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White Hot Momentum is an issue that could be looked at

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To preface this post, I like the Momentum system and think the Perception system is the game's best addition.


When the game first came out, I was amazed by these two features. I created a SWF game, and was so excited. "Oh my God!" I said, "SWF only has three major stars! And momentum put one of them to a Major Star!" How cool.


After playing a year into a TCW game, the effect these two have on each other is a bit of a bummer.


This is not me creating a system of exploits, and cheesing the game. This is me playing about a half hour a day and mindlessly booking one show at a time...


Currently my promotion has 10 Major Stars. I have 6 Stars. I have 9 Well Known wrestlers. Whaaaaa?


Of my 10 Major Stars, all of them have White Hot momentum. White Hot Momentum is the key here, because the effect it has on the Perception system. It puts wrestlers in Perceptions that they don't quite belong in yet. This is particularly a problem in the top of the promotion.


There's two main issues...


1. White Hot momentum lasts waaaaaaaay too long. Like I said, all of my Major Stars have it. Obviously I am not using all of these people to the absolute best of their ability. With the addition of performance to the calculation, and the lag between it going up or down, this is an issue. But not as bad as...


2. The "plussing" effect White Hot momentum has on Perception is just too strong. Of my 10 Major Stars, only three of them are over my promotion's popularity. The majority of them are being helped significantly by their White Hot Momentum.

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<p>Basically they are all credible main eventers. It’s a much better system than before, people having to rise to a high pop before you could realistically put them high on the card. </p><p> </p><p>

Having that many hot depends on how you book. You may not be exploiting but you may be play in a less realistic way.</p>

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Workers with white hot momentum typically are perceived as Major Stars though? Like, back at the tail end of 2018 Becky Lynch was taken as a major star despite not being particularly over beforehand (she was over but not the the extent of Asuka or Charlotte or Rhonda) because her momentum and great gimmick were through the roof. In my opinion white hot momentum like that really should have a massive impact on perception, but perhaps making it a little harder to keep hold of would be a nice middle ground
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I don't think the complaint is about having a Becky Lynch, but having a whole bunch of them at one time.


It may be intended to work that way, though - same as in 2016 where you could have almost your whole roster at major positive.


If it was to be reduced it would have to be balanced carefully, as it would sharply reduce the number of workers perceived as stars or major stars.

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Agreed. Too many wrestlers can gain white hot momentum and its waaaay too easy to hold onto it. You can have wrestlers beat others with white hot, gaining lots of momentum in the process while the white hot wrestlers stay at white hot.


On a side note on perception it seems as though industry rate hold down company pop increase but not worker pop increase. Leading to everyone becoming a star in smaller companies. I’ve been playing as VWA recently with the industry below 15 pretty much the entire game. Company pop is 32 as a result (with maxed shows) and I have about 3 workers with lower pop. Even the likes of Drachev is considered a star although the lord knows I haven’t pushed him. I don’t know if that is what is actually happening but it seems logical that whatever influences company pop growth should also effect worker pop growth.

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It's actually effecting how I book my cards in my PGHW save.


I currently have 54 workers, 24 of them are Major Stars, 23 of my Major Stars have White Hot momentum. I also have 5 Stars. So over half my roster are basically 'main eventers'. In reality, only 8 workers are more popular than the company.


Due to my product, matches with Major Stars / Stars need to be 20 minutes minimum or they are penalised, quite severly when less than 15 minutes.


You can put on a show for 210 minutes before you start to get penalised for crowd burnout. So I can basically put on 9 matches (9 x 22 = 198 minutes) per event without suffering penalties. This basically forces me to put Major Stars / Stars into multiman tag matches on events with a few singles matches if I want to get my lowercard workers onto events and my main event(s) not severely penalised. It also means pretty much every match has to be 20-22 minutes long, I can't book a 45 minute epic.


If everyone is considered a star, no one is considered a star.

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I agree, and it's a real problem. I tried to curb this with some old school jobbing, and it didn't work - they lost popularity before losing momentum. Like - a lot of popularity. Then, 2-3 "Red Hot" wins, and they become white hot again.


I propose this:


When you hit "White Hot", there are a few things that should happen:

1. A time imit that no further Momentum gains may be made. This ensures you will stay "White Hot" for a small period, maybe 1-3 months, then drop back to Red Hot.


2. A cooldown that, if you drop from White to Red Hot, you can't become White Hot for 30 days.


3. When losing, there should be some kind of cap about how much Momentum benefit can be gained by the winner - and it should reflect the winner's current momentum tier. If a "warm" beats a "white hot" guy, he shouldn't skyrocket to "red hot", but it should put him on the path to "very warm".

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Yea it shouldn’t be this easy to have that many white hot people at the same time especially if you are not even exploiting the game intentionally. White hot momentum should be harder to keep.


A lot of things shouldn't be as easy as they are but people complain if it becomes slightly challenging. i think the only way you can judge it is by checking that the people complaining have all the more 'realistic' setting ticked and are exploiting the game (even without realising).


If people don't have all these ticked it will be easier to gain white hot momentum.

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A lot of things shouldn't be as easy as they are but people complain if it becomes slightly challenging. i think the only way you can judge it is by checking that the people complaining have all the more 'realistic' setting ticked and are exploiting the game (even without realising).


If people don't have all these ticked it will be easier to gain white hot momentum.


I play with all the penalties and i find it easy to maintain white hot momentum on multiple workers. Even when i book one to lose.

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