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Mitsuharu Misawa was a draw whether he was holding a belt or not.


He may well have been but he also held an awful lot of belts for an awful lot of the time. He still has more defences and (considerably) more days as Triple Crown Champion then anyone else, from first winning the title (August 22, 1992) to him leaving AJPW (July 20, 2000) he held the title for 1,799 days out of 2,889 (around 63% of the time) and that's without touching on his six reigns and nearly 900 days as world tag champion or the lesser titles he won there. He may not have held the belt quite so dominantly in NOAH but he still had three world title reigns totalling over 700 days and just under 400 days as tag champion.


Just to put some perspective on that, from him first winning the world title in AJPW to his tragic death, Misawa held a world title in either AJPW or NOAH for 2,509 out of 6,139 days... that's over 40% of the time... and while there's some crossover between his world and tag title reigns for some of the time when he wasn't world champion he was a tag champion. Just to give a quick comparison, from John Cena's first world title win to him stopping being a full time wrestler (Greatest Royal Rumble, 2018) he held one of the world titles in WWE for 1,392 out of 4,772 days... just under 30% of the time.


Honestly, Misawa's probably one of the worst examples of someone not needing a belt to be a draw because while I'd argue it's probably true, the truth that can't be argued against is that from the moment he first won a world title companies kept putting belts on him and keeping them on him. I'd also note that his last reign in NOAH was pretty explicitly done because he wasn't enough of a draw without the belt; the fans NOAH were getting didn't want to simply see Misawa on the show while Marufuji held the title, they wanted to see Misawa with the title.

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You're missing the forest for the trees.


You're going on and on about how many times and how long Misawa held titles, ignoring the fact that my primary point was that when he didn't have the top title (you know, the other 50+% of the time), he didn't immediately fall down the card. Why? Because he was still a draw. Compare that to someone like Jinder Mahal or sadly, Kofi Kingston and Finn Balor. My mistake was in choosing someone from a wrestling culture that is so markedly different from the US.

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Misawa may not have fallen down the card when not champion but, at least during his time with NOAH, ratings and attendance did which is why he gave himself that long reign for all of 2007. Misawa with the belt was a draw, Misawa without the belt and competing in the penultimate bout while someone else held the belt wasn't anywhere near as big of one, which is why ratings and attendance shot back up when he regained it. Misawa appeared on pretty much all the shows during Marufuji's infamously unsuccessful GHC reign, his matches even occasionally headlined tour shows above Marufuji's, but it was still infamously unsuccessful with nosediving ratings and attendances... ratings and attendances that almost immediately picked up when Misawa put the belt back on himself.


As I said previously, I'd probably argue that Misawa was still a draw even without the belt... God knows how bad NOAH's ratings and attendance would have been if he hadn't appeared at all during that period. But what can't be argued against is that he was a vastly bigger one with the belt compared to without it. The fact that he had so many title reigns and held them for so long supports that; despite all the talent around him, the decision was still made to keep the belt on him for so long.

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You're missing the forest for the trees.


You're going on and on about how many times and how long Misawa held titles, ignoring the fact that my primary point was that when he didn't have the top title (you know, the other 50+% of the time), he didn't immediately fall down the card. Why? Because he was still a draw. Compare that to someone like Jinder Mahal or sadly, Kofi Kingston and Finn Balor. My mistake was in choosing someone from a wrestling culture that is so markedly different from the US.


I think the major problem is that the WWE don't have any stars anymore. Brock is arguable, but I think when you look at the ever trending downward viewership numbers you'll see the cold hard truth. Everyone is slotted, and expected to be a mid-card jabronio, they job for Stephanie McMahon quarterly, they do embarrassing angles, and they're just happy to be there. Nobody left in that company knows how to treat a star, how to protect a star, or how to nurture the ember into a flame. They just throw soot on it until it goes out. It's sad, it's depressing but that's just reality. The reason why Kofi got shuffled back into the mid card? Because he is one.


This is why I hate most real-world mods because they give all their favorites like 95 overness and it ruins the game. If we were doing it for real. WWE should be a National company, with overness around 80 and nobody on the roster should have an overness of 50 that's on a full-time deal. It should be absolutely impossible to get a break-even grade without spamming Austin, Vince, and Brock. And even that would have a shelf life. Belts can make stars, they can be worthless trickets passed around out of tradition. Stars are stars. And NA right now doesn't have any. So that's why you had to go to Japan.

