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CVerse Companies for the Unloved Products?

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<p>There are quite a few products in the TEW 2020 set that are not represented in the CVerse by companies that are open or yet to open. I thought it would be interesting to have a thread for people to propose yet-to-open companies for some of these products. Some are easier than others.</p><p> </p><p>

My looking through the database suggests that the following products are orphaned:</p><p> </p><p>

Attitude Entertainment</p><p>

Avantgarde Puroresu</p><p>

Bar Room Entertainment</p><p>

Campy Fun</p><p>

Catch Wrestling</p><p>


Deathmatch Lucha Libre</p><p>

Episodic Entertainment</p><p>

Episodic Sport</p><p>

Gory Hardcore (*)</p><p>

Hardcore Evolved</p><p>

High Flying Hardcore</p><p>

Historic Lucha Libre</p><p>

Hokey Southern Rasslin</p><p>

Junior-Deathmatch Combined</p><p>

Lighthearted Entertainment</p><p>

Lucha Libre Slobberknocker</p><p>

Modern Throwback</p><p>

Monster Battle</p><p>

No-Style Style</p><p>

Performance Art</p><p>

Pseudo Sport</p><p>

Puerto Rican Hardcore</p><p>

Risque Adult (*)</p><p>

Scripted Reality</p><p>

Skit Based</p><p>

Slobberknocker-Deathmatch Combined</p><p>

Strong Puroresu</p><p>

Telenovela</p><p> </p><p>

I've marked Risque Adult and Gory Hardcore because they were reasonably recently represented by WEXXV and BSC, respectively, but feel free to pitch for them anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

To give an example of what I'm thinking of:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fed to the Lions</strong>: FTL</p><p>

FTL is a <strong>Scripted Reality</strong> show run by NetStream. It follows a fake wrestling promotion, and all of the drama and storylines are based on (scripted) behind-the-scenes politics. Even in the ring, they often reveal who is supposed to win beforehand, and the drama comes from the question of whether they will act professionally given their backstage issues. Contains more than a few pokes at the wrestling industry as a whole and at USPW in particular.</p><p>

Core and Current Product: Scripted Reality</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: None</p><p>

Match Focus: Ensemble / Angle Focus: Highlights</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide isn't enforced, Yes Stables, Yes Managers</p><p> </p><p>

Any ideas?</p>

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<p>This is such an awesome idea!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>South Tennessee Wrestling Association</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>STWA </strong>is a traditional wrestling federation based around larger than life characters, strong storylines and epic feuds. There's a firm face/heel divide and the babyfaces tend to use blue-collar, working men, or plucky underdog gimmicks, while the heels are usually either invaders from outside the South, arrogant rich men, or fast-talking lawyers with stables of monster bruisers to protect them.</p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: Hokey Southern Rasslin</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: None</p><p>

Match Focus: Main Event / Angle Focus: Highlights</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide is enforced, Yes Stables, Yes Managers</p>

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Wrestling Is ART


ART-REST is a promotion that makes every moment count, the audience is a part of the action just as much as the wrestlers are by knowing they know the score and delivering some serious hard hitting action.


Core and Current Product: Avantgarde Puroresu

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

Match Focus: Ensemble / Angle Focus: Consistent

Face-Heel Divide is enforced, Yes Stables, Yes Managers

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Ultra Extreme Wrestling (UXW)


One of many small hardcore companies to attempt to follow in the footsteps of DAVE, UXW is unique in its variety. Where other similar companies rely on weapons and garbage wrestling, UXW also provides quality high-spot action. They strive to present danger in all its forms.


Core and Current Product: High Flying Hardcore

Women's Wrestling: None

Match Focus: Regular / Angle Focus: Regular

No Face/Heel Divide, No Stables, Yes Managers

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This is such an awesome idea!


South Tennessee Wrestling Association


STWA is a traditional wrestling federation based around larger than life characters, strong storylines and epic feuds. There's a firm face/heel divide and the babyfaces tend to use blue-collar, working men, or plucky underdog gimmicks, while the heels are usually either invaders from outside the South, arrogant rich men, or fast-talking lawyers with stables of monster bruisers to protect them.


