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I’ve had a great time with the beta and I’m hyped to get into a longer game. Personally the UI wasn’t an issue for me once I got used to it but I think the way Adam has reacted to the response to it and the other issues people have had is incredibly admirable. Think what you want of the game but Adams clearly worked not stop for three weeks in response to our feedback and there isn’t many developers out there that you’d be able to say the same about.
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I absolutely agree with this post. There's a lot of indie developers out there who would've reacted very defensively, trying to put the blame on the players instead. Adam's accepted that the game has flaws and tried his best to work on it. No matter whether the result will be "enough" for me to buy the game, I can respect that.


I'm buying just off of this regardless. I love the games Adam puts out, I respect the effort he puts into the games, and I can't find the words to express my gratitude for how much he'll modify his own game for us to be content.

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Like who?


Well, he wasn't an indie developer... Actually, he wasn't even a developer, much less an indie developer. But former 2K Community Manager Aubrey Sitterson is best remembered for "You're playing the game wrong" when the 2-count pin glitch became a thing in one of the WWE 2K games.


Anywho, big props to Adam and Josh(?) for working overtime to get the game out today. I'll be looking forward to playing it whenever I have saved up the money for a new laptop. Hopefully other suggestions that we have made are possible to implement. Granted, some won't be doable because of how the game is made and coded, and I can live with that. But I'll still make suggestions that either can hopefully be implemented in this game, or implemented in a sequel if not this game.

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I grew up with these games, literally. When I started I was 15. I'm now 36 and I have been playing his games for more of my life than not. TEW2020 will be no different. I love it and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into a long game. Props for everything you've done here, Adam and legitimately: thank you.
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If you are doing the WWF you also have Prime Time Wrestling which did have good matches (at least one upper midcard vs midcard or greater match). Its hard to say it was the main show but was certainly an A show



Eh...Prime Time was most definitely not the A show - as A shows are the main shows where the biggest angles play out. Prime Time, due to being cable TV only (way less household penetration than syndication back then) was really a C show. Challenge was actually more important than Prime Time. The other shows wouldn't mention PT, but PT nearly always replayed major angles from Superstars and Challenge.


For Crockett the same thing held true until TBS bought it. Pro and World Wide were the A and B shows, and the Saturday 6:05 show was actually of lesser importance (although more important overall than Prime Time was to WWF storylines). When Turner took over, the TBS show became the main show and the syndicated shows were less important (TBS wanted it this way).


For what it's worth, AWA's syndicated show was more important than the ESPN show until their syndicated package shrunk to a lower penetration than ESPN due to Vince's cutthroat business maneuvers. And even after some of the territories scored minor cable deals (on Tempo and FNN's The Score), their local syndicated shows were of greater importance overall.


As far as PPV you could set up one to represent the house show loop. The WWE had several contracts with local sports networks to telecast house shows. Combine those into one for the months when you don't have a PPV.


Yep. And it was those matches shown on those regional sports networks that were the ones repackaged and later shown on Prime Time.


What I do is set up those separate regional sports network deals and run monthly or semi monthly events in each and show each on their respective network, penalty be damned and have Prime Time show exclusive matches (set up a little story in my head about USA wanting exclusive matches on the show). Or I just forget those and use Prime Time as a stand-in, essentially ignoring the "house show loop" nature and taping once a week in each area of that loop as a straight show (again with that little imaginary story about USA in play).


Honestly simulating 80s era WWF would be easier than simulating 80s level NWA / WCW. Many of the tweaks you can use to get TEW to like your shows better aren't historically accurate with NWA / WCW. I'm not sure the game would think highly of Ronnie Garvin beating on Jim Jeffers for 10 minutes.


I think it's the other way around, actually, at least for '86-88 (the Dusty era). Most of those JCP matches, outside of main events or the occasional lower card vs. lower card match, were much shorter overall than the WWF squashes matches which themselves were typically shorter than those for AWA. World Class, UWF (before Crockett bought it), Florida, Memphis and others ran longer and could be booked more modern-like.

