” I started but she cut me off.


She started to swear but before she could I cut her off. “You can call me if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, but I’m not looking for work. I’m sorry.”


I mumbled something about how I appreciated her at least humoring my offer before I hung up. With my phone in my hand, I looked down at my dining room table. There were a stack of flyers for our first show. I had to finish putting up flyers all over town for our first show New Year Scramble. It was an important show. It was the tone setting show. We were going to lose money on this show -- that much I was sure. I was bringing in a lot of talent for this show. Over twenty names. All nineteen of the guys I had planned to be regulars, plus Java was going to come down from Chicago for the battle royal. Eight of our ten women were going to be in action in the first round of our Women’s Title tournament. It was a huge night for me. It was the first show I had promoted and booked myself.


I exhaled and picked up the flyer.




Quick Predictions

Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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This is a bit nit-picky, but I had a question reading the rules. It says that titles can't change hands on a DQ, but it lists countouts separately. This is an issue with the rules listing and the actual rules, right?


Are you referring to the game that has DQ and count outs as separate finishes? If so, yes, this is just a discrepancy between how the rules for the company were listed and how the game handles finishes. The rules for the company are based off of rules from an old NWA program (that had the rules listed inside of them).

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<p>Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Conner Threepwood</span></strong>, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Steph Blake</span></strong> vs. Joy Ryder</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Steffi Chee</span></strong> vs. Debbie Rose</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Suzanne Brazzle</span></strong> vs. Kate Lilly</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Talia Neema</span></strong></p>

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<p>Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: <strong>Conner Threepwood</strong>, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: <strong>Steph Blake</strong> vs. Joy Ryder</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. <strong>Debbie Rose</strong></p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. <strong>Kate Lilly</strong></p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: <strong>Ruby Reece</strong> vs. Talia Neema</p>

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman


Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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Really excited to see this, cant wait to what your able to do in the new game, plus I love a strong womens division :)




Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema


Not very familiar with the new C-Verse so I'm just guessing.

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: Conner Threepwood, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: Steph Blake vs. Joy Ryder

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: Steffi Chee vs. Debbie Rose

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. Talia Neema

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<p>Main Event: CWI Championship. 20 Man Battle Royal Featuring: <strong>Conner Threepwood</strong>, Java, Stan Manna, Ryan Turner, Sean Noggin, Sione Tokoeka, Ace Youngblood, Roger Monteiro, Wild Red Stallion, James Diaz, Dreadnought, Original Sinner, Chip Martin, Zippy Deverell, Jack Pryde, Jason Patterson, Pepper Pelton, Nate DeMarcus, The Masked Mauler, and The Hangman</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Four: <strong>Steph Blake</strong> vs. Joy Ryder</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Three: <strong>Steffi Chee</strong> vs. Debbie Rose</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match Two: <strong>Suzanne Brazzle</strong> vs. Kate Lilly</p><p>

Women’s Championship Opening Round Match One: Ruby Reece vs. <strong>Talia Neema</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Like a lot of people, I've gone for Threepwood, but I feel like he'd be a good first champion.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47530" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I liked that piece between Marv and Karen; is it odd that I liked that it <em>didn't</em> come off? <p> </p><p> Anyway, felt like a really 'real' conversation, and was a good read.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you! I was proud of that particular piece of writing so I'm glad it resonated with someone!</p>
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CWI: New Year Scramble 2020


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Saturday Week 1, January, 2020

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

72 in attendance

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Honest Frank




Earnest, “Hello everyone and welcome -- for the very first time -- to Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. I’m Marv Earnest and I’ll be joined in just amount by my broadcast partner, Honest Frank -- but before we meet him I want to say thank you to those of us watching. I love professional wrestling. I love it with every fiber of my being. I have dedicated my entire adult life to this business. I’ve called matches for every organization since the early 1990’s that has run on the East Coast and now I am here in Indianapolis with Championship Wrestling From Indianapolis to usher in a new era in the sport. Professional wrestling is alive and well in Indianapolis and if you don’t believe me -- you’re about to find out with CWI’s very first show, New Year Scramble! Now without further adieu, if you don’t know this man then you should. He cut his teeth during the famed East Coast Wars for the Xtreme Wrestling Federation where he was twice their Heavyweight Champion. He held the PSW Champion and on four separate occasions, he was the Empire Champion for New York City Championship Wrestling. He retired from active competition in the sport last year and he is here with Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis to provide expert analysis. Ladies and gentlemen, Honest Frank!”


