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The "Booking Committee" Thread, 2020 Edition

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I'm in the process of introducing a new division and title to one of my games. I've got what I think is a unique idea but I also feel like maybe I'm overcomplicating things. Figured I'd see if anyone had thoughts.




The International


Secondary title


Center plate has an interchangeable slot for the flag of wherever the champion is from.

Side plates have slots for flags (4-6?) If successfully defended in another country, or against a designated representative of a specific nation, one flag is added. Each flag can only be collected once per title reign, so you can't just beat six Americans to fill the slots. When enough flags have been collected, the title can be traded for a world title shot, if the champion desires. They can use this option at any point after collecting the flags, but can also choose not to. The belt is then vacated, to be awarded in a later match.


The title can be defended, won, and lost like any other title, and not all matches are for flags. If a new champion is crowned, all flag plates are removed and the collection begins again.


I was also toying with the idea of match stipulations, like using European rules in Europe countries, that sort of thing.


It sounds like you might be overcomplicating a bit but at the same time I get it. Actually what your full vision sounds like is trying to start a new belt in the form of one that's been around for a long time. I'd say start this belt off as just a standard title. Then several reigns in have a dominant champ add the bit about the flags for extra self-challenge and the company just keeps that stipulation going forward. Then a little while after that, do something like the Austin Aries Birth of Option C story to add the opportunity to trade the belt in for a world title shot. So it ends up where you want it and there's story reason for the added features.

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My first thought is that a World Title shot almost seems like too small a prize for such a arduous task, but that would depend on what segment of your roster is competing for this new belt, and how rare and special World title matches are.


Otherwise, I really like it. Cool enough to design a whole promotion around.

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It sounds like you might be overcomplicating a bit but at the same time I get it. Actually what your full vision sounds like is trying to start a new belt in the form of one that's been around for a long time. I'd say start this belt off as just a standard title. Then several reigns in have a dominant champ add the bit about the flags for extra self-challenge and the company just keeps that stipulation going forward. Then a little while after that, do something like the Austin Aries Birth of Option C story to add the opportunity to trade the belt in for a world title shot. So it ends up where you want it and there's story reason for the added features.


I do like the idea of the stipulations coming "naturally" via storylines. Gives it some logic to why it has rules.


My first thought is that a World Title shot almost seems like too small a prize for such a arduous task, but that would depend on what segment of your roster is competing for this new belt, and how rare and special World title matches are.


Otherwise, I really like it. Cool enough to design a whole promotion around.


At the moment it's kind of still developing what level. It's supposed to be a second tier, but I've thought about alternative main title.


My world title situation is designed around the old-school, with title matches being rare to give it an air of significance. World title defenses are an Event when they happen. My current champion is entering his fourth year, but only just had his seventh defense.


It's half the reason I wanted a belt with an excuse to have defended on pretty much any show. I have a midcard belt but that one is always tied into storylines throwing random defenses doesn't always make sense. This way the belt is it's own storyline regardless of champion.

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Lucha Underground had a similar gimmick with their Gift of the Gods title. Once all seven medallions were collected, the belt could be cashed in for a world title match with a week's notice. You could watch some of that and get some booking ideas.
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I really like the idea personally, however I'd say it would also depend on the company you have for it to work.


For instance, such a belt in AEW would work fairly well in game: they allow their wrestler to have matches in other companies, and with the whole "Forbidden Door" dynamics, it's easy to invite people from said other companies to help collect flags, while it makes sense in kayfabe that they only pick the best of the best from other countries. You'd have to invite people yourself (or book other companies for a couple of shows), but it's doable.

On the other hand, a company as closed to relationships as WWE would have trouble using such a belt in my opinion, because it'll depend mostly on who you have in your roster to represent countries, and you could get stuck easily.


Honestly, in real life, I'd love the concept because I can just imagine the kind of heel who would film himself going to the most unlikely countries, get a win there and get his title shot because he defeated someone from Vanuatu, Luxembourg, Belize, etc and avoided completly any country where there was any chance to find a single decent wrestler (in kayfabe), or to lose the title at the last flag because he went to, say, Bulgaria expecting an easy win and Miro shows up :D

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Lucha Underground had a similar gimmick with their Gift of the Gods title. Once all seven medallions were collected, the belt could be cashed in for a world title match with a week's notice. You could watch some of that and get some booking ideas.


