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Public Beta Reaction Thread

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Regarding Push versus Perception, try starting your own promotion and pre-booking or even planning your first card. In 2016, you'd set the pushes and could probably sketch out plans for your card based on that. In 2020, you have to take an educated guess, based on the stats, where everyone will fall in terms of Perception, because you won't have anything concrete until the night of the show.
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Vacated child company titles


I think when you bring a championship up to the parent company it shouldn't vacate the title instead it should automatically bring the champion up to the parent company with it incase you wanted to defend the child company's belt with the same champion (Example NXT Women's title at this years WrestleMania). I just think its dumb because then you would have to give the champion another reign with the belt that you might not have wanted. it also looks dumb if it says the persons name twice as if he beat himself or something.so I don't know if this is something that can change but I hope so cause its kind of frustrating.

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Was reading the manual and read 'Your Office > Creative' section. Damn, Adam, tell us how you really feel.
LOL goddamn. He's absolutely right though, that's easily one of the most aggravating things I read people doing on here all the time.




Thanks to Kam's skin I was able to finally play the game for a while. Most of the issues have been covered extensively but some that are really bothering me...


  • The lack of colorful grade graphics are especially felt with match + show ratings. Condensing so much in this game to straight up text and numbers has dulled the impact significantly of getting high ratings. I somehow scored an 85 match between career midcarders: if this was 2016 the giant green 85 would've leap off the screen; in 2020 I shrugged and it felt oddly empty.


  • Not being able to use the arrow keys or mouse wheel while scrolling through worker pics is torture.


  • Having 4 worker slots when viewing an old match is a really odd choice. A regular 1 vs. 1 match will always have 2 empty slots with the promotion logo, shoving the actual competitors all the way to the left. It makes it look like the layout isn't finished on that screen.


  • I might be in the minority but I am not a fan of having to input stats manually instead of the slider. It'll sound trivial but the sliders always helped me visualize things better and made it feel less like robotically punching numbers into a spreadsheet...

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I played for few in-game weeks.

And I find the game more complicated than TEW 16.


I downloaded a real world mod from TEW 16 I converted.

I was playing with AEW and I wasn't successful to book a match above the 50 rating. So I wonder if my product (Wrestling Nerd Nirvana) is matching my booking?

Usually I like a product close to Sports Entertainment (TV ratio 70/30, Events 80/20).

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Regarding Push versus Perception, try starting your own promotion and pre-booking or even planning your first card. In 2016, you'd set the pushes and could probably sketch out plans for your card based on that. In 2020, you have to take an educated guess, based on the stats, where everyone will fall in terms of Perception, because you won't have anything concrete until the night of the show.


I think that’s the rub for me. This just feels like a lack of functionality from 16 to 20. I’m okay with making an educated guess, but the info is not presented in a user friendly way. I’m already making an educated guess based on auto-pushing, because who knows if certain workers are gonna work out. Now I don’t even have that.


It’s not a big deal, it’s not like 2020 coming out destroys existing copies of 2016! Even if it’s not core to everyone else’s gameplay, it was at least a a quality of life feature that’s missing an it’s kind of a bummer.

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This is a beta test. The game will be more polished as updates come out. I'm not going to buy it right now but once I hear that the major issues (mainly the quality of life stuff involving being able to use the keyboard more ... and being able to adjust autobooker angle times so that they aren't all 15 minutes by default) are updated I will be very excited to hand over my money.


Super late on this reply but thanks for backing me up, I was not in a good mood at all when trying to explain my point and that really doesn't look good on anyone. Apologies to him, I was agreeing with most points until I was told I don't know anything about how a developer I've been buying from and following for about 15 years without a change in command runs his business model. It doesn't matter what a consumer is used to, if a developer calls it a public beta then it's a public beta. Doesn't matter if it was six months ago or this week, this is the information collected that Adam will use to perfect the gold release. Just because this is a trial does not mean that this will be how the final product looks after patches to come over the next few weeks, which in turn also updates the trial client. He had called the current version of the trial a "faux beta" when in fact, the public beta would be a faux trial under definitions. The whole idea of the trial is merely copywrite protection for people to sample the game after the public beta is over, the word trial doesn't make it what the AAA+ even AA+ community call a trial. It's more so nobody has to go back and re-edit all the wording of the website next week after they go gold I think? As it says Public Beta on the client itself where it would usually say Trial post-release. The game is going to be (and has already) changed and Adam wants our critique, hence this thread.


