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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Can you change a wrestler's personality? Like if I punish a negative worker when he does things he shouldn't, as long as the punishments have positive outcomes, is it possible for a negative worker to become a positive worker, essentially getting rid of their negative trait, like bully for example and having them gain a positive trait instead? And vice versa for that matter, coddling a worker even when they do bad things, would they gain a negative trait?


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6 hours ago, Lostwolfnesbit said:

Can you change a wrestler's personality? Like if I punish a negative worker when he does things he shouldn't, as long as the punishments have positive outcomes, is it possible for a negative worker to become a positive worker, essentially getting rid of their negative trait, like bully for example and having them gain a positive trait instead? And vice versa for that matter, coddling a worker even when they do bad things, would they gain a negative trait?


Yes, personalities can change based on outside effects.

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Not sure whether this has been asked before, but is there a way to track progress of a worker's individual attributes (e.g. psychology)?

Also, is there a way you can target a worker (whether it be the worker themselves or another worker who is being used a coach) to progress a specific attribute (again, e.g. psychology)?


Edited by gtc10000
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Developmental/Child Relationship

In my AEW save, I have it set up so that ROH are my child company.  For the most part, I want to send people to ROH and not have them on the AEW roster.  Is there, however, a way that I can have a wrestler on both rosters at once?  I tried the talent trade screen and it said that wouldn't work and if I send to developmental, it removes them straight from my AEW roster.

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2 hours ago, McMenemy said:

Developmental/Child Relationship

In my AEW save, I have it set up so that ROH are my child company.  For the most part, I want to send people to ROH and not have them on the AEW roster.  Is there, however, a way that I can have a wrestler on both rosters at once?  I tried the talent trade screen and it said that wouldn't work and if I send to developmental, it removes them straight from my AEW roster.

You have an option to "borrow" them from developmental when you are on the booking screen for a show or event.

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I'm going crazy trying to find where I can create tag teams for my developmental promotion. Can someone shine some light on this? 

If need be, I'll just add a second player as the booker and do it that way, but I'd rather not have to do that. I know this was something we could do in 2016.

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14 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I'm going crazy trying to find where I can create tag teams for my developmental promotion. Can someone shine some light on this? 

If need be, I'll just add a second player as the booker and do it that way, but I'd rather not have to do that. I know this was something we could do in 2016.

Child Company button on the office screen

It should be there

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5 hours ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

How do I make an existing worker on my roster head booker?

How do I make an AI owner only give handshake deals or at least non exclusive (Trying to recreate Paul Boesch in Houston but he keeps tying up great talent)


You can't make people head booker as that's the role you / your avatar is filling.

You can't affect the AI's contract choices, it's based on their current circumstances.

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A bit of a random question; is it possible to 'stack' managers?

For example, Worker A is a wrestler managed by Worker B, who is managed by Worker C, who is managed by Worker D. Would a match involving Worker A mean that all of B, C and D are considered at ringside without having to manually add the 'at ringside' note for workers C & D? 

I'm trying to incorporate an entourage without having to manually add the note for each worker every time. 

Thanks in advance for anyone able to help! 

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35 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

If a database is running slow what can you delete to make it speed up? Is it better to delete a worker or two? Or something else?

Deleting a company or two will make the biggest difference as it reduces the time spent on AI booking and hiring, the two biggest processing points, especially if they run several shows a month.

Deleting a couple of workers will have negligible impact.

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On 11/25/2022 at 7:44 PM, Jaysin said:

I've asked this a hundred times and it's never been answered.

If you're using say Dusty Rhodes as your UC, do you still get the events of him teaching his proteges?



I can't give a definitive answer but I can attest from my games where I've played as a Mentor, I've never had an protege event occur.

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32 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

I honestly don't think anyone knows except Adam and he has never replied any time I've asked this.

Hey @Adam Ryland, would you mind putting a rest to this question once and for all?


If playing as a User Character and there are protege/mentor relationships, will the event occur of passing knowledge to your protege?

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6 hours ago, Midnightnick said:

Hey @Adam Ryland, would you mind putting a rest to this question once and for all?


If playing as a User Character and there are protege/mentor relationships, will the event occur of passing knowledge to your protege?

No, the user character is not part of any of those sort of backstage calculations as they're not in the locker room at that stage.

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