I took some inspiration from the Gift of the Gods, actually. As well as the old Smokey Mountain TV title, and Impact's X-Division Option C. And a bit from that one belt DragonGate had (has?) with the keys. And the whole idea really started forming while my girlfriend and I discussed Pac defending the All-Pacific title overseas right now. I was pretty...let's say medicated...and my brain was working in a couple other gears.


I really like the idea personally, however I'd say it would also depend on the company you have for it to work.


For instance, such a belt in AEW would work fairly well in game: they allow their wrestler to have matches in other companies, and with the whole "Forbidden Door" dynamics, it's easy to invite people from said other companies to help collect flags, while it makes sense in kayfabe that they only pick the best of the best from other countries. You'd have to invite people yourself (or book other companies for a couple of shows), but it's doable.

On the other hand, a company as closed to relationships as WWE would have trouble using such a belt in my opinion, because it'll depend mostly on who you have in your roster to represent countries, and you could get stuck easily.


Honestly, in real life, I'd love the concept because I can just imagine the kind of heel who would film himself going to the most unlikely countries, get a win there and get his title shot because he defeated someone from Vanuatu, Luxembourg, Belize, etc and avoided completly any country where there was any chance to find a single decent wrestler (in kayfabe), or to lose the title at the last flag because he went to, say, Bulgaria expecting an easy win and Miro shows up :D


My company operates out of the Netherlands so going to "other countries" really isn't as much of a biggie as if I was running in the US or Japan. I can literally use "local talent" if any are of a suitable level. Plus, my product is medium on sports entertainment so a little bit of kayfabe "pre-tape" matches. Being able to use locals or fakes can play into what you said about someone seeking out easy challengers, and so just using locals would fit. Hadn't thought of that as a possible thread to follow. Idea likely stolen. I could also see a similar heel tactic of always claiming to have visa or travel issues as an excuse to duck high level fighters in favor of lower level "designated representatives." (Think someone like JBL or MJF pulling the ole "Hey, my private plane broke down on the way to Tokyo to meet Okada for our match, but here I am in stuck in Scotland so I might as well get a flag off this Grado people keep ranting about...")

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like the committee's opinion on a problem I have in my January 2022 WWE Universe save, more exactly with my tag team division.


As it stands, I have very few good face team for the futures, unless I fancy having the same team be in the title scene over and over. The teams are (with the people I "had to" sign) as follow, with both brands thrown in together:

- on the Face side: New Day, Lucha House Party, Breezango, Slater & Rhyno, AOP (for now, since they're aligned with a tweener stable) and the Sydal Brothers. Los Mysterios (but Dominik is about to go to NXT) and RK-Bro (with Riddle soon going to leave the company) are also in there, as well as Viking Raiders who are leaving us at the end of the month.

- on the Heel side: Alpha Academy, Hurt Business, Dirty Dawgs, Corbin & Moss, Mahal & Shanky, Los Lotharios, The Ascension, The Bollywood Boys, The Colons, The Forgotten Sons, The Good Brothers, and obviously The Usos.


As you can see, there's a big advantage for the Heels, and since most of my face teams are going to be either there as jobbers or occupied for a while with a big storyline, it'll leave me with a rotation between New Day and LHP. On paper, WWE has done so countless of times, but I want a much more interesting tag team division thank you very much :D


So now I have to find solutions to replenish the division without turning too many people. Granted, soon enough I'll get back Heavy Machinery together, but that still leave me with an unbalanced tag division, even more since Imperium and Legado del Fantasma are going to the main roster in maximum a year (and probably sooner than that).


What would be the best option, in the committee's opinion ?

