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The Canadian Wrestling Alliance: Canada United

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The wrestling world was shocked in September 2017, when two of the most legendary Canadian wrestlers of all time passed away. George DeColt and Dan Stone Sr. sadly passed away that month, opening up a massive hole in the Canadian wrestling scene. However, when tragedy strikes, a light shines through the darkness...






JANUARY 1ST, 2018:




With Steve DeColt taking over as CEO and Adrian Garcia taking the head booker role, the Canadian Wrestling Alliance was born! In the two years since the merger, the CWA has been a huge success and has successfully defended Canada from American expansion from the likes of USPW. However, Steve DeColt and Adrian Garcia realized that they needed that extra little thing to really take CWA to the next level...


















Tom "Angry" Gilmore had spent the past 18 years in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, but he was beginning to wind down his career and wanted to return home to Canada. When he got a call from Steve DeColt to work alongside Adrian Garcia in the booking department, Gilmore just couldn't say no. So, now with Angry Gilmore working with the best Canada can offer, what will the CWA do in...



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The Stars of CWA:


Major Stars:


Aaron Knight, Sean McFly, Cameron Vessey, Christian Price




Jack DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Shooter Sean Deeley


Well Known:


Donte Dunn, Erik Strong, Mark Griffin, Skip Beau, Cam Jones, George Wolfe, Jared Johnson, Johnny Bloodstone, Lee Rivera, Mountie Mann, Mr. Impact, Syd Collier




Alyx Winters, David Stone, Diablo Duvak, Flip Simkins, Jason Thunder, Lightning Lomas, Robby Griffin, Sonny Wildside, Antonio Del Veccio, Blockbuster, Derek Frost, Dermott Ayres, Eli Cain, Luke Cain, Marc DuBois, Marc Raisin, Omar Brown, Princeton Pryce, Robin DaLay




Hank Gunn, Chucky Dorrance, Dapper Danny Draper, Solomon Gold


Women's Division:


Amber Allen, Ariel Breaks, Claire Winters, Lauren Easter, Natalie DiMarco, Sally Anne Christianson, Sandra Shine, Zoe Ammis, Brooke Tyler, Deborah Young, Demelza Wade, Jessica Conroy, Laura Flame, Nadia Snow, Nina Cacace




Faith- Manages Thunder & Lightning

Hailey Hunter- Manages Generation Z



Drake Young- Manages The Dynamite Express

Jenny Playmate- Manages Lee Rivera




Davis Ditterich

Samuel Curran



Adrian Garcia

Tom Townsend



Elite- Christian Price, Cam Jones, Syd Collier, Blockbuster, Drake Young

The Queen's Court- Nadia Snow, Jessica Conroy, Deborah Young

Generation Z- Flip Symkins & Alyx Winters

The Brothers Cain- Luke Cain & Eli Cain

The DeColt Boys- Ricky DeColt & Jack DeColt

The Dynamite Express- Cam Jones & Syd Collier

The Griffin Family- Mark Griffin & Robby Griffin

The Montreal Mafia- Dermott Ayres & Marc Raisin

Thunder & Lightning- Jason Thunder & Lightning Lomas

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CWA World Championship:

Current Champion:


Christian Price

Title History:

1) Cameron Vessey- January 2018-October 2018

2) Aaron Knight- October 2018-August 2019

3) Christian Price- August 2019- CURRENT



CWA World Television Championship:

Current Champion:


Mr. Impact

Title History:

1) Jared Johnson- February 2018-September 2018

2) Skip Beau- September 2018-April 2019

3) Mr. Impact- April 2019- CURRENT



CWA Women's Championship:

Current Champion:


Amber Allen

Title History:

1) Brooke Tyler- March 2018-May 2019

2) Amber Allen- May 2019- CURRENT



CWA World Tag Team Championship:

Current Champions:


The Dynamite Express

Title History:

1) The DeColt Boys (Ricky & Jack DeColt)- April 2018-January 2019

2) The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier)- January 2019- CURRENT



CWA World Tag Team Grand Prix

Tournament Held in December

Tournament History:

1) The Dynamite Express- December 2018

2) Thunder & Lightning- December 2019

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47669" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So excited for this brother!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Me too!</p>
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NOTBPW was always one of my favourite promotions. I am not great at being creative so the no nonsense, just wrestling style of NOTBPW always worked for me. Nevertheless, the merger into CWA has me really excited and I am looking forward to seeing people's interpretations on the new product. So I cant wait to watch this unfold.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="iY9Ce5l.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iY9Ce5l.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>CWA Championship Wrestling, January 2020, Week One</strong></p><p>

<em>Prediction Key</em></p><p> </p><p>

David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

CWA World Television Championship Match</p><p>

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Four Corners 1. Contender's Match</p><p>

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???</p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Here we GO!!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>David Stone</strong> vs Chucky Dorrance</p><p>

Comments: <em>Has to be right?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Brooke Tyler vs <strong>Zoe Ammis</strong></p><p>