Frank, “Thank you for that introduction Marv. I’ll be honest -- I’m incredibly excited to be here. I spent thirty years as an active competitor in this sport. I gave everything I have to this sport and now I get to sit here next to you -- someone I have known since I got into this sport and call action here in a city like Indianapolis. Don’t get me wrong, it’s no New York. Too much want-to-be Chicago pizza and too many people who think they’re in the South and not in a Union state but this is pro wrestling! This is Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. This is a place where ordinary men cannot survive.”


Earnest, “You’re absolutely right there, Frank and it is important to note that all CWI action is sanctioned by the Indiana State Athletic Commission and the Confederation of the Territories."


Frank, "So you know that the action here at Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis is not only on the up and up, but is also of the highest quality -- which as a former professional and an honest man, I sincerely appreciate. Those same governing bodies have sanctioned a big-time match up for our first show, Marv. The kind of match that will put a company on the map! Twenty of the premier wrestlers in the United States will compete in an over-the-top-rope battle royal to crown the first-ever CWI Heavyweight Champion."


Earnest, "You've been in many battle royals in your career, Frank, and I don't think enough fans appreciate the danger that goes into being in a battle royal. Can you explain to our audience what makes a battle royal so dangerous?"


Frank, "Sure. When you're in a battle royal, there are bodies everywhere. People fighting everywhere. It is incredibly difficult to protect yourself. It's incredibly difficult to keep your guard up when you don't know who is going to hit you or where they are going to be hitting you from and that is dangerous enough without the added danger of being tossed over the top rope. It is a long way from the ring to the floor. If you don't protect yourself on the landing you could break an ankle, blow out a knee or hell even break your neck if you land wrong. You've got to be an extra special talent to win a battle royal and whoever wins the battle royal tonight will walk away with the top prize in the company. It's going to be a damn good night!


Earnest, "You are right about that Frank. That's not the only thing we have on the schedule for tonight. The tournament to crown a Women's Champion also begins tonight. I can't wait and our first match is about to hit the ring! Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis has officially started!"




Women’s Championship Tournament

Opening Round Contest

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Ruby Reece versus “The Pharaoh” Talia Neema


  • The very first match on CWI’s very first show pit two young female wrestlers against one another in the opening round of the CWI Women’s Championship tournament.
  • Ruby Reece is a 23 year old Canadian who graduated from the Cat’s Lair in 2016. She spent the first year of her career wrestling for AAA before it closed, and even became one half of the final AAA Tag Champs alongside fellow Cat’s Lair graduate, Sabrina Wells. At six feet tall, Reece has the height and reach advantage over most women she steps in the ring with. She has a background in kick boxing and in her career so far she has made good use of her background, especially with a head kick that is particularly vicious.
  • Talia Neema was an unknown before being picked up by CWI. An Egyptian-born, but American-raised wrestler, her short career has been spent in the Great Lakes independent scene. While not nearly as tall as Reece, Talia Neema is a powerfully built woman with a lot of potential.
  • The two women started off with a feeling out process. They have never wrestled one another before. Reece clearly wanted to keep the distance between the two women for her strikes, but Neema wanted to be in close.
  • Reece controlled the early portion of the match. She is the slightly more experienced competitor. She hit a couple of forearms and elbow strikes that looked particularly wicked and went for her head kick, but Neema ducked.
  • Neema used the opening to grab a handful of hair and use the leverage to take control. While Neema is inexperienced, she has a confidence about her and a nasty streak that could take her far. She put Ruby Reece in a side headlock and positioned themselves so that referee Bret Graveson couldn’t quite see. With the positioning, Talia Neema hit a nasty closed-fist right to the face that drew the ire of the fans in attendance. It’s against the rules!
  • Neema worked her over with some side slams and anytime Ruby Reece tried to make a comeback, Neema would use a hair pull to keep her under control, right until Reece hit a spinning back-fist that knocked Neema wobbly. Reece went on the attack with several big strikes. Keeping her rocked, Reece went for another headkick and again Neema ducked under -- but when coming up Neema’s head went into the chin of Graveson. Graveson stumbled and turned away, which gave Neema the opening to reach into her kneepad and pull out a pair of brass knuckles. She turned and cold-cocked Ruby Reece -- who was coming in for the finish. Reece dropped like a sack of potatoes and Talia Neema put the knuckles back in her knee pad and made the cover. Graveson turned around and counted the three.