  • Have the two NXT teams who have a decent pop (MSK and Jacket in Time) go to the main roster, leaving me with no experienced teams in NXT and therefore only moving the problem from the main roster to NXT
  • Have solo workers from the midcard, as well as the older workers from both NXTs, join forces for a team, with the risk of them being more of a random association rather than a real team
  • Use teams from both NXTs regardless of their US popularity, and deal with the bad ratings for their segments.
  • Hire teams (preferably ones that are known to the WWE fans already), or even solo guys that I could team with my midcard when suitable, until I've built the popularity of NXT/NXT UK teams
  • Just have no turnover in the face teams, leaving a lot of heel teams unused, again until the NXTs teams have some pop
  • A mix of all the above

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Orton/Ricochet could be interesting, but Ricochet is planned to go away for a couple of months and come back as something closer to Prince Puma, with a manager so I can hide his weaknesses better. Plus, if Riddle leaves, I might as well make the RK-Bro separation a storyline.


So far, I've settled on bringing back Biff Busick so I can have a Burch-Lorcan tag team, and I'm thinking about either a big burly dude team of Timothy Thatcher and Killian Dain, or bringing back the Dain-Drake Maverick team.

I'm also wondering if I shouldn't hire Darren Young for a couple of months (or more if Prime Time Players works well as faces).

British Strong Style (without Trent Seven, so Bate and Dunne) is also a possibility, as is DIY (but really, I like Ciampa and Gargano solo more than I want them as a team, right now). Turning T-Bar and Mace face might work too, but I don't think they mesh that well to be honest.


As for more "random" pairings, I've thought of:

- R-Truth/Rich Swann which would delay both single pushes, but give us plenty of dance breaks

- Gulak-No Way José, with Gulak trying to teach José to be more serious, but failing: the only problem I have with that is that it's similar to the dynamics behind Alpha Academy, Andre Chase University and the Mastiff-Starks storyline

- alternatively, No Way José pairing with either Mojo Rawley or Rich Swann


(And to think I'll have to create even more random pairings and/or hire workers to have a decent Women tag team division in the main roster...)

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Not really a booking issue, but I guess it could be.


I just rebooted my game with MAW. WrestleWord just popped and I have an idea for a monthly show to further my storylines with angles and keep the guys I don't use on my main shows (like Americana, Rip Chord Invitational etc) busy.


I had in my other backup directly used a TV show with 4 tappings but I want to do it differently.


In my idea, I wanted to do a monthly event, even "lesser" but I'm afraid I'll be stuck with the angles, since my ratio is 95/5 for events. So it's mostly in terms of gameplay that I'm stuck.


What do you think I should do?

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Not really a booking issue, but I guess it could be.


I just rebooted my game with MAW. WrestleWord just popped and I have an idea for a monthly show to further my storylines with angles and keep the guys I don't use on my main shows (like Americana, Rip Chord Invitational etc) busy.


I had in my other backup directly used a TV show with 4 tappings but I want to do it differently.


In my idea, I wanted to do a monthly event, even "lesser" but I'm afraid I'll be stuck with the angles, since my ratio is 95/5 for events. So it's mostly in terms of gameplay that I'm stuck.


What do you think I should do?


Theres a lot of wiggle room on the percents. Want to say its roughly 15%. So you should be good

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I think the best idea would be to take some face main roster midcarders who aren’t busy at the moment and putting them together in tag teams. Don’t worry about them not feeling unified; RK-Bro felt pretty random when it started, but it worked out just fine, right? Personally, I’m intrigued by the idea of an Orton/Ricochet tag team.


If you write the story well enough itll always come together. Most of my best tag teams have been random pairings who came together based on the story

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Theres a lot of wiggle room on the percents. Want to say its roughly 15%. So you should be good


Yup, I can drop to 80%, but I was thinking an event more like my TV Show's product (which is 60/40 IIRC). And that's impossible so ... That's why I ask the veterans how you would organize if you were mine ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Once again, I come to you in my time of needs. Yes, I know.

Still January 2022 with WWE/NXT/NXT UK, and this time my problem is with the women division. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realise it was THAT bad until I had to keep a balance between the main roster and NXT roster, so I don't ruin a title scene for women tag teams. At the moment, the main roster basically will start with two real teams (and in one of those two, I employ the term loosely): Carmella-Zelina (the current champs) and the Iiconics because who in 2022 would want a US women tag division without them in it, really ?