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<p>Quick editor question</p><p> </p><p>

Not sure if editor questions belong here or not. </p><p> </p><p>

When I'm adding or editing a title and want to make it an annual competition, an option to have the title retained after victory is eligible. </p><p> </p><p>

My question is that is this like, for example, Money in the Bank where they carry the "title" around and even defend it? </p><p> </p><p>


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Anyone know how to stop bookers being replaced within a week on a mod? Tried a few things but doesn't seem to be working.


My guess would be something to do with low booking skill and/or booking reputation - maybe try raising one or both of those and seeing if it still happens?

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Angle Segment Time


Just wanted to float this out their, but how in the hell are you suppose to get a good rating on an angle segment if you buy 5 minutes on a segment and they say it’s to short then you make it 6 minutes and it becomes to long. There is no in between for the angle segment minutes. Has anybody figured it out or is it just going to be that damn way for the whole game.

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Not sure if editor questions belong here or not.


When I'm adding or editing a title and want to make it an annual competition, an option to have the title retained after victory is eligible.


My question is that is this like, for example, Money in the Bank where they carry the "title" around and even defend it?




Not really. This is like if you have a tournament title and if someone wins it two years in a row you want it to be considered one reign, instead of a separate name on the list.

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Just wanted to float this out their, but how in the hell are you suppose to get a good rating on an angle segment if you buy 5 minutes on a segment and they say it’s to short then you make it 6 minutes and it becomes to long. There is no in between for the angle segment minutes. Has anybody figured it out or is it just going to be that damn way for the whole game.


which product are you using?

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Not sure if editor questions belong here or not.


When I'm adding or editing a title and want to make it an annual competition, an option to have the title retained after victory is eligible.


My question is that is this like, for example, Money in the Bank where they carry the "title" around and even defend it?




Yes, anything that would be carried around like a title and "defended" after the tournament win would make sense here.


MiTB or something like the Young Lions Cup in CHIKARA are good examples.

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Not sure if editor questions belong here or not.


When I'm adding or editing a title and want to make it an annual competition, an option to have the title retained after victory is eligible.


My question is that is this like, for example, Money in the Bank where they carry the "title" around and even defend it?




Yeah, your example is spot on. It's a title where, once the worker has won it, they can 'defend' it during the year (MitB/Young Lion's Cup style). If you want a Cverse example, EMLL's Ring of Destiny.


As opposed to something like the Royal Rumble or King of the Ring, which are just events that happen once a year, someone wins them and that's pretty much it (they usually leverage it into a title shot or something, but it's not necessarily a "title"). They might get a trophy, but it's essentially never seen again until next year.


Edit: Yeah, what southside_hitmen said. ¬_¬ For some reason that didn't show up when I posted.

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Just want a refresher on this. How is show rating calculated? Is it 70% of main, 20% of semi-main and 10% of the match before?


Does it change based on your product and how much skill/over is weighted?

There's a few different ways it can be calculated in 2020 (like your angle rating). Go to your product screen and have a look. Click on the ? in the top right for a description of each type.

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hi everyone, I wanted to know if we hire someone from another area that have 0 popularity in our region, and we give them a manager that have high popularity, will it help in some ways? Also, does the manager popularity give a boost to the match's overall popularity or only the wrestlers does? thanks guys this would help me a lot in my current game!
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A question re: improving skills - do all skills improve with use? Like, would a person with great mic skills but 0-45 in announcing potentially become a great announcer if you put them in the role and let them gain experience? Likewise with colour commentary, booking skill and business skill.
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A question re: improving skills - do all skills improve with use? Like, would a person with great mic skills but 0-45 in announcing potentially become a great announcer if you put them in the role and let them gain experience? Likewise with colour commentary, booking skill and business skill.


If you have them assigned the announcer/color commentator role, they can gain skill, but since they start at 0, they'd need to be very lucky with their potential role to get good at it.

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hi everyone, I wanted to know if we hire someone from another area that have 0 popularity in our region, and we give them a manager that have high popularity, will it help in some ways? Also, does the manager popularity give a boost to the match's overall popularity or only the wrestlers does? thanks guys this would help me a lot in my current game!


The manager will help get them over if you pair them together in angles where the manager is driving it at the beginning.


For matches, the manager won't add to the rating really themselves, but if you get a good chemistry note, it would help boost the match level (thus getting the worker over faster) so they could help indirectly.

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