Core and Current Product: Hokey Southern Rasslin

Women's Wrestling: None

Match Focus: Main Event / Angle Focus: Highlights

Face-Heel Divide is enforced, Yes Stables, Yes Managers

I'm just adding that into there right now. IF 2020 doesn't work for me, this is going in a 2016 database, lol:):cool:
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<p><strong>Prize-Fighting Championships</strong></p><p>

Tagline: Money Over Everything</p><p>

Location: Where The Commissions Dare Not Tread</p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: Catch Wrestling</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: Small Division</p><p>

Weight Split: Yes</p><p>

Match/Angle Focus: Ensemble, Tight Focus</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide is not enforced, Stables(Camps), Integral, Managers: Yes</p><p> </p><p>

Tired of worthless props, and meaningless trinkets, Prize-Fighting Championships was founded to incentivize the best athletes in the world to compete for the best prize known to mankind. Greenbacks. No rounds, no ropes, the only way to win is pinfall, submission, or towel throw.</p>

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<p><strong>Wow! Real Monsters</strong></p><p>

Tagline: Shrunk for your safety, Fighting to the death for your amusement!</p><p>

Location: Second Moon of Andor</p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: Monster Battle</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: Integrated</p><p>

Weight Split: No</p><p>

Match/Angle Focus: Three Ring Circus, Highlights</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide is not enforced, Stables, No, Managers: No</p><p> </p><p>

After toying with wormhole technology so he could never misplace his remote again. Dr. Edgelord Jr. instead opens a riftgate to mystical Moon of Andor summoning forth 400ft tall monsters that threaten humanity forever. Naturally, his solution? Shrink Rays and Gladiatorial fights to the death. As long as you stay in your seats, nothing can possibly go wrong... *wink*</p>

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<p>Glad you liked mine, DJ - loving everyone else's!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brawls 'R' Us</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>BRU </strong>are a federation based around big guys beating the heck out of each other, alongside a women's division which is mainly there for comedy value, as attractive ladies get into slightly risque fights which are played more for laughs than for eye candy. There are plenty of gimmicks, although they're mainly larger than life extensions of stereotypes like tough biker, big Russian bruiser, MMA bad ass and hired gun rather than anything staggeringly gimmicky. While they focus on matches, you'll also see wild brawls post-match and angles in which the best talkers describe just how they're going to destroy each other - and a few where women give the men something of a show.</p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: Bar Room Entertainment</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: Division</p><p>

Weight Split: No</p><p>

Match/Angle Focus: Ensemble, Highlights</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide is not enforced, Stables, No, Managers: Yes</p>

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<p><strong>Kids Love Wrestling</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

KLW</strong> is completely unsubtle, but it's also about as inoffensive as wrestling gets. People with weird gimmicks get thrown into the ring to entertain children in incredibly short matches and angles. The typical KLW show doesn't feature any segment lasting longer than 10 minutes, as we zip between goofy clowns, honourable teachers giving kids life lessons after their matches, aliens just trying to find their way home, and silent monsters who just seem to want to destroy everyone else. The best thing many people can say about this is that you can shove your kid in front of the TV for an hour - yes, it somehow has a TV deal - and know that you won't see risque content, swearing, or even all that much violence. However, for some parents, having an hour when the kids are captivated can be a godsend, and it may even act as a gateway to more serious wrestling when they're a little older.</p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: Campy Fun</p><p>

Women's Wrestling: Division</p><p>

Weight Split: No</p><p>

Match/Angle Focus: Ensemble, Highlights</p><p>

Face-Heel Divide is enforced, Stables, Yes, Managers: Yes</p>

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Kids Love Wrestling


KLW is completely unsubtle, but it's also about as inoffensive as wrestling gets. People with weird gimmicks get thrown into the ring to entertain children in incredibly short matches and angles. The typical KLW show doesn't feature any segment lasting longer than 10 minutes, as we zip between goofy clowns, honourable teachers giving kids life lessons after their matches, aliens just trying to find their way home, and silent monsters who just seem to want to destroy everyone else. The best thing many people can say about this is that you can shove your kid in front of the TV for an hour - yes, it somehow has a TV deal - and know that you won't see risque content, swearing, or even all that much violence. However, for some parents, having an hour when the kids are captivated can be a godsend, and it may even act as a gateway to more serious wrestling when they're a little older.


Core and Current Product: Campy Fun

Women's Wrestling: Division

Weight Split: No

Match/Angle Focus: Ensemble, Highlights

Face-Heel Divide is enforced, Stables, Yes, Managers: Yes


Ha, I actually have a promotion in my mod (cheap plug

http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546316) called Kid Friendly Wrestling that is run by a vicar, almost like an after-sunday school event. Featuring weird animals, a human cheeseburger, the chispuglar who wants to eat him etc. I see it as teaching the kids things like morals and stuff, similar to what you said.


I think somewhere there are low level workers that had runs in the promotion called things like "plaque" to teach kids to brush their teeth haha. In the mod so far I have the product set up as skit based, but I was torn between that and campy fun. I chose skit based as it allows for shorter matches, but after looking again I may change it to this as Skit Based allows stunt bumps (which I hadn't realised) and Campy fun has a large penalty is no gimmick, compared to small with Skit Based!


Edit-just seen who posted this so maybe you'd already seen this promotion lol. Either way I will be changing it to campy fun now so cheers!

