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[Beta Release] Risky Business(January 1985)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48200" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's January 1985, and Vince McMahon is betting the house on an upcoming supercard unlike any other: WrestleMania. It's such a huge risk that he's signed on celebrity talent such as Cyndi Lauper, Mr. T, Liberace, Billy Martin and Muhammad Ali in order to gain mainstream attention. And the junior McMahon hasn't even signed all the in-ring talent that he has had an eye on yet! The various territories proclaim that they think that what Vince is doing in trying to take wrestling national is hurting the business, but many seem to think these regional promoters are just mad that they didn't think of it first. Can the WWF pull off the gamble of a lifetime? Can the territories survive?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After speaking with and obtaining permission from Matt Shannon, I will be taking over development of the Risky Business mod. It was my favorite database on TEW2016 by a far margin and I hope that I do it justice for 2020. </p><p> </p><p> I have no ETA yet as I've just started working on the data. My first goal is to go through every worker with a fine tooth comb to account for the new attribute system and various other new features.</p><p> </p><p> If there's any yet to debut workers you'd like to see in the data, feel free to list them as that's my second task after I get through the initial workers.</p><p> </p><p> Matt has done 90% of the work already, so primary credit goes to him, but I'll also be using cuts and narratives from Taker as well as a modified version of the nGo pic pack. </p><p> </p><p> Feel free to post your questions, comments, or concerns!</p><p> </p><p> Release History:</p><p> Beta Release .1(8/11/2020- <a href="https://www.mediafire.com/file/aksxvf4s43uc6h2/RiskyBusiness.rar/file" rel="external nofollow">https://www.mediafire.com/file/aksxvf4s43uc6h2/RiskyBusiness.rar/file</a>)</p>
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Thanks for all the kind words guys!


Just so I have a point of reference I figured I'd list some of the starting numbers for the mod.


Companies Active: 29
Yet To Open: 99

Free Pictures: 518

Dojo Graduates: 368

Tag Teams: 489

Titles: 121

Training Facilities: 44

TV Shows: 25

Already Debuted Workers: 1035
Yet To Debut: 1284
Total Workers: 2319

Worker Relationships: 800


My goal for today is to spend a couple hours going through workers to assign attributes. I started a bit ago and then the game crashed and deleted the database so trying not to get discouraged.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D16NJD16" data-cite="D16NJD16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48200" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What are the biggest changes going to be compared to the 2016 version? What's been the trickiest area to rework?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My hope is that I am able to add a bunch of Yet to Debut workers and promotions. </p><p> </p><p> Honestly, I haven't gotten heavily into editing yet so I can't really comment on what the trickiest area to rework will be.</p><p> </p><p> I'm guessing assigning products to promotions I'm not familiar with and assigning attributes to workers I'm not familiar with will be pretty tricky though.</p><p> </p><p> I've added both the NWA National Heavyweight and NWA National Tag Team belts along with lineages though. Title lineages are so mind numbing, but I'm hoping it'll make a more dramatic Alliance with multiple titles.</p>
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This is one of my two favorite mods from 2016. One of the things I liked about it was that there weren't a lot of pre-set bad habits. I hope that you consider going easy on those as you develop this mod.


I converted the 1991 mod to see how the new game works and in my first two shows I had 15 negative incidents which took my backstage rating from 89 to 28 and led to one person handing in their notice a few days later. It's not a whole lot of fun for a fantasy booker like me.


Just my two cents. Thanks for taking on this task. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

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This is one of my two favorite mods from 2016. One of the things I liked about it was that there weren't a lot of pre-set bad habits. I hope that you consider going easy on those as you develop this mod.


I converted the 1991 mod to see how the new game works and in my first two shows I had 15 negative incidents which took my backstage rating from 89 to 28 and led to one person handing in their notice a few days later. It's not a whole lot of fun for a fantasy booker like me.


Just my two cents. Thanks for taking on this task. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.


I haven't dove into personal habits yet as I've mostly just been tweaking titles and company products so far, but ideally I'd like them to be on par with what Matt originally envisioned.

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Some of the things I always find missing from retro mods are the jobbers. You always see the biggest names like Horowitz and I've seen some Dale Wolfe, but there is still a real lack of jobbers that you'd see on WWF television or even WCW television often times.


I assume it's done for balance but it's just strange to see some and not others. I'm trying to think of some but I don't have the game in front of me to double check to make sure they aren't actually in there.

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Some of the things I always find missing from retro mods are the jobbers. You always see the biggest names like Horowitz and I've seen some Dale Wolfe, but there is still a real lack of jobbers that you'd see on WWF television or even WCW television often times.


I assume it's done for balance but it's just strange to see some and not others. I'm trying to think of some but I don't have the game in front of me to double check to make sure they aren't actually in there.


There were reasons for this in 2016, supposedly 2020 fixed the issue with roster size, so maybe they can be added and useful now.

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Some of the things I always find missing from retro mods are the jobbers. You always see the biggest names like Horowitz and I've seen some Dale Wolfe, but there is still a real lack of jobbers that you'd see on WWF television or even WCW television often times.


I assume it's done for balance but it's just strange to see some and not others. I'm trying to think of some but I don't have the game in front of me to double check to make sure they aren't actually in there.


There were reasons for this in 2016, supposedly 2020 fixed the issue with roster size, so maybe they can be added and useful now.


I was just about to say this. The roster sizes now should make it more appropriate. I cant remember which one it was [91 or 92] however I believe i did see a lot of jobbers that are the lower level of the "jobber pole" on both WCW & WWF's roster.

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I was just about to say this. The roster sizes now should make it more appropriate. I cant remember which one it was [91 or 92] however I believe i did see a lot of jobbers that are the lower level of the "jobber pole" on both WCW & WWF's roster.


Yeah I understand them not being on the rosters, but having them in the database at least would be a help. Then the player could put them on the roster if they wanted/needed to use them.


I think Hive's 95 scenario had a decent amount of enhancement talent as well. I feel like the 80's mods, where they would be most useful, lacked them though.


Another thing that would be good to flesh out is more "Yet to debut" people. I assume this is a time thing for mod makers as most want to get on to the next mod but adding in people who didn't neccessarily become stars but still debuted later on would be great. Most mod makers do well adding the "stars" but kind of fall back on not adding guys who didn't become much of anything.

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Yeah I understand them not being on the rosters, but having them in the database at least would be a help. Then the player could put them on the roster if they wanted/needed to use them.


I think Hive's 95 scenario had a decent amount of enhancement talent as well. I feel like the 80's mods, where they would be most useful, lacked them though.


Another thing that would be good to flesh out is more "Yet to debut" people. I assume this is a time thing for mod makers as most want to get on to the next mod but adding in people who didn't neccessarily become stars but still debuted later on would be great. Most mod makers do well adding the "stars" but kind of fall back on not adding guys who didn't become much of anything.


It appears the 2016 version of the mod has that area pretty set, anyone specific that it is missing?

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