Apart from that, I have absolutely no-one. I mean, obviously, I have a couple of women I can throw together to do a match here and there, but the only teams that make sense, have a history and are a threat are heel teams: Shotzi-Moon, Natalya-Tamina, KLR-Mia Yim. On the face side, the only team of people I have free is Dana Brooke and Aaliyah, and I can't very well have them be dominant champions while I build more teams with actual storylines: first of all, they're not that great (and the team is untested), and second of all, want to build my teams properly by having storylines that make the two join forces. In 4-5 months, if all goes decently well, I'll have plenty of teams but it takes time.


Now, my solutions are those:

- call up teams from NXT. On the "pros" side, that would be the logical choice, and while I don't think they're going to be the future of the division, Catanzaro-Carter, or a rerun of Dakota-Tegan could work. On the cons side, that would only move the problem rather than solve it, since I'd now have no ready teams in NXT to feud with Toxic Attraction while I make the other teams grow in popularity.

- scratch my plans for some people. I could obviously do that, but since I tend to go for booking storylines that intertwines, it also means removing one or two big arcs that will be used for 6 months to a year. It can be done, but I'd rather not rewrite half of what I have in store.

- turn one of the two teams (most likely the Iiconics, as they're returning), and have the two teams feud for 4-5 months minimum

- bring a couple of teams to fill the gap: maybe my favorite solution, but not without problems itself. Basically, if I want to go with teams that can go straight to a title shot without fans being angry-ish at it, I need to bring back popular/familiar WWE alumnis, and that means either the Bella Twins (if I can convince them to unretire), the Chickbusters (but would AJ Lee really sign with WWE in 2022 ?), or any duo from a list that contains Taryn Terrell, Lana, Eva Marie, Melina, Katie Lea Burchill, Jazz, Victoria, and if I steal them back Serena Deeb, Chelsea Green, Taryn Terrell, Mickie James, Emma, Taya Valkyrie, Deonna Purrazzo, or Santana Garrett.

- bring one of the no-pop but really talented teams I just signed, and push them like there's no tomorrow

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First time in the thread, and I have slightly booked myself into a smallish corner, so I thought I would ask for your opinions/advice.

I've been booking a ULTRA-push of Yuta Isono and Jack Avatar (The 5K Alliance), and it has entered basically phase 3 as Jack Avatar has won the main belt (I'm In APW, here is some non-necessary context), in addition to the year long tag reign he's had with Yuta. The problem lies with the tag belts, I'm not sure how I get them off the two know that they don't need them anymore, I have some ideas but if you come up with your own feel free of course lay it on me. For context I'm looking to get them off at the very most in 3 months, hoping for ASAP, and I just finished up my big wrestlemania show, so next TV is basically RAW after WrestleMania.

  1. I vacate the belts, it happens quickly, efficiently, and lets me move them off without hurting the pop the two have had built up for the past couple months.
  2. Have a shock win on the next TV, I think it could make for a cool moment, they've basically been "Undefeated" in a sense as a tag team, but I'm not a fan of those kinds of streaks, and if there was a time besides PPV to do it, this show would be the time, it also could further stories with a new challenger costing them the titles (They are heels but you know how it goes)
  3. Have a storyline defeat on the opener of a PPV. This is also interesting as the goal at the end of the day is in some way to have the two split, but I want it to be somewhat more subdued then that, so Yuta taking the pin might have to be held down the line, I was thinking of giving him the midcard title, almost a Kurt and Joe TNA moment albeit I don't think they're 1v1 will be for the belt (atleast rn in my head), so it could wait, or it could happen soon, I'm up for either.

I hope I made it clear as I'm sleep deprived, lol, again all advice welcome.

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40 minutes ago, MaiTyLer said:

First time in the thread, and I have slightly booked myself into a smallish corner, so I thought I would ask for your opinions/advice.

I've been booking a ULTRA-push of Yuta Isono and Jack Avatar (The 5K Alliance), and it has entered basically phase 3 as Jack Avatar has won the main belt (I'm In APW, here is some non-necessary context), in addition to the year long tag reign he's had with Yuta. The problem lies with the tag belts, I'm not sure how I get them off the two know that they don't need them anymore, I have some ideas but if you come up with your own feel free of course lay it on me. For context I'm looking to get them off at the very most in 3 months, hoping for ASAP, and I just finished up my big wrestlemania show, so next TV is basically RAW after WrestleMania.