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Ha, I actually have a promotion in my mod (cheap plug

http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546316) called Kid Friendly Wrestling that is run by a vicar, almost like an after-sunday school event. Featuring weird animals, a human cheeseburger, the chispuglar who wants to eat him etc. I see it as teaching the kids things like morals and stuff, similar to what you said.


I think somewhere there are low level workers that had runs in the promotion called things like "plaque" to teach kids to brush their teeth haha. In the mod so far I have the product set up as skit based, but I was torn between that and campy fun. I chose skit based as it allows for shorter matches, but after looking again I may change it to this as Skit Based allows stunt bumps (which I hadn't realised) and Campy fun has a large penalty is no gimmick, compared to small with Skit Based!


Edit-just seen who posted this so maybe you'd already seen this promotion lol. Either way I will be changing it to campy fun now so cheers!


Haha - yeah, I was trying to keep it far enough away to not seem like it was a COMPLETE rip-off. I was going to suggest changing KFW to Campy Fun, though, so that's cool. :)

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This is good stuff, you guys. I'm liking these.



Fragile Grace Wrestling



FGW was founded by a group of investors with a unique idea on how to stand out in the joshi market: hire pretty girls and throw them into brutal deathmatches. It remains to be seen whether their vision will succeed or if it will just turn people off.


Core and Current Product: Junior-Deathmatch Combined

Women's Wrestling: Entire Promotion

Weight Split: No

Match/Angle Focus: Three-Ring Circus / Highlights

No Face-Heel Divide, Integral Stables, No Managers

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is good stuff, you guys. I'm liking these.



Fragile Grace Wrestling



FGW was founded by a group of investors with a unique idea on how to stand out in the joshi market: hire pretty girls and throw them into brutal deathmatches. It remains to be seen whether their vision will succeed or if it will just turn people off.


Core and Current Product: Junior-Deathmatch Combined

Women's Wrestling: Entire Promotion

Weight Split: No

Match/Angle Focus: Three-Ring Circus / Highlights

No Face-Heel Divide, Integral Stables, No Managers


That's... yeah, the "group of investors" is probably a crossover of the most feared slasher flick villains ever, led by your average stringy-haired ghost girl from far too many Japanese horror movies. :p


The "Integrated" version would basically be Battle Royale, too. :D

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Okay, since I was thinking about this anyway, I'll contribute.


Outlaw Mudshow Wrestling (OMW)


Outlaw Mudshow Wrestling is a company wholly funded by the Americanized son of a Russian aluminum oligarch. Falling in with a mixed crowd of ex-cons and vapid gold digging women, he decided to combine his love of senseless violence with wrestling that was the antithesis of mainstream. The company's shows are built around gangs settling their differences in the most bloody and insane ways possible. With an abundance of low-rent wannabe musicians milling about, turning the heat up to 11 tends to happen before the preshow ends. Due to the company's product, those who have worked (or survived) more than 3 shows tend to take leadership roles in the chaotic locker room as "OMW OG's".


Core and Current Product: Slobberknocker-Deathmatch Combined

Women's Wrestling: Division

Match Focus: Ensemble / Angle Focus: Highlights

Face-Heel Divide: Not enforced, Stables: Integral, Managers: Yes

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News Of The Ring (NOTR)


News of the Ring is a bizarre experiment in providing a current affairs show through the means of wrestling. Split between short sketches and in-ring action in which competitors parody people in conflict, it's strange and often terrible, but has a car crash fascination when it goes right, as with the superb (for certain definitions of superb) match in which four of its top stars faced off portraying Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump going against Joe Biden and Barack Obama.


Core and Current Product: Skit Based

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

Match Focus: Ensemble / Angle Focus: Highlights

Face-Heel Divide: Not enforced, Stables: None, Managers: Yes

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Federazione Italiana Catch (FICA)


While TV audiences in Italy have been familiar with professional wrestling for a long time, due for the most part to the commentary provided over the years by Michael Calati (fairly deadpan in his delivery, but very knowledgeable about the sport) and Aldo "Duccio" Parenti (whose lack of familiarity with the sport was balanced by a comedian's flair and a penchant for funny quips), the country's never had much in the way of homegrown promotions and/or talent and, while some foreign stars of the squared circle are fairly well-known in the country, the sport itself is looked down at due to being perceived as "fake".


The Federazione Italiana Catch, or FICA, is Calati and Parenti's attempt to improve both the quality and quantity of the local talent, and the reputation of professional wrestling in their home country, by giving it a distinctly Italian flair: matches take place in elimination cups and round robin leagues, as if they were association football matches, while angles and storylines acknowledge the predetermined nature of the matches, yet focus on each contestant's motivation and willingness to improve themselves to impress bookers and fans both, and climb up the ranks - the wrestlers' gimmicks themselves, when they appear at all, are something taken up by these very same wrestlers to engage the crowd and humiliate their opponents, in a manner akin to association football post-goal celebrations; indeed, the fans attending FICA shows can often be just as colourful and rowdy as football ultras.


