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I love this game - what do you love?

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Thanks to some skins coming out, I was able to play around a bit more. There are so many things that I love.


+The new gimmick system is so much fun.

+The new options for angle ratings and the way they're set up with time limits and rules.

+The specificity of the tailored products (I know this is annoying some people but I really enjoy how it pushes companies to have unique identities).

+On the fly booking. Amazing!

+The information in the booking analysis. (Road agents can get overtired now?? Love it.)


I can't imagine going back to 16 now that I know these features exist. But... I'm having a really hard time with 20's UI for all the reasons already exhausted on the forum. I'm hopeful there are adjustments coming because the additions are so, so good.

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-I already like the flow of booking a show better than 2016, and that's the kinda thing it usually takes me a really long time to adjust to (caveat: I haven't needed to use the arrows much yet)

-I really like the new gimmick and attribute system! I wasn't sure from the journal whether I'd like that change.

-I don't personally mind the UI. (as long as we can make it stop hurting my eyes, which seems like the kinda thing a skin or patch will fix really quickly)

-AI booking seems better. Stable use is fun!

-Haven't tried playing as a dev fed yet but it sounds like something I would enjoy.

-The splash screens are neat!

-Even though I'm a bit bummed that we don't seem able to customize individual regions, I think it's made up for by all the geographical info on the game world screen. Really helps me visualize how I want to lay out my mod!

-I foresee using the whiteboard in the editor a lot. Also the notepad, if I can get to it from every screen!

-Complete All Signings is one of those little things that just makes life nice.

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<p>I actually love a lot about the game. I love how stables are presented. </p><p> </p><p>

I love the fact you can add more info to championships, look at the most prestigious championships in the world, get info on how long a title reign has gone in terms of days. </p><p> </p><p>

I love how everything is on (50%) of one screen for the editor. "I'll mention more of that in a moment." </p><p> </p><p>

I love how the match screens are set up. So easy to just change things on the fly. </p><p> </p><p>

I hear people complaining about ratio's that changed from 2016 in terms of promos or match stuff. I can't comment on that but I liked what I've seen so far. </p><p> </p><p>

2016 did have a broken issue where you could just spam the promo's for main eventers or people that could cut promo's & get great ratings over, & over again. </p><p> </p><p>

I personally hope they somewhat found a way to nerf that because it just became a game of "book wreslter in 7-10 minute promo. Get crazy high rating, do it again, & again, & again, get high rated show even though your actual matches weren't any good, fill as much time with your promos - profit!" So if they managed to find a way to stop that. I'm in favor of it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Now for the negative that I keep mentioning everywhere I can. </p><p> </p><p>

I'll keep repeating it until it gets addressed though. Fix the Editor screen, remove the big white void. I get what you were going for, but fact is, we should be able to have the notepad in the top right corner of any screen we open in the editor. We should also be able to go between the notepad & the screen we are editing in the editor without needing to close the notepad. I'm not a programmer but this should be possible. That way you can remove white void & move around the editor to use the entire screen. Instead of just the 50% they currently have reserved for white void. </p><p> </p><p>

Also give us a full scroll & arrow control over every screen. Also give us the option to do with with champions highlighted. I don't understand where having something highlighted like that would cause the wheel & arrows to stop working.</p><p> </p><p>

I love a lot about the game. I am not even concerned with the rest of the U.I people dislike. I really love a lot about the game. Just please fix these two issues!</p>

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First off I'll say that I love the new UI. Then again, I'm a data guy. If you look at my custom UIs in the MMOs I play, that becomes obvious. I want as much info available to me on a single screen as I can possibly get. Nothing like losing a groupmate when you didn't see their health go from 100% to 40% to zero because your group window is a postage stamp in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen. Besides, after a period of acclimation, I typically don't even "see" anything I'm not specifically looking for anyway but training my eyes to look at one place for whatever my brain's pondering takes some time.


