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I actually would have still paid the $35 for the game in its current state to have the full version on Thursday. I wouldn’t mind paying for early access as I’m confident Adam would continue rolling the patches out. But I understand that a lot of people would frown at him releasing an unfinished game so I respect the decision.
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I actually would have still paid the $35 for the game in its current state to have the full version on Thursday. I wouldn’t mind paying for early access as I’m confident Adam would continue rolling the patches out. But I understand that a lot of people would frown at him releasing an unfinished game so I respect the decision.


agreed. holler at it, adam, pm me if you need extra snacks this week, 35 dollars worth

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So much of the criticism of not being "able" to book certain matches I honestly feel comes down to people overestimating what constitutes a segment being "penalised".


Well, unless I've missed it, it's because we have to estimate. Is there an explanation somewhere as to the size of the penalties?

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I’m in the same boat. There is soooo much I like about the game (hello stables being used!). The inability to customize products is a dealbreaker for me.


As wonderful as all the new features are, the inability to create/tweak my own products is not a trade off I’m willing to make. It would be like not being able to edit workers, add match types, etc...


This game has always been awesome because you can CREATE the wrestling world the way you want it to be. I don’t feel like I can create the game world I want without this, and the feedback loop of weeks for a product to “get in” (if it’s deemed “necessary”) is honestly sucking all of the fun out of the other wonderful features of the game for me.


It’s a hill I’m willing to die on as well.


Hopefully we'll only have to chill out on this hill for a little bit and not die there, but yeah. It hasn't got an awful lot of attention yet because it's too early but I'm very quickly realizing the new game is incredibly tough on RW mods and the lack of products are the number one offender, swiftly followed by the complete removal of area setup.


The new system is great if you're making it up as you go along but if you're looking for accuracy? Good luck.

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My laptop is a Surface Book that runs at 3000x2000 with I think 150% scaling. Desktop is a 35" ultrawide monitor running on 2560x1080. The text is too small on both, but it's not as bad on the desktop, I guess because of the much larger monitor.


Correction: I'm at 200% scaling on the laptop.

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I may have missed the workaround for this but for some with a huge chunk of text such as the ratings and audience when viewing show results on the main screen, some of the information gets cut off and there is no arrow to scroll down and see the rest.
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Hopefully we'll only have to chill out on this hill for a little bit and not die there, but yeah. It hasn't got an awful lot of attention yet because it's too early but I'm very quickly realizing the new game is incredibly tough on RW mods and the lack of products are the number one offender, swiftly followed by the complete removal of area setup.




*checks in the database editor*


Holy hell...I didn't even think to, well...think that the area setup would be completely removed.


Why? Just...why?


I just came back to this topic to kinda jokingly suggest a modification "Other TV Shows" in the default database because the Stanley Cup Finals does indeed have something of an impact on US viewership and because this baseball fan is baffled by the complete lack of MLB's World Series there. But now I'm actually miffed.


Why would the area setup be removed? Maybe it's in another menu item...


*checks again*


Nope. Not there. And, hell...the entire Game World part of the database has been removed.


The only thing that's still kinda sorta there is industry trends (within "Eras") but its another example of user specified fine tuning options being removed for canned choices.

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Hopefully we'll only have to chill out on this hill for a little bit and not die there, but yeah. It hasn't got an awful lot of attention yet because it's too early but I'm very quickly realizing the new game is incredibly tough on RW mods and the lack of products are the number one offender, swiftly followed by the complete removal of area setup.


The new system is great if you're making it up as you go along but if you're looking for accuracy? Good luck.


I 100 percent agree with this statement because realistically speaking, accuracy is the number one thing for me when playing a real world mod. I hope we get these features back.

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I actually would have still paid the $35 for the game in its current state to have the full version on Thursday. I wouldn’t mind paying for early access as I’m confident Adam would continue rolling the patches out. But I understand that a lot of people would frown at him releasing an unfinished game so I respect the decision.


agreed, I still would of bought first minute out and just went with the punches and download the patches as they come. However, I respect not pulling a 2k and releasing WWE 2k20 the way it was

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*checks in the database editor*


Holy hell...I didn't even think to, well...think that the area setup would be completely removed.


Why? Just...why?


I just came back to this topic to kinda jokingly suggest a modification "Other TV Shows" in the default database because the Stanley Cup Finals does indeed have something of an impact on US viewership and because this baseball fan is baffled by the complete lack of MLB's World Series there. But now I'm actually miffed.


Why would the area setup be removed? Maybe it's in another menu item...


*checks again*


Nope. Not there. And, hell...the entire Game World part of the database has been removed.


The only thing that's still kinda sorta there is industry trends (within "Eras") but its another example of user specified fine tuning options being removed for canned choices.

Area setup is still 100% there tho, Game World is gone

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We have the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." for a reason. Your first reaction isn't unimportant, but it shouldn't be most important either.


But it seems unlikely that you and I would come to an agreement on what works well as I never made peace with 2016 and gave it up. 2020 has been, so far for me, a major improvement. Adam made it significantly better. If it looked like 2016, it would probably be a hard pass for me.