It's not like this was kickstarted, Adam builds these games while using proceeds from last years' release to fund his expenses and once loyal customers who want the independent product as early as possible when it comes to a running build drop their dollar, he continues on working for months before the patches slow. Sorry for the rant lol, things just aren't always so cut and dry. Have patience, friends! GDS have always written their annual key gameplay mechanic coding first and then rushed the UI in time for release, gone back and fixed the errors and then finished what complaints are left. We were all begging for this to be released during Corona season, we haven't even got it yet and we're acting spoiled. Including me! I'm not innocent at all, however there is a certain way to go about public beta critique without being an asshole you know? There's a reason this is the only true game of it's kind to stand the test of time and that's because of the way this multiple patch roll-out works. It's not like the majority of us are downloading this on Steam as a pre-release blindly only for a developer to just go quiet, we've been reading and following the live updates and have a clear inside scoop of the making of these games and what the priorities are and when. I'll be dropping my money next week just to support the developer despite having issues with the UI because Adam would be stupid not to make an effort to please. A big percentage of people find this game via online and real life word of mouth and not from advertisements so he loses a lot of money if he gets lazy now.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I'm wrong on any of this, this is just my understanding as someone who has purchased a handful of previous GDS releases on day #1 in the past. Forum members have always seemed to have empathy and understanding for Adams' position in creating such a niche genre of game set in another niche that is wrestling. Things seemed to of calmed down again now and I'm sorry again if this escalates it further.

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Why is it so hard to search and filter for workers? It's much more work to manually submit values compared to just searching for "good" or "decent" workers.


Plus a lot of people say "just give the UI time". I'm sorry but this: ybyLjHB.png isn't going to look good after a few hours staring at it.

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I have played every single version of this game since launch, have made a few pretty successful mods and I'm baffled by how complicated it's become. It's forgotten it's a game. I can't believe how many things I have to click now to book a card myself? I can't even figure out how to release someone. Back to 2016..
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I have played every single version of this game since launch, have made a few pretty successful mods and I'm baffled by how complicated it's become. It's forgotten it's a game. I can't believe how many things I have to click now to book a card myself? I can't even figure out how to release someone. Back to 2016..


To release someone click on arrows to left or right of popularity and it’ll bring up their contract with a release option. Def not intuitive!

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I think Adam should move the release date to late May/whenever because this game isn't finished.


I have ADHD, and this game hurts to play. It feels like no effort went into organizing or optimizing screens at all. Every aspect of the UI is awful, numbers and text use ridiculously garish colors for no reason, values that were already needlessly large (what does 67 Aerial mean compared to 68 Aerial?) are now even larger and less intuitive thanks to them being sometimes displayed in ranges rather than an absolute value or, God forbid, a grade. Even when they are absolute values, the color coding system is painful and barely readable, because it doesn't use nice modern desaturated colors. It's actually harder for me to compare grades because of the extra mental load of the bright colors on top of numbers. It reminds me of old school Dwarf Fortress and I don't mean that as a compliment.


Random text flourishes sidle amidst the ballroom of cluttered information, serving no purpose other than to dance warmth into the cold abyss.

"Does not currently hold any titles or positions of power." Great! Who cares!

"Has been with the company 6 years" A brilliant haiku of refuse placed atop the rabble's desired information, I say.


I learned how to fly an A-10 and at no point did I have to contend with 40 buttons on a single panel like there is in the Office section of the game. They aren't even ordered by function. Top 100s right next to Owner Goals? Why not?


As some people worried, the new product system is mystical and esoteric while also being restrictive and punishing for those who are not blessed with the knowledge of its wants and needs (you know, most players). I have more to say but this is tiring and I'm gonna take a break. Maybe I'll post other stuff later. Yes, there are improvements here and there but this is ridiculously not up to par, and I've played Football Manager. *shiver*

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I think Adam should move the release date to late May/whenever because this game isn't finished.


I have ADHD, and this game hurts to play. It feels like no effort went into organizing or optimizing screens at all. Every aspect of the UI is awful, numbers and text use ridiculously garish colors for no reason, values that were already needlessly large (what does 67 Aerial mean compared to 68 Aerial?) are now even larger and less intuitive thanks to them being sometimes displayed in ranges rather than an absolute value or, God forbid, a grade. Even when they are absolute values, the color coding system is painful and barely readable, because it doesn't use nice modern desaturated colors. It's actually harder for me to compare grades because of the extra mental load of the bright colors on top of numbers. It reminds me of old school Dwarf Fortress and I don't mean that as a compliment.