Core and current product: Episodic Sport

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

Angle/Match Focus: Three Ring Circus/Highlights

Face/Heel divide: Present, but not enforced at all.

Managers/Stables: Yes

Weight Split: Yes


Integrated women's wrestling plus the weight split means that men and women of equal size are able to go against each other in a believable way, and the product's focus on technical chain and mat work adds to that, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since a few new products have been unveiled...


  1. Carnival Days
  2. Comic Book Dark
  3. Comic Book Light
  4. Competitive Entertainment
  5. East Meets West
  6. Fast, Furious, Deadly
  7. Gritty Adult Noir
  8. Lucha Libre Burlesque
  9. Lucharesu Amped Up
  10. MMA Entertainment
  11. Psycho Circus
  12. Risque Comedy
  13. Ruthless Aggression
  14. Wrestling Burlesque
  15. Three Ring Circus
  16. World Fusion
  17. Xtreme Adult Filth


...maybe this thread will get some more love in the next few days. :D

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Blood Carnival Wrestling


Come on in, don't be shy. It's not you, who may die. Come one, come all. Watch the violence and the blood fall. Stay with the circus, see the death defying feats. I guarantee, you won't leave your seats. Men and women, we don't discriminate. For us violence, is all our fates. So please ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the show. After all, when it's over, you'll find no place to go.


Core and Current Product: Psycho Circus

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

Angle/Match Focus: Three Ring Circus/Highlights

Face/Heel Divide: Yes, but not enforced

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

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<p><strong>Squared Circle of Oblation Revulsion and Nefarity</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Core and Current Product: <strong>Xtreme Adult Filth</strong></p><p>

Women's Wrestling: Integrated</p><p>

Angle/Match Focus: Main Event Spotlight/Regular Focus</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: No</p><p>

Stables: No</p><p>

Managers: Integral </p><p> </p><p>

After sleazy after-dark radio stars, Sister Synn and Mad Mortimer are thrown off their graveyard hour time slot after multiple FCC violations, including but not limited to auditory usage of live animals in simulated debauchery, attempting to solicit "virgins" to spawn satan, and reading scripture of the devil live on the air. They found themselves with a small stack of cash, a cult fanbase, and nowhere to legally continue their... brand of entertainment.</p><p> </p><p>

Rather than dial back and pacify, they doubled down, discovering the wonderful loophole of unregulated subscription entertainment and reservation law. After a few months of unprecedented subscribers, they decided to expand their content library, starting their own "underground" show. Thus S.C.O.R.N was born, a bordello of blood, sexual sadism, self-flagellation, torture, devil worship, and general heresy, to a small audience of invite-only subscribers. Combatants must sign a waiver and are then drafted into the ranks of Sister Syn or Mortimer who provide commentary, and managerial duties for the show. The host with the most losers must perform the shows forfeit, usually some gimmicked version of a real torture device. </p><p> </p><p>

The show top-to-bottom is designed with interaction in mind, subscribers pay to book match types, dream matches, weapons around the ring. Truly fun for the whole family. Just ah, keep hold of your eyeballs kids, they're Mortimer's favorite snacks!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Squared Circle of Oblation Revulsion and Nefarity</strong><p> </p><p> Core and Current Product: <strong>Xtreme Adult Filth</strong></p><p> Women's Wrestling: Integrated</p><p> Angle/Match Focus: Main Event Spotlight/Regular Focus</p><p> Face/Heel Divide: No</p><p> Stables: No</p><p> Managers: Integral </p><p> </p><p> After sleazy after-dark radio stars, Sister Synn and Mad Mortimer are thrown off their graveyard hour time slot after multiple FCC violations, including but not limited to auditory usage of live animals in simulated debauchery, attempting to solicit "virgins" to spawn satan, and reading scripture of the devil live on the air. They found themselves with a small stack of cash, a cult fanbase, and nowhere to legally continue their... brand of entertainment.</p><p> </p><p> Rather than dial back and pacify, they doubled down, discovering the wonderful loophole of unregulated subscription entertainment and reservation law. After a few months of unprecedented subscribers, they decided to expand their content library, starting their own "underground" show. Thus S.C.O.R.N was born, a bordello of blood, sexual sadism, self-flagellation, torture, devil worship, and general heresy, to a small audience of invite-only subscribers. Combatants must sign a waiver and are then drafted into the ranks of Sister Syn or Mortimer who provide commentary, and managerial duties for the show. The host with the most losers must perform the shows forfeit, usually some gimmicked version of a real torture device. </p><p> </p><p> The show top-to-bottom is designed with interaction in mind, subscribers pay to book match types, dream matches, weapons around the ring. Truly fun for the whole family. Just ah, keep hold of your eyeballs kids, they're Mortimer's favorite snacks!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I need this in my life. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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