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I struggled for the 1st 6 shows (including Malice) but since then I've got 74, then 80, then 85 so really I think once you get the hang of the slight differences in the game it isn't really that hard to lead TCW to the top, especially when like last year SWF and USPW always fall to medium, SWF did it after a month.


Entertainment skills arent going up though, which sucks because I don't know how to improve them other then put them in angles using ent, but that doesn't seem to work this year




Did you book majority of your card or use the autobooker? I have debated using AB for undercard, but I'm concerned it will cause more chaos than good.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nachtfalter" data-cite="Nachtfalter" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just a random thought: I don't really read the description of the King Of Kings title to mean that the winner automatically gets his title shot six months later at Total Mayhem. I don't have it in front of me, but it just says the winner will be a big part of Total Mayhem or something like that.<p> </p><p> The news article on day 1 clearly indicates that TCW is building for Andrews vs. Hawkins at Total Mayhem, but the King Of Kings itself doesn't necessarily.</p><p> </p><p> Personally, I'll probably go with Andrews vs. Hawkins right off the bat at Malice and for future years, I'll always go with the King Of Kings getting his titleshot in January.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You´re right, but I will still go that way.</p><p> </p><p> I created a G1-style Tournament back in 2016, with the winner getting a shot at Total Mayhem. But I held it in March, so I only had to book two months after the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> This time, I´ll do it NJPW-style, hold the tournament five months before Total Mayhem and steal some ideas from them, on how to book these months.</p><p> You can create rivalries out of the tournament. You can have the Champion participate, lose to an Underdog or young talent, creating a transition feud out of that. You can have the King of Kings be challenged by somebody,</p><p> for the right to be in the Main Event of Total Mayhem. ...</p><p> </p><p> Many options, but I also see it as a bigger challenge from a creative standpoint.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Rock" data-cite="The Rock" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You´re right, but I will still go that way.<p> </p><p> I created a G1-style Tournament back in 2016, with the winner getting a shot at Total Mayhem. But I held it in March, so I only had to book two months after the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> This time, I´ll do it NJPW-style, hold the tournament five months before Total Mayhem and steal some ideas from them, on how to book these months.</p><p> You can create rivalries out of the tournament. You can have the Champion participate, lose to an Underdog or young talent, creating a transition feud out of that. You can have the King of Kings be challenged by somebody,</p><p> for the right to be in the Main Event of Total Mayhem. ...</p><p> </p><p> Many options, but I also see it as a bigger challenge from a creative standpoint.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I did a G1 for a little bit in my 16 save starting the first week of February and ending at Where Angels Fear to Tread. Rules were 2 blocks with 10 people each filled with people whose brand didn't win the Royal Rumble. Winner would get a shot at their own brands champion. The champion was left out and either feuded with someone who missed the cut from injuries/suspensions, a midcarder who didn't make the cut as a way to test out what they got, or face a wrestler from WLW who I had a solid partnership with and broken into the USA pretty well in that save.</p>
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Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


My current best idea - which will give you an insight into how bad the others were - is that Chord stole Bach's guitar, and they're going to have a ladder match at Malice with the guitar as the 'prize'. Saunders making three solid weeks of chord/guitar puns.

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First show triple threat with Wolf vs Bach vs Chord with Wolf winning and facing Andrew's at Malice in Wonderland by pinning Bach. Chord blames Bach for the lost and attacks him following week leading to the two agreeing to a one on one at Macile in Wonderland.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?<p> </p><p> My current best idea - which will give you an insight into how bad the others were - is that Chord stole Bach's guitar, and they're going to have a ladder match at Malice with the guitar as the 'prize'. Saunders making three solid weeks of chord/guitar puns.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's more 'sports entertainment' which is cool, but I've pushed it more toward Chord being the new hotness, talking about how, "I remember when you were going to be the future of the sport Sammy, but now here I am, about to rise to the top of the business, while you're now a broken down failure who got his ass kicked by Tommy, and by Tommy's clone for nearly your entire damn career."</p>
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<p>In my head Bach beat Chord in King of Kings but ultimately lost to Wolf, so Jay feels robbed of the tourney win. That could set up a rematch during the next king of kings, way after the initial feud is over.</p><p> </p><p>

It also gives reason to force the issue on Wolf/Chord. A Hawkins babyface run (eventually) seems like the most logical step after Jay Chord overtakes him as the top heel.</p>

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Enjoying TCW so far, started with a Wolf & Andrews draw in a (purposely) over booked title match in Jan, RDJ came in as the new 'sheriff' making a cage match with Wolf giving up his Mayhem main event & booking King Of Kings in Feb (Going to move it to Jan in future years) Ended up getting a 99 rated main event and moving up to big in February (not sure if pop gains are a bit overpowered?) Also had Wolf destroy DOC to send a message to Andrews and now in March the Syndicate 'anniversary' will see him kick out The Elite & reform with some young stars.