Random text flourishes sidle amidst the ballroom of cluttered information, serving no purpose other than to dance warmth into the cold abyss.

"Does not currently hold any titles or positions of power." Great! Who cares!

"Has been with the company 6 years" A brilliant haiku of refuse placed atop the rabble's desired information, I say.


I learned how to fly an A-10 and at no point did I have to contend with 40 buttons on a single panel like there is in the Office section of the game. They aren't even ordered by function. Top 100s right next to Owner Goals? Why not?


As some people worried, the new product system is mystical and esoteric while also being restrictive and punishing for those who are not blessed with the knowledge of its wants and needs (you know, most players). I have more to say but this is tiring and I'm gonna take a break. Maybe I'll post other stuff later. Yes, there are improvements here and there but this is ridiculously not up to par, and I've played Football Manager. *shiver*


I agree. He'll make a lot more money and his reputation won't drop but actually increase if this manages to get smoothed over. Maybe someone make a friendly petition for people to sign? Not sure if that is considered offensive outside of New Zealand or not lol

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#33: Moving into 2020


I've been putting a ton of work into the database over the past week-and-a-bit, so things are moving at quite a pace - over half of the US scene is now finished. As I'll be working over most of Christmas that means I hope to have North America complete before the end of 2019 and can put that in for full testing.


As I won't be working on anything else in the meantime, this will be the last journal entry for the year. To cap off the year, I'll end with a quick summary of where the project is currently at.


- We're still looking for the release date to be around April; things are progressing very well and so I'm currently very confident that we'll be hitting that projected date.


- Almost all the coding is complete, there's just a few minor bits and pieces to tidy up and the user-suggested products and attributes to add in.


- About 60 to 70% of the interface graphics are done.


- Testing continues to go well and the testers are all giving extremely positive feedback. Based on their reactions and my own play tests, I don't think there's any doubt that the game is light years ahead of TEW2016 and will be very well received.


So, all in all, everything is super positive right now.


From everyone here at GDS, we hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to having TEW2020 for you to play with in just a few months.



Well, this journal entry makes a lot more sense now. :rolleyes:

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It is hard to really rate the game yet, because we are in Beta, but this is a Beta reaction thread, so here we go.


A lot about the new game is clearly improved. It is more streamlined, there is way less clicking involved and there is a lot of additions and features. Also, i think this game is probably easier for newer / passive members to understand (not play, i said understand). I like how the gimmicks work now, it is much faster to choose and create one. There is a lot of information on each page. I think that eventually this game will be a better version of TEW and i say that because this game has more options, features and it is by far more detailed.


However In the current state, i cannot say that it is a better game than TEW 2016, it is simply a different version of TEW which has more bugs and has way more restrictions. Once Adam fixes the bugs, it will probably be a better gaming experience, but i sure hope Adam spends time to add things to the game as well or at least give us some of the features we used to have before, because there are things removed from the game that made the previous game better.


What i do not like about TEW 2020 is that is went away from it's roots. TEW 2016 was awesome because you could play the game however you wanted. You could create the product however you wanted and push workers however you wanted. In this game, you have fixed pushes and products. I also do not understand why certain things were removed (such as Dojo worker specifications, worker decline from creative).


One other major issues is that booking a card now is WAY more difficult. Due to all the restrictions of the product (which you cannot edit because editing the product is not possible), it becomes a major chore to book a card without having terrible or below par ratings. It should not be so difficult.


For me, if the auto-booker gets fixed, i will still buy TEW 2020. Currently this is a major drawback to me. The auto-booker currently books all the cards as if the game is TEW 2016, the problem is that TEW 2020 the booking has much more restrictions and the auto-booker does not do a good job in interpreting those restrictions.


So, we need to get some things back from 2016, simplify with booking, sort out the auto-booker and we will be fine. I doubt Adam will be able to do this in the next week, so Beta will likely be way into late May / early June.

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Well, this journal entry makes a lot more sense now. :rolleyes:


Just who was testing this? I think there's another journal entry where all the testers loved the new UI and said they couldn't go back. Did Ryland just grab a bunch of sycophants who'd tell him everything was great no matter what?

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There is one other thing i noticed. My eyes hurt when playing the game, i did not have this in TEW 2016. Especially if i am playing for a couple of hours.


I am not sure why, maybe this is due to the data on one screen or because the text is small? Does anyone else have this issue?


I was having that issue and downloaded the Eye Sear Reduction skin which has helped significantly.



