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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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On 4/7/2024 at 12:04 PM, jcarmjn said:

Would posting a TEW2013 diary in this section be allowed? Or does it have to go in the 2013 section? I ask because I feel like if it does no-one will read it

Honestly do it. I don't think mods would/should disallow you. Nobody reads the forums from 13 anymore

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December 7, 2001
John Layfield Appointed CEO of WCW

After a brief period of uncertainty within the wrestling industry, WCW has made quite a few announcements over the past day or so regarding their future. In a surprising twist of events, part-time wrestler John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) was appointed CEO of the company today. He was officially inaugurated on Thursday evening in Atlanta after he signed his official contract with the board of directors at Turner Media. Reports indicate that JBL will not only run WCW, but will also work as head booker alongside Dusty Rhodes and Mike Graham, working together to figure out what direction the promotion should take.

Some critics in the industry have been skeptical of this decision, given JBL's background as just an in-ring performer, without any previous experience running anything of significance before taking up this role. Many insiders believe it would make more sense for someone like Eric Bischoff, who already held various positions within WCW such as Executive Vice President and General Manager during its tenure under Turner's ownership, to take charge instead. In addition, the first episode of World Championship Wrestling aired under JBL's direction has been criticized, with a Pro Wrestling Insider review calling it "awkward" and "uneven." It is unclear what kind of changes JBL will bring to WCW; some worry that this change may not be for the better, while others (including New York Times columnist Christopher Grazzi) are cautiously optimistic. Regardless, one thing remains certain: WCW's future rests firmly in its new CEO’s hands now.


~A mostly-watcher diary detailing the inner workings and news articles of a world gone stark raving stupid.~

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Posted (edited)

       December 21st, 1996

       Darien, Connecticut 


       The Connecticut mansion stood as a bastion of opulence amidst the wintry landscape, its grandeur illuminated by the soft glow of twinkling lights that adorned the façade. As we edge closer to the house we see snowflakes dancing lazily in the air. As we inch closer to this architectural evidence of supremacy, the sounds of laughter and revelry filled the halls.

Within the confines of this supreme mansion, the Christmas party was in full swing, guests mingling and exchanging pleasantries as they sipped on eggnog and savored festive treats. However, amidst the throng of people, Richard Eisen, a man of formidable stature both in business and in aura, found himself seeking respite from the festivities.

In the reading room, where the crackling fire cast a warm, inviting glow, Richard stood with a glass of eggnog in hand, his brow furrowed in discontent as he spoke with his son, Jerry. Richard was a man of stern demeanor, with a no-nonsense attitude. That no non-sense attitude has made him millions and more importantly to him made him the man at the top of the mountain. The only titan in this business.

"Jerry," Richard grumbled, his voice laced with determination as he took a sip of his eggnog, "I'll tell you one thing. That kid thinks he can waltz in here and take over our territory just because he has a few bucks to throw around. Well, he's got another thing coming. I'm going to crush him."

Jerry, a younger reflection of his father but with a keen eye for innovation, listened intently to his father's words. He understood the importance of staying ahead of the curve in their cutthroat industry, even if it meant challenging his father's traditional methods.

"Pops” Jerry said in a cool, nonchalant manner. He had seen this story play out many times before over the years. This reading room, this fire place, his father had lamented so many different times. When he was a child it was trying to push the remaining territories towards bankruptcy, when he got a little bit older and things got rough for their own business he remembers his dad taking Mr. Lamberti a nice dressed man with odd men in tracksuits into this room to talk business. Now it is JK Stallings a whiz kid billionaire. Jerry snapped out of the trip down memory lane to follow up “I understand your frustration," Jerry interjected his tone earnest as he leaned against the bookshelf, "but we can't afford to keep doing the same thing over and over again.”

Richard quickly cut him off with a growl “DAMMIT don’t tell me….” His tone softens. Its Christmas this is his boy. Jerry seeks just a moment of weakness in his father and continues to press him. “you said it in the 70s evolve or die” You took this from smoky bars in backrooms across America to arenas. You took two guys in black tights and 2 out of three fall matches to Mickey Starr and Sam Strong.  Competition forces us to evolve. Stallings might not be our typical opponent, but he's got a different approach, and it’s working."