Comments: <em>Very unfamiliar with women's wrestling in the cverse. I know who Zoe Ammis is because of a diary recently where CGC brought a women's division in. If I remember rightly, Ammis was the old girlfriend of Ricky DeColt in the diary. It was a very good read!</em></p><p> </p><p>

CWA World Television Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Mr. Impact ©</strong> vs Sonny Wildside</p><p>

Comments: <em>Wildside was good for me in my second diary. He's very talented. But I love the Mr. Impact thing!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>The Dynamite Express</strong> vs The Griffin Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Four Corners 1. Contender's Match</p><p>

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs <strong>???</strong></p><p>

Comments: <em>You gotta go squiggles man!! Especially in a match like this!!</em></p>

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<p><strong>David Stone</strong> vs Chucky Dorrance</p><p>

Comments: <em>Dude's the next generation in CWA, Dorrance is not</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler</strong> vs Zoe Ammis</p><p>

Comments: <em>I like Zoe, but she isn't Brooke who is one of the best workers in the world</em></p><p> </p><p>

CWA World Television Championship Match</p><p>

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside</p><p>

Comments: <em>Never knew Mr. Impact (Hugh Ancrie) was a LHW, always though he was a LW, oh well, he's definitely a good worker and should win this.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Four Corners 1. Contender's Match</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Knight</strong> vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???</p><p>

Comments: Can't say who I know who squiggles are, but I unless you've done some editing or asked a retired worker to do whatever in the contract you want, but I think Knight should win seems Price is the champ and a heel.</p>

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David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance



Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis



CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside



Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys



Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???


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<p><strong>David Stone</strong> vs Chucky Dorrance</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler</strong> vs Zoe Ammis</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

CWA World Television Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Mr. Impact ©</strong> vs Sonny Wildside</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>The Dynamite Express</strong> vs The Griffin Boys</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Four Corners 1. Contender's Match</p><p>

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs <strong>???</strong></p><p>


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Hey Uncrewed! Glad to see this. Though the CWA is part soulless machine, I will be following this.


David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance

Comments: Things begin here on the right foot for the Stone family.


Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis

Comments: I like both of them but the second generation Tyler gets the victory.


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside

Comments: The title remains on the champion for now.


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys

Comments: Robbie takes the fall and the former MAW tag team continues forward.


Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

Comments: Got to go for Captain Squiggles! What's going to happen to Christian Price and the World title?

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CWA Championship Wrestling, January 2020, Week One

Prediction Key


David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance

Comments: If David Stone loses, I riot.


Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis

Comments: She's the Franchise for a reason.


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside

Comments: Successful title defense to get the ball rolling


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys

Comments: My favorite tag team in the entire CVerse. With Drake managing them, they should be MONEY


Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

Comments: One last run for the old timer before the young guns fully take over.

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David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance

Comments: One of them is the prodigal son of one of the most loved and talented families in Canadian Wrestling, and the other is Chucky Dorrance, theres no way in Satans blue hell that Stone is losing this one, not even a draw, you need to have lost your mind to do something like that.


Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis

Comments: I like Zoe, pretty talented wrestler, and I hope this new venture in Canada favours her, but she has no chance, she is going against one of the best second generation wrestlers actually, and a former multiple time NOTBPW/CWA Womens Champion (I believe is the same lineage) Brooke Tyler is a wrestling Machine and theres no stopping her.


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside

Comments: Two good wrestlers, still pretty young, they are both middle of the pack, pretty much a toss up, so I say advantage to the champion, as you have no real reason to have Impact drop the title so soon, it could happen and there would be no problem, but is not obvious, so it would be really hard to predict a title change.


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys

Comments: I simply like the Dynamite Express more, they seem more popular, and they are the tag team champions, so they souldnt be losing to many matches, and certainly not to begin the diary.


Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

Comments: Question marks, is tempting but unless you got someone to come out of retirement, got Tim Westybrook back or are swerving us, the most likely person is Sean Deeley, mostly because three faces against vessey would be a little unbalanced, so as Christian Price is a heel, Im taking of the table ???? (probably a heel) and Cameron Vessey, and as I believe Knight has more upside and in my opinion the more likely to take the title away from Price, I say McFly as I dont think you want to take the World title so soon away from price, have him beat the beloved veteran and you build up from there.


Am I the only one excited for a potential return of Primed for Progress?

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David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance


Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys


Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

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David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance



Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis

Comments: She's Brooke Tyler


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside

Comments: I'm only giving the advantage to Impact here because he's the champ but honestly this could go either way.


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys



Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

Comments: "You can either bet it on Vessey or take whatever is in the mystery box" "THE BOX! THE BOX!"

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David Stone vs Chucky Dorrance


Brooke Tyler vs Zoe Ammis


CWA World Television Championship Match

Mr. Impact © vs Sonny Wildside


Non-Title Match

The Dynamite Express vs The Griffin Boys


Four Corners 1. Contender's Match

Aaron Knight vs Sean McFly vs Cameron Vessey vs ???

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