Also had Bach beat Chord, with them meeting & booking ANOTHER!! draw in the King Of Kings final creating a triple threat main event for Mayhem with Andrews, he'll probably maintain but Chord & Bach can have a blow off with Chord finally getting the win over Bach.


Long winded, my apologies. What is your best rated match with TCW so far?

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I managed an 89 with AA vs Wolf in a dog collar match at the first PPV. That was in an early save with a very early patch, though, and I haven't been able to reach that number since. Most of my highly rated matches trend toward the lower 80s, which is plenty good enough to get a show high enough to raise my popularity.
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Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


My current best idea - which will give you an insight into how bad the others were - is that Chord stole Bach's guitar, and they're going to have a ladder match at Malice with the guitar as the 'prize'. Saunders making three solid weeks of chord/guitar puns.


I've gone with portraying both as they both really want to become the next World Champion but have to beat the other to do so. Bach has had a great career but he's never won the big one. At 41, it's now or never. With the lights of Chord, Mo, Edd and Freddy coming, he understands his window is closing soon and every match he's in has a sense of urgency for him. For Chord, he feels this is what he was destined to be; at the top. He wants to not only live up to the name and honor him but he wants to be better than his father. Nothing else matters to him but this; thus, he's willing to do whatever it takes to reach that goal (cheat, sneak attack). For him, losing is failure and because of this, he doesn't care who he has to hurt in order to not be a failure. That's how I've run with it. Something has to give. Their goals interfere with one another and they're the top two contenders after Wolf. So they have beef with one another because they want the same thing.

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Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


My current best idea - which will give you an insight into how bad the others were - is that Chord stole Bach's guitar, and they're going to have a ladder match at Malice with the guitar as the 'prize'. Saunders making three solid weeks of chord/guitar puns.


Personally that would feel a bit 'gimmicky' for how I tend to portray my TCW feuds but to each his own :).


I've had that feud running as more of a last shot for Bach kind of thing. The old also-ran who never quite made it at the top doing his best to stop himself being pushed further down the totem pole by the young upstart, it kinda writes itself.

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Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


My current best idea - which will give you an insight into how bad the others were - is that Chord stole Bach's guitar, and they're going to have a ladder match at Malice with the guitar as the 'prize'. Saunders making three solid weeks of chord/guitar puns.


For the first match i took some creative license and had Bach goading Chord into a match after he squirmed his way out of a match in December, then like i said previously I booked King of kings in february with the two meeting in the final

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<p>I went with Chord having a sort of "legend killer" gimmick, with the twist being that he's just beating up older TCW faces that aren't really legends. </p><p> </p><p>

It started with him being disrespectful backstage to Sammy, then after he squashed a local talent I had him talk more trash. Sammy responded with a win the next week and called Jay out, and the feud was a pretty basic disrespect thing. </p><p> </p><p>

Then, Jay won at the PPV and I kept it going. He beat Bart Biggz on the next tv epsiode and proclaimed that he beat another legend just like he beat Sammy. Sammy eventually responded and then lost again at the next PPV, but it was a fun feud. I even brought in Grunt or Stink as TCW "legends" for Jay to squash.</p>

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The biggest challenge for me was figuring out a way to distinguish Chord from Gauge. The base of their characters are the same; son of legends. Both can play the cocky heel. And it's easy to pair them together as well. I chose not to do that. With Chird, along with him not wanting to fail, he's quick tempered. Gauge is more methodical. He's confident because he believes that he has the upper hand far as knowledge goes. I signed Dread and his son to support him; he knows Dread from his father and Gauge wants to pick the brain of Dread. Having his son act as a bodyguard is a bonus.
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The biggest challenge for me was figuring out a way to distinguish Chord from Gauge. The base of their characters are the same; son of legends. Both can play the cocky heel. And it's easy to pair them together as well. I chose not to do that. With Chird, along with him not wanting to fail, he's quick tempered. Gauge is more methodical. He's confident because he believes that he has the upper hand far as knowledge goes. I signed Dread and his son to support him; he knows Dread from his father and Gauge wants to pick the brain of Dread. Having his son act as a bodyguard is a bonus.