Talia Neema defeated Ruby Reece in 9:02 via pinfall after using a foreign object.


Match Rating




Women’s Championship Tournament

Opening Round Contest

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




“Miracle Blonde” Suzanne Brazzle vs. Kate Lilly


  • The second match is another opening round contest in the Women’s Title tournament. This match, unlike the first match, pits two experienced competitors against each other. In one corner, the forty-one year old former AAA Femme Fatale Champion, Suzanne Brazzle. In the other corner, the thirty-one year old former four-time AAA Tag Team Champion Kate Lilly. Both women are very well respected, but Brazzle is known for her singles career whereas Lilly is known for being one half of the very good tag team Lilly and Rose.
  • Brazzle is not quite the athlete she was in her twenties and thirties, but she showed an incredible command of technical wrestling when, right from the start, she went after Kate Lilly and showed some excellent chain wrestling skills. All of Brazzle’s early holds focused on Kate Lilly’s neck -- clearly trying to soften her up for the Miracle Connection that Brazzle has used throughout her near-twenty year career.
  • It took Kate Lilly awhile to get comfortable -- she has spent the bulk of her career as a duo afterall. While Brazzle had Lilly in a headlock, Lilly stept right in the back of the knee and was able to wedge herself out of Brazzle’s grip.
  • Lilly is known for being a high flyer and with herself free, she was able to pick up the pace on Brazzle. Lilly hit a twisting flying head scissors that was brilliant before hitting a springboard leg drop that got a near fall.
  • After awhile of Lilly controlling the match with some fast-paced offense, Brazzle was able to counter a flying crossbody with the Miracle Connection, a bodyslam driver, that got Brazzle the three count and punched her ticket to the next round of the tournament.


Suzanne Brazzle defeated Kate Lilly in 10:47 via pinfall after hitting the Miracle Connection.


Match Rating





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After Kate Lilly was helped by the official out of the ring and to the back, the public address system in the historic Fountain Square Theatre came alive with the sounds of The Cadillac Three's

. A young man came walking out. He was in wrestling tights and a black t-shirt that said Zip the Lip on it. This is Zippy Deverell. The crowd was not sure how to take the young man making his first appearance in Indiana. Deverell walked right to the announcers and asked Marvin Earnest for a microphone. Earnest acquiesced to the request and handed the young man a microphone.


Deverell, “Zippy Deverell is here, baby. Zippy Deverell is here in Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. Right here at the Fountain Square Theatre. Zippy has made it. Zippy’s gotten his first break. The break he’s dreamed of all his life. The break he’s prayed for. Stayed up late at night tryin’ to convince the universe to give it to him. It’s here. Zippy is here.”


The crowd still was not sure how to take him. Deverell looked around at them as he climbed up into the ring, still holding the microphone.


Deverell, “I came here all the way from Corbin, Kentucky. I came the two hundred seventy miles to Indianapolis, Indiana so I could make somethin’ of myself. So I could be the man my papa always told me I was ‘posed to be. My papa, who worked his entire adult life in the mines out there in Eastern, Kentucky. My papa who told me that if I was gon’ do something, I was gon’ have to do it right. So I told him I was gon’ be a ‘rassler and my papa told me to get out o’ his house. He didn’t raise no sissy, y’see. He didn’t raise no punk, y’see. ‘Cause when he was workin’ those mines, followin’ a deep vein tryin’ to make ends meet, I was protectin’ mama. I was usin’ these hands of mine to protect what was ours. My papa said he wasn’t ‘shamed of me, but if I was gon’ be a ‘rassler, he wasn’t gon’ let me back in that house ‘till I done made him proud. ‘Till I done proved that I belonged in the sport. So here I am. In Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. Here to prove that Zippy Deverell, that Zip the Lip from Corbin, Kentucky, is man enough to make his papa proud.”