Richard paused, his gaze shifting towards his son as he contemplated Jerry's words. He had always prided himself on his ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity, but perhaps it was time to consider a new approach.

"Damn, son," Richard conceded, a glimmer of begrudging respect in his eyes.  Richard sighed heavily, a sense of resignation settling over him as he realized the truth in his son's words. He had always envisioned passing on his wrestling empire to Jerry one day, but perhaps it was time to give him more than just a promise.

"You've always been a smart one, Jerry," Richard said his tone softer now, "and I've always told you that this empire would be yours someday. Maybe it's time you had more than just a seat at the table."

Jerry's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude, a sense of responsibility settling over him as he realized the weight of his father's words.

"All I'm asking for is a chance to be heard, to bring some fresh ideas to the table. If it really is a new generation, shouldn't that apply to our business too?"

Richard nodded a flicker of pride swelling within him as he looked upon his son. In that moment, father and son stood together, united in their resolve to embrace change and usher their wrestling empire into a new era.

As the fire crackled beside them, casting dancing shadows across the room, they knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. However, with each other by their side, they were ready to face whatever the future held, confident that their bond would see them through the trials that lay ahead.






Edited by Stennick
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In the fine tradition of this fine thread, I am here to shamelessly self-promote my latest show in the rather unique Russian Federation Of Wrestling. Follow this link to read our latest weird installment, which is full to the brim of literary nuggets such as this surprisingly sweet and tender moment, which I'm actually rather proud of... 


Scotty 2 Hotty, Rikishi and our nuclear-shirted, velveteen-jacketed interviewer Vlad ‘Party Tsar’ Radinov are hanging out, doing whatever the hell it is wrestlers do backstage during a show. They’re laughing and joking, but Rikishi looks very, very serious all of a sudden.

“I’m finished with being an in-ring competitor” said Rikishi to Scotty. “My knees are shot. It hurts to move around the ring. Plus I’m 58 years old now. I’m no spring chicken any more. It’s time to let someone else do the ass-kicking” said the big Samoan in a sad but determined tone of voice. 

“Are you sure?” asked Scotty. “It’s a big decision” added Vlad. “Yeah I’m sure, homie. Besides, I finished last week’s show with some dude’s whole head stuck up my ass. If that isn’t the universe telling me to stop, I don’t know what is.”

“Can’t argue with that ‘logic’ I guess” shrugged Radinov. “Don’t worry, Scotty, I still got your back. We started this wrestling adventure together – you, me and Brian Christopher, God rest his soul. And you’re gonna keep his memory living on, with me watching your back. I’ll be your bodyguard, your manager, your... whatever, homie.” Scotty doesn’t look happy. “I’m not sure, man. We’ve always been a team. Maybe it’s too late for me to go solo?” 

“Look, this is a whole new country – it could be a whole new opportunity for you – a whole new beginning. You never had chance to prove yourself as a singles competitor. But you deserve the spotlight to be on you, homie. This is your moment! This is your chance! You ain’t getting any younger either, it’s now or never!”

Rikishi gives his little buddy Scotty a supportive hug. ‘The Party Tsar’ joins in the hug too, because why the hell not. “I got your back, bud. You got this, trust me” says the now-retired Samoan as the scene fades to black. “Trust me.”



Follow this link to read more of this wholesome Russian goodness!




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  • 2 weeks later...

So I guess I have a preview and a question. long story short, I'm planning on doing a watcher game, but after (A) doing some minor changes, and (B) making the bulk of the diary trying to rationalize and contextualize random events and AI booking. I based alot of it on stuff you might find on the AlternativeHistory forums if anyone knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, the main content would be a series of different outlets from inside the game world (Articles, YouTube transcripts, Books written by characters, etc) and so I've been experimenting with the code and boxes and what not, so here is a brief, mostly big spoiler free preview:


War Stories Episode 17: David Ridge[1] (SWF Backstage/Creative Team, 1996-2004)
Transcript from the K-O SHOW TuneIn[2] Channel, Interview by Kyle Owens 


David returns to the couch in a jump cut

David Ridge

Sorry, always need my morning coffee *laughs*. Anyway, where was I?

Kyle Owens

You were talking about meeting Black Hat after graduating from Emmerson.