  1. I vacate the belts, it happens quickly, efficiently, and lets me move them off without hurting the pop the two have had built up for the past couple months.
  2. Have a shock win on the next TV, I think it could make for a cool moment, they've basically been "Undefeated" in a sense as a tag team, but I'm not a fan of those kinds of streaks, and if there was a time besides PPV to do it, this show would be the time, it also could further stories with a new challenger costing them the titles (They are heels but you know how it goes)
  3. Have a storyline defeat on the opener of a PPV. This is also interesting as the goal at the end of the day is in some way to have the two split, but I want it to be somewhat more subdued then that, so Yuta taking the pin might have to be held down the line, I was thinking of giving him the midcard title, almost a Kurt and Joe TNA moment albeit I don't think they're 1v1 will be for the belt (atleast rn in my head), so it could wait, or it could happen soon, I'm up for either.

I hope I made it clear as I'm sleep deprived, lol, again all advice welcome.

I've been really enjoying your write ups in the "What's going on in your game" thread, especially since I play only in Australia so it's been interesting to see your take on wrestlers who don't get as much love in the CVerse.

A couple of clarifying questions I have:

1. What kind of tag team are The 5K Alliance? Pardon me for using AEW comparisons, but are they like a team of FTR-esque tag team purists, or are they a tag of two really good singles guys who happen to work really well together? As characters do they care about their legacy as tag champs? Especially with both men competing for and Jack winning the top title?

2. Does Jack winning the top title, in a match with Yuta, affect their relationship at all? Does Jack put more into defending his Commonwealth gold and less focus on the tag titles? Does this lead to a feud between the two, or does it lead to them splitting amicably?

You've based APW around these two guys since the beginning, and just because Jack won the Commonwealth title I think it'd be disappointing if they just vacated the titles or lost them unceremoniously.

With what info I have now, I'd say best idea is do something similar to Seth Rollins. Have Jack committed to defending both titles, on TV and on PPV. Maybe Jack is holding back, or maybe you have a "filler" defense like a big strong monster guy who he can get beat up by but win, then they lose a big time tag title main event? Or if the Commonwealth title is the main event, Jack could potentially "give up", either tapping out early to a submission or walking out on a tough tag match to save his energy to defend the Commonwealth belt? A lot of different directions you could go.

A lot of different ways you can go, but given the story you've had the entirety of your run I have a hard time not picturing the final match in your tenure being Jack vs Yuta, whether it's face vs face or face vs heel.

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8 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo are a must sign. They're teaming as VXT in Impact

Havok and Rosemary would be a unique team in WWE's current landscape

Both teams might be signed at some point for sure (if only because I'd love to have Purrazzo anyway, and I guess I could give Havok a chance even though I don't care for her much), but in this case, I need popular face teams more than I need heel ones unfortunately.

Preferably, they'd have to come from WWE (or ex-WWE) since that's who the audience would be more familiar with, but if they're known enough that they can debute and have a Mania match in less than two months, all the better (which is why I don't try to sign the Twisted Sisters right now for instance: Rosa is known to the WWE audience, or should be, but Holidead not so much).


Thanks for the suggestions anyway, it might be super helpful in the future haha

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11 hours ago, John Lions said:

I've been really enjoying your write ups in the "What's going on in your game" thread, especially since I play only in Australia so it's been interesting to see your take on wrestlers who don't get as much love in the CVerse.

A couple of clarifying questions I have:

1. What kind of tag team are The 5K Alliance? Pardon me for using AEW comparisons, but are they like a team of FTR-esque tag team purists, or are they a tag of two really good singles guys who happen to work really well together? As characters do they care about their legacy as tag champs? Especially with both men competing for and Jack winning the top title?

2. Does Jack winning the top title, in a match with Yuta, affect their relationship at all? Does Jack put more into defending his Commonwealth gold and less focus on the tag titles? Does this lead to a feud between the two, or does it lead to them splitting amicably?

You've based APW around these two guys since the beginning, and just because Jack won the Commonwealth title I think it'd be disappointing if they just vacated the titles or lost them unceremoniously.