The crowd still wasn’t sure how to react. Were they supposed to cheer or were they supposed to boo.


Deverell, “So understand, I ain’t here to make any friends. I ain’t here to sell no t-shirts. I ain’t here to sing or dance or make you laugh. I’m here to prove that I belong. I’m here to get down and dirty. I’m here to be at the top. Now I know that’s a mighty big tree to cut down and if you gon’ cut a tree that big you best bring a mighty big saw, but Zippy’s got a mighty big saw and he’s gon’ fell that tree, baby. Tonight there’re nineteen men in my way of provin’ to my papa that his son is doin’ what he’s ‘posed to do. Tonight there’re nineteen men standin’ between me and that CWI Championship. Of being the first CWI Champion. See, I’m from Knox County, Kentucky where they party on Saturday and get saved on Sunday. Tonight, I’m fixin’ to party hard when I win that belt. And tomorrow… Well hell.. You already know. Zippy Deverell, baby. ‘Bout to be your first CWI Champion.”


Now the crowd knew that they were going to boo this man. He talked fast with that hillbilly silver tongue of piecemealed English and was incredibly arrogant for a nineteen-year-old kid. He was all over-confident grins though when he got out of the ring and handed the microphone back to Marvin Earnest before heading back behind the curtain.









Women’s Championship Tournament

Opening Round Contest

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Steffi Chee versus Debbie Rose


  • The third match of the Women’s Championship tournament was up next. Another battle between two veterans. Kate Lilly’s partner, Debbie Rose, isn’t as flashy as her partner but as the protege of Belle Bryden. Her opponent, Steffi Chee is a well-traveled, globe-trotting wrestler who has held championships in America, in Canada, and in Europe.
  • Chee, much like Brazzle, is on the other side of 40 with more professional miels in her rear view mirror than on the road in front of her. Rose is just entering her prime and has primarily been a tag team wrestler.
  • This was a very solidly paced contest. Chee controlled the early going. A quality all-around wrestler, Chee asserted herself by pushing Rose around and hitting her with several hard forearms. Chee is known for her use of the German Suplex and the Mafia kick -- both moves that focus on the head and neck of the opponent.
  • Like her partner, Rose is a devious high flyer with a mean-streak a mile wide and when she was able to use an eye-rake to gain control, she took full control and tried to put Chee in a world of hurt. She was very vicious as she mixed some good suplexes with some fast paced, high-flying offense that included a second rope missile dropkick that sent Chee half-way across the ring.
  • Several times, Rose looked for the Thorn Cutter, a twisting face crusher, that she has used many times to seal wins for her and Kate Lilly -- but the veteran Steffi Chee had it scouted each time.
  • After pushing Rose away, Steffi Chee launched herself at her and hit a beautiful Mafia Kick that turned Rose inside out and punched Chee’s ticket to the next round.

Steffi Chee defeated Debbie Rose by pinfall in 14:03 after hitting a Mafia Kick.


Match Rating





Women’s Championship Tournament

Opening Round Contest

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Joy Ryder vs. “The Mistress of the DDT” Steph Blake


  • The final first round matchup of the Women’s Tournament pit veteran British wrestler Steph Blake -- the woman known for her devastating DDT’s and her bully-like attitude -- has become well known in North America as a triple crown winner in AAA.
  • Ryder, on the other hand, is a relative newcomer. Only two years in the business. The native of West Virginia has started to build a name for herself on the independent scene and this was her first real break -- but unfortunately for her she ran up against an angry Steph Blake.
  • This was an awkward match. It was clear that these two women are not natural opponents for one another and they just didn’t mesh, but Blake controlled the contest. She asserted her will the entire time with Ryder only getting short flurries of offense in, but Blake was able to shake off all of it.
  • Blake hit her with a Slingshot DDT and got the victory and advanced in the tournament.