David Ridge

Oh yeah…well, it was more than a few months after graduating, Class of 95 Baby! *Clears throat* anyway, a few months in the early winter, I had gotten contacted by one of my professors. He was a real nice guy, always looking out for job opportunities. I had mentioned interest in writing for pro wrestling, which wasn’t looked too good upon by the more ’professional” writers, hehe. He had meet Black Hat after one of his former students had done work on a SWF commercial earlier in the decade, and we were introduced.

Kyle Owens

And so he offered you a job?

David Ridge

At that point, it was more like an apprenticeship, but I had thrown out some ideas, probably bad ones thinking back on it, but I think he liked my style, my willingness to go for the crazier ideas. Eisen (Richard) was looking for a more youthful flair as well, mix it in with the 30-40 somethings. Anyway, for the first year or so, I mostly just shadowed Black Hat in booking meetings, grabbed coffee, that sort of thing, until December.

Kyle Owens



[1] A fictional character (since its the C-verse with IRL references, is that make it a double fictional character?), they will be recurring through the diary, you may even recognize some names 

So the main question is how others feel it looks, the colors are not really important as different "outlets" would have different colors/backgrounds, but this one in particular I tried to emulate a script, so I kinda just wanted to see how others felt. The shows themselves may be in this format, just a bit more fleshed out. I'm also open to suggestions since I've never really messed with the code, so its very basic and any and all tips, dos or donts, are much appreciated.

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Posted (edited)

Up until a few weeks ago, it had been almost four years since I visited the forums and loaded up the game.  As hard as it was (due to lack of formatting), I reread the few short lived dynasties that I had.  I thought about continuing the most recent QAW one that was last updated in October 2020, but then after rereading my original AAA dynasty from 2010 and downloading and taking a look at BrokenCycle's CVERSE2010 Mod, I decided that I wanted to recreate and continue that original Dynasty.

I have a request in for Access to HTML for Dynasty posts and once that is approved, I will start a new thread.  In the meantime, I am getting things ready offline.  I am going to book the new dynasty as close to the original as possible until I get to where I left off and then continue from there.

Edit:  I lied.  I didn't look too closely at my test game and I noticed that USPW and NOTBPW sign away the Main stars of AAA pretty quickly, just like they did in 2013 and 2016 when I converted the 2010 database.  Instead of tweaking the DB or doing some things to stop that from happening, I decided to start fresh using a slightly modified version of Derek B's Cverse1997 to start AAA from the "almost" beginning.  I also messed around a bit and had the AI book from February - December 1996 so I could have a full history.  The only intervention I had was so Anne Stardust would win the Femme Fatale title in May and successfully defend it through the rest of the year.  Those quick results will be posted as well, but they do not change how the initial AAA roster is set in the DB.  The biggest change I made was removing the history of the tag team titles since the default data doesn't start them until 2002.  But I will be crowning the first champions in 1997.

Edited by pyroman
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As the sun rises, so do the sails of our boats against ever changing tides. Along this unprecedented journey we have seen many sights: roads paved in flame, canvases that glitter, engines fuelled by blood and distant lands where different ideals reign supreme. Our foundation is built on four unbreakable pillars:


Pride. Glory. Honor. Wrestling.

Like the ocean, the art of wrestling is in perpetual motion. In rare moments it exists in peace; times you may close your eyes and listen to the gentle lapping of waves cradled by the shore, feeling all in harmonious balance. Often it is a chaotic, unpredictable and unforgiving opponent with no pity for the broken bodies washing up in the surf. Yet it holds much in the way of discovery, mystery and beauty unrivalled. It is our desire to discover that pushes our oars through the waves. Our struggle towards an ideal beauty lifts our anchor from the bed of the sea as we go forth towards the endless horizon.

The destination is not promised. As long as we chart our course with Pride and Honor, we will live forever in Glory.



And so, PGHW sets sail once more on the Eternal Voyage.


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Help me decide a potential new save:

In addition to AWF, i'm tempted to start a real world save, and trying to decide between 2021 WWE, 2024 WWE (Both starting with RAW after Mania) or modern AEW. 2024 WWE is what i'm most familar with, but the other two present really interesting challenges with a less obvious plan of things moving forward.

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