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Every time I positive meddle with two works likely to succeed it never works. My relationship frequency is set to high. Could this potentially be a bug or just really bad RNG?


Bad luck and I believe your user talents play a part, but the handbook isn't clear as to whether Diplomacy, Leadership, or Silver Tongue helps so I might be wrong on that. I usually use the sophie cheat to max out my user talents as I enjoy the game more that way.

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Bad luck and I believe your user talents play a part, but the handbook isn't clear as to whether Diplomacy, Leadership, or Silver Tongue helps so I might be wrong on that. I usually use the sophie cheat to max out my user talents as I enjoy the game more that way.


Dude I completely forgot about that code haha. Thanks for jogging my memory.

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For this one the answer is right there in the text. Cages, ladders, and overhead wires. For your other questions I'm not sure. You can edit matches though and look at the settings to see if it's ok or not.
So "like" cages refers to "only" cages? Cages are basic while tables are not? This needlessly opaque wording is so frustrating.
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So "like" cages refers to "only" cages? Cages are basic while tables are not? This needlessly opaque wording is so frustrating.


No, that is incorrect. Cages, tables, ladder, overhead wires, trapping items and strap / chain would all count as "basic" for that product description.

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I have some doubts about how to handle this situation.


I'm playing with ZEN and after almost one year and a half i was able to grow my popularity in New Zealand to 43 but the popularity of my major stars is stucked. Pumpkin Jack my most popular worker is 45 in New Zealand from the start of the game (it was 46 but he lost a match and now he is 45).


From the begging of the second year he didn't lose a single match and they all score way above his popularity, sure the angles he is involved with are not has good but they not even that bad. He has white hot momentum.


Sure, using a broadcaster with tiny coverage doesn't help, but i believe that doesn't impact the region where i'm doing my shows. Then, i was able to raise other workers popolarity in the early 40s without any problem.


All of this to say that i think the popularity doesn't raise because of the cap put in place by my size (Small).


Because my monthly shows are often above my pop enough to make my company grow, pretty soon i will have a pop so high that none of my workers will be a major stars anymore and i was wondering what kind of problem will this cause? It's hiring more popular workers the only possible solution?

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So I'm booking several shows in one night to cut down on costs and I'm wondering how pre-booking would work in this instance. If I pre-book all the matches and angles for all the shows, would I get a warning and penalty since I'm not featuring all those matches on one show?



I'm booking Impact Wrestling and doing 4 episodes in one shot. Now you cannot separate which Impact you are booking matches for, only that the match will take place on A Impact event. So will I get a penalty saying the crowd was expecting x vs y on tonight's show and was upset they didn't get it?


Thanks for the help in advance.

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Bad luck and I believe your user talents play a part, but the handbook isn't clear as to whether Diplomacy, Leadership, or Silver Tongue helps so I might be wrong on that. I usually use the sophie cheat to max out my user talents as I enjoy the game more that way.


What's the sophie cheat if I may ask?

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I have some doubts about how to handle this situation.


I'm playing with ZEN and after almost one year and a half i was able to grow my popularity in New Zealand to 43 but the popularity of my major stars is stucked. Pumpkin Jack my most popular worker is 45 in New Zealand from the start of the game (it was 46 but he lost a match and now he is 45).


From the begging of the second year he didn't lose a single match and they all score way above his popularity, sure the angles he is involved with are not has good but they not even that bad. He has white hot momentum.


Sure, using a broadcaster with tiny coverage doesn't help, but i believe that doesn't impact the region where i'm doing my shows. Then, i was able to raise other workers popolarity in the early 40s without any problem.


All of this to say that i think the popularity doesn't raise because of the cap put in place by my size (Small).


Because my monthly shows are often above my pop enough to make my company grow, pretty soon i will have a pop so high that none of my workers will be a major stars anymore and i was wondering what kind of problem will this cause? It's hiring more popular workers the only possible solution?


It's also entirely possible that your guys have maxed out their popularity caps. Pumpkin Jack may not be able to grow much more based off his SQ, etc... If you don't have major stars, your fans will complain that you didn't have enough major stars on your shows -- it can ding your scores and potential gains, etc..

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It's also entirely possible that your guys have maxed out their popularity caps. Pumpkin Jack may not be able to grow much more based off his SQ, etc... If you don't have major stars, your fans will complain that you didn't have enough major stars on your shows -- it can ding your scores and potential gains, etc..


Thank you. Yeah is going to be a pain to deal with :)

About what you said about the cap... still kinda convinced to be related to the size of my company, because all, now, 3 major stars are stuck and they have different stats. I mean, Damian Dastardly is in the same situation as Pumpkin Jack but he even has high charisma (77), high start quality (82) but still he is stuck at 43 for almost a year now.


(Now that i think about Jack started at 43 but jumped to 46 in the first month of the game, probably for something unrelated to what i did. It didn't happen only to him, a bunch of my other wrestlers gained 3 point in pop that month, and pretty sure all of them worked in an indipendent show.)


Oh well, i guess if i ever reach medium (i doubt it) i'll know. Anyway, thanks again.