LOVE talk to worker, LOVE the contract system, LOVE the absence of fixed pushes (especially since I no longer have to manually change all my ETs and Openers to Lower Midcarders when my roster gets bigger or change my personalities to managers/authority figures). Absolutely love the attribute system and the gimmick system is OMG! Finetuning finances is also a welcome addition. I can't wait to produce content that rivals Broadway shows with similarly priced tickets.


What I love most is all the various progression systems that have been added. It's a very RPG-centric type of move. You progress in creative quality which feeds company stature which helps merchandising and ticket pricing progression which feeds into finance progression which opens up broadcaster and training camp/PC progression and on and on. Many of these things existed before but mainly in 'head canon' ways.

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I'm loving every single aspect of the gameplay. Haven't found anything I don't enjoy about the mechanics.


As a primarily puroresu player, there's a LOT to enjoy. Revamped stables with freaking logos! Different types of stables too!


The new scheduling system is very handy for puro as well. It might take awhile to set-up at the beginning, at least for me because I am VERY particular about my schedule, but once it's set up it'll be great to use. I really missed having different aims for events. In TEW2016 I would constantly need to rename weekly events to fit the tour.


The excursion system! I can actually send people on excursion! And the dojo classes! My year 5 I had soooo many young lions because every month I'd gain another good worker.


Championships having descriptions and a uniform "prestige" relative to the entire world is fantastic. I also like seeing the exact number of days held as well!


I only messed with the game for a couple hours yesterday, so I didn't get to dive deep into it, but Attributes seem really good and add a third dimension to talent. And the new contract system was changed just enough to add more layers while still remaining simple and straightforward.


And that's just scratching the surface honestly. I wholeheartedly understand the criticism and I agree with some, but damn if this isn't such a fun game!

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One thing I think is underrated is the actual booking of match types and the fact you can change the booking of a match without re-starting.


So, if I accidentally book, say, Vince Russo vs. Steve Austin instead of Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin, and I don't notice til I finish my road agent notes, I can just change to the correct character, and then edit any road agent notes if necessary.


Also, I've noticed, you can change the match type without resetting everything. Accidentally booked a 3 vs 3 normal instead of an elimination match - it's a quick change.

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One thing I think is underrated is the actual booking of match types and the fact you can change the booking of a match without re-starting.


So, if I accidentally book, say, Vince Russo vs. Steve Austin instead of Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin, and I don't notice til I finish my road agent notes, I can just change to the correct character, and then edit any road agent notes if necessary.


Also, I've noticed, you can change the match type without resetting everything. Accidentally booked a 3 vs 3 normal instead of an elimination match - it's a quick change.


Yeah that is really nice. I used to have to rely on pre-booking every match in 2016 so I could make changes, but now I don't have to do that. Essentially you could make a bunch of placeholder matches and mold your card that way.

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Despite my very vocal criticisms about being locked into the current products and unable to create my own, there is so much I love about this game.


Booking is very fun and rewarding. I love the additional abilities to book in blocks, jump in and out while the show is already running, booking everything ahead of time and then being punished if you can't deliver (which happened to me early.) All of this feels great and realistic. A pure joy.


I love the new stables pages. However, I've seen the AI be very unpredictable as far as kicking out members, adding new ones, or closing stables. That should get looked at.


Searching for world wide tag teams is just as good as I had hoped it would be.


The editor is a masterpiece. I've seen a lot of people complain about it but honestly, once you get used to it, it is so much easier to fly about and make edits and build databases than it was before. I created two companies in half the time it usually would for me to do as a mod maker.


After getting used to the UI and where the buttons are, as well as applying a skin that doesn't hurt my eyes so much, I think everything is good there. There are some parts of the UI that are REALLY great, like the worker skills page where you can track their progression without pressing an additional button.


The push system, I'll admit, I'm not sure on yet, but I do enjoy it so far and am excited to see how it functions beyond the demo period if I decide to buy the game. (I don't think I will if the product feature isn't fixed.)