This, of course, is the fundamental problem with anything. People want and need different things. I've spent way too many hours playing WMMA5 recently. That TEW2020 is in many ways a spiritual successor of WMMA5 is probably why I like it so much.


There is another expression, "you only have one chance to make a first impression."

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Im trying out the demo for the first time. I like the attribute additions, seems more detailed before, but I think this all shouldve been added onto the tew 2016 template. The layout of the UI makes navigating a little intimidating, and the white grids hurt my eyes. Whatever, I placed in a new skin which helps things out a bit, but its a bit of a button overload. I think these points have already been echoed, so Ill just continue to dive in and get used to it. I dont know if the ui will garner new players as currently constituted. It was a bit intimating for me and ive been playing this game for a while.
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Not sure if this is a bug so I decided to pop this in here:


The default angles set the user up for failure. Right now running a post match beatdown will get the angle punished for nothing interesting happening because it's rated on Overness/Overness instead of Fighting/Selling.

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Not sure if this is a bug so I decided to pop this in here:


The default angles set the user up for failure. Right now running a post match beatdown will get the angle punished for nothing interesting happening because it's rated on Overness/Overness instead of Fighting/Selling.


Yeah, we were just discussing this elsewhere... a lot of the default angles don't seem to be set-up correctly with the new "rated as" selections considered, while others seem to have been fixed.

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I’m in the same boat. There is soooo much I like about the game (hello stables being used!). The inability to customize products is a dealbreaker for me.


As wonderful as all the new features are, the inability to create/tweak my own products is not a trade off I’m willing to make. It would be like not being able to edit workers, add match types, etc...


This game has always been awesome because you can CREATE the wrestling world the way you want it to be. I don’t feel like I can create the game world I want without this, and the feedback loop of weeks for a product to “get in” (if it’s deemed “necessary”) is honestly sucking all of the fun out of the other wonderful features of the game for me.


It’s a hill I’m willing to die on as well.


I love alot of the new features but I'm also on that hill. Playing Primarily RW mods not being able to customize / edit the product is a definitely a no go for me, hopefully something can be done because I dig pretty much everything else about this game.

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Area setup is still 100% there tho, Game World is gone


Where in the database editor?


The only thing that's close to it is now under "Eras", but the options available are dealing with generated worker types, habits, sexuality, etc. which were themselves a relatively minor part of the old Game World menu. And there's nothing there regarding starting area economy or industry level, worker loyalty, etc.

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With all due respect, I'm on the testing team.


I'm not, and never have been, a moderator of this board (or even a particularly active member). Before this week, I probably couldn't have told you who the moderators on this board even were.


In terms of being a collaborator, or part of Adam Ryland's "inner circle" - before he asked me to be part of this project, I'm not sure we'd ever exchanged more than a few words when we'd happened to be in the same thread on a forum.


From my understanding, I was asked to be part of the team for exactly the reasons you're suggesting - a combination of knowledge of wrestling, and insight into the mechanics of the game as displayed through my posts on here and elsewhere. As other people are pointing out how many past versions they've played in defence of their position, I will say now that I've been playing EW games since EW9000 twenty (!) years ago.



I can only speak for myself, but I assume a similar story lies behind other members of the testing team as well. And it's neither helpful nor pleasant to see multiple posters on this board crafting a narrative of the team as being nothing but yes men, or jumping to conclusions as to what the testing process entailed, then berating people based on that assumption.



If there are differences of opinion on quality from the testing team to some of the players, the majority will be just that - opinion. As someone, I believe Arlie, mentioned though, the testing team have necessarily had longer to see the new UI develop and longer to get used to it, rather than being "thrown in at the deep end" and having a lot of change presented to us all at once on release day.


That might indicate that, as I believe, the vast majority of issues people are having with the game are little more than the learning curve that will always be part and parcel of finding your way around an extremely complex game, or it may mean that many of us on the team have perhaps been too close to the project as it developed to recognise some issues that other users might have had with it. The truth perhaps lies somewhere in the middle, it's just a matter of which angle you're looking at it from.



Ultimately, though, I just really wanted to step in and object to the narrative that's forming of Adam Ryland having somehow surrounded himself with a testing team made up of nothing but close confidantes and yes men. It's a narrative that's neither true nor useful in moving forward, and does a disservice to many, many hours of work that have gone into the development of the game over the past two years or so - from the very early conceptual stages, right through to release.


It's nothing but jumping to unfounded conclusions and is in its way just as harmful and toxic a response as the flaming and overt name calling that reflected so badly on this forum over the past number of days.


Perception is important, the perception for many is and has been for a long time Adam surrounds himself with Yes men. I understand this is frustrating for Adam and his dev team but it's not unwarranted. Dating back to EWB some on the dev team have been dismissive and often passive aggressive / condescending when dealing with the paying public. To add to this most of the dev team are his long time circle, for years I've witnessed thousands of different members come and go, pleading to help with the development side and literally ignored.