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There is one other thing i noticed. My eyes hurt when playing the game, i did not have this in TEW 2016. Especially if i am playing for a couple of hours.


I am not sure why, maybe this is due to the data on one screen or because the text is small? Does anyone else have this issue?


I'm hoping it was just a technical rendering error due to the bigger resolution. Perhaps Adam is using a specialty sized monitor for development and wasn't even aware due to lack of closed beta complaints. I'm sure he will let us know in time.

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(My english won't be perfect)


First thanks for your hard work, I think this is defenitely not something easy to do.


But heres my first thoughts


What happened? I mean, i don't want to be negative about someone trying to do this kind of work because of course it's hard work, but when i heard you were doing some graphics (revive?Power up?) I was not expecting something this looks so old. I feel the game took a step back. How can this take 4 years, while Football manager is so intuitive and released every year? Okay probably that this is not the same budgets or people working on, but still.


I first tried to edit the database (i won't talk about scrolling and keyboards because i found that theres an option to turn it on) But what a mess. It makes me really uncomfortable. I feel like you tried to make people less clicking, but it result as total chaos, just in the editor. Why just erase good features like this? You could have just reogarnised the editor data like the desk when your on a 2016 games like promotions, external...


I then jumped to a game (with no pics because i couldnt figure how you the new pics folder can be change). So i went to options and why did you just remove all the "?" that gived informations about what you tick?


This is so messed up when you see all the features, i was thinking to some of the buttons animate or something, but we now have to go on every button and wait like 2sec to check what this image means. Too many buttons on too many places..I don't get it as the others said.


I'm still trying to find how i fire someone. I took a Ruthless Agression mod, and i know for sure Austin is not a wrestler, but i don't find anything mentionning what the heck is he on my roster.


I'm sorry, i always support theses games, but come on, 34$ for this. I'm sorry i will stay on the 2016, I cannot believe this took 4 years and going to be released in five days for 34$.


I will keep checking if changes are made, but for the first time i'm sorry to be a bit rude, and say that i'm really disappointed of it.

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Yeah, I really don't care how he feels about how people played his game if they paid for it. He had basically already lost my $35 prior to reading that, it's guaranteed now.


Seems a bit inappropriate doesn't it? There's a few new features, like products, that make it seem like it's "this is my game, you play it how I think it should be played" and that entry seems to point that way. I can tell you I always stopped pushing people in decline but because I enjoyed doing that, it kept my rosters fresh if I gave myself the rule of having to stop pushing guys in decline, sorry if that offends the person I gave money to to play his game lol.



It almost feels like this game is about stopping people having fun and it's time to start doing things properly lol

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Updated skins help but don't solve the bigger issue of the spatial allocations on the main screens.

On the roster page, I don't really get why there's such a big space between the stats and their corresponding values. Same with the popularity table. There's so much information on one page, but there's enormous slabs of wasted real estate. Stats and pop are the most important things for us to see on a worker, but it's partly hidden in favour of... blank space.


EDIT: Second point removed as I was looking in the wrong place. Thankyou Teemu, appreciated.

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Updated skins help but don't solve the bigger issue of the spatial allocations on the main screens.

On the roster page, I don't really get why there's such a big space between the stats and their corresponding values. Same with the popularity table. There's so much information on one page, but there's enormous slabs of wasted real estate. Stats and pop are the most important things for us to see on a worker, but it's partly hidden in favour of... blank space.


Also, maybe it's just me but what is the rationale for removing/limiting the information we have available to us in the in-game editor? Contracts are completely gone from 16. Weird exclusion for fantasy bookers. What am I missing here?

Hmm, you can edit contracts in 2020. You may have clicked on a non-written contract? You can't edit people's game or in-ring status, however. That's a bummer. You can't put a worker out of business, or bring them back from out of business, etc. Currently, it's an unfortunate deal breaker for me, which I hope can be changed.

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I believe Adam should honestly take a User Interface course on Udemy or somewhere similar.


Nobody does static UI anymore for consumer grade applications if it's not intentionally designed to be so, not for the last 10 years at least.

Creating static UI from full-page .png you created in Photoshop/GIMP is even worse.

There is not even a tutorial online anymore that goes about creating WPF applications without using Grid Controls and WPF panels. I think every programmer should be open-minded and keep learning about new standards and technologies, considering how fast the whole industry moves forward. You cannot keep doing stuff how you were taught in early 2000's and expect people to consider it useable in 2020, the design practices have simply long moved forward.

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