I love the new Talk to Worker, but the presentation is not so good.

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One thing I think is underrated is the actual booking of match types and the fact you can change the booking of a match without re-starting.


So, if I accidentally book, say, Vince Russo vs. Steve Austin instead of Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin, and I don't notice til I finish my road agent notes, I can just change to the correct character, and then edit any road agent notes if necessary.


Also, I've noticed, you can change the match type without resetting everything. Accidentally booked a 3 vs 3 normal instead of an elimination match - it's a quick change.


Damn, that's a game changer.


I have still been playing TEW 2016 as i'm waiting for the full release but that's a really handy QOL feature.

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-I don't personally mind the UI. (as long as we can make it stop hurting my eyes, which seems like the kinda thing a skin or patch will fix really quickly)


Have you tried this skin, Tom? Prior to installing I couldn't play for more than 30 minutes without my eyes hurting badly, now I've changed to this they're fine!



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I've booked about a month of SWF and RIPW and, honestly, this is just way, way, way easier to book and tell stories.


The "advance storyline" road agent note is super useful when you don't want to just inject a character randomly to progress a story.

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I played a converted 1985 mod and the Main screen was a black and white newspaper instead of a website.


I love that I can now book up to four weeks worth of pre-taped TV shows at one event.


I love that Pre-Booking is back with penalties and rewards.


Even though I know it didn't matter, in 16 I still pre-booked matches.

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The fact that wrestlers (or other talent) can also act as road agents without having to mess around with pushes. Life saver!


This is a huge gamechanger for me, though usually from the opposite angle.


A lot of my go-to booking tropes relies on bringing in old-timers for various roles - as managers, for "one last run", as fodder for a "Legend Killer" gimmick, cameos in Battle Royals, and so on. Usually I want to rely on older people I have on my roster to fill those spots rather than hiring too many outsiders, and that usually means retired or semi-retired wrestlers who are working as Road Agents - and invariably I would get to booking a match or an angle, and find that the person I need isn't available because I've got them set to a Road Agent push, and need to go in and change that.


Talk To Worker, and being able to get insight into what wrestlers are and aren't prepared to do is a gamechanger. In my most recent TEW 2016 game, playing as WWE in 2020, I did a big angle around Edge entering the Money In The Bank match, only for him to decide on the night of the PPV that he didn't want to risk injury in that kind of match, so I had to come up with an angle to write him out of, and change my entire booking for the show. To now be able to ask Edge ahead of time if he'd be comfortable with that match? Perfect.


Similarly, the amount of times I've been stung by a worker refusing to put someone over - sometimes I relish the challenge and want to figure out how best to get where I need to go with the additional curveballs the game has thrown me, but then there are times when you've had your Wrestlemania main event plotted out for a year, only to find out when you get to clicking the final button on your final match that Hulk Hogan doesn't want to do business. And you wish you could have done something about it beforehand!




A combination of those two points - Talking to Workers, and my propensity for booking old-timers - the ability to try and talk people into coming out of retirement is something I've wanted forever.



Fine detail improvements, like having an overview of a worker's personality during a locker room incident, so you can gauge the likelihood of them responding positively or negatively to how you respond is just a great quality of life update.

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I've been mostly in the editor trying to replicate my 4 in game year save because that's pretty much the only thing TEW I've done in the last 4 years. I love the editor. So much less clicking and both style lists fulfill different purposes for me. The whiteboard is great for me, but a notepad would be great as well instead of the giant block of white.


In game, I think the perceptions and talking to workers are game changers for me. I honestly love the UI and the fact that I can customize the buttons on the bottom to what I find myself using the most is really helpful.


The ability to book a tournament instead of writing them into my spreadsheet really helps as well.


Seeing as how AI NXT in my 2016 save was, well, really really dumb, I'm going to really enjoy playing as NXT.

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