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I upset my main eventer who now dislikes me and won't re-sign his contract. :D Is there anything I can do to make him like me again? I know I can just edit, but is there an in-game method that I can try? Or do I just need to live with the decisions I've made? I am okay with that if so.
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I upset my main eventer who now dislikes me and won't re-sign his contract. :D Is there anything I can do to make him like me again? I know I can just edit, but is there an in-game method that I can try? Or do I just need to live with the decisions I've made? I am okay with that if so.


Give them a bonus

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I upset my main eventer who now dislikes me and won't re-sign his contract. :D Is there anything I can do to make him like me again? I know I can just edit, but is there an in-game method that I can try? Or do I just need to live with the decisions I've made? I am okay with that if so.


If his contract is due up extremely soon, then that may have been a really bad decision and cash bonus is pretty much your only option. Only other thing I can think of is firing someone they don't like.


If you have at least a couple weeks to get the extension done you could also try hiring someone they like or maybe get them a big win or two.


If you have a lot of time then you can book your way into a better relationship, which is why contracts should often be a factor in your management decisions.

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So... I was screwing around with talking to workers and asked Jack Bruce to give it one more run and he ACTUALLY agreed. Now I kind of wanna hire him but I feel like I disrespected the lore of his epic retirement story. Also I'm TCW, does Jack Bruce really belong there?


Edit: so I see he actually was in TCW before SWF, cool okay now I don't feel as bad. Struggling a bit with creative ideas for him as I already have a ton of babyfaces.

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So... I was screwing around with talking to workers and asked Jack Bruce to give it one more run and he ACTUALLY agreed. Now I kind of wanna hire him but I feel like I disrespected the lore of his epic retirement story. Also I'm TCW, does Jack Bruce really belong there?


Edit: so I see he actually was in TCW before SWF, cool okay now I don't feel as bad. Struggling a bit with creative ideas for him as I already have a ton of babyfaces.

Bitter, jaded veteran run? The business has moved on, and things used to be better, and heck these kids today, they don't know anything. And so on. Also, what things affect the likelihood of you being successful in talking someone out of retirement? Is it just a roll of the dice?

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So... I was screwing around with talking to workers and asked Jack Bruce to give it one more run and he ACTUALLY agreed. Now I kind of wanna hire him but I feel like I disrespected the lore of his epic retirement story. Also I'm TCW, does Jack Bruce really belong there?


Edit: so I see he actually was in TCW before SWF, cool okay now I don't feel as bad. Struggling a bit with creative ideas for him as I already have a ton of babyfaces.


I talked him out of retirement in one of my saves too. I was playing as a created fed on "easy", so I wasn't able to sign him for a while, as he said I was too small for him.


Once I was able to get him, he was gold. Good enough in-ring, dynamite promos, and moved more merch than the rest of my roster combined lol. His merch sales pretty much covered his wages!

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So... I was screwing around with talking to workers and asked Jack Bruce to give it one more run and he ACTUALLY agreed. Now I kind of wanna hire him but I feel like I disrespected the lore of his epic retirement story. Also I'm TCW, does Jack Bruce really belong there?


Edit: so I see he actually was in TCW before SWF, cool okay now I don't feel as bad. Struggling a bit with creative ideas for him as I already have a ton of babyfaces.


Jack Bruce showing up in TCW like -


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I've finally taken a break from modding and decided to throw myself into a game. Started with a 0 pop custom women's fed in the USA and hire only unemployed and new workers. I am 3 years in and am on the cusp of growing from insignificant to tiny.


I've provided a "dirty doctor" backstage because with the number of new workers I employ (I have 24 workers on my roster and about 10 of them are rookies or have less than 2 years experience) so I figured that I -might- need the occasional painkiller. :D


So at any rate about 80% of the workers on my roster are now heavy steroid users. Is this a normal result of providing a dirty doctor? Is it something that's going to be toned down in a future patch? Or did I just get unlucky when my world was generated, and I got thrown into a universe of PED addicts?

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I've finally taken a break from modding and decided to throw myself into a game. Started with a 0 pop custom women's fed in the USA and hire only unemployed and new workers. I am 3 years in and am on the cusp of growing from insignificant to tiny.


I've provided a "dirty doctor" backstage because with the number of new workers I employ (I have 24 workers on my roster and about 10 of them are rookies or have less than 2 years experience) so I figured that I -might- need the occasional painkiller. :D


So at any rate about 80% of the workers on my roster are now heavy steroid users. Is this a normal result of providing a dirty doctor? Is it something that's going to be toned down in a future patch? Or did I just get unlucky when my world was generated, and I got thrown into a universe of PED addicts?


Dirty Dr does that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have 3 road agents in my current game that are all rated above 85 in psychology. Even in matches that are rated in the 40's-70's I am getting a warning that my road agent work has hurt the match? Is there something I should be looking for with that?
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I have 3 road agents in my current game that are all rated above 85 in psychology. Even in matches that are rated in the 40's-70's I am getting a warning that my road agent work has hurt the match? Is there something I should be looking for with that?


What are their Respect and Experience stats like? Road Agenting isn't all psychology. I think those are the other two important ones.

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