Steph Blake defeated Joy Ryder by pinfall in 9:52 after hitting the Slingshot DDT.


Match Rating





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The first man to come out for the battle royal was Indianapolis’ own, Conner Threepwood. He came out to the classic sounds of Indiana's second favorite musician, John Mellencamp, and his hit

. Sporting maroon trunks, boots and kneepads with ‘Strangler’ scrawled across the seat of his trunks, Threepwood looked like the epitome of the classic professional wrestler. The former NOTBPW Tag Team Champion waved at the crowd before stopping at the ringside commentary table. He held out a hand and Marvin Earnest handed over a CWI microphone.


Threepwood, “In a matter of moments, nineteen other men are going to fill up this ring. All with the same goal. All of them want to be the first man to hold up the Championship Wrestling From Indianapolis Championship. All of them want the honor of being called the first champion here, myself included. There are a lot of tough men in this match. Guys like the legendary Java -- who has almost thirty years of in-ring experience. Guys like The Hangman -- guys who could take over the wrestling business. Great talents. Nate DeMarcus. The Rock City Stars. Ace Youngblood. A bunch of guys who all want that belt sitting at the time keeper’s table. I can’t promise you that I’m going to win this match, but I can promise you that I am going to give my all tonight. I’m going to give you everything I’ve got and I hope that at the end of this battle royal I will be your CWI Champion.”


Threepwood handed the microphone back to Marvin Earnest and climbed into the ring for the battle royal.