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Eh...Prime Time was most definitely not the A show - as A shows are the main shows where the biggest angles play out. Prime Time, due to being cable TV only (way less household penetration than syndication back then) was really a C show. Challenge was actually more important than Prime Time. The other shows wouldn't mention PT, but PT nearly always replayed major angles from Superstars and Challenge.


Ok fair point. I don't think the A Show / B Show thing works as Prime Time was its own show but yes all the big stuff happened on the syndicated shows. Later it grew in importance but not until they changed it to Raw that it became a main show.


In TEW terms you could book it as the main show since they did replay all the weekend happenings and the game doesn't know the difference anyway. It would be easier than realistically booking the syndicated shows and simulating the replayed footage as "angles".


I do have to disagree, those TBS squashes were brutal. Long and boring (they had 2 hours to kill). I don't think the WWF syndicated matches went beyond 3 minutes (not including entrances which might account for the difference). Most of the main events when they had them were about 5 minutes with a few notable exceptions.


Main idea is that with some creativity a user can successfully book an 80s style big promotion in TEW with a few tweaks but doing it just like they did it probably won't work.

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Don't know if I'm just dense and missing it somewhere, but is there a list of changes/patch notes between the last beta and release version? Or is just UI?


For some odd reason no, there's no patch notes for the 1.0 version. There used to be for every beta patch.

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Yes, of course. But those weren't weekly TV shows, they were one off specials. I should have clarified. But since we're on the subject, the first The Main Event show on NBC, featuring the Andre and Hogan rematch in 1988 drew 33 million viewers. Now, TV was of course very different at the time, and people had like four channels to choose from, but it was still an immense number. And the reason for it was because a Hogan vs. Andre match on free TV was so huge, today's fans may not realize how big of a deal it really was. TEW doesn't really have a mechanic in place to simulate the specialty of a big feature match like that on free TV. And yes, there were other factors in there, as well, like the fact that Hogan's first loss in four years got leaked since the show was taped, but still. It just goes to show how different the landscape was back then.

Superstars was aired weekly. And IIRC SNME was too for the most part.

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Superstars was aired weekly. And IIRC SNME was too for the most part.


Between 85 and 92, there were 31 SNMEs and 5 editions of 'Main Event', including that 33m viewers beast. An 80s WWF with weekly TV on NBC would've been titanic, but they could never have sustained that many big matches.


You can think of late 80s WWF as CMLL, but with squash matches instead of trios, sprinkling in 1 vs 1s here and there as big deals.

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Superstars was aired weekly. And IIRC SNME was too for the most part.

Hm? Yes, Superstars was the WWF's weekly syndicated show, and the flagship. Saturday Night's Main Event and The Main Event were specials that aired a few times a year. SNME aired in place of Saturday Night Live, and The Main Event was a primetime special on Friday nights.

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I've always thought that the TEW games are really good. TEW 2020 is no exception. But the one thing I've always wished for with all of these games and the WMMA games is that the time in between days was faster. I have a pretty good system and I wish that it used more of it to speed it up. I have wanted to build a completely new game world so I am simming the game from pretty far back and I want to get to 2020. I let the game in "set it and forget it" mode over night. I put it on unlimited sim and went to bed. When I started the game only had 8 companies and no workers besides the owners of those companies. I wake up and the game still only has 15 companies so there was not explosion of companies. Obviously there are a decent amount of workers but it has only simmed a little more then 4+ years. At this rate going from 1885-2020 is going to take forever. I was really hoping I'd wake up to a 20 year sim by now. I never had an issue with the UI or any of the other stuff. But I think the time it takes to sim in these games is holding it back. I would love it if the next game Adam puts out is TEW2024 and its the same game as TEW2020 but the sim time is drastically improved. I'd pay double for the same game just for that.
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Ok fair point. I don't think the A Show / B Show thing works as Prime Time was its own show but yes all the big stuff happened on the syndicated shows. Later it grew in importance but not until they changed it to Raw that it became a main show.


In TEW terms you could book it as the main show since they did replay all the weekend happenings and the game doesn't know the difference anyway. It would be easier than realistically booking the syndicated shows and simulating the replayed footage as "angles".