With what info I have now, I'd say best idea is do something similar to Seth Rollins. Have Jack committed to defending both titles, on TV and on PPV. Maybe Jack is holding back, or maybe you have a "filler" defense like a big strong monster guy who he can get beat up by but win, then they lose a big time tag title main event? Or if the Commonwealth title is the main event, Jack could potentially "give up", either tapping out early to a submission or walking out on a tough tag match to save his energy to defend the Commonwealth belt? A lot of different directions you could go.

A lot of different ways you can go, but given the story you've had the entirety of your run I have a hard time not picturing the final match in your tenure being Jack vs Yuta, whether it's face vs face or face vs heel.

1. The Gimmick with the 5K was originally when I started APW was VERY much smaller as it is, but Jack & Yuta we're these HUGE signings (especially for the company at the time) for Sean Quartermaine, who brought them in as a sort of revenge storyline for being ousted (both in a real life lost the booker position, and as I replaced him on commentary and his managing duties of someone, can't remember who). They've dominated the tag team scene for the year, but as the months rolled on they started cutting promos about who they're the best, and they deserve more oppirunities, eventually ruining a big title match between Rod & Lynx, hence the match. I'd say they definitely work as a team, but not in a FTR way, more so singles guys who happen to work really well together, in terms of the legacy, I see the fact that they held the tag gold for a year plus as the kind of "cherry on top", but they could hold them longer as well.

2. This was important, in the match, Jack pinned Lynx, and in my headcannon Yuta and Jack RARELY fought, maybe a spot or two for a tease, but strictly avoided the combat, so the relationship is non-fractured, they also went into the match with a "Whoever gets it, gets it" meaning if Yuta had been the one to pull it out, Jack wouldn't be upset (at least for now). In terms of the split, I think amicably would be cool, but A its wrestling, and my mark brain always yearns for the Steen/Generico split feud, as well as B, I'm not sure I could justify it with a face for face, the biggest challenge to me is who exactly will be the one turning face (THEY ARE BOTH HEELS RN I can't believe I didn't mention that), would it be the (right now) champ Jack Avatar, or the denied at the dance Yuta, both are interesting choices, I hope this helped.

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6 hours ago, MaiTyLer said:

1. The Gimmick with the 5K was originally when I started APW was VERY much smaller as it is, but Jack & Yuta we're these HUGE signings (especially for the company at the time) for Sean Quartermaine, who brought them in as a sort of revenge storyline for being ousted (both in a real life lost the booker position, and as I replaced him on commentary and his managing duties of someone, can't remember who). They've dominated the tag team scene for the year, but as the months rolled on they started cutting promos about who they're the best, and they deserve more oppirunities, eventually ruining a big title match between Rod & Lynx, hence the match. I'd say they definitely work as a team, but not in a FTR way, more so singles guys who happen to work really well together, in terms of the legacy, I see the fact that they held the tag gold for a year plus as the kind of "cherry on top", but they could hold them longer as well.

2. This was important, in the match, Jack pinned Lynx, and in my headcannon Yuta and Jack RARELY fought, maybe a spot or two for a tease, but strictly avoided the combat, so the relationship is non-fractured, they also went into the match with a "Whoever gets it, gets it" meaning if Yuta had been the one to pull it out, Jack wouldn't be upset (at least for now). In terms of the split, I think amicably would be cool, but A its wrestling, and my mark brain always yearns for the Steen/Generico split feud, as well as B, I'm not sure I could justify it with a face for face, the biggest challenge to me is who exactly will be the one turning face (THEY ARE BOTH HEELS RN I can't believe I didn't mention that), would it be the (right now) champ Jack Avatar, or the denied at the dance Yuta, both are interesting choices, I hope this helped.

