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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Seem to be having an issue with the angle writer for angles.


Ill have written out what I want the promo to show, but once I start the show and go through each segment, the text box comes up blank for anything I used the angle writer for


Are you actually editing the commentary part of the angle or just the description? This sounds most likely. The commentary has the reference shortcuts for each participant etc

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Are you actually editing the commentary part of the angle or just the description? This sounds most likely. The commentary has the reference shortcuts for each participant etc


100% this. I’ve made this mistake several times.


The description is for when you’re choosing pre-set angles from the list. The commentary is for the segment during the show. To be honest, I always just copy the description into the commentary anyway.

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Has anyone here ever tried exporting one of their mid-game .mdb’s to AirTable(or the tbd? Whichever is the data export, not the mod)? I’ve been wanting to learn AirTable, and this would be a good motivator.


I’m just wondering whether the mdb would have too many entries for the default AirTable plan, which is a total of 5,000 rows across all tables.

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sorry, this has probably been asked before somewhere but I cant find it.

I'm playing with CZCW and soon I can and will start my own developmental company. I know I will have to give them all the "stuff" for it (wrestlers, refs, road agents etc) however, in TEW2016 I know you also had to put down trainers for the developmental company and as far as I know, I only send the people down there. Do the Road Agents also help increase the skills of the younger talents, or do I just not need to put trainers down anymore?


There's no trainers anymore. It's integrated in the costs of the dev company. However, I'm not sure if they do get trained on a daily basis if it's just a dev company. Only a "performance center" has them improve on some stats like safety (mostly just that). In the dev company they'll likely get matches.


How much will pre/post-show matches affect a wrestler's fortunes in terms of momentum? If I put a hossy boi on pre-shows to lose to experienced vets, will that ruin his momentum in the long term?


There's short-term and long-term momentum. He should only lose short-term and should be fine.

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How much will pre/post-show matches affect a wrestler's fortunes in terms of momentum? If I put a hossy boi on pre-shows to lose to experienced vets, will that ruin his momentum in the long term?


I'm guessing that it won't "ruin it." The affect would probably be very minimally bad-- like a stall leaning to the negative.

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How can I avoid or minimalize the announcer penalty? I'm TCW & no matter who between Jason Azaria, Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes, & Jasmine I get a penalty for it.


You can look out for contracts of the big name top announcers to come up and try to poach them (Duane Fry, Emma Chase, Emily McQueen, etc).


If you dont mind sharing there are some quality announcers on the indies that you can try to grab. Mitch Naess and Farrah Hesketh come to mind.


If you want to sign your people to exclusive deals only then Ernie Turner is on the indies and good, as well as Phil Vibert.


You can also try out other good talkers on your roster. Floyd Goldworthy is already on your roster and might have good Colour Commentary stats.


Worst comes to worst just get 1 really good announcer and have them do the Joey Styles gimmick - that will stop you from getting a low experience penalty

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Bit of a double question this as relates to game generated workers and free pictures. I am six years into a CVerse save and I’ve noticed the game is starting to reuse pictures for workers, pictures that are already in the game (so not retired workers) I was under the assumption that all of the pre loaded free pictures would have been marked as only use once? I’m guessing now that’s not the case?


Secondly I recently imported a load of free pictures / re renders to use as free pics from the ALT CVerse, but not many of them are coming through, with a lot of them I did set things like “strong only” or “has star quality only” does adding these conditions really slim down the chance of the pictures being assigned to workers?

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Bit of a double question this as relates to game generated workers and free pictures. I am six years into a CVerse save and I’ve noticed the game is starting to reuse pictures for workers, pictures that are already in the game (so not retired workers) I was under the assumption that all of the pre loaded free pictures would have been marked as only use once? I’m guessing now that’s not the case?


I have had this issue in my long save as well. I think it may be a bug, because I have use only once and no regens selected and I'm seeing duplicates as well. Might be worth posting in the bug section of the forums

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Can I see what my current max prestige on championships can be? also including if they're primary or secondary? floating I think can go as high up as primary one if I understood it right :D


also another question, can I somehow filter workers and how long their contract is still going if they're exclusive written? so e.g. that I only see those who have max 6 months remaining?

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I apologize as I've been away from TEW for a long time and am looking at stuff now.


Is it no longer possible to edit:





During a game?


Absences like being on Hiatus are treated like injuries now. You can still edit some aspects of a contract like wages and perks, but not the type of contract someone has. But you can still edit whether a worker a worker is retired or semi-active or what not in the workers tab, but if their contract doesn't have a check mark for in-ring roles, you still can't use them.


Also, welcome back.

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What do Attributes like “Ahead of Their Time” mean by “relevancy phase”?


Wrestlers have a window where they are considered "cool". That would be the relevancy phase. Often times in real life a wrestler's persona won't be "cool" or as cool so the usual bits and such won't work as well. So their promos won't get the same reaction.


The game simulates this with a "relevancy phase". When a worker is no longer "relevant" her or his entertainment skills begin to suffer as that wrestler's schtick doesn't impress the audience like it used to.


Ahead of their time means the worker never enters that phase (or its delayed) so her / his entertainment skills don't decrease. That wrestler's persona never gets old because it was cutting edge.


Its a bit of a misnomer as "ahead of your time" also means that the fans in general don't get the persona. An example would be Steve Austin trying to get his Stone Cold persona over as a face in 1985. Many a famous author struggled because they were ahead of their time and thus it took years after their death for culture to catch up. I would think wrestlers work the same way. I think Bad News Brown was an example. He was over as a heel but in 1997 ould have been a face, not in 1989 though. Even as a heel he was pushing the envelope.

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Absences like being on Hiatus are treated like injuries now. You can still edit some aspects of a contract like wages and perks, but not the type of contract someone has. But you can still edit whether a worker a worker is retired or semi-active or what not in the workers tab, but if their contract doesn't have a check mark for in-ring roles, you still can't use them.


Also, welcome back.


Trying to shorten a contract.

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Apologies if this has been asked before.


Is there any way to sign a worker to a contract which then automatically ends their contracts with other companies? I'm playing as WWE and signing some people that are working for lower companies, and whenever I sign them to exclusive written contracts they still work for the companies they worked for previously, as well as mine.


An example of this is Dragon Lee, who is working for me, NJPW, PWG, ROH and The Crash at the same time.

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