You could, yeah. Have to do some pretending there if you're OCD on the historical accuracy like me, though (hence the "USA Network wants actual exclusive matches" thing from my earlier post). It's a toss up with me. One save I might book Prime Time as a main show (or at least a secondary main) and others I might just book it the harder way (some new matches here and there, but focus on Heenan and Monsoon banter, comedy skits, and replayed footage as angles).


I do have to disagree, those TBS squashes were brutal. Long and boring (they had 2 hours to kill). I don't think the WWF syndicated matches went beyond 3 minutes (not including entrances which might account for the difference). Most of the main events when they had them were about 5 minutes with a few notable exceptions.


Later on, shortly around the time when Turner took over (and definitely after), the TBS squashes went longer, yeah. But they were ultra short during the Dusty years, unless the persona of the worker was someone who liked dishing out slow punishment. So, say, Manny Fernandez and Rick Rude would just come out and demolish the poor jobbers in record time, but Arn and Ole would take their time demolishing the "competition". Jimmy Garvin would sashay his way to the ring, dance a bit, hit the brainbuster and get the win in a couple of minutes at most, but Ronnie Garvin would just torture the jobbers he faced until he hit them with the "Hands of Stone".


Main idea is that with some creativity a user can successfully book an 80s style big promotion in TEW with a few tweaks but doing it just like they did it probably won't work.


Yep. Absolutely. Can't mimic things in exact fashion for a variety of reasons, but using a little bit of imagination has been the norm since the series started; 2020 allows the use of less in some cases, but we've still got to use it.

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I've always thought that the TEW games are really good. TEW 2020 is no exception. But the one thing I've always wished for with all of these games and the WMMA games is that the time in between days was faster. I have a pretty good system and I wish that it used more of it to speed it up. I have wanted to build a completely new game world so I am simming the game from pretty far back and I want to get to 2020. I let the game in "set it and forget it" mode over night. I put it on unlimited sim and went to bed. When I started the game only had 8 companies and no workers besides the owners of those companies. I wake up and the game still only has 15 companies so there was not explosion of companies. Obviously there are a decent amount of workers but it has only simmed a little more then 4+ years. At this rate going from 1885-2020 is going to take forever. I was really hoping I'd wake up to a 20 year sim by now. I never had an issue with the UI or any of the other stuff. But I think the time it takes to sim in these games is holding it back. I would love it if the next game Adam puts out is TEW2024 and its the same game as TEW2020 but the sim time is drastically improved. I'd pay double for the same game just for that.




Yeah, that's a frustration for me too. I upgraded from a 4570 to a 9700F and didn't really notice the difference on WMMA 5 (where I would frequently sim a month at a time).


Unfortunately I assume - like many things - it is a limitation of the programming language. Something which was obsolete 15 years ago is not going to take advantage of modern processors!

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I would love it if the next game Adam puts out is TEW2024 and its the same game as TEW2020 but the sim time is drastically improved. I'd pay double for the same game just for that.


I don't know enough about computer to offer something here, but I assume there might be a cap on this system, like no support for multiple processors/cores. Watcher games do took ages, but I guess there's no remedy except simplifying the game. Would you really want that? :p

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I don't know enough about computer to offer something here, but I assume there might be a cap on this system, like no support for multiple processors/cores. Watcher games do took ages, but I guess there's no remedy except simplifying the game. Would you really want that? :p


I'd wager a guess that it has something to do with it saving in Access databases. So it is edited as you move along so the longer the game has been the more data has to be edited the longer the game takes to load. FM for example creates it's own databases and save files, so runs pretty fast on my PC, while long TEW games take ages. Again this is just a guess. It's definitely a coding issue tho.

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is there a way to make the font size larger?

My Windows 10 Display Settings -

- Size of text/apps etc - 125% (Recommended)

- Resolution - 1920x1080 (Recomended)

the font is too small. I can change size of text/apps to 150%, but then the edges of TEW are cut-off, and changing it back to 125% doesn't make the buttons that were hidden off the edge of the screen re-appear. It's all very frustrating.



is there a setting to ignore match length input; and a way to auto-name segments?

These two settings prove to be annoyances. I don't really want to manage that kind of deeper detail for every booking segment, coming from EWR and trying to learn TEW at the same time.

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