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Yet Another Yet Another TEW Giveaway

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No particular order for me because honestly I don't know.


1. The Ultimate Warrior

2. Sting

The Ultimate Warrior and Sting were my 2 favorite wrestlers in the late 80's when I was a kid. I probably wouldn't be a fan of Warrior as an adult but as a kid I thought he was awesome. Sting on the other hand, I would still be a huge Sting fan.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin to me is everything a wrestler should be. Totally ass kicking, bad attitude, doesn't care about rocking the boat.

4. Goldberg

Probably not the greatest wrestler but it was really cool in my opinion to see dominant monster type wrestler being played as a face.

5. The Rock

The Rock character was awesome. Always entertaining to watch. Best smack talker ever in my opinion.

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In no particular order, and for their impact on my interest for wrestling rather than how good they were (even though they were all great :p ):


William Regal

Senza Volto

Eddie Guerrero




Edit: Forgot to add it because I'm an idiot, but thanks for doing a giveaway ! Even if I don't win, I hope we will all have fun and take care of yourselves everyone !

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Krvakforlife, you might be the only one who has Jinder Mahal on your top five out of every wrestler ever. Side note to Questlove, without the rules of needing to have an account for a certain time and a set number of posts. How do you prevent people from just making a bunch of new accounts and putting in multiple entries?
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