You guys thinking you're not yes men I liken to Fox News hosts. I genuinely don't think you all tow the line out of some blind loyalty but you're clearly only in that team in the first place because you think a certain way, that way happens to be the Adam way which seems to only further his determination to push his version of a wrestling world upon us. I've not seen one new dev member added to that team that's disagreed with Adam or his outlook on wrestling in over 17 years of following the series. This is a serious issue and it's culminated in a demo that shows how out of touch with the community the series has become.


You call it a narrative, I prefer perception because many people think this is the case and for good reason. Many more instances I can cite that further show why many think this but I fear that will derail the point, happy to provide more if you like though.


Transparency is vital also, some insight into the dev process for example. As it stands these are the three scenarios that seem to have taken place but we've not been told so I'm guessing...


A) Testers saw things and told Adam but he ignored them (This is a major problem)

B) Testers saw things and didn't tell Adam (This is a major problem)

C) Testers didn't see things (This is a major problem)


Instead of owning it and raising your hands admitting to one of these three scenarios and addressing that major problem, a lot of the testers seem to be on the forums going on the attack in reply to an attack. This isn't healthy or smart practice, not for anyone and most importantly the game.


Maybe the entire development process needs rethinking.

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Unfortunately, that comes with the territory. Like, when Cyberpunk ships, there will be people who will complain that it doesn't run on their baked potato PCs and the testing team is a bunch of elitists because they run computers that didn't ship with Windows Vista installed. The day one patch will lead to moaning because "it should've been fixed already", despite the game being delayed FOUR TIMES. We've already been spoken to in preparation. People will pan you because you didn't have their specific interests in mind. The "incompetent QA" narrative is common. Wrong, but common. Just know that you did what was asked to the best of your ability. No team, no matter how large, is going to catch every bug in a piece of software. No team, no matter how large, is going to produce a feature set that appeals to everyone. But the ad hominems are par for the course.


This is such a stretch and awful comparison.


This is a more fair comparison in context of the point being raised....


Day one of Cyberpunk launch, devs refused to share any preview screens or footage for over a year of development. Game launches and the colours burn peoples retinas. People complain on forums about awful graphical design and are insulted and shouted down for "attacking devs personally".


Honestly this victim angle you guys seem to be reaching for is the opposite approach of what's needed right now. Own it, put your hand up and own the mistakes. Good game developers do.

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Perception is important, the perception for many is and has been for a long time Adam surrounds himself with Yes men. I understand this is frustrating for Adam and his dev team but it's not unwarranted. Dating back to EWB some on the dev team have been dismissive and often passive aggressive / condescending when dealing with the paying public. To add to this most of the dev team are his long time circle, for years I've witnessed thousands of different members come and go, pleading to help with the development side and literally ignored.


You guys thinking you're not yes men I liken to Fox News hosts. I genuinely don't think you all tow the line out of some blind loyalty but you're clearly only in that team in the first place because you think a certain way, that way happens to be the Adam way which seems to only further his determination to push his version of a wrestling world upon us. I've not seen one new dev member added to that team that's disagreed with Adam or his outlook on wrestling in over 17 years of following the series. This is a serious issue and it's culminated in a demo that shows how out of touch with the community the series has become.


You call it a narrative, I prefer perception because many people think this is the case and for good reason. Many more instances I can cite that further show why many think this but I fear that will derail the point, happy to provide more if you like though.


Transparency is vital also, some insight into the dev process for example. As it stands these are the three scenarios that seem to have taken place but we've not been told so I'm guessing...


A) Testers saw things and told Adam but he ignored them (This is a major problem)

B) Testers saw things and didn't tell Adam (This is a major problem)

C) Testers didn't see things (This is a major problem)


Instead of owning it and raising your hands admitting to one of these three scenarios and addressing that major problem, a lot of the testers seem to be on the forums going on the attack in reply to an attack. This isn't healthy or smart practice, not for anyone and most importantly the game.


Maybe the entire development process needs rethinking.


Love this. Honestly I just wish all of them would could forward and truly say what happened.


Then Adam should redo the whole testing test and get people from the board not just his friends. 1000% agree with u

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Hello all! The conversation has seemed to drift back towards testers and is looking like it could get out of hand and digress into hostility on both sides of the aisle and I would like to avoid that. I'm stepping in to guide the conversation back towards the intention of the original post -- to discuss the Beta and our reactions but to the actual game. Not to the processes that went into the game or who you may or may not think did a good or a bad job and the reasons why. Adam has stepped up to the plate and said he's aware that people are unhappy with elements of the game and he delayed the release of the game to address those elements.


I appreciate everyone's passion. Being a small community of fans of both wrestling, games, and specifically sports management and sandbox games (all of those categories are already smaller communities) our passions tend to burn brighter because there are not a widespread amount of us nor are there a lot of places to go within the community. I want to remind everyone that we are all apart of the same community and that everyone posting here (whether criticism or confirmations or whatever) all want the same thing. A game that they can play and enjoy and give them the experience that they want. Everyone's working towards that goal and everyone's intentions are towards that -- so let's try to stay on point and work towards that goal constructively without taking the conversation down a side path.


Thank you!

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