Main Event

20 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

No Time Limit




  • This was a classic pro wrestling battle royal with all twenty men starting in the ring together -- not the lottery system a lot of places like to use. The 18x18 ring was full of bodies when the bell rang -- officially starting the main event of CWI’s first show.
  • The beginning of the contest was wild and crazy as twenty guys started throwing hands and trying to pair off or find some way to avoid being an early elimination.
  • Zippy Deverell pressed himself into a corner and half-squatted with his hands up to protect himself while also trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.
  • The Masked Mauler, the seventh man to wear the mask/use the name, looked to lock his Iron Claw in early on the man known as American Eagle Roger Monteiro. The Mauler had his fingers dug into the scalp of proud Cheyenne wrestler when Wild Red Stallion, the Lakota Nation’s proud warrior, came up behind the Mauler and tossed him. Making The Masked Mauler the first elimination and giving both men a place in CWI history.
  • Stallion and Monteiro shook hands. The rumor has been that these two were brought to CWI by Ace Youngblood -- who was on the other side of the ring exchanging knife-edged chops with Sione Tokoeka -- the self-proclaimed Kiwi Crusher. The sound of the hands hitting chests filled the building.
  • James Diaz, the son of retired wrestler Raymond Diaz, had Conner Threepwood up on the top rope and looking like he was going to dump the Indiana Strangler out of the ring, but the experienced veteran was able to grab the bottom rope on his fall and pulled himself right back into the ring. The rookie Diaz looked shocked and looked ringside for his manager, Andrew Gibson -- but managers weren’t allowed to stay ringside for this and the momentary distraction allowed Threepwood to grab a double leg and push the six-foot-six Return of the Monster over the top rope and to the floor. James Diaz was eliminated by Conner Threepwood.
  • Ryan Turner and Stan Manna were going toe to toe with Original Sinner and Chip Martin. The two youngsters were not backing down from the experienced team. The young Chip Martin went for his Superkick that he has been using on the indy scene, but Stan ducked out of the way. The duck out of the way actually opened Martin up for Nate DeMarcus to come flying out of nowhere and clothesline him out of the ring. Chip Martin has been eliminated by Nate DeMarcus.
  • Original Sinner looked from Manna to Turner and motioned for them both to bring it. They came towards him and the two men got him up and over the top rope. Original Sinner has been eliminated by the Rock City Stars.
  • The Rock City Stars turned around and found themselves on the end of a double clothesline from The Hangman -- who eliminated both of them at the same time. Ryan Turner and Stan Manna were eliminated by Texas Hangman.
  • Conner Threepwood was going toe to toe with the big Java on one side of the ring and it looked like everyone else was steering clear as Java pummeled Threepwood with heavy strikes to the body.
  • The Hangman went on a rampage after eliminating the Rock City Stars. He eliminated Jason Patterson, the young man from Oklahoma who was getting his first break here, followed up by Jack Pryde, the good looking kid from Minnesota, Pepper Pelton, the former defensive lineman from the University of Wisconsin, and Zippy Deverell, whose attempts at hiding in the corner of the ring did not impress the big man from Texas.
  • After Hangman’s rampage, the field was cut in half. Threepwood and Java were still going at it -- with Threepwood barely hanging on. Sean Noggin and Sione Tokoeka, The Wolf Pack, worked together and tossed veteran Ace Youngblood from the contest, but were then both eliminated by Wild Red Stallion and Roger Monteiro. Sean Noggin was eliminated by Wild Red Stallion and Sione Tokoeka was eliminated by Roger Monteiro.
  • The massive youngster Dreadnought, who had been exchanging blows with Nate DeMarcus, managed to drop the rising star to the mat with a big right hand. Seeing an opening, Dreadnought sprinted across the ring and clotheslined Roger Monteiro right out of the match. Roger Monteiro was eliminated by Dreadnought.
  • That elimination left Conner Threepwood, Java, The Hangman, Nate DeMarcus, Wild Red Stallion, and Dreadnought as the final six competitors.
  • Threepwood just barely managed to hang on once again, but the Indianapolis native has taken a beating from Java.
  • Wild Red Stallion and Dreadnought -- two big young hosses met in the center of the ring and were each exchanging big right hands -- much to the delight of the crowd. Their blows took them to the side of the ring where all of a sudden, The Hangman, clotheslined both men over the top rope and to the floor. Wild Red Stallion and Dreadnought were eliminated by The Hangman.
  • And then there were four. The Hangman and Nate DeMarcus paired off while Threepwood and Java continued their battle -- Threepwood was fighting back now and had managed to get the bigger Java off of his feet.
  • Nate DeMarcus, the powerhouse from Rhode Island, gave up eighty pounds and two inches to The Hangman but he wasn’t intimidated. He drove right through the Hangman with a big shoulder tackle that looked vicious -- but The Hangman sat up. DeMarcus came at him again with a shoulder tackle, but again The Hangman sat up. This time DeMarcus went for his trademark Snap Tackle, a flying shoulder tackle where DeMarcus comes off the second rope, but The Hangman caught him in mid-air and drove him to the mat with a Chokeslam. The Hangman dumped him out of the ring. Nate DeMarcus has been eliminated by The Hangman.
  • This left Threepwood alone in the ring with two big monsters. The graduate of Shortridge High School (Indiana’s oldest public high school), saw that he was alone with the two massive men. He looked out at the crowd as if to ask for their help. They were there with him and started to root for him. Java got to his feet and he looked at Hangman and both men nodded a silent agreement.
  • They pounced, but Threepwood was quick to avoid and move to the other side of the ring. They pounced again and again Threepwood was able to use his quickness to dodge. Another nod from the two monsters. Hangman went right and Java went left, but instead of hitting Threepwood, Java rammed into Hangman and sent the six-foot-seven inch monster over the top rope to the floor. The Hangman was eliminated by Java.
  • With Java by the ropes, Threepwood grabbed him by the legs and dumped him up and over the top rope. Java was eliminated by Conner Threepwood.
  • The bell rang and Conner Threepwood was the CWI Champion!








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Prediction Results from New Year Scramble


  1. King Slender - 5/5
  2. MaiTyLer - 5/5
  3. CobheadJake - 5/5
  4. moafnsteel - 3/5
  5. Martel123 - 3/5
  6. smw88 - 3/5
  7. HugarLSU - 3/5
  8. Christmas_Ape - 3/5
  9. DeathZone2 - 2/5
  10. Jaded - 0/5


We had three people had perfect scores on this first show, so great job you three! My plan is to hopefully keep the predictions list updated so that every couple of shows we can do different prediction prizes.


Also, thank you for the great turn out! We had ten people predict on the first show! That's a great number and hopefully, you all will continue to turn out as we progress (and maybe we will add a few more along the way!)

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