That's a tough one. Do you think it makes sense to "go out" with both men seen as equals? The entire time Yuta and Jack have been equal share partners, the best team APW has ever seen. Now that Jack is Commonwealth champ, Yuta has to prove that he's equally as good as Jack and not in his shadow. Yuta gets Jack one on one, and an "honorable" match ends with Yuta cheating Jack out to win it, turning Jack face. Even with them being heels, I feel like they have to be getting cheers from some part of your crowd, for being so damn good. Give Jack and Yuta a proper 1v1 match, and you could end it any number of ways. Yuta cheats to keep it again? Jack does the ultra-babyface win against the odds? They go to a draw, fighting a clean match, and go out recognizing each other as equals?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you use cage matches with the possibility of an escape being a way to win the match, you could always simply have both men fall off from the top of the cage at the same time, meaning that they touch the ground at the same time too (which doesn't mean the heel won't say he definitely touched it first, of course).

And if it's more of a "Hell in a Cell" type of cage match where the winner has to pin/submit the loser, a simple "both men had their shoulders on the ground" or "he taped just as the referee counted three, so the ref had to declare it a draw" always works too.

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11 hours ago, Dave E Mac said:

What an odd question, but I have an event where it’s based around cage matches. Issue I’ve got is a storyline running I can’t have either of my top stars lose. Any suggestions on how I can have a cage match end as a draw!?

You could do the idiotic thing WWE did when they had a no contest in a Hell in a Cell match 😂

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Just for the sake of having other ideas than mine, I thought I'd ask here: I have signed Devantes with NXT in January 2022 and he has a "Bouncer"/"Bodyguard" gimmick. However, I'm not fully convinced on who he should protect: I thought of Duke Hudson and Grayson Waller (but both don't seem to me like they'd need someone to do the job: I know Waller had Sanga at that point, but I like him on his own better), Tiffany Stratton (in a "Daddy hired him for me" dynamic) or for new recruits/returns, either August Grey (who gets his Hunnies with him this time and go full "Miami Vicd") or Travis Billund (Mr. Brickster, rebranded as a politician who everyone can see is a big fraud),

So far, I'm probably going towards the Stratton hypothesis, but I'm unsure how to justify her being away for his matches (since he wouldn't be able to protect her then) nor her allowing him to have matches.

Anyway, any suggestion for other names (I can include all the available heels if needed) or arguments for any of the above is more than welcome !

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On 9/16/2022 at 12:20 PM, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Just for the sake of having other ideas than mine, I thought I'd ask here: I have signed Devantes with NXT in January 2022 and he has a "Bouncer"/"Bodyguard" gimmick. However, I'm not fully convinced on who he should protect: I thought of Duke Hudson and Grayson Waller (but both don't seem to me like they'd need someone to do the job: I know Waller had Sanga at that point, but I like him on his own better), Tiffany Stratton (in a "Daddy hired him for me" dynamic) or for new recruits/returns, either August Grey (who gets his Hunnies with him this time and go full "Miami Vicd") or Travis Billund (Mr. Brickster, rebranded as a politician who everyone can see is a big fraud),

So far, I'm probably going towards the Stratton hypothesis, but I'm unsure how to justify her being away for his matches (since he wouldn't be able to protect her then) nor her allowing him to have matches.

Anyway, any suggestion for other names (I can include all the available heels if needed) or arguments for any of the above is more than welcome !

The possible issue with the Stratton idea (which I happen to like) is that what is the endgame? Obviously with Waller or Hudson you can have them become jealous if he starts to overshadow them. 

If you have a good exit strategy for the Stratton pairing, I really think that would be a refreshing take. Maybe he ends up using her for her money, leading to some character development/gimmick change for her down the line?

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Mostly, I have three options: a) the pairing works really well and I can turn both of them faces for a while in a "love story" kind of angle where they fall in love and her Daddy (who I'll then find someone to play the role) sends goons to try and separate them because nobody is allowed to touch Daddy's little princess, especially not a bouncer, b) the pairing works well enough that he's her Omos, they feud with a couple of other... well couples (InDex, etc) until Stratton thinks he's the reason they lose and she has him fired, c) the pairing doesn't work at all and I simply have him play the role for someone else, man or woman, after a short storyline where she fires him because she wants to be independent and prove herself, or because she's being her spoiled brat self.

All in all, I like Devantes but he'll never become a huge thing either, so if it fails it is no big deal, I just thought that since he has a good look and decent skills, I might as well give him something more interesting to do than "Random massive heel for midcarders to step on".

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