Agree with this; the two characters are two samey and I can see Gauge never winning the world title in my game as a result.

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In my game, Chord is ready for the main event right now. Gauge isn't. I have Chord penciled in to win the belt some time after Total Mayhem, I don't expect Gauge to be at that level before fall, at the earliest. Once Gauge is ready, a feud between them should be pretty good.
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I always view Jay as just an overt a-hole. If there's something he can say to get under someone's skin, even if they're not feuding, he's going to say it. He's the heel that you absolutely love to hate and get what's coming to him.


With Greg, I treat him as a tough bastard heel (think Pack in AEW) that is actively trying to forge his own legacy outside his family. That's why he goes by Gauge instead of Keith like his Dad and twin brother. He wants to be his own man, and it's less him down a pretty ruthless path.

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So I was wondering if anyone had ideas for some face stables?


I want to make stables more meaningful in TCW. I'm using Eric Tyler as my UC with a Wrestling Nerd Nirvana as my product.


I know I want to do a new School of Tradition, but that's a heel team. Any suggestions for members? Considering The Architect and the Ring Generals and maybe Juggernaut Jones as the muscle?


Kinda want to have a face second/third generation stable. Edd Stone is a member for sure. Are James Diaz and Logan Wolfsbaine available? Thinking of them as a tag team. Not sure who the fourth member should be.


Another heel stable I want to form is based on Legacy with Jay Chord as the leader with Greg Gauge as the midcarder. Not sure who the tag team should be? Maybe Dreadnought, but who would fit as his partner? Original Sin as Dreadnought's partner seems promising actually.


I did pick up Marco Gonzalez, but he's getting sent down to MAW to train. Not sure if he'll be a heel or face as it seems he's okay at both if I'm reading him correctly.


Michael Gregory is another second gen I have in development. Not sure which stable he should be in if any.

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Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


Before the Beta came out, I hoped that TCW has pushed Chord to the moon.


Back in 2016, I had a huge storyline with Chord retiring RDJ.

I mean, with the history between Rip and RDJ, it had to be Jay right!?! Right??

Well, Adam thought different. Missed opportunity in my opinion.

So, my plan was to continue this in 2020, so Chord being the guy, who retired RDJ (in this case, his Pop would be much higher, around 80 at minimum).


But as he isn´t, I see the feud vs. Bach as a classic, simple "My time has come and it is my destiny ..." vs. "No, I´m first in the line ...".

Chord is mocking Sammy "You are here for what, like 30 years and you won nothing?? Maybe, you are just not good enough."


Jay dominates the feud and seems to be proven right.

Sammy struggles after that, gets a new gimmick (something like "man on a mission", who gives everything he has to finally achieve his dream) and as I said, my plan is to give him his moment at Total Mayhem 25.

I think he just deserves it. And it helps that he is one of my favourite wrestlers in the CV ;)

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Have always liked Architect so he and the Ring Generals would work.


Diaz and Wolfsbaine are both available so you can sign them both. Honestly, you could put them with Chord and Gauge and that would be doable.


They probably fit more with Chord and Gauge than Dreadnought and Original Sinner. Probably put Dreadnought and Original Sinner in a cult stable.

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I've always seen Jay Chord as a very exaggerated version of himself...even more of an absolute Piece of shit...inside and outside the ring...he's despicable and evil as it gets..


Gauge...really either one...I've always booked as strong heels....cocky...he's going to win and he knows it...and there's not much opponents have been able to do about it.

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They probably fit more with Chord and Gauge than Dreadnought and Original Sinner. Probably put Dreadnought and Original Sinner in a cult stable.


I love signing Blackfriar as he's a TCW dojo grad and amazing on the mic (and good in ring to boot). My two ideas for him are that he eases his way into Sinner Society as the new mouthpiece, and eventually dethrones Peak, or he can just start his own thing that's even darker though certainly much lower on the card.

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